Bondarchuk about divorce and new love. Fyodor Bondarchuk's marriage collapsed due to his wife's infidelity New wife of Fyodor Bondarchuk

27-year-old actress Paulina Andreeva became famous after a cameo role in the TV series “The Thaw,” but now her name constantly appears in gossip columns thanks to her affair with Fyodor Bondarchuk.

School photos are, of course, not a beauty image, but we see that beautiful girl Paulina (then Katya) was always there. She didn’t do any surgeries or other “tuning”!


At the very beginning of her career, Paulina didn’t “bother” too much about her hairstyle - she could pose for photographers just like that! However, even the lack of makeup does not spoil this girl.

Paulina Andreeva in the film “Locust” is again sweet and natural. Let us immediately note that the actress does not change her hair color at all - we have never seen her as a blonde or a redhead. This is consistency!

Paulina not only acts in films, but also plays in the theater. And we have the opportunity to look at her with false eyelashes, which Andreeva usually does not wear.

The image of a girl in the style of the 50s suited the actress very well! In the series “Thaw” she appeared only in an episode, but many remembered the beauty.

Oddly enough, we like Paulina without makeup and with a simple braid much more than in the image of a vamp. Nude suits her!

Dark eyebrows, active smokey eyes and predatory cheekbones - for photo shoots, Paulina sometimes transforms herself beyond recognition.

The biggest experiment that Paulina did with her appearance was cutting off her bangs below her eyebrows. But it seems to us that it was still better without her...

The actress’s appearance harmonizes perfectly with delicate images in the “Retro” style. Still from the series "Grigory R."

What does a spectacular girl need to be a star on the red carpet? Of course, emphasis on eyelashes, berry lipstick and hair shine!

It seems to us that Paulina should wear high hairstyles more often - she looks very aristocratic and noble.

She ran away from Fedor to the elite dentist Omar Gazaev, who in turn left his wife and little son.

Fedor and Svetlana Bondarchuk have been divorced for two months now - main topic for gossip in a social gathering. A beautiful and seemingly happy couple broke up after 25 years of marriage. Rumors immediately spread in the press: they say that the reason for the separation was the new hobby of the 49-year-old director - the sexy actress Paulina Andreeva. Naturally, the vast majority of gossips immediately rushed to feel sorry for Svetlana and condemn Fedor. But few people know what caused the real reason discord.

In Nice with friends. After the divorce, Svetka became 15 years younger.
Svetlana and Fedor parted very civilly - no scenes of jealousy, no rinsing of dirty linen in the press. Just one short statement: “Our paths have diverged - there are no conflicts, grievances or contradictions behind this fact. We are no longer a couple, but we remain friends." Briefly, but nothing is clear.
The Bondarchuks preferred to remain silent to all questions from journalists. True, Svetlana recently gave an interview to a glossy publication, where she complained that she had to move from the family estate on Rublyovka to a 300-meter apartment on Patriarch’s Ponds.

In her youth, she worked as a fashion model. And she had a relationship with Vova PRESNYAKOV. The girl on the right is Alla SIVAKOVA...
And the famous blonde, either by accident or on purpose, dropped the following phrase: “I like it when a woman is young and handsome man" As if hinting that this is exactly the situation in her personal life. So, maybe this is precisely why 47-year-old Svetlana does not look at all like an unhappy abandonment after her divorce from her star husband? On the contrary, she blossomed and became prettier.
Actually, the all-knowing blogger Bozhena Rynska drew attention to this fact immediately after the Bondarchuks’ announcement of the breakup:
- Svetlana is beautiful - alone? Don't make me laugh. Svetlana has not been alone for a very long time. Back in 2012, if I’m not confused, Fyodor persuaded Svetka to return, presented her with a stone... This is not my secret, I have no right to name names, but Svetka is not alone at all and has been for a long time.

... the first wife of Styopa MIKHALKOV.

“Before her, we lived wonderfully”

Those around the Bondarchuks claim that Svetlana has been having an affair with a wealthy dentist, Omar Gazaev, for seven years now. He is originally from Makhachkala, but after graduating from medical school he became a leading specialist in an elite Swiss clinic in the center of Moscow, where he often serves VIP patients.
As an example, here is a recent case that was leaked to the press. The wife of football player Pavel Mamaev “repaired” Omar’s teeth for almost 3 million rubles, despite the fact that similar treatment in another clinic would have cost her about 6 times less.

