How to find out if there is damage or a curse. How to find out if there is damage or a curse External signs of a generational curse

A curse as an inheritance, a crown of celibacy, an unhappy family... Our ancestors knew about these mysterious, enigmatic phenomena from time immemorial. Only, perhaps, they were called differently, but the attitude towards them at all times was special.

Nowadays, little has changed: some believe in these things, others don’t. But all people unconditionally accept the fact that sometimes such strange and incomprehensible events happen in families that they cannot be explained by coincidence or chance.

There are many examples of family curses, but more often typical cases of family curses look like this: the life of a person with a difficult fate is tragically cut short, and then in subsequent generations of his family someone inevitably appears who in one way or another “copies” the fate of his ancestor – commits murder (suicide), cannot start a family, becomes mentally ill. Why is this happening? Psychologists and sorcerers explain this phenomenon in different ways.

Curse or gift?

According to psychologists, any family is almost always distinguished by the fact that it has patterns that repeat from generation to generation. Only in one case are they paid attention to and accompanied by legends, in the other they are not even noticed. In particular, generational curses are nothing more than family legends about total failures that haunt members of the same family of different generations in some life sphere(in everyday life, when performing a certain type of work). For example, grandfather Ivan advises his grandson Vasily to refuse a trip to a big city, because when he was young, he suffered failures there, and before that, his father was cruelly deceived by city residents, and he dissuaded his son from city prospects for the same reason. reason.

Ancestral curses create a certain worldview for all family members. On the one hand, this may be a mythical ban on some type of activity, and on the other, a legend about success and luck in another area of ​​​​life. So, grandfather Ivan told his grandson Vasily: “Our family is good at raising cows, but our horses constantly die, it was my great-grandfather who was cursed by the gypsy for his horse.”

Getting rid of a family curse is really difficult. And when grandson Vasily still wants to breed horses, he will indeed have frequent failures. But such a phenomenon is quite easily explained by psychoanalysis: if this family previously avoided breeding horses, then the informative experience necessary to start the activity is absent. Add to this the fear of failure, which is necessarily present in all family members with a family curse, and the high stress of a person who, despite his fear and inexperience, tries to act. Failures in such cases are inevitable - this is how terrible legends about generational curses come true.

The young grandson Vasily’s mistakes begin because he treats horses the way his family is used to treating cows. So they die one after another for a completely inexplicable reason.

The most striking example of a generational curse is the gift of healing. On the one hand, this is truly a gift, ability, ability to help people, healing skills that are passed on from generation to generation. On the other hand, it is a real curse, a punishment for the owner of such a mystical talent, who suffers because he acts and thinks differently from the people around him.

The phenomenon of the gift of healing obviously has its roots in one of the legends Ancient Greece about Heron - the god of healing. Heron had a wound, an ulcer that brought him great suffering, but it also served as a source of wisdom and understanding of the suffering of other people. In almost all cultures, healing is both a wonderful gift and a painful curse. In Altai culture, healers - shamans - can only gain miraculous power by recovering from a specific disease and approaching the spirits.

The ancient legend has not lost its relevance in our time. There is no need to hide the fact that today many “people in white coats” not only enjoy their work, but also in particularly difficult moments, for various reasons, curse the choice of their profession, which is associated with many problems: chronic lack of time, eternal fatigue and stress , financial difficulties. Therefore, often, returning home late in the evening with incredible fatigue, they sum up the past day: “I worked like hell.”

Ancestral curse test

A small test will help you determine whether you have the mark of a family curse:
– there are cases of schizophrenia, epilepsy and other mental disorders in the family;
– there are six-fingered people in the family;
– there are people in the family with alcoholism and drug addiction;
– your relatives continually renounce their native threshold (“There will no longer be a foot in your house!”) or from each other (“You are not my son!”);
– there are several cases of stillbirths in the family;
– there are suicides in the family;
– people in the family do not live to be 50 years old;
– relatives cannot get out of poverty;
– there are many cases of widowhood in the family;
– two or three of your relatives suffer from infertility;
– there are repeated cases of loneliness;
- there are drowned people;
– you do not know your ancestors up to the seventh generation;
– there are cancer patients.

