Dmitry Malikov biography personal life wife. The two main women in the life of Dmitry Malikov. Dmitry Malikov's adopted daughter - Olga

Dmitry Malikov is a famous singer whose crazy popularity came in the 80-90s. With his compositions, Dmitry conquered women’s hearts, and the lyrics of the song: “You are alone, you are like that” stuck in the heads of fans forever.

Today Dmitry Malikov is not only a popular performer, but also an actor, TV presenter, and producer. During his singing career, the performer collaborated with many famous and beloved folk artists. Now Dmitry himself has the title of Honored Artist, as well as People's Artist Russian Federation.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dmitry Malikov

Dmitry Malikov’s appearance still delights women today different ages. Long hair– an invariable attribute of the artist’s appearance. Perhaps thanks to this hairstyle, Dmitry’s appearance has not changed over the past 20 years, but it’s hard to argue that the actor looks great at 47 years old. We can note that the artist owes his physical characteristics to his popular parents; Dmitry’s father, at 73 years old, also looks like a very vigorous, healthy man.

Height, weight, age, how old is Dmitry Malikov - these requests belong not only to the female half of fans of Dmitry’s work. Men also want to know how he manages to keep himself in great shape and maintain youth.

Biography of Dmitry Malikov

The future artist was born in 1970 in the Russian capital. The boy's popular family gave him every opportunity to develop his potential. As a child, Dmitry dreamed of becoming an athlete, went to sports sections, and played football enthusiastically. The boy’s parents really wanted him to become a musician, but Dmitry resisted this in every possible way, disrupting music lessons with a private teacher.

When the singer’s parents were already sure that their son would never become a musician, Dmitry decided to enter a music school. For the first time Dmitry began to appear in public playing the instrument in school age, then he began to experiment, creating his own songs. The beautiful compositions of the young talent were first performed by People's Artist Larisa Dolina, we can say that it was then that the career of Dmitry Malikov began. In subsequent years, the performer studied piano at the Moscow Conservatory and took his first and hesitant steps towards a career as a singer. The songs written by Dmitry were heard in the repertoire of his father’s group “Gems”, and the artist himself played keyboards in the ensemble.

The artist’s first success, three years after entering college, was brought to him by the song “Moonlight Dream” in 1988. In the same year, the young man received the “Discovery of the Year” nomination, and a few years later he gave his first solo concert. The singer was received with great cordiality and success by numerous fans at the Olimpiysky sports complex.

In subsequent years, the artist increasingly performs as a pianist. Playing the piano gives Dmitry special pleasure. With his solo programs, the artist travels throughout Germany, thereby taking root as a talented musician. Dmitry also performs as a member of the symphony orchestra “Moscow Virtuosi”, “Moscow Soloists”, as well as “VIVA Music”.

The instrumental concerts given by Dmitry Malikov in the 2000s throughout the country contain ethnic melodies with modern interpretation.

As a composer, Dmitry has presented many great shows. The show “Pianomania” and “Symphonicmania” are the brightest projects in the composer’s career.

The biography of Dmitry Malikov is very remarkable. During his career as a singer, Dmitry has released 17 full albums, as well as another 11 compilation albums, the last of which was released last year.

As an actor, Dmitry Malikov proved himself in the film “See Paris and Die,” where he played a pianist.

Dmitry Malikov became a laureate of all-Russian competitions and awards. To date, the musician and singer has won 15 awards.

Personal life of Dmitry Malikov

During his successful life, Dmitry probably has large number novels. The singer became popular at a very early age, and thanks to this he had many fans and admirers of his work.

Most likely, Dmitry’s modesty did not allow him to talk about the relationships in his life. The singer, as a person who has gained great popularity, is very protective of his personal space. Today it is reliably known that Dmitry Malikov’s personal life includes a couple of long-term serious relationship.

Family of Dmitry Malikov

The popular artist was born into a family of very famous people. People's favorite Yuri Fedorovich Malikov also has a musical education, it was he who ultimately influenced the choice future profession his son. Malikov Sr. is the leader of the Gems group, whose songs are known and sung by the entire former Soviet Union. The team was incredibly popular, and its ranks included the most talented and famous creative people. The team exists to this day. The ensemble throughout its entire creative path collaborates with the Melodiya label. Of course, now it no longer has its former popularity, but their songs still cause awe at the first chords heard. Dmitry's star father has many awards from the Union and the Russian Federation.

The artist’s mother Lyudmila Mikhailovna also famous person in the world of art. The first music hall dancer in Moscow, as well as the soloist of her husband’s group, “Gems”. The singer was raised in society popular people, loud music and concerts, so we can say that Dmitry Malikov’s family completely predetermined his future fate.

The artist also has a sister, Inna Malikova. The girl also chose music as her life’s work; the singer has released 4 full albums and continues her career.

