How to escape from evil people. How to install protection against the evil eye and damage

People are skeptical about paranormal phenomena until they see it with their own eyes. In every person’s life there is a close friend, a relative who, at least once in his life, turned to psychics, fortune tellers, “grandmothers” and even priests with questions/requests about how to provide protection against damage. There is no scientific basis for these things and phenomena, and will not exist, but this does not stop people from believing in them.

Protection from the evil eye and damage is a talisman against negative program

Negative influence from good and bad thoughts

Damage is a deliberate strong negative impact on a person on the part of his ill-wisher. Age and gender are not important. Even infants can be damaged.

The evil eye is an accidental, unintentional negative impact on human body. But it is also weaker compared to damage. Since the evil eye is an unintentional action, even close and dear people can do it, this happens in a situation of envy, or, conversely, excessive admiration. A good, unmarried friend may casually praise your husband or child during an intimate conversation. And a harmless phrase like: “How nice he is, how reliable he is, etc.” no longer brings admiration, but negative energy and the evil eye. A minute later, the friend mentally stifled her envy, but the energy message had already begun. Protection from envy and the evil eye is not only various signs and superstitions, but also an attentive attitude towards the people around you. It is protection from the evil eye and damage that is a talisman against a negative program, against the influence of evil forces on your life and destiny.

First signs

Due to various circumstances, a person may listen little to the voice of his body, and attribute poor health, irritability, headaches to fatigue, problems at work, or autumn depression.

However, sometimes these same phenomena can be a sign of the evil eye or damage. And then there is an urgent need for high-quality protection against damage.

Symptoms worth thinking about are:

  • lethargy, irritability, fatigue at the normal pace of life, without unnecessary overload (mental and physical);
  • poor sleep – anxiety before bed, nightmares, insomnia;
  • health problems without a diagnosis, these can be “wandering”, “phantom” pains in the back, head, abdominal area, which periodically appear and disappear;
  • shifting gaze, inability to look the interlocutor in the eyes at all, or to peer into one’s own mirror image;
  • financial problems, frequent/systematic losses;
  • unreasonable fear of entering a church or other religious building.

How can you tell if you've been jinxed or not?

The answer can be found with the help of a simple ritual performed independently. In order not to harm yourself with excessive magical effects, be sure to perform the ritual before installing protection against damage. To do this you will need a mirror, an egg and a glass of water. We place the glass on our head, trying not to spill the water. Break the egg into a glass of water. It is difficult to do this on your own; you can ask a loved one, a trusted adult family member, to help.

Rolling out an egg is an effective way to recognize spoilage

If you were jinxed or damaged, the yolk separated, and white threads and bubbles appeared in the water, which means that someone was trying to influence negatively, or cast a curse. If egg yolk lies flat on the bottom - that means everything is fine and you don’t have to worry about yourself.

The second way to find out whether there is damage or an evil eye on you is to completely burn three matches at the same time and throw the remains of the matches into a glass glass with spring or well water. If the matches sink to the bottom of the glass, this indicates a strong evil eye.

Remove damage at home

Believing in esotericism and paranormal phenomena is a personal matter for each person.

Anyone can remove damage or the evil eye on their own without risking anything, without turning to psychics, magicians and fortune tellers; the main thing here is to know special rituals and special words.

A simple way to remove damage or the evil eye using holy water. To do this, at midnight you need to wash yourself with holy water (you can buy it in the church, or consecrate it by bringing your own from home). While washing, you should say the following words:

“Full moon, holy water, deliver me from unclean views and thoughts. Amen".

Another way to remove or install protection is to bury a bottle of nails. To remove the evil eye and install protection you need 500 grams of small nails, bolts, buttons (mostly metal and sharp), a transparent glass bottle. Place all the nails inside the bottle. Then take a glass cold water, pour 100 grams there. salt, leave for 5 minutes. Then pour the liquid into the bottle, saying the words:

“I walk on the earth, when I come across the unclean, let them go to those who do evil, but I walk alone.”

You must repeat these words until you have poured all the liquid into the bottle. Then bury the bottle deeply.

How to protect yourself

Prevention is the best cure. There are several ways to protect yourself from curses, the evil eye and damage:

  • using charmed amulets;
  • reading conspiracies for water, or household items;
  • making spells on runes;
  • reading special prayers and enchanted words.

Charmed amulets to protect yourself and your family - can be made independently or purchased. Such things are sold in the church (body amulet, crosses, small icons). You can also make them yourself.

Protection against damage and the evil eye, curses is established using a safety pin.

