Business idea - Reception and processing of skins. Handmade sheep wool. We proceed directly to dressing by pickling

* Calculations use average data for Russia

At present, dressing skins of various fur-bearing animals may be a promising undertaking. This business is relevant if the entrepreneur has his own small fur animal breeding farm or is a hunter. The demand for products of this kind is always high enough to provide themselves with a sufficiently high, constant, stable income.

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It is more expedient to engage in this kind of activity in rural areas, because in this case it is possible to organize a full-fledged farm and thus establish a constant production of the necessary material. If the entrepreneur will work in a big city, then he needs to find suppliers of skins or the animals themselves, but in the second case, he will have to have the capacity for slaughter.

It should be noted that today a relatively small number of entrepreneurs are engaged in this kind of business, the art of dressing skins is quite complex, and therefore amateurs and professional hunters are engaged in it. In large cities, enterprises prefer to purchase already dressed skins for the purpose of subsequent resale. Dressing is carried out either by private individuals or large enterprises that provide the market of an entire region or region with their products. In this regard, a novice entrepreneur has every chance to take his place in the market, and some niches are not always occupied. For example, the production or supply of skins of certain animal species may not be established in the region. In general, such entrepreneurship can be classified as quite promising. The main thing is the skill of the tanner and a large enough production to provide goods to all consumers.

To start your work, you need to register as a business entity. The easiest way to register as an individual entrepreneur, because it takes a little time and requires little effort and money from a businessman. In further work, the entrepreneur will not have to keep complex accounting records and, unlike legal entities, he will be able to immediately receive funds, and not register himself as a director of an enterprise in order to receive a salary. If there is a need to register a legal entity, then the preferred form is a limited liability company, because in this case, as in the case of individual entrepreneurship, a simplified taxation system will be available, which involves transferring no more than 6% of income to the state or 15% of operating profit; the choice of the form of the simplified tax system is carried out on the basis of a business plan and a planned calculation of profitability.

Also, to start work, you must obtain permission from the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance in your region. This applies primarily to those industries that independently grow the beast, slaughter it and dispose of waste. If an entrepreneur buys ready-made skins for dressing, then he needs to check the availability of veterinary certificates before buying. No other special permits or operating licenses are required. The activity itself falls under the definition (OKPD 2) 01.49.3 Raw fur and fur and raw skins of other animals.

The first step in organizing your business is finding a territory to host your business. The size of the site may vary depending on the planned production volumes and even the format of work. First of all, it is necessary to decide whether the entrepreneur will grow animals on his own or prefer to purchase skins that have already been removed from specialized suppliers. If there is a need to organize your own farm, then it is best to purchase a fairly large plot of several ares of land to accommodate the production workshop itself and the zoo farm itself.

To cut down on your land purchase or lease costs, it is preferable to find a site on the outskirts of the city or even in the countryside. This format of work will require fairly large investments, but it allows you to set up the most profitable production, which involves the formation of several additional and at the same time significant sources of income. If the entrepreneur does not engage in animal husbandry, then it is enough for him to rent a small room to accommodate equipment and organize a small warehouse for finished products and raw materials. Such a plant should also be located away from residential buildings. Consumers of products are calm about the fact that an enterprise of this kind is located at a distance and is ready to export products on their own.

Ready-made ideas for your business

Next, you should take care of the internal organization of your premises, and when working in the format of a farm, you should also organize a full-fledged zoo farm, which requires appropriate equipment. The enterprise has an administrative block, a production workshop and warehouses; however, a furrier working alone is quite able to organize production designed for small volumes and on the territory of a private house. The same applies to hunters who produce fur-bearing animals and then dress their skins for the purpose of subsequent sale. The modern production of dressed skins involves the use of a large amount of equipment, which practically eliminates the use of manual labor.

