Old Slavic amulets and their meaning, how to choose. Veles is the father of witchcraft. Scandinavian amulets in the runic tradition.

Long before man believed in God, each in his own way, the traditions of paganism were widespread in the world. People believed in the Sun, Rain, Wind, and the forces of nature. There were so many gods that literally for every occasion in life and for every event there was a special deity.

Since those times, pagan amulets have been preserved, which were created to appease one or another god. Today they continue to be used, because pagan cults have been preserved, and there are still groups of people performing ancient rituals. And so - throughout the Planet, because everywhere had its own pantheon of gods. If you want to use the forces of nature, you should get acquainted with the basics of pagan magic of the peoples of the world and learn about their talismans. Create for yourself a powerful talisman in this tradition, feel its primitive power. This is a useful practice that will help develop your abilities, multiply existing ones and show the variety of ways in which you can fulfill your desires.

Paganism in the ancient world

What is paganism? First of all, it is a religion that is based on the worship of the forces of nature. Today, the closest thing to it is elemental magic, which is based on four components:

  • Water.
  • Fire.
  • Air.
  • Earth.

The pagan world worshiped the same elements, but in different combinations. The sun was a symbol of the supreme god. The Slavs, Egyptians, pagan cults of Africa and Asia chose him as the supreme deity. Fire came from the Sun; it was a heavenly gift to people from the good God. But fire can both warm and punish. Water also occupied an important place in the pantheon. Where there is water, there is life. Air was associated with thunder and lightning - the forces of justice. The earth is the mother, the ancestor. She gives us strength, we are firmly connected to her.

The transformation of pagan beliefs into elemental magic took place over many centuries, but now many practitioners use it. These are powerful forces, because they ruled the world long before the first people appeared. Everything that exists today came from them, and amulets are dedicated to them.

Slavic pagan gods

The ancient Slavs chose polytheism as their main religion. Many separate cults appeared, praising their own god. Amulets were made - magic items, helping not only to protect, but also to call on the forces of nature for help. The main directions were:

  • Protection against livestock death.
  • Talismans that call for rain for crops.
  • Help in battles for warriors, conquerors.
  • Calling a fair wind for sailors.
  • Love amulets that help you win the heart of your loved one.

The Slavic gods were harsh but fair. At its head was Perun, the powerful thunderer. The God of the Sun is Khors, and Dazhdbog is responsible for rains, rivers, lakes - he brought about the change of seasons. The underworld is dominated by the evil and powerful Chernobog - the main opponent of the forces of good. To appease him, amulets were also created.

The Slavs made sacrifices, revered both the forces of good and evil, because the world can only exist in balance - there cannot be good without evil.

Pagan traditions of Africa

These traditions are still alive, because it is in Africa that tribes live the same life that they had thousands of years ago. They are very close to nature and prefer to live in close connection with the past. Amulets and amulets are a completely everyday thing, because for an unprotected person living literally in the forest, there are just as many dangers as in ancient times. Basically, talismans are created for:

Protection against snake bites and dangerous insects.

  • Invocations of the rains.
  • Assistance in childbirth.
  • Protection from wild animals.
  • Good luck in the hunt.

Paganism is widespread throughout Africa, even in large and modern cities.

Ori is one of the most controversial gods of this tradition. He helps people, reveals secret knowledge to them, shows them the right path.

Egun rules over the souls of ancestors - this god protects the dead and helps them move to another world. For this purpose, a special amulet was hung on the neck of the dead man, which would help him find Egun. The amulets were made of clay or wood.

Oshosi is a great hunter, a helper to all men. He showed them the way to the prey. Amulets were given to boys when they came of age, because they were destined to become hunters. Osain is the lord of herbs and plants. He could give healing, or he could kill. And today an altar is made for the chosen god, which is supported by the whole family.

Japan - pantheon of gods of the ancient world

The East has its own gods, but no less powerful. The most important deity is Amaterasu omikami - a fair and honest goddess. From her came the imperial family. She illuminates the sky with her light, giving peace to those who suffer.

Amaterasu Omikami

Susanno, her brother, received power over the seas. He decides when to call for a storm and when to give calm waters. In order to appease God, sailors create amulets with his image from stone and wood. They will protect you on a sea voyage.

The many-armed goddess Kannon brings happiness to those who worship her and pray in the temple built in her honor. Good luck charms can be purchased there - these are small wooden figurines.