Dubai. January 2016 After a night with Omar...
It was in his clinic that Gazaev allegedly met Svetlana Bondarchuk. They say that a passionate affair with a young doctor (Omar is 10 years younger than Svetlana) turned the head of Fyodor’s wife so much that she did not even hide the fact of having a lover from her family. Moreover, at that time, their relationship with Bondarchuk had practically exhausted itself: there were rumors that the director and actor often looked for the truth at the bottom of the glass and sought solace in the arms of others.
Apparently, this began to infuriate my wife and she threw herself headlong into the maelstrom of new feelings.
Back in 2009, lovers Omar and Svetlana were targeted by the paparazzi. Journalists spotted them in one of the 24-hour cafes in the center of the capital. Nothing criminal - just a late dinner. However, as soon as Bondarchuk’s boyfriend noticed the glint of a photographic lens, he immediately flew into a rage. Agree, it is unlikely that it was just a friendly meeting if it caused such a violent reaction from the man.
The scandalous story was quickly hushed up. And, apparently, it did not affect the romantic relationship of Svetlana and Omar in any way - they continued to meet.

The dentist prefers blondes.
Finding Dr. Gazaev on the Internet turned out to be not an easy task. Yes, he still expertly treats the teeth of the rich and famous, but getting an appointment with him is almost impossible for a mere mortal. He keeps in touch through a personal assistant, and all of Gazaev’s pages on social networks are closed from outsiders. Some are even encrypted.
For example, on Instagram, beloved by our celebrities, he is listed under someone else’s name. True, the careless correspondence and cute hashtags that Svetlana put under her posts gave the lovers away. It turns out that the couple often enjoys walks together in the center of Moscow, and in January of this year they went to the United Arab Emirates together.
As we managed to find out, Omar has a son with 37-year-old Zarema, who also lives in the capital. But does she know about the adventures of her child's father?
“We broke up with Omar six years ago,” Gazaeva admitted in telephone conversation. “I’m not one of those women who can tolerate betrayal for years, so as soon as I found out about their affair with Svetlana, I immediately filed for divorce. It was only because of Bondarchuk that our family collapsed, and my son lost his father. Before her, we lived wonderfully! You can imagine how worried I was... But now the pain has subsided. I closed this topic for myself a long time ago. Let everything that Svetlana has done remain on her conscience.

With beloved granddaughters.

“They pulled this bastard together”

The other day, the same Bozena Rynska published an article on a burning topic - a fake, or, in other words, a façade marriage. Relationships without love and sex - just for the sake of a stamp in the passport and to support the pants, that is, for the sake of money and other material goods, for the right reputation again... Here is a short excerpt from her opus:
“Behind the gray sign of the facade, all feelings died. Both husband and wife have long had passions on the side, but in public they for some reason hold on to their hateful half. All Moscow “everyone” knows that “they” have not lived together for a long time. It's a secret to me too. But nevertheless, the couple goes out into the world and with all their behavior says: “We are a family, everything is fine with us.” It’s not hard to imagine how mortally tired the Bondarchuks have been of each other for twenty-five years! However, they pulled this scam together, depriving a beautiful, smart and stylish woman of the opportunity to be fully happy. Burst, but keep the facade - this is the motto of such high-society marriages, Bozhena philosophizes in the SNC magazine.

Talented, sexy and bald. One of the most famous directors in Russia celebrates his 49th birthday today. Life Fedor Bondarchuk has always been the subject of discussion not only among social circles, but throughout the country. Moreover, as it happens, under the guns of cameras and evil tongues It turned out to be Fyodor’s relationships with women. PEOPLETALK will tell you about Bondarchuk’s main muses and the rumors that shroud his life.

Bondarchuk met his only wife almost 30 years ago while visiting a mutual friend. And now, after 25 years of marriage, one of the most beautiful couples in Russian cinema has broken up. Of course, there was some gossip. It's on the ring finger Svetlana flaunts a ring of unknown origin with a huge diamond, which she shows off in all the photographs, then Fyodor himself is allegedly ready to walk down the aisle again - this time with a young actress Paulina Andreeva.

Lika Star (43)

The family life of Svetlana and Fedor was not ideal. When a star of the 90s Like Star it was necessary to shoot a new video, Bondarchuk became its director. They say that on the set he fell madly in love with the singer. But, as Lika herself admits in an interview with the magazine “ Caravan of stories", the relationship with Fedor was a living hell for her. He would go to his wife and then come back. At some point, Lika could not stand it and directly told Svetlana: “ We can't be friends, Sveta. Your husband and I had an affair. Keep an eye on him, please. And hide the suitcases, otherwise your storyteller is trying to take them out of the house!»

