Strength or weakness is manifested in recognition. Is the strength or weakness of a person manifested in generosity? (December essay, revenge and generosity). What act is dishonorable?

A person is arranged in such a way that the most difficult thing in the world for him, perhaps, is given the recognition of his own wrong and his own stupidity, it even happens that sometimes this difficult step takes years and decades. Everyone interprets such an action differently: someone considers the recognition of their mistakes a sign of weakness, and someone, due to their self-confidence, in principle cannot question their own point of view and their own actions.

And yet: the strength or weakness of a person is manifested in the recognition of his mistakes? It seems to me that the ability, or rather, the desire to see and admit one's own delusions, analyze the past and the present and draw some conclusions comes with age. Therefore, I believe that in this case, the “strength” of a person is his wisdom, which begins to form even at a very young age. She, passing with us through youthful maximalism, naivety, through denial and knowledge leads us to the truth. And this cannot be called weakness - only a stupid person will defend his absolute rightness, realizing his complete inexperience and ignorance. Weakness can lead to humility—but not recognition. I am sure that a person, realizing his mistakes, does a huge amount of work on himself, because at such a moment something in his head is sure to turn over and change - he becomes wiser, he reassesses values ​​and changes orientations, in the end, in a different way begins to look at everything that previously, perhaps, did not even think about - can this be somehow connected with weakness?

For example, the hero of the novel A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", for a long time seemed to himself and those around him a self-confident young man: he did not consider it necessary to revise his own behavior, because he simply did not have the habit of thinking about whether he was doing the right thing with people, whether he lived like that and whether he was moving in the right direction. , and, perhaps, thought, but was too weak for self-criticism. Even at a very young age, this hero lost his taste for life. Evgeny got bored with everything at a time when, it would seem, interest in his own existence should only be gaining momentum - however, he was in no hurry to conduct introspection, but simply changed his location, hoping that something could change from this. But this was a delusion: the whole problem was precisely in Eugene, in his very behavior and attitude to life. Perhaps he himself understood this after the duel, during his absence, but we can know one thing: after a long time, this hero returned as a completely different person and, in complete repentance, fell at the feet of a woman whose love he had once neglected. Apparently, during this time, Eugene analyzed everything that he once did, and admitted that he was wrong in relation to at least Tatyana. Of course, it was not easy for him, it is no coincidence that so much time has passed, it is no coincidence that we see the hero at the end of the novel in such despair. It seems to me that during his rather long absence, Eugene became wiser and revised his attitude to life and love, which means he became even stronger, because a weak person could only run away - and only a strong one could understand and return.

With the same difficulty it was given to Bazarov, the hero of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", awareness of the failure of nihilism as a philosophy of existence. This hero for a long time was sure that “nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it”, he also believed that there is no point in art, that religion has long lost its relevance, that there is no love and that everything that belongs to the past must be turned into ruins. However, having met Anna Odintsova and feeling for her all that gamut of emotions that is commonly called love, Bazarov was literally unsettled: his worldview was collapsing before his eyes, and he understood that something had to be done about it. Yevgeny Bazarov was a strong, revolutionary personality, but the realization that everything he followed was a delusion was very difficult for him. The world of this hero began to turn upside down with the same force with which he believed in his beliefs, and he, it seems to me, gradually began to cope with this, although it cost him the strongest efforts.

Themes for 2018

1. What is more important for children: advice from parents or their example?

2. Is every dream worthy of a person?

3. Why does generosity testify to the inner strength of a person?

4. How does art help to understand reality?

5. What life experiences help you believe in goodness?

Themes for 2017

1. When can cheating be forgiven?

2. What actions of a person indicate his responsiveness?

3. Is happiness built on the unhappiness of others?

4. How is courage different from recklessness?

5. Is public opinion wrong?

Themes for 2016

1. When does conflict arise between feelings and reason?
2. What act can be called dishonorable?
3. Do you agree with E.M. Remarque: "You need to be able to lose"?
4. Is a person's strength or weakness manifested in his admission of his mistakes?
5. Can people be friends if they don't see eye to eye?


