Heating gas equipment for the house. Do-it-yourself gas heating. Use of liquefied bottled gas

Gas boiler as a heat source used everywhere and is considered the best means of heating the room.

Natural gas - the most accessible and inexpensive energy source. That is why gas heating is so popular.

Even in the absence of the possibility of connecting to the main line, one can consider alternative home gasification projects(gas holder, gas cylinders).

Gas heating system

The use of gas boilers for space heating is the most common way to heat private houses. When heating a house with gas no waste is generated: no dust, no dirt.

Distinguish between floor and wall boilers. They have the following characteristics:

  1. Floor appliances have a significant mass due to the cast-iron heat exchangers installed in them. They need a separate room. They work up to 50 years due to the anti-corrosion properties of cast iron.
  2. Wall gas boilers can be installed in the kitchen or in the corridors. The heat exchangers in them are made of steel, so they have less weight and a fairly presentable appearance, the devices fit well into the home interior. Serve from 15 to 20 years old, have a lower cost.

There are two types boilers: single-circuit, used exclusively for heating, and double-circuit, which also heat water.

Devices are classified and by type of combustion chamber. She happens:

  • open- consumes air from the room (accordingly, additional ventilation is required);
  • closed— takes the street air.

Principle of operation, scheme

The device of the heating system using a gas boiler is standard. It contains:

  • heat source;
  • water as a heat carrier;
  • circulation pump;
  • pipeline;
  • expansion tank;
  • heating elements;
  • shut-off and control valves.

Photo 1. Scheme of heating a private house using a gas boiler. Radiators and underfloor heating are used for heating.

Present on the market many models gas boilers, but fundamentally, they practically do not differ from each other. Using internal sensors and thermostats, the controller supplies natural gas to the combustion chamber. In the heat exchanger, water is heated to the required temperature and pumped into the heating circuit by a pump. Heating will go on until the required temperature is reached.

In the future, automation will maintain the temperature at a given level, without requiring human control. Double-circuit boilers involve the use of water from a heat exchanger for domestic needs, but fluid intake somewhat limited to maintain balance and depends on the size and power of the unit. Some gas boilers are used in the "warm floor" system and even for heating pools and greenhouses.

Advantages and disadvantages

Gas boilers are the most economical sources of heat, but They also have other positive aspects:

  • They can heat large rooms.
  • They have a high efficiency 80—95% ).
  • Warm up rooms quickly.
  • There is no need to monitor the boiler, everything is automated as much as possible.
  • If for some reason the flame of the burner goes out, then it will be re-ignited.
  • Easy to operate and maintain.
  • Have a long service life from 15 years old).
  • They allow you to control the temperature in the house to a degree.
  • The use of such boilers is safe.
  • The devices are compact.

Minuses gas boilers:

  • It is not economically feasible to place these devices in houses with an area of less than 100 m2, their use in such conditions is considered extremely dangerous.
  • Installation of gas boiler equipment requires the preparation of the necessary documentation (you need to obtain permission from Gaztekhnadzor).
  • It is necessary to install a chimney to remove exhaust gases.
  • The room in which the boiler is installed must have a separate exit to the street and forced air ventilation (especially for boilers with an open combustion chamber).
  • With low gas pressure or burner failure, the efficiency of the device drops sharply.
  • Requires the installation of expensive automation that provides security control.

The most profitable is the installation of a gas boiler in a house connected to the main gas supply network. From the central pipe, a supply is made to the house directly to the heating equipment, which allows you to completely forget about the issue of space heating, energy delivery and operating costs. These heating systems comply with all modern environmental standards.

The autonomous gas heating system includes gas tank or gas bottles. It is advisable to plan and take into account the installation of a gas tank on the site during development.

This will make it possible to lay the gas pipeline underground to the boiler room and kitchen. The use of balloons is practically unlimited.

