Mikhail Zadornov biography personal life. Why Mikhail Zadornov fell ill: a healthy lifestyle did not save the satirist. Illness and death

“I am in terrible grief,” TV presenter and comedian Yevgeny Petrosyan told RBC. “Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov is a unique phenomenon in the genre of humor. In addition to being one of the most witty people in the genre, I believe he was a philosopher of humor who helped people practically navigate life. His humor helped us understand what the meaning of the current moment is in this or that area of ​​our life,” said Petrosyan. According to him, Zadornov achieved mutual understanding with the majority of his viewers, which "turned into some kind of spiritual interaction." “As an artist, he did not die, he will remain useful to people for decades to come, so he will live,” Petrosyan believes.

“He was an amazing person and a delightful satirist. This is a huge loss,” director Stanislav Govorukhin, chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture, told RBC.

“It is sad that he left, although it has been known for quite a long time about his illness. But whenever it happens, it's very unexpected and very sad. Misha was a very talented and very private person. Misha was always on his own, an independent creative person in every sense. We have known him for 50 years, but we saw him three or four times a year, not more often, ”playwright and screenwriter Arkady Inin told RBC.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin named Zadornov "an outstanding artist and witty chronicler of the era."

The press service of the REN TV channel RBC also reported that in connection with the death of Zadornov, the channel will revise the broadcast schedule for Friday evening.

Zadornov was born on July 21, 1948 in Jurmala. In 1974 he graduated from the Faculty of Aircraft Engines of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). During the training, he took part in the games of the Club of the cheerful and resourceful. After graduating from the institute, he worked at the Moscow Aviation Institute as an engineer at the department of aerospace heat engineering. In the second half of the 1970s, he was artistic director, playwright and director of the MAI student variety theater.

The first performance of the satirist on Soviet television took place in 1982: during one of the concerts, he performed the monologue "Letter from a first-year student to parents." In 1984-1985 he headed the department of satire and humor in the magazine "Youth", then for two years he worked as the head of the theater of the Club. F.E. Dzerzhinsky (now the cultural center of the FSB). In the second half of the 1980s, Zadornov began performing with his own concerts.

On December 31, 1991, a comedian during New Year's show spoke with a New Year's address to the people of Russia. The address of the country's President Boris Yeltsin was shown a day earlier.

Since the mid-2000s, Zadornov, in his monologues, has often criticized the "American way of life" and that the Russians imitate it.

Mikhail Zadornov in autumn 2016 told that he has serious health problems. The satirist did not go into details about his condition, but noted that the treatment "is going to be difficult and long", in particular, he will have to undergo chemotherapy. On October 23, he was hospitalized, the day before that, the comedian had an epileptic seizure right during a performance on the stage of the Moscow recreation center "Meridian". It was reported that Zadornov was diagnosed with brain cancer.

“I am convinced that the patient’s condition is his own business, and it should not become a subject of discussion in the press,”

On Friday morning, November 10, it became known about the death of one of the most famous Russian humorists and satirical writers Mikhail Zadornov. The artist died at the age of 70 after a long battle with cancer.

Curriculum vitae

Family and childhood

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov was born in the resort town of Jurmala (Latvian SSR) on July 21, 1948. His father, Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov, is a Soviet writer known for his historical works (“Amur Father”, a trilogy about the expedition of Admiral Evfimy Putyatin to the shores of Japan: “Tsunami”, “Heda”, “Shimoda”). Mother - Elena Melchiorovna Pokorno-Matusevich from a noble noble family, rooted in the Polish kings. She worked as a proofreader in the Ufa newspaper, where she met her husband.

Creative potential the future artist was noticeable from early childhood. After the role of a turnip, which the boy performed on the stage of the Riga school No. 10, he was accepted into a theater studio.

Student years

After leaving school, Mikhail Zadornov's father insisted that his son receive a technical education. So Zadornov Jr. became a student at the Riga Polytechnic Institute (now the Riga Technical University). Two years later, he transferred to the Faculty of Aircraft Engines of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), graduating in 1974.

Immediately after graduation, Zadornov was offered a job as a director, playwright and director of the MAI student theater "Russia", which he himself created. The team toured the republics of the Soviet Union.