An essay-admission to the exam is a discussion on the proposed topic. The composition of the work is the same:

1. Thesis;

2. First argument;

3. Second argument;

4. Conclusion.

I paragraph- thesis - includes a commentary on the topic within which you are going to work. Here you can give an interpretation of those concepts that are in the topic, formulate a problem, ask questions and give a preliminary answer to them (only not contradicting the main ideas of the literature). Your task is to formulate main idea your essay.

Example 1(Topic: What does the lack of a goal in life lead to?) Life is a movement towards goals. Someone clearly sets a task for himself and, making mistakes, accomplishes it. And someone lives carelessly, aimlessly, without thinking about the meaning of their actions. The absence of a goal in life can lead a person to moral and physical death: either a person wastes his strength in vain, or becomes only a spectator of this “picture”.

Example 2(Topic: Life Lessons That Help Develop Compassion ) What is compassion? Compassion is the feeling or empathy for another person. Does our world need compassion? Yes, of course, it is necessary, because every person needs moral support, no matter what problem he may have.

Example 3(Topic: Strength or weakness of a person is manifested in his recognition of his mistakes?) Life is a path of human development from birth to death, an individual history of a person, a series of trials, joys, losses. Not all life's difficulties are subject to a person, but everyone's task is to make the right choice in a difficult situation, while maintaining their dignity. And only experience can help in this (your own, close people, heroes of the world fiction). Only the realization of the mistakes made once helps a person to avoid them in the future.

II, III paragraphs- two arguments from fiction.

You must prove your thesis. This part of the essay is the main one, therefore, in terms of volume, it should be larger than the introduction and conclusion. In no case do not leave the topic and the thesis that you formulated in the first paragraph, otherwise the essay will not be counted. Please note important point: in the second and third paragraph you should build on the material artwork and provide proof on a specific example from the test, that is, any of your arguments must be supplemented with an example from the work, but in no case do not retell the text, this also entails a "failure".

For example, topic: Why does a person need courage?

Courage is a psychological attitude, human behavior based on determination, fearlessness, self-sacrifice for the good of loved ones. Courageous people are brave and sympathetic, they are not able to become discouraged, their task is to change the situation for the better. The strength and self-confidence of the brave gives inner freedom. After all, a coward, because of his complexes, subconsciously limits himself in his aspirations. This is its weakness and vulnerability. Examples of the manifestation of courage and cowardice can be found in fiction.

In the work of M. Gorky “The Old Woman Izergil”, in the final part, there is a story about the brave and courageous Danko, who helped the lost find their way out of the impenetrable forest. People were afraid of the unknown, so they could not take the initiative and help themselves and their loved ones, they accused the hero of choosing the wrong path for him. Such actions speak of weakness and cowardice. At the climax of the work, the resolute Danko tore his heart out of his chest and lit the way for them. At the cost of his life, the hero brought people to freedom. The character showed courage and proved that only such human behavior can lead to a positive result in a difficult situation.

(Please note: in the above example, the thesis does not disagree with the proof, in the second paragraph there is no retelling, but there is a specific example (separate fragment) from the text, as well as its analysis within the framework of the topic).

IV paragraph- conclusion. When you start working on the conclusion, re-read the topic and introduction again, in the conclusion you need to summarize what you have been thinking about.

For example,

Thus, a person needs courage in order to overcome difficulties, help people and change their destiny for the better. Without courage, there is also no freedom, because fear creates invisible restrictions that bind people and prevent life from being the way a person wants to see it.

In my opinion, admitting one's mistakes is always a very difficult step for any person. After all, all people are arranged in such a way that it is difficult for them to admit that they are wrong. With age, almost each of us learns from our mistakes and begins to analyze our actions. A person who knows how to admit that he is wrong always has a strong character. The weak in spirit will lie to the last, deceive himself, but he will never admit his mistakes. I am convinced of the correctness of this point of view by the works I have read.

As the first argument, I would like to cite Leo Tolstoy's epic novel "War and Peace". One of the main characters of this work is Natasha Rostova. It is known that her image was the most beloved and ideal for the writer.

