Congratulations to 9th graders on their graduation. Congratulations on the graduation of ninth graders. Parting words from the class teacher in verse

Congratulations to you, our dear guys, beloved children, on your graduation. You are tired of sitting at school desks and have decided to try yourself in an independent adult life. We will always support you and sincerely believe in you. May all your dreams become a happy reality for you, may there be no obstacles or obstacles on your path. Good luck to you, children, health and success. And, of course, on this day I would like to acknowledge our wonderful teachers who made a significant contribution to the education and development of our children with a special sign of gratitude. Thank you very much. All the best to you and your talented students.

Ninth grade is already over,
We wish you happiness, children.
You've grown wiser and older
And you know the value of words.

We wish you great success,
Victories, beautiful achievements,
Reciprocal feelings, honest confessions,
Heart-intoxicating relationships.

Have a wonderful graduation
The world will open doors for you,
Let your dreams come true
Most importantly, try to believe.

Congratulations on your graduation
We are 9th grade
How fast are you, children?
They grew up with us.

As if recently
They brought you to school
And now today
You are graduates.

9th grade - fork,
Leave or stay
We wish you
Figure it out.

Parental advice
Let it not be superfluous
We wish you faithful
Choices to make in life.

9 years have flown by
Our children have grown up
And happy graduation today
We have come to congratulate you.

We wish that with childhood
You were in no hurry to say goodbye
It's school time
For 2 years, to be extended.

Youth calls and beckons you,
The world opens doors for you,
First decision in life
Our children accept.

Your parents wish you
Don't make a mistake in choosing
Continue the book of life
From a clean page you write.

Ninth grade, congratulations
From all parents now!
We are proud of you, you are our continuation,
We love you very, very much, children.

May graduation serve you today
A wonderful reason for happiness and goodness.
Let success also serve well,
Never leaving in life.

You studied at school for nine years,
Today is a glorious graduation day,
We congratulate you, children,
Dance your farewell waltz.

May the road be bright
Success comes along the way,
May happiness, joy and luck
They're waiting for you guys ahead.

Our dear children, we congratulate you on your graduation. You have decided to go on an independent voyage through the world of your capabilities and abilities. One thing is for sure - we will always be your support and support. We wish you, children, patience, perseverance, perseverance, strength, bright thoughts, excellent well-being, determination, unquenchable dreams and great luck on your path.

Our parent squad
Congratulations to you guys,
Great happiness at graduation
We wish you, kids.

Remember these nine years
We wish you for the rest of your life,
Move on the schooner of life
To new, glorious shores.

The kids decided ahead of schedule
Fly away from the school porch,
Don't listen to lessons anymore
And endless instructions.

Having completed only nine classes,
We set our sights on becoming an adult,
So let it be wonderful
I didn't want to turn it off.

May everything be easy for you,
Achievements and success await
And may luck smile
Meeting everyone in a new life!

You have completed ninth grade,
Our dear children!
Let it be over your heads
The star of luck always shines!

We wish you to study
Only "five" or "four"
To only become smarter
And they were the happiest people in the world!

Dear graduates!

Today you will receive your certificates. Everyone is happy about this event. But let's look back, remembering school years and let's say Thanks a lot teachers for their hard work.

They not only studied with you school curriculum, but also taught to be independent, able to make decisions, remain an individual in a team, not be afraid of mistakes and take responsibility for their actions, taught to be kind and honest people.

Many thanks to the school administration and teachers.

Ninth graders!

A wonderful age when vital decisions are made with ease. All roads are open to you. Don’t waste your time, but try to learn something new every day, this knowledge will help you decide what you like, what you are ready to devote your life to, choose a profession and take your rightful place in society. Everyone should have their own goal.

And we parents will always be there, ready to come to your aid at any moment.

Good luck and success to you.

Dear children, when you went to first grade, it seemed to us that it was an eternity until the prom. But year after year passed and now you are one step away from a new life, and this step is graduation party! You received a lot of knowledge and skills at school and now you can easily overcome any difficulties and adversity. Be brave and never deviate from your chosen path, and if things get difficult, know that we are always there and ready to help. Use your knowledge wisely and be happy!

