Comparison of Perun with Zeus and Jupiter. See what “Lightning of Zeus” is in other dictionaries. In modern culture

This term has other meanings, see Lightning (meanings). Lightning Lightning is a giant electrical spark discharge in the atmosphere that can usually occur ... Wikipedia

Lightning- (Greek keraunos, Latin fulgur), was an attribute of the supreme god Zeus (Latin Jupiter), personified his power and at the same time served him as a weapon, for example, in the fight against the Titans (image on the large Pergamon frieze). Bunch... ... Dictionary of Antiquity

Naturally a scientific and metaphorical concept, often used within the framework of descriptions of the mechanisms of world creation and the work of the Logos, and also associated with light and enlightenment. In most religions and myths, the deity is hidden from human eyes, but... ... History of Philosophy: Encyclopedia

This term has other meanings, see Sprite. The first color image of a sprite taken from an airplane. Sprite (called “phantom” in Russian) is a rare type of thunderstorm... Wikipedia

The word "Zeus" has other meanings: see Zeus (meanings). Zeus ... Wikipedia

Krakow Spear of Longinus, so-called. Spear of St. Mauritius, Wawel Cathedral The list includes historical, legendary or fictional edged weapons (including throwing weapons) and armor ... Wikipedia

When blind Oedipus was expelled from Thebes, his sons and Creon divided power among themselves. Each of them was to rule in turn for a year. Eteocles did not want to share power with his older brother Polyneices, he expelled his brother from... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

Wrath of the Titans Genre ... Wikipedia

- (έκατόγχειρεζ or έκατόγχειροι, i.e. hundred-armed) monsters of Greek mythology, three brothers: Egeon, or Aigion, or Briareus, Kottos and Gyges, each with 50 heads and 100 arms, unusually strong, terrible even for the gods. Ts. were the children of Gaia... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

Soon the island of the god Helios appeared in the distance (1). We swam closer and closer to it. I could already clearly hear the mooing of the bulls and the bleating of the sheep of Helios. Remembering the prophecy of Tiresias and the warning of the sorceress Kirka, I began to convince my companions to pass the island and not... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology


  • Lightning of Zeus, or 38 military strategies for your business and career, Sergey Suvorov. The book introduces readers to the methods of military strategies. In an ironic, light form, using vivid historical measurements, the author shows how this or that military strategy can be used for an offensive...

At first glance this is a strange statement. The Russian government has been cultivating for many centuries the Asian orientation of Russia, its fundamental difference from Western countries.

However, no matter how long the rope winds, it will end. Let's say frankly that the main gods of the Russians, namely Perun and Veles, are the same gods as the Scandinavian, otherwise German, Thor and Odin. To understand this, it is enough to trace how the names of these gods change from place to place:

One: Wotan - praherm Vodanaz - scand. Vodinaz-Vilus-Winds (English)-Russian Veles
This is the name of Wednesday in English, Windsday, that is, Odin's day.
Thor: other scand. Por or Punar – Saxon – Punaer – North German Donar – Proto-German Turaraz – Lithuanian Perkun – Russian Perun

From the presented chains it is clear that one of the closest names to Veles is Winds and Vodnaz. More on vodanase a little later. Likewise, Punaer is close to Perun.

Let us now compare the descriptions and images of both gods.

Perun is the thunder of lightning. It has the so-called the ax of Perun, which, according to findings, is identical to Thor’s hammer Mjolnir.
In turn, Veles is described as the god of the underground, the bestial god, the snake god, the god of wisdom. Veles has a lot in common with Vodyany (Vodanaz-Diver). Like the serpent God, Veles is the god of wisdom, similarly Odin.
In fact, until some time there was no single name for Odin and Thor. Thus, Thor was called Ponur and Porom in Scandinavia, Punaer in Saxony, Doner in upper Germany, and Perun or Perkun in Rus'. The names Odin and Thor are chosen universal names to denote the same god, which previously had different names locally.

The legends that are associated with these gods also have different local origins. Not all Germans recognized, for example, that Odin was the father of Thor. In some areas the supreme deity could be Thor, in others Odin. In some places there was Odin, but they heard nothing about Thor.

