Tattooed girls are very heavily. Classification of tattooed girls

Once in the summer on the street, I looked around and saw: tattooed girls are everywhere! This discovery struck me: I somehow missed the moment when the tattoo was no longer considered an attribute of punks, bikers, sailors, prisoners and rock stars - in a word, all people who do not fit into the concept of "norm". I see tattoos on blondes, brunettes, redheads and girls with incredible hair colors. I see tattoos on non-formals and women's customs. I see tattoos on female students, girls with higher education and girls without it. I see tattoos on girls who still have milk on their lips, and on respectable forty-year-old ladies. It finally dawned on me: if we, the generation of cardigans and boaters, have made the tattoo an integral part of our lives, then it has become the norm. I remember I liked the line from the song: "Ordinary people do fucked-up things when fucked-up things become ordinary", which translates as "Ordinary people do crazy things when crazy things become ordinary." That's what happened with tattoos.

Remember the old Suicide Girls who posted photos of naked tattooed girls? In the distant zero, this was a new trend and an object of fap for everyone who was at least a little “in the know”, and now SG has become for everyone like another Playboy. Tattoos have become commonplace for women, and tattooed women, like any phenomenon, can be classified.

Tattooed girl - who is she?

1. Hipster girl with quality tattoos

For starters, the look. Contrastingly dyed hair with a transition to another color, absolutely any: both natural chestnut or red, and blue, pink, green, etc. The Internet suggests that this color is called "ombre". Bang. Red lipstick. She has career ambitions and opportunities to bring them to life, so she carefully considers each new tattoo so as not to be an eyesore to employers. This girl is all freaky and does "only things she likes" with no regard for what's #fashionable. Of course, "trends are just organically woven into her views," but the tattoo for her is "something more than a tribute to fashion."

To be honest, looking at her tattoos is nice, because she has a well-developed sense of style. You can even ask why she stuffed this or that image - there is probably a whole story behind it. Here you will hear a lot about tattooists, about prices and actually about the reasons. The closer you are to the capitals, the more such ladies are around.

2. Girl “because it’s fashionable” and “now I will explain why my tattoos are special”

Looking at her, you immediately remember Miley Cyrus. Here googling for the sake of interest. She also has tattoos. Please! The finished portrait of our heroine. She's practically Miley. In everything.

An untrained eye cannot distinguish her from a hipster, but by nature she is more a sheep than a shepherd. She has a lot more social media friends than real life friends, and will inevitably regret her tattoos the next time fashion takes a drastic turn. Her tattoos are a hodgepodge of all the fads, a failed attempt at being original. She is very greedy for trends and trends, which is the exact opposite of the very essence of tattoo culture.

Having stuffed a good quote on herself, she did not become a connoisseur of literature. What's the quote, by the way? The girl just wants to fit in. She wears only what is now fashionable, and instead of going away with age, this nonsense will remain with her for life, entering her skin along with ink.

However, I got carried away and poured too much bile. Sometimes the tattoos of these girls look good when they are made by real masters in the right place. However, not every tattoo of this girl has to mean something cool or nice. You can think less about the meaning and just apply a beautiful and unusual pattern to the skin - for example, a large red rose on the thigh. Why? "I love red and roses." And all things.

3. Mad punk

Surely she has a tattoo in the form of the Black Flag logo - for some reason, everyone who hits him is very fond of beating him on himself. Girls like that get tattoos on themselves because... why the hell not?

To care as little as possible about the opinions of others - this is the credo of any punk rocker. Like “I had a strange dream yesterday, there was some kind of creepy creature, perhaps I’ll stuff it on my chest.”

These girls even have whole sleeves! The tougher the better. Everyone sees her tattoos: both the future employer and her boyfriend's grandmother - because this body painting relentlessly climbs into the eyes. It doesn't matter what your sleeve is made of: even from cat muzzles, you are still a tough punk! A very unique type.

4. Pinapersha

I honestly don't know why pinup has become so popular. In my opinion it shouldn't exist. All these painted moles, curled bangs on half a head, plaid shirts tied on the stomach, bandanas on the head with a knot forward - all these young ladies look alike. Maybe the whole thing is in the environment of my acquaintances - I come across girls raving about pin-up with enviable regularity.

What do you have there? Diamonds? Swallows? Asterisks? The inscription “Sink or swim”? Virgo? Yes, now tell me how original it is. On the one hand, I’m even ready to understand this: a classic of the genre, it’s impossible not to guess and choose a bad plot or a bad sketch. On the other hand, why play these games when you are in your twenties and in front of you big life? A subculture for older girls, an attempt to escape from reality and search for an artificial identity.

I acknowledge my subjectivity. I don't expect everyone to agree with me.

5. A girl with a zipper or inscription on the ribs

She is either already under 30, or she forgot herself in the nineties and for some reason got such a tattoo, being now twenty years old. If she is many years old, most likely she used to actively hang out and filled herself with this treasure to be in trend when it was in trend. Now she is either too lazy to reduce this tattoo with a laser, or she is sorry for the money.

