Presentation on the topic of whether creativity can be taught. Can creativity be taught? Increasing the creative potential of schoolchildren and students

We receive a lot of requests from parents and teachers on the topic: are there any developmental methods for school-age children? “We always tried to keep abreast of news on early development, we did a lot of work with our baby according to the author's methods. And now he goes to school and ... is that all?

If you can imagine it, then you can make it happen.
Walt Disney

We receive a lot of requests from parents and teachers on the topic: are there any developmental methods for school-age children? "We always tried to keep abreast of the news on, we worked a lot with our baby according to the author's methods. And now he goes to school and ... that's all? Tell us about the methods by which you can work with a schoolboy!"

Of course, there are such methods. The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) is currently the most developed system for teaching creativity. Its author is Genrikh Saulovich Altshuller. TRIZ pedagogy proceeds from the fact that both adults and children can be taught the techniques and techniques of creativity. A person who knows TRIZ is able to overcome given contradictions, predict and prevent difficult (emergency) situations, generate fruitful fantastic ideas, and not randomly (in scraps, shreds), but systematically unfolding them into a whole picture. Here I want to note that the border between an invention and a fantastic idea is rather shaky. What seems to be contrary to scientific knowledge and common sense now may be realized in the very near future!

Any course of teaching preschoolers should solve such problems as creating learning motivation, the formation of general educational skills and abilities, the development of speech, the development of the ability to establish the right relationship with peers and adults, etc. But what are the specific tasks set by teachers involved in the development creative imagination(RTV) child:

  • teach to name as many properties and features of one object as possible;
  • to see the positive and negative properties of objects, phenomena in different situations;
  • formulate contradictions;
  • combine parts into a whole, including parts of various objects;
  • build models of objects, situations; create objects, situations according to given models;
  • draw analogies between different subjects;
  • find similarities in different objects;
  • transfer the properties of one object to another;
  • learn to imagine yourself with different objects and depict the behavior of these objects, etc.

Of course, for preschoolers, the listed tasks are set only in relation to simple objects, actions, and statements.

Brave Little Tailor

The brave Tailor from the fairy tale of the same name had to compete in strength with the evil Giant. The loser is in danger of being eaten. Who will squeeze the stone harder? The giant squeezed the stone so hard that it turned to dust. What will the Little Tailor do in return?

bees on the plane

On the plane, in the luggage compartment, there are beehives. This group of scientists transports wild and very biting, albeit honey bees from one African country for further study and crossing with species familiar to us. Already in flight, it turns out that the entrances of the hives have opened from vibration, and a swarm of bees, irritated by the shaking and buzzing of engines, will now fill the cabin. With all the ensuing dire consequences for passengers. What to do?

When we solve problems like this with children, it doesn't matter if the world community knows the answer. It is important that it is unknown to the solver personally. And in the process of decision he has to do his own invention.

Invention - product creative activity, a new original resolution of an existing difficulty, contradiction, problem. Inventions are made in all spheres of human activity, although in everyday consciousness and in management practice they are usually associated with the technical sphere. And in the field of science, the main products of creative activity are usually called discoveries.

The ability to create is one of the fundamental properties of the human personality; without creativity, a person can be considered unfulfilled. Creativity can be contemplative and creative, overcoming contradictions, difficulties and showing a new idea, it can be productive and self-sufficient. And more and more often the ability to create something new appears before us as a vital (including professional) skill.

Job ads are flashing: "Creative Director Needed... Creative Manager... Creative Specialist... Productive Advertising & PR Consultant..." Again, entrepreneurship is the activity of creating new human activities, which means that creativity is the basis of this profession. It seems that teaching creativity as a process of creating new norms, samples, standards of human activity and culture is becoming in-demand course.

Take, for example, the ability to find positive and negative properties of objects, phenomena in different situations. Here's what a Good-Bad game might look like in a five-year-old class.