It remains surprising how the so-called scientists on Wikipedia do not specifically make this connection, making idiots out of people. This is understandable, because if the gods of the Russians are the same as the gods of the Germans, then the Russians’ worldview will be different from that of the Europeans. This means that they will demand normal treatment, democracy, etc.
One more thing worth mentioning interesting feature Russian mythology. Firstly, this is the replacement of all pagan names in epics with Christian ones. Secondly, in all of these epics there is no connection between heroes, knights, heroes and the Gods, which is not the case in German, Greek, Egyptian and other myths. But if this is the picture in other cultures, then this should be the case in Russian too. This means that the Christian Church has worked hard to change Russian mythology. Roughly speaking, Ilya Muromets must carry out a task against the serpent Gorynych on the orders of Perun and Veles, but for some reason this is not the case. Well, the work is being continued by the current so-called. linguistic researchers, who, in their “authoritative” opinion, do not see a connection between Thor and Perun. So, for example, the names of the gods Vili and Ve among Russian researchers are brothers of Odin, and not the names of him himself. As they say, pseudoscientific schizophrenia is in full swing.
There are other analogies between the Slavic gods and the Germanic ones. Svarog - Svarg - Varg - Farg, Simargl - Ymir, Kostroma - Krimhilda, Horse - Herni - Heni, etc. Igdrashil and Oak with golden chains are similar. Pushkin only borrowed this from early times. Odin chained himself to a tree. The Serpent Gorynych was not originally three-headed, in those days when the Slavs had not yet learned, under the sword presented to the throat, that God loves the trinity. The serpent is similar to the Midgard serpent.

Thus, Thor and Odin are our gods, only with their local names. That is why the Younger and Elder Eddas gained such popularity in Russia. In turn, we can enrich the culture of the northern gods with epics and legends. Thus, the legend of the heroes and the saga of Beofulf revolve under the shadow of the same Gods. The word skaz itself is very similar to the German zagen or zaga. It is interesting by analogy that in ancient Greece there was no single pantheon of gods. So Zeus was revered in Crete, but in Sparta he was not recognized as the supreme deity. Moreover, both the names and images of Zeus were different and very different in different provinces of Greece: Diy, Dias, Sias, etc.
We will also give the true name of the days of the week, which has also been changed
Monday, Tuesday, Velesda, Thursday, Ratnitsa (Ryatnitsa, Friatnitsa replaced by P with P), Sixth, Week. As you can see, the falsifiers caught the basic structure of the names of the week according to ordinal numbers and replaced the days that initially did not obey this rule with numerals. This is especially interesting because of the generally gigantic connection between the Russian language and the Germanic languages, especially Gothic. Nem Birke - rus Birch, English Trit - rus Tree, nem Erde - rus Firmament, nem Ber (bear) - rus Bor (pine forest, boletus bear), germ ken (moch) - rus kanat (canate), etc.

In our research, we tried to draw analogies between the Greek and Slavic gods, to find gods with the same functions. We present the analogies we found in tables.

Supreme gods: Zeus and Svarog.

Zeus Svarog
1. Supreme deity, father of gods and people, head of the Olympian family of gods. 2. B ancient times Zeus combined the functions of life and death. He ruled over the earth and under it, and administered judgment over the dead. 3. Later, Zeus began to personify only the bright side of existence. Olympian Zeus is the patron of the community of people, city life, the defender of the offended and the patron of those who pray; other gods obey him. 4. Attributes of Zeus - aegis, scepter, sometimes hammer. 5.Zeus had all the power. In addition, Zeus was also a thunderer. 1. Supreme god of the Eastern Slavs, heavenly fire. 2. The son of Rod, the god Svarog, is the Heavenly Father. Sometimes he was simply called God. Svarog created the earth. 3. Svarog has always been a bright god, helping people. 4. Svarog’s attributes were blacksmith’s tongs and a hammer. 5. Over time, Svarog ceded his supreme position to Dazhdbog.
Hephaestus 1. Also a blacksmith god. 2. Hephaestus was the patron of crafts. Svarog 1. Was a blacksmith, sent pincers to people. 2. Svarog was only a blacksmith at first and patronized blacksmiths much more than Hephaestus.

Goddesses of love and beauty: Aphrodite and Lada.

Aphrodite Lada
1. In ancient Greek mythology, the goddess of love and beauty. 2. Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, was the most beautiful of the goddesses. Poets sang of the beauty of her face and body, the golden color of her hair and shining eyes, the softest delicate skin, and beautiful breasts. 3. She was a favorite subject of sculptors, who depicted her naked or in lightly thrown clothes, revealing her graceful sensual body, as her most famous statues represent. 1. Slavic goddess of love and beauty. 2. In the Slavic lands, Lada was revered more than anywhere else. 3. Information has been preserved that in pre-Christian times, in the lower part of Kyiv, on Podol, there was a majestic Lada temple. In the center stood a statue of the divine beautiful woman in a pink wreath. Her golden hair was decorated with freshwater pearls, and her long Russian dress, tied at the waist with a golden belt, was covered with precious and complex ornamental embroidery.

Gods underground kingdom: Veles - Chernobog, Viy and Hades.

