Quiz from epic to fairy tale presentation. Presentation on the topic "quiz" epic heroes "". What poet are you talking about?

"Epic Lesson" - Independent work students to discuss the task of each in a group - 1 lesson, 10 minutes. Bylina - Russian folk epic songs. Stages and timing of the project. Who are the rich people? Educational package. Protection of the results and conclusions - 1 lesson. Subjects: literary reading Participants: 4th grade.

"Quiz for grade 4" - Bivalves 2. Pike 3. Algae. "Live filters" of the reservoir. What plant is the fabric made from? Flax Wheat Corn. Quiz. The main inhabitants of the meadow Birds Insects Mammals. Orderlies of the reservoir Caddisflies Crayfish Frogs. Baby frogs Frogs Tadpoles Leeches. Water Builder Perch Bear Beaver.

"Tolerance in Russian Literature" - UN Secretary General (1997-2006) Kofi Annan. V.G.Korolenko. Praying Buddhists. Illustration for the story "Khor and Kalinich". Reflection of A.Nikitin's religious tolerance in "traveling over three seas". Afanasy Nikitin "Journey beyond three seas". In the Alps. Three days of freedom and love in V. Bykov's story "Alpine ballad".

"Quiz about plants" - A. Apricot. Carl Linnaeus called the cocoa plant the food of the gods. "Believe or disbelieve." Compositae or ……..? Legumes or …………? E. Tomato J. Potato. Cabbage or……….? Albino pigs can be poisoned by carrots. "Anyway". D Pomegranate. G. Figs. "Symbols and countries". Red and black pepper are plants of different families.

"Literary quiz" - Literary quiz. Vitaly Bianchi. Father. Add two lines: To kids and adults The boy waved his hand. The shorties sawed with a saw: forks, mushrooms, pines? In the verses of Dunno, under Avoska's pillow lay: a cheesecake, a wave, an old woman? In the verses of Dunno Toropyzhka swallowed: an umbrella, glasses, an iron? An assistant who has "a lot to do".

"Space quiz" - The sun is a huge ball of gas. The Copernican theory was supported and developed by many scientists. Which scientist proved that all the planets revolve around the sun? What determines the color of a star? The equatorial radius of Jupiter is 71.4 thousand km. E. Zhukovsky. S.P. Korolev. In a small telescope, Saturn has two rings separated by a dark slit.

slide 2

Quiz "Epic heroes"

  • slide 3

    Team greeting

  • slide 4

    Bylina "Svyatogor the Bogatyr"

    • Why did Svyatogor the bogatyr leave to "walk in the open field"?
    • What did Svyatogor-Light threaten to raise, "boasting"?
    • Who did he meet along the way?
    • How did Svyatogor raise the bag?
    • What was "imposed" in the handbag of a passerby, which Svyatogor managed to lift from the ground only "by a hair"?
    • Why is this handbag easily carried by another hero? What do we know about him?
  • slide 6

    Bylina "Dobrynya and the Serpent"

    • "Fight of Dobrynya with a snake"
    • Who is Dobrynya Nikitich?
    • Where and when do epic events take place?
    • How did Dobrynya Nikitich defeat the twelve-headed snake?
    • What "great commandment" did Dobrynya and the Serpent conclude?
    • Who broke this commandment?
    • What service did Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko Dobrynya entrust?
    • What did mother Dobrynya give before the road?
    • How long did Dobrynya and the Serpent fight?
    • Whom did Dobrynya free from snake captivity?
  • Slide 7

    Competition of epic storytellers

    Epics are one of the song genres of folklore. They do not have rhymes and lines familiar to us, but at the same time, epics are perceived as poetry, they have a special rhythm. The task of the contestants is to correctly, expressively read an excerpt from the epic they like, observing the epic rhythm and melody.

    Slide 8

    Bylina "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"

  • Slide 9

    • Where and in what family was Ilya Muromets born?
    • Under what city did Ilya Muromets beat the "great silushka"?
    • Why did Ilya Muromets refuse to be the governor of Chernigov?
    • Why did the "straight-way path zakalili, zamuravela"?
    • How many versts to Kyiv will be a "roundabout" path?
    • How did Ilya Muromets scold his horse, who was afraid of the Nightingale?
    • How did Ilya Muromets defeat the Nightingale?
    • How much wine did the Nightingale drink from the prince in order to whistle at half a whistle, scream at half a cry of a nightingale?
    • How did Prince Stolnokievsky hide from the whistle of a nightingale?
    • Scientists believe that the Nightingale the Robber is the personification of the forces standing in the way of the unity of disunited Russia. What national dream is realized by Ilya Muromets, having defeated the monster?
  • Slide 11

    Epic "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich"

  • slide 12

    1. Who is Mikula Selyaninovich?
    2. What do the words "yelling arable land yelling" mean?
    3. What wood is Mikula's bipod made of?
    4. Who is Volga Svyatoslavovich?
    5. Prince Volga received from his uncle, Prince Vladimir of Stolnokiev, three cities and went to these cities to receive tribute, he went for pay. With him is a “good squad” And how many combatants are with him? ..
    6. What magical power and magical wisdom does Volga Svyatoslavovich have?
    7. What qualities does Mikula Selyaninovich show when he meets the prince?
    8. How is this epic hero depicted?
  • MOU Raduzhnenskaya secondary school of the Kolomna municipal district of the Moscow region Presentation on literature in the 6th grade according to the program of G.I. Belenky. The presentation was prepared by: Privezentseva Elena Nikolaevna, teacher of the Russian language and literature of the highest qualification category.


    • Why did Svyatogor the bogatyr leave to "walk in the open field"?
    • What did Svyatogor-Light threaten to raise, "boasting"?
    • Who did he meet along the way?
    • How did Svyatogor raise the bag?
    • What was "imposed" in the handbag of a passerby, which Svyatogor managed to lift from the ground only "by a hair"?
    • Why is this handbag easily carried by another hero? What do we know about him?

    Svyatogor the hero.

    Competition "Bogatyr Armament"

    Name the weapons of the ancient warrior. (done in writing)

    V.M.Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs".

