May 27 is Russian Libraries Day. Libraries are the special forces of culture. Daily task

Booker Igor 05.27.2013 at 15:30

All-Russian Library Day, or Librarian's Day, is a holiday that is both young and old. Establish an All-Russian Day of Libraries, as stated in Decree of the first President of Russia No. 539 of May 27, 1995 “On the establishment of an All-Russian Day of Libraries”, “coinciding this date with the day of the founding in 1795 of the first state public library of Russia - the Imperial Public Library, now the Russian National libraries".

The very first library in Rus' was founded by Yaroslav the Wise in 1037 at the St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv. Libraries have existed since the first written creations appeared. Thanks to two things we know, for example, about ancient Mesopotamia, Assyria, etc. Firstly, clay tablets, unlike papyrus and paper, survived fires and floods. Secondly, again, thanks to libraries. And when they say that monasteries were centers of culture and the development of thought, it means that the monasteries had decent libraries where manuscripts were copied and carefully stored. This is an enduring spiritual value and a true treasure. It’s not for nothing that we put “Kolchak’s gold” and “Ivan the Terrible’s library” on the same level.

Fifteen years ago, or even ten years ago, no one could think of the question: why are libraries needed? Now that almost any information (including reading books) can be obtained via the Internet, the number of inquisitive young people in reading rooms has sharply declined. In the age of new technologies, for the first time we are faced with a situation that has never existed in human history: no matter what century or what country. Will librarians die out like mammoths, or will they be able to answer the call of time? Of course, the future will show how library life will develop in the future, but one thing is for sure - libraries and librarians are needed.

Although the statistics in this regard show depressing indicators. Thus, according to a survey conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM) in May 2009, half of Russians (50 percent) last time visited the library several years ago, and 15 percent of our compatriots have never been to a library in their lives. Sometimes illiterate bureaucratic policies can scare people away from libraries, for example, books are not issued for lending due to registration in another area, etc. In the outback there are still no good libraries and their technical equipment, as in the century before last. However, we hope that such special cases will be overcome. Because there are successful examples of modern libraries.

First of all, we need libraries for children. There are several reasons. A good librarian is able to interest a child by talking interestingly about books, so that the child understands the beauty of reading and realizes the value of a book. Not every parent can allow their child to choose books in a store, and it’s impossible to buy everything. It is in the library that you can learn to look at, select, and compare.

In addition, not all worthy books are digitized and posted online. Yes, and reading from a screen does not have a very beneficial effect on vision. Why ruin him at a young age? You can touch the binding, leaf through the pages and inhale the characteristic smell of the book. For a child, this is much more important than pointing a finger at the keyboard or scrolling with the mouse in search of book wisdom.

By renting a book, you can determine whether your child likes it or not, whether he has grown to understand its contents, and not throw money away. And the baby also learns to be able to give away the book he likes. How many people have grown up who want to have, but not use, a thing. Such people were not taught in childhood. Finally, libraries host meetings of writers with readers, exhibitions of illustrations, and literary evenings.

Libraries are also not contraindicated for adults. A qualified specialist will be able to make a selection for you necessary literature on the topic. In addition to unique publications, here you can get an intelligent review of a book, for example, how outdated the information contained in it is or whether a particular author is competent. In addition, some libraries are so modernized that you can read literature that is not available on the Internet or access to it is paid.

You can look through the electronic version of a rare manuscript, which, due to its dilapidation, is not handed out. A decent-sized monitor allows you to see all the subtleties of handwritten or other text and examine colorful illustrations. By the way, the electronic room is often staffed by pretty employees whose appearance clearly does not fit with the idea of ​​a traditional grandmother-librarian. It's more like some kind of flight attendant!

Recognition of the significant role of libraries in the life of the modern Russian state is an important task of our time. The wealth of libraries and their importance in society grew rapidly as humanity made more and more discoveries in understanding itself and the world around it.

Libraries contain all the knowledge that has been accumulated over generations different nations on a very long historical path. Every year on May 27, our country celebrates Library Day. This significant day is a professional holiday for all librarians in Russia.

This holiday dates back to 1995 and was established by the President Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin. It was the first president of the Russian Federation in 1995 who issued Decree No. 539 “On the establishment of an all-Russian day of libraries.”