Hades Veles-Chernobog, Viy
In ancient Greek mythology, the god of the underworld of the dead and the name of the kingdom of the dead itself. As the god of death, Hades was a terrible god, whose very name they were afraid to pronounce, replacing it with various euphemistic epithets. Veles is the god of the Magi, the god of hunting, forests, animals, wealth, the god of the kingdom of the dead. It combines the dark and light sides. The dark side - Chernobog - the god of the kingdom of the dead. Viy - in East Slavic mythology - the spirit that brings death. King of the underworld (Navi, the Underworld), lord of torment. The personification of those terrible punishments that await after the death of all villains, thieves, traitors, murderers and scoundrels, in other words, all those who lived unrighteously and violated the laws of Reveal and Rule. The fair and incorruptible Judge Viy is looking forward to all of them.

Solar gods: Helios and Dazhdbog

Gods of viticulture and winemaking: Dionysus and Kvasura

Goddesses of the dawn: Eos and Dennitsa

Gods of thunder and lightning: Zeus and Perun

Zeus Perun
Woe to those who violate the order established by Zeus on earth and do not comply with his laws. The son of Kron will move his thick eyebrows menacingly, then black clouds will cloud the sky. The great Zeus will be angry, and the hair on his head will rise terribly, his eyes will light up with an unbearable brilliance; he will wave his right hand - thunderclaps will roll across the entire sky, fiery lightning will flash, and high Olympus will shake. They imagined him as a middle-aged, angry husband with a red, swirling beard. The hair of the Thunder God was likened to a thundercloud - black and silver. The name Perun is very ancient. Translated into modern language it means “He who hits hard”, “Striking”. Perun’s chariot rushing desperately thunders across the uneven clouds - that’s where the thunder comes from, that’s why it “rolls” across the heavens.

Patrons of forests and hunting: Artemis and Devana

Artemis Devana
1. Artemis - in Greek mythology, always the young goddess of the hunt, the patroness of all life on Earth. 2. She is armed with a bow, wears short clothes, and is accompanied by a pack of dogs and her favorite doe. 3. Her veneration by the Greeks is evidenced by the name “Artemis” on one of the Knossos clay tablets and data about the Asia Minor goddess Artemis of Ephesus, characterizing her as the mistress of nature, the mistress of animals. 4. Artemis spends time in the forests and mountains, hunting surrounded by nymphs - her companions and also hunters, often on moonlit nights. 1. Devana (Zevana, Dzevana), in Slavic mythology the goddess of hunting, wife of the forest god Svyatobor. 2. The ancient Slavs represented Devan in the guise of a beauty, dressed in a rich marten fur coat, trimmed with squirrel; with a bow and arrows drawn. 3. Zevana was revered by hunters and trappers, praying to her for good luck, and in gratitude they brought part of their prey to her sanctuary. It was she who sent luck to hunters, helping them win fights with bears or wolves. 4. With her passion for hunting on moonlit nights, Zevana is partly reminiscent of the Greek Artemis, the goddess of the hunt.

Gods of the wind: Zephyr, Noth, Boreas, Eurus and Stribog

Gods of fertility: Demeter and Yarilo

Veles and Pan

In addition to the basic analogies given above, we found several more common functions among the Greek and Slavic gods.

So, for example, Veles was, among other things, a divine soothsayer, like Apollo.

Makosh - in Slavic mythology - the patroness of women's work, the goddess of wells, the goddess of fate. It is difficult to compare her with the Greek gods, except with the Moiras - goddesses of fate. Like them, she weaves the threads of human destinies. Otherwise, Mokosha’s occupation remains unclear, which means how she corresponds to the Greek gods.

We found out another important difference between the gods of the Greek and Slavic pantheon - the Slavic gods carried within themselves both good and evil, each god seemed to have two faces: good and evil.


Myths are needed to explain the world. Historical myths are necessary for the people because they contain their fundamental national values. In the myths of history there lives a memory that explains who we are, what happened to us, how we reacted to various life circumstances.

Myths are needed to connect a person and the rest of the world, an individual and his people, his ancestors.

In our work, we studied Slavic and Greek mythology, tried to compare them and find analogies. We have proven the hypothesis we put forward that the myths have a lot in common. We can conclude that our cultures followed a similar path of development, and people of different nationalities have much more in common than differences. Although there are differences between Greek and Slavic mythology. After studying Slavic mythology, it turned out that the gods immediately became the rulers of the world; the appearance of the gods occurs peacefully; the Slavic gods were friendly; Slavic gods lived in harmony with each other; each god was responsible for some natural phenomenon, or patronized someone; one god could be responsible for several natural phenomena. In ancient Greek mythology, the titans were before the gods; the appearance of the gods is accompanied by bloodshed and strife; The Greek gods were at war with each other.

Thus, we can draw the main conclusion that our culture is based on peace and harmony, getting along with each other.


