Print out a frog head mask from paper. DIY children's carnival mask made of paper. Child development. We make a children's carnival mask from paper. Today, together with the children of the younger group, we make children’s carnivals out of paper with our own hands.

The next series of children's matinees with fancy dress is being prepared in kindergartens.

In kindergarten, parents are given the task of preparing a mask for the matinee.

Make masks better together with a child made of cardboard, or from paper.

Every child loves DIY.

This process especially brings child pleasure if at the end of the work a finished toy awaits him - a mask with which he can play for a long time.

Naturally, in this creative process, everyone child Parents' help is required.

If child old enough, parents are required to provide general guidance to the process.

If a child cannot do everything on his own, then, as a rule, parents are involved in creativity, and child studies and carefully watches the magical action - how, seemingly out of nowhere, a new toy appears - a carnival mask.

Below are pictures that allow Together with the children, make frog and owl masks with your own hands.

Pictures need to be saved to your computer, inserted into an editor (for example, MS Word), stretched onto an A4 sheet, printed, together with children paint and, if possible, laminate (if not, stick to cardboard), cut along the contour and thread a string or elastic band to fit the head baby.

If you have a color printer, then you can color the picture together with the children on the computer, and only then print it out.

To color a carnival mask on the computer you need: the carnival mask in a graphic editor (Start - programs - standard - Paint)

3. save the saved monochrome drawing of a carnival mask as a drawing with a large number of colors (file – save the drawing as -16 colors (or 256 colors))

4. When choosing the fill color of the elements of the carnival mask, you need to color the carnival mask element by element.

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Contact information, description of the service package provided, cost, answers to questions, personal consultations, etc. can be found on the pages of the YurPatent company website.

When we were faced with the task of making waterproof frog mask for the pool, then probably, of all the kindergarten parents, I was the only one who did not experience any difficulties with this issue, since I have a home portable laminator, which easily helped me cover with film a couple of frog masks found on the Internet.

And for those who are deprived of the opportunity to quickly laminate something for children’s crafts, I advise you to remember about adhesive tape (while studying at a pedagogical institute, I probably “laminated” dozens of square meters of visual aids for children with adhesive tape.

It's simple - take and cover the required picture with tape, lightly pushing one piece of tape onto another.

  • We paste over the picture, in our case a mask, on both sides.
  • Initially, the mask must be cut out and when gluing the front side, go beyond the contour of the product with tape, bend the protruding edges of the tape onto the back side and then seal the back side, making sure that there is no water access to the paper anywhere. When laminating an already cut out mask, you simply need to trim the film, retreating from the edge of the mask by about 5 millimeters.
  • If it is necessary to make a mask with slits for the eyes, we also initially cut out the eyes, and then seal them with tape or laminate them. When cutting out tape or laminating film from the eyes of the mask, you should also do this with an indentation from the edge of the outline, which will protect the mask from water penetration.
  • To attach the elastic band to the mask, it is worth providing some kind of “ears” made of tape or laminating film, which should not affect the paper itself. Make holes in them with a regular hole punch and tie an elastic band.
  • It is more convenient to make one edge of the elastic band (underwear, it holds the mask on the head better) much longer and tie it not very tightly or in a bow, this will allow the mask to be put on children of different ages and with different head sizes.

I got this mask.







And now about the personal.

Probably, without meaning to, I provoked an obviously difficult situation in the kindergarten.

Let me explain.

Soon we will be holding Neptune Day in the preschool pool, where parents will not be allowed.

We received the task of making a frog mask for our daughter, since she will participate in the dance of the little frogs. A sample mask was distributed, but some people, me in particular, have a creative itch that is difficult to overcome, and accordingly we made a mask almost like everyone else’s, only better - we found a brighter version on the Internet, drew in small details, outlined some things with a pen, laminated, etc. We did all this together with our daughter (how can you miss such a chance for a child’s development); she became close to this mask, fell in love with it, plays in it and doesn’t want to take it off...

And today we fought to hand over the mask to kindergarten(my daughter didn’t want to part with it) and I realized that during the holiday no one would figure out where whose mask was, but the children would be given the first one they found. And here it is - scandal, conflict, confusion. Either my daughter will be stubborn, refuse to put on someone else’s mask and demand her own - beloved and beautiful (at least here the teacher would follow her lead and quickly change everything, and would not just force her to obey out of principle), or quietly, without explaining the reasons to anyone will burst into tears, or will add to her “black list” the girl who gets our mask....

In general, I’m worried, I don’t think it’s necessary to artificially organize special conditions for my daughter to stay in kindergarten, and save her from the inevitable life bummers of various scales, but I really want her childhood to be covered only with pleasant memories...

But all that was necessary was to foresee the development of events and make a mask the same as everyone else’s, on her own, without her daughter, when she had already gone to bed and all the difficulties had been eliminated.