If you answered yes to more than three questions, there is a curse; and the more positive answers, the more strongly this energy disease has affected the roots of your family tree

Go away, cursed words!

Hereditary sorcerers look at ancestral curses differently. In their opinion, such obsessions are negative milestones of fate. Souls incarnate within a specific genus. Our brain is a repository of genetic information, if not for this feature, then a person would have to master a stone ax and carving fire every time. Only for some reason we tend to believe that if we even inherited eye color from our great-grandfather, then we did not inherit the ancestral memory of his unseemly antics. And bills need to be paid. You, quite naturally, don’t remember them, but the fact remains if offenses committed by one of the ancestors in the family took place.

In addition, the bad deed of a relative is aggravated by the emotional reaction of those people who were offended. This destructive mixture is transmitted with ancestral memory and is a ancestral curse.

The curse, according to sorcerers, can be felt. A cursed person experiences a rupture in the energy field, which leads to irritability, weakness, and functional disorders internal organs, decreased performance, loss of interest in life. In addition, many victims of curses show suicidal tendencies.

You can get rid of the curse by performing a special ritual. To do this, first of all, you need to choose a good healer. If you cannot find a real master, since they are rare, then you can try to make your life easier on your own. There are many rituals. So, according to one of them, at sunset on the day of the waning moon, being near the house of the person who cursed you, looking at the window of his house, you need to read the following words: “I am not going, servant of God (yours) name), to this house, where the eyes of my enemies are like a pillar. From now on and forever, no one can weave a bad word against me, let alone say that my enemies will take back their curse. Amen".

Spit through it three times left shoulder and, focusing your gaze on the window you know, quietly whisper: “Go, cursed words, to your devil brother. The Lord is the judge of everything, not I, slave (your name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

When you return home, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water. Dry them over the flame of a wax candle, reading any prayer you know by heart. After the procedure, it is better to purchase a prayer amulet, an amulet that extinguishes negative energy messages, but the best protection is positive thinking, a clear conscience and a good heart.

It should be said that both magicians and psychologists agree on one thing: the main thing in removing any negativity is the ability to forgive. After all, good-natured and sympathetic people are rarely cursed. So, if you are cursed and the curse “sticks,” it’s your own fault.

Prepared by Maria Borisova,
based on materials

Feeling hopeless in the fight for your happiness. Many finally ask the question: “Why do misfortunes haunt me?” Very often they look for the reason in the machinations of a neighbor, rival, or relative who knows how to do something. The reason may be older and deeper.

Whether there is a curse over your family can be determined without turning to a healer, by passing a short test and answering the questions “yes” or “no”.

  1. 1. In your family the names of ancestors up to the fifth generation are not known.
  2. 2. In the family, in the process of littering, one often hears: “I am not your son (mother, sister, father, etc.).”
  3. 3. The family goes to court and divides the inheritance.
  4. 4. The family voluntarily renounces the threshold (I will no longer set foot in this house)
  5. 5. There are more than 2 prisoners in your family.
  6. 6. There are many widows and widowers in the family.
  7. 7. There are beggars or very poor people in the family.
  8. 8. There are alcoholics and drug addicts in the family (especially from generation to generation).
  9. 9. There are suicides in the family.
  10. 10. There are infertile marriages in the family.
  11. 11. There is oncology in the family.
  12. 12. There are cases of mentally retarded people with Down Syndrome and mental retardation.
  13. 13. Congenital limb defects.
  14. 14. There are lonely people
  15. 15. You know that one of your relatives and ancestors was exiled or repressed.
  16. 16. There are stillborn children in the family.

If you have 2 - “yes” There is most likely a generational curse in your family.

Many, realizing the presence of a curse on their family, ask themselves and those around them: “Why”? Very strong curses stretch from the time of the destruction of shrines, brazen murders, renunciations of one’s blood relatives under violent pressure or out of one’s own beliefs. A dying curse, when a person suffers torment, but for this he curses to the seventh generation...

