History of amulets. Slavic amulets for men: amulets, bracelets, belts.

From the very beginning of his existence, man tried to find a home for himself. In its very first form, it was some kind of shelter or shelter, that is, a cave or hole. The goal is clearly visible - the person was looking for a place where he could hide from danger.

Having created a refuge for himself as a first approximation, man began to study the world around us- followed the change of seasons, studied the habits of animals, tried to build primitive tools for hunting. All this, of course, was done in order to increase the security of oneself, one’s tribe and one’s home.

Rock painting with a hunting scene - a talisman for good prey

It was in those immemorial times that the first amulets began to appear. A rock painting with a hunting scene is a talisman for good prey, a certain frightening sound is from an attack by a neighboring warlike tribe, a drawing of a fire in a home is for warmth and food.

How to make amulets?

In those days, any significant event inspired a person to create a certain symbol, either to repeat this event, or to divert it from the tribe. People believed that spirits controlled events. People tried to appease good spirits and divert the attention of evil ones. This is how things appeared that became amulets. Some as gifts for good spirits, others for protection from evil ones. Even then, there were rules that had to be followed when making amulets:

  1. You cannot make a talisman for yourself personally.
  2. No one can be forced to make a talisman.
  3. It is imperative to follow the rules for choosing the source material.
  4. The most powerful amulet was considered to be one made by the closest relative. While working, this relative had to think about the person for whom he was making the amulet.
  5. The thoughts of the master making the amulet had to be pure, otherwise the amulet could attract troubles and misfortunes.

If at least one of these rules was violated, then the amulet was considered ineffective or harmful. Among our ancient ancestors, some amulets were made exclusively by women, while others were made only by men. And the amulets themselves, for the most part, were intended either for women or for men; although there were a considerable number of amulets that could be worn by women, men, and children.

Men's leather bracelet with embossed amulets

Men preferred to wear their amulets in the form of bracelets, pendants (the amulet had to touch the body), and metal brooches.

Fibulae were most often decorated with solar symbols. Solar symbol depicted in the form of a cross, each tip of which was bent either to the left or to the right. The cross itself fit into the circle. The circle among the ancient Slavs is also a very important symbol; it personifies the Universe. Our ancestors believed that everything in the Universe is closed, there is no beginning or end, just like a circle.

Weapons were an integral attribute of our Slavic ancestors. It was required during military battles during periods of war or for hunting in peacetime. Slavic men's amulets had a purpose related to their lifestyle.

Men's Slavic amulets and their meanings


Alatyr is one of the most ancient and sacred symbols of the ancient Slavs. Externally, it is an octagonal star, the rays of which are directed towards the cardinal points. The star depicted was considered perfection. People believed that it was the eight-pointed star that laid the foundation of the world.

Alatyr amulet - a source of wisdom


Belobog personifies a clear and clean spring day. Belobog was depicted as an old man with a staff in sterile clean white clothes. The Slavs identified this image with the wisdom of the universe, and the elder himself was revered as the keeper of all world laws. According to another version, Belobog is the embodiment of all the supreme ancient Slavic deities - Svarog, Perun and Lada. The symbol of Belobog could only be worn by proud and fearless men.

“Every husband who faithfully serves Him will feel to the fullest extent the care of his Greatest driver - Belobog”


Despite female name, Valkyrie, this Slavic amulet is intended for men. Valkyrie was the daughter of a noble and brave warrior. She had a winged horse and with its help carried fallen warriors from the battlefield. It was believed that the Valkyrie had magical abilities and could control the outcome of battles. According to legend, the wearer of the Valkyrie symbol returned from the battlefield alive.

Valkyrie symbol - amulet of warriors