Mikhail Zadornov began publishing at the age of 26. He headed the section of satire and humor in the magazine "Youth", published in the "Young Guard" and "Far East". In 1982, the first performance of the satirist on the Central Television of the USSR took place with the monologue "Letter from a first-year student to parents." The humorist was widely known for the feuilleton "Two Ninth Carriages", which sounded on the air of the program "Around Laughter" (1984).

In the early 90s, he became a member of a number of humorous programs. Not a single issue of Full House, Laughter Panorama and Satirical Forecast could do without it.

The most significant speech in his biography is the New Year's speech on December 31, 1991 to the inhabitants of the country that had just collapsed (on December 26, 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed). Instead of Boris Yeltsin, who has not yet taken office, Mikhail Zadornov appeared on the screens with jokes about a seceded Ukraine, democrats and economic reforms. The humorist's performance was delayed, so the chiming clock was delayed for a minute for the first time in history.

The satirist writer has written more than 40 books. There are non-scientific historical works, for example, “Glory to the Family!”, “Prince Rurik. Where did the Russian land come from”, “The Runes of the Prophetic Oleg”, where Zadornov tells about his vision of the history of the Slavs and the origin of the Slavic language. He also wrote a number of plays - "The Last Try, or I Want Your Husband" (1987), "Blouse" (1996) and "Once Upon a Time in Africa, or Love with a Brain Explosion" (2014).

Since the 2000s, the humorist has been writing about two or three new concert programs a year. His work schedule was crazy - sometimes the artist had to give 8 concerts a day.

Zadornov is known to a wide audience for his jokes about Americans. The satirist's phrase "Well, stupid" became his hallmark.

Everything that is for the life of the body - airports, swimming pools, hotels - they have just wonderful. But this does not give them the right to consider themselves "leaders" in the world. It is even more outrageous when we try to imitate them. It is necessary to think of it - to introduce the American education system in our country! How to solve a problem? Laugh at her. As a result, I have six thousand letters of support in my computer mail.

Mikhail Zadornov

In the early 2010s, Zadornov began to share his work with fans on social networks. A blog on LiveJournal, a Youtube channel "Zador TV" and a personal page "VKontakte", where the artist posted his so-called "observers" (notes from life).

Mikhail Zadornov is a popular satirist who was known and loved not only in Russia, but also in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Zadornov's monologues have always been topical, full of subtle irony, and their characters are perfectly recognizable in Everyday life, therefore, all the speeches of the satirist invariably scattered into quotes, gathered many spectators and were held with great success.

When did the career of this bright satirist begin and what was his path to the big stage? Our article, entirely devoted to one of the best comedians on the modern Russian stage, will help you find out all this.

Family, childhood and youth

Mikhail Zadornov was born in the Latvian resort city of Jurmala. His father, Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov, was a writer specializing mainly in historical subjects. Mom - Elena Melkhiorovna Matusevich - came from an old noble family, was a housewife.

Even at school, the future satirist began to seriously get involved in theater. According to some of his acquaintances, in one of the children's performances, young Mikhail so masterfully played the role of a turnip that he was repeatedly pulled out "for an encore". The next role was a costumed bear in a production based on Ostrovsky's "Profitable Place" - his character had no words, but Mikhail growled so convincingly that he was invited to the drama club on a permanent basis.

Despite the success in the acting field, after school, Mikhail Zadornov decided to enter the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, as there was a good handball team, and the future satirist was fascinated with this game with early years. However, his further sports career did not work out - once in training he fell and broke his meniscus.

creative way

My debut literary work(unpublished story "Intersection Point") Zadornov wrote at the age of 18, having been on an expedition to the Kuril Islands (the plot was based on the impressions of the trip). Alas, the story did not impress the editors of the magazine and was not published.

In 1969, Zadornov transferred to the second year of the Moscow Aviation Institute, from which he graduated in 1974 with a degree in mechanical engineering, along the way receiving an offer from the management to remain at the MAI as an employee. Mikhail agreed, but rather not because of the prospects of becoming a researcher, but for the sake of the Rossiya youth theater at the Moscow Aviation Institute, to which he devoted a substantial part of his student body: he was an actor, he himself acted as a playwright and director. Under his leadership, the theater became famous in the Soviet republics and was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize. The life of Mikhail Zadornov was connected with "Russia" until 1980.

The first publications of Zadornov saw the light in 1974. The satirist was published as part of the Yunost magazine, and in 1984 he headed its department of satire and humor. However, already in 1985 he left the post, devoting himself to his own literary career.