To work, you will need to buy special machines and organize them into a full-fledged production line. The equipment includes: a chipper (it is designed for pre-cutting the hairline), retractable drums (needed for breaking and hauling the skins), a breaking machine (with its help, the fur is given plasticity and cleanliness after tanning and hauling), a device for softening skins, carding machine, shearing machine, leather machine, skinning machine, special centrifuge for pressing skins. In addition, you will need to purchase a large number of auxiliary equipment, such as a water tank, a tanning drum, control panels, pumps for pumping water, an ironing and grinding machine, a garbage collection cyclone, exhaust ventilation, a degreasing device, heating lamps, spray guns (if necessary, dyeing skins ), compressors and presses, and in some cases other equipment.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The finished production line will cost the entrepreneur about 2 million rubles, but for this money you can get used equipment. If we take into account the purchase of new equipment, then different manufacturers can offer the same equipment at different prices. The price not least depends on the country of production, the cheapest cars can be bought from Russian or Chinese manufacturers, but in this case you should not count on the fact that the units will be of good quality and performance. Russian companies offer the following prices for equipment: a longboat - 50-200 thousand depending on the volume, a dyeing longboat can be bought for about the same amount, a centrifuge - 70-300 thousand depending on the maximum load weight, a skinning machine and a machine for it - 300 thousand, a chipper - 150 thousand, a dryer - 300 thousand, retractable and shaker drums - 100 thousand each, carding and ironing machines - 150 thousand each.

It should also be noted that the cost may vary depending on which animal skins it is intended to work with. If an entrepreneur wants to purchase the highest quality and technologically advanced equipment, then it is better for him to turn to European manufacturers. Also, when ordering machines in other countries, one must take into account the fact that the manufacturer will need a lot of time for manufacturing, customs clearance, delivery, installation and commissioning of equipment. The device supplier is also obliged to provide its assistance in training the buyer's personnel to work with the equipment.

The process of dressing the skin can take a lot of time and require significant capacities, although for small production, as noted above, the labor of one person, who is the entrepreneur, will be enough. If necessary, or in case of expanding the business, you can hire assistants. The dressing technology usually begins with soaking, the temperature regime and liquid requirements can vary significantly depending on the type of skin. Usually they are soaked in a salt solution. After that, you can proceed to the stage of skinning, that is, degreasing. As the name implies, the skin is rid of excess fat by scraping.

The next stage is pickling, which is the process of soaking the skin in a special solution for several hours. Only after that you can proceed to tanning, fattening and kneading. The pickling process can be replaced by the fermentation procedure, which is more time consuming, but at the same time allows you to get a better finished product. After all this, the skin is dried and subjected to finishing operations. Almost completely, the procedure can be performed automatically, but the masters often perform all operations manually. Often, in production, the finished skin is subjected to preservation in order to be able to sell the skin after a large amount of time has passed.

Ready-made ideas for your business

To work in a full-fledged manufacturing enterprise, a relatively large number of employees will be required. First of all, it is necessary to find skinning masters who know how to work on specialized equipment, and, if necessary, can do dressing manually. They may need apprentices to help them, and machine operators are needed to operate the machines. If it is planned to independently deliver the received products to the consumer, then you need to find forwarding drivers or contact a transport company to conclude a long-term contract. When opening a large manufacturing enterprise, it is necessary to hire a sufficient number of service personnel and people who will deal with administrative and organizational issues. Also, in addition, the organization of marketing and logistics departments may be required. All business processes that are not related to getting nailed by the organization should be outsourced. This may include accounting, solving tax and legal issues, ensuring the safety and security of the enterprise by concluding an agreement with a private security organization, as well as cleaning premises and territories. All this will allow to achieve significant savings due to the absence of the need to maintain a whole staff.

When organizing production, it is necessary to establish work with suppliers of products or, as noted, to raise animals on their own. The zoo farm involves the breeding of small fur-bearing animals, first of all, the breeding of rabbits should be noted, which was more fully discussed in the corresponding article. These small animals produce cheap, and therefore very popular fur on the market, which allows you to sell a large number of products in the shortest possible time. Chinchillas and martens can also be farmed. The situation is somewhat more complicated with other fur-bearing animals, which include foxes, wolves and other animals, the skin of which can be obtained exclusively by hunting. If you plan to open a full-scale production, then it is more expedient to find a direct wholesaler who can supply products in large quantities or establish cooperation with a sufficient number of hunters who will be happy to sell the mined fur. Dealers will set their own price for the product received, and they will sell the goods directly at market prices, while hunters, especially those for whom hunting is more entertainment and a way of spending leisure time, are ready to give the killed animal at a price significantly lower than the market price. In exceptional cases, they are ready to get rid of the killed animal simply by agreement that the entrepreneur will independently take care of their export. There are a sufficient number of offers on the market today on this issue, although it can be problematic to reach hunters directly. To do this, you can contact specialized farms to conclude permanent cooperation.

