What does the amulet of the ancient Slavs "Svarozhich" conceal in itself, and how can it help?

Svarozhich(other Russian Svarozhich, Svarozhets; lat. Zuarasici) is a Slavic deity revered by the Baltic and Eastern Slavs.

Obviously, when determining the origin of the name Svarozhich, it is impossible to separate it from the name. At the same time, it is not entirely clear in what relationship these names and, accordingly, the characters are.

According to some researchers, Svarozhich is a patronymic, which means Svarozhich is the son of Svarog. This version is doubtful for two reasons. Firstly, not a single source says that Svarozhich is the son of Svarog (moreover, Svarog is generally mentioned in only one, and then a very late source). Secondly, the Slavic suffix -ich has not only patronymic (patronymic) semantics. In addition, it can denote a resident of a particular area (Dregovichi, Muscovites), or the owner of one or another quality (Lutichi "fierce", Vyatichi "big people")

The last meaning of the suffix -ich seems to be the most probable in the case of Svarozhich. Therefore, some researchers consider the name Svarozhich a diminutive, or simply a variant of the name Svarog. Some researchers question the former existence of the god Svarog among the Slavs and believe that his name was invented by the chronicler when translating a fragment from the "Chronicle" of John Malala - reconstructed as the name of Svarozhich's father. The chronicler, therefore, considered the name Svarozhich to be a patronymic, which, as shown above, is unlikely.

According to Titmar of Merseburg (German chronicler - years of life 975 - 1018), the idol of Svarozhich was installed in the land of rataries (the name of the West Slavic tribe that lived south of the Pena River, which flows into the Odra at its very mouth, between Dolensky Lake and the upper Havela and Dosha ), in the city of Ridigost, which later chroniclers, due to a mistake, began to call Retroa. Svarozhich was the most revered deity of the rataries. In his Chronicle, Titmar says:

In the city [Ridegost] there is nothing but a sanctuary skillfully built of wood, the basis of which are the horns of various animals. Outside, as can be seen, the walls are decorated with elaborately carved images of various gods and goddesses. Inside, there are hand-made idols, each with a carved name, dressed in helmets and armor, which gives them a terrible look. The main one is called Svarozhich; all pagans respect and honor him more than the rest. Their banners are also never taken out of there, except perhaps for military necessity; and only foot soldiers can carry them out.

In the paganism of the Eastern Slavs, Svarozhich is the ritual name for fire.

The main source that tells about Svarozhich of the Eastern Slavs is Christian teachings against paganism. From the "Word of a certain Christ-lover and zealot of the right faith" of the XIV-XV centuries, one can learn that the inhabitants of Ancient Rus' "... pray to fire, calling it Svarozhits."

The Eastern Slavs, before the adoption of Christianity and for some time after that, revered and deified fire. The deified fire was called Svarozhich or Svarozhits. The main place of veneration and worship of fire was the barn (an outbuilding in which sheaves were dried before threshing), as a place especially associated with this element.

Svarozhich - Symbol Heavenly Power God Svarog, preserving in its original form all the diversity of Life forms in the Universe. A symbol that protects various existing Intelligent life forms from Mental and Spiritual degradation, as well as from complete destruction as an Intelligent species.

The symbol of Svarozhich, the Slavic God, as a sign of Fire, has been used in amulets from the very beginning of people's lives in native nature. It is versatile and powerful, capable of bestowing blessings and protection. The fire of Svarozhich is so pure and bright that it gives all the inhabitants of the Rule a spark of the energy of Good and a large fire that destroys Evil.

The sign of Svarozhich, the God of fire: meaning in amulets and practical application

Solar Slavic symbols are considered the most important and have powerful energy, capable of both creating and destroying. One of them is the Fire of Svarozhich, with the help of which Svarog, the Ancestor of the Gods and Goddesses, in the heavenly forge created the basis of life for people. It is no coincidence that funeral pyres were also created - the Body that had already become mortal was burned with such a Fire, and the Soul was released further, so that later it could decide for itself - in whom to incarnate and when to be reborn in the body or to help its Descendants with the help of the forces of Navi and Rule.

The symbol of Svarozhich has rays that create movement - an endless cycle and are united in the Center of the World. It is to him that everyone aspires to know the True. On this Main Path, one has to overcome doubts, hardships, illnesses, attacks, and these interfering external and internal factors on the way to Family and Harmony help to remove the Slavic amulet Svarozhich.

