Why do you dream about renting an apartment? Why do you dream about an apartment: do you lack your own home? The meaning of dreams Apartment

Most dream books claim that buying an apartment in a dream means serious changes in life. But what kind of changes these are depends on the appearance and furnishings of the purchased home. Some sources also claim that the apartment symbolizes our physical body and its condition today.

Modern dream book

Buying a luxury apartment - the dream warns you to pay attention to the little things and act in responsible situations, taking everyone into account known facts. Don't neglect even minor details.

If a woman buys an expensive apartment, they give you a sign that you are too demanding of your spouse.

Moving to a new, newly purchased apartment - expect pleasant changes in the near future.

Moving into a newly purchased apartment with a lot of things - success in business awaits you.

Eastern dream book

Buy an apartment - expect changes in life. Appearance apartment will help determine whether these will be good or bad events.

A bright apartment will definitely bring you luck in the near future.

A dark and gloomy apartment means failure awaits you in implementing your plans.

Newest dream book

Purchasing an apartment indicates an imminent cold or other minor illness.

Buying a two-room apartment means meeting two admirers at once is approaching.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Buying a new apartment in a dream means an unexpected change in old plans, the beginning of a new period in your life.

Seeing an apartment that is too rich in a dream means events will soon occur that will lead you to poverty or loss cash.

If you are renovating a newly purchased apartment, the dream warns you that a move or job change is imminent.

Buying a large apartment with several rooms indicates that your desire for a rich life will soon be realized.

Selling your apartment and buying a new one - expect betrayal in love.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

Buying a new home in a dream means a profitable investment of money, making a big profit, or a successful major purchase.

Buying a multi-room apartment will open up new horizons and interesting opportunities for you.

Buying an apartment on a high floor means you will have high goals and ideals to strive for.

Buying an apartment on the ground floor - you will prefer not to take risks and will reduce possible risks to a minimum.

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Why do you dream and what does Apartment mean:

If you dreamed of a nice apartment with expensive renovations, then everything will be fine with you.

To see that you were looking for a new apartment or exchanging it - then you will soon change your job.

If in a dream you rented an apartment from someone, then you will soon start a new business.

To see that you yourself rented out an apartment to someone means problems in business await you.

See also: why do you dream about a big house, why do you dream about a room, why do you dream about renting.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about an apartment?

To see that you were in someone else’s apartment means that your significant other is not faithful to you.

To see that you were in your apartment means a calm, stable life awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

If you dreamed about your apartment, then you will soon have money.

To see that you exchanged your apartment means that you will soon be changed.

If you saw someone else's apartment in a dream, then your sexual partner may cheat on you with your best friend.

To see that you rented an apartment means you will soon get married.

If in a dream someone was arrested in your apartment, then a small surprise awaits you.

Everyday dream book

Seeing an Apartment in a dream:

The ability to see an apartment in a dream suggests an interpretation of a person’s personal characteristics, family and everyday situations that a person may encounter in reality.

Therefore, if you dreamed of an apartment, you need, first of all, to remember in what situation and in what form the apartment was presented in the dream. So, if you dreamed of someone else’s, unfamiliar apartment, it means that global changes await you in the near future.

Someone else's apartment - If in a dream, being in someone else's apartment, you understand that this apartment is yours, it means that these global changes will also be long-term, that is, for a very long period of time, quite possibly for the rest of your life. If the apartment in your dream is spacious, bright, and comfortable, good luck will smile on you in your personal life.

If the apartment you dreamed of did not cause you anything but disgust, expect setbacks and failures soon. Seeing that you want to rent out an apartment means that in real life you are faced with difficulties that you are not able to solve.

I dreamed about your apartment, but in an unusual way, this may mean that your family life will follow a new path, will find a second wind.

Seeing that you are trying, but cannot leave the apartment, this may serve as a signal that the business you have planned in real life will not be successful.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see an Apartment in a dream?

Apartment (See also House) - Brief interpretation: cohabitation; capacity.

Popular expression: to make available to someone; houses and straw edoma; to climb to the top of something; take an advantageous position.

What do we do when we don't have enough space? We place our homes one above the other! Dreaming about an apartment can symbolize the desire to climb to the top.

Did you dream about an apartment on a high or low floor? If in a dream you have an apartment on a high floor, it means that you strive for high ideals or you have high thoughts, views, desires; if in a dream you have an apartment on a low floor, it means that you prefer to feel solid ground under your feet.

Someone else's apartment is a two-sided symbol: a symbol of shared living and at the same time private property. Thus, it symbolizes the desire for communication and joint activities, which by no means excludes your independence.

