Download presentation on ice cream advertising. “Ice cream is a sweet joy.” Purpose: to study the chemical composition of ice cream and determine its chemical characteristics. Objectives: study the literature. Tasty and tender

1. Introduction. 2. What is ice cream. 3. The history of the origin of ice cream. 4. Types of ice cream by consistency. 5. Types of ice cream by composition. 6. Benefits and harms. 7. Ice cream production. 8. Making ice cream at home. 9. Conclusion. 10. List of used literature.

They talk about it often, especially in the summer. Competitions and celebrations are organized in his honor. Both adults and children love him, and it is not known for certain who is more. It is called a winter fairy tale, milky joy, chilled happiness, because to be happy you really need very little of it - one glass. Or maybe a whole refrigerator? Ice cream is a chilled (frozen) dessert made from dairy products such as cream, milk, butter with the addition of fillers. There are many different types and varieties of ice cream. These are ice creams, creme brulee, frozen juices, briquettes, popsicles and others. Red, white, yellow, green, fruit, chocolate, vanilla - whatever suits your taste. A huge advantage of ice cream is that it can be prepared at home, decorated with all kinds of fruits, jams, nuts, chocolate and whatever your heart desires. Ice cream is served both individually and as an element of desserts. For example, there is a dish called Fried Ice Cream, which is fried raisin ice cream balls coated in cereal. Ice cream is used to decorate cakes, and there are generally cakes made of winter joy. In children's cafes it is a mandatory dessert, without which there is no menu.

It’s very difficult to find a person who doesn’t love ice cream; this wonderful dairy product, which has a particularly pleasant taste, has become a very integral part of our everyday life. We eat it all year round. There is a lot of controversy about ice cream itself. Competitions and celebrations are organized in his honor. Ice cream itself is a chilled (frozen) dessert, so to speak, a semblance of an ice-like mass, mostly used for entertainment than for nutrition. Well, is there anyone who doesn’t like ice cream? Hardly. On average, a Russian resident eats up to 4 kilograms of cold delicacies. Americans consume much more ice cream, from 12 to 14 kilograms per capita. A resident of Europe buys up to 8 kilograms of this dessert per year. Ice cream is a dish consisting of a frozen mixture of cream, natural milk, powdered or condensed milk, beet sugar, various aromatic and flavoring substances (raisins, vanillin, almonds, cocoa, nuts, chocolate, etc.). Dessert frozen at high temperatures is called ice cream. Ice cream is a sweet treat that is primarily designed to lift your spirits. Therefore, ice cream cannot be called food. Ice cream is fun.

Thank you very much Znayka, I’ll let you know! Where, when and how did the first ice cream appear? There are many legends about the history of the origin of ice cream. The earliest mentions of ice cream date back to the times of Emperor Nero, who ordered mountain ice to be brought to him and mixed with fruit additives, and the Chinese Emperor Tang, who had his own method of preparing mixtures from ice and milk. Ice cream was most likely brought from China to Europe. According to legend, Marco Polo brought from his trip to the East a recipe for a delicacy, for cooling which they used not only snow, but also saltpeter. And since then, a dish similar to sorbet was certainly present on the menu of aristocrats. It was then that ice cream became the center of intrigue: the chefs kept the recipe a closely guarded secret. Over time, recipes for making ices, sorbets and milk were developed, which became fashionable in the Italian and French royal courts. Even such a gourmet as Louis XIV did not refuse it. In 1649, the French culinary specialist Gerard Tiersen invented original recipe frozen vanilla cream - made from milk and cream. The new product was called “Neapolitan ice cream.” After this, the recipe for the ice dessert was constantly updated. And in Rus', planed frozen milk was eaten in hot weather back in ancient times. In Siberian villages, to this day, housewives store milk by freezing it in saucers and stacking the ice. In the “European” version, ice cream appeared in our country in the middle of the 18th century and immediately gained great popularity. Thus, Count Litta, the envoy of the Order of Malta to Russia, who later accepted Russian citizenship, ate almost nothing but ice cream. They say that even before his death, after taking communion, he ordered ten servings of the best ice cream to be served to him: “This will not happen in heaven.” You're welcome Dunno! What other question do you have about ice cream?