Children of Dmitry Malikov

Dmitry realized himself as a singer, composer, musician, as well as a good family man and loving father. When Dmitry met his future wife, the woman already had a daughter, but this did not scare away the artist. Today, Dmitry Malikov’s children live in absolute peace and get along well with each other. The singer’s eldest adopted daughter is already an adult and got married last year.

The father of two wonderful daughters loves to be photographed with his family, and believes that the real value in life is the opportunity to raise children.

Dmitry Malikov’s daughter – Stefania

Dmitry Malikov’s daughter, Stefania, was born in 2000. Today the girl is almost an adult; she will turn 18 in February. The girl has had very good external characteristics since childhood. Today she works in the modeling business, advertises various brands, and loves to go out in public wearing dresses from Valentin Yudashkin. The girl also runs her own Instagram, where she posts photos of her outfits and travels, lately On the girl’s page you can see photographs with her famous father. The naked eye can see that Dmitry Malikov’s daughter Stefania is very similar to her successful mother. Thanks to her beauty, the girl successfully collaborates with many brands.

Dmitry Malikov's adopted daughter - Olga

Not every man can accept a woman with a child. However, Dmitry showed real generosity and love in this matter. When Elena and Dmitry met, Dmitry Malikov’s adopted daughter Olga had just reached school age. The girl was very calm and sat happily in the arms of “Uncle Dima.” Such spontaneity and love of the child strengthened the singer’s desire to adopt a girl.

Today Olga lives separately from her famous parents, got married and gave birth to a child. Last October, the singer admitted that he became a grandfather for the first time. Olga is a successful photographer and has held several exhibitions of her work.

Former common-law wife of Dmitry Malikov - Natalya Vetlitskaya

Dmitry and Natalya met very young. At the same time, Natalya was already divorced from her first husband. The life of the lead singer of “Mirage” did not work out with her first husband due to an early and ill-considered marriage.

When Natalya met Dmitry, everything was different. Real wild love, walks under the moon, general popularity. However, Dmitry Malikov’s former common-law wife, Natalya Vetlitskaya, turned out to be a freedom-loving girl, the young people lived together for only a short time, and at the age of 22, the actor already met his current wife.

Dmitry Malikov's wife - Elena Malikova

Dmitry's love for girls older than himself manifested itself after his first novel. Dmitry and Elena met when Elena was 29 years old, and she was 7 years older than the singer. Dmitry Malikov’s wife, Elena Malikova, is also a creative person. She is not only a mother and wife, but also a fashion designer, artist, actress and very beautiful woman. In Italy, Dmitry’s wife has her own clothing line for the beach season, and in Russia she starred in several films.

During her life, Elena experienced a lot: a divorce from her first husband, work as an economist, but she still came to her dream. Now Elena is her husband’s ideological inspirer, executive producer, businesswoman and director. Throughout Dmitry’s career, it was she who always believed in him and supported him.

Twitter, Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Malikov

Dmitry Malikov performs on stage, produces artists, plays piano concerts, and also acts as a presenter on television. All of Dmitry’s successes and creative results are difficult to describe in one article. Malikov is a public musical figure, a very busy person, but he still manages to lead an active social life to please his fans. Twitter, Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Malikov contain many thoughts of the artist, details of his life, as well as the life of his family.

IN social networks there is also official pages performer. On the social network Vkontakte, you can find many fan groups, communities and photographs of the singer. Users are happy to share photos from his concerts with everyone. You can also view the artist’s page on the Odnoklassniki network.

Dmitry Malikov is a Russian pop star. Lately, the performer appears on stage infrequently, but keeps up with the times. The Internet is a new platform for the manifestation of a singer's talents.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Malikov is a native Muscovite. He was born on January 29, 1970 in the family of Honored Artist of Russia and soloist of the Moscow Music Hall, and then Lyudmila Vyunkova. Since his parents constantly went on tour, Dima remained in the care of his grandmother Valentina Feoktistovna.

The kind woman looked condescendingly at the pranks of her beloved grandson, who preferred active games with peers in the fresh air to study. Dima played football and hockey with the guys in the courtyard of the house and often ran away from the music teacher who came to give lessons at home.

When the teacher rang the doorbell of the apartment, Malikov immediately “went out” through the window - the dwelling was on the first floor. The grandmother was very sad that the boy would never be the same good musician and a singer, like dad and mom.

Dmitry Malikov and his father Yuri Malikov

When Dmitry was 7 years old, he had a sister, Inna. Subsequently, like the whole family, she chose music as her profession.

At the age of 14, Dima’s parental genes won. The guy grew up and became interested in playing the piano. He gave his first concerts at his native school. Then Malikov began singing and writing songs. The debut composition “Iron Soul” was a success among peers and relatives. Having received recognition of his talent, the guy pushed his passion for sports into the background.