One should not discount the fact that people have the vicious properties of envying and hating, and also having easy access to literature, they have learned to cast spells and spoil and curse others. Often the curse is placed ritually.

A person who has come under an energy-information attack is in a difficult situation; he simply does not know what to do. When he gets sick with the flu, he knows what to do. Everyone knows that germs, bacteria, viruses exist and therefore you need to go to the doctor for a prescription for the appropriate medicine.

But what to do if there is a negative impact? The problem is that a person may well categorically reject the existence of such things, especially since numerous luminaries of medicine, psychology and science continue to echo this belief. This has not been proven, it is impossible, it is superstition, they say.

How can it not be proven, when, for example, for many years wonderful books by Masaru Emoto have been published in the world with magnificent photographs of water crystals after exposure to them with a good or bad word, and not necessarily the spoken one, the inscriptions also work. These are excellent examples of the possibility of the influence of words and thoughts on matter?

Accidents, ruin and poverty can haunt the descendants of cursed family trees. Some of the most terrible curses are maternal and paternal curses. A daughter cursed by her mother is unlikely to arrange her personal life. And the father’s curse is fraught with psychosis and schizophrenia. But even the most terrible curse can be lifted.

Ancestral curses are very difficult to remove. But it is quite possible to remove them.

If you have cursed yourself by feeling your sin.

You can lift this curse yourself.

1. You need to forgive yourself for the sin for which you cursed yourself.

2. Next, in prayer, ask for forgiveness from the Higher Powers, from God - for causing harm to yourself, for taking the role of a judge in relation to yourself. Many reasons for failure in a person’s life are precisely because of such negative influences that were caused in the past by the person himself.

If the curse is from other people.

First of all, to remove such a curse, it is necessary to find out the reasons why this or that person cursed you, and this is best done through a good master. The magician performs a certain ritual, during which you will need to ask for forgiveness to the Soul of the person who cursed you for the harm caused to him.

If your awareness of the sin you have committed is sufficient and Higher Powers If they give the go-ahead, then the curse is lifted. If not, then it will continue further, so that you work on yourself, and compensation is provided to those who were offended, and so on until the curse can not be lifted.

Ritual curses

They are the most difficult to remove, since they have great power, and then a person needs to fulfill the most conditions to remove such a curse.

A ritual curse usually entails the death of the person cursed. Moreover, the entire person and the culprit were cursed, all titles, ranks, and merits of the family were annulled, all relatives were expelled from the country (or city), and the surname was given disgrace. The culprit himself was publicly or secretly, ritually executed, and relatives were declared outlaws and became outcasts.

The most important thing is that a person must understand himself, understand his life, and the karma of his life and the lives of his relatives, in order to understand what is the reason for such fate in his destiny.

One of the hardest curses. For which, often, there is not even enough money to pay to remove it. This is the curse of poverty. If you find yourself in such a critical situation, try to remove it yourself.

Remove the generational curse of poverty.

Cover the table with a white tablecloth, place the icons “Lord Almighty”, “Joy of All Who Sorrow”, “Trinity”, “Archangel Michael”.

Place a loaf of bread on the right, and coins on the left to pay off the curse (generous if possible). Place a vase with spring water and a large candle in the middle.

Also light a candle in front of each icon and ask each icon for help. Next, you must read the corresponding prayer for each icon. You can find these prayers in church prayer books.

Then put right hand for bread, and take the money on the left. Read the plot four times:

“I’ll leave the house, pray, and go into an open field, crossing myself. I will go into an open field to the east, and enter the Garden of Eden. Among the trees in that garden I will find my tree. Savior and Deliverer Jesus Christ, save and deliver my tree from the curse of a silver penny, a specie, a gold penny. Remove, Jesus Christ, by Your Power, by cross and fasting, the curse on poverty, on debts, on deeds, on work. Whoever sent a curse took it for himself, all the curses from the first to the last. Take away, Lord, from the tree of my family the curse that is blown and thought, loud and whispered, on deception, on forgery, on mari, on tar, on a piece of bread, on white or dark flour, on water, on crackers, on funeral pancakes! The Lord himself helps me - he removes the curse of poverty. I will pray the Father’s prayer, I will bow at the feet of the Lord. Help me at every dawn, at every time.”