Leo Tolstoy described her as a lively, sincere, kind and sensitive nature. It would seem that there is nothing vicious in her image. But even such ideal heroes make mistakes at least once in their lives. So being engaged to Andrei Bolkonsky, but forced to wait whole year before marrying him, she, succumbing to the feelings of a young soul, falls in love with a young handsome Anatoly Kuragin. But after a while it became clear that she was just a toy for him. As a result, Natasha Rostova realizes that she has done the irreparable - she cheated on the person to whom she sincerely confessed her love. But despite the fact that Andrei Bolkonsky said that from now on he did not want to have anything to do with Natalya, she sought forgiveness from him for a long time. This episode can show us that Natasha Rostova can be called a truly strong person who, having made a mistake, could not only admit that he was wrong, but also tried to correct what he had done.

Let us also recall the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The main character of this work is Rodion Raskolnikov. He came from the lowest social class, lived in a small room, he barely had enough money to exist. Due to lack of funds, he was forced to quit studying at one of the universities of St. Petersburg. Due to these and some other circumstances, he decides to kill the old pawnbroker. In addition to her, Raskolnikov has to kill a woman who happened to be there at an unnecessary moment. After the murder, the hero could not come to his senses for a long time, he felt how his conscience haunted him. For some time, Rodion Romanovich did not leave the thought of confessing to a crime. At some point, he decided to tell the investigator about everything. Such an act cost him enormous efforts, since it was very difficult to step over his own fears and doubts. Thus, it can be concluded that main character of this novel, admitting his mistakes, showed how strong the spirit he possesses.

Summarizing all of the above, I would like to conclude that if a person knows how to admit his mistakes, then this should always be considered as a manifestation of fortitude. After all, no weak person will ever admit that he was wrong. A strong personality will be able to analyze his actions and begin to change his life for the better.

A strong person is not ashamed to admit mistakes. A strong-willed character allows you to step over “I can’t and don’t want to” even in an unfavorable situation. The weak in spirit will lie to the last, dodge, but does not admit to personal mistakes. Unfortunately, this is an axiom.

There are many examples in literature when heroes openly admit mistakes or, on the contrary, try to hide them with all their might.

Well, the topic of human strength and weakness was revealed by V. M. Shukshin in “Kalina Krasnaya”. Egor Prokudin from his youth turned onto a crooked path, served a sentence for a long time,

but even after his release he did not return home. Yegor knew that he had brought his mother a lot of suffering, so when he saw her many years later, he showed weakness: he did not admit that he was her son. He did not have the courage to obey the most dear person, and this is his big mistake. He realized he was wrong and suffered from it.

And yet, thanks to a simple Russian woman and a meeting with an old mother, Yegor realized how many mistakes were made in the past. Therefore, when meeting with former criminal cronies, Prokudin showed courage and flatly refused to help them, for which he paid with his life ...

Thoroughly the theme of recognition

errors revealed by F. M. Dostoevsky in “Crime and Punishment”. The author described the psychological portrait of a man who had strong life convictions. The theory invented by Raskolnikov himself about dividing people into worthy and worthless moved his actions. It is more difficult for him to realize his guilt after the murder, but nevertheless he confesses to his deed, which speaks of a strong character.

It is not easy to admit guilt, because it is akin to remorse. It takes courage to speak openly about mistakes, insecurities, problems. But without this step, it is impossible to become better, wiser and move on. You should not be afraid of mistakes, you just need to be aware of them in order to change your life for the better.

A person who boldly admits miscalculations is worthy of respect, because this is the right step towards correction. You need to have willpower to admit you are wrong, but repentance will allow you not to lose authority in the eyes of others. Self-love and pride sometimes make it difficult to admit the obvious. But the one who self-critically admits mistakes and takes responsibility, commits an act strong man.

Other works on this topic:

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The play by N. A. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" is still the subject of discussions unfolding around the question of the genre of the work. The fact is that the author's definition of the genre is not correct enough. It would be more logical to attribute The Thunderstorm to the genre of tragedy, because Katerina's suicide in The Thunderstorm is the denouement of the work. The tragedy is characterized by an ending in which the death of one or more characters is shown; besides, the conflict itself in The Thunderstorm passes from the everyday sphere into the sphere of eternal values.

