N. Nishcheva. A program of correctional developmental work in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten for children with general speech underdevelopment. Presentation of the program by N.V. Nishcheva Nishcheva preparatory program

N. V. Nishcheva


correctional and developmental work

in a speech therapy group kindergarten

for children with general speech underdevelopment

Regional Expert Council of the Education Committee

Government of St. Petersburg

Saint Petersburg



G. A. Volkova - Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Professor ISPiP International University named after. R. Wallenberg;

T. A. Ovechkina - Ph.D. ped. Sciences, leading specialist of the department of educational institutions of the Education Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg;

N. N. Yakovleva - Ph.D. ped. sciences, head office for correction of child development of St. Petersburg APPO;

I. A. Smirnova - Ph.D. ped. sciences, head Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Special Psychology, Leningrad State University. A. S. Pushkina; E. V. Dashkovskaya - head. GDOU "Kindergarten No. 26 of compensatory type" of the Moscow region of St. Petersburg.

Nishcheva N.V.

N71 Program of correctional and developmental work in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten for children with general speech underdevelopment (from 4 to 7 years). - SPb.: CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2007.352 p.

ISBN 978-5-89814-356-4

This program allows you to build a system of correctional and developmental work in middle, high school and preparatory speech therapy groups based on full interaction and continuity of all specialists of the child care institution and parents of preschool children. In addition to the tasks of developmental education, the comprehensive development of intellectual and volitional qualities and the formation of basic mental processes, the main goal of the program is for children to master independent, coherent, grammatically correct speech and verbal communication skills.

The proposed complexity of pedagogical influence is aimed at equalizing the speech and mental development of children diagnosed with ODD.

For speech therapists and pre-school specialists.

© Nishcheva N.V., 2006

ISBN 978-5-89814-356-4 © Publishing house "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2006

Explanatory note………………………………………………………………………………….5

Program structure and main directions

correctional and developmental work………………………………………………………9

System of correctional and developmental work

in a speech therapy group for children with special needs………………………………………………………11

Activities with children:………………………………………………………………………………………..11

Subject-spatial developmental


Joint activities of a speech therapist

and the teacher…………………………………………………………………………………13

Work of a speech therapist with parents: ....... ...................................... ...................................................14

Secondary speech therapy group

Organization of correctional and developmental work.;……………………………………..17

Subject-spatial development environment:………………………………………………………...20

works, educational and didactic material……………………………………………………………………....22

Plan-program of correctional and developmental


First period (September, October, November)………………………………………………….44

Second period (December, January, February) ………………………………………………………………..51

Third period (March, April, May, June) ……………………………………………………60

Weekly assignments of the speech therapist to the teacher: …………………………………………….66

Senior speech therapy group

Organization of correctional and developmental


Subject-spatial development environment................................................................. ...................74

works, educational and didactic material …………………………………...………………76


First period (September, October, November) ………………………………………………………………..98

Second period (December, January, February) …………………………………………………………….108

Third period (March, April, May, June) …………………………………………………………......117

Weekly assignments of the speech therapist to the teacher.................................................... ...........................127

Preparatory speech therapy group for school

Organization of correctional and developmental work................................................................. ...................132.

works, educational and didactic material……………………………………………......136

Plan - correctional and developmental program


First period (September, October, November) ………………………………………………………………...159

Second period (December, January, February) ……………………………………………………………..168

Third period (March, April, May, June) ……………………………………………………176

Weekly assignments of the speech therapist to the teacher.................................................... ........................ 184


Appendix 1. Methodology for examining a child with general speech underdevelopment

(from 4 to 7 years old) …………………………………………………………………………………...189

Appendix 2. Scheme of examination of the child……………………………………………..198

Appendix 3. Teaching aids

and didactic materials for the program................................................... ...................................252

Special and methodological literature …………………………………………………….253

Children's fiction………………………………………………………256

Explanatory note

Program of correctional and developmental work for children preschool age(from 4 to 7 years) with general underdevelopment of speech is compiled in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the relevant directions of the Concept of Preschool Education, the Concept of Modernization of Russian Education for the period until 2010, Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “Guidelines and requirements for updating the content of preschool education” and the developments of domestic scientists in the field of general and special pedagogy and psychology.