The main meaning of Svarozhich as a symbol is the preservation and accumulation of internal potential, forces, their direction and realization of what was conceived, strengthening faith in oneself and the strength of one's Spirit, revealing unlimited possibilities and overcoming obstacles.

They surrounded themselves everywhere with the sign of the Fire of Svarozhich: they put it on the gates, shutters, wore it on the body. This slavic symbol helps to get rid of harmful habits that destroy the Body and Spirit, addictions: alcohol or nicotine, drug addiction and bulimia. The Svarozhich amulet relieves depression and ignites the Fire of desire, the desire to move forward, illuminates the Meaning of existence and opens it to those who do not want to move forward for any reason.

The amulet with the sign of Svarozhich, the God of Fire, will be an excellent gift for people at risk: firefighters, policemen, rescuers, sailors, truckers, military, surgeons, etc. Soldiers can boldly go into battle under the fiery protective flame of the Family and know that strength will adequately protect their Ancestors and Descendants and the Native Land from the onslaught of enemies. For artists, poets, writers and people of other creative professions, the protective symbol gives inspiration, insight and ideas that are magnificent in beauty and meaning. Like Dajbog, Svarozhich takes care of each of his grandchildren and tries to give them the Joy of gaining material and spiritual wealth.

Protective symbols of Svarozhich: a variety of products with Fire Protection

In the Veles online store you can find a huge range of goods with the symbol of Svarozhich and the God of Fire made of metal, wood or with embroidery: wearable, wall-mounted, children, hats, belts, stripes, pennants, household items and even sharp weapons with protection from enemies with fair fire.

Our Masters love and honor this Slavic symbol as creative and helping them create wonderful products for you - Brothers and Sisters with their own hands.

We are sure - under the protection of the wise and strong Svarozhich and with the Fire of his Firstborn Descendants, they do not have to be afraid of enemies and adversaries, but move forward and praise our good Gods!

Now it is already publicly known that the roots of Slavic culture go back very far into the depths of centuries. The Russian people were great long before the baptism of Rus': they had their own written language and very well-developed secret magical knowledge, including runes.

Very fragmentary and scattered documents have come down to us, from which we have drawn, unfortunately, very meager information about the life, way of life and religion of our ancestors. Some Slavic magical signs and some runes have also come down to us.

The magical abilities of the Slavs were passed down from generation to generation and only intensified over time.
not without reason Slavic men were recognized by everyone not only as strong in body, but also powerful in spirit, so it was almost impossible to defeat them. After all, wars in the ancient world were not so much a competition of physical bodies, but also of fortitude and magical wisdom.

To enhance their power, the ancient Slavic warriors used certain charms that were created specifically for this.
In any amulet, the Russians called on their kind to help themselves, which was encrypted in symbolic signs. The clan, as it were, multiplied the personal strength of a single person tenfold. It was believed that a person is nothing without the support of his kind.

Svarog - the main Slavic god

Amulet Svarozhich and Rodimich

Surprising in this sense is the Slavic amulet Svarozhich and Rodimich, composed of two ancient Slavic signs that mirror each other.

The symbol of Svarozhich (one of the Slavic gods, the son of the supreme god Rod, from whom everything started) is a sign of the god Svarog, who, according to legend, brought fire to the Slavs.

In ancient times, only the elders and spiritual leaders of the tribe had the right to wear this amulet (their intentions and thoughts had to be pure), since it was they who followed the unity of the ancient Rus. It allows the wearer to accumulate spiritual power. He saves from depression and weakness of character. It guides a person along the right and honest path, eliminating the tricks and intrigues of vile people.

And if an enemy accidentally took possession of the amulet, then he immediately lost his sight forever, and, accordingly, he was exposed.
At present, the Svarozhich amulet is also useful to its owner, since it relieves all misfortunes, such as: vampirism, induced witchcraft, any negativity, bad habits, accidents and disasters, sudden death, insanity. As you can see, the benefits are enormous. The talisman helps to overcome obstacles and quickly achieve their goals.


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Rodimich, on the other hand, gives his owner the opportunity to receive the strength of his kind, which, with its energy power, will not allow a person to break down in difficult life situations and will become a strong wall behind him. This wonderful amulet characterizes its owner as a responsible person who passes on tenfold tribal power to future generations. Descendants are required to know their ancestors in order to be spiritually rich and strong. Only such a person is invincible. Otherwise, he is weak and poor, even if his financial condition is quite good.