When calculating the efficiency of heating private houses with liquefied gas, it must be taken into account that one 50 liter bottle accommodates 35-42 liters of gas. Heating consumption 100 sq. m. per day for any boiler is 15 l. It must also be remembered that the cylinders are filled once a week. Heating a house with gas cylinders can be considered profitable under the following conditions:

  • The size of the house is smaller 100 sq. m.
  • The building is well insulated.
  • The gas boiler is a backup.
  • In the future, gasification of the settlement is planned.

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AGV heating: what is it

Back in the Soviet years, heating systems used autonomous gas water heaters. These installations are the simplest of all those used in heating systems using natural gas. Advantages of AGV installations:

  • the simplest design, providing ease of control;
  • low price;
  • compactness;
  • independence from electricity;
  • reliability.

Photo 2. Description of the device of an autonomous gas water heater. The arrows indicate the component parts of the device.

Negative aspects of the units - short service life, frequent failures of automation, condensation.

Appliances remain popular because of cheapness And constant increase in electricity tariffs.

How to make a heating system with your own hands

In a private house, you can mount a gas heating system with your own hands. This requires:

  • make the necessary thermal and hydraulic calculations;
  • draw up a working draft with a gas heating scheme;
  • purchase materials and equipment;
  • carry out the installation;
  • test the heating system under high pressure;
  • put into operation.

When developing a gas heating scheme, they are determined with coolant circulation: decide whether she will natural or forced. An important point also is the choice of one-pipe or two-pipe wiring of the heating circuit.

After choosing a heating scheme and piping you can calculate the required power boiler, circulation pump and radiators, as well as determine the diameter of the pipes, the number and size of them.

Types of boilers

Having decided on the power of the gas boiler, proceed to the choice of the device.

Regardless of the type of boiler, the main task of the owner is to ensure the efficient operation of the most important communication system at home. with minimal financial and labor costs.

Installation of equipment

Installation of the heating system begins with the installation of the boiler.

Required Tools for installation of the heating system:

  • roulette;
  • perforator;
  • level;
  • expander;
  • gas, adjustable and conventional wrenches;
  • screwdriver or screwdriver.

For fastening use 4 screws with diameter 6-7 mm. Using a level, check the accuracy of the installation. After that, a connection to the water supply is made using a coarse water filter. Install ball valves. Connect the chimney.

Attention! Connect the boiler to the gas pipeline only a specialist should.

After installing the gas boiler, they proceed to laying the pipeline according to the scheme. There are three types of pipes used in heating systems:

  • metal;
  • metal-plastic;
  • polymeric.

Best suited for the heating system of a private house plastic pipeline. He is not afraid of changes in temperature and pressure. Its installation is carried out using a special kit that allows you to reliably solder the elements of the system.

Choose radiators taking into account the required power. The batteries on the market are different materials:

  • steel;
  • cast iron;
  • aluminum;
  • bimetallic.

Photo 3. Bimetallic radiator. Such devices are often used in gas heating systems.

Gas prices are constantly rising, but heating with this type of fuel is still one of the most inexpensive. But we are talking about monthly expenses - modern boilers have a high efficiency - 95-98%, which reduces costs. A high degree of automation also adds popularity - you can leave the house for quite long periods without much risk (if the electricity is not turned off). That is why many people consider gas heating of a private house in the first place.

Gas heating of a private house is still the most economical

What can be gas heating

Two types of gas can be used for heating - main and liquefied. Main gas under a certain pressure is supplied through pipes to consumers. It is a single centralized system. Liquefied gas can be supplied in cylinders of different capacities, but usually in 50 liters. It is also poured into gas holders - special sealed containers for storing this type of fuel.

Cheaper heating - using mains gas (not counting the connection), the use of liquefied gas is only slightly cheaper than the use of liquid fuels. These are general statistics, but specifically it is necessary to count for each region - prices differ significantly.

Water heating

Traditionally, in private houses they make a water heating system. It consists of:

Exactly this general description water gas heating systems of a private house, because there are still many additional elements that ensure operability and safety. But schematically, these are the main components. In these systems, heating boilers can be on natural or liquefied gas. Some models of floor boilers can work with these two types of fuel, and there are those that do not even require a burner replacement.

