Does the tattoo on the inside of the shoulder hurt. Is it worth making a tattoo on your wrist

Does it hurt to get a wrist tattoo? In fact, all people who decide to decorate themselves with any pattern are interested in the soreness of this procedure. Today we decided to figure out how painful it is to get a tattoo, and is there any sense in doing it if there is a real fear of the procedure.

Should I get a tattoo? Where is it the most and least painful to beat a tattoo?

Both women and some men are often interested,   it hurts to get a tattoo on the wrist and elsewhere in the body. If the fear of the impending pain is very large and even prevails over the desire to decorate yourself with a tattoo, then it is hardly necessary to rush. If you have repeatedly postponed a trip to the salon, because you are afraid of pain, then it is likely that intuition hints at the incorrectness of the choice of drawing or the haste of a decision. And if you have long and firmly decided to become a tattoo carrier, then no fear of the pain of the procedure can stop you.

It is believed that the most painful areas are those that are located as close as possible to the bone, as well as those that have a large number of nerve endings. As a rule, it is really painful to apply a tattoo on the chest, on the genital area, eyes and ears. Moreover, a tattoo on the shoulder blade is painful to dobecause the bone here is close. It is painful to perform a tattoo on the neck in the region of the vertebrae, since the skin there is thin and sensitive, the front and side parts of the neck can also be painful.

On the leg, getting a tattoo is most painful in the area of \u200b\u200bthe feet and ankles, since the layer of fat is small there, and there are quite a lot of nerve endings. In the armpit, knee and elbow joints,   as well as in the area of \u200b\u200bthe spine and on the ribs it hurts to make a tattoo.

The most painful areas of the body are those on which the largest layer of subcutaneous fat. So, among the least painful places   shoulders can be called, because there is a large fat layer, and a little nerve endings. In addition, it is not very painful to make a tattoo on the buttocks and calves.

Why is it even painful to get a tattoo? The main causes of pain in the procedure.

There is no definite answer to this question, since any owner of a tattoo describes his feelings strictly individually. However, there are some factors that significantly affect pain.
    The psychological attitude. For people making the tattoo for the first time, the main frightening moment is the unknown. They do not have any ideas about the upcoming pain, which provokes fear. But already at repeated sessions, this fear completely disappears, due to which the pain is transferred differently. Naturally, it also happens that fear only intensifies, in particular, if the first session was too painful. In such a case, it is virtually impossible to abstract from pain.

    Individual pain threshold. Someone may simply fall asleep during a tattooing session, or calmly endure for several hours, after which they will feel severe pain. Some at the very beginning experience some discomfort, and after that they calmly stand for several hours. Women are often more resilient, but they respond to pain more emotionally. Professionalism and experience of the master. A lot in this matter depends on the work of the master, on the equipment used. Professional specialists work exclusively with modern, high-quality machines, so that the pain in the procedure is significantly reduced. Also, the pain in applying a tattoo is affected by the size of the pattern and the technique for applying it.

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This article is not intended to scare you. Frightened people do not go well with. Therefore, take all of the following as a recommendation that you can accept or not accept.

A very sensitive part of the body, and, by all accounts, is one of the most painful places to apply, and the skin on its front part is more susceptible to aging. However, the pain threshold for all people is different and if you are not afraid of comparing the application of a tattoo with the sensations of an epilator while removing hair, everything is in order.

Soreness during application depends on many factors, which we will now discuss:

Talk about the pain factors

  • Professionalism of the master
       The master is obliged to use all kinds of gels and ointments, choosing them based on the client’s condition, to use different types of needles and machines. It affects your pain.

  • Skin sensitivity.
       Neck pain depends on how sensitive this area is to you. The more nerve endings in this area and the less meat between the skin and bone, the more painful. If this is really a delicate place for you, think again if you need it.

  • Pain threshold.
    You thought and decided what you need - go further. Let's talk about the pain threshold. Everyone has a different degree of pain perception. It is believed that the issue, including a tattoo on the side of the neck, is mainly interested in girls. True or not, I don’t know, but the fact that men better tolerate pain is a myth, a threshold, I repeat, it is an individual matter. But what’s interesting is that pain tolerance can be trained. If this is not your first, it will be much easier for you.

  • Time.
       Time is a sure ally of pain. The circuit is actually simple. Than harder tattoo   - the more work on it. The more work on the same skin area - the more master work on it. This enhances skin irritation and discomfort. The solution is to interrupt and finish work when the skin heals, even if it takes many sessions. These are the main factors that influence the painfulness of the process, but the list of rules by which to smooth out the sensations is not limited to the decisions indicated with them.

How else would you help yourself?

  • Tune in. Do not cheat yourself with meaningless thoughts about pain, it will only interfere. And anyway, you don’t give birth, you haven’t injured your muscles on the tread, your leg hasn’t been torn off. All this and much more is much more painful than a tattoo, which against the background of painful sensations daily experienced by people looks ticklish.

  • Get distracted. Read books, listen to music or watch a series. A tattoo session takes several hours, while focusing on your feelings, even if you didn’t plan. It looks like a bad tooth that you always touch with your tongue, even realizing that it will hurt. Feel free to use distraction methods other than those that may distract the master. Specifically, this is a bad idea. A very bad idea.

  • Be hearty. Have a good sleep. Eat it. Take a shower. Do not come into the salon tired, sweaty, or hungry. Do not drink the booze before the session, do not come under drugs and inadequate. All this affects the sensations during and after the procedure, on how the skin will heal.

Well and most importantly, a normal professional, regardless of which part of the body you are tattooing, pain in applying a tattoo, at least, will be reduced to specific sensations, which are not always pleasant, but tolerable.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo?