Good-bad game

  1. Acquaintance with the positive and negative sides of objects, phenomena. In the drawings - objects in different situations: a fire in the room and a fire under the pot; a brush that draws in an album and a brush that stains clothes; ice cream in a school bag and ice cream in a cup. The teacher asks to color those pictures in which the object plays a positive role.
  2. Search for positive and negative aspects of objects, phenomena.
    Adult: "Today the Hare came to visit us. He is preparing for the winter and decided to talk to you about it."
    An adult helps the children tell the Hare what natural phenomena occur only in winter.
    Q: The hare asks: is winter good or bad? Let's play a good-bad game with him!
    Q: Cold is bad. Why? (D .: people, animals and plants freeze, a lot of clothes are needed, there are no flowers, you can’t swim).
    V .: But the cold is good! Why? (Snow and ice don't melt, interesting icicles form, no ice cream fridge needed).
    Q: Ice is bad. Why? (Slippery to walk, slippery to drive cars).
    V .: But ice is good! Why? (You can skate, cross the river without a bridge).
    Q: Snow is bad. Why? (It is necessary to clean the paths, the clothes are wet from it, it flies in the eyes, etc.)
    V .: But snow is very good. Why? (Beautiful, the earth and plants are covered from the cold, you can make snowmen...)
    Children, with the help of an adult, conclude that in any situation there are good and bad sides.
  3. Finding the positive in negative situations.
    The teacher recalls the rules of conduct in the forest, because we are guests there and can inadvertently harm its inhabitants. The conversation is conducted according to the scheme:
    What's wrong with doing in the forest? (Children name "bad" behavior.)
    - And where is ... ("bad" behavior) can be good, appropriate? (Children name an alternative situation where such behavior would be appropriate.)
    For example:
    D .: It’s bad to shout loudly, you will scare the animals. Shouting loudly is good if you are saving yourself, seeing a fire, or singing a song with friends.
    D: It is bad to set fire to grass or trees, there will be a fire. It is good to burn a fire when you have chosen a place and follow the fire.
    It's bad to pick flowers. It's good to do this in your garden.
    Children, with the help of an adult, conclude that any "bad" situation can be good for something else.
  4. Revealing the negative in the positive.
    Q: We played a noise orchestra, and used the surrounding objects as instruments. It is very good to be able to play on any things! I wanted music - I took it and played it! And what could be wrong with this?
    D .: If you make a loud noise - you can interfere with others, if you hit the vase hard - it can break, if you take someone else's thing for the game - its owner will be upset, etc.
    V: Well done! It turns out that you not only know how to play like musicians, you are also very prudent.
    The older the children, the more sides to the more complex phenomena they can find.

The world of our children will not be like our world. The future largely depends on their ability to understand, perceive and build new concepts, create the possibility of choice where there seems to be none, and learn and adapt to the changing conditions throughout their lives.

If you paid attention to the tasks at the beginning of the article, then you might be interested in getting to know the solutions that the kids offer.

Brave Little Tailor

The giant extracted dust from the stone. The little tailor thought to ask the giant an impossible criterion: to squeeze water out of the stone. In a fairy tale, he obtained water from a lump of cottage cheese that looked like a stone.

The children offered Tailor many more ways to save himself, squeezing in his hand: a wet rag; sponge egg; root crop; stone-like fruit (plum, black grapes); put a glass of water into the sleeve (like a magician) - when tilted, the water will pour over the arm and the stone, as if pouring out of it; an ice floe, a lump of snow; lump of wet earth; stuffed pie.

Try to offer solutions and you, having taken the next step - squeeze something gaseous out of the stone!

bees on the plane

In the problem about bees, children begin a thorough search for resources: what is around us, the passengers of the plane? What does a bee have?

After collecting the necessary information, young solvers issue options. Barricade the salon with suitcases and other luggage. Wrap passengers in parachutes, the bees won't bite. All passengers eject or parachute. Take the passengers to the wing while the flight attendants catch the bees. Drop sharply, a swarm of bees will remain in place and hit the ceiling, insensitive bees can be collected with your hands or a broom. Lure them to the other end of the plane with food, perfume, medicines from the first aid kit. Hang sticky tape at the entrance to the salon. Blow off air from fans. Sprinkle them with water, bees do not fly in the rain. Turn off the light in the cabin, at night the bees also sleep, and turn it on near the hives.