The first city in which ice cream began to be produced and sold all year round. This is Paris: in 1676, 250 Parisian confectioners united into an ice cream corporation, although officially the recipe for making ice cream was still considered a state secret. Only 100 years later, a cookbook containing various ice cream recipes was published in Vienna. Researcher According to legend, Marco Polo brought from his trip to the East a recipe for a delicacy, for cooling which they used not only snow, but also saltpeter. And since then, a dish similar to sorbet was certainly present on the menu of aristocrats. It was then that ice cream became the center of intrigue: the chefs kept the recipe a closely guarded secret. Over time, recipes for making ices, sorbets and milk were developed, which became fashionable in the Italian and French royal courts. Even such a gourmet as Louis XIV did not refuse it. In 1649, the French culinary specialist Gerard Tiersen came up with an original recipe for frozen vanilla cream - made from milk and cream. The new product was called “Neapolitan ice cream.” After this, the recipe for the ice dessert was constantly updated. Where did they first start selling ice cream? And how did everyone find out about him?

Dunno, did you know that ice cream also differs in consistency and composition? With joy! No Znayka! And please tell me in more detail. According to consistency: according to preparation methods, all types of ice cream are classified into three groups. This is seasoned, soft serve and homemade ice cream. Hardened ice cream is produced in a factory using special technologies. This technology involves hardening ice cream at temperatures down to – 18 degrees Celsius. This ice cream is quite hard. Soft ice cream is produced at catering establishments. As a rule, it is sent for consumption immediately after preparation. Accordingly, homemade ice cream is made at home using household equipment. Soft serve ice cream has a creamy consistency and is usually served in a waffle cone or cone. This ice cream is made in cafes and restaurants; it must be eaten immediately after preparation.

Now I know everything about ice cream. Thank you very much Znayka! By composition. Depending on the ingredients, ice cream can be: Creamy. Made from milk and cream; a classic type of ice cream that has won the love of children and adults of all ages. Today, thanks to a huge number of manufacturers and brands, when buying creamy ice cream, we can not embarrass ourselves at all in our choice, and get the opportunity to try summer sweets with various flavors or fruit additives. We all love creamy ice cream, and no one with a sweet tooth can deny themselves the pleasure of tasting this wonderful dessert. Sorbet. To prepare this ice cream, fresh fruits and berries are used; Sorbet is a cold fruit dessert. It is a delicacy not only for those who are supporters proper nutrition or those who follow strict diets, but also for those who want to enjoy the taste of natural berries and fruits. This is an extremely low-calorie product, containing only natural juices and purees, it is completely free of animal fats, and the amount of sugar used to make this type of ice cream is kept to a minimum. Fruit ice. This ice cream is based on fruit juice. My pleasure! But that's not all, my friend!

What else? This is what I know for sure! What about the benefits and harms? Ice cream contains vitamins (A, B, D, P, E) and minerals (iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus) necessary for our body, and it allows us not only to “cool” the body in hot weather, but also quickly restore energy. This dessert also protects against stress and saves from insomnia. The main thing is to choose natural ice cream, not stuffed with artificial additives. Otolaryngologists claim that eating ice cream hardens the throat - it accustoms it to low temperatures and develops local immunity. You just need to harden it gradually, in small portions! Firstly, ice cream is very high in calories and can cause significant harm to your figure - 100 grams of ice cream can contain from 250 to 500 kilocalories. Secondly, ice cream can cause headaches, because when eating ice cream, due to a too rapid drop in body temperature, blood vessels narrow and blood flow in the brain decreases, and this causes pain. A healthy person can eat ice cream two to three times a week, according to nutritionists. But for people who suffer from caries, atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease, this delicacy is not beneficial. Of course, ice cream is also not recommended for overweight people. Well, tell me, what speaks in favor of eating ice cream? What can be considered harmful from ice cream?