After finishing 8th grade, Dmitry decided that he should continue to study where he could study music more. Malikov entered the music school at the capital's conservatory and began to take his first steps on the stage; his parents were directly related to the famous VIA. Malikov Jr. played keyboards for some time in Gems under the guidance of his father. Some of the songs of the young musician and composer are included in the group’s repertoire, they were performed by.

The biography of Dmitry Malikov the singer began in 1986. Then the 16-year-old boy appeared on the stage of the much-loved program “Wider Circle,” where he sang “I am painting a picture.” The following year, the aspiring musician was invited to the program “Yuri Nikolaev’s Morning Mail”, where he performed a new composition “Terem-Teremok”. The young singer was incredibly liked by TV viewers and especially female TV viewers; bags of letters came to his address.

Dmitry Malikov recorded the songs “Sunny City” and “I’m Painting a Picture” when he was 15 years old. Real success came in 1988, when he performed “Moonlight Dream”, “You Will Never Be Mine” and “Until Tomorrow”. The composition “Moonlight Dream” instantly turned into a hit, for a long time it was the record holder of the “Sound Track” hit parade and stayed at the top whole year.

Song by Dmitry Malikov “Moonlight Dream”

Subsequently, Dima was twice chosen as singer of the year. During this period, the artist, who was barely 20 years old, was already giving solo concerts at the main venue of the country - at the Olimpiysky sports complex.

Despite his busy touring schedule and enormous popularity, Malikov continues to study and improve his skills. Dmitry graduated with honors from the conservatory in piano and devoted a lot of time to playing the piano and performing classical music.

In 1997, Malikov’s piano concerts were held in Stuttgart, Germany. At the same time, Dmitry’s debut instrumental album “Fear of Flying” appeared. The composer's works are heard in feature films and documentaries, and in music programs about classical music.

At “Song-98” the composition “After the Ball” was performed, the poems for which were written back in 1976 by the bard Nikolai Shipilov. In 1999, Dmitry Malikov became an Honored Artist of Russia, and a year later the artist was awarded the Ovation Award (nomination “For intellectual contribution to the development of youth music”).

In 2000, the star gives his fans new album“Beads,” which included the touching song “Happy Birthday, Mom.”

Song by Dmitry Malikov “Happy Birthday, Mom”

In 2007, Dmitry Malikov was the best singer of the year. He repeatedly became a laureate of the Song of the Year festival and participated in almost all festive concerts where Russian pop stars gathered.

In the same year, the performer carried out an ambitious project called “PIANOMANIYA”. This is a bright instrumental show where the traditions of Russian classics are organically combined with ethnic motifs and jazz arrangements. The show was shown twice in the capital, each time to a packed hall of the Moscow Opera. Subsequently, the album “PIANOMANIЯ” appeared, released in 100,000 copies and completely sold out.

Dmitry Malikov's song “From a Clean Slate”

Then Malikov returns to pop music and gives his fans a disc called “From a Clean Slate,” which includes the composition of the same name.

In 2010, Dmitry presented a new classical music show “Symphonic Mania” in France. The Imperial Russian Ballet of Gediminas Taranda, the symphony orchestra and the choir of the New Opera Theater performed on stage. The tour took place in more than 40 cities in France, including Paris, Cannes and Marseille.

In October 2013, Dmitry Malikov presented his 14th studio album “25+”, thus the performer celebrated a quarter of a century of his creative activity. The album includes new hits of the pop star, including the soulful song “My Father”, sung in a duet with, and jointly with Elena Valevskaya romantic ballad"You and me."

How pianist Dmitry performs with symphony orchestras Russia. And in 2012, Malikov created a children's social and educational project called “Music Lessons.” As part of the project, the musician gives master classes for young pianists in different cities of the country, providing unique opportunity to speak and “shine” to many novice colleagues.

In January 2015, fans of Dmitry Malikov welcomed his 15th instrumental album “Cafe Safari”, which included 12 musical sketches inspired by travels around different countries and continents.

The next compositions “How not to think about you”, “Surprise me”, “In a world of singles”, “Just love” and “Water and Clouds”, dedicated to , did not become hits, but were warmly received by loyal fans.

In the winter of 2016, Dmitry Malikov, together with him, breathed a second life into the composer and poet’s song “Snowflake,” which was first heard in the film fairy tale “Sorcerers.” The composition, which has long become a classic, came to life and gave listeners a festive mood.

Dmitry Malikov and Yulianna Karaulova perform the song “Snowflake”

The singer, producer and composer is a frequent guest of popular talk shows on central television channels. Dmitry attended the “Tonight” program. Relatives, friends and colleagues came to the studio, congratulated Malikov on his anniversary and said many kind words.