Now light a large candle and say while it burns: “As this candle melts, so the curse of poverty melts on my family. Amen".

On the same day, visit the temple, where you light candles for the repose of your deceased relatives and for the health of those living today. And also candles for the icons of the Mother of God and Joachim and Anna.”

After leaving the temple, distribute the money prepared to pay off poverty to all those who ask “For Christ’s sake.” When you come home, divide the water from the vase into three parts: pour one under a fruit-bearing tree, add the other to food, and use the third when cleaning the house. Crumble the bread and give it to the birds.

Curse- this is a very strong targeted energy impact that carries an information program for the destruction of fate or the death of a person or his entire family. This is much stronger than the evil eye and damage. Sometimes he works up to the seventh knee until he is removed.

It can also be from your previous life, like your karma that was not worked out in a past life.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and occultism, authors of 15 books.

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Diagnosis of a generational curse

Ancestral curse is a program repeated from generation to generation in one family that makes people suffer.

Generic curse programs are different: passing through the female or male line, through a generation - from grandfather to grandson or from grandmother to granddaughter. In any case, the whole family suffers.

A generational curse can be programmed for three or more generations. The curse is not limited to the seventh tribe.

Diagnosis of a generational curse helps to identify the problem and find optimal solutions.



"Good afternoon, Oleg Petrovich and Valentina Vladimirovna!

How can you remove the 4th generation generational curse and how much will it cost?

Best regards, Polina"


Hello, Polina!

Who told you that you have such a problem, and what reasons do you have for this (what are the signs)? Based on this, it will be possible to say something specific. In any case, we first conduct an energy-informational diagnosis of a person by name, photograph and date of birth, and then, based on the diagnostic results, we recommend to the person how to solve the problem.

Continuation of the question:

“The diagnosis was made during a shamanic ritual. My milder problems were removed. I felt it even during the session. Now my health is gradually being restored. And this one, it was said, is long-standing and strong. It is passed down through the female line. It is expressed in the form of a “disease.” heads." I can interpret this as “headaches,” which, when they exist, are very painful. Certain signs and my feelings confirm the diagnosis. Similar destinies and characters are mine and my mother’s, her rejection of me and other signs. Not I just came across you, studying your articles and books. Plus, as a result of trying out different techniques, generic information comes to me and everything comes together in one clear picture.

For your diagnosis, what should the photograph be like?

Best regards, Polina"


You can send your photo by email to full height or upper half of the body. You can send several photos, we will choose the appropriate one for diagnosis.

Sample diagnosis of a generational curse:

Hello, Polina!

We carried out diagnostics based on photographs, and we can tell you the following:

There is no family curse on you. You can calm down about this. But in your energy information field there is an ancient karmic program that was formed 6 incarnations ago.

5 and 6 lifetimes ago(two incarnations in a row) you were a slave owner.

4 lifetimes ago you no longer had good spiritual developments in order to be born into a rich family, but the feeling of wealth in your soul and the craving for wealth was present. In order to earn as much money as possible, to provide yourself with the lifestyle that your soul wanted and was accustomed to, you used magic. They learned the art of magic from the masters of that time. You failed to earn a lot of money with the help of magic, but you significantly worsened your karma.

3 incarnations ago you were a woman, your husband was of a harsh, tyrannical character. The family had average income. You used your skills in magic to calm your husband, and little by little you took revenge on your enemies and your husband’s mistresses. Your life was very difficult then.

In the incarnation before last (2 incarnations ago) you were a woman too. They were also married. We spent a quiet, quiet life and were often sick. I was in poor health. There were problems with the head (headaches), heart and genitourinary area. You were treated by doctors, and naturally, there were few results. But you weren’t doing magic back then. On the contrary, we went to church, prayed to God, asked God for health.