Hachiman is a fierce god of war. He is able to give strength and give victory only to those warriors who distinguished themselves on the battlefield. Amulets in his honor were worn on the hilt of the sword - it was believed that God would guide the hand of a brave and courageous fighter. A lot of time was devoted to creating amulets and talismans. They had to be made correctly and consecrated independently. The Japanese still keep figurines of gods in their houses, protecting the family hearth and warding off diseases. Primitive beliefs passed into the religion of Buddhism, Shintoism, and became legends and beautiful stories.

Scandinavian pantheon of gods and amulets for all occasions

The bloody and warlike gods of ancient Scandinavia are perhaps the most controversial. To appease them, it was necessary to make many sacrifices, including human ones. Each warrior wore the hammer of Thor, the god of thunder, around his neck. He had incredible power and helped those who were truly worthy.

The Supreme God - Odin, combined many functions, but the most interesting was wisdom and knowledge. He brought to the world the knowledge of runes - mystical signs that later served as writing, the Elder Edda tells about this:

“Do you know how you should cut, do you know how to consult, Do you know how should you paint, do you know how should you check, Do you know how should you ask, do you know how should you sacrifice, Do you know How to send a message, do you know how it should be destroyed?”

Noisy festivals were held in his honor, and an amulet in honor of Odin consisted of wooden images with runes. He also loved famous warriors, and after death he took them with him to Valhalla for an eternal feast.

Women worshiped Freya, because she was the ruler of love, family and marriage. She is kind-hearted, helps women who ask her for support, love, compassion. Talismans for love with the name of the goddess also served as an attribute of love spell.

The god of cunning and deception, Loki, could play a cruel joke even on those who worshiped him. He gave wisdom, cunning, helped to trick the enemy around his finger. His talismans were made of dark wood or stone.

The most famous pagan talismans of the peoples of the world

Slavic tradition

  • Kolovrat. Slavic symbol Sun. This is the cycle of life, bringing success, relief, protecting from the vicissitudes of fate.
  • Ladinets. Women's amulet, bringing peace and tranquility to the home, helping during childbirth. It is dedicated to the goddess Lada - the patroness of all girls and women.
  • Amulet Znich. Gives strength, helps to cope with difficulties, overcome various obstacles. Suitable for children too. This is a strong protector, such amulets were often used.

Scandinavian amulets in the runic tradition

  • Mjolnir. Thor's Hammer. Worn around the neck or as a keychain. No one and nothing can resist his power; he bestows part of it on his owner. Amulet of the brave.
  • Wolf cross. Cross with a wolf's head. Helps sailors, gives hope and fulfills wishes. He brought many to the right shores - he will help you make the right decisions too.
  • Trefot. Three spirals. The amulet paves the way for you to your desired goal. Suitable for business, active people who are ready to achieve their plans by any means.

Eastern amulets and talismans

On'myoji are wise men, sorcerers who know everything about the meaning and making of talismans.

  • Kitsune. Animalistic mascot depicting a fox. Amulet of noble, honest people, strong in spirit. It gives help in difficult matters, sheds light on events, and helps to separate lies from the truth.
  • Omamori. Protective amulet made of silk. Paper with a hieroglyph is sewn into it, which works as an anchor that attracts good luck and drives away evil spirits and demons. It is worn under clothes. Although, in one popular Japanese film there is a phrase:

“The most dangerous demons live in our hearts...”

Omamori - Japanese amulet for good luck and protection

Charms from Africa

  • Tiger claw. A very happy amulet that protects from all misfortunes and bestows good luck.
  • Eye. A symbol that protects against the evil eye and damage. His images can be bought everywhere - souvenir shops offer a variety of ideas - from jewelry to dishes with this symbol.

Amulets that draw strength from the energy of the elements

Few amulets, so ancient, appeal directly to the powers of the four elements. You need them if you want to engage in magical practices in your chosen tradition.

  • Svitovit. A symbol denoting the unity of earth and sky. It brings good luck to those who believe, feeds on energy from all four elements at once, and makes it possible to know their powers.
  • Bogovnik. Establishes an energetic connection with the sky. It offers its owner constant improvement and helps open a passage for powerful elemental energy.
  • Oroboro. A snake eating its own tail. Originally a Scandinavian amulet, it later became a favorite symbol of alchemists. This is the path of knowledge, development, the cycle of birth and death. You must wear it constantly on your body. Such amulets develop magical abilities.
  • Web of Wyrd. An amulet that allows you to change fate. He calls on all the elements for help, asking them to fulfill his wish. Very powerful, not everyone will be able to wear it, but the chosen ones will have ways to influence their destiny.