    Bylina "Dobrynya and the Serpent"


    "Fight of Dobrynya with a snake"

    • Who is Dobrynya Nikitich?
    • Where and when do epic events take place?
    • How did Dobrynya Nikitich defeat the twelve-headed snake?
    • What "great commandment" did Dobrynya and the Serpent conclude?
    • Who broke this commandment?
    • What service did Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko Dobrynya entrust?
    • What did mother Dobrynya give before the road?
    • How long did Dobrynya and the Serpent fight?
    • Whom did Dobrynya free from snake captivity?
    Competition of epic storytellers

    Epics are one of the song genres of folklore. They do not have rhymes and lines familiar to us, but at the same time, epics are perceived as poetry, they have a special rhythm. The task of the contestants is to correctly, expressively read an excerpt from the epic they like, observing the epic rhythm and melody.

    Bylina "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"

    • Where and in what family was Ilya Muromets born?
    • Under what city did Ilya Muromets beat the "great silushka"?
    • Why did Ilya Muromets refuse to be the governor of Chernigov?
    • Why did the "straight-way path zakalili, zamuravela"?
    • How many versts to Kyiv will be a "roundabout" path?
    • How did Ilya Muromets scold his horse, who was afraid of the Nightingale?
    • How did Ilya Muromets defeat the Nightingale?
    • How much wine did the Nightingale drink from the prince in order to whistle at half a whistle, scream at half a cry of a nightingale?
    • How did Prince Stolnokievsky hide from the whistle of a nightingale?
    • Scientists believe that the Nightingale the Robber is the personification of the forces standing in the way of the unity of disunited Russia. What national dream is realized by Ilya Muromets, having defeated the monster?

    Competition "Poetic language of epics" (The task is carried out in writing)

    What are permanent epithets?

    Match the word with a constant epithet, often found in epics.

    Kyiv city



    "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich"

    • Who is Mikula Selyaninovich?
    • What do the words "yell arable land
    • 3. What wood is the bipod made of

      4. Who is Volga Svyatoslavovich?

    5. Prince Volga received from his uncle, Prince Vladimir of Stolnokiev, three cities and went to these cities to receive tribute, he went for pay. With him is a “good squad” And how many combatants are with him? ..

    6. What magical power and magical wisdom does Volga Svyatoslavovich have?

    7. What qualities does Mikula Selyaninovich show when he meets the prince?

    8. How is this epic hero depicted?



    Trip to

    "Three heroes"

    1. In what city was Alyosha Popovich born

    (m / f "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent")?

    • In Kyiv
    • In Rostov
    • In Novgorod

    Rostov the Great.

    Rostov Kremlin .

    The first stone temple was built by Andrei Bogolyubsky, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, in 1161. Probably, it was in him that the hero of Russian epics Alyosha Popovich prayed, who lived in the 13th century and was the son of a priest - the rector of the Assumption Cathedral Levonty. That's why he was called - Popovich.

    • What was the name of Alyosha Popovich's beloved
    • Lyubava
    • Matryona
    • Fun

    According to historical information

    Elena (Petrovna) becomes the wife of Alyosha Popovich in epics about him and the sister of seven brothers - Zbrodovich (Petrovich), she is also Elenushka, Alena, Alyonushka.

    3. What was the name of the talking horse that the gypsies left for Tikhon

    (m / f "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent")?

    • Yuri
    • George
    • Julius

    4. Who gave the sword to Alyosha Popovich

    (m / f "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent")?

    • Prince of Kyiv
    • Horse Julius
    • Bogatyr Svyatogor

    5. Who fell in love with Zabava, the niece of the Prince of Kyiv

    • To the shepherd Alexei
    • To the groom Timofey
    • In the messenger of Elisha

    In the messenger of Elisha

    In all scenes of the cartoon, Fun is depicted with two braids.

    However, according to Russian tradition, a girl who has never been married,

    wore only one braid. Two braids were worn by married women.

    6. What was the name of Khan, from whom Dobrynya Nikitich was supposed to collect tribute

    (m / f "Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych")?

    • Batu
    • Becket
    • Kolyvan

    This is a fictional character

    from the Turkic "strengthen" ("make strong").

    Crimean Khan Becket

    • Where did Baba Yaga live - an assistant to the merchant Kolyvan

    (m / f "Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynych")?

    • On Kudykina Gora
    • In the thirtieth kingdom
    • On Serpent Mountain

    On Kudykina mountain

    Baba Yaga (black woman?) In ancient times, the dead were buried in dominoes - houses located above the ground on felled trees - huts on chicken legs (high stump with roots). People were afraid of the dead (eternal confrontation - it smells of a living spirit, ghouls) they could not be disturbed over trifles (Baba Yaga will destroy) and at the same time they came to ask for help in difficult situations, after all, these are dead ancestors. Baba Yaga handed a sword-treasurer to the good fellow (the dead were buried with weapons) or gave advice. When they opened a hole in the domino (from the side, like in dolmens), only the legs of the deceased were visible (Baba Yaga bone leg) - they buried with their feet towards the exit. The hole was located in the opposite direction from the settlement (toward the forest). People believed that the dead fly on coffins - Baba Yaga flew on a mortar (a hollowed out deck is a coffin)

    8. What was the name of the horse of the hero Ilya Muromets

    • Ant
    • Star
    • Burushka

    9. Who knocked out a tooth to the Nightingale the Robber with the words "Do not whistle - there will be no money"

    (m / f "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber")?

    • elephant master
    • heroic horse

    10. Alyonushka was the chronicler of what edition

    (m / f "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber")?

    • new time
    • News of Tsargrad
    • New birch bark

    11. Who was the main assistant of the Queen of Shamakhan

    (m / f "Three heroes and the Queen of Shamakhan")?

    • Dragon
    • Nightingale the Robber
    • Crow

    He helped with his witchcraft, removed the heroes for a while, found her fiancé, eavesdropped, peeped.

    Only here from the main thing did not save. The queen ate rejuvenating apples and became a baby with treacherous eyes. But who began to rule her kingdom?