Svetlana Makarova-Vasilchenko (42)

Another passion of Fedor, according to rumors, was the actress Svetlana Makarova. Their romance allegedly began on the set of a commercial. The red-haired, beautiful and very young girl then entered the VGIK. The Bondarchuk couple at that moment, they say, had problems in their relationship. They even separated. Then the director began an affair with an aspiring actress. But she, like Lika Star, failed to take Fedor away from the family, and he soon returned to his wife and children.

In mid-March, on the publication’s website “ Hello! Svetlana’s official statement appeared that she and her husband were getting a divorce. And rumors immediately spread that all this was not without reason and Bondarchuk was in fact already preparing an engagement ring for his new passion - Paulina Andreeva. Colleagues confirm these rumors, but relatives deny them. But even (38) joked in his program about this union, calling Andreeva “ homewrecker goat».

Yanina Studilina (30)

As soon as rumors arose about the union of Fyodor Bondarchuk with Paulina Andreeva, the press remembered another young actress - the star of the film " Stalingrad» Yanina Studilina. All quoted her statement at a press conference dedicated to the release of “Stalingrad”: "ANDSometimes it happens that love is not good, but you can’t help yourself.” However, insiders confidently say: there was nothing between them, Yanina was the director’s muse, they are connected only by friendship. And in general, then Yanina was already married to Alexander Rodnyansky (32).

Oksana Fandera (48)

Another friend of Fyodor Sergeevich is beautiful Oksana Fandera. They starred in four films together. By the way, they are family friends - with Oksana’s husband Philip Yankovsky(47). Bondarchuk comments: “Working with Oksana is a pleasure.”

Irina Rakhmanova (34)

Irina Rakhmanova says that it was Fyodor Sergeevich who helped her liberate herself on the set. Everyone still remembers the scene from the movie " Ninth Company", in which the actress appeared completely naked. Irina characterizes her relationship with Bondarchuk as a friendship between a mentor and student.

Varvara Bondarchuk (17)

Perhaps the most main woman in life Fedor Sergeevich- his only daughter Varya. Varya is 17 years old and lives in the USA. The girl has cerebral palsy, and her loving parents regularly visit her, sharing warm pictures on Instagram.

As one advertisement said, shock is our way. We all believe in fairy tales and think that just like that, after 25 years of marriage, two stars separated not because of someone, but because they “got tired of each other”, “decided to remain good friends” - well, what they usually say in such cases? But it turned out that the reason for the divorce of Svetlana and Fyodor Bondarchuk was an ordinary affair between a wise man and a young girl. Almost like his recent “colleague” - Sergei Bezrukov, who chose director Anna Matison, and decided to leave his wife Irina for her sake.

But let's start from the beginning. The magazine "" reported information that in fact, 48-year-old Fyodor Bondarchuk is in full swing planning a wedding with his new girl. It turned out that the director was dating 27-year-old Paulina Andreeva, who revealed herself in the TV series “Method”, where she got the role of an assistant to an odious investigator played by Konstantin Khabensky. Also among her notable film works are “Locusts” and the TV series “The Thaw”. The magazine writes that preparations for the wedding are in full swing, despite the fact that the couple have not been together for so long - since last fall. The press generally wrote that Paulina was having an affair with Vladimir Mashkov - they say, the actor had already introduced the young starlet to everyone as his girlfriend, and on her birthday he covered the path from the theater entrance to the stage with roses. But, apparently, Fyodor Bondarchuk turned out to be a more promising groom.

Although, at one time he was not like that. Singer Lika Star gave an interview to Caravan of Stories, where she talked about her romance with the director. And about how he constantly tried to leave his wife, but did nothing. “Fedya kept appearing and disappearing,” she says. - If you remember what he told me, you can write a novel! And how touching - you'll burst into tears. How he suffered, how he fell in love at first sight, how I didn’t pay attention to him, insisted that I was simply created for him! One word - storyteller! I felt so sorry for him, I thought: poor sufferer! Everyone around is shouting: “Bondarchuk is a macho!” And he is, first of all, a master of words, as no one knows how to envelop you with speeches. And all the words, words, words... Only gradually do you realize that beyond words there will be nothing else! When he arrives, let’s be like a nightingale. Just have time to run to the balcony, where I had a five-liter bottle of whiskey, and pour it into his glass. Every time he promised me: “I’m going to get my suitcases. Wait in the evening!” He went to say goodbye to his wife and... disappeared.”