Yes, in the nineties she felt like a fish in water. She wore low-waisted jeans with thongs sticking out of them, and short tops, sparkling with her then toned belly. It is for such clothes that the nazhopnik is designed.

I have a friend who is a tattoo artist who used to get very frustrated that he has to beat tribals on women's lower backs day after day. He told me about another trend: now the ribs have been replaced by cocksuckers. The trend is short inscriptions in English, made in handwritten font. I feel that in ten years they will be perceived in exactly the same way.

6 Experimenter

Her experiment is nothing new in the tattoo world. This is a personal experiment on yourself. One day it occurred to her to get a tattoo. She suffered for a long time, choosing, and finally settled on some ordinary sketch. Then she got a tattoo somewhere where it is not very visible, and the happy one lives on without making a cult out of this. A butterfly or a heart with “Love kills slowly” written on the shoulder blade is a good example. Such girls did not want to shock anyone and stand out with the help of body painting. They did it, satisfied their curiosity, and that's it. Nothing interesting, but nothing bad either. Ordinary lady. Maybe a little boring and with mediocre musical taste.

7. Inhabitant of the mysterious forest

She looks restrained, but pleasant: natural-colored hair, flared dresses without deep cutouts or tight jeans with a spacious jacket, under which a thin silhouette is guessed. It is even strange that girls of the same type even dress in a similar vein. Her tattoos are black graceful images, most often on the wrists or close to the cervical vertebrae. Cute bird figurines, branches without leaves, outlines of trees, small patterns resembling dill umbrellas - this is the choice of these ladies. They make a good impression, but can be as light as the fabric of their flying dress. Too light. Fans of Frederic Begbeder and Francoise Sagan, fans of Britpop groups - someone even considers this a virtue.

1. Elena Smirnova

I have 2 tattoos in total. I made the first one 4 years ago in the style of "Old school". Decided I wanted an hourglass tattoo. The passion for Pelevin played a role. I like a quote from his work: “The hourglass strikes silence, so it beats eternity all the time.” And the second tattoo on the back, made according to the work of Exupery " The little Prince". They did it for a long time, for two years, but in March they just completed it. Now he is with me forever. It turns out that I'm just a book lover. This is the reason for the choice of sketches. Why did you decide to decorate? Hmm... I don't even know, probably, it can be compared with the rite of initiation, the transition to adulthood. It's different for everyone, but that's how it is for me. I find it beautiful, I love tattoo art.

2. Nadezhda Purtova

I have one tattoo - this is the zodiac sign Pisces. I did it last year, but the desire appeared a long time ago, 10 years ago. That's how? There is no particular explanation. The desire to stand out - no. It's more for teenagers. Probably the most accurate version of how the desire to get a tattoo appeared is for yourself. And only for myself. I wanted to and did it, for a long time, of course, I was going to. I could not decide on a master who could draw a sketch. The fact that it will be fish, I always knew. Then I accidentally saw the work of Anatoly Berezinsky. We coordinated the sketch for a long time, after which we began to work. I think tattoo art is beautiful. Now there are thoughts to do more, but there are no ideas yet.

3. Valentina Bondar

I got my first tattoo 4 years ago. It's like something in my head clicks: "I want a tattoo!" And you go and do. The place for the future tattoo is usually already outlined in the head. After clicking, the most difficult thing is to figure out what kind of pattern you want to see on your body. Since this was my first tattoo, and I didn’t know anything about it, I just found a sketch on the net, having shoveled the floor of the Internet before that. My first tattoo is on my lower leg. A little man with a guitar is stuffed there, he himself is black, and he has no head, it seems to have exploded, and a lot of bright colors and thoughts come out of it like a fountain. I think for me that means rock music - it's all so dark on the outside, but if you go deeper into it, you can see a lot of bright and unusual things. A year later, I heard that click again. This time it was the back. Since I didn’t find anything suitable on the net, I told my master in words, and he transferred the image from my head to paper, and then to my back. Here I have the characters of the computer game "Mortal Kombat" Scorpio and Milena. This universe, loved by me since early childhood. I already know the place of the next tattoo, what will be approximately there - too. So we are waiting for that click. I don't think I'll stop there, I've always liked body modifications, because it's a way to become brighter and more individual. I also have 18 piercings. I myself help people transform. At the moment I work as a piercer in Chita. In the future, I plan to study as a body modifier and work in a large city.

4. Ksenia Chuchulenova

There are 7 tattoos on my body. Most of them are based on my drawings. Of the interesting ones, this is the image of the Sirin bird on the leg and a flower bulb on the arm. I am inspired to create mainly by human anatomy, as well as flora and fauna. The first tattoo appeared on me at the age of 20. And to this day, the desire to do it has not yet disappeared. As a type of body modification, a tattoo has attracted quite a long time.

