What are pride and selfishness? Egoist: definition, characteristics of egoism, positive and negative aspects Types of egoism

Selfishness can be obvious, open - and hidden, disguised (for example, under a cloak of care or love). Can be impulsive and conscious, can be far-sighted and not. It can only be a random moment of behavior and can be a personality trait, selfishness itself.

Not yet selfishness - already selfishness

The priority of one's own interests over others, if it is just an automatic program, is not selfishness.

If such a priority happened without thinking, by accident, it’s not about us, but about what sometimes happens to us. This is a moment of behavior, but not a personality trait.

The opposite of egoism is not altruism, but the position of the Creator, when a person takes care of both himself and other people.

Explicit and disguised selfishness

Selfishness in modern culture is considered natural, but not the most beautiful human manifestation, therefore people like to present many really selfish actions and manifestations as not at all selfish, but as showing their sublime feelings and motives. First of all, this concerns love. Love is not always selfish, but in its most widespread forms, love is primarily driven by selfish motives. See>

Selfishness with and without a head

Egoism can be rational and irrational, without a head. In the first case, the egoist evaluates possible consequences of his actions and acts in accordance with expediency. In the second case, the egoist acts impulsively and short-sightedly.

An egoist without a head is a funny and sad sight. He needs to enter the subway car, he stands across the door, tries to enter, they don’t let him, because first he needs to get out, he is sincerely indignant at this situation. Having reached his station, he is no less sincerely indignant at the fact that they blocked the exit (people like him) and did not allow him to pass. Behind such egoism is egocentrism - the inability and unfamiliarity with understanding the situation of other people.

A rational egoist does not always arouse sympathy, but usually arouses respect. Such a person realizes when, why and why he neglects the good of another person for the sake of his own. He understands that his strength, kindness, morality and ethics are not enough “for everyone” in this situation. Therefore, he, realizing the evil that he causes, puts himself and his loved ones at the forefront. At the same time, he is not tormented by his conscience, does not reflect and sleeps peacefully at night, without seeing nightmares.

Moral and ethical principles must be instilled in a rational egoist who is head over heels. It is useless to talk about ethics to an egoist without a head; he must first be taught to “look at himself from a third position.” This, by the way, may be enough. Another option is to simply teach them to behave decently. Even if he was headless, he will remain so, but he will behave much better.

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Egoism is a quality of character and a person’s desire for obvious or covert superiority over others and personal power, solely for the realization of his own selfish desires or personal gain. Reluctance to give away a part of yourself or yours. This is the absence of Love for another.

Manifestations and properties of Egoism

Selfishness, as a quality of personality, manifests itself in the feelings, consciousness, subconscious, actions and deeds of a person. Egoism manifests itself most clearly through, Rivalry, thirst for Power,.

Selfishness is a complete lack of Love for another person. The exception is your own children. Egoism is a sense of oneself as an individual. This feeling works in two directions: either live for someone else or just for yourself.

Very often, selfishness turns into deep disappointment with life and loneliness.

Unlike the inner world of human consciousness, in the material world, a person has to adapt to conditions when most people live for themselves and material wealth.
The instrument of adaptation is the false Ego, which permeates a person’s consciousness and feelings. The false ego captures all the properties of a person’s character, subordinating thoughts and actions to sensual pleasures only for its own sake. There are two extremes and two different poles of Egoism, which are called Egoism and Altruism.

True Ego - Altruism

An altruist is a person who selflessly helps others, based on the action of the so-called true Ego.

To be consistent, the Altruist shows healthy forms of Egoism, living for the sake of others. This has its drawbacks, which include stopping in one’s own path of development and improvement as an individual. Altruism cannot be considered an ideal and said that it is very good. Man on his own life path is always located at a certain point on the Egoism - Altruism scale, and this is more correct.

In the case of Altruism, the consciousness and soul of a person, even theoretically, cannot imagine how one can find Happiness by living only to satisfy one’s desires.

A person with such attitudes as Altruism always imagines that real Happiness is achieved when he brought joy to other people, did something pleasant and useful for them. What's the joy if you're the only one happy?
The basic, daily principle of such a person’s life begins with a question to himself - “What have you done that is useful for other people today?”

A volunteer is a very striking example of Altruism and the behavior of such people. A true Volunteer is a person who voluntarily engages in free socially useful activities.