    12. Who was in charge of the library in the cartoon "Three Heroes and the Queen of Shamakhan"?

    • Donkey Moses
    • Lyubava
    • Horse Julius

    Horse Julius was in charge of the library there, but he called himself none other than an adviser to the Prince of Kyiv. Although later, when they got to the Shamakhanskaya queen, he became his faithful horse. With him, the prince decided on a feat - to tear a handkerchief from the hand of the queen, who was sitting in a high tower.

    13. What weapons are the giant rabbits from the cartoon "Three heroes on distant shores" armed with?

    • Giant clubs
    • Giant heads of cabbage
    • giant carrots

    14. What was the name of the gorilla that was defeated by the three heroes in the cartoon "Three heroes on distant shores"?

    • King Kong
    • sensei
    • Gomumu

    Primary School

    Target: generalize children's knowledge about the epic creativity of the people, clarify children's ideas about the Russian hero Ilya Muromets, his exploits before the Russian land, cultivate love for their native land, a sense of pride in its heroes.

    Equipment: computer presentation "Oral folk art", multimedia equipment, an exhibition of books of epics, a painting by V. Vasnetsov "Heroes", prizes for the winners of the quiz.

    During the classes

    1. Organizational moment


    - Today our lesson is unusual, the lesson is a quiz. You prepared for this lesson in advance at reading lessons and at home, read the anthology literary reading, searched for information about the heroes of the Russian land in the library.

    2. Message of the topic of the lesson. Updating of basic knowledge

    - Our lesson is dedicated to epics about Ilya Muromets. Before starting the quiz, let's watch a computer presentation about the genres of oral folk art.

    What genres of folklore do you know? Name. That's right, this is a fairy tale, and a riddle, and proverbs, and nursery rhymes, and lullabies, and epics.

    Pay attention to the main slide - "Epic as a genre of oral folk art." What is an "epic"? (Bylina is an old epic song that glorifies the exploits of the heroes of the past) What Russian heroes do you know? Name.

    3. Quiz

    Professor of Literature (student dressed as a professor):

    Dear friends, you read epics about Ilya Muromets and in literary reading lessons, at home, in the library. Pay attention to the exhibition of books that you have prepared for our lesson. (Children call them)

    And today I would like to hold a quiz, test your knowledge and reward the best experts with prizes. For each correct answer you will receive a chip with the image of a hero. At the end of the lesson, we will award prizes to those students who have the most chips.


    So, guys, the quiz begins!

    Quiz questions will appear on the interactive whiteboard and be voiced.

    Quiz questions.

    1. Where was the hero Ilya Muromets born? (Near the city of Murom, in the village of Karacharovo)
    2. What were the names of the hero's parents? (Ivan Timofeevich and Efrosinya Alexandrovna)
    3. Who was Elijah's godfather? (Mikula Selyaninovich)
    4. Which of the heroes of epics about Ilya Muromets owns the words:

      "Whatever you become, whatever you do,

      Do not worry about your self-interest, profit,

      And take on, Ilya, for such things,

      To be glorious and great,

      To make everyone happy from them ... "?
      (These words belong to Mikula Selyaninovich)

    5. What "trouble-hardship" happened to Ilya in childhood? (He lost his arms and legs)
    6. Who helped the hero to be healed? (He was helped by "passing kaliks." They gave Ilya a drink of "honey drink")
    7. What did the kaliki of the hero ask for in parting? (Fight enemies, but not fight Russian heroes - Svyatogor, Krasnoyar, Mikula Selyaninovich, Volga Vseslavevich)
    8. Who forged the heroic armor for Ilya? (Krasnoyar - blacksmith)
    9. Where did the hero get a good horse? (He himself fed from a foal, fed for three months)
    10. Who taught Ilya military science? (Svyatogor - hero)
    11. Why did the Chernigovites keep Ilya as a governor? (For the fact that he defeated a huge army of Tatars near Chernigov)
    12. According to the description, find out the hero of the epic about Ilya Muromets:

      "He sits a villain on seven oaks,

      On seven oaks, on forty bitches ... "
      (Nightingale is a robber)

    13. What did Alyosha Popovich envy at the feast of Prince Vladimir? (He envied that Vladimir appointed Ilya ataman over the Kiev squad)
    14. Where did Ilya read these words:

      “To go straight - to be killed!

      To go to the left - to be married!

      To go to the right - to be rich!

      All this is prescribed by fate!
      (These words were carved on a white roadside stone)

    15. According to the description, find out the enemies defeated by the hero Ilya:

      And their shields are cruciform,

      They wear helmets like buckets upside down

      Horses - horses in damask armor ... "
      (The robbers who attacked Ilya at night on a straight road)

    16. With what weapon did Ilya Kalin, the king of the Tatars, hit in battle? (He hit him with a sharp spear)
    17. Why was Ilya Muromets angry with Prince Vladimir? (He became angry for the vain insult inflicted on Sukhman, the hero)
    18. Who slandered Ilya in front of Vladimir? (He was slandered by noble boyars)
    19. Who saved the hero's life when Vladimir threw him into the dungeon? (He was saved by Lyubava - the daughter of Vladimir)
    20. How did Ilya Muromets get captured while fighting Batu? (He fell into a tunnel arranged by Batu and could not get out of it)
    21. Who carried bread and drink to Ilya Muromets when he was sitting in a tunnel? (Avdotya Ryazanochka)
    22. What trick did Murlakan - Tarakan Tarakanovich come up with to weaken the captive hero and shackle him? (Put guards at the tunnel so that the Russian people could not give food - drink to the prisoner)
    23. How did Ilya manage to get out of captivity? (He broke the iron fetters, tore all the “fetters”, beat the enemies with the “aspen plank”)
    24. Find out the hero of the epic by the description:

      “And the king sits like a pig,

      On nine tables, on ten benches,

      And the eyes...

      And black - black, and empty - empty.


      From three hairs, as from three welts

      And the wearer...

      Like a stick - a wood splitting wedge.