Presentation "Ice cream". Scientific and practical conference among elementary school students.


They talk about it a lot, especially in the summer. Competitions and celebrations are organized in his honor. Both adults and children love him, and it is not known for certain who is more. It is called a winter fairy tale, milky joy, chilled happiness, because to be happy you really need very little of it - one glass. Or maybe a whole refrigerator?

Relevance of the work:is to find interesting information about ice cream.

Target: study of the composition of ice cream and its application

Tasks: find out what ice cream is?

Where and when did ice cream appear?

How ice cream is made and its types.

Learn about the beneficial and harmful properties of ice cream.

Introduce children to the history of the appearance of this delicacy;

Learn how to make ice cream;

Hypothesis: Ice cream is not only a delicacy, but also a harmful product for humans.

If ice cream is made from natural products and stored correctly, then it has a positive effect on the human body.

What is ice cream?

Ice cream is a very ancient delicacy; its history goes back more than 5,000 years.

Mo born is a frozen sweet mass of dairy products with various additives. Recipes and storage methods were kept secret and were declassified only in the 11th century BC in the book “Shi-king.

There are about 700 types of ice cream on earth. The most large number There are 709 varieties of ice cream offered to its visitors by the Venezuelan ice cream parlor Coromoto, which was founded in 1980 by a native of Portugal, Manuel da Silva Oliveira.

Ice cream has been around for a long time. In China, desserts similar to ice cream were served - snow and ice mixed with pieces of oranges, lemons and pomegranate seeds. Chilled juices and dairy products have been consumed since ancient times.

Ice cream is a dairy product; it contains many useful substances, satisfies hunger and improves mood. This is a delicious and healthy dessert for adults and children.

Ice cream is usually made from:





Methods for making ice cream

Only in ancient Kievan Rus For dessert, frozen and finely shaved milk with sugar was served. Europe did not know this recipe; the French came up with the idea of ​​creating a cold dessert based on milk and cream much later. They invented creamy ice cream under Napoleon III in the city of Plobières Les Bemes. The name of this city was given to a new dairy dessert - it was called “ice cream”. Then the types and varieties of ice cream expanded exponentially. Each European nation brought its own ideas to the production of a tasty product. Natives of Austria added chocolate to ice cream. The Italians, great lovers of mixing the most incredible products, came up with assorted ice cream with the addition of fruits, nuts, liqueur, and pieces of cookies. Chinese they feasted on snow and ice mixed with pieces of oranges, lemons and pomegranate seeds. Alexander the Great was treated to ice cream during his campaigns in Persia and India.

Until the end of the last century, ice cream was expensive until refrigeration machines were invented. After all, delivering and storing ice for cooling was troublesome and costly. Refrigeration machines made ice cream a treat for everyone.

Now let's find out how ice cream is made. It all starts with a large mixing bath, into which the milk mixture is poured and passed through filters so that not a single lump remains. Then the mass is pasteurized and mixed again. Now it’s time to turn the semi-finished product into “sweet ice”. The mixture—the future ice cream—flows down the surface of the tubes, inside which coolant runs. And now the mass has cooled down. Now it is pumped into special freezer machines, or, simply put, into freezers. Air is pumped into the machine along with the mixture. For what? So that the ice cream turns out whipped - light and airy. The mixture with air enters a cylinder with a mechanical stirrer. Gradually, the mixture of air and frozen liquid is whipped like a milkshake, freezes, and ice cream crawls out of the cylinder. All that remains is to divide it into portions. This is done differently for different types of ice cream.

The manufacturer is required to indicate on the label the composition and what stabilizers were used, the production date, and the address of the manufacturer.

The figure shows the percentage of various components in the classic version.

Classification. Types of ice cream.

There are many different characteristics by which ice cream can be classified:

· by type - packaged, by weight, small-piece, in the so-called “family” packaging; with or without coating;

· in shape - cup, cone, popsicle, candy bar, etc.;

· by the type of filling - creme brulee, chocolate, vanilla, etc., and its structure - with “filling” or mixed;

· for consumer purposes - for example, diabetic or ice cream for adults;

· by type of raw material - dairy, fruit and berry.