The first performance of Zadornov. "Student Letter Home" (1982)

In 1982, Zadornov made his television debut with the monologue "A Student's Letter Home" about the misadventures of an unlucky student. Two years later, he appeared in the program "Around Laughter" with the monologue "The Ninth Car". It was this life sketch of how two wagons with the same number were mistakenly attached to the next train to Hungary, which later became Zadornov's hallmark.

Mikhail Zadornov - The Ninth Carriage (1984)

The audience also fell in love with the then-daring monologue “Open Letter to the General Secretary” - about the preparation of the leadership of a small town for the visit of the Secretary General of the USSR. The very fact that this work, full of satire, was voiced from a television screen, signaled changes in the socio-political life of the country. However, the feuilleton firmly settled in Zadornov's repertoire and sounded just as relevant even after many years.

In the late eighties, Mikhail Zadornov began working as the author of humorous texts for other artists. Many well-known comedians spoke with his monologues, including Evgeny Petrosyan, and Zadornov himself regularly shared new observations with his characteristic irony in the new issues of Laughter Panorama, Full House and Satirical Forecast.

Mikhail Zadornov on the differences between Americans and Russians

In 1988, the first collection of Zadornov's stories, "A Line 15,000 Meters Long", was published as part of the anthology "Crocodile Library". The collection "The Mystery of the Blue Planet" published next was released in a circulation of 100 thousand copies.

A peculiar indicator of the popularity of the artist was the fact that on December 31, 1991, it was Mikhail Zadornov, and not Boris Yeltsin, who had not yet had time to assume presidential powers instead of Mikhail Gorbachev, congratulated the inhabitants of the collapsed state on the New Year.

Despite the fact that in his speeches the humorist often “applied” the leadership of the country and the president himself, this did not prevent him from getting an apartment in the “nomenklatura” house on Osennaya Street, where Boris Yeltsin, Viktor Chernomyrdin, head of the presidential security Alexander Korzhakov and other high-ranking officials. The fact is that the satirist often played tennis with Yeltsin and managed to make a good impression on the president.

In the nineties, he also tried himself as a screenwriter and film actor. One of Zadornov's most famous works was the film "I Want Your Husband", filmed in 1992 according to his own script. Only three actors appeared in the tape; in addition to Mikhail Nikolaevich, Ekaterina Voronina and Anna Dubrovskaya were involved in the shooting. According to the plot, a young beauty Oksana appears to a woman named Elena, who is preparing to celebrate a porcelain wedding, and offers to buy out Elena's husband, who, as it turned out, has been cheating on his wife for many years. Recognizable "Zadornov's" dialogues and a subtly conveyed imprint of the outgoing era provided the film with recognition and love of the audience.

A year earlier, he also appeared in the Latvian film Depression with a cameo role as an official, as well as in Viktor Sergeev's film Genius (cameo).

1997 was marked by the release of a four-volume edition, which included the best works of the satirist at that time. Since 2000, every year Zadornov presented to the public at least two or three new concert programs. He invariably went on stage in a suit and with papers in his hands, and after the concert he showed the audience his stretch, standing on the twine, or walked on his hands. His schedule of performances was, without exaggeration, crazy: once he had to give as many as 8 concerts in one day.

American Stupidity (2016)

In the early 2000s, the "American" theme became the leitmotif of Zadornov's speeches. Zadornov's trademark phrase "Well, stupid!" and is heard to this day. After the scandal with discrimination against the Russian Olympic team at the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake City, the satirist defiantly canceled an American visa. Subsequently, “amateur etymology” appeared in his repertoire, as well as frequent criticism of Russian education, the Unified State Examination and the Minister of Education Andrei Fursenko in particular.

Mikhail Zadornov on the Unified State Exam and education reform

In 2012, Mikhail Zadornov made a pseudo-documentary film “Rurik. Lost true story”, which was later shown by the REN-TV channel. The tape told about the confrontation between the supporters of the "Norman theory" and those who argued that the Vikings could not rule Russia. His work was criticized, arguing that in last years it was this pseudo-historical and frankly politicized approach that began to prevail in the work of the pop satirist.

Film by Mikhail Zadornov "Rurik. Lost Reality"

Since the beginning of the 2010s, Zadornov has maintained contact with fans of his work via the Internet. In addition to the official website, the satirist maintained a blog on LiveJournal, a Youtube channel (Zador TV) and his VKontakte page. Enough most The satirist's repertoire consisted of so-called "observers" - notes from life sent by readers.