It is also very good to get veterinary certificates for animal skins, and if the entrepreneur breeds them on his own, then you should directly contact the aforementioned Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision. Often, during the slaughter of animals, the presence of a veterinarian is required, who checks the correctness of the slaughter and evaluates the meat of the animal, after which it is transferred to the laboratory for a more thorough examination. This, however, applies primarily to those fur farms that, in addition to selling skins, sell meat.

Various enterprises can act as consumers of products. First of all, these are factories for the production of fur products, they are ready to buy goods in large wholesale quantities, but the price in this case will be expectedly low per unit. Individuals have little interest in buying dressed skins, they usually entrust the production of clothing to professionals and do not do it themselves. In order to establish your sales, it is advisable to hire sales representatives who will contact potential consumers directly, negotiate, promoting the product on the market. The most modern approach to finding clients is to contact specialized companies that are looking for "warm clients", that is, they offer lead management services. Advertising in the media and ATL marketing techniques in general may turn out to be ineffective, it is much faster and easier to find a client for your enterprise at tenders and special exhibitions, where only a potential client comes with the expectation of being able to see the product with his own eyes and evaluate its quality. To promote a product, you can also place information about yourself on thematic portals on the Internet and even create your own website, which will become a powerful information and advertising platform. Given the relatively low level of competition, you can count on the absence of the need to optimize and promote the site, however, if enterprises in this area are already operating in the region, then considerable amounts will have to be invested.

This business has good opportunities, and if successful, the entrepreneur can start to engage in related activities, such as taxidermy. Recently, the demand for products of this kind is only increasing, which makes it possible to receive additional income. You can read more about this type of business. If you don’t want to take risks, you can start by opening a small enterprise that is engaged in dressing only actively purchased rabbit skins, after successful entry into the market and gaining a large customer base, as well as a reputation in your region, it is advisable to switch to dressing skins of other animal species. True, then you will have to look for new consumers.

Tailoring bathrobes is a great home business that requires minimal start-up investment to open.

It almost always happens that one business, developing, entails another type of activity related to it. For example, the manufacture of canned food requires the simultaneous production of cans. Or for breeding nutria, chinchillas, rabbits, and other fur-bearing animals, in parallel, you need a business for dressing skins at home. Moreover, if earlier it was relevant mainly for those who live in the Far East or Siberia, now they are doing this in other cities of Russia - there are no geographical restrictions for business.
If there are no special questions about the maintenance of fur animals, then the correct dressing of skins requires certain skills, otherwise a valuable product may be irretrievably ruined. In addition, points for receiving skins from the population have long ceased to exist, and the fur business is almost completely given over to the sale of citizens. In this publication, we will analyze how to properly dress the skins, and the rest - the organization of the business, is already up to you.

Initial processing - greasing

The processing process begins immediately after the skin has been removed. The inner side - the mezra must be carefully scraped off from meat, fat, and blood traces, while trying not to cut it through. Then, spreading the skin, you need to sprinkle it with coarse salt, while making sure that the edges of the skin do not twist. Salt is poured at the rate of one and a half to two kilograms for sheep or goat skins, and a pound for rabbit, nutria. The amount of salt on the skins of other animals can be calculated from these proportions. After the skin should be folded four times with the skin inside and put in a dark, cool place until completely dry.


The subsequent stages of processing are called pickling, tanning, drying.

  • Pickling- this is the soaking of the skin in a prepared saline solution with the addition of vinegar. For every six liters of water, a kilogram of salt is poured and sixty grams of vinegar is poured. After that, the skin is immersed in the solution so that it is not visible above the surface and soaked for two or three days. You can check the "readiness" of the skin in the following way: you need to bend the skin in the cervical region four times. If, after the fold, a light mark on the skin clearly appeared, then the skin can be removed, if not, then continue the process. After removing the skin, rinse thoroughly in running water several times.
  • Tanning- soaking the skin in oak or willow broth. You can also prepare a special solution from chemical reagents, but everything will be much cheaper and more reliable on vegetable raw materials. To prepare the solution, young tree branches or bark should be boiled for about half an hour, after cooling, add a pound of salt for every ten liters. The skin is also tanned within two days. You can find out about the completion of the process by cutting off a small strip and looking at how much the tannin has penetrated into the skin. Impregnation must be complete.
  • Drying- the final stage of processing. The processed skin needs to be stretched (for small animals) on a special wooden stand with the inside out, securing the edges. For large animals - hang also "gut" out. During drying, the skin needs to be wrinkled and stretched. This will take about three more days.