1. Arzumanova T.V. Mythology / Scientific – pop. ed. for children. – M.: JSC “ROSMEN - PRESS”, 2008.

2. Belyakova G.S. Slavic mythology. – M., 1995.

3. Beregova O. Symbols of the Slavs. – St. Petersburg: “DILYA Publishing House”, 2007.

4. Botvinnik M.N., Kogan M.A., Rabinovich M.B., Seletsky B.P. Mythological Dictionary. – M.: Education, 1965.

5. Buinova T.Yu. Children of Svarog. – M.: Project – F: Aquilegia – M, 2008.

6. Kun N.A. Legends and myths Ancient Greece/ - M.: Publishing house EKSMO - Press, 2001.

7. Mythological dictionary. Book for teachers. – M.: Education, 1985.

8. Myths of the peoples of the world. Encyclopedia in 2 volumes. – M., 1997.

9. Semenova M. We are Slavs! – St. Petersburg: Azbuka – Terra, 1997.

10. Soloviev V.M. Golden Book of Russian Culture. – M.: White City, 2007.

This will be the beginning of a long story about the physical and spiritual planes, and then I will talk about all the intersections and influences.

I’ll say right away that the article indicates a lot of similarities with crop circles, so I think you will be pleased to read the article to learn about the significance of crop tips.

Please note that basically in ancient religions Jupiter is the main God and creator... and we overlooked this, ah yay yay... Okay, I’m a materialist, but many who told me about faith and the soul missed such an important key... but here it is ...

Also from the article you will learn what the fiery re-creation of planet Earth is all about...

Fiery re-creation of the Earth's climate

4. About the means of cosmic influences

In the first part of our work, as far as possible, we dwelled in detail on modern scientific data on the state of the Cosmos, the planet and humanity and examined the processes occurring mainly at the physical level and in the physical Cosmos, in the world of material bodies.

We noted more subtle characteristics of the material world - metaphysical ones - only in terms of predictions of physical changes, as well as the works of a new round of physics by Shipov, Akimov, Dyatlov and others. But it was metaphysical knowledge - knowledge of real Nature - that allowed the Cosmic Teachers to predict the picture of the development of the cosmos closest to us and the planet for many years to come.

Agni Yoga says that we can soon witness a new sky above our heads. I would like to dwell on this and the possibility of colossal changes in Nature, caused not so much by physics as by internal processes associated with consciousness, in the second part.

We called these processes ethereal, informational, metaphysical, inherent in real Nature, but, in essence, we were talking about one phenomenon - these are different manifestations of psychic, or Primary energy. Let's start the conversation with the Distant Worlds and their “messengers - comets” (the formulation of Agni Yoga). It should be noted here that the term Distant Worlds corresponds to the laws of the three-dimensional world with materially represented objects (stars, planets, comets, asteroids, etc.). And the term Higher Worlds addressed to worlds of more subtle (than matter) materiality, namely: Subtle Worlds and their subdivisions, Fiery Worlds and their subdivisions, etc.

4.1. About cometary influences

In classical science, comets are considered astrophysical objects, the central parts of which (nuclei) consist of ice. But for a long time, many researchers have been saying that these space wanderers are plasma formations. The complexity and fate of these bodies is very mysterious, and it may turn out that these are cosmic ether domains.

In 1997, researchers observed unusual behavior of Comet Hale-Bopp. Its movement in a number of cases did not comply with Kepler's laws. The comet either accelerated its movement, or, on the contrary, slowed down. The researchers recalculated its ephemeris 64 times, meaning it was impossible to reliably predict its trajectory. She shed her so-called tail twice. This tail appeared first in front of the comet, then on the side, then behind. The comet changed its chemical composition. Near Jupiter, it corresponded to the chemical composition of the space it flew through. Near the Sun, she put on an electronic shell, etc. That is, she not only consisted of matter, but also attached it to herself, depending on the density and chemical composition of the space she traversed.

In “The Secret Doctrine” (vol. 1, “Cosmogenesis”) E.P. Blavatsky can be found saying that the “base of comets” is a kind of primordial matter that can absorb the substance of the environment in which it moves in outer space. In field energy interactions, a comet is capable of increasing its mass and thus growing even to the size of the Sun or a planet. It turns out that Blavatsky was absolutely right. These characteristics of comets not only do not contradict analytical calculations based on the model of the ethereal (in terms of V.L. Dyatlov - vacuum) domain as a filler of the internal volume, but also the plasma model of the shell of comets, which is confirmed by observations and experimental data. Note that this ability of cometary nuclei cannot be explained by gravitational attraction or other physical material characteristics alone.