Now the proposals need to be analyzed. After discussion, they agree that the last two methods are the most humane and economical, but the rest should not be discounted - you never know when they can come in handy?

The objective of the TRIZ-RTV course is to teach how to learn, to learn how to think, to learn new methods that you can use to solve any problem that arises in front of you at any age.

In our studio, the TRIZ-RTV course begins to be mastered from the age of 6. Parents are happy to attend the classes, and the next year they demanded that he be included in the lecture program for adults. For us, this is an indicator of the importance and necessity of our work!

Natalia Klyuch
teacher-methodologist of the studio "Planet of Dreamers" NOU UMTs "Learning by playing"
Article from the July issue of the magazine

Comment on the article "Can creativity be taught"

More on the topic "Teaching Creativity Creativity Helps Children":

Sirius. Literary creativity.. Education, development. Teenagers. Upbringing and relationships with children And they hand out scorecards at the exit. Who had children (I remember that there are such children here), is that so? And in general, what are your impressions of this particular direction?

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Children's center of creativity. Mugs, sections. Education of children. There was a difficult situation in our center of children's creativity. The management of the center took a dislike to the teacher of our studio, mainly for not carrying money to them in an envelope (in principle) and not ...

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Art Education Center: Fine Art Studio School of Artistic Crafts (3 years of study): painting on fabric, painting on wood, embroidery. Studio literary creativity:- initial literary development(7-9 years).

Can creativity be taught? Section: Creativity (aleksandrov's ensemble teaching a child). The ensemble performs at the best venues in Moscow, goes on foreign tours. Education paid 2500r. m. Smolenskaya, classes Mon, Tue, Fri.

Teaching children photography. Leisure, hobby. A child from 10 to 13 years. Raising a child from 10 to 13 years old: education, school problems, relationships with classmates And they also want to put something about creativity there. 2. About photography “in a playful way”, where Homework and their analysis help to understand how well the material has been learned and what needs to be worked on.

The child wants to become an architect.. Hobbies, hobbies, leisure. The child wants to become an architect. :) From our point of view with my husband, he quite seriously stated this. He builds from different constructors all his life, he is very friendly with mathematics.

ideas for creativity. Hobbies, hobbies, leisure. Child from 7 to 10. Lectures and master classes for children on Moscow studies. help with fairy tale. We write a fairy tale. Creativity lessons for kids. home > Children > Teaching a child > Creativity.

Dear mothers, this question is very interesting: how ready are you to "promote" your child to fame and glory? For example, a child naturally sings, dances or draws well. Will you take the opportunity (or will you look for such an opportunity) to organize his personal exhibition, participation in a concert, filming on television? Or all this is not necessary for the child. Let him poke around slowly in his affairs, enjoy creativity as a process?

Can creativity be taught? Ballroom dance school Bibirevo-Otradnoe-Altufievo? So that there are children of approximately the same age, the first year There is also a ballroom dance studio VITAMIN C Conducted by Mikhail Yuryevich Sokolov in the house of creativity BIBIREVO (on Leskova Street).

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This h. Development, training. A child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, attending a kindergarten and relationships with educators Is it possible to enroll her in some kind of house of creativity? They take it at any time, or in September? How much is everything paid?

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District competition "Teacher of the Year 2013"

Nomination "To educate a person"

MBOU "Yasnenskaya secondary school No. 7"

Text public lecture on the topic:

« Can creativity be taught?

Compiled by: Ermolina N.G., teacher of the GPA


epigraph for my speech, I took the poems of the famous Ukrainian poet Lev Boleslavsky

Creative does not know poverty.

Far from worldly bounties,

Prey wealth not busy, -

He from the heart gets them.