Thus, the entire process of processing the skin without fattening takes seven to eight days, and as you can see, almost anyone can handle it. At current prices for dressing one skin at home, they take from twenty to fifty dollars, so it is not difficult to calculate future income with a minimum of effort. Good luck to you!

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Natural leather production

For a skin of really high quality, the stages of the technological cycle of its processing to the finished product should be less, the better. The "face" of the hide (the top layer of the skin) should be completely preserved, if not emphasized. This means that the wrinkles and pores present on the skin that is being processed must be preserved.


Leather production technology (processing of skins to finished leather) consists of three stages: skin preparation, leather tanning, leather finishing.

Canning skins

The skin preservation procedure is done in order to impregnate the skin with salts. Why do they do it? When an animal has been slaughtered, both its meat and skin immediately begin to deteriorate. When canning the skin, half of its moisture is lost, the skin is dried from three to six days. And only then the raw materials are sent to tanneries for further processing.


Leather preparation is the washing off of dirt, the removal of hair from the skins - the initial stage of processing raw materials for the production of leather, after which the skin enters the tanning shop. The purpose of these procedures is to remove animal th wool and subcutaneous tissue, as well as prepare the skin for the second stage - tanning. At this stage, the skin with hair, which is called the dermis, turns into an untanned semi-finished product - naked. At the skin processing plant, the skin of the animal is treated with salts (sodium chloride and carbonate), and then the canned skin is dried. The leather is then processed using leather processing equipment.

Here, too, the following steps can be distinguished:

Soak off

Soaking hides: the skin should be soaked, washed with chemical solutions and water. The skins are cleaned of blood, dirt, preservative salts, fats, etc. This process lasts from eight to twenty hours (it all depends on how thick the skin is).

Gilding skins

Green in the process
Skinning is the removal of hair and epidermis from the skins produced. Gilding is the subjecting of an animal skin to a treatment with lime slurry. Gilding of the skin is necessary so that during the subsequent, further processing of the skin, the hair can easily move away from the skin, to achieve the necessary swelling of the skin fibers themselves.

Hair removal (hair removal)

Hair removal (hair removal) is done on machines, the name of which speaks for itself - hair removal machines.

The semi-finished product of the skin, after the wool is driven from it, becomes naked.


Skinning - this is the removal of the subcutaneous fat layer, excess pulp and muscles (mezdra) with the help of meat machines. The first skinning, as a rule, is done over the skin after it has been partially soaked, and the second skinning after the wool has been driven off. With poor-quality mezdreniya, such bad defects as snags appear on the skin.

Peeling face skins (peeling skins)

Peeling the face of a pelt is the removal of the remaining short hairs from the pelt.


Deashing occurs to remove calcium compounds (salts) from the processed skin. If this is not done, then the skin turns out to be tough, which subsequently creates such defects as breaking the face and setting.

skin washing

The skin is washed with water. This procedure is carried out in order to finally remove calcium salts and protein breakdown products. After washing, the raw material (fine) goes to tanning.

But for a few individual types of leather, additional preparatory procedures are used:

Double skin

The double skin is produced in double skin machines. Doubling of the skin is usually produced when the hide has a rather increased
thickness. The need for doubling of the skin appears in the development of relatively thin leather intended for the top of shoe products.


Chepraking is the division of the produced skin into so-called topographical sections. Large skins are subjected to shaping.

Skin softening

Skin softening is the treatment of the skin with various enzymes (as a rule, these are pancreatic enzymes), under the influence of which the skin becomes softer, more viscous and smoother. Softening is used, as a rule, when producing leather for clothes, haberdashery leather and soft shoe leather.


Pickling of skins implies the treatment of the hide with an acid-salt solution - a pickle. In the process of pickling the skins, the skin is additionally loosened, which leads to an increase in its softness. Picking is inherently skin preservation, so skins can be stored for a long time without spoiling.

2. tanning

Tanning is a process when the obtained skins are processed in special tanning drums, which results in a semi-finished product.

The purpose of tanning is to stabilize the hide, i.e. the skin should acquire elasticity, plasticity, and wear resistance. After tanning, the skin is used without any particular fear of damaging it.


Leather trim includes:

Skin coloring.