Our children are already graduates, they have completed 9th grade and are in a hurry to say goodbye to their beloved school. Of course, over the 9 years of study, many teachers shared knowledge with them, but the first teacher will always remain the closest person. You have done so much for our kids that words cannot express how grateful we are to you. We are glad that one fine day we decided to place our children under your wing. You are not only a teacher, but also a mentor, friend and second mother! Thank you very much!

For 9th grade graduates this evening is long-awaited and happy, but for some reason it is sad for school employees. Having been with children for 9 years, it is difficult to get over the separation. It’s also not easy for us parents to let our children go new life, but still we are happy and want to share this happiness with you, dear teachers! You have done a lot for our children: you taught them to be kind, friendly and honest. It was you who made talented young people out of them, for whom the road to many famous universities in the country is open. Please accept my sincere thanks. We wish you never to get sick and do your job with joy. Let the school flourish and let the salary grow every day. Happy holiday, dear teachers (name of institution)!

Our dear graduates! Congratulations on graduating from 9th grade. Many of you will continue your studies at our school. And for those who have decided to start a new, independent life, we would like to wish them easy overcoming of obstacles on the way to their intended goal. Let today be a successful start to your adult life. Good luck to you, our beloved students!

Parting words to 9th grade graduates from parents in verse

Nine years of study are behind us.
Our children have changed a lot.
And on this difficult path
They learned a lot from you.

Our dear teachers,
We thank you today.
You gave our children a way
Into this very complex adult world.

Let your work be a pleasure,
Let every student be happy.
All turns lead only to the better.
Let every moment be happy.

You were together for nine years
Everything was divided in half
It happened, however, often
Poor teachers!

And now you've grown up
Became completely wise
I wish that further
Life would be without problems!

Ninth grade is over
Congratulations on this,
A special, interesting path awaits you,
Today we sincerely wish you
There’s no turning back from him now!
We also wish everyone patience,
Fun, joy and live without troubles,
And don’t lose your spirit guys,
And they are never afraid of difficulties!

You need to make a choice
Listen to moms advice.
You will continue to stay at school,
Afterwards study at a university?
There are different ways.
Maybe you should go to college?
Everything now depends on you,
Your life is in your hands.
Courage and perseverance to you
And grades on business!

Graduation in 9th grade,
But in the eyes there is both sadness and joy,
You are already graduates
You are students of life.

May life lead you around the world,
May fate send you greetings,
Always be human
Happiness in life's journey.

The holiday is dressed with joy,
Schoolchildren with flowers!
9 years have flown by
Life with you.
There were so many... you can’t count them.
miscellaneous over the years:
Studying, reading, singing,
summer hikes.
Found friends here
Gained knowledge
To carry you through life
What they put into you.
The whole world is open ahead -
Choose the road!
Of course you won't forget
School threshold,
Great life ahead!
Happy holiday - they shout!
The heart is happy in the chest,
And the eyes sparkle!

Our dear graduates! Congratulations on graduating from 9th grade. Many of you will continue your studies at our school. And for those who have decided to start a new, independent life, we would like to wish them easy overcoming of obstacles on the way to their intended goal. Let today be a successful start to your adult life. Good luck to you, our beloved students!

Graduation in 9th grade,
The students are excited
Someone is already on their way,
Someone will be at school.

There are many roads ahead,
Choose, try!
We wish you success,
Confidence, happiness.

Today is your graduation day
We just finished 9th grade,
We wish you joy and happiness,
And a year's supply of patience.

We wish you success,
May your dreams come true,
More joy, delight, laughter,
So that you can reach heights!

Congratulations on graduation to 9th grade,
The last call has sounded for you.
School has opened the doors to your life,
Luck waved its flag at the start.

I wish you a smooth, wide road,
So that you can overcome any thresholds.
So that everyone conquers their peaks
And in life everyone should be happy.