In October 2016, Malikov answered questions in the program “Secret to a Million”, openly talking about many mysterious pages of his personal life. The performer, popular in the 90s, admits that it is difficult to remain in demand for decades, and at the age of 45 it is almost impossible to keep up with fashion trends in the world of teenagers.

“Nobody manages to have a hit every year. It’s clear that there are exceptions like , and I don’t know if she has a hit now.”
Dmitry Malikov performs the 1st concert of Pyotr Tchaikovsky

Dmitry did not give up creativity and found himself in other areas. Now he is entering the theater stage and establishing himself as a producer. In the play “Turn the Game,” the singer demonstrated how representatives of classical, rock, pop and rap coexist on the same stage.

Over the course of the evening, the audience listened to works by both , and . A separate block with symphonies is dedicated to patriotic education. Educational work, in which there is no competition and pathos, is like an outlet for Malikov, with meaning and a share of service.

Fans assumed that the father would become the producer of his growing daughter, who had already taken her first steps on the stage and presented music lovers with a debut music video for the song “Only for Us.” However, Malikov is rather a harsh critic. When Stesha received the Golden Gramophone for a duet with, Dmitry did not understand why, and expressed the hope that his daughter “would not get star fever.” Malikov does not rely on Stefania as an artist. Moreover, the girl’s fame, according to her father, is largely based on the star’s surname, like the singer himself in his youth.

Dmitry Malikov’s song “How not to think about you”

At the end of 2017, Dmitry presented a video for the studio’s composition of the same name, “How Not to Think about You.” Director Vadim Shatrov, who shot the video for, suggested taking the story of the death of the oligarch’s granddaughter as the basis for the plot. The driver of the car survived the accident in Switzerland. According to the scenario, a young man comes to his senses on the shore of a lake, but does not remember what happened.

Personal life

The star, who quickly rose to prominence in the early 90s, had an army of millions of fans. Around a tall and slender man (Dmitry Malikov’s height is 183 cm), the most beautiful girls countries with big names. One of them, a singer, took a special place in his heart. She was older than Dima, but this did not prevent the emergence of a passionate romance.

The relationship lasted 6 years, which the couple lived in a civil marriage. Natalya left Dmitry, plunging him into a long depression, when she realized that she would not wait for a marriage proposal. The artist admitted that he was not ready to start a family then. And at the same time, Vetlitskaya kept her lover from the riotous lifestyle that the stage is guilty of.

The life of a talented performer began to sparkle with new colors when Malikov met another beauty, who also turned out to be older, this time by 7 years. The singer met the designer in 1992, and the couple decided to legalize their relationship after the birth of their common child.

The family raised two children: whom Elena Malikova gave birth to in her first marriage, and Stefania, who was born in 2000.

Stesha is the pride of her father. She is a hardworking and responsible girl. Stefania could have chosen any educational institution abroad, but her parents were not at all eager to send their child to a prestigious university in Europe. Elena generally believed that it was dangerous to leave a child to live alone abroad, without control and help, when there are so many temptations around.

The girl was interested in design and modeling. I started earning my first money while still in school thanks to social networks. Dmitry assures that his daughter knows the value of things and does not allow herself excesses. In 2017, Stefania entered the Faculty of Journalism at MGIMO.

Olga Izakson lives separately; in 2016 she became the mother of a girl, Anya. The musician does not like to call his wife’s daughter a stepdaughter, “more like an older comrade,” because he did not feel like a stepfather.

For his birthday in 2018, Dmitry Malikov received an unforgettable gift -. In one of the elite clinics in St. Petersburg, a surrogate mother gave birth to the couple’s son, Mark. The couple hid the birth of an heir until the last moment, but rumors still leaked out, and the celebrities had to confess. Moreover, the artist publicly celebrated this event by gathering friends in a restaurant.

For Stefania, the birth of her brother came as a complete shock. However, the girl reasonably commented that she was no longer at that age to be jealous of her parents for the baby. The Malikovs entrusted the first photos of Mark to a close person – Olga.

Dmitry Malikov now

The musician perceives social networks solely as a means for PR, which, “unfortunately, is very important in life.” In terms of hype, the artist will give a head start to his colleagues. In 2017, Dmitry “trolled” a rapper (Ivan Dremin) on Instagram with the catchphrase “Eshkere!” and hand-drawn tattoos, featured the video “Ask Your Mom” with the participation of a blogger.

The pop star met the “emperor of humor” not just anywhere, but at the Versus rap battle. Khovansky was the only one who responded to Dmitry’s call to “stir up the fit.”

Subscribers appreciated Malikov’s non-standard response to the remark that he is inferior to his daughter in terms of the number of followers. IN

Elena Malikova biography, personal life, children, parameters, photos?

    Elena Malikova is the wife of Dmitry Malikov. She is 5 years older than him, got married with a daughter, and gave birth to the singer’s common Stefania.