In a previous incarnation you were a clerk in a store. They knew the goods well. These were household goods. Headaches were also present from time to time. They started after 35 years.

We looked through the past incarnations of many people to identify the origins of their problems, and those people who were slave owners, or practiced magic, or both, as in your case - in their energy information field there was always a program of accumulated aggression - both their own and brought from outside from the affected people. Sometimes this program consisted of many curses, sometimes of envy and strong resentment.

It's the same for you. Therefore, the shaman was right. Your problem has ancient origins, and the fact that you were born in a certain family, with certain people is also not accidental. People with similar programs (with life attitudes) are very often selected into one family. It also happens that in one family a strong karmic tangle is formed, woven over several incarnations. And there is an intra-family, quiet (and sometimes not very quiet) mental (mental) magical war that destroys all parties - parents, children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters.

Let's sum it up. There is no ancestral curse on you, but there is a strong destructive program that you have created over several incarnations through your lifestyle.

It is impossible to remove such a karmic program by external influence.

There is also a beneficial external energy influence in your field. This mainly concerns the 4th energy center (heart region).

What should you do in this situation?

(We do not quote this part of the consultation).

Additional diagnostic questions:

"I read it. Wow!

IN at the moment I am actively involved in spiritual practices. I try to give sessions to girlfriends and acquaintances, the results are more than good, but more often than not I end up paying a lot - it takes weeks to come to my senses. Although others do not have such consequences. I'm already afraid to take on sessions. Does it mean I can't do this? What about Vedicism? Should we forget about this too? I feel like it's mine. It turns out easy.

I was also told at the session that this fate (head diseases or headaches, as I translated it for myself) is transmitted through the female line. Is that so? And what about my descendants? feminine?

Best regards, Polina"


In magic, you have good in-depth developments, so there is traction, and that’s why it works. But you need to give up this (sessions) for some time. Rarely can be diagnosed.

What to do with female descendants - you need to look at the family. For this you need dates of birth, names, photographs. Otherwise, one can only talk theoretically about how strongly this program goes along the women's line.

Each person has his own karmic developments. People are drawn into families due to karmic debts or similar achievements. Therefore, we need to look specifically at each person.


Good afternoon, Oleg Petrovich and Valentina Vladimirovna!

Is it possible to share the information received from you with friends and relatives? Or is it better not to? It's hard to keep...



I really want to play tricks! Everything inside is itching. But your advice is always in my head. Such dissonance! Such disharmony!


Many people experience feelings like yours. Especially those who really have abilities. Strength (energy) literally rushes out. But if a person is able to control his impulse, he will learn to control his thoughts, emotions, and actions. Such a person gradually becomes wiser, his energy increases and his abilities become stronger. It’s up to you to decide whether to spend energy or accumulate it.

And that's another story (another story)

“I am writing to you because I would like to understand one or even several situations about which I have conflicting information. And although I believe more in what I see and hear, sometimes in order to understand, you need to know different points.

I am interested in the fate of one person, or more precisely - whether there is outside interference on his health or on his perception, by whom and for what purpose.

Could you help me with this and what do I need for this?

Best regards, Alexey."

Diagnostic result

The very first feeling when diagnosing is the presence of a very strong curse. Repeatedly. The phrase is being thrown around: murder of love.

Artyom has a very strange energy. It is different from the energy of living, normal people. There are some symptoms that a person is already energetically dead. Multiple breakdowns in energy centers – it all comes from a curse. This is not the evil eye or damage. This is much worse than just a magical attack.

Because the curse program is located in the karmic energy-information field and it corrodes all human energy. Therefore, it is impossible to remove it, get rid of it using conventional methods, just as one gets rid of the evil eye, damage and love spell.

His 4th energy center is in very poor condition - the heart, lungs, immune system. And the 1st, 2nd and 3rd energy centers (the entire lower body) are even worse. They are like a sieve, they are all broken and the energy just goes away.