In 2016, Mikhail Zadornov, Alexey Kortnev and Dmitry Kolchin became co-hosts of the author's satirical program "Saltykov-Shchedrin Show". In the airtime, the presenters and guests joked about incidents from real life.

Personal life of Mikhail Zadornov

In his life, Mikhail Zadornov was officially married only once. His wife, Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina, the daughter of a high-ranking Latvian politician, studied with him at the same school, then was his classmate at the Moscow Aviation Institute. A beautiful and smart girl knew her worth, and therefore Mikhail had to win her heart for a long time. Young people met for a long time, and in the spring of 1971 they got married.

Relations in a young family went wrong at a time when the artist's career began to rapidly gain momentum. At that moment, Mikhail Zadornov began dating Elena Bombina - with a girl who was 16 years younger than the satirist, he met at one of his performances (she was the administrator at that festival) in the late 80s.

Subsequently, she became his common-law wife. In 1990, Mikhail and Elena had a daughter, Elena Zadornova, the only child of Zadornov. Having inherited her father's artistic genes, she graduated from the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (RATI).

In 1998, Mikhail Zadornov, once a drinker, became a vegetarian and began to actively promote a healthy lifestyle, in particular yoga. The satirist spoke about his choice more than once in the style of “amateur etymology”: “Meat in English sounds like meat: me (me) + eat (eat”), that is, “eat yourself.” In addition, it has been proven that human DNA and pig DNA are very similar in many ways, which means pork kebabs are clearly not going to do you any good.

Zadornov also spoke about supporting the Ringing Cedars of Russia movement, which promotes the ideology of the so-called "family estates" - plots of land no less than a hectare in size, on which members of the same family can equip their home in accordance with the rules of the eco-community.

Death of Mikhail Zadornov

In the fall of 2016, Mikhail Zadornov admitted to having serious health problems, due to which he had to leave the program "Saltykov-Shchedrin Show" and cancel concerts in the far corners of the country. He did not advertise the name of the disease, but very soon Andrei Malakhov, in his program, inadvertently declassified the satirist's illness - it turned out that Zadornov had brain cancer. Mikhail Nikolayevich did not deny the information, but asked the fans not to make a fuss, adding that he was undergoing chemotherapy and trying to follow the precepts of Daria Dontsova: “The main thing is not to give up and keep yourself in good shape!”.

On October 23, Mikhail Zadornov became ill during a performance at the Meridian Palace of Culture. He was taken away by ambulance right from the concert. Doctors recorded an epileptic seizure on a nervous basis in a man.

At the beginning of 2017, Regina Dubovitskaya spoke about the state of the satirist, who said that Zadornov had undergone a serious operation and a long course of treatment awaited him. “He really wants to return to the audience and delight his fans with books,” she added.

Unfortunately, the treatment did not help, as did the conversion to the Orthodox faith (in early November, Michael was unction in the capital's church life-giving trinity). November 10, 2017 Mikhail Zadornov passed away. He was 69 years old.

Before his death, Mikhail Zadornov ordered to bury him in his homeland, in the same grave with his father, and to support the Nikolai Zadornov Riga Library.

On Zadornov's VKontakte page, where in the last months of his life, the satirist's fans left him thousands of wishes for recovery and warm words of support, the comments were closed. His secret concert is also located there - in the Nest of the Capercaillie. A group of admirers of his work continues to function. On November 15, Mikhail Nikolayevich was buried at the Jaundubulti cemetery in Jurmala.

Zadornov Mikhail Nikolaevich (1948-2017) - Russian comedian, satirist, playwright and actor. He was a member of the Writers' Union of Russia, published more than ten books (collections of humoresques, short stories, essays, plays and travel notes).

His subtle humor was so sharp that the satirist was banned from entering some countries (USA, Ukraine). He took the heroes of his satire from life, which is why they turned out to be so recognizable. Repeatedly recognized as the best humorist in Russia, many expressions from his works were disassembled into quotes and became aphorisms.


Mikhail was born on July 21, 1948 in the city of Jurmala, Latvian SSR.
His father, Zadornov Nikolai Pavlovich, born in 1909, grew up in Siberia. His whole life was connected with creativity, until the Great Patriotic War worked as an actor and director in Siberian theaters. In 1946 he moved to the Baltic States, where he lived until his death. His post-war career was associated with writing.