    Elena comes from Kazan, where she graduated from art school. After that, the girl went to the capital and met Dmitry, who liked her and asked to introduce them. It turned out almost like a fairy tale about Cinderella. The spouses live amicably, neither general work, and Dmitry likes that his wife is a self-sufficient person who has her own opinion.

    Charming Elena Malikova has been the only wife of Dmitry Malikov for many years.

    In the harsh show business, their family is an example to follow.

    16 years ago, the couple had a daughter, although 15 years before this event, Elena became a mother for the first time, having given birth to a daughter from her first marriage.

  • Elena Malikova is famous due to the fact that she is the wife of the famous singer Dmitry Malikov. Elena Malikova was born in 1963 on February 14th.

    After that, Elena met Dmitry and now they have been married for 20 years. It is worth noting that Elena is 5 years older than her current husband. But in 2000, the couple had a daughter, who was named Stefania. The girl is very capable and creatively developed - she sweats, dances, and acts as a model.

    As for Elena and Dmitry, they are very friendly not only in a family environment, but also on the work front. The fact is that their work is joint, since Elena is Dmitry’s executive producer.

    Elena is not a Muscovite, she comes from Kazan, where she graduated from art school and after that she went to conquer the capital Moscow, which she did successfully.

    There she first graduated from the Institute of Culture, and then received the profession of director at VGIK.

    She was born on February 14, 1963. In Moscow she was introduced to Malikov, he saw her somewhere in a photo and asked his friends to introduce her.

    He really liked her, she is self-sufficient and she always has her own opinion, she constantly helps him in his creativity, she always has ideas.

    Few people know, but she has a daughter from her first marriage, whose name is Olga Izakson, little is written or said about her, it is believed that they have a common daughter, Stefania, history is silent about her daughter. She's a great photographer now.

    53-year-old Elena Malikova’s maiden name was Valevskaya.

    Popularity came to her when she became the chosen one of the popular singer Dmitry Malikov.

    The couple is raising their daughter Stefania, who turned sixteen this year.

    But this is not Elena’s only child, since she also has an eldest daughter, Olga.

    Elena Malikova is known in wide circles not only as the wife of Dmitry Malikov, singer and producer. She is also an artist, screenwriter and even an actress. She starred in the films Kara and To Kill a Scorpio. The woman gave birth to a daughter, Stefania, to Dima Malikov in 2000. And before Malikov, she was in a marriage, from which she left a daughter, Olga, she has been living separately for a long time and positions herself as a famous photographer, often holding exhibitions in Moscow. Elena Malikova even has her own business in Italy (clothing). The couple has been together for over 20 years.

    Elena Malikova is known as the wife of Dmitry Malikov. She herself works as a designer. Since 1992, the couple lived in a civil marriage. And only after the birth of their daughter Stefania, in 2000, they officially legalized their relationship. Dmitry Malikov is also raising his wife’s adopted daughter from her first marriage, Olga Izakson.

    Elena was born in Kazan in 1965. She is an artist, screenwriter, director and actress. She graduated from the Kazan Art School, moved to Moscow, from 1987 she studied at the Moscow Institute of Culture, and in 1990 she entered the directing department of VGIK. She worked as a fashion designer and taught at a children's art school. Malikova starred in the films To Kill a Scorpio and Kara.

    On this site you can see family photos Elena.

    Elena Malikova is the wife of the famous musician and singer Dmitry Malikov. The couple has been together for about twenty years. And they met like this: Dmitry saw a photo of Elena from a friend and asked to introduce them. This was in 1992. Dmitry was already married, he had a daughter who was in first grade. Moreover, Elena was older than him.

    Elena is originally from the city of Kazan. There she graduated from art school. Then she went to Moscow. First she studied at the Moscow Institute of Culture, then graduated from VGIK, where she studied at the directing department. She got married and has a daughter from her first marriage, Olga. She is a professional photographer.

    Elena and Dmitry lived in a civil marriage for several years and registered only after the birth of their daughter Stefania.

    On at the moment Elena is engaged in business. In Italy she produces beachwear. She is also the executive producer of Dmitry Malikov’s music center. Actively participates in the production of all his show programs.

    Firstly, Elena Malikova is the wife of People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Dmitry Malikov.

    Secondly, she has a daughter, who is now 16 years old. Here is a photo of her when she was still very little:

    Thirdly, Malikova is connected with the theater. It seems that she is a stage director, and she does it together with her famous husband.

    By the way, they even created a website specifically for one of their latest performances - here’s to #turn the game around.