First library

The day of May 27 was not chosen by chance. After all, this very day is the date of foundation of the first state public library in Russia - the Imperial Public Library, which now bears the name of the Russian National Library.

The history of librarianship is an important part of the history and culture of the entire society.

The very first library in Rus' is the library at St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, which was founded by Yaroslav the Wise in 1037.

Profession librarian

From century to century, the librarian has occupied, and will continue to occupy, an important place in public life, since he works in the field of spiritual culture. Perhaps the work of a librarian is not as noticeable as the work of a doctor or teacher, and it is impossible to see any final result of their work. But the impact their work has on society is invaluable.

It can be difficult to navigate the huge flow of literature published today.

And a librarian who is well acquainted with the book collection can always give advice on where to find the answer to a question of interest.

And therefore, Library Day is not only a professional holiday, it is also a recognition of the importance of this profession.

Don’t forget that the wonderful All-Russian Library Day is not only a professional holiday for bibliologists, bibliographers, librarians, teachers, it is also a holiday for all those who love books.

Library humor

Unexpected reader requests

"Woe in the Fog" ("Woe from Wit")

“The Man from Los Angeles” (I. Bunin “The Mister from San Francisco”)

“The Bourgeois Nobleman” (J.B. Moliere “The Bourgeois Nobility”)

“Poverty is not a gift” (N. Ostrovsky “Poverty is not a vice”)

“Oblomok” (I.A. Goncharov “Oblomov”)

“Cloud in Boots” (V. Mayakovsky “Cloud in Pants”)

“Prelude” (M. Gorky “In People”)

Chingiz Khan “The First Teacher” (Ch. Aitmatov “The First Teacher”)

Astafiev “Sighted Psycho” (instead of “Sighted Staff”)

McCullough "The Five Singing" ("The Thorn Birds")

Ostrovsky "The Thunderstorm" and "Besprizornitsa" ("Dowry")

“Returning home from St. Petersburg” (Radishchev A. “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow”)

N.V. Gogol "Taraz Bubel" ("Taras Bulba")

E. Uspensky "School of Fools" ("School of Clowns")

"Falcon Song" by M. Gorky ("Song about the Falcon")

“A story about a small town” (M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The History of a Town”)

N.V. Gogol "On the road of the farm to Danko" ("Evenings on the farm near Dikanka")

M.Yu. Lermontov "Merchant's Wife Maria" ("Princess Mary")

V. Pikul “I wish you health” (“I have the honor”)

M. Gorky "Old Woman Baskerville" ("Old Woman Izergil")

Goncharshchikov "Oblomov" (I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov")

M. Gorky "Under water" ("At the bottom")

Anecdotes and funny stories from library life

From applications to the book depository

Reader: Give me RYASH, PISH and VOSH.
Librarian: - ???
Ch.: - Well, what’s unclear here? “Russian language at school”, “Teaching history at school” and “Educating schoolchildren”.
B.: - !!!

- Give me how man has ruined nature.

From the work plan:
“Visit current debtors at home”

Give me Komsomolskaya Pravda for this and next month.

Give me Pushkin's article about Eugene Onegin

The librarian smiles!

A reader asks
I don’t remember the author, but I need “Mash in the Nobility” - “The Bourgeois in the Nobility” by Moliere;
Yugo "Gavron" - Hugo "Gavroche";
"Gulliver's Travels with Wild Geese";
Request from a 5th grade student: “Give me everything about Icicle Castle.” We searched the entire library, but it turned out Winter Palace in St. Petersburg;
"Plekhanov miniature" - "Palekh miniature";
Griboedov “Mountains and Fog”;
Griboedov “Happiness from the Mind”;
Gorky “The Old Woman from Irga”;
Gogol "Chanel";
Ostrovsky “Mayhem”;
Green “Rowing on the Waves”;
Evgrafovich “Fairy Tales” - “Fairy Tales” by Saltykov-Shchedrin M.E.;
Give me the Pskov meager charter - I mean the Pskov judicial charter;
Who wrote Marx's Capital?;
Pechorina "Lermontov";
Fantastic novel by S. Lem "Benefit" - "Solaris" by S. Lem;
About punctuation marks, - we mean “punctuation marks”;
About Bonaparte Bagration - about Napoleon Bonaparte;
Text of S. Yesenin’s poem “Anna Karenina” - “Anna Snegina”;
Scott "Ivanhoe" - W. Scott "Ivanhoe";
Give the book "Tom Cruise" - "Robinson Crusoe";
V. Julie “The Mysterious Island” - Jules Verne “The Mysterious Island”;
Give literature about mathematical scientists;
Bruno Leske - Filippo Brunelleschi;
About the hero Civil War Brunza - about Frunze
Either “I’ll run through the taiga” or “I’ll run away through the taiga” - Arsenyev V.K. "Dersu Uzala; Through the Taiga"