When diagnosing, there is a feeling of it early death. Moreover, the death is violent.

We liked his early photographs, but then his life vector changed and his soul became black.

He has a strong subconscious desire to control others. Characterized by materialism and rigidity. Such people are unprincipled, tough, they go over their heads for the sake of a goal, for the sake of their desires. They are able to use people and manipulate other people.

Additional questions:

“If possible, I would like to know from whom this is coming (who is behind it, when approximately the impact began), what is connected with it, and is it possible to help somehow?

The situation is that Artyom is dating a girl and they are about to have a wedding. Artyom’s mother heard from someone (perhaps not even from one person) that Artyom a love spell was cast. I don’t know who she turned to and whether there were any attempts to remove the love spell. Also, Artyom’s mother wants to go with him to “Optina Pustyn” - should he go there? "


There are no traces of a love spell in his field. Such a strong negative energy message occurs when an emotional person has been greatly offended. It's a household curse which we described in our books (series "Magic Attacks" And "Ancestral magic-2").

When did it start and what is it connected with?

About a year ago Artyom had a quarrel with a girl (young woman). As a result of the quarrel, she sent him such a strong emotional negative message - a curse (a wish for death).

It can be seen that this curse program consists of a program from this girl and similar, but weaker programs from other people. Images of several people are visible.

There was no professional magical negative influence (made by magicians) on him.

His mother feels correctly; we support her idea of ​​​​taking Artyom to the monks. It is futile to approach magicians and healers in such a situation. They can even cause harm. What is needed here is highly spiritual, pure energy of love. It is this energy that is very little in Artyom’s soul.

If Artyom himself turned to us, we would not recommend him to marry this girl.

You can order us a diagnosis or consultation, which includes diagnostics and recommendations for solving the problem.

For diagnosis, you need a photograph (several photographs are possible), name, date of birth (hour of birth, if you know) and place of birth.

In our esoteric Club you can read:

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

At the time of writing and publishing each of our articles, there is nothing like this freely available on the Internet. Any of our information products is our intellectual property and is protected by the Law of the Russian Federation.

Any copying of our materials and publication of them on the Internet or in other media without indicating our name is a violation of copyright and is punishable by the Law of the Russian Federation.

When reprinting any materials from the site, a link to the authors and site - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid – required.

Diagnosis of a generational curse.


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters use our name, our email addresses for their mailings, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magic forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for performing magic rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations over the phone, we do not have time for this.

Pay attention! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities are not yet able to cope with the growing influx of “Cheating for profit” madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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A family curse is a negative and destructive energy that affects a group of people related by blood.

This impact extends to relatives of 7 or 13 generations. A family curse can be a consequence of negative actions of members of the family, then this is a karmic component. Negativity from a sinful ancestor is inherited by descendants. There is a purposeful curse on a family by a person, for the purpose of punishment or revenge. The curse is especially strong if it was imposed by an innocently injured person who is dying or curses his relatives at the time of death: parents or children.