Air (convector) heating

In addition, liquefied gas can also be used as fuel for special convectors. In this case, the premises are heated with heated air, respectively, heating - air. Not so long ago, convectors appeared on the market that can operate on liquefied gas. They require reconfiguration, but can work on this type of fuel.

Gas convectors are good if you need to quickly raise the temperature in the room. They start heating the room immediately after turning on, but they also quickly stop heating - as soon as they turn off. Another disadvantage is that they dry the air and burn out oxygen. Therefore, good ventilation is required in the room, but there is no need to install radiators and build a pipeline. So this option has its advantages.

Types of wall-mounted boilers for home heating

First of all, it is worth dividing the gas heating equipment by functionality: it will be used only for heating or also for preparing hot water for technical needs. If water heating is expected, a double-circuit boiler is needed, only a single-circuit boiler works for heating.

Wall-mounted gas boilers - a small cabinet that is fashionable to install in the kitchen

Next, you should decide on the type of smoke extraction. There are gas boilers with atmospheric chimneys and open combustion chambers, there are turbocharged boilers (they have a closed combustion chamber). Atmospheric ones require a good chimney and draft in it, oxygen for combustion comes from the room in which the unit is installed, therefore there must be an air inflow channel and a working chimney (all this is checked when the system is started).

Boilers with forced draft (turbocharged) can be installed without a chimney. The smoke outlet of the boiler through a coaxial pipe (also called a pipe in a pipe) can be output directly to the wall. At the same time, smoke comes out through one pipe (it is pumped by a turbine), through the second, combustion air enters directly into the combustion chamber.

This type of equipment is good for everyone, except that in winter the coaxial is overgrown with frost, which worsens traction. In case of poor draft, the automation extinguishes the boiler - so that combustion products do not enter the room. Switching on is possible only when traction is restored, that is, you will have to upholster or remove snow growths in some other way.

There is also a separate type of boilers - condensing. They are distinguished by very high efficiency due to the fact that heat is taken from the flue gases (they condense vapors). But high efficiency is achieved only when operating in low-temperature mode - in the return pipeline, the coolant should not have a temperature above +40°C. If the temperature is even lower, even better.

Such conditions are suitable for heating with water heated floors. So if you have conceived such gas heating of a private house - with warm floors, then a condensing boiler is what you need. It has few disadvantages - a high price (compared to conventional ones) and caustic condensate, which places special demands on the quality of the chimney (made of good stainless steel).

Floor standing gas boilers

If you need more power, the wall-mounted option will not work - they have a maximum performance of 40-50 kW. In this case, put a floor boiler. Here they are of high power, and there are also models that can work in a cascade. In this way, large areas can be heated.

Some of the floor boilers can operate not only from main gas, but also from liquefied gas. Some can still work with liquid fuel. So these are pretty handy units. Their body is made of steel, and the heat exchanger can be steel or cast iron. Cast iron weigh and cost more, but have a longer service life - by 10-15 years. Inside the case there is a burner, automation and a heat exchanger.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the functionality of automation. In addition to the standard set - control of the presence of gas, flame and thrust, there are many more useful functions:

  • maintaining the set temperature,
  • the ability to program modes by day or hour,
  • compatibility with room thermostats;
  • adjusting the operation of the boiler to the weather,
  • summer mode - work for heating water without heating;
  • the ability to work in parallel with solar panels or other alternative heat sources, etc.

The wider the functionality of the automation, the more expensive the boiler and its maintenance. But also many programs allow you to save fuel, which is no less important. In general, you choose.

Home gas heating schemes

We will talk about water heating using gas. Immediately it is worth deciding on the type of circulation of the coolant. It can be natural (such systems are also called gravity) or forced (with a mandatory pump).