Questions for all!!! :-)

Why do unscrupulous people exist?
What is chemical composition chips?
Is the crow the crow’s wife?
If possible, extend the books to yesterday’s date, I handed them in today.
The meaning of the expression “Keep yourself from an idol” - it meant “Do not make yourself an idol”
How to complain to the Strasbourg court?
Information about discoveries with imagination - give examples of discoveries made under unusual circumstances - a dream, insight, etc.
How to organize a brainstorming session?
What do the expressions mean - “Cobbler's chest”, “Hourglass stomach”, “Jellyfish head”, “Cat purring syndrome” - these are various diseases.

Fairy tale "Sit and relax. How a librarian was hired"

Poems about libraries and librarians

Sometimes you get tired of peace
And the person will get bored...
I'm in this situation
I always go to the library.
I wouldn't be able to avoid coming here.
I am connected to books forever.
And in life I'm not alone,
While I'm going to the library

Babenko G. L.

The source of knowledge is not particularly in fashion,
It’s much easier - press a key! -
And without difficulty it seems like
And he speaks when he has something to say.
No need to work with your eyes or hands
And you don’t need to strain your brain at all,
A panacea for sadness and boredom -
You look at yourself, lying down on the bed...
But you can’t compare the picture, even if it’s in motion,
With the intensity that a living syllable gives:
You read classics, immortal creations,
You lose peace and tranquility.
They have something to say, something to tell,
What to teach descendants from century to century.
All their words are victory over grayness,
Over everything that a person should not live over.
What to choose - decide for yourself, people,
Questions in life are different for everyone.
But let the book be the main one for at least a day,
On All-Russian Library Day!

We congratulate the employees:
Not joiners, not carpenters,
Not bakers, not turners -
And in our reasonable age
Congratulations to those who work
He tries, he worries,
Who touches our soul
Within the walls of libraries!
The workers are wonderful
Clear in soul and heart,
You are so needed for society
And it's no secret!
We wish you spring
Today's mood!
Good luck and creativity to you
For many, many years!

May there be many changes in the world,
The library will not be touched by decay.
Teacher mechanic and poet
Both a businessman and a local historian
All questions will be answered here

There are people in the library all day long,
There's a lot to do in the library.
You can visit clubs here
And study foreign
And listen to music and play KVN

Let them not talk about us often,
A team of enthusiasts is working -
True to their profession
librarians of the country!

Come to us, man

Music by N. Mishukov
Poems by O. Timmerman

Every day and every moment
In cities and villages
Book pages rustle
Sad and happy.
Libraries lights
Glowing everywhere
Come to us, man,
Come to us, man,
Join the miracle.

Chorus: La-la, la-la, la-la, la-la,
La la la
La-la, la-la, la-la
La-la, la-la, la-la, la-la,
La la la
Join the miracle.

Life itself confirms
Arguing with the darkness:
Doesn't happen from the mind
No grief.
Our run is getting faster and faster,
The task becomes more and more difficult.
Come to us, man,
Come to us, man,
To become richer.

Chorus: La-la, la-la...
To become richer.

Let us help you take the height,
Find the way in the fog.
We are at the pilot station,
In the ocean of books.
The twenty-first century has arrived -
Don't forget about it.
Come to us, man,
Come to us, man,
Behind the magic light.

Chorus: La-la, la-la...
Behind the magic light.