      (Mamai is the Tatar king)

    25. In what battle did the Russian heroes Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich die? (In battle with the Tatar Khan Mamai)
    26. To whom did Ilya address these words:

      “You are dry, you are an old decrepit witch,

      You don’t know well, apparently, the Russian people!
      (To death, which wanted to destroy him in a battle with Mamai, but could not)

    27. How did the last battle with the Tatars end?

      ("Kings ran away - kings,

      Tsar Kuchum flies ahead of the others")

    28. Why did Yermak Timofeevich become famous in the battle with the Tatars?
      (He became famous for "begging for permission from Ilya" to finish off the "Tatar remnants" beyond the Urals and defeated the Tatars of Kuchum - the king)
    29. Which of the folk proverbs is suitable for the epic "Ilya Muromets"?
      • Cheek brings success.
      • Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
      • A friend in need is a friend indeed.
      • To live is to serve the motherland.
    30. Which great Russian artist painted the painting "Bogatyrs"?

    4. Summing up the quiz. Rewarding the winners with books - collections of epics about Russian heroes

    ( The recording of the song "Our Heroic Strength" sounds) Dynamic pause.

    5. Reflection


    - The hero of the epics Ilya Muromets appears before us as an invincible zealot about his people and about his Fatherland. A whole cycle of songs has been created about Ilya Muromets, which tells about his unparalleled strength, courage and his freedom-loving character, selfless love for the Motherland and for his people. In the name of the Motherland and the people, he performed feats in the fight against the Tatars.


    - Ilya would learn

    Love your homeland!

    Not for money, not for fame

    Perform feats!


    -An example of a saint's love for the Fatherland

    And we are not bad at adopting.

    Enemies let them look with reproach -

    There will be knights again.


    - Holy Russia will not stop

    To give birth for the battles of heroes.

    There will be no mother - native land

    To be protected by sons!

    6. Homework (optional):

    • Learn by heart the passage you like from any epic about Ilya Muromets;
    • Draw an illustration for one of the epics about Ilya Muromets.

    Note: The questions of the quiz were mainly compiled by me according to the book by Starostin V.A. Ilya Muromets: Bogatyr epics / Khudozh. M. Shemarov.-M.: Sov. Russia, 1979. -160s., ill.


    • Childhood
    • healing
    • Ilya Muromets and Nightingale - Robber
    • Ilyina's three trips
    • Sukhman is a hero
    • Ilya Muromets in a quarrel with Vladimir
    • Ilya Muromets and Batu
    • Ilya Muromets is released
    • The last battle with the Tatars


    Quiz "according to Russian epics"


    1. What is an epic? (An epic is a song about an event that once happened)

    2. Who are the heroes? What were they doing?

    3. What Russian heroes do you know? (Volkh Vseslavievich, Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Nikita Kozhemyaka, Alyosha Popovich, Mikhailo Danilovich, Svyatogor, Vasily Buslaev, Finist, Mikula, Sadko, Danube - matchmaker, Vasily Kazimirovich, Sukhman, Danina Lovchanin)

    4. What hero, up to 33 years old, the patient lay on the stove? (Ilya Muromets)

    5. Which of the three heroes Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich or Alyosha Popovich is the oldest, strongest and wisest)

    6. Name the heroes who grew up in a peasant family? (Ilya Muromets, Mikula, Finist)

    7. What hero could not be held by the earth, was he so powerful? (Svyatogor)

    8. Who captured the Nightingale - the robber?

    9. Who helped Prince Vladimir to cope with Kalin - the king? (Ilya Muromets)

    10. Who stole Zabava Putyatishna's daughter from Vladimir and who helped bring her back? (Nikitich)

    11. What agreement did Serpent Gorynich and Dobrynya Nikitich conclude? (about the fact that they will not violate the boundaries)

    12. Who and how helped Prince Vladimir get rid of Tugarin Zmeevich?

    13. What hero was sent to Golden Horde collect tribute for 12 years? (Nikitich)

    14. What did Dobrynya Nikitich punish his wife when he went to collect tribute? (wait for him 12 years, does not marry Alyosha Popovich)

    15. What hero could not pull Mikula's bipod out of the ground? (Volga with his team)

    16. Which hero was pulled out of prison by his wife Vasilisa Mikulishna? (Stavr Godinovich)

    17. How did Vasilisa Mikulishka deceive Prince Vladimir? (pretended to be the Tatar ambassador)

    18. Which merchant became famous for his playing the harp? (Sadko)

    19. What Russian heroes lived in Novgorod? (Sadko, Vasily Buslaev)

    20. What cartoons were made about Russian heroes? (Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent, Dobrynya Nikitich and the Serpent Gorynich, Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber, Vasilisa Mikulishna)


    Literary reading quiz “Russian epic heroes”

    2nd grade "School 2100 ..."

    Teacher primary school Petrunina Ludmila Borisovna

    MBOU "Lyceum No. 4", Ruzaevka, Republic of Mordovia

    Goals:. Expand children's ideas about epics as a genre of oral folk art, correlating epic heroes with historical and literary characters;

    Contribute to the depth of understanding of the content of epics about the exploits of Russian heroes;

    Develop the ability to formulate and express their thoughts, to argue their point of view;

    Develop attention to the style of writing epics;

    To develop the ability to work independently with additional literature;

    Introducing students to Ancient Russian history, raising pride in it;

    Expanding horizons through acquaintance with the works of artistic and musical heritage.

    Equipment. Reproductions of paintings by V. Vasnetsov "Bogatyrs", "Knight at the Crossroads"; recordings: P. Tchaikovsky - "4th Symphony", E. Grieg - "Morning", M. Mussorgsky - "Night on Bald Mountain" and "Bogatyr Gates", L. Beethoven - "Ode to Joy".

    STROKE quiz

    I. Organizing time

    II. Topic message

    A recording of P. Tchaikovsky's 4th symphony sounds.

    Teacher. Oh you, good fellows and young people! We did not gather for an honorable feast, but for a kind and harmonious conversation, so that we would have peace and harmony and harmony, and our conversation would be conducted in a smooth speech.

    On the desk:

    bDnyyar kiNichti, chaletA

    PochivoP, I'm a RuMocem.

    Children. The names of Russian heroes are encrypted here - Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich and Ilya Muromets.

    U. That's right, these are Russian heroes who performed heroic deeds for the love of their homeland.

    D. A sense of triumph, pride in their homeland.

    (bogatyrs, narrator and guslar enter)

    The hero is strong, like a free wind,

    Mighty like a hurricane.