The purpose of this Program is to build a system of correctional and developmental work in speech therapy groups for children with general speech underdevelopment aged 4 to 7 years, providing for full interaction and continuity of actions of all specialists of a preschool educational institution and parents of preschool children. The complexity of pedagogical influence is aimed at leveling the speech and psychophysical development of children and ensures their comprehensive harmonious development.

General underdevelopment of speech is considered as a systemic disorder of speech activity, complex speech disorders in which children have impaired formation of all components of the speech system, relating to both the sound and semantic aspects, with normal hearing and intact intelligence (Levina R. E., Filicheva T. B ., Chirkina G.V.). Speech failure with general speech underdevelopment in preschool children can vary from complete absence of speech to extensive speech with pronounced manifestations of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment (Levina R. E.).

Currently, there are four levels of speech development, reflecting the state of all components of the language system in children with general speech underdevelopment (Filicheva T. B.).

At the first level speech development, the child’s speech means are limited, the active vocabulary is practically not formed and consists of onomatopoeia, sound complexes, and babbling words. Statements are accompanied by gestures and facial expressions. Characteristic is the polysemy of the words used, when the same babbling words are used to designate different objects and phenomena. It is possible to replace the names of objects with the names of actions and vice versa. In active speech, root words without inflections predominate. The passive vocabulary is wider than the active one, but also extremely limited. There is practically no understanding of the categories of number of nouns and verbs, tense, gender, and case. The pronunciation of sounds is diffuse. Phonemic development is in its infancy. The ability to perceive and reproduce the syllabic structure of a word is limited.

When transitioning to the second level speech development, the child’s speech activity increases. Active vocabulary expands due to everyday subject and verbal vocabulary. It is possible to use pronouns, conjunctions and sometimes simple prepositions. The child’s independent statements already contain simple, uncommon sentences. At the same time, there are gross errors in the use of grammatical structures, there is no agreement between adjectives and nouns, and there is a confusion of case forms. Understanding of addressed speech is developing significantly, although the passive vocabulary is limited, the subject and verbal vocabulary associated with the work activities of adults, flora and fauna has not been formed. There is a lack of knowledge not only of color shades, but also of primary colors.

Gross violations of the syllabic structure and sound filling of words are typical. Children exhibit insufficiency in the phonetic aspect of speech ( large number unformed sounds).

Third level speech development is characterized by the presence of extensive phrasal speech with elements of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. There are attempts to use even sentences of complex constructions. The child's vocabulary includes all parts of speech. This may lead to inaccurate use lexical meanings words The first word formation skills appear. The child forms nouns and adjectives with diminutive suffixes, verbs of motion with prefixes. Difficulties are noted in forming adjectives from nouns. Multiple agrammatisms are still noted. The child may use prepositions incorrectly and make mistakes in agreeing adjectives and numerals with nouns. Undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds is characteristic, and replacements may be unstable. Pronunciation deficiencies can be expressed in distortion, replacement or mixing of sounds. The pronunciation of words with a complex syllabic structure becomes more stable. A child can repeat three- and four-syllable words after an adult, but distorts them in the speech stream. Speech understanding is approaching normal, although there is insufficient understanding of the meanings of words expressed by prefixes and suffixes.

Fourth level speech development (Filicheva T. B.) is characterized by minor violations of the components of the child’s language system. There is insufficient differentiation of sounds [t-t"-s-s"-ts], [r-r"-l-l"-j], etc. Characteristic are peculiar violations of the syllabic structure of words, manifested in the child’s inability to retain the phonemic image of a word in memory while understanding its meaning. The consequence of this is a distortion of the sound content of words in various options. Insufficient speech intelligibility and unclear diction leave the impression of “blurry”. Errors in the use of suffixes (singularities, emotional connotations, diminutives) remain persistent. Difficulties in forming complex words are noted. In addition, the child experiences difficulties in planning a statement and selecting appropriate linguistic means, which determines the originality of his coherent speech. Complex sentences with different subordinate clauses present particular difficulty for this category of children.

Children with general speech underdevelopment have, in comparison with the age norm, features of the development of sensorimotor, higher mental functions, and mental activity.