Protection against damage and the evil eye is done using a pin

To do this, you will need a regular metal pin, maybe silver, gold or regular steel. Attach beads to it, pendants preferably with natural stone, but beads and glass are also suitable.

You can also use stones and natural materials:

  1. A green stone is suitable to provide protection against damage to a child or a pregnant woman.
  2. Blue – helps protect parents.
  3. Green - will help close friends avoid the evil eye.
  4. A red stone on a pin will provide protection to your loved ones. This amulet is made exclusively on your own so that it is maximally charged with good energy.

It is important to buy a pin on Friday, and make an amulet for the waxing moon on Tuesday. You can activate the amulet in the following way: at midnight, take a candle bought in the church and heat the eye of a pin from it.

During the ritual, the following words must be spoken:

“Cover my angel from the evil eye, damage and curses with your hand.”

The words are repeated three times, wax is dripped onto the eye of the pin three times.

It is correct to wear a charmed pin to protect against damage and the evil eye of jokes in a visible place, on the lapel of a jacket instead of a brooch. The point of the pin must point towards the ground.

Red thread as protection against the evil eye

The red thread on the left hand can serve a strong talisman from the evil eye, which is why you can often see red bracelets even on show business stars.

Such an amulet can protect a loved one. Only red wool thread is knitted. This is true for many religious movements and beliefs. Thus, the red woolen thread of the followers of Kabbalah, which serves to protect against the evil eye, should be tied by a sincere, benevolent person, someone who strives to protect you.

Among the Slavic peoples, the red thread could be tied independently, but there must be seven knots on it. When tying each knot, you should mentally imagine the goal (what you want for yourself) and say the words out loud about protecting yourself. You don’t have to have special conspiracies, just verbally speak them so that your goals can be heard in the universe. Even traditional science was interested in this phenomenon, so scientists found out that the natural wool thread was chosen for a reason. Scientists have found that natural wool, not treated with chemicals, contains lanolin. This natural substance dissolves on the skin at 35–37 degrees (i.e., the temperature of the human body), entering the bloodstream, has a healing effect, relieves pain, and normalizes blood flow. Ancient people tied woolen amulets rather on an intuitive level, hoping for protection, and modern science simply proved the correctness of these actions.

Use a mirror

Mirror protection is one of the most reliable. In order to make a mirror protective amulet you will need a small mirror with a reflective surface on both sides and a piece of black material, maybe leather. Sew a leather/rag bag, put a mirror in it and carry it in your chest pocket.

Mirror protection is one of the most reliable

You need to activate mirror protection as follows: place seven mirrors in the room so that they form a circle and partially reflect each other. Place and light a candle in front of each mirror. The person being protected should be in the center of the mirrors, in a circle outlined in chalk. He should meditate, imagining the happiest day, thus activating the protection with positive energy. Meditation lasts 15 minutes. Afterwards, all the mirrors are turned away from the left side counterclockwise, at the same time the candle standing in front of the mirror is extinguished.

You can make an amulet yourself from ordinary salt. To do this, you need to take salt consecrated in the church, just a small pinch, pour it into a fabric bag, which is tied tightly.

While pouring salt into the bag, say the following words:

“All the spoilers, the envious, salt in the eyes, scorching fire, burning sand. According to the same words, I, the servant of God (name), cannot be jinxed, disfigured, or spoiled. So be it. Amen."

You can carry such an amulet in your pocket.

Secure your home from damage, curses and ill-wishers

Home is a personal fortress. Such a place should be cozy and protected. The first thing they do when entering a new house is let the cat in. This tradition is by no means symbolic. Cats are the most sensitive animals on the planet to extrasensory influence. Therefore, when a cat thinks for a long time and does not want to enter the house, the owners of a new apartment/house should also think about it.

The most vulnerable, and also capable of protecting your home and family from evil people, which means from the evil eye, damage, curses and generally the ingress of negativity - these are doors.

According to Feng Shui, there should be a mirror opposite the door, so all the negative energy is reflected immediately on the threshold and passes by your family members.

In Slavic traditions, the door should be powerful metal

In Slavic traditions, the door should be heavy, powerful metal and forged. A forged door is the best protection. Nowadays, anyone can afford this luxury, but choosing a reliable, powerful door is a very real task.

Each nation has its own amulets and amulets over the doorway. The British believe in the mistletoe branch, which can protect against evil forces and bring peace and tranquility to the family. To protect themselves, the Slavs place a horseshoe, bunches of garlic, and rowan branches over the door.