B The river has opened to infinity,

AND galaxies alien worlds

B serene, mysterious, eternal

L a stream of books flows from above.

AND when the distances become clear,

ABOUT revealing to us the texts of fate,

T the eager reader will learn about

E the only right way.

TO nigi generously inspire a person,

A book keeper - ......

Tatyana Borisovna Lovkova

Associate Professor of the Department of Library Science and Reading Theory, Candidate pedagogical sciences

State University culture and arts. St. Petersburg


On All-Russian Library Day
To the librarian, writer and reader beginning of the XXI century

Library, quiet glory
Deception did not last us long
Calm, comfort, fun
Only sleep and morning fog.

The librarian's calling is
Have a fighting character
We are sincerely rooting for you
For creativity and creation.

We do not wait with languor for hope -
We keep the spirit of culture alive,
So that the writer is young
I found my publications here.

We burn with love for books,
Hearts are still alive for honor
We, the reader, will dedicate
Beautiful impulses from the soul!

Comrade, believe: she will rise,
Star of native literature,
Russia will wake up from its sleep,
And on the ruins of KITCH culture
They will write our names!

Guardians of the book collection,
Where the thought of centuries shines with beauty!
The reader will find the young one or the gray one
You have the answer to all your searches!

We wish you to prosper from century to century,
To the surprise of all the ignorant.
Accept our admiration and admiration
On All-Russian Library Day!


To the librarian on All-Russian Library Day

Librarian - you! Guardian of the wonderful gates!
In your domain there is a sea of ​​tomes,
And in this cathedral rich in wisdom
You are a true reader - glad!

Here the honor of knowledge is defended in dispute,
Once entering this marvelous garden,
Among the volumes you will find - a hundredfold!
Light of truth

In a leisurely conversation.

The rustling of pages and their tart aroma
Weaving a thread of fate in a mysterious pattern,
They will tell us thousands of stories,

They will warm your soul and console you in grief -
The magical city of books is always with you -
Librarian - you! And, fabulously rich!

Congratulatory song
On All-Russian Library Day!

Ring out the voice of joy!

Sound praiseworthy choruses!

Long live book maidens!

Readers are a glorious, exalted class!

Pour a glass of champagne!

We are here together

Wine sparkles

Forget your sorrows!

Let's raise our glasses and move them together!

Long live books

Long live reason!

Let knowledge, the Sun, burn!

How this lamp fades

Before the clear sunrise of dawn,

So stupidity and stupidity always recede

Before the sun of the immortal mind!

Long live the books, may the darkness disappear!

"Captains of the Book Seas" - a scenario for an event for schoolchildren, dedicated to the profession of a librarian

Today is an all-Russian holiday.
Let's celebrate library day!
There are many different books in the world.
Success awaits those who read.

Thanks to those who help
We need to find the books we need.
May happiness accompany them
And good luck awaits!

Library - book house,
There are millions of inhabitants in it,
All readers today
Happy Library Day.
Let there be Internet in every home,
It won’t replace books for us, no,
Hurry to the library again,
There are shelves going up there,
And let the century follow the century,
Long live the world of libraries.

In the pages of a book, on the path to insight
Every person will find the answers,
Let the craving for reading come to life in people
On All-Russian Library Day!

Let the books not die and decay,
And they bring us age-old wisdom,
And for those who deal with books,
Thank you for your hard work!

Far from the bustle, in the silence of libraries,
A long-gone century keeps other people's secrets.
Pirates, kings, and
And the discoverers of an unknown land,
But once we cross the threshold -
We can travel without visas and without worries.
Thank you, keepers of huge card files,
Congratulations to everyone on your library day!

The library is a treasure
After all, it is impossible to live without a book!
Let both old and young read,
Falling hopelessly in love with books!

Need the library more often
We all guys should visit
To develop properly
And don’t deprive your mind of food!

Happy All-Russian Library Day!
Every person knows for sure:
It is simply impossible to live without a book,
Much is mysterious and complex.

Congratulations on the holiday of minds,
Prose and lyric poetry.
We respect your work infinitely
And we comprehend your culture!