The program is designed for a child to stay in a speech therapy group from the age of four. It was created for children with the second, third, fourth levels of speech development . For children with the first level of speech development, who make up no more than 10% of those sent to speech therapy groups, on the basis of this Program and the Program of correctional and developmental work in the junior speech therapy group, specialists can draw up individual development plans.

The program makes it possible to provide developmental education for preschoolers, the comprehensive development of their intellectual and volitional qualities, and makes it possible to form in children all mental processes and personal qualities such as creativity, curiosity, initiative, responsibility, and independence. One of the main objectives of the Program is for children to master independent, coherent, grammatically correct speech and verbal communication skills, the phonetic system of the Russian language, and elements of literacy, which forms readiness for learning at school. The program provides for the need to protect and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, ensuring the emotional well-being of each child. Thus, it allows children to form an optimistic attitude towards their surroundings, which enables the child to live and develop, and ensures positive emotional, personal and social development. The volume of educational material is calculated in accordance with age-related physiological standards, which helps to avoid overwork and maladaptation of preschoolers. For each age group, an optimal combination of individual and joint activities of children is proposed, a balanced alternation of specially organized classes and unregulated activities; free time for children to play and relax is allocated in both the first and second halves of the day.

The basis of the Program is the creation of optimal conditions for correctional and developmental work and the comprehensive harmonious development of children with general speech underdevelopment. This is achieved through modification of general developmental programs and the entire complex of correctional and developmental work in the speech therapy group, taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development of children in this group. The main idea is to implement the general educational tasks of preschool education with the involvement of synchronous alignment of the speech and mental development of children, that is, one of the main principles of the Program is the principle of conformity to nature. The program takes into account the common development of normally developing children and children with general speech underdevelopment and is based on the ontogenetic principle, taking into account the patterns of normal child speech development.

In addition, the Program is also based on the principles of systematicity and interconnection of educational material, its specificity and accessibility, gradualism, concentric build-up of information in each of the subsequent age groups in all areas of work, which allows the child to rely on the knowledge and skills he already has, and ultimately ensures progressive development.

Thus, the implementation of correctional, developmental and educational tasks is ensured thanks to an integrated approach and the close relationship between the work of specialists in pedagogical and medical profiles. Thus, the relationship in the work of a neurologist and a speech therapist teacher ensures the choice of an adequate correctional technique.

The implementation of the principle of complexity contributes to higher rates of general and speech development of children and involves the joint work of a speech therapist, psychologist, music director, and director physical education, exercise therapy instructor, educators. For example, work on the section “ Speech development» is led by a speech therapist teacher, and other specialists plan their classes in accordance with his recommendations.

The work on the section “Cognitive Development” involves educators, an educational psychologist, and a speech therapist. At the same time, the educational psychologist supervises the work on sensory development and the development of higher mental functions; educators organize work to familiarize preschoolers with the environment, fiction, to develop temporal, spatial and elementary mathematical concepts, and supervise the work in the “Creative Development” section. A music director also participates in this work, providing musical education for children and, together with a speech therapist teacher, conducting logorhythmics classes.

Educators lead the work on moral and labor education, and all other specialists assist them. Work under the section " Physical health and development” is carried out by the head of physical education, depending on the health status and level of physical development of the children. Thus, the integrity of the Program is ensured by establishing connections between different areas of the child’s activity, the relationship between specialists involved in the pedagogical process, and parents of preschool children.

In a speech therapy group, the correctional direction of work is the leading one, and general education is the subordinate one. All teachers monitor children’s speech and reinforce the speech skills developed by the speech therapist. In addition, all specialists, under the guidance of a speech therapist, are engaged in correctional work, participating in the correction of speech disorders and related processes. The teacher, music director, and physical education director carry out general educational activities provided for by the mass kindergarten program, engage in mental, moral, aesthetic, physical, and patriotic education, thereby ensuring the harmonious all-round development of children.