If in real life you live in a house, but in a dream you see an apartment, this is a sign that you want to “lower the bar.” Perhaps you are looking to simplify your life.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Someone else's apartment - To see that you just saw your apartment, this dream promises a peaceful life; dreaming of someone else's apartment marks the betrayal of a person with whom you have a close relationship. Changing an apartment also means betrayal in love, buying an apartment means profit. Rent an apartment - to new job, a new hobby or a new intimate relationship; renting out an apartment means getting a job, success in business, close relationships without love. A dream in which you see yourself in an unfamiliar apartment means that significant changes will soon occur in your life. Whether they will be for the better or for the worse depends on what the apartment you saw in your dream looks like. If it is bright and spacious, luck will definitely smile on you. If the apartment gives you pessimistic feelings, then you shouldn’t count on success.

Seeing that you intend to rent out an apartment means that you are weighed down by a burden of problems that you cannot solve on your own.

Seeing your apartment, but in some unusual way (with strange lighting, with different furniture, etc.), means that the attempts you have made to change your life have every chance of being crowned with success.

Seeing that you cannot leave the apartment in any way can warn that the planned trip will be overshadowed or upset by unpleasant news.

Lunar dream book

What does an apartment mean in a dream:

(being in someone else's apartment) - they are cheating on you in love. Being in your apartment is a successful period of life, a strong and stable position.

Jung's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Apartment according to the dream book:

The apartment carries a similar image with the Residential Building. It means the inner world of a person, so it is important to remember each room. Additionally, additional elements are associated with the image of the apartment:

The front door is an image of legal entry or exit. Quite often in a dream the door is closed - this symbolizes a temporary ban on something or some action. The more correct meaning is interpreted individually for each person. For some people it is extremely necessary and beneficial to open this door. For others, it is important to wait a while. And for the third, a ban on desires of this kind is recommended. If you turn to psychoanalysis, you will find yourself knocking on a closed door - the desire to break the ban on sexual intercourse, that is, this interpretation has sexual overtones. Most often this is a woman's dream. If we turn to another interpretation, then a closed door does not always have a sexual interpretation. A boarded door (with locks, bolts, boarded up, etc.) means a violation of contact with those on the other side of the door. So in fairy tales, for example, main character or the hero finds a walled up or tightly closed door, or a door that is forbidden to open under pain of death. Behind it there is usually vital information, objects or creatures for the hero (heroine). According to C. Jung's interpretation, a closed door symbolizes a certain vital psychic potential, which for some reason has been isolated for a long time. Such isolation impoverishes daily life; when it is overcome, a feeling of new strength, opportunities, abilities, new horizons, and a surge of energy appears in life.

Windows are a very polysemantic image in dreams. Sometimes it means illegal entry/exit (after all, lovers, thieves, and the weather get in through the window), sometimes it means a transparent “wall” with the help of which we can see certain situations, but cannot influence them. The image of the window also symbolizes the so-called eye of the House, with the help of which it is possible to trace the state of the Soul-House.

Walls have the same meaning as the floor and ceiling. Pay attention to their condition. Also pay attention to the age of the repair and its quality. Photographs, portraits, paintings can say a lot. Their images, presence or absence in a dream. Pay attention to the little things: the presence of mirrors, books, plants, dishes, possibly hidden doors. The lighting of the house is important: is it light or dark, what kind of lamps or chandeliers are there.

Ceiling - first of all, you need to look at the condition of the repair, whether there are cracks, peeling whitewash or peeling wallpaper. The state of the ceiling reflects the extent to which the dreamer’s inner self is strengthened. And isn’t he afraid of a flood or a ceiling collapse?

The floor is a mirror image of the ceiling and also denotes the boundaries of space, the strength and protection of the human soul.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about an apartment?

If you dreamed about a Tenant, this means an uncomfortable position and life debts.

See also: why guests dream, why a hotel dreams.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream and why do you see an apartment in a dream:

To see that a certain Tenant has settled in your apartment - this portends tests for your patience.

If in a dream you yourself take a lodger into your apartment, then you will soon be forced to commit an unpleasant act.

If in a dream the Tenant rented a house without your knowledge, but with the consent of your husband, who did not inform you about this, then you will be privy to secrets that you would not want to know about.

I dreamed of a Tenant who left the apartment without paying the owners - this is a sign that unexpected incidents with men await you.

A dream in which you like the Tenant and you are counting him out with regret - portends you good luck and cash income in the near future.

Seeing yourself in the role of a Tenant - you will be put in an awkward position, being in respectable society, which will undermine your reputation.

Big dream book

Why do you dream about Apartment - dream analysis:

If a woman dreamed that Tenants appeared in her house, then she will keep unpleasant secrets.