Gravity systems require the installation of a large-diameter rub, that is, there is a lot of coolant in the system. The second point is that due to the fact that the coolant moves through the pipes at a low speed, the heating efficiency is not very high. Far radiators in long branches can be cold. It's about disadvantages. There are many of them, but there is one big plus - systems with natural circulation do not depend on electricity. This is important in those regions in which the power is often turned off.

Diagram of a natural circulation system

Now a little about systems with forced circulation. They are more efficient - the coolant moves at a given speed, delivering heat to all corners of the system. The presence of a pump allows the use of pipes of small diameters. This means that there is not much coolant in the system and it warms up quickly. In general, they provide a greater level of comfort, but have a serious disadvantage - they require electricity to work, that is, backup power is required. If the light is rarely turned off, it is enough to install an uninterruptible power supply unit with several batteries. They can ensure the operation of the boiler for tens of hours. If the light is turned off often and for a long time, you will also have to build a generator into the system. In any case, these are additional costs and considerable.

There are also combined systems - they are designed as gravity, but have a built-in circulation pump. Such a solution can be called ideal from the point of view of practicality: while there is light, the heating works as a forced one, as soon as the power supply is gone, everything works like a gravitational system. In general, a good option, except that the pipes will be large and too visible.

Wiring method

There are three types of systems - one-pipe, two-pipe and beam. In single-pipe radiators, they are connected in series to one pipe. This wiring method is economical - fewer pipes are required, but it is difficult to compensate - it is difficult to achieve the same heat transfer from radiators. The thing is that the coolant enters the first radiator in the hot branch - immediately from the boiler. It goes through it, cools down a little, hits the next one, cools down a little more. So throughout the thread.

It turns out that the coolant comes to the last radiator much colder than to the first one. The only way out is to take this phenomenon into account when designing the system and increase the number of sections in the radiator as you move away from the boiler. But the last radiators will still remain the coldest.

It is more or less easy to balance the system shown in the photo above. In it, on each radiator there are thermostats - devices that allow you to change the amount of coolant passing through the radiator. In order not to "crush" the circulation in the entire system, a bypass is placed under each radiator - a jumper through which the coolant flows, which did not go through the radiator.

In a two-pipe system, radiators are connected in parallel - to the supply and return pipelines. In this system, the consumption of pipes is much higher, since two threads are pulled at the same time. But in this case, a coolant with the same temperature is supplied to each heater, due to which the heat transfer of the radiators will be the same (if you put the same batteries).

In this scheme, you can also install thermostats, but this does not require bypasses - only the flow to one radiator is regulated. So despite the greater consumption of pipes, two-pipe systems are more popular.

The beam method of wiring is the most expensive in terms of the number of tubes. In them, to each radiator there is a separate supply and return pipe. It is connected to a collector - a device with one input and several outputs. In this case, adjustment is possible both on the collector and on the radiator using a thermostat.

Gas heating of a private house made according to this scheme will be the most reliable: if one of the pipelines is damaged, all the others will work. Therefore, this method is often chosen if the pipes are hidden in a screed.

We carry out gas heating in a private house at a professional level and we know everything about this subject. Below is our indicative pricing policy for cottages located in Moscow and the Moscow region.

The price of gas heating in a private house

Square Options
Economy standard Premium
100 m2 300 000 rub. 400 000 rub. RUB 800,000
200 m2 400 000 rub. RUB 550,000 RUB 1,000,000
400 m2 RUB 550,000 RUB 800,000 RUB 1,500,000
800 m2 RUB 1,300,000 RUB 1,900,000 RUB 2,500,000

This table shows the approximate price for turnkey gas heating. It takes into account:

  • Engineering inspection of the Facility
  • Gas boiler and all elements of the boiler room that are necessary in it
  • Pipelines, heating devices, manifolds, shut-off, control valves and other materials necessary for the reliable and safe operation of the system
  • Installation work - installation of gas equipment in a private house, pipelines, distribution manifolds, radiators, convectors and other equipment

The cost of heating a country house with gas may vary depending on the complexity of the work performed, the architectural features of the house and the individual wishes of the Customer.