The laws of mercy were often violated, especially in the era of militant atheism, repression, wars, famine, etc. According to studies of karmic ancestral ties, it is clearly seen that many ancestral curses are borne by the descendants of former landowners and nobles from their serfs, i.e. people who were practically in slavery and in the willfulness of tyrants. If an ancestor threw a bell from a church, or killed a person, or left him without help, his family will also be dirty and sinful until the 7th generation. External signs of a generational curse: 1) Women and men in the family suffer from similar diseases. 2) There is no procreation in the female or male line. Either there is no conception, or miscarriages, or the children are stillborn. 3) When a person reaches a certain age, he loses everything he has achieved. Starts all over again - and loses again. The situation is repeated - leaving the family, ruin, illness, accidents, etc. Loses housing (fires, disasters) or remains unemployed. 4) Hereditary diseases. Congenital or recurring. For example, diabetes in a grandmother, then in a daughter or granddaughter. 5) Mental and emotional wrecks. Chronic failures, people are depressed from generation to generation. You can hear in the family: “You are hysterical like a grandmother.” But the descendant simply lives life within the framework of the curse. 6) Blindness is transmitted through a cursed family or poor eyesight, skin diseases, ulcers, stunting, obesity, fever, cancer, mental disorders. 7) Disruptions in the family union: divorces, scandals or the impossibility of even getting married. 8) Injuries, fractures, accidents - all these are consequences. And the reasons are hidden in past generations. Suicides, unnatural deaths, murders of people in the family, premature mortality. 9) Constant financial difficulties. The family is on the verge of poverty - while family members work and even overwork, but there is always not enough money for the basic necessities. 10) Unfaithful wives, wandering husbands, alcoholics and drug addicts - this is a generational curse at work, the energetic result of which is that the family dies. His matrix is ​​destroyed. The mechanism of transmission along the family line works like this: for example, you inherit poor health from your father’s family, and talents and abilities from your mother. As a result, you can become successful and famous, but very weak and constantly sick. Many, having read the above, will exclaim: “Well, almost every family has such manifestations!” That's right. And in ancient times, people sinned and were subject to temptations, leaving them for posterity bad energy. “Every family has its black sheep” is also a saying from our ancestors. But the only difference is that the ancestors knew how to cleanse themselves of sins and remove generational curses and not let dirt and hardships fall on future descendants. Several centuries were enough for most families today to become at least somewhat dysfunctional. We don’t think about where the dust and dirt in our house come from - we just clean it regularly and live in a clean place. But this is a physical, dense level of life. Visible visually. You also need to cleanse your family. Subtle energies. There are many methods, but the real, proven system is offered by me in additional services. Work on self-correction of a kind, without interference from outside alien energies. It is very simple and accessible. The main thing is a person’s desire and his love for his blood ancestors, without whom he would not have been born. And to the descendants who carry the program of life into the future. The purity of this program and the positivity depend on you today.

To check whether there is damage or a curse on you, you need to pour water into a transparent glass and carefully break it there raw egg without damaging the yolk.

Move this glass over your head for one or two minutes. If white threads, as if a boiled egg, go from the white to the surface of the water, it means that your fears are not in vain, you have been damaged or cursed.

If you are still convinced that there is a curse on you or your family, and you do not have the opportunity to immediately turn to people who understand this issue, you can use the old folk conspiracies to remove damage, curses.

A conspiracy is a kind of spell. Every nation has a great variety of them, for almost any occasion. The mechanism of action of conspiracies is unknown, but some believe that it is similar to the principle of action of mantras. A mantra is a combination of transcendental sounds with which adherents of the Buddhist religion address the Lord, believing that this ritual frees the mind from worries. But, no matter what conspiracies actually are, practice shows that their use often has a positive effect.

Before any conspiracy, you must read the “Our Father” prayer three times.

An example of a generational curse

Several decades ago, a girl from a Tatar family fell in love with a Russian guy and was going to marry him. The girl's parents, naturally, are against it - they want to see only a purebred Tatar as a son-in-law. The girl is stubborn and still gets married without her parents' blessing. Her mother was so angry and offended that she cursed her own daughter, and at the same time her new husband.

Some time passed, the girl had children: two daughters and a favorite son. By that time, the Tatar grandmother had already resigned herself to her bitter fate and was doing her best to babysit her grandchildren. But, as one famous mystical writer said, a curse is like a born child, it cannot simply be canceled, it can only be transferred, and this, in turn, is a process that is practically uncontrollable.

However, let's return to our story. The youngest daughter turned out to be mentally disabled - the first blow. The three-year-old, plump and healthy little boy died suddenly of intestinal cancer. My father started drinking out of grief. Some more time passed, and the eldest daughter, after numerous failures, got married. Her long-awaited son was born. After some time, for no apparent reason, her husband also began to drink too much. The eldest daughter herself died under the wheels of a car, leaving her fourteen-year-old son in the care of his alcoholic father. A year later he died of intestinal cancer. The boy was left alone, apart from his sick grandmother and his drinking grandfather. The continuation of this story will most likely be as sad as its beginning.