One of the famous Californian astrophysicists, Dr. McKenney, showed in the 1990s that if we take the theory of the plasma nucleus of a comet as a basis, then we can predict the behavior of comets in more detail and accurately. It was this theory that made it possible to understand and describe the unpredictable behavior of Comet Hale-Bopp. Thus, at the end of the twentieth century, the previously ignored data of the Mahatmas on the nature of cometary nuclei received scientific confirmation. The icy concept of the cometary nucleus (water) has been replaced by some American astrophysicists with a plasma concept (fire).

Since the early 1980s, we have interpreted the nature of the Tunguska “meteorite” and - subsequently - the behavior of comets using the concept of an ether domain. New analytical relationships were used to study and describe them, rather than classical and established views about the “ice” basis of comets. Much of the data on the behavior of comets is surprising. Comet Lee revealed even stranger properties than Comet Hale-Bopp. It was opened on April 11, 1998. On April 16, it was registered by Stephen Lee from Australia. Information about it was so contradictory that it was classified as an artificial “planetary body.” On July 31 - August 1, 1999, the comet emerged from behind the limb of the Sun. On August 2, we received data from our Californian friends, which indicated that cometologists were again “wrong” in determining the parameters of the comet. Even its luminosity was determined incorrectly. It turned out to be brighter than expected. But this is not the main thing.

Let's make a digression for clarification. In the 23rd Solar Cycle, the absolute record for the number of sunspots was once again broken. There were 343 of them recorded, while the maximum in the 19th cycle, also an odd one, was 268. From this it immediately followed that an increase in flare activity should be observed on the Sun, because this is the practice of long-term observations. But flare activity on the limb facing us was below average. This has confused heliophysicists. So, the Californians hypothesized that responsibility for this should be placed on Comet Lee. The essence of their assumption is that, flying within the Solar System in close proximity to the Sun, Comet Lee actively influenced the solar plasma. If the comet really reduced the flare activity of the Sun, then what and how controls our Solar system and its central body?

4.2. Programmatic significance of plasmoid explosions on Jupiter

The classic Halley's comet has a solid, stable, irregularly shaped structure that cometologists call the nucleus. For this type of comet, the orbital period and orbit are usually known. But neither Comet Lee, nor Shoemaker-Levy, nor Hale-Bopp demonstrated a stable orbit. Doesn't this indicate that the solar system met with a new class of phenomena?

Now we will talk about the so-called comet, which unexpectedly appeared near Jupiter and was named after Shoemaker-Levy, which from the very beginning of observation had the appearance of a “string of pearls” (that is, no one saw it as an integral object and its original integrity could only be theoretically assumed ). By all indications, this comet belongs to the class of very mysterious objects with characteristics unusual for comets and with signs of ether domains. In July 1994, it came so close to Jupiter that it fell onto the surface of the planet. This plunge of plasma clots into the upper layers of the atmosphere of the giant planet was accompanied by huge explosions. In other words, a certain amount of matter-energy-information was introduced into the structures of Jupiter. I emphasize: and information. If we take as a basis the theory of a solid comet, which forms “fragments of matter” when falling, then in the case of the Shoemaker-Levy comet, only 17% of the effects that accompanied this plasma relaxation can be explained. Of all the predictions that were made by cometologists in reports Russian Academy science regarding the Shoemaker-Levy comet, not a single one was justified (six points out of six!). Scientists literally numbered each clump of plasma of the comet, and each plasmoid had its own special effect on the magnetosphere, chemical composition and energy of the planet Jupiter.

On August 13, 1994, in an interview with the newspaper “Soviet Siberia”, I described the possible (and actual) consequences that should be expected on Jupiter after its meeting with this “comet”. By the way, the publication in the newspaper was called: “Comet? No, plasmoid!..”

Why do we focus so much on this fact?

First of all, because according to calculations based on classical physics, this “comet” should not have “falled” on Jupiter at all. Calculations using Kepler's equations did not give any reason to believe that the cosmic body would be captured by a giant planet. Nevertheless, it happened. Why? Yes, because the laws of Kepler, Newton, Einstein do not take into account the energy of rotation of cosmic bodies around their axis, that is, they do not take into account the rotation field (torsion). And only the gravidynamic equations of O. Heaviside (written by him back in late XIX centuries) explained the fact of the inevitable capture of the “string of pearls” by the rotating Jupiter. For the scientific world, the reason for the hundred-year silence of the elite of “fundamentalist” physicists about the unique results of Heaviside’s work is still not clear. Only one thing is clear, that this figure of silence is of conscious origin. Next, we note one more specificity of this “scientific editing of the picture of the world.”

