Chicano style in tattoo meaning. Religion towards Chicano. Historical roots of style

Chicano style tattoo- the brainchild of the last century, a true old school. This style originated in the 1940s among the Hispanic population of the United States. In those days, the influence of street gangs on culture was quite serious. Becoming popular in numerous urban ghettos, the style gradually went beyond the criminal environment and became a global trend.


Chicano - tattoos that were originally stuffed with members of criminal gangs as a distinctive wearable sign. The tattoo showed belonging to a particular gang. Distinctive feature Tattoos of that time can be considered rudeness and ease of application. Such tattoos were stuffed with black or blue ink and a sewing needle.

Today, the Chicano style has evolved somewhat, but has retained its authenticity. The peculiarity of the style is the clarity of the lines and the use of one color in the composition. However, today you will not be accused of bad taste if you stuff a multi-colored Chicano. Adherents of this school have a democratic attitude towards experiments.


The name Chicano comes from the eponymous ethnic group of Hispanic Catholics who once lived in several southern American states. Representatives of this Latin American ethnic group lived very poorly, and it was in this environment that the ideology of the Chicano style was formed. Unfortunately, accurate interpretations of Chicano philosophy have not come down to us today. But we can learn something about this by studying the subject of Latin American tattoos.

A Chicano style tattoo usually depicts:

  • Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary;
  • Crosses;
  • Phrases and mottos.

The theme may seem somewhat gloomy at first glance. But if you look at all this through the prism of the street romance of the guys from the Mexican gangs, you can understand the essence of the Chicano style.

Male and female tattoos

Of course, Chicano is a pronounced masculine style, since it originated in a rather aggressive male environment. This genre is preferred by guys who are not alien to the bold beliefs of street romantics. There are many representatives of hip-hop culture among Chicano fans. It is these people that can be called a typical "target audience" for such tattoos.

However, some girls also have a soft spot for Chicanos. On graceful female body such tattoos look especially unusual. Such a tattoo makes it clear that you are not dealing with an “obedient” girl. So girls who have chosen a similar lifestyle for themselves will not be able to miss the opportunity to provoke society with a brutal tattoo in the Chicano style.


There are not so many bright adherents of the Chicano style among celebrities, but certain elements of the genre are present on the body:

  • Travis Barker;
  • Eminem.

As for the typical Chicano-style fonts, they are actively used by tattoo fans, especially when applying philosophical aphorisms and quotes to the body.

Chicano tattoo is an original and original style that is in great demand among men. The drawings not only emphasize male (sometimes not the best) features, but also reflect the life principles and moral values ​​of a person. From this article, you will learn what meaning these tattoos have, as well as what are the characteristic features of a Chicano style tattoo.

Style history

The history of the Chicano style began in the United States in the 40s of the twentieth century among Hispanics. According to one version, the name of the style is derived from mexicano. According to another version, the word comes from the name of the people of the same name, who lived on the territory of America in the 16th-17th centuries in Texas, California and New Mexico.

In those days, racial discrimination acquired universal proportions. People with dark skin were subjected to humiliation and could only do the dirtiest and lowest paid jobs. Barely making ends meet, they were forced to engage in criminal activities in order to support themselves and their families. Since it was not possible to defend their interests alone, the Latinos began to form groups and gangs.

Chicano tattoos showed belonging to a particular community. Tattoos reflected the principles, moral values ​​and foundations of the gang. Despite their criminal activities, people still believed in God and belonged to the Catholic Church. Sketches of tattoos were transferred to other prisoners in prison, so Chicano-style tattoos were considered an attribute of bandits and convicts. With the development of the art of underwear painting, tattoos have lost their original meaning and have become a popular decoration among ordinary citizens.

Main plots

Chicano tattoos reflect the life philosophy of a person - faith in justice and in God, the futility of being and the transience of life. The style of the tattoo suggests dark and sometimes ominous images, echoing the "Dance of Death". Let's take a look at the most popular Chicano style tattoo designs.

  1. Drawings on a religious theme: the faces of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, St. Lucas quotes from the Bible and crosses. If earlier such tattoo sketches were the prerogative of prisoners, today they are an amulet for many believing Mexicans. The Chicano-style sleeve with the image of the saint looks very impressive, as well as the pattern on the back.
  2. For a Chicano tattoo, girls (or rather, their images) are a typical motif. Men who were in places not so remote needed women's love and affection, so they often perpetuated the images of their beloved and simply beautiful women. The image of Saint Santissima, which is better known as Santa Muerte - Holy Death, is also popular. She is easily recognizable by her painted skull or sewn up lips. A sleeve tattoo or a Chicano pattern on the shoulder is also protective amulet and symbolizes the frailty of life.
  3. Chicano tattoo suggests the presence of inscriptions that can be applied separately or included in the composition. Basically, these are mottos, oaths, quotes, names or memorable dates. A similar tattoo on the neck or a tattoo on the hand is also suitable for girls.