For their historical novels about the exploits of explorers and the development of the Far East was awarded the Stalin Prize in 1952. Most famous work- the novel "Amur-father". In 1969 he received the title of Honored Artist of the Latvian SSR.

Paternal grandfather, Pavel Ivanovich Zadornov, was a veterinarian. Under the Soviet regime, he was falsely accused of "deliberate extermination of livestock", imprisoned for ten years, and he died in custody. In 1956, Pavel Ivanovich was rehabilitated posthumously.

Mikhail Zadornov's parents

Mikhail's mother, Elena Melchiorovna (maiden name Pokorno-Matusevich), was born in 1909 in the city of Maykop. Her parents belonged to noble noble families, and Elena received an appropriate upbringing with vocal and piano lessons. With the advent of Soviet power, her father, as a tsarist officer, was first sentenced to death, but then exiled to the Gulag. Lena and her mother were left without a livelihood, so the girl could not get a proper higher education. She had to marry a ministerial worker early. In this marriage, she gave birth to a son, Lollia, the half-brother of Mikhail Zadornov.

Having settled down in Ufa as a proofreader in a local newspaper, Elena met a young journalist Nikolai Zadornov, who became the love of her life. She quickly filed for divorce from her first husband and tied her fate with Nikolai. In 1942, their daughter Lyudmila was born. In 1948, when the family had already finally moved to the Baltic states, Mikhail was born.


Misha's mother raised her in the best aristocratic traditions from childhood. And the father read to his son before going to bed not only fairy tales, but also the works of Lermontov, Tyutchev, Gogol, Pushkin, Arseniev, Goncharov.

Mikhail received his secondary education at the Riga elite school No. 10, where the children of high-ranking officials studied. Already in the second grade, the boy made his debut on the theater stage. In a school production, he was entrusted with the role of Turnip, which he played so well that the little actor was called for an encore (the audience really liked the scene of pulling Turnip out of the ground).

The next role of Mikhail was a disguised bear in the school play "Profitable Place" based on the play by Ostrovsky. He also convincingly reincarnated as a bear, growled so naturally that the boy was accepted into the school drama club.

In addition to the theater school years Mikhail was actively involved in sports, played handball for the youth team of Latvia.

Since school bench Misha began to guess that "Russia cannot be understood with the mind." In high school, at competitions and other events, he already performed with his own humorous numbers. Zadornov became the initiator of the creation of a theater of miniatures at the school. But, despite such abilities, for further education, the young man chose an institution that was absolutely not related to creativity.


Having received a certificate of secondary education, Mikhail became a student at the Riga Polytechnic Institute. So the father wanted and insisted that his son receive a real male profession as a civil aviation engineer. The educational institution attracted Zadoronov and the fact that there was a good handball team. However, his sporting future ended with an unsuccessful fall and a knee meniscus injury.

After studying for two years in Riga, Mikhail transferred with the loss of one course to the Moscow Aviation Institute. Here, at the Faculty of Aircraft Engines, he studied as a mechanical engineer. In 1974 he received a diploma of higher education and remained to work at the Department of Aerospace Heat Engineering. In this decision, he was more attracted not by the prospect of becoming a research assistant, but by the Rossiya youth theater, in which Mikhail participated as an actor, director and author of funny miniatures while still a student.

Zadornov worked at the department for four years, worked on the invention of a nozzle for the afterburner of an aircraft engine, and reached the position of a leading engineer. And he devoted all his free time to the theater. Under his leadership, the team traveled to perform at all-Union construction sites, became popular in many republics and even received the Lenin Komsomol Prize.


By this time, many well-known comedians were already reading miniatures and stories written by Mikhail from the stage. And in 1982, he made his debut on television by reading the monologue "A student's letter home."

Real popularity came to him after the release of the program “Around Laughter” on the central television, where Mikhail read the story “Two Ninth Cars”. This train, going to Hungary, to which two wagons with the same number were mistakenly attached, later became the hallmark of the satirist.

From the second half of the 1980s, Mikhail began to work fruitfully with Yevgeny Petrosyan and wrote many pop numbers for him. As a result of this collaboration, the famous parody of Mikhail Gorbachev was born, Petrosyan proposed the idea, and Zadorov wrote and managed to accurately convey the intonation of the general secretary in speeches.