In Orthodoxy, there is a well-known way to protect yourself from a curse, and to protect a house from curses and evil spells for whole year- on Good Friday, bring a sacred burning candle from the church and burn three crosses with it in the upper part of the door frame. This ritual must be performed with all doors in the house. It is said that this is a reliable means of receiving Divine protection, as well as avoiding the evil eye.

Daily things and actions as the best prevention

In order to protect yourself from deliberate damage, from a curse, or an unintentional evil eye, it is not necessary to know special words, it is enough to adhere to simple rules:

  1. Do not give your family or children’s photographs to distant relatives, acquaintances, or for “memory” purposes. Nobody knows what will happen to this photo, but it carries very personal energy, you can’t be sure of anyone.
  2. Try to avoid eye contact during conflicts with superiors or unfriendly people if you are already sure of bad intentions. This will help protect against evil, because eye contact contributes to strong irritation.
  3. Try to keep an eye on your clothes and shoes for threads, pennies, hair, and scraps of paper after visiting public places. It’s better to shake off such things in front of the house without carrying them over the threshold, so as not to get negative. If they get into the house, collect everything and burn it.
  4. No need to pick up money at intersections, near your front door. This is especially true for medium denomination bills; no one loses that kind of money just like that.
  5. Under no circumstances should you step on, handle or bring into your home soil found on your doorstep. The earth on the threshold indicates damage, a curse and other negative things done to death. Even if you don’t believe in esotericism in principle, it’s better to take gloves and throw this thing away along with the rug.

If you don't want trouble in life, it's important to know how to protect yourself from the negative energy of the people around you. It’s great if your environment consists entirely of positive individuals who treat you well, then there is nothing to worry about. Otherwise, you need to learn how to place energy blocks. Let's talk about how to do this.

We are all accustomed to protecting the body from cold or heat, and the immune system from diseases. But energy protection, as a rule, is not included in the list of mandatory measures. And in vain - after all, very often on our life path There are “toxic people”. These are energy vampires who can harm you quite seriously.

Why are contacts with energy vampires dangerous?

  • With complaints, envy, and negativity, these individuals can tire you out greatly. After communicating with such people, there is a feeling of emotional fatigue, anxiety, and unpleasant thoughts appear.
  • Mental harm from toxic people is transferred to the physical shell of a person - you may notice a deterioration in your health, you will begin to get sick often
  • By criticizing, judging you or speaking impartially, energy vampires can influence the course of your life. They literally take away your luck, deprive you of energy, which can cause many problems in financial and personal matters.

If it is impossible to completely exclude contacts with such individuals, you should take care of cleansing your own space and energy shell from all negative influences.

How to remove negative energy from yourself: 2 proven methods

If you are experiencing negative influences from other people's energy, use one or more of the following methods. They are quite simple - practice and use them constantly.

Method one: set boundaries

This method is used in cases where a person is “toxic” energetically:

  1. Complains about life. He sees everything around him exclusively in black light. Complains about everyone and everything, whines, talks about his problems, wanting your sympathy
  2. Speaks negatively about everyone around him. The government is bad, the boss is a fool, the children are disobedient, the spouse is basically the devil in the flesh. Everyone around is to blame, only the “vampire” is great

There is no need to listen to the complaints and condemnation of other people at all. Leave or do your own thing. If it is not possible to stop the conversation, use protective phrases:

  • “You will succeed, you will definitely solve all problems.” Continues to be zealous and complain - “No, I don’t believe you are capable of coping with all this, I know for sure”
  • Translate the topic: “By the way, yesterday new movie came out, did you look?”
  • And the best thing is to clearly define the boundaries: “Sorry, but I’m not interested in listening to this.”
  • Or: “Oh, seriously? And what do you think you should do about it?” (if complaining)

When the vampire realizes that you won’t get any pity or sympathy from you, and you don’t support talking about the sins of other people, he will leave you behind and look for another “victim.”

Method two: turn on awareness

Learning to control your unconscious means getting powerful protection from other people's negative energy. You need to control your emotions that arise in the process of communicating with negative people.

How many times have you lost your temper by responding to a boor with rudeness? Have you thrown a tantrum in cases where a person deliberately provoked your emotions? All the negative feelings that you experience at such moments colossally steal your energy.

Therefore, you need to learn to “turn on” awareness and learn to perceive the situation calmly, without unnecessary emotions.