The country celebrates Library Day,
This is a glorious holiday, it cannot be forgotten.
In the age of rapid technology, wherever you look,
We cannot do without books; they are always needed.
Read for health, read for the soul,
Paper pages, we all should love.

Happy Library Day
Everything here is like in a pharmacy:
Every day and hour

Medicines are not easy
They hand it into our hands,
What in other worlds
The door is opening for us!

Fabulous, magical
Every book has a world -
Like in the whole universe,
Where will you be alone?

Let the libraries
They live forever,
After all, the human mind
Books will only save you!

On a glorious library day
Why not open the book?
Let the children rejoice
They will learn to love.

We need different books
About war, medicine.
After all, they are important to us,
So kind and wonderful!

And on guard of the card index
Friend, senior comrade.
He knows everything, what and where,
He's a librarian!

Let life be a fairy tale,
All heroes will come to life.
May love, hope, faith,
They will quickly find the way to the heart!

The book is my best adviser,
The book is my good friend
I meet her every evening
And I change everything around.

I travel around countries
Without problems and without difficulty,
And without a visa, oddly enough,
I get there.

I'll visit the last century,
Believe it or not,
From my library -
I'll open the door there.

Free into the mysterious world
A man comes...
I am all readers today
Happy Library Day!

The All-Russian Day of Libraries was established by the corresponding decree of B. N. Yeltsin and signed by the president in 1995. In addition, the decree spoke of the undeniable contribution made by libraries to the development of science and culture, and the need to further increase the role of libraries in the life of the country.

The date of the holiday was not chosen by chance. It was established due to the fact that 200 years ago (May 27, 1795) a very important decree was also signed by the Empress of All Rus' Catherine II. By the highest command of the Empress, the decree proclaimed the beginning of the founding of the Imperial Public Library.

It was decided to erect a building in which not only books would be stored (mainly taken from the Załuski library as a trophy by A. Suvorov after the capture of Warsaw), but also as a place available for the general public to get acquainted with printed publications.

During the period when the building was being erected, the Empress actively replenished the collections of works, collecting books throughout the country. Today, this library is called the Russian National Library and is rightfully considered one of the largest in the world.

At one time, the following people worked there: the Russian thinker and writer V.F. Odoevsky, the fabulist I.A. Krylov, the teacher and publicist N.A. Korf.

In general, until the 20th century, the librarian profession was available mainly to men; only in the last 100 years have women begun to master this glorious line of work.

There are more than 150 thousand libraries in our country. National and federal book depositories and libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation contain multimillion-dollar collections of books and are ranked among the world's information giants.

Our national libraries, located in St. Petersburg and Moscow, are rightfully included in the top five world book depositories.

The celebration dedicated to libraries is celebrated very actively in our country. On this day, events are held everywhere to increase the importance of books in the lives of people and society as a whole.

In addition, in connection with the holiday, it is customary to talk about the problems that modern libraries face and ways to solve them.

Indeed, nowadays, when the era of the Internet has arrived, there is less and less space for printed publications in people’s lives. They give way to electronic analogues and gradually fade into the background. The problem is aggravated by the fact that the financing of regional book depositories leaves much to be desired. The interest of people visiting these establishments is also not very great.

In this regard, the purpose of the holiday is to position the idea that libraries, in spite of everything, continue to remain a very important element in the life of a modern person.

An extraordinary atmosphere of knowledge and wisdom reigns in them. They include “everyone”, being related to “everything”, they provide assistance to “anyone” and “with anything” - to any person, at any age, in any direction. Only in libraries is it possible to find books that have no analogues, and therefore the Internet will never replace them.

Sometimes it can be difficult to quickly navigate the huge flow of literature published today. And then a librarian will come to the rescue - a specialist who knows and is well versed in the book collection. He will be able to give advice and tell you where you can find answers to all your questions.

In this regard, the All-Russian Day of Libraries is also an indisputable recognition of the importance of the librarian profession.

The introduction of the All-Russian Library Day holiday into the calendar became a significant event in the cultural history of our state. Of course, it seems difficult to underestimate the contribution of libraries to the cultural and scientific development of modern society. Since ancient times, people have recorded their thoughts and observations on paper, and the need for preserving these manuscripts has increased every time. Today, libraries preserve a great heritage in the form of the works of the most outstanding writers, poets, scientists and thinkers from around the world.