From the cosmophysical picture of the world, the existing system of scientific knowledge has removed parameter of consciousness. Outer space began to be described as filled only with matter and energy, but not with information. Information removed outside the scientific models of Space and Nature. Nature turned out to be, excuse me, crazy, and the processes occurring in it began to be attributed to the field of pure mechanics. That is, science has built “its own world” in which there is no reason other than human. And this specific world continues to be described by modern physics, based on the sufficiency of the mind of only a certain group of “fundamental physicists”.

The impact of Comet Shoemaker-Levy on Jupiter seemed to demonstrate to us how insignificant the role of this specific physics is. The explanatory role of fundamental physics, which is only interested in matter, was expressed in 17% efficiency; while the introduction of ethereal physics increases predictability to 90%.

One can imagine how much we operate with, so to speak, “flat” interpretations of what is happening in the solar system, and what it actually is in the coordinates of space and time. And on these scales it manifests itself as a conscious organism that controls its parts.

The “string of pearls”, delivered to Jupiter from outer space, was a kind of trigger for the transition of Jupiter to a new planetophysical state. The appearance of a huge amount of lithium was recorded on Jupiter, which had not previously been recorded at all in the upper atmosphere. Lithium is a special metal. Agni Yoga indicates its direct relationship to intellectual processes in the human body.

After exposure to plasma bodies, Jupiter entered a highly excited state. Since the moment of relaxation, auroras have not stopped on Jupiter. Moreover, they have reached unprecedented strength and are capturing vast areas. The intensity of the auroras is thousands of times greater than the terrestrial auroras. The magnetic fields of Jupiter have a pronounced configuration and high intensity, that is, they have enormous transfer energy and information properties that increasingly influence the Earth.

Back in December 2000, according to the Chandra telescope, during the Cassini probe's orbit around the planet Jupiter (aimed at Saturn), it was revealed that Jupiter's X-ray aurora comes from a pulsating (with a period of 45 minutes) hot spot above the north magnetic pole. Moreover, the distance of the ion sources of this pulsating area from the surface of the giant planet is 2 million 97 thousand kilometers. The existence and behavior of these spots, as well as the formation of ion sources that create hot spots in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter, have not yet been scientifically explained. But we can make an assumption about a change in the mode of interaction between Raja-star (King of the Stars) and Jupiter, as Mahatma Kut Hoomi wrote about in the already mentioned 92nd letter *. Perhaps the work of this “pulsar” explains the changed behavior of large cyclonic eddies in the atmosphere of Jupiter and the merging of white ovals with the Red Spot.

In addition, the planet began to eject plasma into space. The second most powerful energy source of plasma after the Sun has appeared in the Solar System. Moreover, the discharge of Jupiter’s plasma occurs like the sun. The Sun dumps excess plasma through coronary holes, just as Jupiter does today.

Such an unusually powerful control influence on Jupiter with a clearly inadequate energy influence directly leads us to the assumption that the Shoemaker-Levy astrophysical object has an intelligent origin, and a certain amount of substance of extraordinary energy and information richness was deliberately injected from outer space into the planet’s atmosphere.

Gradually, the mysteries of comets revive new directions of thought. The “ice” model needs to be changed, which is why even the most orthodox specialists in comet physics are drifting.

4.3. Connections between Jupiter and Earth

It should also be recalled that in the letters of E.I. Roerich and Agni Yoga itself repeatedly indicate that the presence of intense magnetic field is a direct sign of the existence of materially realized life on a cosmic celestial body, evolving in physical bodies. Such magnetically intensive celestial bodies in the solar system include, first of all, Jupiter, then the Earth itself, Uranus and, of course, the central luminary - the Sun.

The planets Jupiter and Earth are in constant cosmic interaction and magnetic resonance. Moreover, there is a coincidence both in terms of similarity in the inclination of magnetic axes, magnetic anomalies, magnetospheres ( note: It is worth emphasizing the enormous size of Jupiter's magnetosphere. If the magnetic “disk” of Jupiter were visible from the Earth, then this disk would have a diameter greater than the apparent size of the Moon and it would shine as a “second Sun - A.D.”) truly deep and mystical. The magnetic axes of Jupiter and Earth coincide to within a degree. There are 4 World Magnetic Anomalies on Earth; There are 4 magnetic anomalies on Jupiter. Moreover, they are localized on this giant planet in the same way as anomalies on Earth. On the surface of the planets, the localization of anomalies exactly coincides (in latitude and longitude). We have not just resonance of magnetic fields, but the so-called main magnetostructural resonance. On the other hand, the Earth's magnetosphere has a plasma tail that the Moon crosses every 27 days. This tail reaches the orbit of Jupiter. Consequently, in addition to magnetic resonance with Jupiter, the Earth also has a “direct communication line” with this planet. The latest data from NASA indicate that the impulsive electron flows coming from Jupiter to Earth sometimes exceed the flow of solar electrons. At the same time, the Earth is the record holder for the magnetization of matter and for the intensity (tension) of its magnetosphere, which even exceeds the magnetosphere of Jupiter in terms of specific intensity.