    Elena Malikova is the wife of Dima Malikov, in principle this is quite enough, especially since she has been living with him for 20 years. Malikova herself is from Kazan, came to conquer Moscow, quickly got married, gave birth to a daughter, separated and... finally conquered Moscow. Dima Malikov is very kind, he accepted her into his star family with a child from his first marriage, Dima himself is only 15 years older than Elena’s daughter, in principle, Elena’s daughter is like a sister to Dima. Naturally, having acquired the rich Dima Little (in the sense of Malikov Jr.), Lena found HAPPINESS and peace of mind, as it were, gave birth to Dima’s daughter Stefania, in a word, a NOBLE LADY in all respects. Now she doesn’t even look at ordinary people, BV users are not servants and rabble. This is how she is... Elena Malenkova. She grabbed a rich guy, and even 5 years younger than herself (Dima is 5 years younger than Lena), not everyone can do it. It's good that Dima is not a walker.

One of the most popular Soviet and Russian pop singers is Dmitry Malikov. He drove women crazy with his luxurious hair and radiant eyes.

In the mid-90s of the last century, a talented performer suddenly stopped singing and began to fruitfully study classical music. It was in this capacity that the European and American public recognized and fell in love with him.

Dmitry Malikov is currently an exemplary family man, husband and father. Recently, his long-awaited son was born, which the star of the 90s himself told about on Lera Kudryavtseva’s show “Secret for a Million.”

In the 80s of the last century, the artist became incredibly popular. At this time, he begins to host the show program “Wider Circle”. His style, unusual for that time, attracts numerous girls who know everything about the star, including height, weight, age, how old is Dmitry Malikov.

The artist recently turned 47 years old, which he truthfully and frankly told on the TV show “Secret to a Million.” With a height of 183 centimeters, the popular performer weighs 85 kilograms.

Dmitry Malikov, whose photo in his youth and now can be easily found on social networks, goes in for sports, leads healthy image life.

Biography of Dmitry Malikov

Dimochka, as the future artist’s parents called him, was born in the early 70s of the last century in the center of the capital’s metropolis. The father - Malikov Yuri Fedorovich and mother - Vyunkova Lyudmila Mikhailovna of the popular artist sang in the VIA "Gems". Dmitry was not raised alone. He has a younger sister, Inna, who also performs songs, but unlike her brother, she is not as popular.

In his childhood, the future singer was fond of sports, dreaming of becoming a famous football player. Contrary to the wishes of his parents, who dreamed of seeing Dima become a great pianist, he ignored music lessons. But at the age of 14, to the surprise of all his relatives, the young man began to study at a music school. After some time, Dmitry could be seen at the piano. Among other things, he began to compose songs that were later performed by the most popular performers of the Soviet Union: Sofia Rotaru, Natalya Vetlitskaya, Katya Semyonova. They performed compositions by the talented young man and his father’s VIA “Gems”.

At the age of 20, the talented young man sang his own composition. It was then that the biography of Dmitry Malikov became popular. He began playing keyboards in the Gems group, which was headed by his father.

After college, the artist studied at the Moscow Conservatory. It was at this time that he became incredibly famous. Together with Katya Semyonova, the young man hosted the popular show program “Wider Circle”.

Since the 90s of the last century, Dmitry has become increasingly interested in playing the piano. In 1992, the pianist toured Europe, causing a sensation everywhere.

Dmitry wrote a large number of songs and compositions. The artist played in 3 films and several show programs. Malikov is also appreciated by professionals. He was awarded 15 prizes.

Personal life of Dmitry Malikov

The personal life of Dmitry Malikov has attracted the attention of his many fans since the late 80s of the last century. It was from this time that many of the most popular artists were considered to be the popular musician’s companions. According to rumors, he was in a romantic relationship with Katya Semyonova and some other artistic colleagues.

Since 1992, Dmitry has been in a relationship with his current wife. At first they lived in a civil marriage, and after the birth of their daughter Stefania, the couple officially registered the marriage. It recently became known that the couple recently had a son, who was given to them by a surrogate mother.

Family of Dmitry Malikov

Dmitry Malikov's family was artistic. His father in the early 70s of the last century organized a vocal and instrumental ensemble, which became a kind of symbol of the Soviet era. Then he and his wife sang in it.

It is not surprising that the children of such creative people did not follow in their footsteps. First Dmitry, and then his younger sister Inna became performers.

Currently, the popular artist’s singer is his daughter Stefania. Dmitry himself writes songs for his favorite, which immediately become popular and go to the people.

Children of Dmitry Malikov

The children of Dmitry Malikov are loved by the popular Russian composer and performer. He does not divide them into his relatives and his adopted ones. Olga Malikov considers his wife’s daughter from her first marriage to be his own. He adopted a girl at school age and gave her an excellent education.

The Russian pop star of the early 90s of the last century loves his daughter Stefania very much. He posts a large number of her pictures on his Instagram page.

Recently it became known that a son was born in the performer’s family. The composer and singer Dmitry Malikov himself spoke about this in the show program “Secret for a Million”.