You can look at the best tattoo photos in the Chicano style on the arm in the gallery and choose the right option.


In the absence of the necessary supplies and professional equipment, several decades ago, a Chicano design on the shoulder or a tattoo on the forearm was applied with a needle and black ink. Traditional Chicano sketches have survived to this day. The Chicano style tattoo is done in black and shades of gray. Sometimes red, green or brown can be added to the composition. The main thing is to maintain conciseness and rigor of images. Chicano tattoo designs usually look like sketches and convey the emotions and thoughts of the wearer.

Chicano skulls on the shoulder are a popular pattern among fans of the style. Mexicans consider him a real talisman and amulet. They believe that the skull is a container for the souls of deceased relatives and ancestors. Images of money, pistols, Chicano-style cards on the shoulder are also favorite attributes of the composition of this direction.

A selection of photos on video

Who will suit

Chicano is suitable for anyone who adheres to a similar life philosophy: life is one, and death will overtake everyone. You must always act according to your conscience, because sooner or later retribution will come. Female images, of course, are the prerogative of men, but a sketch with Santa Muerte can be chosen by a girl who loves brutal compositions. The Chicano pattern on the leg symbolizes a lack of faith in the future or a reminder of the past. A sketch for a tattoo with a woman holding a gun speaks of the aggressiveness of the owner. A photo of a girl with a bandage over her mouth is chosen by silent persons and those who have something to hide. The Chicano pattern on the thigh is also sometimes chosen as an original body decoration.

For men, this style is a way to demonstrate strength and ability to stand up for themselves. The gloomy and frightening Chicano tattoos are loved by representatives of street subcultures, the so-called bad boys. Such drawings favorably emphasize male reliefs on the leg for those who are in good physical shape. There are many fans of this style famous people. Rapper Eminem, actor Danny Trejo and musician Travis Barker have Chicano tattoos on their arms.

Tattoo style video

Photo selection

Sketches of tattoos

Chicano tattoo meaning

Tattoos in style Chicano appeared around the 1940s. The style was popular among Hispanics. Initially, tattoos were made exclusively by members of gangs and groups in order to show belonging to a particular gang. Compared to today's tattoo machines, tattoos were applied in a barbaric way - with a needle and ink.
Thanks to this style of tattooing, the main features of the Chicano style were identified, namely:

Sharp lines
No bright complementary colors

The Chicano are an ethnic group that lived in the United States around the 16th and 17th centuries. Then the group split into several more ethnic groups that settled in the territory of the future Colorado, New Mexico, Texas and Arizona. The meaning of the word "Chicano" has not yet been deciphered and no data has been preserved about what it meant.

At that time, tattoos were only done in black or blue color. Nowadays we can add bright colors and this will not be considered a departure from the canonical style.

The Chicano represented the poorest niche in society. They performed the hardest and dirtiest work, were persecuted, as well as racially discriminated against. Society did not take them into account and they eked out a difficult, poor existence, with the absence of any rights and freedoms. But still, the Chicanos were able to bring culture to our time.

The images of Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary and St. Lucas are considered the traditional pattern for the Chicano. Their phrases also come up. The Chicano style developed further, and around the 50s, images of Santa Muerte appeared, which came from a religious cult in Latin America. Tattoos that use the faces of women stylized as the face of death can be safely attributed to the Chicano style.

Although this style looks rather gloomy, especially if performed in a story with Santa Muerte, the meaning of a Chicano style tattoo lies in more elevated purposes. Love for the family loyalty to the community. The worship of a religious cult, the unity of faith in Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary.

Below are examples of work in this style.

Chicano is one of the most recognizable styles in contemporary art tattoos. These works are bright and catchy, although you will not see a riot of colors in them, and the history of the style is very dramatic, although it has less than a century. Women's and men's tattoos rations Chicanos can now be seen quite often, and far beyond their historical homeland.

Historical roots of style

The word “Chicano” itself is nothing more than a distorted “mexicano”. It was used to refer to Hispanics who settled the US Southwest in the 16th and 19th centuries during the Spanish colonization. After the end of the Mexican-American War, the northern part of Mexico was annexed by the United States, as a result of which about 50,000 Hispanic Catholics who lived on this land ended up in the United States.