In general, the question of what suicide is - a manifestation of strength or weakness - is quite interesting. So, the text shows, relatively speaking, a crime - the death of Katerina. In order to figure out who is guilty, and also to answer the question: "Katerina's suicide is a strength or weakness", you need to consider the reasons for Katerina's suicide in the play "Thunderstorm". In order to do something, a person must have motives. Katya had several motives. First, family problems. Katerina's mother-in-law, Marfa Ignatyevna, humiliated, insulted and mocked the young girl at every opportunity. At that time, it was not customary to argue with the elders, even if their point of view was erroneous. A good upbringing did not allow Katya to offend in response. Marfa Ignatyevna knew that Katya strong character, therefore, she was afraid that the daughter-in-law would not change the resigned Tikhon. Katya's relationship with her husband was strained. The girl was married early to someone whom she could not love. Katerina confesses to Varvara that she feels pity for Tikhon. Tikhon himself is so subordinate to his mother that he cannot protect Katya from Kabanikh's tantrums, despite the fact that he sincerely loves his wife. A man finds salvation and an outlet in drinking.

Secondly, disappointment in Boris. Katya fell in love with a young man who came from Moscow very quickly. Her feelings were mutual. Most likely, the girl, thanks to the power of her imagination, supplemented the real Boris with features unusual for him, created an ideal image and fell in love with the image, and not the person himself. Katerina believed that with Boris her life would correspond to her ideas: to be on a par with her husband, not to lie, to be free. But Boris turned out to be a little different. He came to Kalinov only to ask for money from his uncle Saul Prokofievich. In one of the most important moments of Katya's life, Boris refuses to help. The young man refuses to take Katya with him to Siberia, answers very vaguely. Boris does not want to take responsibility for his feelings, for the girl Katya. Katya was left alone. She understands that she has nowhere and no one to go to. From this point of view, som. After all, you can find strength in yourself, put up with shame, and so on and so forth. But it is important to know one circumstance.

Thirdly, Katya was worried about the discrepancy between real life and her ideas about this life. The girl was taught to live honestly, according to the laws of Christian morality. In Kalinov, this concept was replaced by the cruel laws of society. Katya sees that hiding behind Christian values, people do terrible things. What is happening resembles a vicious circle, a swamp, which sooner or later will climb into the soul of every city dweller. It is impossible for Katya to get out of this world, because Kalinov is an exhaustive space. There is no other space. For a long time the girl feels in a cage, nothing allows her to feel life itself.

Dobrolyubov, when analyzing the image of Katerina, said that for such people "death is better than life under those principles that are disgusting to him." The critic believed that “it is in the integrity and harmony of character that his strength lies. Free air and light, contrary to all the precautions of perishing tyranny, burst into Katerina's cell, she yearns for a new life, even if she had to die in this impulse. What is death to her? It doesn’t matter - she doesn’t consider life to be the vegetative life that fell to her lot in the Kabanov family. ” Katerina's suicide, according to Dobrolyubov, is a manifestation of strength. Her decision was not impulsive. Katya knew very well that she would soon die. She was of that breed of people who live in extremes in order to save themselves. Katya did not want to leave her soul to be torn apart by tyrants dark kingdom, the girl simply could not do otherwise. To reconcile and silently endure the antics of Kabanikh, as well as to lie, albeit for the good, the girl could not. It turns out that life is impossible for her in any sense. You can't stay any longer, you can't leave. Katya decides to cross the threshold of the real world in order to gain freedom through death.
Interestingly, Dobrolyubov can be considered Katerina's lawyer, while Pisarev, another Russian critic, deserves the prosecutor's job. The fact is that in the article "Motives of Russian Drama" Pisarev is sincerely perplexed: Boris looked - Katya fell in love, "The boar grumbles - Katerina is languishing." The critic regarded Katya's suicide as a senseless act that did not change anything. Instead of alleviating suffering for herself or others, Katya rushes into the Volga. From this angle, Katerina appears to be a victim of herself; a weak girl who does not see other ways to solve problems.

The opinions of critics are largely opposite. To choose what Katya's death actually is is a personal matter for each person. In favor of Pisarev's theory, we can say that the death of the girl really did not change anything. Only Tikhon, who is incapable of a greater protest, says that he is jealous of his dead wife.

In this publication, we tried to explain the causes and consequences of Katerina's act. This information will help grade 10 when writing an essay on the topic "Katerina's suicide in the Thunderstorm - strength or weakness?".

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