Ice cream based on dairy products is classified according to the mass fraction of fat and sucrose: milk, cream, ice cream.

In a number of countries, ice cream made with vegetable fats is classified as a separate category.

Ice cream flavors: ice cream in our village:

· chocolate; cream ice cream;

· strawberry; popsicle;

· banana; Dallas chocolate flavor

· vanilla; horn;

· nutty; ice;

· creme brulee.

Unusual varieties of ice cream are in demand:

cream ice cream

Types of ice cream: popsicle

Corn horn


In summer:

Onion ice

Carrot Melonia


chicken wings

made from octopus

from fish

with bacon

with green tea

with pepper


Applications of ice cream

Dairy products are made from ice creamcocktails , adding milk and syrup to it and beating the resulting mixture in a mixer.

Ice cream can be used as a quick and effective hemostatic agent for nosebleeds (swallowing a few very cold pieces of ice cream is enough.

Ice cream is used in cooking to make cakes and pastries.

In cafes, restaurants, parks, stadiums, during festive events.

The benefits and harms of ice cream

Ice cream is healthy because...

Strengthens bone tissue.

Reduces blood pressure.

Reduces the risk of colon cancer.

Increases immunity.

Reduces the risk of kidney stones.

Increases brain activity.

Treats dysbacteriosis.

Ice cream is harmful:

For diabetes

Liver diseases



You can’t eat ice cream in the cold - you can catch a cold and get sick.

Ice cream should not be consumed in large quantities.

Ice cream is placed in a bowl and eaten with a spoon, a special one or a tea spoon. Before you start eating ice cream, you need to wait until it gets a little warmer.

You need to eat the ice cream in small pieces, hold it on your tongue and swallow

Sociological survey about ice cream

I decided to find out the beneficial properties of ice cream, and also find out whether it can be harmful to the body. And I decided to conduct a sociological survey.

I asked the following questions:

1. Do you like ice cream? Why?

2. How often do you eat ice cream?

3. What brands of ice cream do you like?

4. Do you know the composition of ice cream?

5. What do you think this product is: harmful, healthy, I don’t know?

6. At what time of year do you eat more ice cream?

Sociological survey “Do you like ice cream?”

20 people-100% 99% 0.2%

Aunt: “I love ordinary ice cream. Ice in summer. I don't know the ingredients of the ice cream

Sister: " I love ice cream, especially in winter, creamy chocolate ice cream in a cup, and fruit ice in summer. I find it useful. I know the ingredients of ice cream.

Grandmother: “I like ice cream because it reminds me of my childhood. But I advise children not to overuse ice cream, as they can get a sore throat.” I know the ingredients of ice cream. I love ice cream in the summer, especially ice cream.”

Dad: “I don’t like ice cream, I think it’s a harmful product.”

Classmates: “Ice cream comes in different varieties, but we love it because it’s delicious. And in the summer I like ice, horn, melonia. I don’t know the composition of the ice cream.”

Teachers: “Ice cream is delicious, especially ice cream, it lifts your spirits, it’s a healthy product to consume in moderation, preferably in the summer. We know the composition of the ice cream.”

Cook : “I like ice cream because it’s delicious, I think it’s healthy, I know the composition of ice cream. I use it once a week.”

After conducting a survey, I found out that not everyone knows the composition of ice cream. I decided to find out the composition of this product. To do this, I compared several types of ice cream.


ice cream





Ice cream

232 Kcal

15 g

20.4 g

3.7 g


305 Kcal

20.1 g

26.7 g

4.3 g

Conclusion : Ice cream consists of fats, carbohydrates, proteins. This product also contains milk and sugar.

Having learned a lot of interesting things about ice cream, I decided to try making it myself. For this I needed: 3 egg yolks, 0.5 liters of milk, 100g. butter, half a glass of powdered sugar [Appendix p.16]

I shared my knowledge with my classmates and they also decided to try making ice cream at home.[appendix with

Conclusion: It's easy to make ice cream at home.