  • "Full house";
  • "Daughters-mothers";
  • "Smehopanorama";
  • "Satiric Prediction".

The most important indicator of Mikhail's popularity was the fact that it was he who new year's eve congratulated the inhabitants of the collapsed Soviet Union on the New Year 1991 from television screens, since Mikhail Gorbachev was no longer in power, and Boris Yeltsin had not yet come into his own.

At the same time, his books began to appear:

  • "End of the world";
  • "Hitches";
  • "I do not understand!";
  • "Tiny Stars";
  • "Return";
  • "We're all from Chi-Chi-Chi-Pi";
  • « Modern people»;
  • "A great country with an unpredictable past."

Zadornov became especially famous for his jokes and attacks against America. On all tours with a full house, his program “Well, stupid!”, For which he was banned from entering the United States, was held.

Mikhail also tried himself in cinema, he wrote the script for the comedy “I Want Your Husband”, in which he starred in leading role. He later appeared in two more films, Depression and Genius.

The schedule of his performances could be called crazy, it happened that he gave eight concerts in a day. Mikhail always went on stage in a suit and with papers in his hands, and at the end he stood on his hands or sat on the twine, demonstrating to the audience his excellent physical shape.

With the advent of the age of the Internet, the satirist actively communicated with fans on social networks, maintained his blogs and video channels. Thanks to such communication, many of his humorous sketches were born, people sent stories from life, and the writer beat them and presented them to the public. Since the beginning of the 2010s, almost the entire repertoire of the artist has been built on such “observers”.

In 2015, Zadornov was banned from entering the territory of Ukraine, as he supported the policy of Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding Crimea. Mikhail was not very upset and commented on the decision of the Ukrainian government as follows: “It would be worse if I was banned from leaving this country.”

For their creative achievements The satirist was awarded prizes:

  • "Golden Calf" (1975);
  • "Ovation" (1999);
  • "Word to the people" from the newspaper "Soviet Russia" (2009).

Since 2016, Mikhail, together with KVN-schik Dmitry Kolchin and musician Alexei Kortnev, began to host the author's program "Saltykov Shchedrin Show" on television, where they joked about cases from real life. But soon the transfer had to be closed due to Zadornov's illness.

Personal life

The first wife of Mikhail was Velta Yanovna Kalnberzina. They knew each other from school, as they studied in parallel classes. Although, as Zadornov said, for the first time they could see each other in the maternity hospital, since their mothers were in the same room and gave birth to their babies with a difference of four days.

An educated Velta from an intelligent family, back in her school years, drew attention to an intelligent, interesting boy. But they became close already in Moscow, where both received higher education - Misha at the Aviation Institute, Velta at Moscow State University. Despite the fact that they had known each other for a long time and completely coincided in their interests, they did not get married right away. Mikhail had to fight for Velta.

The girl was very beautiful, smart and intelligent, with impeccable manners and taste, and with a high social status: her father, Jan Kalnberzin, worked as the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Latvia. Velta had many suitors and contenders for the role of her husband, but still she chose Mikhail. In the early spring of 1971, their wedding took place.

The wife became Mikhail a reliable support and muse, she always treated his work with special trepidation. He affectionately called his wife "Velka". Despite the fact that in the future Mikhail had a second family, they did not officially part with Velta, in his passport there was a single marriage stamp. Until the end of his days, Zadornov considered her the most dear person. Now she lives in Moscow, works at the Department of English Linguistics of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University, has the title of Professor and Doctor of Philology.

Mikhail with his first wife Velta Yanovna

In the late 1980s, a second wife, Elena Vladimirovna Bombina, appeared in Mikhail's life, she was sixteen years younger than him. At that time, Zadornov toured the country a lot and, on trips, became close to Lena, who worked for him as an administrator. She was from Riga, and Mikhail's mother lived there, whom he often came to visit. Over time, the relationship grew into a long and serious one, the lovers did not advertise them, but they did not hide them either.

In 1990, Bombina gave birth to the only daughter of a satirist, the girl was also named Elena (in honor of Mikhail's mother). Zadornov gave his daughter his last name and managed to show it to his father, who died two years after the birth of the baby. Mikhail did not hide the birth of his daughter from Velta, with whom he still remained legally married. A wise woman commented on this situation in the following way: “A daughter is a joy, and why hide her if she has already been born. Anything happens in life."