Slavic pagan ritual, creation of an altar

It is extremely important to use only natural materials here. Homespun white linen or a wooden base for the altar are best suited. You can decorate your altar with wildflowers daily, but this is not always possible. Gifts you bring to the gods:

  • Homemade broken bread.
  • Braga or kvass.
  • Flowers (for female deities).
  • Honey, apples.

You need to choose a permanent place for the altar, where you can perform rituals and charge amulets with energy. In order to give life to the talisman, collect the elements of the four elements, you can add minerals and stones. Only raw water is taken.

Draw a circle with chalk on the outside of the altar - you should be inside, comfortably seated.

  1. Light the candles, call on the gods of Fire, Water, Air and Earth to help you.
  2. Place the amulet in the middle.
  3. Say:

“Holy amulet, save my age, save my heart, my body, my blood. Demons of the forest, go away, I have Svarog for help, Velesov’s key. I’ll lie down, lock myself up, and I’m not afraid of anyone. Quiet walls, quiet corners. The corners are sleeping and I (name) went to bed. Goy."

Stay in the circle as long as possible and visualize white, pure streams of energy coming from each elemental element into the amulet. Before the ritual itself, be sure to bring gifts to the gods you call upon. After the ritual, you need to thank and release them.

Paganism and amulets today

Today, almost any amulet can be bought; amulets have become souvenirs for tourists. But despite all this, in the right hands, pagan objects of power still remain powerful tools that can influence reality. If you really want to do this traditional magic, start with elemental magic.

Rituals will help you correctly approach the consecration and activation of the talisman. Paganism, as a belief and a set of rituals, still exists today; do not be surprised if you meet followers. They often perform their rituals outdoors, just as our ancestors did. It’s not a problem to find a master of amulets, but it’s better to start creating them yourself. One of the most common will be Kolovrat. Due to the fact that it is dedicated to the Sun, it has powerful energy and is able to accommodate several energetic properties. You should not take it lightly - the amulet will help you in a difficult situation, illuminate the path through the unknown, the unknown, and ward off harmful entities.

This knowledge will help you on the path of knowledge, because it doesn’t matter which path you choose as long as you are moving in the right direction.

Ancient Slavic amulets very varied, as are their meanings. We have all seen many of them on objects familiar to us in everyday life, but we did not even suspect what a great heritage they carry. Our ancestors believed in many gods, each of which endowed people with their own specific powers and gifts. And in order for the connection between them to be even closer, the ancient Slavs decorated their everyday life with certain amulets: housing, clothing, dishes and much more.

Magic is only as strong in a person as he is close to his roots. This statement is an indisputable truth. That is why we should all respect and know as much as possible about our ancestors, the ancient Slavs.

And very most of their lives were occupied by amulets. At its core, amulets are powerful protective magic that is inherent in any people. They bind the person who wears them and the spirit called to his protection. And since the religious world of our ancestors was very rich, the amulets they used in everyday life were also varied. It could be anything:

Jewelry and clothing with embroidered symbols, dishes and specially crafted pendants. The implementation also used the most different materials. But every seemingly insignificant little detail was of great importance in the protective magic of the amulet itself.

Women's protection

Ancient Slavic amulets of a woman on her head

Slavic women wore much more amulets than men. This was due to the fact that they, as continuers of the family, needed to be protected much better. Charms worn purely women's symbolism There were so many that it is simply impossible to describe them all.

We will pay attention to the most basic of them and their meaning:

  • Pendants. This is perhaps the most common type of female amulet. It was carried out skilled craftsmen jewelry made from various types of metal and could be worn on a variety of parts of the body and clothing. Their execution was so delicately done that modern girls would mistake such amulets for a stylish decoration. Almost all of them had the appearance of one or another animal (from a duck to a horse) and were sure to ring when a woman walked. Such ringing was aimed at scaring away evil spirits.
  • Cloth. It was customary to decorate it abundantly with embroidery of protective symbols. Both sleeves and hems were embroidered. The preferred colors to wear were red, white and green. The fabric for the enchanted clothes was also not simple: it was woven with special looms and spindles, which were decorated with appropriate symbols from evil demons.
  • Hats. Women wore kikis or the well-known kokoshniks on their heads. Such headdresses, by their shape, were already good amulets, but they additionally had to be decorated with pendants made in different manners and fastened together in different ways. Young girls did not wear such complex headdresses: they were wearing thin metal strips running across the forehead. They were called "ochelye". It was also customary to decorate them with jewelry pendants.
  • Crest. Such symbols were worn not only in women’s hair, but also served for magical rituals. For example, it could be used to cure a sick family member by combing him. Combs were always made with seven teeth, since this number itself was a sacred amulet among the Slavs.
  • Colts. All women used special rings that were worn at their temples. Such symbols could be made in different forms, depending on the affiliation of their owner to a particular tribe. The number of koltas indicated the high position of a woman in society: the more there were, the richer and more noble their owner was. Similar jewelry - amulets - were also decorated with various symbols, depending on what magical properties they were endowed with.
  • Lunars. These unique neck decorations were made exclusively of silver, since they served exclusively the female planet - the Moon. Their calling was to protect women in their dreams at night from evil spirits.

All women's symbols and amulets-decorations, including numerous pendants, were usually made of warm yellow metals: gold or copper. But protective symbols against evil spirits were made of silver, to which special properties were attributed.

Protecting men

Men, of course, did not wear as much jewelry as their wives, but they were not left without protection.

Symbols of men:

  • Fibulae. Most often, men used clasps for cloaks - brooches - which were decorated with various symbols and ornaments.
  • Body amulets. Such things were made in the form of a circle and traditionally masculine symbols were placed on them: crosses with eight ends, rhombuses and swastikas, figures of animals and birds.
  • Pendants. Similar symbols of protection were also used by men, but not in such quantities as in the women's toilet. Most often, one or two pendants were used in the form of a duck, a horse or a bladed weapon. Most often, such pendants were worn on long journeys so that the man would have protection from any troubles.
  • Bracelets. Such amulets were worn by both men and women. Women used them to fasten the long, loose sleeves of their clothes. Bracelets were made - amulets - not only from metal: they used bone, wood and even glass. They were decorated with advising symbols or ornaments.

Patterns, ornaments and their meaning

Sun, tree of life, fertility

Since the most common protective method was the location various characters in the form of patterns, I would like to talk about their meanings. Such ornaments could be placed on clothes in the form of embroidery, on dishes in the form of a pattern. They were used for door and window frames, which prevented evil spirits from entering the house. They were painted on all household and craft items. But for each individual case, their own symbols were selected to provide protection from one or another misfortune:

  • The cross closes the passage to evil and bad spirits.
  • The tree is a symbol of long life.
  • Flower - purity and feminine, if red - love.
  • The star is the mind.
  • Circumference – motherhood, fertility.
  • Square - successful cultivation of the land.
  • Spiral - wisdom, secret knowledge. If in white, black or red, then it is a very strong protective symbol against evil spirits.
  • The wavy line is water, the beginning of life. If located vertically, it means secret information.
  • Triangle - man.

You will probably immediately say that you have never heard of such a talisman, and you will be mistaken. The word “nauzy” itself comes from “knot” and “to impose”.

Knots in Rus' have long been considered an opportunity to turn directly to God and ask him for help. Gradually such nodes became protective symbol and a talisman. They were tied, for example, on horse harnesses to protect themselves in battle.

Each knot tied carries its own special information and meaning. Its strength also depends on who knitted it: in bad, unkind hands it turns into a messenger of black magic and carries harm within itself.

They knitted such knots for every problem in every area of ​​life.

With their help, you could heal and kill, protect yourself and your family, ask for a good harvest and tame the wind.

Regarding the last point, there was a special belief: Finnish sailors firmly knew that with the help of rope and knots the strongest wind could be tamed. They always took with them on a voyage such bundles, in which a good wind was “hidden” for the sails of their ships. And powerful sorcerers and magicians could imprison even a squall hurricane in such knots.

Of course, only special threads were used for miraculous knots. They were spun with the left hand on the night of Ivan Kupala. Most often they were painted red, especially if they were used to treat a sick person. The preferred materials were wool and linen.

Entire knotted patterns were woven from such threads, which were then hung on their amulets-pendants. This was considered a very powerful protective method. Such jewelry should be worn as close to the body as possible in the heart area.


The protective glory of this item is still known today. You can often find stylized images of horseshoes in modern jewelry, films and our interior. But few people know exactly how the horseshoe was used by our ancestors.