    He protects the earth

    From the evil bastards!

    He is rich in good power,

    He protects the capital city.

    Saves the poor and children

    And old people and mothers!

    Ah, under the glorious city near Kyiv,

    There was a heroic outpost.

    At the outpost, the ataman was Ilya Muromets,

    Podatamanye was Dobrynya Nikitich,

    Esaul - Alyosha - the priest's son.

    (Three boys dressed as heroes come out.)

    Ilya Muromets:

    The nightingale the robber sat in a damp oak,

    The nightingale the robber whistled, but like a nightingale,

    The villain-robber growled like an animal,

    From his whistle, all the flowers crumbled,

    And that there are people - all are dead.

    But I cut off his wild head,

    He also spoke these words:

    “It’s enough for you to whistle like a nightingale,

    You are full of screaming yes like an animal,

    You are full of frightening little children!

    Music sounds.


    I went to the glorious river -

    Suddenly it doesn't rain, it doesn't thunder,

    Ai Zmeinischo and that Gorynishcho,

    Ai flies about three heads, about twelve trunks.

    The Serpent says these words:

    “And now, Dobrynushka, you are in my hands,

    I'll take you in full, if you want, I'll burn you,

    If I want to, I'll eat it."

    I contrived, hit Gorynishche,

    An the Serpent fell on the damp ground,

    On damp ground, on feather grass.

    He asked for mercy, the murderer.

    Music sounds.

    Alyosha Popovich:

    They told me about Tugarin Zmeevich,

    And that he himself is three fathoms tall,

    The horse under him, like a fierce beast,

    Fire bursts from the mouth

    From the ears - a column of smoke - everyone is afraid of the fierce,

    How I hit him on the head

    And how he fell on the damp earth,

    Then I jumped on his black chest,

    And cut his head off

    And he said: "According to your sins, Zmeevich, everything was done."

    Goose music sounds.

    Oh, goy thou, heroes and holy Russians,

    And you saddled good horses,

    Yes, you stood for faith and the Fatherland,

    And bow to you from Russia and forever and ever.

    And strong, mighty heroes

    in glorious Russia!

    Do not jump enemies on our Earth!

    Don't trample them on horses

    Russian land

    Do not overshadow our red sun!

    Russia stands for a century - it does not stagger!

    And it will stand for centuries - it will not move!

    And the legends of old

    We must not forget.

    Glory to Russian antiquity!

    Glory to the Russian side!

    They bow to each other and to the audience and leave.

    We start the quiz "Russian epic heroes."

    1. Presentation of commands.

    Each team will name its name and motto.

    Team "Bogatyrskaya family"

    Motto: Here on the stage in front of you

    Surprise with miracles

    inseparable friends

    "Bogatyr family"!

    Team "Bogatyr guys"

    Motto: Heroic guys,

    We stand up for ourselves!

    We all know, we all see

    We will protect the weak!

    Team "Bogatyr Brotherhood."

    Motto: And bread and salt,

    And laughter and pain

    With you always

    Let me share!

    ALL we will execute small heroic rite:

    We stood up together - once. Two. Three-

    We are now rich.

    We put our hands over our eyes.

    Let's set our legs strong.

    Turning to the right

    Let's look majestic.

    And to the left too

    Look from under the palms.

    And to the right and more

    Over the left shoulder.

    Let's spread the legs with the letter L,

    As if in a dance - hands on hips,

    Leaning left, right

    Turns out to fame!

    2. Competition of theoretical questions.

    1. What was the name of our country in the old days?

    2. What is an epic?

    3. How does an epic differ from a fairy tale?

    4. What are the similarities between epic and fairy tales?

    5. Who are the heroes of epics: positive, negative, helpers?

    6. Where and by whom were epics performed?

    7. Who are storytellers?

    8. What Russian heroes do you know?

    At all times, Russian people loved their Motherland. In the name of love for the native side, proverbs, poems and songs were composed. What proverbs about the Motherland do you know?

    3. Competition of proverbs about the motherland and defenders of the Fatherland.

    Do not spare your strength or life for your Motherland.

    Own land and in a handful is sweet.

    On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little funnel.

    Cheek brings success.

    The hero who is a mountain for the Motherland.

    The brave win, the coward dies.

    Stand boldly for a just cause!

    One for all and all for one!

    Die yourself, but save a comrade!

    From your native land - die, do not go!

    To live - to serve the motherland!

    Not the hero who is waiting for a reward, but the hero who goes for the people!

    Who is brave and steadfast, that ten is worth.

    Hard to learn, easy to fight.

    Where there is courage, there is victory.

    Fight courageously - achieve victory!

    For the edge of your native stand to death!

    There is no land more beautiful than our Motherland!

    For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life.

    A man has one mother - one and the Motherland!

    Take care of your beloved land, like a mother dear.

    Whoever is a mountain for the Motherland is a true hero.

    Friendship and brotherhood are more precious than any wealth.

    Russian fighter - a model for everyone

    Not the shooter who shoots, but the one who hits the target

    4. Competition "Connoisseurs of the content of epics."


    4. Who healed Elijah? (Kaliki transitional)

    7. What order did Ilya receive from his father and mother?

    9. Who did the peasants of Chernigov offer to become Ilya?

    10. Where did Nightingale the Robber sit? (near Black Mud near the Smorodinka River on 12 oak trees)

    11. What sounds did the nightingale-robber make?

    12. What did Ilya Muromets hurt the Nightingale the Robber? (right eye and right hand)

    13. Why did the prince not believe Ilya's story about his journey to the capital city of Kyiv?

    14. Why did the Nightingale the Robber refuse to whistle to Prince Vladimir?

    15. Why did Ilya Muromets cut off the head of the Nightingale the Robber?


    1. Where was Dobrynya born? (Ryazan)

    2. What were the names of his parents? (Nikita Romanovich and Afimya Aleksandrovna)

    4. How old was Dobrynya when his father died?

    5. In which river Dobryna did his mother forbid swimming? Why? (Pochay-river)

    6. Where was the lair of the Serpent-Gorynych? (In the Sorochinsky mountains)

    7. What trouble happened to Prince Vladimir? (The serpent Gorynych took his niece fun Putyatichna to the Sorochinsky mountains)