5. Evgeniya Demidenko

I have always had an interest in tattoos, since childhood I loved to paint my legs with felt-tip pens and glue liners from chewing gum. I made my first tattoo (“partak” with a Celtic pattern) at the age of 18, which I very quickly regretted. The act was reckless and impulsive, there was no time and opportunity to find a good master, get advice and decide on a sketch. However, the desire to decorate one's body has not disappeared, but the approach has become more serious, and the choice of images is conscious. The next tattoo was made already at the age of 25, thanks to Kostya Gryaznov, one of the most common mythopoetic symbols - roses in the style of "black & gray" on the lower leg, covering the scar. A little later, a wise eastern dragon performed by the same master settled down on its side. Then graceful curls appeared on the wrist, for which thanks to Anton Sozinov, who persuaded me to make an abbreviation instead of the banal inscription “in manibus fortuna”. And then I had a desire to apply the image of a mythical bird - a phoenix, and always in color. This was followed by almost two years of painful and painful experiments with the masters, which eventually led me into the hands of Anatoly Berezinsky, who was able not only to complete, but also significantly improve the original sketch. I no longer plan to stop, my body is a canvas for self-expression, and a tattoo is both an art, and an ornament, and a charm that carries a hidden meaning for others.

6. Ekaterina Vrublevskaya

I made my first tattoo as soon as I turned 18, before this age you can do it only with the consent of your parents, and they, of course, were against it. It's been almost 6 years now. Then, as they say, it is contagious, it started: I got a tattoo with a frequency of about 8-10 months. Now there are 10 of them. Most of tattoos do not make any sense to me, I did it simply because I liked the sketch. The other part is the opposite. It makes sense, of course, understandable and known only to me. In the near future I'm just going to finish the sleeve, which I've been doing for 1.5 years. I do not plan to do more yet, but this is only at the moment, no one knows what will happen tomorrow.

I have few tattoos. If we count each separately, then there are 9 of them. I made my first tattoo about 5 years ago, this is a tattoo on my arm in the form of a heart in memory of my dad. The last one was about a month ago. I have always wanted to see tattoos on my body, since my whole family has at least one tattoo. The very first tattoo I got was at the age of 12. It was a name on the heel, because everything is quickly erased on it. I was young and wanted to try it for myself. There are still quite a lot of tattoos in the plans, and there is a lot of space on the body.

8. Olesya Dukhnovskaya

I have 6 tattoos in total. Let someone say that it’s “fu, it’s not beautiful” and “you’re a girl”, but it was my dream, probably from class 9. Once I saw a girl with a tattoo on her arm at the airport and realized that I really WANT to. I got my first tattoo at the age of 19. Friends opened a tattoo parlor in Ulan-Ude and naturally I was in the forefront of clients. The tattoo was in the form of a butterfly with the eye of the god Ra. When I got a tattoo, I chose what I just liked. A few years later, it became interesting what semantic load carries a symbol. I sat in the library for a long time (then the Internet was not so widespread and accessible) and after reading a bunch of literature I found out that I had chosen the right picture on a subconscious level. The love for tattoos will not go away and at least one more tattoo is planned. Do not be afraid to do what you dream about, no matter how bold your dreams are, they must be fulfilled.

There has long been a debate about how much girls need tattoos, why get them at all, and what do men still love - natural beauty or unusualness? Of course, everyone decides for himself - to leave his natural beauty or decorate the body with intricate ornaments.

Considering the tattoo from an aesthetic point of view, it's hard not to notice how it emphasizes the curves. female body. Delicate weaves of patterns seem to be a continuation of the body, forcing you to pay attention to it.

Like any lacy lingerie, tattoos can barely reveal a girl's secret, directing the eye to where modesty ends. We offer you to look at a selection of beautiful girls of tattoo models, whose bodies have turned into a canvas of a skilled artist.

Thea Salad

Beauty Teya Salat comes from St. Petersburg. In one of the interviews, it is said that once the girl changed her profession as an accountant to work as a tattoo model.

Her calling card is an amazing tattoo on her neck. Pictures of the girl adorn not only domestic, but foreign publications.

Alysha Nett

A bright and creative girl who conquered the world with her daring hairstyles and eye play. Alisha does not consider herself a traditional model, although her photos can be seen in the most famous magazines and Internet projects. She refers her activities more to show business than to the modeling industry.

The girl is a blogger and has many subscribers around the world. In addition, Alisha is an excellent stylist. She herself creates concise images for herself, from which it is impossible to look away. The most unusual tattoo is a tree on the leg, which symbolizes life itself.

Leah Jung

Leah Jung is a singer and tattoo model from the USA. Judging by interviews for Western magazines, until 2004 the girl pursued a solo career, and then moved into the modeling industry. Leah designs all her tattoos herself. On the Facebook page you can find several videos with Leah singing, we highly recommend watching!

Sara Fabel

Sara Fabel was born in Finland in 1986. She has been living and working in California for a long time, where she went to learn the craft of a tattoo master.

All of Sarah's tattoos are in black, which creates a stunning contrast with the appearance of a blond angel and the look of a child. This is confirmed by the wings located on the back of the beauty. Left shoulder the girl is wrapped around the vine.

Little Linda

The girl from Dallas is a sought-after tattoo model and at the same time skilled craftsman tattoos. She has her own recognizable style. Flowers often appear in her work. She loves to play with texture and contrast.