For example, it should be hung exclusively with the ends up. In addition, they always took old and rusty horseshoes: it was believed that in this form they successfully attract diseases to themselves, preventing them from entering the house. But the very original purpose of such a horseshoe was to ward off evil spells from its owners. It was believed that a person with evil eye and with bad intentions, upon entering the yard and seeing a horseshoe in the wrong place, he will be confused by surprise and will not be able to carry out his evil plans.

The horseshoe should be hung upside down

How to make an ancient Slavic amulet yourself

To successfully protect yourself from the evil eye and all kinds of evil spirits, you don’t have to run to a specialized store and buy the thing they recommend to you. It will be much more effective if you build protection for yourself.

As can be seen from what is described above, almost any object can act as a talisman: stone, wood, embroidery, decoration, and even a knot. The most important thing is that this symbol has a special meaning for you personally and corresponds to your energy.

That's why remember:

It is important not what you take, but what thoughts you put into the amulet. When making it, you should completely open up to bright thoughts and feelings.

If you see that you are not doing well today, it is better to postpone making your amulet. You can return to the process at any convenient time, when all obstacles within you disappear.

In this article:

Pagan amulets of the era of the ancient Slavs

In the old days people only worshiped forces of nature. They were free and pure in spirit. The world around ancient Slavs was simple. The gods helped them, protected them, gave them light, warmth and food. Gods were everywhere: sky, earth, lakes and rivers, rain and stones. Each of them had a living soul and strength. People knew how to be grateful for the gifts of nature. The gods were powerful, but often demanded sacrifices for their leniency. Slavic traditions were widely developed. The most powerful amulets were made, which were dedicated to the gods. With their help, people were not afraid of cold, drought, or dark forces. There were special measures against evil witchcraft talismans. Today they are known to us, used and sold. It is much better to make the amulet yourself. Put all the power of your faith into a good amulet. Your request will be heard by the gods.

Slavic paganism

The pagan beliefs of the ancient Slavs came from the simplest animism, worship of the forces of nature. The gods were close to people and shared their wisdom with them. From this worship powerful amulets appeared.

Yarilo and Lada

The sun god presides in the sky. It gives people light and warmth, helps them plant and harvest crops. Without light Sun there would be no life. Yarilo sparkles so much that everyone can see it in the sky. The golden disk of the Sun - here it is, the god Yarilo. In later times he received the name Perun. In this guise, he not only helped, but also punished, throwing lightning. IN ancient times The sun has found a worthy wife. Goddess Lada visible in the sky, but in the form of the Moon. She is a symbol of femininity, love, beauty. Lada protects women and tells them amazing secrets. If you know Lada’s prayers, you will always remain young, beautiful and happy. Yarilo is a male deity. Brave warriors depicted his signs on their shields. He also shared divine secrets. How to plow and sow, forge metal, fight and fight. Yarilo knows a lot about battles, because he wages an endless struggle with dark forces. At night the Sun is not visible in the sky, because it descends into Dark Underworld. Every night there is a war between the forces of darkness and light, and whoever wins will be decided by the duel between Yaril and Chernobog. Yarilo and Lada- the supreme deities of the ancient Slavs. All pagan traditions are based on the worship of these gods and their luminaries.

Veles - the father of witchcraft

Veles lives in the Underworld. This is a very wise god. He is depicted with small horns on his head. This speaks volumes about his origins. Veles - one of the first pagan demons. But he does not wish harm to people, and is ready to teach witchcraft, witchcraft and magic the one who will serve him. Despite his dark origins, Veles was a revered deity. Temples were built for him and altars were erected no less often than for Yaril. Veles - god of wisdom. He doesn't play bad jokes with people, but teaches them secret knowledge. He was the first to show how to make amulets, charm illnesses, and bewitch loved ones. There is a Book of Veles. This is an ancient collection of powerful magic, rituals and spells. Pagan traditions of magic are described in this book. It is written on many wooden tablets. The book appeared and disappeared from view over several hundred years. No one knows where she is today, but she could appear at any moment. If someone had a problem of a magical nature, then this person went to the Temple of Veles. There were wise ones priests, knowing the past and future, changing the present. The horned god helped the Slavs, but took a high price for his help.

God Rod and his protection

One of the later but powerful gods was Rod. His strength lies in his kinship and reverence for his ancestors. The power of all Slavs is in unity. They knew their fathers and grandfathers and remembered their history. In battles, battles, in difficult times, it was necessary to ask Rod for support. All grandfathers and great-grandfathers stood behind a person’s back, protecting him from troubles, averting danger. Generic protection- that’s what was important in the world of the ancient Slavs. To do this, you had to know your roots well, worship the gods, and lead a righteous lifestyle. Genus He gave people amulets - protective items that contained the power of the entire huge family. He was depicted as an elderly man with a long beard.