Mikhail devoted all his free time to raising his daughter, they traveled a lot, played, read, and talked on any topic. The satirist doted on his daughter and was insanely proud of her. Now Elena has already graduated from the acting department of the Russian Academy of Theater Arts.

Mikhail with his second wife Elena Bombina and daughter

Illness and death

In the fall of 2016, doctors diagnosed Mikhail with a brain tumor. In early October, the satirist addressed his fans in social network"In contact with". He said that he would undergo chemotherapy and therefore several concerts were canceled, especially those associated with long flights.

On October 22, Zadornov's concert was held at the Moscow Meridian Center. During the performance, an epileptic seizure occurred, and Mikhail was hospitalized.
Less than a month later, he underwent a brain biopsy in Germany. Then he underwent a course of treatment in a private Baltic clinic.

A year later, the disease still won. On the morning of November 10, 2017, Mikhail Zadornov died in a Moscow clinic. Two months before his death, he confessed, and literally five days before he took unction. On November 15, 2017, he was buried next to his father in Jurmala. More than four hundred people came to the funeral service in the Alexander Nevsky Church in Riga.

On November 10, the satirist writer Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov died in Moscow. Dedicated to the memory of Mikhail Zadornov.

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov is a Soviet and Russian satirist writer, playwright, humorist, actor, also known as the author of hypotheses in the field of the etymology of Russian words and the history of Slavdom, which are sharply criticized by the scientific community. Member of the Writers' Union of Russia. Author of more than ten books; among the works of Zadornov - lyrical and satirical stories, humoresques, essays, travelogues and plays. The son of the writer N. P. Zadornov.

Mother - Elena Melkhiorovna Zadornova - was born in Maykop, a Pole by nationality, descended from the old gentry Polish family of Pokorno-Matusevich and the well-known family of Olizarovsky in Russia, which originates from King Stefan Batory, was married 2 times, her first husband was a ministerial worker, in In 1930, the elder half-brother of Mikhail Zadornov, Lolly, was born. Mother worked as a proofreader in the Ufa newspaper, at work she met her second husband.

Jurmala 1949.

Mikhail Zadornov's father is Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov, a Soviet writer.

Jurmala 1955.

Paternal grandfather - Pavel Ivanovich Zadornov - was born in the village of Ternovka, Penza province. He worked as a veterinarian, arrested in Chita on charges of destroying livestock, sentenced to 10 years, died in prison, rehabilitated in 1956. Paternal grandmother - Vera Mikhailovna Zadornova. Maternal grandfather - Melchior Iustinovich Pokorno-Matusevich - nobleman, graduated military school in Dinaburg, since 1903 he was a tsarist officer, fought in the First World War on the Caucasian front, participated in the Trebizond operation. In 1920 he was arrested and spent three years in the Gulag. At the age of 60, he was fired after cleaning the Soviet apparatus and was forced to take accounting courses.

On the left - Jurmala in 1949, in the center - Riga in 1951, on the right - Riga 10th secondary school.

Graduated from the Riga high school No. 10. In one of his speeches, he said that he first went on stage in the second grade, played turnip. Moreover, “it was pulled out so elegantly that they shouted:“ Bis, bravo, they say, pull it out again! ”“. In 1974 he graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) with a degree in mechanical engineering. In 1974-1978 he worked at the same institute at the department 204 "Aviation and space heat engineering" as an engineer, then as a leading engineer.

Mikhail Zadornov before graduation, 1965 and trade union organizer of the 3rd year of the faculty "LA Engines". MAI - 1970.

Rocket troops of the city of Pskov "Island-3" 1974.

In the 1970s and 1980s, Zadornov - artistic director, director and actor of the student propaganda theater MAI "Russia". With the staff of the agitation theater, he traveled to many parts of the USSR and all-Union construction sites, was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

1976 MAI propaganda team. Head M. Zadornov.

MAI propaganda theater "Russia" 1976. Far East. Rehearsal on the banks of the Ussuri River.

BAM 1976.

1978 BAM. Festival "Lights of the Highway" Agitation Theater MAI "Russia" Head M. Zadornov.

He made his debut on television in 1982 with the monologue "A student's letter home." Real popularity came in 1984, when Zadornov read his story "The Ninth Car". Zadornov's stories and miniatures were read from the stage by many famous artists, and starting from the late 1980s, he began to perform his own works.