House types

Price from 1,600 rubles/m2

Main advantages

Gas heating in a private house is the least financially costly to operate compared to heating systems using other fuels. This is due to the fact that the main gas, in comparison with other energy resources, is the cheapest.

In addition to low operating costs, gas heating of a country house has the following undeniable advantages:

  • Convenience and ease of use
  • A wide selection of boilers provides an opportunity to choose equipment for houses of various sizes.
  • Developed service
  • Variety of automatic control system settings


Gas heating in a private house implies some complexity in the registration procedure and establishing a highway to the cottage. In addition, this procedure is quite costly, both financially and in time.

But these shortcomings are more than offset by the advantages outlined above.

If you are interested in how much gas heating in a private house costs, please contact our specialists. We will be happy to advise you on the nuances of building a system.

We can provide you with a detailed commercial offer without the initial departure of an engineer to the Facility.

At the same time, we rely on the construction drawings of your cottage and your wishes. When jointly compiling the Terms of Reference, our specialists always recommend possible options for completing the system and explain their advantages and disadvantages, including financial ones. With this approach, the cost of heating a country house will always be within your budget.

Based on the generalized information, a detailed estimate is drawn up that will meet your expectations and the requirements of regulatory documentation.

The exact estimate can be determined only after a visit to the Facility by our specialist.

Our installation of gas equipment in a private house - the price, which is the lowest on the market, and a high level of reliability, aesthetics, functionality of the heating system!

Spring is coming, but the question of how and with what to heat a country house does not lose its relevance.

Regular readers of our site have already managed to get acquainted with the article: "".

Despite the fact that there are many heating systems on the market, many residents would like to heat their home with mains gas.

However, it is not always possible to connect to the “blue fuel” pipeline. If there is no gas and gasification of your individual housing does not shine in the near future, liquefied gas from cylinders will become an alternative.

Is gas-balloon heating profitable?

It seems that autonomous gas heating of a private house is easy and simple to organize. All you need is:

  • Buy a gas boiler. Most of boilers operating on main gas can also operate on liquefied gas. To do this, you need to change the nozzles and, if necessary, reconfigure the control system;
  • Purchase a gearbox, gas-cylinder equipment and valves;
  • Connect and set up the heating system.

The main questions that arise for any homeowner who is thinking about an LPG heating system are:

  • Will I be able to heat the house;
  • How long can the boiler work on one cylinder.

Autonomous gas heating of a private house is best organized using 50-liter liquefied gas cylinders.

The practical experience of the members of the forum says what to drown a private house gas from cylinders - unprofitable if the cottage is poorly insulated, and the building has large heat losses. It is necessary to take into account the total area of ​​​​a country house. Gas heating from cylinders of a cottage with an area of ​​150-200 sq.m. can cost a pretty penny.

In this case, solid fuel boilers can become an alternative.

- I heard that one 50-liter tank is enough for 1-2 days of work (and this is without taking into account the use of hot water supply).

- I heard that one cylinder with a capacity of 50 liters is enough for 1-2 days of work (and this is without taking into account the use of hot water).


- I heated a house with an area of ​​70 sq.m. with gas. On average (depending on the temperature outside), one 50 l cylinder was enough for me for a period of 1 to 7 days.


- I have a well-insulated frame house. I heat about 140 sq.m. At outdoor temperatures down to -20°C, three cylinders are enough for 5-6 days. At -5°C - for 10 days.

- I have a house with an area of ​​145 sq.m, the foundation is UWB, heating with underfloor heating plus hot water supply. The boiler turned on twice a day, for 2-3 hours. Cylinders of 50 l filled with 20 kg. The temperature in the house was set to 23°C. The monthly costs are as follows:

  • November - it took 4 cylinders. Temperature outside +5-0°C.
  • December - it took 10 pieces. Temperature outside -10 -27°C.
  • January - it took 8 pcs. Outdoor temperature -5 - 20°C.
  • February - it took 7 pieces. Outdoor temperature -5 -15°C.
  • March - it took 6 pcs. Outdoor temperature -5 +5°C.