Skin coloring occurs with various dyes, which are obtained from oil.

Fat treatment of the skin.

After dyeing, the skin is treated with fat to make it softer.

After that, the skin is dried by stretching on special frames, which are later placed in a drying oven.

Kneading the skin gives it softness.
Rolling skin.
Skin ironing.
Skin pressing.

Leather embossing.

Applying lacquer to leather.

Grinding of the front surface.

Not often the front surface of the skin has a surface without scars, cuts, abrasions and other defects. In order to hide these defects, the skin is polished.

Applying wax to the skin.

Giving leather properties such as gloss, water resistance, dirt repellency, fire resistance, etc.

How to make skin video

Another profitable business idea. Processing animal skins - profitable and profitable
Is it profitable to dress animal skins? you ask after reading the title of this article. And we, in turn, will offer to draw your attention to the peoples of the North. Those who have been dressing skins from time immemorial have never starved. Believe me, even today dressing and trading in skins remains a highly profitable business.

Organization of the processing of skins

Where to start if you decide to start your own business skin processing animals in order to work exclusively for themselves? You need to make a smart plan. Consider all sorts of details. It will be useful to consult with specialists on the legal aspects of organizing a business. In Russia, a strict list of animals has been established, the skins of which are prescribed by law to be used only by the state. It includes furs such as lynx, sable, mink, ermine, fox fur. That is, it becomes clear that the organization of the case will require a competent and thoughtful approach.

It is also important to organize a leather and fur market in the region where you plan to develop your business. Weak fullness of the market, lack of competition at the initial stage will only play into the hands.

In order to develop business, you should try to conclude cooperation agreements with foreign buyers. At first, you should not bet on foreign clients. However, later it can significantly help in business development.

Information for beginners

Dressing of animal skins does not have to take place in a region where hunting is developed. It is easier to arrange the organization of the skins of hunted animals from hunters than to organize your own fur farm and subsequent slaughter.

They usually start with the dressing of rabbit skins. Rabbit skins are relatively inexpensive, due to the fact that there is no shortage of them. Therefore, you do not need to invest a lot of money in turnover at the initial stage. Rabbit skins are in constant demand in the fur market, because products made from the skins of this furry animal are also relatively inexpensive.

Farm and skin processing

It is important to consider more than one option for business development. Indeed, today almost any farm can become the basis for a subsequent business in the field of dressing skins.

If you become a farmer and grow furs yourself, then you automatically cease to depend on the supplier of skins. It is economically beneficial in the sense that the cost of skins coming to you for processing will decrease.

Pay attention to the establishment of goat farms. Dressing the skins of these animals is very relevant. The demand for products made from the skins of these animals is growing. This is a fairly low-cost venture.

Sheepskins are also in considerable demand. Sheep can be raised in any region, they do not require special climatic conditions for living.

Before you start implementing your business strategy, try to look for contacts of those who will become your future customers.

Business training

There are many options available to learn the basics of skinning. These are specialized courses and trainings of practicing masters of their craft. You can apply for training directly to large-scale production. This option no longer involves the development of one's own business, but the continuation of large-scale production in one's own region. This significantly reduces income, but with a competent approach it is also very profitable, especially at the initial stage.

One of the best craftsmen skin dressing live in the North and the Far East. Many residents adopted the secrets of craftsmanship from their ancestors, who were traditionally engaged in this craft.

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Dressing skins is one of the first types of crafts mastered by man. This skill is very useful for modern people. Hunters are happy to keep the skins of killed trophies. People purposefully engage in the cultivation and slaughter of fur-bearing animals for the sake of obtaining skin and fur. In agriculture, mass dressing of animal skin is carried out. Knowledge and practice of dressing skins at home will allow you to obtain high-quality raw materials for further processing - sewing clothes, bags and hats, making accessories and shoes, forming stuffed animals and dummies, creating decorative elements.

Primary processing of skins

The choice of dressing technology depends on the type, lifestyle and physiological state of the animal, the type and quality of fur, age, gender and many other factors. Incorrect primary processing reduces the quality of leather and fur raw materials and reduces its shelf life.

Mature fur is lush and shiny, with a dense, uniform undercoat. The hair should be elastic and even, with a well-developed awn, not fall out.