As a result, Lika freaked out and told Svetlana everything herself: “And suddenly such evil took over me. Especially when Sveta, as if nothing had happened, decided to start small talk with me. I interrupted her, saying very harshly: “We cannot be friends, Sveta. Your husband and I had an affair. Keep an eye on him, please. And hide the suitcases, otherwise your storyteller is trying to take them out of the house!” Sveta listened to everything carefully and remained silent...”


Svetlana Bondarchuk consoles herself in the Maldives after breaking up with her husband

Fyodor Bondarchuk is officially free. Like his now ex-wife, glossy magazine editor, model and TV presenter Svetlana Bondarchuk. They announced their decision, which came as a big surprise to most, on the pages of Svetlana’s publication. Everything is extremely formal and restrained. We lived together for the last 25 years, then separately

Secular rumor attributes the actress to at least five romances with celebrities. Here is a connection with the sex symbol of the Russian silver screen Vladimir Mashkov, and a suspiciously close relationship with Konstantin Khabensky, and a forbidden love-carrot with a handsome married man from the TV series “Kitchen”. Plus an erotic experience with Pyotr Fedorov and a bed scene with Evgeny Tsyganov that caused a lot of noise.

And yet, the current news about Paulina’s imminent wedding with Fyodor Bondarchuk at first raised doubts. To believe or not to believe the endless stories about the incredible love victories of the beauty from St. Petersburg, Woman’s Day found out. And to make everything clear, we traced the “stages long way"The sexiest Russian actress from the very beginning.

Mom is a designer, dad is a businessman

If you think that the stunning beauty Paulina Andreeva was born into some special family and since childhood surprised everyone with her incredible intelligence and talent, then none of this happened. An ordinary girl from St. Petersburg, she studied at school and studied dancing. True, Paulina’s parents are quite wealthy: her father is a businessman, her mother is a landscape designer. So the children (the actress has two younger brother) never needed anything. And Paulina Andreeva’s early years were spent on Vasilyevsky Island.

Paulina Andreeva in the series “Method”

Photo frame from the TV series “Method”

“I have an intelligent family in the best St. Petersburg traditions. My parents forced me to go to the theater. It was uninteresting and boring,” the actress later said in her short and very few interviews.

Paulina is generally a rather private person: according to our data, she is not on VKontakte and Facebook, and her Instagram page is not accessible to outsiders.

"I'm against even mobile phones on set: I leave mine in the dressing room, I don’t take pictures with my partners, I don’t immediately post pictures on Instagram,” the 27-year-old beautiful actress recently admitted to the St. Petersburg magazine

Photo frame from the TV series “Method”

Apart from her date of birth - October 12, 1988 - not much is known about Polina: her height is 175 cm and her weight is 56 kg. Absolutely model appearance! It is possible that Paulina entered the prestigious Moscow Art Theater School thanks to her pretty face and slender figure. However, thousands of such beauties come to theater universities, but only a few get there.

Paulina passed on the first try. Although before that I studied for two years at the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg state university. The mother of the future star insisted on this option.

“I didn’t formulate it for myself as ‘being an artist’. There was just a constant inner desire to be on the other side of the stage. When I graduated from school, my mother said: “First, master an adequate profession, and then go to the theater, if you don’t change your mind,” Andreeva admitted on the wave of success. “For some reason, she decided that the appropriate profession was a journalist.”

The girl studied at the Faculty of Journalism for two years. And then I woke up with the feeling: well, it’s time! And rushed to Moscow.

“I wanted to be free. Study in another city, live in a dorm. So no mother’s pies,” the actress later said.

And then Mashkov appeared

No, arrogant Moscow did not instantly collapse at Andreeva’s feet. Although she was objectively lucky: the acting legend says that in addition to the Moscow Art Theater School, Paulina passed the competition at GITIS. But I chose the first option.

“I had a very vague idea of ​​where I was going and what I was going to do, but the Moscow Art Theater School turned out to be exactly my place,” says Paulina.

Photo frame from the TV series “Method”

She became a student on the course of Roman Kozak and Dmitry Brusnikin and never regretted it. The beautiful and talented girl was noticed by teachers, and already in her third year she was offered the role of Crybaby, the friend of the main character in the Tabakov Theater play “Okolonolya”. The director of that production was Kirill Serebrennikov.

The premiere of “Near Zero” was sold out. And then a real miracle happened: in 2011, Paulina graduated from the studio school and immediately received an invitation to the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov. The artistic director of the legendary theater, Oleg Tabakov, remembered the student who played Crybaby and took Paulina under his wing.