The main director of the agitation theater Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov at a rehearsal and a scene from the prologue of the play by Mikhail Zadornov staged by the laureate of the 1st All-Russian Festival of amateur creativity of workers, laureate of the Lenin Komsomol award of the Rossiya propaganda theater of the Moscow Aviation Institute, 1980.

Primorye 1988.

The finalists of the contest "Moscow beauty-88" answer the questions of the satirist Mikhail Zadornov. 1988

Since the beginning of the 1990s, Zadornov has been the author and host of well-known television programs such as Full House, Laugh Panorama, Satirical Forecast, Daughters and Mothers. In 1992, he was on the jury of the Major League of KVN at two quarterfinals. In 1998 he was a member of the jury at the KVN festival "Voicing KiViN 1998" in Jurmala.

Mikhail Zadornov and Regina Dubovitskaya at the Rossiya Central Concert Hall. December 5, 1997

Since 1990, M. N. Zadornov’s books have been published: “The End of the World”, “I Don’t Understand!”, “Return”, the one-act comedy “Modern People”, a funny play for a sad movie “Blouse”, a four-volume book - “A Great Country with unpredictable past”, “We are all from Chi-Chi-Chi-Pi”, “Tiny Stars”, “Hitch”. He acted in films: "Genius" (1991), "Depression" (1991), "I want your husband" (1992).

Mikhail Zadornov is a laureate of the Golden Calf and Ovation awards. In 1996 he became a laureate of the Arkady Raikin Cup at the international festival "MORE SMEHA", Riga.

Mikhail Zadornov in Kamchatka.

In December 2009, Mikhail Zadornov opened a library in Riga named after his father, Nikolai Zadornov. The opening of the library was timed to coincide with the centenary of the birth of Nikolai Pavlovich. The library is declared public and free

Mikhail Zadornov at the closing ceremony of the 31st Moscow International Film Festival. June 28, 2009.

On May 27, 2010, in the village of Voskresenskoye, Zadornov presented to the public a monument to the nanny of A. S. Pushkin Arina Rodionovna, made by sculptor Valery Shevchenko from bronze in the growth of Arina Rodionovna - 160 centimeters. Mikhail Nikolayevich initiated the project, the monument was erected at the expense of his fund.

He maintained his own blog in LiveJournal and a blog on the website of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. Also, in the summer of 2010, Mikhail Zadornov registered on the VKontakte social network and uploaded to his page unique videos of the concert “It's Hard to Live Easy”, which was shown on the REN-TV channel only at the end of December 2010.

Traditionally, Zadornov spent his speeches standing up, holding papers with the texts of his numbers in his hand. However, since 2007, he has included in his programs the performances of gymnasts Irina Kazakova and Dmitry Bulkin, as well as the Yudi break dance team, whom he met at the Minute of Glory talent competition, where he was on the jury. With these young people, he sat on the splits, did stretches, walked on his hands and stood on his head, flapping his legs. Since 2004, Zadornov’s friend and co-author has also taken part in Zadornov’s concerts: the satirist writer from Riga Harry Polsky, who since 2010 has been running a permanent heading “Zadornovosti” at concerts.

Mikhail Zadornov at the premiere of the film directed by Nikita Mikhalkov “ Sunstroke” at the cinema “October”. October 7, 2014.

Mikhail Zadornov with his wife Elena at the premiere of the film "Grandfather of My Dreams" at the "October" cinema. July 14, 2015.

In early October 2016, it became known that Zadornov had a brain tumor. On October 12, 2016, he announced on his personal page on the VKontakte social network that he would have to undergo chemotherapy, and that because of this, many concerts were canceled (primarily those that require long flights). On October 22, Zadornov was hospitalized in Moscow after he had an epileptic seizure on stage during a concert held at the Meridian Center for Culture and Art. Zadornov declined to talk more about his health problems, not wanting to attract undue media attention.

Irina Bezrukova and Mikhail Zadornov before the closing ceremony of the 38th Moscow International Film Festival concert hall"Russia". June 30, 2016.

In November 2016, Zadornov underwent a brain biopsy at the Charite clinic in Berlin, after which he underwent treatment in one of the private clinics in the Baltic states. A course of chemotherapy in a German clinic did not bring results, so Zadornov turned to a shaman who treated the writer with herbs and prayers.