Before the dressing of fur begins, you should carefully examine the hairline of the animal. Dirt and blood are washed off with a rag or gauze soaked in warm water and laundry soap. Entangled and matted areas of fur are usually combed with a special brush. The skin must be removed carefully, avoiding cuts and tears. It is desirable to keep the head, paws and tail.

Stages of dressing skins and furs

The removed skin is degreased and dried. Defatting is the process of removing all subcutaneous fat. It is carried out manually with the help of special tools on the frozen fat layer. Raw skins are corrected, giving them the correct shape and symmetry, and then dried under certain conditions - high humidity and temperature, good air exchange.

In order not to stain the fur and hands with fat, experts recommend sprinkling the workplace and skins with small sawdust.

Dressing skins at home consists of nine mandatory steps:

  1. Soaking. Initially, the skins are soaked for a day in a concentrated saline solution. For 1 liter of water at room temperature, you need 4 tablespoons of salt without a slide. After soaking, they are turned inside out and squeezed out.
  2. Mezdrenie. The skinning machine will help you quickly and efficiently remove the skin. The mezdra is the subcutaneous fat layer of animals, it is removed with a blunt knife with a wide blade in the direction from the tail to the head.
  3. Secondary degreasing. At this stage, the skin is washed in a foamy solution of laundry soap. The temperature of the liquid must not exceed 25°. You can soak the skins in a soap solution for 20-30 minutes. Then they are thoroughly rinsed in clean cold water, squeezed out and turned inside out with fur.
  4. Pickling or pickling. The dressing solution is prepared from 2 tablespoons of vinegar essence, 4 tablespoons of salt without a slide and 1 liter of water. The temperature of the solution is within 18-23°. The skins, turned inside out, are immersed in the liquid and left for several hours, stirring occasionally. For thin skins, the exposure time is 6 hours, for skins of medium thickness - 8-10 hours, thick skins are soaked in a pickle for more than 12 hours.
  5. Exposure under pressure. During pickling, organic fat and collagen fibers are destroyed in the skin tissues. After pickling, the skins are squeezed by hand, folded 2 or 3 times and placed under oppression. Thin skins are kept under oppression for 3-4 hours, skins of medium thickness - about 5 hours, thick ones - 6-8 hours.
  6. Drying. The skins are dried at room temperature away from heat sources, while the fur should be directed inward.
    For drying, special devices are used - rules. You can stretch the skin on a sheet of plywood. Periodically, while the skin remains wet, it is removed from the stretch and wrinkled by hand.
  7. Tanning. Tannins restore the structure of collagen fibers. After the procedure, the skin becomes softer and more elastic, does not tear or crumble. As a tanning agent, you can use a thick infusion of oak or willow bark (half a liter of crushed dry bark is taken for 1 liter of water). The bark is poured into water, brought to a boil and boiled for 10-15 minutes, then insisted for one day. The infusion is filtered through gauze and applied with a brush to the mezra. The skin is then dried and crushed.
  8. Zhirovka. For fattening at home, a special fat emulsion is prepared. In 300 ml of warm water, it is necessary to dissolve 50 grams of soap, 50 grams of fish oil, 10 drops of ammonia, cool the solution and add another 500 ml of water to it. All components are thoroughly mixed and carefully, so as not to get on the fur, are applied to the skin with a brush from the side of the mezra. The treated skins are dried at room temperature.
  9. Finishing processing. Finally, the skins are crushed with a pumice stone or fine-grained sandpaper, passing it along the mezra in the direction from head to tail. If necessary, the skin is stretched and shaken. Now she is ready for further work - cutting, gluing or sewing.

Popular leather dressing recipes

The fermentation procedure is considered a classic version of skin dressing, after which the material becomes durable and elastic. Alum for dressing skins is prepared according to different recipes, using ingredients of natural and artificial origin - flour, malt, rock salt, soda, acids, fermented milk products. Acid pickling is an alternative to traditional fermentation. Acetic acid, salt, and water are commonly used to make pickel. Instead of vinegar, sulfuric or boric acid can be used.

It is necessary to engage in dressing with a fresh skin. If work needs to be postponed, then the skin can be salted by rubbing it with plenty of salt, frozen or dried.

Recipe for dressing skins at home:

Dressing leather and fur is a complex, lengthy and laborious procedure. To achieve mastery in leather and fur business is possible only by working and learning. As a result of many years of experience, light, soft and elastic skins are obtained, which look great, are pleasant to the touch and have a long service life.

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