Their position in the "land of opportunity" at that time did not promise any colorful prospects. Due to the significant admixture of Indian and African blood, differences in language and religion, Chicanos could not become full-fledged members of the society of white Anglo-Saxon settlers, who subjected them to various forms of discrimination. Writer Anna Castillo, who is a representative of the Chicanos, very succinctly and accurately described their life: “to be a Chicano is to be a black marginal who was treated like a foreigner in his own home.” Indeed, these people were discriminated against, persecuted, charged with only the most menial work, for which no one else simply did not want to take on.

At times, the situation of the Chicanos was so difficult that they had no other choice but to earn a living through illegal methods. The first male Chicano tattoos appeared in the 40s of the last century among the representatives of criminal groups. Some drawings served as distinctive signs indicating belonging to a particular gang, others were designed to demonstrate to others certain qualities and merits of the owner, and others were amulets. Such tattoos have become associated with the underworld and imprisonment.

Chicano tattoo images

The meaning of a Chicano style tattoo depends on the symbols and images that are present in the composition. This direction is so recognizable not only due to the technique of execution, but also due to the characteristic plots.

  • Women's portraits. Portraits in the Chicano style are difficult to confuse with any other. They depict not just young lovely ladies, but daring beauties with a defiant look, often with weapons in their hands and faces hidden under masks. Such images are most often only decorative and require a lot of space, so portraits are placed mainly on the hip, shoulder, back or chest.
  • Weapon. This is one of the most eloquent symbols of criminal romance, an essential attribute of the underworld. Now that the Chicano style has ceased to be the prerogative of Mexican gangs, the image of a gun indicates a strong personality who is able to stand up for himself, protect his interests at any cost. Works with pistols and money, masks, skulls on the forearm or shoulder look good.
  • Money. When Chicanos were discriminated against and could not earn enough honestly to feed their families, it was money that caused most of the crime. The image of banknotes can become a talisman that attracts wealth to the life of the owner of the tattoo.
  • Religion. - one of the most frequent plots of tattoos in the Chicano style. Life in difficult conditions can one day break a person, make him completely lose hope for a brighter future and faith in his abilities. Many people, getting into difficult life situations, find salvation in religion, faith gives them strength to continue their difficult path. Images of angels, hands folded in prayer, a rosary or a small cross around the neck well reflect the essence of this style.
  • masks. Another popular element of Chicano tattoos. - a symbol of pretense, secrecy, often for the sake of their own safety. Such work will indicate a person who guards his secrets like the apple of his eye.
  • Cards. gambling have always been a great way to make money. Their image is suitable for a person who is not afraid to take risks.
  • inscriptions. Tattoos with inscriptions were originally designed to support their owner during imprisonment, to remind him that he is loved and expected in the wild, to help not lose faith. Now such works can contain any phrases made in a typical Chicano font.
  • . The modern cult of death, widespread in the territory

    Mexico and among Hispanics in the United States, is rooted in antiquity. Similar cults associated with death and rebirth, reverence for ancestors, were still among the Aztecs and Mayans. In those ancient times, when these tribes built their majestic cities in Mexico, the skulls of deceased relatives were even kept in their homes as a sign of respect. The modern holiday Dia de los Muertos, dedicated to the commemoration of the dead, absorbed the traditions of the Indians with an admixture of Catholicism.

It takes place on a grand scale and is even included in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List. Very beautiful tattoos in the Chicano style, depicting girls whose faces are traditionally painted like a skull, have become a real hallmark of this style.

Chicano today

Now, both male and female Chicano tattoos have lost their negative symbolism associated with crime and prison, and have become one of the most popular destinations. If earlier they were applied to the skin with a sewing needle in some basement, now in any large city there are experienced and talented craftsmen working in this direction.

On the Internet, you can find a huge number of Chicano tattoo designs for girls and guys, from which you can draw inspiration for your own tattoo idea. Despite the fact that traditionally only black paint was used in such works, a tattoo is not an art form that requires strict adherence to the canons. However, if you overdo it with paints, the drawing may lose its zest. It is enough to make only a few bright accents, and you will become the owner of an original and bright tattoo.

Photo chicano tattoo

For girls

girl and skull


On the hand




On the foot

On the back


"Chicano" is a Mexican word. If you translate it, it will turn out - "Hispanics from the USA."

That is, the tattoos were developed by Mexicans living in the states. We are talking not only about the recently moved, but about the flow of immigrants, which began several centuries ago.

The term "Chicano" appeared even then. direction was formed in the middle of the last century.

Traditions were laid down by Hispanics serving time in US prisons. At hand were only ordinary needles and ink.

Therefore, to this day, chicano tattoo performed exclusively in color and its shades.