According to ancient mythology, Jupiter (thunderer Zeus) - Lord of all gods, including the goddess of the Earth - Gaia. At the same time, Gaia in different myths appears either as his mother, or as his grandmother, or as his wife, or even as his daughter. Such a variety of related relationships may seem incomprehensible even from the point of view of astronomy, if you do not take into account the following circumstance: Jupiter, depending on the time trajectory-evolutionary phase in the Solar system, can play a wide variety of roles, including when interacting with the Earth’s magnetosphere. And here it is appropriate to recall the processes of etheric materiality. The presence of etherospheres near the planets and the Sun greatly expands the list of causes generating unusual phenomena. Jupiter, apparently, has a powerful and modified etherosphere, which means it is capable of greatly influencing the Earth’s etherosphere.

It has long been noted that mythology often carries much more accurate information about global cosmophysical processes than the most modern ones scientific research. That's why we call mythology cryptophysics. Since humanity technologically competes with the evolutionary powers of the solar system, Gaia today sometimes behaves like the unfaithful wife of Zeus.

Constant modernization of technical radio communications has moved their range into the megahertz region. To date, there are about 180 million radio transmitters on Earth operating in the range from ultra-low to ultra-high frequencies, which has caused explosive (in terms of the rate of increase in integral power) heating of the Earth in the radio frequency range. The Earth is now in a man-made electromagnetic “cocoon” and is resisting space means of electromagnetic influence on our planet. In addition, the penetrating radiation of the “conquered atom” increases the ionization of the atmosphere and modifies the electromagnetic characteristics of the Earth, which changes the interaction between the planets and the Sun. For example, radio interference coming from our technosphere has greatly disrupted the mega- and gigahertz communications between the Sun and Jupiter. We not only cut ourselves off from the laws of the Cosmos, but also rudely interfered with the subtlest information processes in the Solar system.

After the “pearl string” of plasma bodies fell onto the surface of Jupiter, the connection between the Sun and Jupiter moved into the gigahertz range. Nature has restored the broken connection. Consciously? Of course, consciously, because it is the Cosmic Mind that is the global controlling factor of the universe. But, following this “switching” of the radio frequencies of communication between Jupiter and the Sun, the control structures of humanity captive by the economy also began to transfer earthly radio communications precisely to the gigahertz range (remember the rapidly developing cellular communications).

4.4. On the role of Jupiter's satellite Io

Jupiter has 39 satellites. The planets closest to the surface are the four so-called Galilean satellites, of which the closest to Jupiter is Io.

As to what this physical body is, there is a striking difference of opinion among planetary physicists and cosmophysicists.

Over the past two decades, Jupiter and its satellites have been repeatedly studied by probes and interplanetary stations at a distance of up to 30 thousand miles from the surface. Accurate maps of the satellites were compiled. At the same time, it was the satellite Io that brought the most surprises to planetary scientists. He turned out to be strange. The satellite is smaller in size than the Moon, but its heat flow is equal to that of the Earth. The specific energy productivity of Io exceeds the energy productivity of Earth in other parameters. There is a bulge on Io's surface. Previously, it was believed that it was caused by volcanic activity, but when they studied this formation more carefully, they discovered that from the place of the swelling to the center of Jupiter there was an electric stream of unknown origin, the current strength of which was continuously growing. From 1 million amperes in 1989 it grew to 6 million amperes by 1999 ( Fortov V. et al., Collisions of comet Shoemaker-Levy with Jupiter, UFN, 166 , No. 4 (1996), 391-422). Io acts in this pair as an electric generator. Jupiter reacts quite violently to electrodotation.

Jupiter reacts to the arrival of this powerful flow of energy with a growing increase in the intensity of ionization of its atmosphere ( Haynes P. and others, Null fields in the outer Jovian magnetosphere: Ulysses observation, Geoprys. Res. Zett., 21 , No. 6 (1994), 405-408). In connection with the previously described processes occurring in Space, the plasma production of Jupiter is continuously growing. Rotating in a plasma torus, Io blocks the spread of Jupiter's plasma beyond its orbit.

In other words, Io provokes Jupiter into plasma generation and locks its growing amount in a confined space around Jupiter. The space between Jupiter and Io is filled with plasma, the concentration of which is still low, and we do not observe collisions of plasma particles; there is no constant glow. But observatories in Hawaii and Japan have already recorded glare in the space between Jupiter and Io. As soon as the plasma concentration reaches critical values, the plasma will glow and we will no longer see Jupiter. We will see a glowing ball the size of Io's orbit. There are estimates that such an event could occur by the end of the 21st century. This assumption is not excessive, especially if we take into account the significant ether activation and associated new processes in the Solar System and on Earth. Before our eyes, Jupiter is becoming the second Sun in the sky, the possibility of which was discussed in the works of E.P. Blavatskaya, E.I. Roerich and what Kut Hoomi hinted at in the 92nd letter.