There is no definite answer to this question, and each owner of a tattoo describes his feelings in different ways. But, the following factors significantly affect pain.

If the fear of the impending pain is very large and even prevails over the desire to decorate yourself with a tattoo, then it is hardly necessary to rush. If you have repeatedly postponed a trip to the salon, because you are afraid of pain, then it is likely that intuition hints at the incorrectness of the choice of drawing or the haste of a decision. And if you have long and firmly decided to become a tattoo carrier, then no fear of the pain of the procedure can stop you.

How to choose a sketch

Women often make jewelry tattoos (see Tattoo Bracelet), and this is probably the best choice for wrist tattoos. You can depict cameos, medallions and even watches, all of which will make perfect sense for a wrist tattoo. Small designs such as insects (see Insect Tattoos), symbols, and even short phrases (see Phrase Tattoos) are ideal for internal wrist tattoos. The main thing is to make the right choice.

If you often have to see and communicate with clients, you need to look presentable, and this can be prevented by a wrist tattoo. Statements like "Tattoos are not an obstacle either to a career or to communication with people" - complete nonsense, do not listen.

How much the tattoo will be painful, also depends on the professionalism of the master. Of great importance is what equipment he uses and how much experience he has. In modern salons, masters work with high-quality new cars, which is good news. At the sight of modern equipment, the client feels calmer and more confident.

Tattoo size and application technique

To apply a drawing of impressive size to the body, you need to use a large area of \u200b\u200bskin. It will also take longer than drawing a smaller one. Accordingly, the pain effect will be more extensive. But, small tattoos are also quite painful, especially if the drawing contains many contours. On the wrist, for example, it will be much more painful to make a large, complex pattern.

The second enemy is own laziness. A good master will give you a set of instructions for caring for the "new thing." Follow them scrupulously because the first two weeks are decisive. Consider this as a postoperative period. Will you ride a bike with an unhealed leg? Do not hesitate, a tattoo is an injury. Thousands of injections per minute piercing the epidermis and putting the pigment in the dermis. Since we have decided, it is better to approach the issue seriously.

On a note

  • Skin is a living tissue. It changes and stretches. Even with perfect care, the tattoo needs to be updated. about once every 3-5 years. It will cost as much as to fill a new one. And it will hurt the same.
  • Moles when applying a tattoo bypass and hide in the picture.
  • The hair at the tattoo site continues to grow.
  • If you have a scar or scar, it should pass not less than a year   after an injury, before this place can be closed with something.
  • You need to come to the session sober, well-fed and slept. You can’t drink on the eve either: it will be painful, the bleeding will intensify, the healing process will slow down.
  • Mild temperature and dizziness after a tattoo session is normal, and this is the only side effect (except for pain and swelling) that is possible when all sanitary conditions and care rules are met.
  • Between sessions in one zone (for example, if you are doing a “sleeve”), no less than two weeks.
  • Laser can reduce the tattoo at 90-95%. It will be hurt longer and more expensivethan the tattoo itself.

Mini Style Guide

For men, drawings with a large number of colors or just classically black are more popular, and girls are more tender options. But it is impossible to judge everyone, everyone has their own preferences.

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Can I make an invisible tattoo?

Those who feel that it hurts to get a tattoo on their wrists can be advised to go to Thailand, where masters who have been trained in monasteries work. It is believed that they, with the help of special knitting needles and paint made from plant components, make tattoos the most painless and without subsequent inflammation. But it must be borne in mind that only men can tattoo directly from the monks, as well as the fact that some masters make those drawings that they consider necessary for a given person or body part. An interesting option is the invisible tattoo, which is done using special oil.

Not so simple...

In Thailand and a number of countries, images on the body are taken very seriously, even special holidays exist during which people, under the influence of music and mantras, transform into animals that are tattooed on them.

Who wears wrist tattoos?

Wrist tattoos are more suitable for those people who are associated with creative or party occupations. But the insurance agent, children's doctor or politician will have to hide such “pranks” under bracelets or sleeves. Anyway at work. In addition, many consider the tattoo to be something very personal, and therefore do it in more hidden places.

What can decoration work for?

It should be noted that the wrist is the focus of certain acupuncture points. For example, there are areas associated with the large intestine, heart, pericardium, lungs (depending on the arm), the impact on which can lead to unpredictable results. There are even devices and accessories in the form of bracelets that help to fall asleep or prevent motion sickness by affecting certain points. Therefore, a wrist tattoo is a serious thing.

Do not cross out your fate!

And if you turn to such a mystical direction as palmistry, you can find out that there are “bracelets” on the wrist - lines that tell you what life will be like, how many children there will be, etc. It is believed that if there are a lot of lines on this part of the hand - fold, then the person will have a happy life. Is it worth it to "destroy" by performing some kind of aggressive black tattoo   on the wrist?

Test for tattoos

In order to understand how this or that pattern on the skin can affect your life, you need to carefully consider the choice of inscription or pattern. Find out what they mean in different cultures. And then make the selected tattoo on the wrist or other part of the body with ... henna. It will last a certain time and allow you to understand how much the image affects (or does not affect) your condition, life, etc.

Mostly small ...

Everyone decides for himself which tattoo to make on his wrist. An inscription with a translation is most likely not entirely personal. This is a certain message to the outside world, a desire to express oneself, one's preferences, attitudes, emotions, relationships. Images on this part of the body are the most diverse, but most often they carry an element of a bracelet, some small character, a small animal or a bird. Large pictures are not suitable here, although some of them can start on the wrist and end almost on the shoulder.