Ice cream is one of mankind's greatest inventions. It is a delicacy useful product and it is simply necessary to eat, especially for pupils and students during exams. Don't forget about it and never deny yourself a portion of cold and sweet food.

I liked working on this topic.

Still, it’s a pity that we don’t know the name of the first inventor of ice cream. Otherwise, the children would erect the largest monument to him in the world!


While doing work about ice cream, I learned a lot: what ice cream is, when and where it appeared, methods of making it, composition, types of ice cream, its beneficial and harmful properties.

List of used literature:

Internet resources: Wikipedia

Website "www. edamka. ru »

Children's encyclopedia. I'm exploring the world. "The History of Things"

Who was interviewed?

They love ice cream

Don't like ice cream

How often do you eat ice cream?

What brands of ice cream do you like?

Do you know the composition of ice cream?

What do you think this product is: harmful, healthy, I don’t know?

Slide_image" src="" alt=" Contents of the work: IntroductionHistory of ice creamTypes of ice creamHomemade ice creamQuestioning and analysis of resultsIce cream - benefit or harm Interesting facts about ice cream" title="Content of work: IntroductionHistory of ice creamTypes of ice creamHomemade ice creamQuestioning and analysis of resultsIce cream - benefit or harmInteresting facts about ice cream">!}

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Presentation on the topic: Is ice cream healthy?

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The history of ice cream 5 thousand years ago in rich houses of Ancient China, snow mixed with pieces of oranges, lemons and pomegranate seeds was served for dessert. Snow was taken from the mountain peaks of Tibet. Later in China, snow was added to the mixture of milk and rice. Alexander the Great, during his campaigns in Persia and India in the 4th century BC, consumed fruit juices with snow, frozen berries and fruits. In Greece and Rome, the nobility cooled themselves with ice from juice or wine, or berries frozen in ice. At the court of the Roman Emperor Nero (1st century AD), cooling and sweetened juices were widely used, and fruit ice was prepared with honey and nuts. The snow for preparing their cold dessert was delivered from distant Alpine glaciers, and for long-term storage of snow, capacious ice cellars were built. And in Ancient Rus', in the heat, they ate shaved frozen milk or cream. Ice briquettes were served with pancakes. In winter, peasants mixed cottage cheese, sour cream, raisins and sugar. All this was put out on the porch to freeze, and then treated to Maslenitsa. The nobility ate more sophisticated frozen desserts made from cream, egg whites, cherries, currants and cranberries.

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According to legend, the recipe for fruit ice cream was brought to Italy from China by the Venetian traveler Marco Polo at the beginning of the 14th century. A new cold dessert, somewhat reminiscent of modern sorbet ice cream, came to court and quickly gained recognition among aristocrats. The ice cream recipe came from Italy to France only in the 16th century. Catherine de Medici, when she married the French king in 1553, took a cook with her. He prepared raspberry, orange and lemon ice cream for the holiday feast. Then ice cream spread throughout Europe. In those days, manufacturing recipes were kept in the strictest confidence. It got to the point that the technology for making ice cream was equated to a state secret. The situation changed in 1660, when the entrepreneur Procopio de Coltelli opened the first cafe in Paris, where everyone was offered a choice of about 70 varieties of ice cream. The establishment became so popular that soon a lot of cafes and shops selling the cold dessert opened throughout Paris. Napoleon Bonaparte himself was among the fans of ice cream.

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Each European nation brought its own ideas to the production of a tasty product. The Italians came up with assorted ice cream with added fruits, nuts, liqueur, pieces of cookies and even flowers. In Austria - iced coffee and chocolate ice cream. In 1843, American Nancy Johnson invented the hand-held ice cream mixer. Now anyone could make ice cream by turning the freezer handle. A few years later, in 1851, using these mixers, Jacob Fussell opened the first ice cream factory in Baltimore. From that moment on, ice cream became generally available and in a short time gained popularity all over the world. Initially, ice cream was served in saucers, rosettes, and sold by weight. IN late XIX century in Europe, cardboard and paper ice cream cups came into use. At the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis, Syrian emigrant Ernest Hamwi sold waffles. The owner of a nearby kiosk was selling ice cream. When he ran out of saucers, Mr. Humvee started spinning waffle cones for him. The public was delighted with the ice cream in waffle cones.