    8. What did his mother give Dobrynya, blessing him to fight with the Serpent Gorynych? (Seven-silk whip and handkerchief)

    For what? (Dry your face with a handkerchief and dry your horse, it will remove all fatigue as if by hand and the strength of you and the horse will triple. Wave a seven-silk whip over the Serpent - he will bow to the damp earth)

    9. How did the battle between Dobrynya and Zmey Gorynych end? (Won and brought Zabava Putyatichna to White light and brought to Kyiv)


    1.Where was Alyosha born? (Rostov)

    2. Why did you get such a nickname? (father cathedral priest Levonty)

    3. Why was it not fun for the guests at the feast of Prince Vladimir at that time? (Tugarin was there)

    4. Why did Alyosha compare Tugarin with Father's cow? (the glutton was yes and burst)

    5. How did nature help Alyosha to defeat Tugarin? (the cloud poured with frequent rain and flooded the fiery wings of Tugarin's horse)

    6. How did the fight between Alyosha and Tugarin end?

    And while the jury is summing up, let's stand in a circle and let's do a round dance - oak worship:

    Here it is! Root it

    To the native land

    Protect from the enemy!

    5. Competition "Connoisseurs of archaisms."

    Explain what these old words and expressions mean:

    Kaliki passable - wanderers

    Endova - drinking bowl

    marvel - wonder

    capital city

    Darkness - dark - a lot

    Do not argue - do not argue

    The straight road was covered up - overgrown with grass

    Wolf food - wolf food

    Warrior warriors

    Basurman is an enemy

    6.Contest of expressive reading of an excerpt from an epic.

    One representative of each team expressively and correctly must read the excerpt from the epic, proposed by the teacher.

    7. Competition of captains.

    And now we will test our captains. I ask the captains to come to me. Your task is to find and underline in this list only the names of heroes.

    On the sheets of paper.

    Ilya Muromets, Tugarin Zmeevich, Vasily Buslaevich, Nikita Romanovich. Moroz Ivanovich, Svyatogor, Vladimir Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Karabas Barabas, Mikula Selyaninovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Mikhailo Potapovich.

    in guessing riddles. But the riddles are not simple, but ancient:

    1) Both you and me

    And the priest, and the cat,

    And at the pike in the sea

    And at the oak tree in the forest. (name)

    2) The potty is smart

      Not winged, but a feather, how it flies,

    4) Built a barn

    For five sheep. (mitten)

    5) Two arapas are siblings,


    Walk with us everywhere

    And we will be protected. (boots)

    6) Two heads, six legs, two arms, one tail. (rider)

    3. Clothing and weapons of the ancient Russian warrior.

    1) Chopping weapon. (sword)

    2) stabbing weapon (spear)

    A story about the clothes and weapons of the hero. The body is wearing chain mail - an iron shirt.

    Why does the rich need it?

    The sword was the main weapon of warriors - heroes and warriors - warriors at that time in Russia. The sword was also called a mace. The sword was a Russian weapon. An oath was sworn on swords, the sword was revered. It was an expensive weapon, it was inherited from father to son. The sword was worn in a sheath so that it would not rust (showing a sword and scabbard made of paper and thick cardboard, decorated with ornaments; the sword was pasted over with foil). The sword hilt and scabbard were decorated with ornaments and patterns. The patterns on the scabbard and hilt of the sword were applied not only for the purpose of decoration, but also in order to help their owner, who wields the sword.

    A conversation about signs, amulets, worship, family tree, rituals.

    Guys, we know that the hilt of the sword and the scabbard for the sword were decorated with ornaments and patterns.

    - What did the sign of the Sun mean on the shield and on the scabbard of the sword. Why exactly this sign of the red-sun was applied to the shield, to the hilts of the sword and to the scabbard.

    The sign of the sun was intended to help the hero repel the blows of the enemy, to keep him alive.

    - What did the signs of vegetation mean: grass, field, tree, ears, grains of wheat?

    If they were decorated with vegetation, then the sword had to be as alive, strong, and help in battle. These signs were also amulets for heroes and warriors - warriors.

    Guys, in ancient Russia the sun had a special reverence. People worshiped the God of the sun - Dazhdbog and the summer God of the sun - Yarila. That is why it was applied to the scabbard and hilt of the sword. And plants are living things. And people in Ancient Russia knew it. It was necessary to fight for their native land and win in order to continue their lineage.

    In order for the weapon (showing the sword) in the hands of the hero to be strong, the heroes turned to God and said:

    “Give, great God, a damask sword on my hands! Share your strength, rage, righteous anger. May the arrows in my hands be as marks as the arrows of fire in your hands.” It was an appeal to the God of heaven, the creator of the universe - Svarog.

    Leaving on a campaign, the heroes bowed to all four sides and read a prayer - a talisman: “I put on the hero's harness. Neither a spear, nor an arrow, nor an enemy will kill me in it. I speak the military man Dobrynya with a strong conspiracy. Chur, the end of the word, the crown of business.

    Going to the service, on a campaign for feats of arms, the heroes asked for blessings from their father, mother, or elder of their kind. Remember how his father Ivan Timofeevich blessed Ilya Muromets: “I bless you for good deeds, but there is no my blessing for bad deeds. Defend the Russian land not for gold, not for self-interest, but for honor, for the glory of the heroic.


      Who is the artist in the painting?

      Where does each of the heroes peer?

      What are the heroes guarding?

      Location of the painting?

      What is the mood of the painting?

      What feelings does it evoke in us?

    These are the heroes who came to the service of Prince Vladimir, nicknamed Vladimir the Red Sun, who ruled in the capital city of Kyiv. But most of all the heroes served the Russian people.

    Russia stands for a century - it does not stagger!




    Quiz; "Russian epic heroes".

    Literary Reading Quiz

    2nd grade

    Topic. "Russian epic heroes".

    Target. To expand children's ideas about epics as a genre of oral folk art.

    GO quiz.

    I. Organizational moment. Topic message.

    Oh you, good fellows and young people! We did not gather for an honorable feast, but for a kind and harmonious conversation, so that we would have peace and harmony and harmony, and our conversation would be conducted in a smooth speech.