From 35 to 42 liters of gas is placed in one gas cylinder, in liquid form it is 22 kg. Consumption of liquefied gas for any boiler - 15 liters per day per 100 sq.m. heated area.

Before you understand whether the game is worth the candle and whether autonomous gas heating of a country house will pay off, you need to familiarize yourself with the following data, which presents the economic feasibility of a particular type of heating.

1. = 33 kop / kWh.

2. An electric boiler operating in conjunction with a TA (thermal accumulator) at a night rate = 0.92-1.32 rubles / kWh.

3. Pellet boiler = 1.20 -1.32 rubles / kW * h.

For comparison, the efficiency of heating on liquefied gas is only 2.32 rubles / kWh.

When calculating the efficiency of a particular heating system, it should be taken into account that in the suburbs of Moscow and other regions there may be priorities in choosing fuel, which depend on its availability and climatic conditions. Somewhere it is cheaper to heat the house with coal, and somewhere with firewood.

When calculating the profitability of heating with liquefied gas, many people forget that cylinders will have to be transported to a gas station on average once a week, and these are additional costs, both monetary and temporary. Therefore, heating on liquefied gas can be beneficial if 4 conditions are met:

  • Small area of ​​the house - up to 100 sq.m.;
  • The house is well insulated;
  • In the near future, your village is planned to be gasified, main gas will be connected. In this case, heating with liquefied gas is a temporary measure that allows you not to buy two different boilers;
  • The liquefied gas boiler is a backup and works in conjunction with other heating appliances.


– When I leave for work, I turn off the home gas boiler and turn on the heaters powered by electricity, because. in frosts below -20°C, the gas runs out quickly. In such a “sparing” mode, two cylinders are enough for me for 7 days. And this includes the preparation of hot water. I recommend purchasing at least 3 bottles. One - for the operation of the boiler, one - as a reserve, one - for refueling.

You can also mount a bunch of electric and gas boilers.

Despite the increase in the cost of such a heating system, the overpayment is not for the sake of saving, but to increase comfort.

In this case, the need to travel and refill tanks is partially eliminated.

Features of gas-balloon heating

To install a reliable and safe heating system on liquefied gas, it is necessary to understand its features, which are due to the properties of this fuel.

Cylinders are filled with a mixture of propane and butane. This mixture, at high pressure, is in a liquid state, which is necessary for its transportation. Also, tanks can be filled with different types of fuel - depending on the season:

  • technical butane (BT);
  • summer technical mixture of propane and butane (SPBTL);
  • winter technical mixture of propane and butane (SPBTZ).

Liquefied hydrocarbon gases (propane-butane) are abbreviated as LPG.

Gas-balloon heating requires special attention in winter.

– We decided to heat a house with an area of ​​120 sq.m. using a gas boiler running on liquefied gas. Gas cylinders are on the street in metal cabinets. There is one for the stove, and a bundle of 5 cylinders has been made for the gas boiler, but so far only 2 are connected. When the temperature drops to -2 ° C, a problem arises - gas does not flow, and the boiler, accordingly, does not work. I think the gas is frozen.

Gas neither in pipes, nor in cylinders does not freeze. It simply does not evaporate, and again turns into a liquid inside the gas pipe if it has a negative temperature.

This happens for the following reason. The boiling point of butane is about 0°C. The boiling point of propane is -40°C. At a street temperature of -10 ° C, the propane-butane mixture in the cylinder boils, giving out the gaseous fraction necessary for the operation of the boiler. Propane will evaporate first, and only then the turn will reach butane. During this process, heat is absorbed. The balloon starts to freeze. As a result, the gas remaining in the cylinder (butane) also cools down. This leads to a decrease in the degree of its evaporation. Accordingly, the pressure necessary for the operation of the boiler drops.