Lunar dream book

What does an apartment mean in a dream:

to an uncomfortable position. Life debts. Nonagon.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Apartment, what does it mean:

Seeing an Apartment means in reality giving an assessment to some of your habits or character traits.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

filming - a new activity, a new connection; paying rent - separation from a friend; receiving rent is a return to the forgotten; pass - advancement in business, getting a job; connection without love; to acquire a new one - beware of new relationships or new affairs (for men); being in a new apartment means a new relationship.

I dreamed about a tenant

according to Miller's dream book

For a woman to dream that she has tenants in her house is a sign that she will be bound by unpleasant secrets. If one of the tenants leaves the apartment without paying, she will face unforeseen troubles with men. If at least one of them pays for housing, this is a sign of good luck and accumulation of money in the near future.

I dreamed about a house

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you cannot find your home means that you will completely lose faith in the honesty of people. If in a dream you see that you do not have a home, you will face failure in all your endeavors and financial losses. In a dream, changing your home means urgent news and hasty trips. For a young woman to dream that she has left home is a sign that she will be surrounded by treacherous slanderers. If in a dream you visit your old house- then good news awaits you in reality. It is very good to see your old home cozy and joyful - this marks long-term prosperity. An abandoned house foreshadows sad events.

Seeing a house in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

In a dream, different things can happen to a house. You can build it or buy it, it can be destroyed, destroyed by elements or war, it can be overrun by invaders, and so on. As a rule, a house is dreamed of serious changes, instability or significant growth. A house teeming with something or occupied by someone indicates your unstable relationship with the world around you. You are in a state of depression - it happens, but if you are in this state constantly, then seeing your house inhabited by any people or animals is a signal of concern. A destroyed house dreams of moving, financial troubles, death or divorce. In such dreams, the house falls apart, losing its primary purpose: to provide shelter for a person. Having seen such a dream, think about what circumstances are oppressing and pressing you and how this is reflected in your real life. Building a house is a reflection of your life circumstances and changes in the future. Most likely, you are expecting a promotion at work or an improvement in your financial situation, which will open up additional opportunities. In the relationship with the person you are dating, a qualitative transition to a more serious level is not excluded; marriage is possible. In any case, dreams about building a house always have a positive connotation. Since the house is a symbol of female influence or a symbol of the mother's womb, this raises the following questions: are you or your partner pregnant and want to build a nest for future offspring? Do you feel a significant need to enter into a serious, committed relationship with your partner? Do you feel unsupported or are you too conservative in nature?

Why do you dream about a house?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see an unknown house for a woman - personal life and relationships with someone (what it looks like - such a relationship); for a man - danger; build - to improvement, to personal happiness; cover - losses; revenge in the house - to the guests; someone sweeps - to loss; washing the floors - to death, to separation; the roof has collapsed, the hole is a crossing; being at home means trouble, gossip; burning house with pure flame - great joy; to the poor - prosperity; rich - power; burns with soot and crackling noise - death among relatives; the house is filled with water - all troubles will go away; painting the house - to move; seeing the sky through a collapsed roof is happy news; grandparent's house - death in the family, big troubles; leaving the house (for a girl) - love troubles; seeing your own home is an expectation of the best; changes in the environment - to the guests; empty - personal disappointment; new home (for the sick) - death; big changes in personal relationships; cm.

Seeing yourself in an unfamiliar apartment in a dream means significant changes are coming in your life. What they will be like depends on the dream; if the apartment is large and bright, it means good luck. If the room is gloomy and dirty, don’t count on success in real life. If you rent out an apartment in a dream, it means big problems will arise that you cannot solve on your own. If you see your apartment in some unusual form (there is different furniture in the room, strange lighting, etc.), then in reality all attempts to change your life will be successful. If you can’t leave the apartment, your planned trip in reality will be overshadowed by unpleasant news.

apartment in a dream

If you received an apartment in a new house in a dream, this means a successful move or marriage. Renting or renting an apartment is a sign of love affairs on the side for married people and love adventures for single people. If in your dreams the apartment is on the top floors, this is a sign that you have outlined big plans for yourself in life and sometimes set unattainable goals for yourself. The richer and more spacious the room in your dream, the easier and more interesting your life will be. Selling an apartment - get ready in reality for a long separation from a friend.

apartment in a dream what is it for

Seeing your apartment in a dream is a sign of stability and success. Renting an apartment means a new occupation. I dreamed about someone else's apartment - to changes in life.

what does it mean if an apartment is in a dream

Seeing yourself in your apartment in a dream means big changes; you will go on a long journey.