Recently, at a matinee in a kindergarten, I saw smart little girls in green papier-mâché masks running onto the stage. Oh! These masks gave off a whiff of prehistoric antiquity, yes, museum rarities, one might say. But who is it? Hmm, triangular faces, big round eyes, wide smiles, the girls have webbed gloves on their hands... sooooo, apparently I’ve lost my sense of smell - I didn’t immediately recognize frogs.

And so, I was hooked, I began to think hard about how to make a frog mask. And really, HOW? The muzzle of this amphibian is completely, completely inhuman. How to combine them? And of course, I want a human-friendly mask.

Well, a few years ago I made one like this - for the frog princess.

It is attached to a hoop placed on the head and you need to look not into the eye slits, but into the mouth slit. In fact, according to the actors’ reviews, it’s quite comfortable to perform in it, which is a plus. But since this frog mask was large and there were few details, it looked a bit empty, so I had to add bow lips and eyelashes. All this, although it gave a certain dashingness, but also - alas - made the appearance somewhat vulgar. Okay, that's a thing of the past. The frog princess successfully turned into a beauty and God bless her.

How to make a mask more “reptilian” in appearance? At first I tried to adapt the same model to look into the eyes.

In appearance, nothing seemed to work out that way, but how to breathe... the nose needs space. A large cutout had to be made in the upper jaw and a false voluminous nose had to be attached on top.

So the frog looks more or less convincing from the front, but in profile it’s not so-so. I give it a “four” and think further. I think this option is the most successful.

Moscow Patent Bureau JURPATENT will ensure intellectual property protection, regardless of your regional office. Computer programs, databases, inventions, models, trademarks will be issued for you by YurPatent.
Contact information, description of the service package provided, cost, answers to questions, personal consultations, etc. can be found on the pages of the YurPatent company website.

When we were faced with the task of making waterproof frog mask for the pool, then probably, of all the kindergarten parents, I was the only one who did not experience any difficulties with this issue, since I have a home portable laminator, which easily helped me cover with film a couple of frog masks found on the Internet.

And for those who are deprived of the opportunity to quickly laminate something for children’s crafts, I advise you to remember about adhesive tape (while studying at a pedagogical institute, I probably “laminated” dozens of square meters of visual aids for children with adhesive tape.

It's simple - take and cover the required picture with tape, lightly pushing one piece of tape onto another.

  • We paste over the picture, in our case a mask, on both sides.
  • Initially, the mask must be cut out and when gluing the front side, go beyond the contour of the product with tape, bend the protruding edges of the tape onto the back side and then seal the back side, making sure that there is no water access to the paper anywhere. When laminating an already cut out mask, you simply need to trim the film, retreating from the edge of the mask by about 5 millimeters.
  • If it is necessary to make a mask with slits for the eyes, we also initially cut out the eyes, and then seal them with tape or laminate them. When cutting out tape or laminating film from the eyes of the mask, you should also do this with an indentation from the edge of the outline, which will protect the mask from water penetration.
  • To attach the elastic band to the mask, it is worth providing some kind of “ears” made of tape or laminating film, which should not affect the paper itself. Make holes in them with a regular hole punch and tie an elastic band.
  • It is more convenient to make one edge of the elastic band (underwear, it holds the mask on the head better) much longer and tie it not very tightly or in a bow, this will allow the mask to be put on children of different ages and with different head sizes.

I got this mask.







And now about the personal.

Probably, without meaning to, I provoked an obviously difficult situation in the kindergarten.

Let me explain.

Soon we will be holding Neptune Day in the preschool pool, where parents will not be allowed.

We received the task of making a frog mask for our daughter, since she will participate in the dance of the little frogs. A sample mask was distributed, but some people, me in particular, have a creative itch that is difficult to overcome, and accordingly we made a mask almost like everyone else’s, only better - we found a brighter version on the Internet, drew in small details, outlined some things with a pen, laminated, etc. We did all this together with our daughter (how can you miss such a chance for a child’s development); she became close to this mask, fell in love with it, plays in it and doesn’t want to take it off...

And today we fought to hand over the mask to the kindergarten (my daughter didn’t want to part with it) and I realized that during the holiday no one would figure out where whose mask was, but they would give the children the first one they came across. And here it is - scandal, conflict, confusion. Either my daughter will be stubborn, refuse to put on someone else’s mask and demand her own - beloved and beautiful (at least here the teacher would follow her lead and quickly change everything, and would not just force her to obey out of principle), or quietly, without explaining the reasons to anyone will burst into tears, or will add to her “black list” the girl who gets our mask....

In general, I’m worried, I don’t think it’s necessary to artificially organize special conditions for my daughter to stay in kindergarten, and save her from the inevitable life bummers of various scales, but I really want her childhood to be covered only with pleasant memories...

But all that was necessary was to foresee the development of events and make a mask the same as everyone else’s, on her own, without her daughter, when she had already gone to bed and all the difficulties had been eliminated.