The most famous pagan amulets

Most of the amulets are solar. They repeat the Sun and its rays. It was believed that the Sun could protect from all adversity, black magic, damage and curses.

Charms against dark witchcraft, evil eye

These amulets can protect against any witchcraft or love spell.

The most famous solar symbol. You can find something similar in other cultures. is the oldest symbol of energy protection. Its rays of the sun burn out dark witchcraft, ward off damage, evil eyes, and remove the curse. And the one who decided to harm a person will be punished by this amulet itself. Kolovrat acts as a mirror shield - it sends a sent curse to the one who decided to harm you. With this protection, nothing is scary. The amulet is best recharged from the Sun in the summer. Made from wood or iron. It is very important to do it yourself, then your energy channels will intertwine.

Sign of the god Veles. You can wear it all the time. It destroys all negative effects on a person. is also solar symbol. It is made from dark and durable wood species. Do not show this amulet to anyone; it will protect you if you wear it under your clothes or in your belt. Initially, Velesovik was male symbol, but women also decided to wear it. He will protect you from damage.

Black Sun

One of the most famous Slavic amulets ancient period. Such amulets are found during excavations in houses. Black Sun depicted on dishes, clothing, and household items. It removes the evil eye and damage from home and family. This amulet can be considered home. The owner of the house himself had to make it from solid oak. Then it will serve for many years, and may even be inherited by children and grandchildren.

Protection from evil word. If someone throws a person in the back curse, then it will not reach the goal. will destroy him. A simple but effective way to protect against negative energy.

Ancestral protection, patronage

All Slavic families are related. So, behind the back of the person wearing the amulet, there is a huge army.


Symbol of the god Rod. Made by the oldest member of the family. It had to be carved from wood. The process of making such a talisman continues for a long time, because it is necessary to follow the entire ritual, turn to God for advice and help. It must be worn under clothing. Another option is protective embroidery. It is performed by a mother for her son. All the strength of the family comes to the defense of those who honor the memory of their great-grandfathers and know their exploits.

Amulet Znich

Another generic sign. It was installed at home. Helped in cases where men went to war. Women and children needed the protection that Znich provided. He was given a place of honor and universal veneration.

Charms for women

Women's Slavic amulets help in the most important matters: having children, health, caring for the home.

The best assistant for all women. This amulet must be worn day and night. It will protect your health, give you many children and a happy marriage. Many women depicted the Star of Lada on their washing dishes. If you put a silver spoon in it, the water becomes rejuvenating. You need to wash your face with this water every evening - it will preserve beauty of face, skin, body for many years. You can draw the Star of Lada on a jar of cream, then this kind of amulet will constantly act, giving even a simple nourishing cream amazing properties.

Protective talisman pregnancy and childbirth. The woman wore it for 9 months and then hid it under the bed during childbirth. This relieved the pain and gave birth to a healthy child quickly. Try it, this method may help you protect yourself during pregnancy.

The moon is a symbol of Lada. She helps women become healthy. If there are problems in the female part, then this amulet should be worn on the belt. Slavic legends say that it helps to heal infertility and gives many sons.

Men's amulets

A man should be brave and wise. Talismans can help with this. They pacify the tough temperament of those who want to fight, help achieve wisdom, and give strength.


Amulet of brave, courageous and wise warriors. This sign has real masculine power. The point is that the real warrior wisdom not in the battle, but in the ability to avoid it. If this is not possible, then you need to fight with honor, bravely, bravely.

Male symbol. Gives a person good luck in battle. Today it is used very actively, especially by businessmen. Business negotiations are a battle. There you need the help of a wise mentor. Kolyadnik is a symbol of the god Kolyada.

Healing symbols

These Slavic amulets heal illnesses and give strength for life.

Fern Flower

Ritual of activation of the amulet

Rituals in the Slavic tradition are always held outdoors. It could be:

  • field;
  • a place near a river;
  • forest lake.

In these places, the pagan gods are especially close to man. Rituals are held in sunny times - summer, early autumn. Most symbols are solar. They take energy from the Sun. If you perform the activation ritual in winter, when there is little sun, then the power will be limited. On June 22, the manufacture of the amulet is completed, and after this day activation begins.