It is recommended to carry out complex integrated correctional classes with the involvement of various specialists, since the mutual “penetration” of various types of subject matter turns out to be extremely effective. It is recommended to conduct classes such as generalizing and final classes once a month. They may involve a speech therapist and a music director, or a speech therapist and a physical education teacher, or a speech therapist and a massage therapist, etc. Such complex classes should be correctional and developmental in nature and have a specific effect on the development of speech. In such classes, children learn to communicate with each other, which helps to consolidate proactive speech skills, improve conversational speech, and enrich their vocabulary. To eliminate speech disorders in these classes, various types of activities available to preschoolers are used: visual and constructive activities, round dance games with singing and outdoor games. Summaries of complex correctional classes are given in the teaching aids “Multi-colored fairy tales” and “Developmental fairy tales”.

The program contains a detailed description of the organization and content of correctional and developmental work in middle, senior and preparatory school groups for children with general speech underdevelopment, recommendations are given for creating and equipping a subject-spatial developmental environment in a speech therapy room and a group room, and methodological recommendations on working with parents.

The appendix provides recommendations for conducting an examination and a scheme for examining a child with general speech underdevelopment, a list of manuals in the methodological kit, lists of special, methodological and children's fiction.

IN methodological kit includes: the manual “System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment” (long-term and calendar planning of work, weekly assignments from a speech therapist to teachers, didactic material for speech therapy classes), “Subgroup notes speech therapy sessions V middle group for children with ODD”, “Speech card of a child with ODD (from 4 to 7 years old)”, sets of workbooks for middle, high school and preparatory speech therapy groups, notes for complex lessons “Colorful fairy tales” and “Developmental fairy tales”, “My primer", sets of desktop-printed didactic games“Player 1”, “Player 2”, “Player 3”, “Player 5”, “Player-gramoteyka”, manuals “Let’s speak correctly”, “Let’s study together. Middle group. Homework book, “Let's study together. Senior group. Homework book."

The basis for long-term and calendar planning of correctional work in accordance with the requirements of the Program is

Ekaterina Simonenko
Presentation of the program by N. V. Nishcheva

Dear colleagues!

I would like to present to your attention “Approximate adapted program correctional and developmental work in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten for children with severe speech impairments (general speech underdevelopment) from 3 to 7 years old." Author programs, teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification category, excellent student of public education Natalia Valentinovna Nishcheva.

Program is innovative software document for preschool educational institutions of combined and compensatory types, and is a holistic, methodologically sound, systematized, clearly structured model of the pedagogical process, fully compliant with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Program drawn up in accordance with the Law "About Education" V Russian Federation, Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children, Declaration of the Rights of the Child, Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for the Design, Content and Organization of Work in preschool organizations, as well as the developments of domestic scientists in the field of general and special pedagogy and psychology.

The purpose of this Programs is to build a system of correctional and developmental work in speech therapy groups for children with severe speech disorders (general speech underdevelopment) aged 3 to 7 years.

Main idea programs is to implement the general educational tasks of preschool education with the involvement of synchronous alignment of the speech and mental development of children with special needs development.

One of the main tasks Programs children’s mastery of independent, coherent, grammatically correct speech and communication skills, the phonetic system of the Russian language, elements of literacy, which forms psychological readiness for school and ensures continuity with the next level of the general education system.

Program is built on the principle of a humane and personal attitude towards the child and allows provide:

Developmental education for preschoolers,

Formation of the basic foundations of children’s personality culture,

Comprehensive development of intellectual and volitional qualities,

It makes it possible to form all mental processes in children.

Besides, Program is based on the following principles:

The principle of individualization, taking into account the capabilities, developmental characteristics and needs of each child;

The principle of recognizing each child as a full participant in the educational process;

The principle of supporting children's initiative and shaping the cognitive interests of each child;

Principles for integrating the efforts of specialists;

The principle of specificity and accessibility of educational material, compliance of requirements, methods, techniques and conditions of education with the individual and age characteristics of children;

The principle of systematicity and interconnection of educational material;

The principle of gradual presentation of educational material;

The principle of concentric accumulation of information in each of the subsequent age groups in all five educational areas.

IN program, a system of correctional and developmental work with children aged 3–7 years with special needs has been built, recommendations have been presented for drawing up a curriculum, organizing a daily routine, building a subject-spatial developmental environment, the tasks and content of work in each of the five educational areas have been indicated, a system for diagnosing individual children's development.