History of the holiday

All-Russian Library Day is officially celebrated on May 27. The text of document No. 539 dated May 27, 1995 states that in view of the need to increase the importance of libraries in the areas of educational, cultural and scientific activities, it is important to decide to establish and celebrate the All-Russian Library Day by organizing cultural and educational events. The main goal is to promote the role of book literature in the life of the population, as well as to develop strategies for the further development of librarianship.

The date of the celebration coincides with the day of the creation in 1795 by order of Catherine II of the first public library in Russia, renamed in 1992 the Russian National Library. The original plan was to create not only a “storehouse” of books, but also a place where the general public could take time to read literature. The Empress herself was engaged in collecting book collections from all over the world, until finally the library building was erected. Thanks to the invaluable contributions of scientists and writers, the Russian National Library has become an influential and significant cultural monument on the territory of the modern Russian Federation.

Libraries at the national and federal levels, as well as in various regions of Russia, are real world giants in storing multimillion-dollar books and manuscripts. The Moscow and St. Petersburg National Libraries are included among the five most significant and largest libraries in the world. As library culture evolved, work processes and techniques developed, giving rise to library traditions.

The irreplaceable work of a librarian

Undoubtedly, Library Day is celebrated not only by workers in this field, for whom this date is a professional holiday, but by everyone who appreciates the book, revering it as a symbol of intellectual and spiritual development. However, the focus remains on the librarian profession, which has every right to be called one of the most responsible, and most importantly, the most interesting and irreplaceable activities.

The profession of a librarian appeared quite a long time ago, approximately four thousand years ago, during the heyday of the Sumerian culture with its clay tablets on which records were kept. The appearance of the first librarians in Rus' is associated with the establishment of a library in the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral in 1037 by Yaroslav the Wise. Further, an important stage in the history of the development of libraries is the implementation of cultural, political and economic reforms by Peter I. With the introduction of innovations by decree of the emperor, librarians began to have a high reputation among secular society. They organized meetings where scientists from various fields were present, gave instructions to academicians, discussed pressing problems and held hearings. Also, among the direct responsibilities of the librarian was the translation of literature in Greek and Latin into Russian, and for this it was necessary to have a brilliant mind and a good education.

Finally, in 1795, with the creation of the Russian state library, the need for qualified workers in a large book collection rapidly increased, because most The book archive consisted of literary monuments brought from abroad as trophies. Until the 21st century, library culture experienced ups and downs: the rapid development and development of new technologies was followed by an era of crisis, when there was an acute shortage of qualified labor and fundamentally new ways of organizing the library work process.
IN modern world a librarian occupies a special place in people's lives, because... he is not only an employee of the book department, but also a kind of “guardian” of spirituality and enlightenment. And we should not forget that the work of librarians, archive workers and other personnel remains indispensable even in the era of promotion of Internet resources and electronic programs, designed to facilitate and improve the work of people with a large amount of information. The common man is not always well versed and oriented in the world of literature. A competent librarian is ready to give advice on choosing a book or help in finding the necessary publication, as well as deal with the difficult system of organizing and archiving the book collection. Therefore, it is important to celebrate the All-Russian Library Day as a day of recognition of the hard work of a librarian.

How to mark and celebrate All-Russian Library Day?

On this day, the management of libraries in small and large cities arranges exciting and interesting events. The main events of this day are various kinds of promotions, open days or excursions. Book scholars can expect programs that include excursions to libraries, meetings with famous writers, games. Actions, flash mobs, and processions are held in parks, squares and city streets.

Young readers are invited to take part in exciting games and competitions or are invited to become the head librarian for one day.
On this holiday it is also customary to attend cultural events and events: exhibitions, galleries, museums or performances. Most people on this day can take a break from routine affairs and devote some time to cultural and spiritual enrichment.
While celebrating the All-Russian Day of Libraries, do not forget to thank that person, without whom it would be impossible to imagine the existence of a library as a real storehouse of knowledge, because it is the librarian who is the guide to the unimaginable world of literature, where each book carries the experience and knowledge of all generations who once lived in this world.