If you wear this talisman, you must remember your responsibility to future generations and properly educate your children, otherwise the amulet will not help you.

If you have made or purchased the Svarozhich Rodimich amulet, charge it with positive thoughts so that it brings you the full benefit that is in it, and also clean it energetically by putting it in salt for several hours.

If you have lost your amulet or a crack has appeared on it, do not be sad, this means that the talisman simply absorbed too much energy dirt and could not stand it. In such a case, it is necessary to make or purchase a new talisman.

What to do with a damaged item? Never throw the amulet in the trash. First, just wash it with water, then wrap it in a clean linen and bury it in the ground where no one walks. Preferably under a dry tree.

Fire the new amulet if you bought it from your hands so as not to take away someone else's negative energy. Although such things are recommended to be made independently, in the family. Otherwise, you risk losing your luck, for example, or even getting sick.

In the old days, no outsider was allowed near the family talismans. They were made for each other by bloodlines and only with good intentions.

Embroidery scheme

We present to your attention the scheme of embroidery of these wonderful Slavic amulets.

Svarozhich - scheme for embroidery

Rodimich - scheme for embroidery

Into the sun

As you already know from our series of articles about Slavic amulets, they are very often enclosed in a circle, symbolizing the Sun. This is done in order to, as it were, close the strongest energy of the amulet, where it will merge with the energy of its owner, and, being strengthened in this way, will nourish the person, giving him additional strength.
This is how it looks like:

A photo

We present to your attention the photographs of the amulets to which this article is devoted:

Not only Svarog himself, but also his symbols were revered by the Slavs above others. Svarozhich is an ancient Slavic amulet, which has an unusual meaning and a rather serious impact.

It looks like an intricate interweaving of lines and rhombuses, forming a cross that looks like a flower. This is a symbol of divine fire, which manifested itself on earth by the grace of Svarog himself. This fire can give a lot to a person! This is the very personification of energy, light and heat that feed life.

Where did you come from?

Svarozhich has been revered by the Slavs for a long time. The children of the god Svarog were called Svarozhichs, and our ancestors themselves considered themselves his grandchildren, and were very proud of this family connection. The Svarozhich amulet has the power of Svarog and all his children, that is, such Slavic gods as Lado, Perun, Khors and more. This amulet symbolized the fire that was sent by the deity to earth to protect people and chained in an amulet. The sacred fire itself has always possessed great power.

The Slavs worshiped fire since ancient times, performed rituals and fortune-telling. Not a single mystical or ritual action took place without fire and without the calling of Svarog. Fire gives life, warms, lights the way. And he defeats any evil, devours dark forces and protects from all troubles. It is clear why the Slavs loved and appreciated this Svarog amulet so much and why its significance was so great!

How will this symbol help?

The ancient amulet Svarozhich can be worn by people to this day, and its power is as great as it was many centuries ago, but its significance has not been lost. Of course, a person wearing this symbol should at least honor their ancestors and respect Slavic culture. And ideally, to know it, to be interested in and learn the history of our ancestors. What gives us the Svarozhich amulet, how will it help?

The amulet protects its wearer from negative and destructive thoughts. The fire of Svarog, as it were, "burns" all thoughts that destroy self-esteem, self-confidence, and deprive one of strength. It is very difficult to get rid of negative thoughts, and it is known that our thoughts are the main building material of our reality. And the Svarozhich amulet helps to tune yourself to the right wave!

Also, this amulet helps to think correctly and not make mistakes. It sort of “cleanses” the mind, crystallizes thoughts, enhances awareness and intuition, logic and reason.

The one who wears the amulet of Svarog will never begin to degrade, but will follow the path of spiritual development. The owner of the amulet feels the strength for his own development, knows the path to follow, and feels the support of higher powers. The talisman gives wisdom and will not allow you to spend energy on "", that is, people whose disputes and conflicts take away all the strength.

Svarozhich protects from enemies, the evil eye and witchcraft. It gives powerful protection, protects from people with bad energy, from slanderers. It is also important that Svarozhich also protects against accidents, protects against injuries.

A huge range of action and simply invaluable help! This is all about the amulet of the divine fire of Svarog, which is available to each of us. The main thing is to wear it with a clear conscience and not wish harm to anyone, not use the talisman for evil purposes and honor the power that lies in it.

How to wear and use?

It is best if the amulet is made by hand, but you can also buy ready-made. The main thing is to properly prepare and wear it. In this regard, there are several rules that were known to our ancestors.

The talisman itself must be made of