False Ego - Selfishness

An egoist, as it is commonly called in society, is a person who lives for his inner self and his material selfish interests. This is the so-called False Ego. This is the path to achieve material false Happiness.

The False Ego states, “This is my hand, my mind, my feelings, my mind, my husband, my car, my house, my country and finally my Earth.” The false ego covers all aspects of a person’s material life. This is exactly the lifestyle and way of behavior in society called material selfishness.

However, if a person lives only under the influence of a false Ego, he is not able to achieve true Happiness, since it should be sought in the sphere of interaction of two Egos.

People seeking happiness in selfless love and helping people can be found everywhere; you just need to take a close look at the world around you, going beyond the selfish world of your friends.

Short concept - Goodness

The struggle between the True and False Ego is called Passion and where the True Ego takes weight over the False Ego, Goodness arises.

Other descriptions and manifestations of Egoism

Selfishness is the desire to live at the expense of others and to receive something in this life undeservedly, that is, to receive for nothing or using methods for this - deception, manipulation, violence and others..
Stronger forms of egoism are hypertrophied or extreme egoism - dependency and parasitism.

Selfishness is a justified need and desire to use others and the whole world, its resources, to realize one’s selfish desires and for any selfish interests. Selfishness is the justified readiness and habit of not caring about others and their opinions.

An egoist has all his thoughts only about himself, or about his unfulfilled desires. And this always makes the egoist deeply unhappy.
Selfishness is when a person is ready to do only what he personally likes, when this is the most important thing for him.

And if others don’t like it, he’s not interested in it, or he’s only interested in it in the tenth place.

The Influence of Selfishness on Happiness

Finally, through understanding Egoism and its forms, I gradually brought you to the concept of Happiness.
Happiness is a selfless path to some high goal for the sake of other people.

For example, true love can only be selfless. A mother loves her newborn child selflessly without any thoughts and without expecting gratitude from the child.

When one of the spouses realizes that he is being used, he is very offended by the selfishness of his other half. A person in love with himself cannot be capable of true love. Selfishness is a terrible vice that completely poisons love and family relationships.

Human nature is designed in such a way that he has a constant need to obtain happiness by giving his love to other people. If a person lives in ignorance, indulges his desires and passions, he thereby destroys himself as a person.

A manifestation of selfishness is the denial of everything truthful about oneself. A person is so overwhelmed by Egoism that it hurts him to listen to the words of another. He rushes into an argument, interrupts, proves, is indignant and makes excuses.

Selfishness causes natural antagonism and resistance. If a person goes into the outside world with the only desire to snatch without giving anything in return with the slogan - “This is all for me!”, the world, for obvious reasons, resists.

At first, in family relationships, the parties tolerate manifestations of Egoism, then they begin to argue, quarrel and conflict in various forms. In other words, any form of self-interest causes antagonism, resistance and clash of false egos.

The destructive activity of Egoism deprives a person of the opportunity to achieve happiness

Selfishness and self-love should not be confused

Selfishness is false self-love. This is love not for one’s divine Soul, but for one’s Pride and Vanity, love for one’s self-conceit and false greatness.

Selfishness is the gratification of one's base desires and vices, the justification of one's sins and mistakes, the indulgence of the Evil that lives in a person and destroys him. This is an excuse and fuel for your laziness, stupidity, lack of education, your grievances, emotions of anger and hatred, envy and jealousy, your bad habits and vices, etc.

True Self Love

Of course, you need to love yourself, but this love should not belittle the dignity and interests of other people, and should not devalue both other people and the whole world around you.

True love and a kind attitude towards yourself always gives you the same kind attitude towards other people, increasing their value in your life. Such love gives birth in the Soul to a bright desire to do Good for other people unselfishly, without a frantic thirst to necessarily receive personal benefits from any relationship. When true Love for oneself and for other people is revealed in the soul, selfishness quickly melts, loses strength, and decreases.

A person’s lack of Egoism does not at all imply that a person should not think about himself and his life, or that he should always do everything to the detriment of himself and to please others. Altruism does not mean material poverty.

If a person has earned a beautiful and rich life through honest work, he should accept it with dignity and be proud of himself. Wealth, luxury, and a decent personal life do not make a person an Egoist.