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The following raw materials are used for the production of ice cream: whole and skimmed cow's milk - natural, condensed and dry; natural, condensed and dry cream; butter; eggs; sugar; syrup; fruits; berries; natural fruit and berry juices; purees and syrups; coffee and cocoa products; various flavoring and aromatic substances and stabilizers. Depending on the production method, ice cream is divided into: hardened (it is made in production and sold in stores); soft (it is made in cafes, restaurants and served in ice cream bowls); homemade (it can be prepared from special dry mixtures or according to a recipe).

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Depending on the composition, ice cream is divided into the following groups: “milk” (milk, cream and ice cream. This ice cream contains milk fat, complete proteins, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins (especially rich in vitamin A). It can be made with the addition of chocolate , cocoa, nuts, raisins, jam, etc.); fruit and berry (For its production, fresh and frozen fruits and berries, purees, juices, jam and other fruit and berry raw materials are used. It contains vitamin C); aromatic (It is made from sugar, water, food acid, aromatic and coloring substances).

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Ice cream can be made with or without icing, with or without a stick, with or without waffles. There are many options for packaging hardened ice cream - waffle, paper and plastic cups, popsicles (ice cream on a stick), waffle cones, rolls, briquettes, cakes, etc. Whatever the ice cream is, it must meet the following requirements: the structure of the ice cream must be homogeneous, without noticeable pieces of fat and ice crystals; the structure of the glaze should be uniform, without particles of sugar and cocoa products; the glaze should not crumble or crumble when opening the package; the color of the ice cream and glaze should be uniform throughout the mass; servings of ice cream should not have significant mechanical damage and cracks.

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Homemade ice cream 2 eggs, 250 ml cream, 5 tbsp. powdered sugar, 2 tbsp. l. cocoa Separate the yolks from the whites. Make eggnog from the yolks and powdered sugar (3 tbsp). Beat the whites until strong foam. Beat the cream with powdered sugar (2 tbsp) until thick. 4. Carefully mix the whipped egg whites and eggnog, add half the whipped cream. Transfer part of the finished mass to a container for freezing. Add cocoa to the remaining mass and transfer to another container. Place in the freezer for 2 hours. 5. Scoop ice cream with a spoon and put it in a bowl. Garnish with whipped cream, chopped nuts and grated chocolate.

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Questionnaire What kind of ice cream do you prefer? - dairy; - creamy; - ice cream; - fruit and berry; - chocolate; - creme brulee; - aromatic (fruit ice). 2. In what packaging do you prefer ice cream? - waffle cup; - plastic cup; - horn; - popsicle; - wafer briquette; - cake, roll; - bucket, tray, large briquette. 3. Where do you most often eat ice cream? - Houses; - on the street; - in a cafe; - visiting. 4. Do you think ice cream is healthy? - healthy; - harmful; - Your option. ____________ __________________________

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The benefits of ice cream Ice cream is a dairy product. Ice cream contains about a hundred substances valuable for the body: milk protein, amino acids, vitamins (A, B, D, E), minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron). Ice cream made from natural milk contains the most vitamins. “You should eat frozen food, because it improves your well-being, strengthens your health, revitalizes your juices and lifts your spirits.” All milk components in ice cream are in homogenized form (fat globules in ice cream are 2 microns in size) and it is enriched with air. This means that it is very easily digestible - lighter than cheese and butter. Ice cream can be used as a quick and effective hemostatic agent for nosebleeds, which are common in the summer heat. It is enough to swallow a few very cold pieces of ice cream, and the bleeding will soon stop. The composition of ice cream has a positive effect on the production of serotonin in the body - the hormone of happiness. It improves memory, lifts our mood and helps us cope with stress. And a person who eats ice cream feels a surge of strength and energy.