And then Vladimir Mashkov appeared. It was he who staged the play “No. 13D” at the Moscow Art Theater, in which Paulina Andreeva, who had previously appeared on stage as an extra and in supporting roles, got the main role. Yes what! Her heroine, young secretary Jane Worthington, parades around the stage in a lace corset and panties for almost the entire performance, and at one point she also does the splits.

Igor Vernik and Paulina Andreeva in the play “No. 13D”

Photo by Ekaterina Tsvetkova/Moscow Art Theater named after. A. P. Chekhova

It is clear that after such a performance the young actress quickly gained great success, and if we add that her partner was the impeccably glamorous Igor Vernik, it becomes clear why tickets for “No. 13D” are so difficult to get.

Where did Mashkov come from? Officially, Paulina met him on the set of the serial film “Gregory R.”, in which Mashkov played main role- the damned old man Grigory Rasputin, and a recent student - Irina, the wife of Prince Felix Yusupov.

Paulina Andreeva met Vladimir Mashkov on the set of the film “Gregory R.”

Photo frame from the TV movie “Gregory R.”

Filming took place in St. Petersburg under the constant attention of journalists. For example, Express Gazeta published on its website revelations from anonymous people from the film crew that after the command: “Stop, it’s filmed!” Paulina was not going to her parents’ apartment on Vasilyevsky Island, but to the hotel where Mashkov lived. All this was publicly denied.

In bed with Tsyganov

However, they have gossiped about Mashkov and Andreeva before. Back in 2013, there were rumors in the acting community that Paulina got into the popular TV series “Thaw”, again thanks to an actor who was in love with her. Allegedly, it was he who asked the scriptwriters, led by director Valery Todorovsky, to write a role specifically for Andreeva. This is how the singer Dina appeared in the series, independent and brightly made up.

The role is episodic, but Konstantin Meladze’s song “The Thaw,” which Paulina recorded herself, sank into the souls of millions of viewers. And composer Meladze was simply captivated by Andreeva’s vocals.

“She had never sung before. We recorded the song twice. At first she sang it just so I could figure out what it might sound like. And for the second time she recorded the song completely, after filming ended. The difference was colossal. Having lived the role, she sang simply flawlessly. Such a miracle,” the composer never tired of admiring in an interview with the respectable Kommersant.

This was Paulina’s finest hour: an episode in “The Thaw” was enough for her popularity to skyrocket. Although the bed scene with Evgeny Tsyganov added fuel to the fire. Intimacy on the screen was discussed no less than the song.

Photo frame from the series “The Thaw”

Two hours of sex with Peter Fedorov

And then there was Locust. In this film, Paulina starred with the star of “Stalingrad” Pyotr Fedorov. According to the plot, the characters did nothing but make love, and in a variety of, sometimes not the most obvious, places. The film, which runs for two hours, was even labeled “pornography,” and connoisseurs of the genre noted that this picture turned out to be much more explicit than the infamous film “Fifty Shades of Gray.”

Photo frame from the movie "Locust"

One way or another, the age limit for “Locust” is 18+, and everyone who saw the picture was able to examine in detail not only the slender legs and thin waist, but also the very beautiful breasts of the then future bride of Fyodor Bondarchuk.

Photo frame from the movie "Locust"

Paulina herself admitted that the explicit scenes in the film were very difficult for her.

“It was pretty scary. I do not agree with the opinion that an actress should be naked freely and calmly, that her naked body is the same tool as others in the actor’s arsenal. Still, I believe that my nudity is my personal matter. So some things were adjusted at my request. We worked out all these clothing scenes in detail. Every movement was rehearsed, like in a ballet. No improvisation!” – Paulina Andreeva later said.

Between the married and the famous

What about Vladimir Mashkov? Weren't you jealous? Or is all the talk about his passionate relationship with Paulina Andreeva empty gossip and slander? It may very well be. However, in Moscow theatrical circles there is another version.

Andreeva’s classmates at the Moscow Art Theater School will remember that at one time Mashkov had to naturally seek Paulina’s favor. After all, in student years she was attracted to a completely different man. Allegedly, her chosen one was Viktor Khorinyak, now a young promising actor, known for the role of the broken bartender Kostya in the TV series “Kitchen”, and at that time a fellow student at the studio school.

Victor Khorinyak in the TV series “Kitchen”

Photo frame from the TV series “Kitchen”

Woman’s Day called Victor to dot the i’s.

“A lot has been written about the fact that we are having an affair, but this is not true,” Khorinyak assured. - I was married at that time. And Paulina and I were just classmates. But even then she was a very, very talented student. I can't say anything more. I don’t follow her career or her personal life now.”