Old Russian literature: a lesson to the younger sister. Lessons for brother, sister, classmates, friends

From a very early age, get used to learning, because it’s easier to build a successful future, and even the present. Do this carefully, because the knowledge we have gained from school age, remain in memory forever. Learning is the main process in the life of every person, because first you will learn on your own, then you will have to help others.

Don’t steal anything, otherwise they will answer you in kind, and you will lose the respect of others.

Beware of bad habits, they destroy your soul and body.

In life, rely only on yourself, because there will be situations where no one else will be able to help.

Try to stand out from the crowd, but not with clothes, but with your skills, abilities and abilities.

Honor adults and elderly people, help the elderly and give in.

For those who are younger, tell them something they don’t know yet. After all, the experience you have accumulated may be useful to them in the future.

Be honest and decent, watch your speech and actions.

And, most importantly, do not forget that life is the longest and most main lesson, during which you constantly need to acquire new knowledge and skills.

Updated: 2017-03-05

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5 - 9 grades

Try to compose a short teaching yourself for your younger brother, sister or friend, using some words from the “Teaching” for example: “hello”, “say a word”, “honor”, ​​etc. (explain them first)


My dear brothers and sisters, or anyone else. Do not consider this letter as stupidity, but read it. So that many guests come to you, so that they do not laugh at your house or dinner. Listen to your elders, honor your father and mother, if they get sick, heal them, and if they die, bury them. Feed the hungry, help the poor. Honor your guests, whether they are noble or poor. Don't judge people by their appearance if you bad people. If you follow the instructions, you will be kind, and God will definitely reward you!

Thanks: 1

To speak - to speak
honor - respect
greet - greet politely
1. Smile more often, and the world will smile at you.
2. Do good, and it will return to you a hundredfold.
3. Love nature, because it gives us life: sun, water, food.
4. Never scream or become hysterical, remember: everything has passed, this too will pass.
5. Know that it is pleasant to talk with an intelligent person. Read more, study better, become an educated and interesting person.
6. Don’t be mean, remember that life is a boomerang, every shameless act of yours will come back to you, and you will be hurt and ashamed.
7. Love and appreciate your loved ones, for only they are your true friends.
8. Provide honor and respect for elders, because they deserve it.
9. Molvi Only polite words, don’t be rude, don’t be rude, be calm and restrained.
10. Remember: you need a guest hello, warm, feed, ask questions.


A lesson to my brother Nikolai.

My brother Nikolai, listen to your parents, for the commandments speak the truth. Be flexible and treat others the way you want others to treat you.

If you do good, good will return to you. Don't flatter and don't be lazy. Love your Motherland and never forget it. Live not only for yourself, for you are not alone.

Do not take revenge on others, for revenge is the product of evil. Do not lie, for the bitter truth is better than a sweet lie.

Study well, because knowledge makes a person beautiful.

I don't want this letter to go unnoticed.

I am your elder sister, and through my lips the truth speaks.

The lesson was compiled by a student of class 7 “B” Ivanova Tatyana

A lesson for my sister.

My little sister, read my teachings.

Never be lazy, respect your elders, be polite and treat people with respect. Don't lie, keep your word, don't be proud.

Don’t be lazy in your studies, otherwise you’ll have a hard time in life. Be hardworking and help around the house.

When entering transport, give way to elderly people and women with infants.

On the street, say hello to people you know. Help the elderly: take them across the road, help them get up to the right floor.

Don't deceive others. Be a master of your word.

My sister, do not forget my teachings, read them more often.

The lesson was compiled by Marina Firstova, a student of the 7th “B” class.

A lesson to my classmates.

My dear classmates! When reading this letter, do not laugh at it and accept it with all your heart.

Help your elders around the house so that guests do not laugh at your home.

Help the poor and the orphaned. Judge neither the right nor the wrong. Don't crave honor.

Honor your guests above all else. Honor the old as your father and the young as your brothers. Sympathize with the sick with all your heart.

If you forget, re-read my letter so that I won’t be ashamed of you. Do good throughout your life.

The lesson was compiled by Vika Emelkina, a student of the 7th “B” class.

A lesson to my friends.

My friends, I am writing to you this blessed page about how to behave in different situations.

In crowded places, behave decently, do not shout or do bad things, for the entire human race will look at you as an ignoramus.

If you need to get somewhere, politely ask passers-by, and then don’t forget to give them a kind word.

When you decide to cross a car road where there is no traffic light, your faithful servant, look in all directions and remember: it is better to cross late than never.

Honor old people, for they are the sources of all human wisdom. Remember the advice of your elders forever, they will come in handy everywhere.

My friends, read my teaching and never forget.

The lesson was compiled by Vasily Panteleev, a student of class 7 “B”.


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