    And we will tell you about the epics, about the old people. And all in all there were more than a hundred of them, but they came to us from distant times, they were passed on to our peoples by word of mouth.

    Bylina is a song about Russian heroes, which speaks of the struggle of the Russian people against the conquerors, of the strength of Russian warriors. Guys, guess the names and say: what unites them?

    On the desk:

    bDnyyar kiNichti, chaletApochivoP, Iil rumotsem.

    Children: The names of Russian heroes are encrypted here - Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich and Ilya Muromets.

    U: That's right, these are Russian heroes who performed heroic deeds for the love of their Motherland.

    Sounds "Morning" E. Grieg. The teacher reads a poem.

    You are wide, Russia, on the face of the earth

    Unfolded in royal beauty!

    Do you not have heroic powers,

    Antiquity saint, high-profile feats?

    And there is something for that, mighty Russia,

    love you, call you mother,

    Stand for your honor against the enemy,

    For you in need lay down your head!

    What feelings did this poem evoke in you?

    D: A sense of triumph, pride in their homeland.

    You listened to me, now I will listen to you. What did you prepare at home about the heroes.

    And now we start the quiz "Russian epic heroes."

    We are going on a city tour.

    To begin with, we will fulfill ALL small heroic rite:

    We stood up together - one. Two. Three-

    We are now rich.

    We put our hands over our eyes.

    Let's set our legs strong.

    Turning to the right

    Let's look majestic.

    And to the left too

    Look from under the palms.

    And to the right and more

    Over the left shoulder.

    Let's spread the legs with the letter L,

    As if in a dance - hands on hips,

    Leaning left, right

    Turns out to fame!

    1. City of theoretical questions.

    1. What is an epic?

    2. who are the heroes of epics: positive. Negative. Assistants?

    3.Where and by whom were epics performed?

    4. Who are storytellers? (Keepers of Russian antiquity, carriers historical memory people)

    5. What Russian heroes do you know?

    At all times, Russian people loved their Motherland. In the name of love for the native side, proverbs, poems and songs were composed. What proverbs about the Motherland do you know?

    2. City of proverbs about the motherland and defenders of the Fatherland.

    How do you understand these proverbs?

    Where friendship is valued, there the enemies tremble.

    Not the shooter who shoots, but the one who hits the target.

    3. City "Connoisseurs of the content of epics."

    Epics make us remember our heroic ancestors, experience, feel a sense of pride in our Motherland, a sense of respect for its past, a desire to defend our native land.


    1.Where was Ilya Muromets born? (Karacharovo village near Murom)

    2. What were the names of his father and mother? (Ivan Timofeevich. Efrosinya Yakovlevna)

    3. What trouble happened to Ilya?

    4. Who healed Elijah?

    5. What order did the wanderers give to Ilya?

    6. How did Ilya raise his horse?

    8. Where was Elijah's first battle? (Under the city of Chernigov)

    Guys, in ancient Russia, oak was considered a family tree. Leaving on a campaign, the heroes approached the oak, took with them a leaf and a handful of their native land. This custom of taking a handful of earth with you has survived to this day from those distant times from our ancestors.

    Oak is a mighty tree, it was revered in Russia for its vitality, it gave strength to people, it was worshiped and saluted.

    let's do a round dance - oak worship:

    We had an oak tree (Squatting, the children slowly rise, pull their hands up.)

    Here it is! Root it

    That's so deep! (Bend down, showing the root.)

    Its leaves are so wide! (Spread your arms to the sides.)

    Its branches - That's so high! (Hands up.)

    Ah, you are an oak-oak, you are powerful. (Slowly raise clasped hands up.)

    In the wind you, oak, creaky. (Shaking hands.)

    Give me strength, courage, kindness, ( Right hand on the heart.)

    To the native land

    Protect from the enemy!

    4. City "Connoisseurs of archaisms."

    Explain what these old words and expressions mean:

    Pal to scorch - burn cut down trees

    Endova - drinking bowl

    marvel - wonder

    Darkness - dark - a lot

    military service - military service

    Warrior warriors

    Basurman is an enemy

    5. City "Names of Heroes"

    Your task is to find on the board and name only the names of the heroes in this list.

    On the sheets of paper.

    Ilya Muromets, Tugarin Zmeevich, Vasily Buslaevich, Nikita Romanovich. Moroz Ivanovich, Svyatogor, Vladimir Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, Karabas Barabas, Mikula Selyaninovich, Dobrynya Nikitich, Mikhailo Potapovich.

    6. City of "Mysteries"

    Let's play one of the favorite amusements of the heroes -

    in solving riddles. But the riddles are not simple, but ancient:

    1) Both you and me

    And the priest, and the cat,

    And at the pike in the sea

    And at the oak tree in the forest. (name)

    2) The potty is smart

    Seven holes in it. (human head)

    3) Not winged, but a feather, how it flies,

    So whistles, and sits, so silent. (arrow)

    4) Built a barn

    For five sheep. (mitten)

    5) Two arapas are siblings,


    Walk with us everywhere

    And we will be protected. (boots)

    3. Clothing and weapons of the ancient Russian warrior.

    1) Chopping weapon. (sword)

    2) stabbing weapon (spear)

    3) Weapons for defeating at a great distance. (Bow and arrows)

    4) Armor made of metal plates (armor)

    5) Heroic headdress (helmet)

    6) Shirt made of metal rings (chain mail)

    The body is wearing chain mail - an iron shirt.

    Why does the rich need it?

    She protected the heroes from blows of spears, arrows and swords. The chain mail weighed 7 kilograms.

    2. What is worn on the heads of heroes?

    In Russia it was called a shell. The helmet was made of metal, it was decorated with an ornament, a pattern. And who was richer, decorated the helmet with gilding, silver plates. The helmet protected the head of the warrior - the hero from blows.

    3. What other armor do the heroes have?

    Shields, bow, quiver with arrows, flail, club, ax, sword - mace.

    The sword was the main weapon of warriors - heroes and warriors - warriors at that time in Russia. The sword was a Russian weapon. An oath was sworn on swords, the sword was revered. It was an expensive weapon, it was inherited from father to son. The sword hilt and scabbard were decorated with ornaments and patterns. The patterns on the scabbard and hilt of the sword were applied not only for the purpose of decoration, but also in order to help their owner, who wields the sword.