There is a reason for joy for you -
After all, ninth grade is behind us,
Congratulations - you have become smarter,
Graduates, let them hurry up
Smiles will shine instantly
May your success be great!
I wish you to rejoice from now on
You every day, always be able to
To achieve desired goals,
Apply knowledge in life,
Not knowing problems, sorrows, troubles -
Look forward with confidence!

Graduated from ninth grade
Your graduation is now here,
You received your certificate
Everyone was waiting for this event
We wish you good luck everyone,
Success, joy, warmth,
You are becoming more mature
Do good deeds!

Happy occasion!
Your graduation has arrived.
Now discoveries await you,
Sorrow - not a single one.

Finished ninth grade.
And you can rest.
Walk until almost midnight
And joyfully dream!

Ninth grade is behind us
And a little sad
But it's time to move forward
Overcome all feelings.

Happy graduation everyone, guys!
Unearthly happiness
And good luck with it,
To rush to success!

Ninth grade is already over,
The exam is passed and summer is ahead.
You still have two classes left,
And then you’ll scatter like cranes.

Don't let your desire go away
Strive to comprehend knowledge.
So that you become worthy people
And they lived wisely, as in the covenants of parables.

Be healthy, respect your elders,
Love those who are very close to you.
And be sure to give joy
Ready-made “DZ” for teachers.

Ninth grade is over
Congratulations on this,
A special, interesting path awaits you,
Today we sincerely wish you
There’s no turning back from him now!
We also wish everyone patience,
Fun, joy and live without troubles,
And don’t lose your spirit guys,
And they are never afraid of difficulties!

Each teacher gave you a piece of their heart by sharing their knowledge. This is an invaluable treasure that will become the key to significant

achievements will help you make your dreams come true. Your victories are proof that our work is not in vain.



My dear 9 A.

So you have become a year older. And the time has come for you to say goodbye to school, with its lessons and bells, with diaries, homework, parent-teacher meetings. For 9 long years, your teachers looked after you: they controlled your every step, rejoiced at your success and worried about your failures. And many are already tired of such guardianship. Soon you will pass your exams and go to great life. And you will understand how difficult it is to make decisions yourself and be responsible for them. I hope that the knowledge and skills you acquired at school will help you find the right path in difficult life circumstances. Serious tests await you ahead - OGE. The OGE is a serious, responsible test for you. I wish you to pass these exams successfully and get the best grades.

I wish you well, I wish you to choose your path in life, so that your life brings joy to people. Live it honestly and with dignity. And one more thing - never forget school. Good luck to you.

My dear guys!

I am filled with pride when I look at you - my students.

Remember yourself like this: young, beautiful, romantic, with a spark of trust in life. I want this light to never go out, and for all hopes and expectations to come true.

Each teacher gave you a piece of their heart by sharing their knowledge. This is an invaluable treasure that will become the key to significant achievements and help make dreams come true. Your victories are proof that our work is not in vain.Be worthy of respect and make us and your parents happy with your achievements!

Good luck!

My dear guys!

It’s such a thing in life that time flies unnoticed during pleasant moments. School years have flown by just as quickly, and a frightening unknown awaits many. However, you shouldn’t be afraid of it, everything in life is bound to work out for everyone, you just need to make a little effort and bravely overcome difficulties. Most of you will become students and experience many more wonderful moments, but the school will remain in your hearts for the rest of your life. After all, here they helped you turn from unintelligent first-graders into stately young men and women. Keep your thirst for life and knowledge and don’t be afraid of difficulties!

Congratulations, graduates of 2017!

Dear guys!

Nine years of study are behind us. Some of you will remain in our school for several years, while others will leave the classroom forever today. I wish each of you to be able to conquer obstacles. And I am sure that you will be able to fulfill this wish, because you have already jumped over one obstacle that stood in your way and, thanks to this, completed nine classes. For those who remain, I wish to be just as impetuous and persistent.

I am addressing those of you who are leaving the walls of your native school. I wish you to choose the right path in life and walk along it confidently and honestly. Don’t forget your village, your home school. I'm sure we will be proud of you. We say to you: “Goodbye! Have a nice trip! Good luck to you in your adult life!”