Son of Dmitry Malikov

At the end of January 2018, the Soviet and Russian pop star again became a father. A boy was born into the family, who was carried and given birth by a surrogate mother. Dmitry Malikov himself announced this joyful event when he came to the studio of the show program “Secret for a Million”. What name was given to the heir is still unknown.

The son of Dmitry Malikov, according to the singer himself, was born healthy. His weight is 3.7 kg and his height is 53 cm. The couple are very happy about this event, but so far they have not given any information about their son, carefully protecting him from excessive attention of journalists.

Dmitry Malikov’s daughter – Stefania Malikova

At the beginning of the new millennium, the popular pop singer became a father for the first time. His wife gave him a daughter, whom they decided to name Stefania. From childhood, the girl amazed those around her with her talent. She dreamed of becoming a popular performer. For several years, Dmitry did not say anything about his beloved heiress, but in 2013 he himself posted pictures of his daughter on his Instagram page.

IN school years Stefania really loved music and literature lessons. Mathematics made her indignant. But despite this, the beloved heiress of the popular performer of the 90s of the last century graduated from school with an excellent certificate. Only in the hated mathematics there is a four, and in other subjects there are fives.

Now the girl is studying at Moscow state university named after Lomonosov. She celebrated her 18th birthday by receiving gifts from her parents and grandparents.

The daughter of Dmitry Malikov, Stefania Malikova, has been performing on stage since 2016. She performed several songs that were written for her by her father.

The girl very successfully participates in modeling shows. She recently very successfully presented a new collection designed by the famous Russian couturier Valentin Yudashkin.

Stefania is currently dating Leonid Gruzdev. Young people are planning to get married in the future.

Dmitry Malikov's adopted daughter - Olga

True love overcomes all obstacles. When Dmitry met his wife Elena, she already had a schoolgirl daughter. The popular performer soon adopted the girl. She became his beloved eldest daughter.

After school, Dmitry Malikov’s adopted daughter Olga entered MGIMO. After receiving her specialty, the girl went to France for an internship. Currently, she is one of the most sought-after photographers in the Russian Federation.

In 2015, Olga married businessman Jamal Khalilov. In 2016, a girl was born into the family, who was named Anechka. The popular performer himself proudly wrote about this event on his Instagram page.

Former common-law wife of Dmitry Malikov - Natalya Vetlitskaya

In the late 80s of the last century, young people met. Dmitry was only 17 years old, Natalya was a year older, but the girl had already been married and divorced. Katya Semyonova introduced the future common-law spouses on the “Wider Circle” program. They started dating. Just a few weeks later, the lovers began to live together.

The cloudless happiness lasted for almost 3 years. But then the couple began to move away from each other. After meeting with Elena, Dmitry did not hide anything. He honestly and openly told his ex-wife that he fell in love with someone else. The former common-law wife of Dmitry Malikov, Natalya Vetlitskaya, did not hold back her husband. They separated peacefully and without mutual accusations. Until now, former spouses sometimes communicate, congratulating each other on holidays and significant events.

Dmitry Malikov's wife - Elena Malikova

In the early 90s of the last century, the artist met a woman from whom he immediately lost his head. He was not stopped by the 7-year age difference and the presence of a child with his chosen one. Soon the lovers began to live together. After 2 years, the popular performer officially adopted the daughter of his common-law wife. After the birth of his daughter Stefania, Dmitry Malikov and his beloved woman officially formalized their marriage.

Dmitry Malikov’s wife, Elena Malikova, is successful in everything. She takes care of the house and children, and designs her own clothing models. The woman played in several films. Currently, she is taking care of a little son who was born to the couple by a surrogate mother. Elena herself suggested that Dmitry resort to her services, since she had already crossed the 50-year mark and could not give her husband a child herself.

Twitter, Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Malikov

Twitter, Instagram and Wikipedia of Dmitry Malikov are very active by the popular performer. Here you can find out a lot of information about the life and creative work of the artist, and various sources allow you to supplement your knowledge as much as possible.

On his Instagram page, the 90s star posts numerous photographs taken both during the time of his popularity and now. There are many photographs of his beloved daughter Stephanie.

Pages on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki also exist. They are hosted by fans of a popular artist who tell fans about their idol.

Singer and musician, composer and producer - Dmitry Malikov became popular, first of all, as a performer of lyrical pop compositions. In fact most of Dmitry devotes his creativity to writing serious instrumental works and playing the piano. We have prepared about the creative career of Dmitry Malikov, his biography, age, wife interesting facts in our article.


Dmitry Malikov was born in Moscow, in the family of musician Yuri Malikov and singer Lyudmila Vyunkova on January 29, 1970.