A person becomes an egoist if, with all this luxury, he begins to spit on other people, completely ignoring their interests and feelings, and does nothing useful and good for society and this world. If the principle of this person is everything good only for himself - this is an Egoist.

Consequences of Selfishness

That is why Egoists, deep down, are the most unhappy people. Selfishness, if you give it power over yourself, always leads you to endless suffering and mental anguish of loneliness, even if you suffer in your own palace, sitting on a golden toilet.
There is a question at the end of the article.

Everyone knows what pride is. Manifestations of selfishness cannot be confused with anything else. Such a person often withdraws into himself and does not want to accept sincere care. In some cases, relationships begin to suffer from vanity and possessiveness. Selfishness in relationships is quite common. People are afraid of being rejected, of being in a situation where they feel unwanted. Signs of pride can be recognized by several characteristics. They, as a rule, are conspicuous and remain in sight of others, because a selfish person does not know how to hide his feelings. What is egoism in its true understanding? Is it good or bad to think only about yourself? What does it mean to be selfish?

Selfishness and egocentrism

Many people confuse selfishness and egocentrism. Meanwhile, these two concepts are not at all identical to each other. Selfishness is a conscious desire to satisfy only one’s needs. Such a person becomes an owner and wants to subordinate surrounding events to his daily whims. An egoist really only thinks about himself. He cares little about the fate of the people around him. Such a person is internally convinced that those around him should satisfy his needs in every possible way. Of course, this is not always possible. He is not able to take care of the interests of even blood relatives. People in most cases do not like those who are not ready to give, but only intend to take.

Egocentrism can be attributed to normal human needs. Each personality has its own inner world. Everyone needs to have their own space, but creative people especially need it. They need to have some space for the birth of a new thought, to create an opportunity for effective work and creation. A self-centered person does not forget about others. He's just large number devotes time to self-realization, bringing what he wants to life. A self-centered person is more focused on achieving desired dreams and goals. For some reason, he is ready to devote a lot of time to his own studies every day.

Increased self-esteem

A true egoist never wants to share with anyone. His pride is developed to such an extent that it prevents him from learning to take care of loved ones. Vanity and pride are its inherent characteristics. Excessive attention to oneself, one's needs and achievements makes such a person arrogant, arrogant, callous, and unable to respond with his heart to someone else's misfortune. Arrogant behavior is inherent in a selfish personality. He is also characterized by arrogance, since he needs to maintain an exclusive opinion of himself. Selfish men never take care of their family and do not show true concern for them. A person gets used to living exclusively for himself, trying to satisfy his everyday needs. He does not strive for something more, does not want to develop positive traits character, does not attach importance to them. For people of this kind, there are only their own needs.


In fact, behind selfishness and pride lies a colossal sense of self-doubt. A person often does not notice how he begins to have problems interacting with other people. Those around him seem bad and unworthy of attention. In psychology, the definition of egoism necessarily affects the concepts of dignity and the degree of self-confidence. When a person lacks firmness, he becomes overly stubborn. Both men and women suffer from such arrogance equally. A clear sign of a selfish consciousness is the need to dominate. The psychology of egoism implies that a person lives only by his inner world.

Excessive isolation, concentration of the individual on his own momentary whims are manifestations of selfishness as such. Fixation on their personal experiences often does not allow people to feel truly happy. Such a person does not know how to enjoy the moment, as he is constantly in a race for some next goal. They always want to achieve something more and do not know how to enjoy what they already have at the present moment. This is actually a sad sight because happiness eludes such a person. He is simply not ready to accept it, because he does not know how to think constructively and understand the changes that are happening to them. Traits of egoism in a person include arrogance, arrogance, and excessive rationality. In fact, he is simply very unsure of himself and his capabilities.

Blaming others

Selfishness in relationships always involves consciously or unconsciously blaming others for your problems. The reason for this behavior is a persistent reluctance to take responsibility for what is happening. The egoist only wants to enjoy all the benefits of humanity, but not work to achieve what he wants. Such a person simply does not want to admit to himself that he himself is wrong. Often a person is the provocateur of some unpleasant situation, but will never admit it even to herself. Such an action requires colossal volitional efforts. It is easier for an egoist to accuse others of injustice than to try to solve the difficulties that arise himself. In most cases, such a person is incredibly far from accepting responsibility. He lives in his own world, he does not care about the values ​​and desires of others. selfish consciousness does not accept compassion. That is why they can easily slander an honest person without thinking about the fact that they are harming someone.