How to do it:

  • Let's say someone has caused your anger. Before you start being indignant, shouting or being rude in response, think for a second, pause
  • Think about what you can say in response. For example, the conductor is rude to you: “Where can I find you change for a thousand, we’re all over here, rich people!” Instead of causing a scandal, calmly and with a smile retort: ​​“Unfortunately, I don’t have small money, but I’m sure you’ll find some change, I’ll be very grateful.”
  • The boor receives a reaction that he does not expect - and either calms down or lags behind you and leaves

Include awareness in any situation that provokes you to be negative. Always remember: it is more important to remain calm than to “feed” a toxic person with your negative emotions.

Clearing space of negative energy and entities

We should also talk about clearing space from negative energy. These techniques should be used if you have moved to a new house or apartment and want to get rid of the destructive energy of previous residents.

Also, such practices can be carried out after conflicts with family members or simply for energetic “prevention”.

Watch a video on how to cleanse your home of negative energy:

Elementary methods:

  • Cleaning with positive affirmations. General cleaning, during which you throw out all the old trash and remove dirt, is already a great way to cleanse the room of negative energy. To enhance the effect, you can mentally recite affirmations: “All members of my family are healthy, successful and happy,” “I am becoming healthier and better every day.” And so on
  • Fixing everything that's broken. Leaking faucets, broken locks, wobbly cabinet doors - all this blocks the flow of positive energy. Therefore, if something breaks at home, fix it immediately
  • Clean mirrors and windows. Keep them clean at all times and polish them to a glossy shine. This also applies to any other reflective surfaces.

Believers can also hang icons of saints at home.


Hang an icon depicting your patron saint at the head of your bed. Always carry a small icon of this saint with you, but do not show it to anyone.

In the morning, while washing your face, looking at your reflection in the mirror, tell yourself that you are under protection, and no one with bad thoughts can hurt or offend you. Repeat these words several times while looking into the eyes of your reflection.

In the evening, after have a hard day, light a pine scented candle and place it in the bathroom. Now take a shower, directing a stream of warm water onto the top of your head and imagining how all the negativity goes away along with the water. Additionally, read the prayer. After this procedure, you will immediately feel your strength returning.

According to feng shui experts, a fence made of thorny plants or a very ordinary fence will help protect a house from ill-wishers.

These same experts recommend always keeping the stove clean and under no circumstances expressing negative emotions in front of it - this will offend the household spirits. Another tip is to keep pebbles and shells on the windowsills, paint the door in blue and hang a bell over it.

You can attract good luck into your home with the help of stained glass or a large crystal. Sunlight, reflected from its edges, should illuminate the entire room. Well, even if this doesn’t protect you from enemies, it will definitely decorate the interior.

Be cheerful and optimistic, do not wish harm to other people, treat others with respect and love, then you will not be affected by the negative emotions of enemies and ill-wishers.

If you have become the target of constant attacks from others, it is very difficult to control yourself. Over time, it begins to seem that you are on the verge of an emotional explosion. Some methods of dealing with psychological attacks will help you stay calm.



Analyze your reaction. Remember which actions, deeds or words you react especially painfully to. Then mentally paint a picture of the confrontation. Imagine that you are sitting opposite your offender, who, without mincing words, is trying to seriously hurt you. Imagine that there is a powerful fan between you (directed towards the enemy), which immediately dissipates all the arrows fired at you. Thus, it turns out that not a single caustic phrase and not a single insult achieves its goal.


Imagine that all the people who are negative towards you are just children to whom it is stupid to react. They get angry, express their own whims in every possible way, throw toys on the floor, stomp their feet, wave their arms and squeal. Imagine that you are the only adult and wise person on this “playground” who understands that everything that happens is the result of powerlessness. Therefore, all you have to do is give them the opportunity to get tired of themselves and finally run out of steam. Meanwhile, you remain calm, not reacting to their attacks and not taking their words seriously.

"Theater of the Absurd"

Use such a method of psychological defense as bringing a particular situation to the point of absurdity. If someone hints at something unpleasant to you, act on the contrary. To do this, you need to grab onto the thought or situation proposed by someone and out loud hyperbolize (exaggerate) it beyond recognition. Your goal is to make sure that such attacks against you cause nothing but laughter. In this way, you can knock out a very serious psychological weapon from the enemy’s hands.


Imagine endless thick impenetrable glass, behind which there is only water and your offender. He is furious, he wants you to bend under his psychological oppression, he strives to hurt you as painfully as possible with his words. You can see him himself and “read” emotions in his face and gestures, but you don’t hear his barbs at all. Every word he says is absorbed by the water element and turns into harmless air bubbles, rapidly rising to the surface to finally dissipate. It turns out that you have nothing to react to, accordingly, you do not lose your composure and get out of