Is it possible teach creativity? Question, set by the topic of the lecture, you can discuss for a long time. Topic raised in it, indeed, very relevant. I tried to find an answer to this question, but whether I found it is up to you to judge.

When we talkingabout creativity , we mean first of all great people: writers, artists, scientists. However, everyone engaged in creativity in his life. " Every person- considered Semyon Lvovich Frank, a famous Russian philosopher - there is at least a small measure or potential form creator. Wherever purpose of activity born from the depths of human spirit, occurs creation

Even the humblest ordinary a person other than a simple one, outside the prescribed performance of his duties contributes to his work element of flair, improvisation, conjecture copes with individual situations some new in an unprecedented way born from his soul, and then they speak of such a person as a creative person.

Elements of creativity accompany us. Agree if we go to buy ourselves a new coat, we are definitely looking for not easy in size, and beautiful, different from others. We don't even think that we are looking for, as a matter of fact, creative work fashion designer, moreover, a fashion designer professional. If we are building a summer house and equipping a summer cottage, we are looking for or designing such a project, main which criterion there will be uniqueness, dissimilarity to others. Each of us in more or less degree creative person and ready to improve in this direction.

But any architect, fashion designer, artist once studied at a school where there is no subject "creativity". In this regard, the question arises:

Is it possible to teach creativity the way you teach dance? How?

Let's go first denote more precisely the concept itself "Creation"

According to New Philosophical Encyclopedia, creation is a category of philosophy, psychology and culture, expressing essential meaning of human activity, which consists in increasing the diversity of the human world in the process of cultural migration. Consequently, the concept of creativity refers to several branches of scientific knowledge at once and affects many areas of human life.

The encyclopedic dictionary gives such interpretation:

2) Creation- activity that generates something qualitatively new and is distinguished by originality, originality and socio-historical uniqueness. Creativity is specific to a person, since it always presupposes a creator - the subject of creative activity.

Vitaly Tepikin, a researcher of the creative factor of a person and the phenomenon of the intelligentsia, highlights the following types of creativity




Sports and tactical,

As well as military-tactical creativity

Mechanisms creativity is still studied not enough. Describing the problem of creativity as one of the most mysterious, exciting and topical, philosophy. first of all, he is concerned with the essence of the creative process itself - how generally maybe creativity?

Attempts understand and describe the phenomenon of creativity immediately encounter unresolvable paradoxes: people who know a lot about creativity, do not create themselves, unless they write interesting articles and books on the problem of creativity, (which too in in a certain sense is creativity). The one who creates creates completely new values ​​in science or art, most often does not know, how from it does (and the fact that it then tells creativity theorists, is of no particular value, because none general conclusions or recommendations from his purely individual experience to receive it is forbidden).

Can arbitrarily to sort through the knowledge gained at school, subtracted from books - nothing new you won't create. Need it yourself change need to learn all the time wonder at the world, all the time to see secrets and problems there, where is the other nothing like this does not see.

Creativity is a way of life.

Means, learn creativity it is possible for those people for whomcreativity is a way of life ? Where find such people? It is clear that the role those who educate children - parents, teachers, educators, educators additional education.

Nature decreed that creativity naturally accompanies all child's actions. More Hegel noted: the boy, throwing pebbles into the water, sees the seal of his influence in divergent circles. A child who saw in the bizarre outlines of clouds locks, luxurious gardens and bays creator, really bye castles in the air. Building them, he satisfies his creative thirst. Girl first painted in life spaceship. She invites everyone look on her creation, in her eyes she is now a face more active than before. Liberation from oppression imitations got a boost. Such feeling is strengthened by the influence approval adults.

The study the phenomenon of creativity associated with the names of A.M. Leontiev, S.A. Rubinshtein, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, A.M. Matyushkin, L.A. Ponomarev, O.K. to children these scholars introduce the term "Creative skills". Therefore, it is more correct to speak about development of creativity, but about the development creativity children .

Dear listeners, speaking about the creative abilities of children, let's imagine for a moment a portrait of such a child. And how do you feel- t creative child - is it good or bad ?