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Ice cream is a product with high energy value, so it is not recommended for children with increased body weight, obesity, diabetes mellitus and predisposed to these diseases. They can only eat special types of diabetic ice cream. You should carefully read the label indicating the composition of the product. So, if you are intolerant to cow's milk, you will have to limit yourself to ice cream that does not contain it (fruit ice, fruit and berry). Cold dessert can lead to exacerbation of ENT diseases, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Don't forget about caries: all sugary foods can contribute to its development. Therefore, after ice cream, as indeed after any food, it is advisable to rinse your mouth with warm water. Buy only high-quality ice cream and do not overuse quantity.

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Nowadays, during the summer, a serving of ice cream is eaten every three seconds around the world. In the 21st century, progress has reached the point that now even astronauts eat delicious ice! The biggest ice cream fans are Americans. They even have an Ice Cream Festival (celebrated every year in July). The average American eats 23 kg of ice cream per year! The most seasoned ice cream lovers are, oddly enough, you and me! In the 1960s The French Ice Cream Man magazine wrote: “Many people are surprised by our addiction Soviet people to the ice cream. Even in snowfall and frost, when the temperature drops below minus fifteen, you can see how people leaving the metro, not paying attention to the brutal cold, rush to the lottos for ice cream and immediately eat it.”

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Ice cream products regularly appear in the Guinness Book of Records: The largest ice cream snowman was built in Moscow. His height was about 2 meters, and his weight was up to 300 kilograms. It personified the power of Russia: a combination of white, blue and red colors (the colors of the national flag) was made from cream, blueberry and strawberry ice cream. The largest ice cream cake was made by Chinese ice cream makers. They demonstrated a super ice cream in Beijing that is 4.8 meters long, 3 meters wide, and its height is one meter. On the surface of this multi-colored sweet masterpiece, weighing eight tons, you can see a large family of funny bears. The longest ice cream roll was made in Moscow on Ice Cream Day. Forty cooks were placing ice cream rolls on the snow-white tablecloth of the parapet of the Friendship of Peoples fountain. The peculiarity of the production of Viennese Waltz ice cream is that when two rolls are joined on plastic pallets, the boundary between them disappears. In 8.4 minutes, the world's longest ice cream roll was created. Its total length was 232.4 m. According to representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, the previous record was set in Ukraine, the length of the roll there did not even reach 18 m. The fastest eating of ice cream - on July 16, 1986, American Tony Doutswell swallowed 1530 g of ice cream in 31.57 seconds! At the same time, the ice cream didn’t even have time to melt.

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The most unusual and exotic varieties of ice cream: Fried ice cream is a popular dessert in Mexico. Apple-sized scoops of ice cream are dredged in flour, egg and breading. Then deep fried. Tomato ice cream used to be produced even in the USSR; now it can be seen on the shelves in Japan. The main component is tomatoes, cream is also added to it, tomato paste, garlic, bay leaf and freshly ground black pepper. Garlic ice cream is one of the most exotic dishes. To prepare it, use garlic puree, cream and milk brought to a boil, mixed with grated yolk and sugar. Onion ice cream is a mystery to many! Before cooking, bitterness and specific odor are removed from onions by sautéing. Next, add eggs, milk, cream, sugar and vanilla to the blender.

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Potato ice cream was produced by the food company “Aunt Bessie”. It consists of mashed potatoes, sausage, sauce and green peas. Now ice cream can be consumed not only for dessert. Golden ice cream is the most expensive in the world, one serving can cost $1000! It is served only in the most elite restaurants in the largest cities in the United States. Layers of gold foil less than a human hair thick and rare fruits and berries are placed in a glass of delicious ice cream. The number of varieties of ice cream is growing every day and is surprising, but it does not add to the appetite at all, since it is made from strange, seemingly unsuitable products. For example, in Japan you can already buy ice cream made from fish, octopus, whale meat, soft-skinned turtles, cedar shavings, cactus, pickled orchid, shark fins, fried eggplant, mushrooms, seaweed, beer, wine, fried pork, durian, bay leaves, mustard and basically everything that comes to mind!