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Entry: Jupiter, aka Zeus, Marduk, Perun and, in the end, the main God...
posted August 4, 2009 at 05:18 pm and is in |
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You cannot change your oath to the Motherland and people, and you cannot change your faith. I, personally, am an Orthodox Christian, I was baptized in infancy by Father Alexy, therefore, no matter what they tell me, I am baptized into Orthodoxy and will remain Orthodox until the end of my days. Next, in the army, I took the oath of allegiance to my Motherland, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the Soviet people, and I will be faithful to my oath until the end of my days.

Many have already betrayed their oath of allegiance to the Soviet Motherland and the Soviet people, and they have also betrayed the Orthodox faith. We are still seeing what this leads to. Consanguineous Croats and Serbs, speaking the same Serbo-Croatian language, but they hate each other with fierce hatred, and this is because some of them are Catholics, others are Orthodox. Or the same-blooded Poles and Russians have fought with each other all their lives, and the main obstacle to friendship between us and them is the Catholic faith of the Poles, and the Orthodox faith of the Russians. And absolutely ugly forms in our relationships are now taking place within the Russian ethnos. Part of the Russian people living in the west of Russia in the Carpathians, mainly, at the end of the 16th century, betrayed the Orthodox faith and, moreover, did not go far from Orthodoxy and did not come to Catholicism, but became the so-called Uniates, seemingly subordinate to the Pope of Rome, but calling themselves adherents Greco-Roman confession. And who is causing the most trouble today? From the Uniates, if we remember that Bandera and Shukhevych were the sons of these same Uniate priests who do not breathe Christian virtue, but instead of breathing the hiss of a python. Then the schismatic Denisenko added turmoil to the Russian people

Now we are talking about Rodnoverie. But our native faith has been the Orthodox Christian faith for more than a thousand years. But according to some data, Christianity already existed in Rus' long before Prince Vladimir and goes back to apostolic times and one of the apostles of Jesus Christ, Andrew the First-Called, baptized Rus' according to the Arian model. Now a researcher of ancient inscriptions, Doctor of Sciences Professor Chudinov, finds inscriptions from two thousand years ago on the frescoes of ancient temples and icons. Some ancient temples built by Arian Christians have Arian inscriptions.

And the entry of the Christian faith into Rus' was very difficult during the time of Prince Vladimir. And if the baptism of Rus' by Andrew the First-Called took place so easily, why was it because the traditional holidays and deities of the Rus were not touched. The Old Gods did not interfere with the entry of the Christian faith into the life of the Russian people. It seems that the Russians were provoked to revolt by the innovation of a new religion even then, in order to weaken and fragment the Russian people into parts according to faith. And our enemies succeed in this.

Here we must remember Zeus, and Jupiter, and our suffering Perun. Well, why didn’t the Greeks, accepting the Christian faith, overthrow their God of Heaven, Thunder and Lightning, Zeus? He remained with them as a symbol of the antiquity of his people and the traditions flowing from Zeus to Christ. The Greek main God Zeus sits on the throne even in the St. Petersburg Hermitage. Of course, the veneration that he had from the people is no longer there. But he is alive, they honor him in their own way, but most importantly, they do not touch him, and the Greek people consider the antiquity of their people according to the years of Zeus. The Roman God of Thunder and Lightning, Jupiter, also remained untouched. Even the papal Inquisition did not touch him. Why did they immediately overthrow Perun, although he was not only the God of Thunder and Lightning, Perun is the Thunderer. Was it really not clear to these overthrowers that the overthrow of God only fuels the people’s, especially the Russian people’s, secret love for him? What happened and is happening cannot be corrected. There were and are still living and active priests of the old Russian Gods, then schismatics appeared, although Patriarch Nikon brought about the split. After all, there are Old Believers, Bespopovtsy, Molokans, and now Rodnovers have appeared.

I am an Orthodox Christian, I have not betrayed my faith in Christ and will not change it, but some clergy need to finally come to their senses and not fall on the side of the enemies of the Russian Orthodox people and not engage in denunciation of things that are not being denounced. Go about your business preaching the teachings of Christ, bring people faith in goodness, which our God Jesus Christ taught, faith in compassion for one’s neighbor, restore such concepts as do not kill, do not steal, love your neighbor as yourself, and if these sermons are sincere and confirmed by your practical actions of renouncing the love of money, then the people will perk up and reciprocate.