It can be said that this strange question, of course Good! Let's not rush. Answer not so clear as it might seem at first glance. Back in the seventies of the last century, the American researcher P. Torrens noticed that most creative people turned out to be among losers, the unemployed, etc. Associating this fact with the misunderstanding and rejection of them by society, heproposed teachers to characterizecreative student in a number of ways. And it turned out that most of them called traitsnot typical at all such children. Teachers tend to imagine the creative studentas a fast learner , disciplined, erudite, sociable, executive adaptable, etc. Butaccording to researchers , they differ justopposite qualities:conflict, inconsistency, increased sensitivity and vulnerability, criticality, uneven behavior, etc.It turns out that adults"do not see" truly creative children, bringing their abilities within the walls of the schoolgo unnoticed , unrealized and often appearin the negative behavior. Here is what the German sociologist and psychologist Erich Fromm said about this: “If the attraction to creativitygets no real exit, gravity arisesto destruction . The psychological tension is such that if a person cannot connect himself with the world in an act of creativity, then an impulse is born to eliminate and destroy the world ... The alternative is completelyclear - create ordestroy ". Of course, one can argue that there are many creative personalities among disciplined and balanced children, but it is worth taking a closer look at the results of scientific research.

Primary School workingfor the future , must beoriented on the development of the creative abilities of the individual.

Psychologists claim-younger students are interestedand drawing and construction. He likessing, dance, craft , he has a brightinformative interest based on the intuitive acceptance of the value of knowledge. highemotionality , lack of abilityto long volitional efforts determine the predominance of interestto small, close, specific results cases that children are well aware of from concept to completion (apparently this is the reason for the duration of the lesson no more than 30 minutes). There are children whonot yet installations on independence, activity, creativity. Scalehis work while limited. And at the same time heconstantly o solves new tasks for him, makes new discoveries for himself. Of course, the level of creative attitude in each particular casedifferent childrendifferent. The teacher should try toSo so that in every socially useful business the childcreative an approach.

My profession as an educator gives me the opportunity tune on the wave of creativity, specify ways of creativity to my pupils-students primary school especially since children of this age always ready create something new, they know how sincerely surprised, With desire perform work.

Mine experience in teaching artistic and aesthetic direction in the extended day group, I used to create a working program Creative workshop "Fantasy" for students in grade 1 - it's no secret that according to new GEF extracurricular activities are given big role.

How very indifferent to creativity man i love to create custom gifts for friends birthday I decorate the house with my own hands, looking for new ideas in magazines and the Internet. Meet and learn new technologies children and colleagues. Allow me to introduce their findings to you.

(Presentation - showing your work)

Letsummarize said:

Creation naturally accompanies all child's actions.

Primary school age hasrichest opportunities for developmentcreativity . Unfortunately, these opportunities over timeirreversibly are lost , so it is necessaryas efficiently as possible use them in junior school age.

-Successful the development of creative abilities is possible, but only when creatingcertain conditions conducive to their formation.

Such conditions are:-

- well-planned educational work,

Well organized extracurricular activities

Diagnostic work to identify the abilities of children,

Creation of a creative friendly atmosphere at every lesson and extracurricular activities and the formation of the same approach to children's creativity and its result in parents,

Participation of children in various competitions.

Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky hasgreat “Formula” that lifts the veil over the mystery of birthcreative mind: “First discover the truth knownmany then discover the truths knownsome and finally discover the truth,nobody still unknown." Apparently, this isway of becoming creative side of the intellect, the way of talent development. Ourduty Help your child get on this path.

So is it possible to teach creativity? "Creativity" is a synonym for the word "uniqueness", "uniqueness" is a philosophical category. It is impossible to teach him. Butpossible and necessary :

Develop Creative skills children,

Learn creativity in any kind of activity

Show examples of famous peoplecreative possibilities in human nature ,

To build a system for educating children so that creativity becomes theirway of life.

May in our life with you alwaysthere is a place creativity!