Inflated expectations

A characteristic sign of the development of selfish consciousness is extremely high demands. However, they are presented not to oneself, but to others. This happens for the reason that a person considers himself too good, too worthy to change his own behavior. Therefore, he decides that it would be better if the people and events around him change. This applies equally to both men and women. Inflated expectations do not allow you to simply live and enjoy every day. What an egoist has is never enough at the moment time. His psychology is such that a person constantly feels internal dissatisfaction. He often does not notice positive changes in his life and prefers to ignore them, but he focuses on the negative aspects.

Female selfishness

Women's selfishness manifests itself in several directions. Firstly, the desire to shop increases. There is a desire to satisfy any desire. A woman spends huge sums of money on various trinkets, not caring at all about how the rest of the family can survive. Female egoism manifests itself in the fact that such a girl is worried exclusively about her own desires. If for some reason she cannot immediately satisfy her needs, then she will begin to take it out on others. Women's egoism very often has no boundaries.

Male egoism

Childish selfishness

Children's selfishness is one of the most understandable. It is customary to pamper children whenever possible and fulfill their innermost desires. However, it is necessary to control this process before it turns into childish egoism. Otherwise, parents will then not be able to raise the child properly. Children's egoism manifests itself in unlimited desires. The child begins to demand that many different things be bought for him, and he does not always fully understand why he needs it. If a child does not know refusal, then it becomes extremely difficult for him to control his own desires. Unlike an adult, little man nothing limits your fantasies. Over time, such a child can turn into one big problem for his parents. A child can make the life of a father and mother simply unbearable. That is why it is necessary to pamper children in moderation. Otherwise, you can raise a person who will only care about himself in the future.

Thus, defining the concept of egoism is not particularly difficult. Everyone is a selfish person in their own way. In any case, this will be a person fixated on his own problems, not used to helping others. Such a person has little chance of making real friends. After all, any attachment requires colossal dedication, and an egoist is used to caring only about himself.

2 Since people live in society, they cannot do without relationships. However, everyone’s characters are quite different, and sometimes there are individuals with whom you don’t want to maintain any relationship. This category of citizens includes a subtype of person called Egoist, which means you can read a little below.
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So let's continue what does Egoist mean?? This term was borrowed from the Latin language" ego", and is translated as "I". What does Egoism mean?

Selfishness- this is an attitude towards life in which a person feels himself to be the center of the universe, and is not able to give up this feeling

Egoist- this word refers to a person who considers himself the navel of the universe, he cares exclusively about his own interests, and treats everyone else, including relatives, with complete indifference

Antonym of the word Egoist: altruist.

Selfish- this is a girl who realized herself as a beauty, and from that moment on, only she herself becomes the love of her life. It may not be strange, but men simply lose their heads from such persons

Girls, if you are obedient and turn out to be an open book for your boyfriend, your whole appearance will express only one thing: " I will do everything for you, dear, I will serve you, I will bring you, I will clean up after you, and I will love you, as in prono films.", then before you can blink your eye, how MCH will treat neglect. He will quickly grow cold and will soon leave you. Therefore, the conclusion here is simple, always remain bitches, although you still need to know when to stop.

As for Selfishness in general, people will always treat themselves better than others, they will be obsessed with their own selfish interests. Individuals who have selfishness begins to go off scale, a disregard for other people's pain and grief appears, and feelings such as empathy and compassion simply atrophy.

In addition, it must be recognized that although egoists are condemned by society, the basis of any action and knowledge is focused on our inner "I", that is, all emotions are colored by selfishness.

People and egoism are an inseparable concept, and as long as humanity exists, egoism will flourish and thrive. You need to understand that indifference to your neighbors, attachment to your things, lack of pity is only the outer side selfishness. Usually, people are called/called selfish when their behavior and actions contradict generally accepted norms in this society.

Usually, egoism grows on the basis of vanity, greed, and irrepressible ambitions, and the main goal of the egoist is the achievement of personal power and self-affirmation. In a capitalist society, selfishness is considered the norm, for example in the USA, bloat his “I” has reached pathological proportions, which negatively affects American society as a whole. As a result, most citizens express an intolerable desire to obsessively demonstrate their importance.