What will you need?

It will be necessary to light fires and prepare a sacrifice to one of the gods to whom you dedicate the amulet. Choosing a victim is simple:

Deity What does it symbolize Activation location Sacrifice
Yarilo Strength, courage, masculinity. Forest, field. Metal, fire.
Veles Witchcraft, protection from magic, increasing magical power, protection from damage. Forest clearing with pine trees, forest lake. Sacrificial fire, animal meat.
Lada Femininity, health, beauty, successful childbirth. A flowering field, the bank of a fast river. Fresh flowers, honey.
Makosh Help with love spells, healing from the evil eye, removing damage. River bank. Natural wool.
Genus Ancestral protection, a powerful amulet against physical and magical effects Plowed field. Silver, iron.

Rite of Activation

To activate, come to the selected location. Bring with you all the sacrificial gifts that you want to present to the gods. The amulet should be placed on the ground and a circle should be drawn.

  1. Light the fire with matches. You will need dry branches that you collect yourself.
  2. Stand in front of the fire and say:

“Holy amulet, save my age, save my heart, my body, my blood. Demons of the forest, go away, I have Svarog for help, Velesov’s key. I’ll lie down, lock myself up, and I’m not afraid of anyone. Quiet walls, quiet corners. The corners are sleeping and I (name) went to bed. Goy."

  1. Walk three times clockwise around your amulet.
  2. Repeat the spell, now turning to the god who will help you.
  3. Place your sacrifice in the fire. If you bring sacrificial fire to God, but you need to burn fresh animal meat on it. Let the fire burn completely and go out.
  4. The amulets are buried in the ground in the place where the fire burned.
  5. Wait three days and 3 nights, and on the 4th day come for your amulet.

It is now activated. The gods accepted your sacrifice, which rose with smoke into their abode. They gave you a charge of powerful energy. Make sure your amulet does not get lost. If it is broken, then it is important sign. You have been influenced. The amulet took the entire blow and saved you. Unfortunately, the amulet was destroyed. You need to bury it at the activation site, and make a new one for yourself. Do not neglect this advice from practitioners of pagan magic. A broken or cracked amulet can no longer be restored in the energetic sense. He did his job - he protected you, absorbed the negativity from damage. Now it's useless. Be sure to bury any leftovers in the ground. If it is not possible to come to the place where the activation took place, then you need a talisman bury near any river along the flow ju. Your life will be easier if the pagan gods smile on you. The power of the family is still alive, you just need to call on it correctly.

Our ancestors, the Slavs, were pagans and worshiped the forces of nature. They lived in unity and in complete harmony with natural phenomena, knowing that this was the only way they could ask from higher powers help and support.

Today we consider ourselves full masters of nature, forgetting how dependent we are on it. But the ancients pagan amulets can help us too - their power will not go away over the centuries, and it can always be used.

The Slavs never left home without a protective amulet, or even several. The mascots had the most different meaning, protected at work and on the road, kept from the evil eye and misfortune. Today, the meaning of pagan talismans has been preserved, and the benefits of them, if used correctly, will be the same. By respecting and honoring the highest natural forces, believing in the power of the talisman, you can protect yourself and your family from misfortunes, attract good luck and live in goodness.

Pagan Slavic talismans serve different purposes:

  • Protection from the evil eye and enemies.
  • Generic protection.
  • Home protection.
  • Amulets for the road and important matters.
  • Healing amulets for health.
  • Talismans to attract good luck.

The pagan symbols themselves are associated with a huge pantheon Slavic gods, each of which is responsible for its own area of ​​human life and activity. All pagan talismans are divided into female and male, and they must be worn accordingly. How to choose your own amulet? You need to look at his image and listen to yourself. If you feel that this is the very “your” symbol, that you are drawn to it, you will not be mistaken. If it gives you mixed associations, then you should look for another one.

Women's symbols

Women most often made pagan protective amulets with their own hands - and not only for themselves, but also for their husbands and children. It is precisely this amulet, charged with the feminine power of love, that has enormous protective power - men were not even afraid to go to war with such an amulet on their chest, and believed that no force was afraid of them.

5. Woman in labor is the most “feminine” amulet of all existing ones. It features a beautiful pattern of interlocking rectangles and lines. The woman in labor is the patroness of women's destiny and family. It is believed that such amulets are simply salvation for women who dream of having a child. In addition, the Rozhanitsa should be worn by already pregnant women, left on the body during childbirth, and then passed on to the newborn for protection.