There is only one way out - to prevent the cylinder from freezing and warm it to a positive temperature, necessary for the evaporation of butane. You can do this as suggested by a forum member with a nickname Ruslan2.

- In my opinion, the best way to combat this problem, is the forced blowing of gas cylinders with warm air from the room (boiler room) where the boiler is installed: with a fan through an aluminum corrugation or plastic air ducts brought into gas boxes, etc.

It is also possible to heat the cylinders (only not with open electrical cables!) According to the principle of a warm water floor, placing them in an insulated gas cabinet.

Safety measures when using gas equipment

A mixture of propane-butane is much heavier than air. Liquefied gas from cylinders always accumulates at the bottom. In the event of a gas leak, if the cylinder is in the room, you can simply not smell it until it reaches an explosive concentration. Therefore, it is planned to install the container outdoors, vertically in an iron box with holes at the bottom and top for ventilation.


- I know a case when a man lowered a gas cylinder into the cellar. One day the homeowner decided to pick potatoes. He climbed into the cellar. He did not feel the smell of gas, and since. there was no switch, he just screwed the light bulb into the socket. There was an explosion. The man was lucky, being at the epicenter of the explosion, he escaped with only a shell shock, and a pile of construction debris remained from his garage and two neighboring ones.

Safety rules prohibit: placing gas cylinders in the underground, basements, cellars, pits dug in the yard or near the house.

  • It is forbidden to use electric heaters, heating cables, heating elements, etc. for heating gas cylinders.
  • Gas cylinders must be placed in special cabinets installed on the north side of the house.

  • The cylinder must not be filled more than 80% of its volume. Liquid gas has a large coefficient of volumetric expansion. This means that as the temperature rises, the volume of gas in the vessel increases. The expansion coefficient of the propane-butane mixture is about 7%. According to Russian standards, 15% is left for expansion. A cylinder of any thickness and strength will burst if filled to more than 93% in -20°C frost and brought into a room where +20°C.

  • All detachable connections on the gas line must be checked for leakage by washing.
  • Detachable connections are made at the points of attachment of various elements where other connections are not possible (faucets, meters, gas appliances, etc.)

  • Gas pipelines are made of steel pipes with a wall thickness of at least 2 mm. When passing through the walls, the pipe is placed in a case filled with foam. soft material. The connection of the boiler to the gas pipeline can be done with a flexible connection specially designed for this purpose. The reducer is connected to the gas pipeline with a rubber-fabric sleeve (durite hose).

  • If the cylinder is located in the room next to the boiler, then the connection is made with a rubber-fabric sleeve.

FORUMHOUSE users can learn about what to do if, discuss the details, learn about such gas in the house, take part in the discussion of the issue.
From our video you can learn how to heat a large house in the absence of main gas.

For a private house or a country cottage, with the onset of a cold period, it becomes actual problem heating. Thanks to technological progress, today it is possible to create an autonomous heating system in your home using heating boilers and other related equipment. Coal, firewood, electricity can be used as fuel, but natural gas is still the most affordable and cheapest. It is this aspect that is the main reason that today many citizens are trying to use gas to heat their homes. Properly designed autonomous gas heating of a private house will allow you not only to save your own money, but also to calmly expect the onset of cold weather.

Despite the fact that today not all regions of our country are covered by a network of main gas pipelines for household gas, there are other, no less convenient ways of heating residential buildings with gas.

Autonomous gas heating - the main essence and principle of operation


Gas is the most accessible and cheapest type of fuel. By installing a gas double-circuit boiler of the corresponding model in your house, you get interior heating and hot water supply.

If you have a problem with centralized gas supply, there is a way out. Install a gas storage on your site - a gas tank.

One refueling capacity of liquefied gas is enough for 6-7 months of the heating season. In this situation, your heating system is almost completely independent, there is a real cost-effectiveness and efficiency of autonomous gas heating.