    In order for the weapon in the hands of the hero to be strong, the heroes turned to God.

    Leaving on a campaign, the heroes bowed to all four sides and read a prayer - a talisman.

    Going to the service, on a campaign for feats of arms, the heroes asked for blessings from their father, mother, or elder of their kind.

    And strong, mighty heroes in Glorious Russia!

    Do not jump enemies on our land,

    Do not trample their horses on the Russian land,

    Do not overshadow our red sun.

    Russia stands for a century - it does not stagger!

    And it will stand for centuries, it will not move!

    Lesson summary:

    What new did you learn about the heroes?

    Do you have those from the family who look like heroes?

    Homework: Write a story about the qualities and character of heroes.


    QUIZ ON THE THEME "EPIC" | Doc4web.ru


      What type of literature are epics?

      Define the epic genre.

      Match the names of epics with cycles.

      What event corresponds to the climax of the epic?

      Quarrel between the hero and the prince

      The duel of the hero in which he wins

      Feast at the prince

      Define hyperbole.

      Determine from which epic the fragment is taken:

    Is there an oratay-oratayushko

    I quilted the silk beetles,

    Turned the mare out of the bipod.

    They got on good horses, drove off,

    How her tail spreads out,

    And her mane curls.

    The horned mare walked with a step ...

      "Dobrynya and the Serpent"

      "Volkh Vseslavevich"

      "Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich"

      Choose examples of the use of hyperbole.

      "clear field", "feather grass", "good horse"

      "to fly like a falcon to him under the shell"

      "robber peasants, put them up to a thousand"

      What city could not be mentioned in epics?


      Match the nouns and adjectives to make permanent epithets.

      Clean (clean) squad

      Violent (violent) field

      Good (good) little head

    10. In which epic are reflected moral ideals Russian people: the glorification of peaceful labor, skill, diligence, physical strength, self-esteem, kindness and honor?

      For what purpose does Volga Svyatoslavich set off on his journey?

    12. What was the first feat performed by Ilya Muromets? ( defeated the army near Chernigov)

      From Chernigov to Kyiv, Ilya Muromets went along a straight road. How many miles did he have to travel along it? (500 miles)

      What is the patronymic of Ilya Muromets.

      Which epic has such an ending:

    And here they sing glory to Ilya,

    And glory is sung to him century after century!

    (Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber»

    15. Who did the Chernigov peasants offer to stay with Ilya Muromets in their city? (voivode)

    16. Answering a question from Prince Vladimir, Ilya Muromets says: "I am an old Cossack and Ilya Muromets, Ilya Muromets and son Ivanovich." And whose son was the Nightingale the Robber? ( Odikhmancy "The Nightingale the Robber Sits, Odikhmant's son")


    Test: Thematic test in literature, grade 5. Bylina "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"

    Designed to test the assimilation of the theme "Epic" Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber ". It is carried out after the completion of its study. The test has 10 questions and 4 possible answers, one of which is correct.

    Literature grade 5 |

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    Obtaining a certificate
    about passing the test


    Verification test on the epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” in grade 6

    1. From what word did the name "epic" come from?

    A) byl. B) Bylinit. B) Former.

    2. Give an exact definition of the epic:

    a) a work of oral folk art of a fantastic or everyday nature;

    b) a work of folklore that combines the real and the fantastic;

    c) a work of oral poetry about heroes and historical events in Ancient Russia.

    3. How were epics performed?

    A) They were told. b) They were told. C) They were sung.

    4. What is the main idea of ​​the epics?

    A) Defense of the Russian land. B) Love for a Russian woman.

    C) The relationship of the hero and nature.

    5. Where did Ilya Muromets stand for "Minning"?

    A) in Kyiv. B) in Murom. C) in Chernihiv.

    6. What does the word "matins" mean?

    A) breakfast. B) Dawn. B) morning church service.

    7. What tree did the Nightingale the Robber choose for an ambush?

    A) tall pine. B) Centenary oak. B) black spruce. D) crooked birch.

    8. By which river did the Nightingale the Robber sit?

    A) near the Dnieper. B) Currant. B) Sozha. D) Near the Moscow River.

    9. What prevented the horse of Ilya Muromets from galloping?

    A) rotten stumps. B) withered trunks. C) fallen trees.

    10. How long did it take the Russian bogatyr to defeat the “great silushka” and capture the Nightingale the Robber?

    a) He spent about two or three hours.

    B) It took him as much time as the service lasted.

    11. Who helped Ilya Muromets overcome the "great power"?

    A) a horse. B) Nobody. C) Nightingale the Robber.

    12. Whose son was the Nightingale the Robber?

    A) Orazmurad's son. B) Odikhmantiev's son. C) Rakhmatov's son.

    13. Who and to whom says the following words: “You are full of tears and fathers and mothers ...”?

    A) Nightingale the Robber to Ilya Muromets. B) Prince Ilya Muromets.

    C) Ilya Muromets to the Nightingale the Robber.

    14. Why did Ilya Muromets cut off the “violent head” of the Nightingale the Robber?

    A) Ilya was angry that the prisoner violated his order.

    B) The hero realized that the Nightingale would not stop harming people.

    C) Ilya succumbed to a fit of anger at the sight of the dead people of Kiev.

    15. Pick up epithets for the following nouns:

    A) path A) capital

    B) ground B) wide

    B) field B) murmured

    D) chamber D) kind

    D) Kyiv-grad D) raw

    E) silushka E) white stone

    Yo) raven Yo) glorious

    G) track G) heroic

    Z) well done Z) upright

    I) horse I) great

    J) black

    16. By lexical meaning define concepts.

    B) Lunch

    C) The temple is...

    AT) Azure

    D) Filling up the road with the trunks of dried trees is ...

    G) Matins

    e) The morning church service is…

    E) Sky blue coloring, the color of a clear sky is ...


    Y) The road is overgrown with grass - this is ...

    Yo) Zamuravela

    AND) stab

    H) brag

    GOOD LUCK!!!