The explanatory note reveals the structure Programs and the main directions of correctional and developmental work

The system of correctional and developmental work includes myself:

Organization of educational activities;

Developing subject-spatial environment;

Integration of the efforts of the speech therapist and educators;

Integrated classes in the work system;

Interaction with families of pupils;

Inclusive education of preschool children with special needs;

Working with "bilingual" children in a speech therapy group;

Planned development results Programs.

IN program Targets for children:

Junior group

Middle group

Senior group

School preparatory group.

IN program gaming activity is described as the main form of activity of preschool children.

All correctional and developmental individual, subgroup, group, integrated classes in accordance with Program are playful in nature, full of a variety of games and educational game exercises and in no way duplicate school forms of education.

Fulfillment of correctional, developmental and educational tasks assigned Program, is ensured through an integrated approach and integration of the efforts of pedagogical and medical specialists and families of pupils.

In a speech therapy group for children younger age Only 14 correctional and developmental subgroup and group classes are conducted per week lasting 10 minutes, which does not exceed the maximum weekly load recommended by SANPIN. Therapeutic physical education is taken out of the classroom as a therapeutic procedure. The network does not include individual lessons with specialists.

In the average group, 14 correctional developmental subgroup and group classes are conducted per week, 2 physical therapy classes for those in need (as therapeutic procedures, and 3 individual classes with a speech therapist and educators for each child, which does not exceed the weekly load recommended by SaNPiN. To the grid classes are not included as therapeutic procedures, physical therapy classes and individual sessions with specialists. (15 slide) In the senior speech therapy group for children with ODD, from October to May, 16 subgroup and group classes lasting 20 minutes are held per week, 2 physical therapy classes for those in need (as therapeutic procedures, 3 individual classes with a speech therapist and educators for each child, which does not exceed the weekly load recommended by SaNPiN. Physical therapy classes and individual classes are not included in the training schedule.

In a speech therapy group preparatory to school for children with special needs, 16 correctional and developmental subgroup, group, integrated classes lasting 30 minutes are conducted per week, 2 physical therapy classes for those in need (as medical procedures, 3 individual classes with a speech therapist and educators for each child, which does not exceed the permissible weekly load recommended by SaNPiN. Physical therapy classes (as therapeutic procedures, individual classes with a speech therapist and educators are not included in the schedule of classes. Program received positive reviews and feedback, and in 2012 was considered by the Expert Scientific and Methodological Council of the Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education (Saint Petersburg) and is approved for use in the educational process in educational institutions. Third edition programs complies with the Federal State Educational Standard.

In the appendix to program a list of manuals of the methodological set, lists of special and methodological literature are presented.

The manual presents exercises for automating and differentiating those sounds whose pronunciation causes the greatest difficulties for children.

Addressed to speech therapists in preschool educational institutions and school speech therapy centers, kindergarten teachers, parents of children with speech development problems.

From the author

IN lately More and more children are having problems with sound pronunciation. More often than others, the pronunciation of whistling sounds ([С], [С], , , [Ц]), hissing sounds ([Ш], [Х]), affricates ([Ч], [Ш]), sonorant sounds ([Р]) is disrupted , [P"], [L], [L"]) and iotized sounds.

It seems to us that the production of sounds whose pronunciation is impaired in a child should be entrusted to a specialist, but the work on automating (consolidating) the sound can easily be carried out by parents under the guidance and supervision of a speech therapist. You can start working on automating the pronunciation of a sound only if the child correctly pronounces the given sound in isolation. This work requires caution and gradualism.

Speech material is presented in the book taking into account the traditional order of automation and differentiation of sounds. Each delivered sound is first automated in syllables of various types, then in words, and only then in various types of expanded speech (in sentences, nursery rhymes, phrasing, poems, texts rich in automated sound). With children who can read, the presented materials can not only be spoken, but also read. When starting to memorize poetic and prose texts, it is necessary to work with the child on the pronunciation of words containing an automated sound.

The most difficult process is the process of automating sound in text. This work can be started when the child correctly pronounces the corresponding sound in syllables and words, phrases and nursery rhymes, as well as in sentences.