interpretation of sleep apartment

Seeing yourself in someone else's apartment is a bad dream. It indicates the betrayal of a loved one who has always been trusted. Enter someone else's apartment in a dream - this means that you have decided to cheat on your significant other with his best friend or girlfriend. Vacuuming or washing the floors in someone else's home - be prepared for a big scandal based on jealousy. If in a dream a stranger entered your apartment, this indicates the possibility of violence against you, and the violence can be not only physical, but also moral.

apartment according to the dream book

A luxury apartment dreams of a poor life. Making repairs in the apartment means moving. Get a new apartment - get married soon or get married in reality. Moving to a new home means a new period in your life and all your plans will change completely. Renting or renting an apartment is a sign of love affairs.

dreamed of an apartment

A dream with an apartment is interpreted in different ways, but most often it is a sign of a desire to better life, establishing relationships with business partners and loved ones. Renting a house in a dream is considered a bad sign; this indicates that you are influenced by other people and are accustomed to fulfilling other people's wishes. Changing an apartment to another, better one - increases financial income and profits can appear quite unexpectedly. Doing renovations in your apartment means a possible trip to a resort or just to a cozy country house. To see a house robbed means that you are in reality independent of anyone. For girls, a dream with someone else's apartment portends an imminent marriage, and for married women a dream can be a sign of the appearance of a lover or a date. For men, such a dream means love adventures.

With him; man- love affair.

If you dream that you are moving to a new apartment- favorable changes await you soon.

Seeing a lot of things when moving or a new apartment with a lot of things- predicts that luck will suddenly fall on you.

Buy a luxury apartment in a dream- warns that your dreams are not destined to come true due to the fact that you ignore little things and do not calculate your actions taking these little things into account. A woman has such a dream- speaks of her being too demanding of her husband.

If you dream that you live in a cramped, dark and old apartment- Your plans will not be realized. This girl has this dream- speaks about the unreliability of the offer she received.

If you dreamed that you were furnishing an apartment with furniture- expect disagreements in the family.

If you dream that you were kicked out of your apartment or it was taken away from you- A successful acquisition awaits you. If a woman sees such a dream- a gift awaits her that she has long dreamed of.

Apartment- this is the physical body, in the physical body there are subtle bodies.

House, apartment- always indicate that the matter is happening in your subtle body(in energy, aura).

Always remember which floor- a floor is a level, an apartment is your energy body. (any hints of a floor, it can also just be a feeling or knowledge that you are on a certain floor.)

Run around the rooms- move consciousness through the physical body (for example, along energy channels).

Let something into the apartment- means letting something foreign into your energy field. Or something is trying to do this in everyday life. This is bad- if you don’t like it, if creatures in dark clothes cause hostility in you in a dream. Don't let me in!

Eastern women's dream book

Seeing yourself in an unfamiliar apartment- to significant changes in life. Good or bad, depends on what the apartment you see looks like.

The apartment is bright and spacious- luck will certainly smile on you.

If the apartment gives you gloomy feelings- You shouldn’t count on success.

A dream in which you intended to rent out an apartment- indicates: you are weighed down by a burden of problems that you cannot solve on your own.

Seeing your apartment in a dream, but in some unusual form (in strange lighting, with different furniture, etc.)- a sign that the attempts you have made to change your life have every chance of success.

Have you watched someone renovate your apartment?- soon one of your loved ones will spend a lot of time and effort to improve your life.

In a dream, you watched someone renovating someone's apartment- you have to spend a lot of time and effort to improve the life of one of your friends.

Sell ​​an apartment- highly receivable large sum money.

Buying an apartment- to a successful investment of money.

Dream Interpretation Veles

A strange cat walks through your apartment and turns into a human- you have a very serious opponent who can bring big trouble.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

The apartment is too luxurious- poverty; repair- moving; get- marriage, marriage.

Rent or rent- love affair.

Move to a new one- change of plans, new period of life.

Modern universal dream book

Apartment- a two-sided symbol: a symbol of joint residence and at the same time private property. Thus, it symbolizes the desire for communication and joint activities, which by no means excludes your independence.

If in real life you live in a house, but in a dream you see an apartment- this is a sign that you want to “lower the bar.” Perhaps you are looking to simplify your life.

Did you dream about an apartment on a high or low floor? If in a dream you have an apartment on a high floor- it means you strive for high ideals or you have high thoughts, views, desires; if in a dream you have an apartment on a low floor, it means that you prefer to feel solid ground under your feet.

Esoteric dream book

Apartment- living space. New new horizons in life.

Refurbish the apartment- master new possibilities for applying one’s strengths.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.