Dmitry spent his entire childhood and youth surrounded by musicians and artists. Yuri Fedorovich Malikov was artistic director VIA "Gems", and his wife was a soloist of this ensemble. Often parents took little Dmitry and his younger sister with you on tour. But to a greater extent, the grandmother was involved in raising the future singer and composer.

The Malikov family was and is still friends with the equally popular musical couple Presnyakov, in which Dmitry’s peer, Volodya Presnyakov, grew up. The boys became friends from the very beginning early childhood and since then they have become inseparable friends. As children, both simply dreamed of a sports career; their favorite sports were hockey and football. But genetics took its toll. And to the unspeakable joy of his parents and grandmother, the boy very quickly lost interest in sports and decided to devote himself entirely to music.

Dmitry Malikov's parents took a thorough approach to their son's future. At the age of 5, Dmitry already attended music school. Upon graduation, he continued his musical education at a music school and then at the Moscow State Conservatory.


Dmitry's creative career as a composer began quite early. At the age of 15, he had already become the author of several quite popular songs. Larisa Dolina even took one of them into her repertoire.

A year later, the young composer was invited to film the music program “Wider Circle”. He performed his own song “I am painting a picture.” With the song “Terem - Teremok” Dmitry Malikov made his debut in the famous “Morning Mail”.

Real popularity came to Dmitry in 1988. He became famous primarily as a solo performer. His songs “You will never be mine”, “Moonlight Dream”, “Until Tomorrow” instantly took the first lines of the country’s musical hit parades. In addition, the young man, pleasant in all respects, instantly fell in love with millions of girls’ hearts.

Dmitry Malikov also has several successful film roles to his credit.

A special place in creative biography Dmitry Malikov is interested in performing classical works on the piano. In 1997, Dmitry Malikov’s large tour with piano concerts took place in Germany. On them he performed not only works by great world composers, but also several new works from his instrumental album “Fear of Flying”. Dmitry continued his career as a pianist in such famous groups as “Moscow Virtuosi”, “Moscow Soloists”, “Music Viva” and others.

In 2010, the MMDM hosted a large solo piano concert by Dmitry Malikov, which attracted an unprecedented number of admirers of his talent.

In the same year, in France, Dmitry Malikov presented an unprecedented classical music show, Symphonic Mania. More than 40 concerts took place in the largest cities of France.

In 2012 Dmitry opened new project"Music Lessons" In it young participants can show their musical abilities and receive several piano lessons from Dmitry Malikov.

In 2013, another music album by Dmitry Malikov “25+” was released. In it, the composer collected works that sum up his twenty-five years of concert activity.

For my creative activity Dmitry Malikov has released 17 music discs, opened at least 10 projects, and starred in several dozen video clips.

Dmitry Malikov is a laureate of many festivals and awards. Among them: “Song of the Year”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Stopudovy Hit”, “Monte Carlo Music Awards”, “Ovation” and others.

For outstanding success and contribution to art, in 2010 Dmitry Malikov was awarded the honorary title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. He was also awarded the title of People's Artist of the Republic of Adygea, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, and the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia.

Family, wife, children

Before his only official marriage, Dmitry Malikov lived in a civil marriage with the popular singer Natalya Vetlitskaya.

In 1992, Dmitry met his future wife and mother of his children, designer Elena Izakson. Elena herself is not a Muscovite, she was born in Kazan, but came to Moscow, like many others, to conquer! And she succeeded. She graduated from the directing department of VGIK and even managed to star in several films. Despite the age difference (Elena is 7 years older than her husband), Dmitry immediately realized that this relationship would last for a long time. A true beauty, Elena was able to win the heart of the famous performer once and for all. They did not formalize their relationship until the birth of their common daughter Stephanie.

At the time of their meeting, Elena’s daughter Olga was already growing up. She was born in 1985 in a previous marriage. Now she is a famous photographer. Received excellent education at MGIMO and in Paris. She is married to businessman Jamal Khalilov.

In 2000, the long-awaited daughter Stefania (Stesha - that’s what her relatives call her) was born into the Malikov family. Now she is 18 years old, she is a student at MGIMO, a participant in fashionable youth parties, a singer, and a blogger. He meets with the son of a famous oligarch, Leonid Gruzdev. Her name and photo appear quite often in various show business news.

In January 2018, Dmitry and Elena Malikov had a son.

Dmitry Malikov's wife is a successful businesswoman. She owns her own business in Italy. Elena is engaged in the development and production of beachwear, which is not only very popular in Europe, but will soon appear in Russian boutiques. Don’t forget that Elena’s first education is as an artist and designer. And what cannot be taken away from her is an impeccable sense of style and harmony.

The couple represent a well-coordinated, reliable tandem. The biography of Dmitry Malikov is inextricably linked with his family and wife. Their life together based on mutual respect, support, love, trust, without regard to age. It is these qualities that are the foundation of a long, happy relationship.