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Coconut milk. Yogurt. Baked milk. Katyk. Powdered milk. Soy milk. Milk and dairy products. Animals that give milk. Kaymak. Sour cream. Milk. Kurt. Condensed milk. Kefir. Drink milk - you will be healthy. Dairy products. Kumis. Types of milk.

“Milk Packaging” - History of milk. What is milk? What do you immediately notice in the packaging? Medicinal properties of milk. What is more important to you when choosing milk? How often do you drink milk? What milk fat content do you prefer to buy? Useful properties of milk. Please indicate your age. Which packaging, in your opinion, preserves milk better? Classification of milk. Milk packaging design. What do you think should be shown on a milk package?

“Ice cream assortment” - Ice cream made without milling. Presentation on the topic "Ice cream". Ice cream on a milk and fruit and berry basis. Ice cream storage. Ice cream quality. Dairy based ice cream. Market shares of major ice cream producers. Production technology. Microbiological parameters and acceptable levels of xenobiotics in ice cream are determined. Ice cream has high nutritional and biological value.

“Milk quality control” - Milk density. Simplified water quality control scheme. CT - milk maturation. General safety criteria for raw milk for all dairy products. General scheme of microbiological control of food production. Chemical composition of health status. Microbiological indicators of sanitary and hygienic condition. The procedure for monitoring microflora in raw milk. Microbiological indicators. Monitoring personal hygiene by enterprise employees.

"Information about milk" - Baked milk. History of the origin of milk. Bactrian camel. Children drink milk and you will be healthy. Powdered milk. Pig. Ryazhenka. Varenets. Sterilized milk. Pasteurization. Value of products in therapeutic nutrition. Milk processing in dairies. Yogurt. Kaymak. Defects in fermented milk products. Chemical composition of milk. Criterion. Substances contained in K/M products. Fermented milk products.

“Healthy Milk” - Riddles about your favorite and very healthy drink - milk. First mention of milk. Interesting facts. Kefir. Russian folk song. People highly valued and value milk. Dairy products made from milk. Milk has everything a baby needs. Piggy bank. What is the value of milk for humans? Sour cream. In Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome, milk was called the “source of health.” Results of a survey of classmates.

“Milk and dairy products” - Whey is the liquid sediment of curdled milk. How is milk produced? Liquid, not water. Sheep's milk is almost 2 times fatter than cow's milk. Mix everything and apply to face for 20 minutes, then rinse. Add the resulting mixture to the bath. The beautiful Cleopatra washed her face with fresh milk every morning. Mare's milk.

“Milk” - Maria Korobanova, Vlm-201e. Average chem. compound. Traditional drink of the Kazakhs. Milk. Processing Methods. Camel milk does not curdle. Based on the type of heat treatment, milk is classified into pasteurized and sterilized. The density of milk is determined at 20°C using a lactodensimeter. Cream differs from milk in its increased content of milk fat.

“Oat milk” - Oat milk cleanses the body and promotes weight loss. Is an excellent antioxidant. . Helps remove toxins, metal salts and excess cholesterol from the body. Regulates metabolism. Slows down the aging process. Oatmeal for baby and diabetic nutrition. Secondly, cow's milk protein can cause allergies.

“Dairy products” - Determine the composition of milk: 4. L. U. 3. D. The first domestic animal was a dog. E. Vitamins. N. 5. Sweet and tasty - a source of energy. 1. Y. In the Middle Ages, people consumed mainly goat's and cow's milk.

“Dairy product” - Objects of technical regulation: Rules for applying information to the label. Labels are applied to each unit of consumer and (or) transport packaging and are located in the same place, convenient for reading.

“The benefits of milk” - A conversation about the benefits of milk. Milk is a source of health. The composition of milk is unique! For medicinal purposes, you should consume raw, preferably fresh, milk. Proven properties of milk: Drink a glass of warm milk. I wish you health, beauty and bon appetit! Conclusions: Man's first food. Substances contained in milk reduce pain sensitivity and reduce spasms.