Thank you for your attention!


    Azarova L.N. How to develop the creative individuality of younger students // Elementary school. - 1998 - No. 4. - p. 80-81.

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3.. Bogoyavlenskaya D.P. Basic modern concepts of creativity and giftedness. M.: Press. 2007. - 203p.

4. Vygotsky L.S. Imagination and creativity in childhood. M.-1981 - p. 55-56.

5. Dybina O.V. Creativity - as the essence of the characteristics of human existence. Ed. Pedagogical Society of Russia. M., 2009. - 167p.

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7.. Ilyichev L.F. Fedoseev N.N. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. M.-1983 - p. 649.

8. Ledneva S.A. Identification of children's giftedness by teachers.//Scientific and practical journal. – 2002 - No. 1.- p. 36-42.

9. Lezgina N.L. "Algorithm" of creativity or creativity? Sat. "Philosophy of childhood and creativity", St. Petersburg. Ed. SPGTU, 2008. - 85s

10.. Leites N.S. Age talent. // Family and school, 2008, No. 9. - 96s.

11. Luk A.N. Psychology of creativity. - M.: Nauka, 2008. - 275 p.

12. Mironov N.P. Ability and giftedness in primary school age. // Primary school. - 2004 - No. 6. - p. 33-42.

13. Simanovsky A. E. Development of creative abilities of younger schoolchildren. A popular guide for parents and educators. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007. - 207p.

14. Khutorsky A.V. Development of creative abilities. - M .: Vlados, -2000 - p.22.

15. Shadrikov V.D. Development of abilities.// Primary school. - 2004 - No. 5. p. 6-12.

16. Flerina E.A. Aesthetic education of junior schoolchildren. - M. - 1961 - p. 75-76

Can creativity be taught?

If creativity depends on the culture and education of a person, is it possible to teach creativity? The answer depends on how you define creativity. It is possible to teach people to be more flexible in thinking, to teach them to score higher on tests of creativity, to solve puzzles more "creatively" or to probe scientific and philosophical questions more deeply than before - but it is difficult to prove empirically that by training alone from a randomly selected person you can get the likes of De Quincey, Van Gogh, Logfellow, Einstein, Pavlov, Picasso, Dickinson or Freud.

Hayes (1978) believed that creativity could be expanded in the following ways:

Knowledge base development.

Strong training in the sciences, literature, art and mathematics gives the creative person a greater store of information from which his talent is developed. All of the above creative people have spent many years collecting information and improving their basic skills. In her study of creative artists and scientists, Anne Roe (1946, 1953) found that among the group of people she studied, the only common feature was a desire to work unusually hard. When an apple fell on Newton's head and inspired him to develop a general theory of gravity, it hit an object filled with information.

Creating the right atmosphere for creativity.

Some time ago, the technique of "brainstorming" came into fashion. Its essence is that a group of people generates as many ideas as possible without criticizing other members. Not only does this technique generate a large number of ideas or solutions to a problem, it can also be used on an individual basis to facilitate the development of a creative idea. Often other people or our own limitations prevent us from generating unusual solutions.

Search for analogies.

Some studies have shown that people do not recognize situations when a new problem is similar to an old one that they already know the solution to (see Hayes and Simon, 1976; Hinsley, Hayes, and Simon, 1977). When trying to formulate a creative solution to a problem, it's important to remember similar problems you may have encountered before.

Learning may improve performance on the standard measure of creativity, but it is not known whether such experiences help produce the type of activity that is characteristic of those people who are usually considered "creative".


Artyom Luchko

Creative thinking is a process we all use when generating new ideas, whether it's picking a friend's birthday present or tackling everyday tasks at work. However, many people believe that they do not have a creative streak, and they are cunning. Every person is creative from birth. Over many thousands of years, in the course of evolutionary development, people have learned to think creatively, and have succeeded quite well in this. At the next stage, people learned to suppress their creativity. We decided to figure out whether it is possible to rediscover creativity and how to increase your creativity.