6. Lada the Mother of God is a Slavic goddess who protects young girls and gives them happy love. Amulets with the image of the Lada symbol should be worn by young people who dream of being beautiful and happy, meeting their destiny and living in strong love.

The main power of female talismans lies in faith in them. Feminine energy is very powerful by nature, from birth, and the amulet is only its guide. The stronger the faith and respect for the amulet, the greater will be its power and protective power.

Male symbols of the Slavs

If a woman is the protector of the family and clan, then a man needs amulets for other purposes. They help in life, in work and in achieving goals, in struggle and competition, in business. The most powerful pagan male amulets are those that a woman made for her chosen one with her own hands. You can even trust your life to such a talisman! But you can make or buy amulets yourself, they will also work.

1. Doukhobor is a male talisman that gives its owner wisdom, strength and glory. To wear this pagan symbol, you need to believe in it and understand that life is a great blessing and a gift from above. Doukhobor gives strength and wisdom, understanding of hidden things, the world order. It balances the flow of internal energies, enhances the fire of the soul, and can be worn constantly.

4. Vseslavets is a beautiful talisman that protects against conflicts. It will help to avoid discord in the family, relationships and work areas. It also protects not only its owner, but also his home, family and clan from accidents.

5. . This is another militant symbol that will greatly help in business. It was used in battles and conquests, and today it can actively help in work and any area where there is competition.

Amulets for men are not jewelry or fashion accessories. They carry great power. Interestingly, their strength increases every year, and their ancestors passed on their amulets through their sons.

For the talisman to work

Of course, the best talisman is the one you make with your own hands. But you can buy it, or order it from a master. In any case, whether you make the amulet yourself, buy it or order it, you will need to “activate” it for it to start “working”.

This is done only once, at the very beginning. There are different procedures - simple and more complex, but the most important thing here is to invest energy. After all, initially it is just a thing, and only after you invest your personal energy and faith into it will it turn into magic amulet. How to do this?

Method one - authentic

This is a beautiful ancient pagan ritual that you can perform too. Choose a secluded place in nature - a field, a river bank, a small forest. It's better that you are completely alone. The ritual can be performed in the morning or during the day, but not at night.

Light a small fire. Don’t buy ready-made coals and firewood, do everything yourself, the old fashioned way. Stand in front of the fire, take your amulet in your hands and turn to the Slavic deity whose symbol is depicted on the item.

You can use special spells and prayers, but it will be much easier and more sincere for you to turn to higher powers on your own. Ask them to give power to your amulet, protect you and keep your family safe. Ask with all your heart, sincerely and with great faith. Then pull the amulet over the fire and hold it over the smoke, mentally launching energy into it.

The “victim” must be thrown into the fire. This could be some money, sweets (honey, candy) or some red wine, fresh flowers or herbs. Your heart itself will tell you what it should be. After this, sit by the fire with your amulet in your hands until the fire goes out completely.

After this, your item needs to be buried in the ground under the place where your fire burned. After three days, come back and dig it up, wash it in water (preferably in a natural body of water), and your talisman is ready to use!

Method two is simple

You can activate the talisman simply and quickly, at home. You will need a beautiful candle, incense (incense sticks), clean water in a glass and regular salt in a plate.

Perform the ritual beautifully and with soul to attract as much light energy as possible. Turn off the lights in the room, light beautiful candles, make it quiet and calm. Cover the table with a white or embroidered tablecloth, or maybe a scarf.

Place all the items on the table, prepare your future amulet. Place it on the table in front of you, extend your hands over top. Imagine how pure and good energy is pouring into it, and mentally (or out loud) turn to the Higher Powers with a request to give strength to your amulet.

After the spell, pick up the amulet and dip it three times in salt. Say that you are giving the talisman the power of the Earth. Then dip it in a glass of water - repeat that you are giving the talisman the power of Water. Do the same with incense - fumigate the amulet with smoke, charging it with the power of Air. At the end, hold the candles over the flame, charging with the power of Fire.

Such rituals will help activate your amulet and make it “alive.” Never give it to other people, do not try it on or examine it. This is not just jewelry, remember. How well the amulet will “work” depends on your attitude. Wear it under your clothes, often treat it as if it were alive, and if you take it off, store it in a special bag or box.

Believe sincerely in the goodness and benefit of higher powers, and they will give you protection and happiness!

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