But, what is the meaning of the tattoos invented by the criminals? Are such pictures suitable for good citizens, not Mexicans? Let's figure it out.

The Meaning of a Chicano Tattoo

Chicano style tattoo is true faith, no matter what. Gangsters of Hispanic origin went to crime, but did not abandon religion.

Most of the criminals explained the choice of the sinful path by the difficult living conditions. Obeying them, the Mexicans continued to obey God.

Being Christians, gangsters hung houses with icons of Jesus, Virgin Mary, visited churches. This is how things stand now.

So, chicano tattoo sketches which are dedicated to religion, are suitable for any believer.

The black and white style of tattoos is a classic, there is nothing shameful in it. Biblical themes are signs of faith and spiritual purity, whatever life may be.

The woman is another of the main characters chicano tattoo. girls are usually depicted naked.

Hispanics are hot, and in prison they only had to dream of caressing the opposite sex.

It is not surprising that the object of dreams was transferred to the body. The sailors used to do the same.

The meaning of tattoos with girls is simple - beauty, the traditional orientation of the wearer, his love of love.

Although, if the image of a particular lady is drawn, the picture may also indicate a monogamous, devoted to his chosen one.

Among chicano tattoo, photo which are many on the network, are often found.

In addition to being black, they are always either mottos or oaths.

Hispanic prisoners are not philosophical. The goal is to remind yourself of the important, to swear to fulfill the vows.

The bodies display the dates of the birth of children, or the death of loved ones. Gangsters wrote when they joined this or that group.

With the help of tattoos, they swore love to women. The meaning of such messages is straightforward. Hidden meaning there is no need to search here.

Chicano tattoo meaning which is definitely connected with the underworld - its attributes.

With their help, the Mexicans indicated the nature of their activity. Drug dealers painted drugs.

Schullers depicted playing dice and cards. The killers pierced their weapons. These are symbols of the underworld.

And the application, especially in the Chicano technique, carries an unequivocal message of aggression, a criminal environment.

Chicano tattoo for men

Considering the history of the style, it is preferably masculine. With the help of the Chicano, many Mexicans express their loyalty to the community and lineage.

So does, for example, Danny Trejo. This is a famous actor. Given the peculiar appearance, the nationality of the man, he gets the roles of a negative plan, mainly of Hispanics.

Trejo is one of Tarantino's favorites. Danny has 6 scale in style Chicano. Tattoo on the arm- A woman in a sombrero.

There is a picture with Jesus, the names of the actor's children. Recognize positions from the list of basic Chicano looks?

Chicano Lettering Tattoo usually applied by men. They also choose the symbols of the underworld. They are also symbols of death.

The general meaning of the tattoos of the direction is the inevitability of being, its futility. Few girls want to remind themselves of this.

Styling also scares them off Chicano. Tattoo "Professional" and others offer sketches based on black, with gray gradients.

In almost every picture there are tears flowing down faces, or. This scares the fairer sex.

However, for some of them, the mood of Chicano tattoos is close. Consider female variations of images.

Chicano tattoo for women

Chicano style, tattoo sketches attracts ladies with their own portraits. If men apply female images to emphasize craving for them, then the girls choose sketches to convey their emotional state.

The black and white scale, sad faces, traces of battles indicate sadness, that the woman has gone through a lot.

Chicano tattoos are requested as a reminder of the past, or as a sign of disbelief in a better future.

Using the symbols of the gangster world, ladies can show their willingness to defend themselves.

For example, a girl with a gun speaks about her. A bandage around the mouth indicates that the lady has something to hide or that she is not allowed to speak.

Popular in Mexico Chicano Sleeve Tattoo and other images from . They are not afraid, but are considered receptacles for the souls of ancestors and protective attributes.

Latin Americans believe that paintings with skulls on the body drive away death from a person. What is the point of her taking the soul from an already dead body.

This is how an old woman with a scythe perceives bodies covered with an image.

This philosophy has become close to many people around the world, including women. They transfer skulls to the bodies in order to prolong life, protect themselves and their families.

Chicano girl tattoo sketches chosen because of the abundance of gray tones. There are many directions, for example,.

But, they are in contrast. Black is taken saturated, there are almost no halftones. Chicano, on the other hand, is more relaxed, which women like.

In prison conditions, using primitive paints and needles, it is not easy to achieve contrast in pictures.

Here is the historical background of the features of applying Chicano tattoos. Girls, on the other hand, are attracted not so much by history as by a certain blur, tenderness and mystery of images.

In addition, among them there are many drawings of a religious nature, and religion is not divided by gender. There are believers among both men and women.