We are taught to be creative from a very early age, but at the same time we are also taught to follow the rules, for example: "colors in the coloring book should not go beyond the lines ...". The innate ability to be creative is fading due to the fact that we have to get along with the rules of the environment and try to do "like everyone else." The older a person becomes, the less often he can afford to show his creative potential.

Our brain does try to follow logic, but not as often as it seems. The left hemisphere is responsible for logical actions, it is there that the analysis of all facts, the recognition of mathematical symbols, the memorization of names and dates take place. The right hemisphere gives us the ability to dream and fantasize. It is the right hemisphere that is responsible for storytelling, musical ability and fine arts. Yoga with its meditative practices and psychedelic drugs provide an opportunity to touch and experience some experience of right brain perception. However, the secret of effective creative thinking is not in turning off the left hemisphere, but in developing the correct interaction of the left with the right.

Usually creative thinking works both intentionally and accidentally; it is randomness that makes us think about something differently and leads us to some new useful ideas. Other changes come slowly through a series of sequential logical deductions. Through a combination of these random and logical processes, improvement occurs, but it often takes a long time, especially in a competitive and ever-accelerating world.

Goal setting and awareness

Creativity is best viewed as a chain of tasks rather than an abstract thing. This process helps to solve a specific problem - come up with an idea for an article, draw an illustration, or design a website interface. No person in history has been creative for nothing, regardless of any particular project. When a task appears, it must be studied from all sides. Creative people tend to have one important habit - they rethink a problem over and over again. This means that, instead of jumping straight into work, they sit back and look at a problem from different angles before jumping into it. And it is good if this stage does not drag on for many weeks and months.

hard work

A PHOTO Getty Images

“First of all, creativity is the process of generating original ideas that have value. This is a process, not an event that happened overnight. original ideas rarely occur by chance (although this happens). As a rule, you have to spend a lot of time and effort before you can solve a complex problem. Then this decision needs to be implemented, and the end result may be very different from the original idea.

Secondly, creative thinking is original thinking. It is not necessary to come up with something new for the whole world, the thought must be original for yourself and, possibly, for your circle. Sometimes discoveries happen that completely change the way people look at the world, but this is not a prerequisite for creativity.

Thirdly, in any creative process, we have to evaluate and criticize our work in order to achieve the “ideal”. Whether you're writing a poem, designing, or planning a speech, it's natural to look at your work and feel like "this is a bit different than I had in mind" or "I'm not sure I did a good job of it." We constantly evaluate, change something, because creativity is not a spontaneous process that has a beginning and an end. Often everything starts with brainstorming, theories and hypotheses, and then relentless work, trying again and again to do everything right.

There is an opinion that creativity cannot be evaluated. However, if we return to the definition, the key concepts of creativity are originality and value. In any field, you can define criteria for originality, as well as think about what ideas can be considered valuable. How would you rate math work, for example? You can ask the opinion of people who understand this area and can judge how original the work is. But remember that you can not evaluate children's drawing and an Olympic champion by the same standards.

Another myth is that creativity cannot be taught. In fact, when people say this, they are based on a very narrow idea of ​​what teaching is. Yes, teaching creativity is not the same as teaching how to drive. You can’t teach to be creative through direct instructions: “Just do what I do and you will immediately become more creative.” In any field, there are techniques and techniques that need to be mastered. But teaching is much more than just instructions. To teach means to open up new possibilities, to inspire, instruct and support. Gifted teachers help people discover their creative talents, nurture them, and become more creative as a result.

You can be creative in any field. People often say: “I am not a creative person at all”, meaning only that they are far from art. They do not play any instruments, do not draw, do not go on the stage and do not dance. We forget that it is possible to be a creative mathematician, a creative chemist, or a creative chef. Everything in which the human intellect is involved is the field in which creative achievements are possible.

Sir Ken Robinson is a British writer, motivational speaker and world-renowned expert in education, creativity and innovative thinking. One of the inspirers and organizers of positive education programs based on the ideas of positive psychology.