All about Megan Fox. Megan Fox: the secrets of success and beauty. Lip Makeup: Glitter and Sex

Megan Fox has been one of the most desirable women on the planet for many years. She looks several years younger thanks to her perfect skin condition, and her slim figure after the birth of three sons can only be envied. What is the secret?


Megan Fox is not a fan of strict diets and hunger strikes, her choice is the right balanced diet. She chooses healthy food that contains all the substances necessary for the body, including vitamins and minerals. The diet of the actress usually includes vegetables, fruits, fish, lean meat and nuts - Megan just loves them. But the actress avoids dairy products.

Physical exercise

Megan Fox trains regularly to keep her body in shape. Her choices are surfing, Pilates, running and stretching. These classes allow you to enjoy the process and bring the figure in order even after childbirth.

Skin care

Cleansing is one of the most important steps in skin care, says Megan. She cleanses her face in the morning and evening, and then uses moisturizing creams and serums. To keep her skin radiant and fresh, the actress regularly drinks vitamins with fish oil. In her purse you can always find lip balm, hand and body cream.


In ordinary life, the actress does not use too much decorative cosmetics. She prefers to make do with moisturizing foundation, mascara and lip gloss. But to go out, Megan uses all her beauty artillery: she curls and dyes her eyelashes, draws arrows, highlights her cheekbones with bronzer and blush, and emphasizes her lips with red lipstick.

She monitors her appearance with special care - she does not miss a single wrinkle, constantly changes the shape of her lips, making them a little more over and over again. We decided to trace all the changes in the appearance of the star over the past 13 years. It's impressive!

Beauty evolution of Megan Fox style

Such Megan Fox was at the very beginning of her career. Such makeup, which today seems terribly tasteless to us, was in vogue at the beginning of the 2000s - and Megan did not lag behind!


The actress also had experiments with light hair color. As you can see, not very successful ... It is interesting that Megan has not repeated this experience even once over the past 12 years!

In this photo, we can take a close look at Fox's "true face" before plastic surgery, trying to ignore the silver shadows and pink cheeks. So, Megan had a completely different shape of the nose and cheekbones, it also seems to us that the shape of the eyes has also changed ...

Lots of self-tanner (mostly on the face) and false eyelashes-butterflies - oh yes, Megan, burn!

And here is the first experiment of the actress with lip augmentation. Well, as they say, the first pancake is lumpy ...

But in 2007, the year the Transformers movie premiered, Megan was just on top - an incredible beauty. Look, skin, radiant makeup… Megan Fox should have stopped at this style!

We like the actress's natural make-up and updo, but not the upturned upper lip - dabbled in injections again?

Another great Megan Fox exit: the star has abandoned self-tanner and started using a light bronzer. The face seems to glow, it's very beautiful!

In 2009, Meghan also looked flawless, especially her shiny hair. By the way, the star made her eyebrows a little wider, thereby changing her image for the better.

And again, too much - the face is immobilized by Botox, it can be seen even in the photo, and the skin is unnaturally shiny. Here Megan is only 24 years old! I wonder what imaginary wrinkles she smoothed out?

A year later, the actress dramatically lost weight and showed chiseled cheekbones. You can’t fault the hair and makeup: Fox has become so perfect that it’s even a little boring.

We can’t help but note the actress’s coloring: gorgeous shatush, wonderful color, her hair looks healthy and shiny ... But a white face and burgundy lipstick combined with shiny eye shadow was a controversial decision.

In 2013, Megan Fox was gorgeous, everything was flawless: hair, makeup and smooth skin.

However, Megan soon went too far with smoothness ... And again her face sparkles with a glossy sheen, the skin seems to be stretched!

famous Hollywood actress Megan Fox we know as a very purposeful woman who never rested on her laurels. And it really is. The best confirmation of this is that every year Megan looks more and more stunning, but it is worth noting that the popular actress did not undertake any particularly drastic changes in her own appearance.

But, probably, their turn has also come, because not so long ago, Fox plucked up courage and said goodbye to her long hair, replacing them with a “forehead” hairstyle that was quite fashionable this year. The movie star's hair color has also changed slightly, moving away from reddish to dark chocolate. Maybe for someone simple thing, like a new haircut, and is commonplace, but for Megan Fox, this is a really serious step.

Numerous fans of the charming actress have always been delighted with her charming hair, and Megan never tried to change their color and length. But, as you can see, a period of change has clearly come for Fox and, apparently, the actress will surprise us more than once.

At the moment, the Hollywood star has given her preference to the popular haircut among many celebrities "lob", or rather, "lob", which is the most relevant hairstyle of this fashion season. You ask: "Why "lob"?" So, everything is very simple. The fact is that the name itself comes from two English words, namely “long” and “bob”, which can literally be translated as “elongated bean”. So it turns out "long bob", or shortened - "lob", and in Russian transcription - "forehead". This season, this hairstyle occupies the highest places in the charts of bright and stylish haircuts.

The idea of ​​changing the image was visited by Fox during her stay in Sydney, where she traditionally presented the premiere of a new film with her participation. It was after arriving here that Megan decided to cut her hair a little differently. This "otherwise" was expressed in the fact that the celebrity's hair became noticeably shorter, and the color of her strands also changed: they became noticeably darker than usual.

For Megan's more curious admirers, photos of the remains of cut hair, which the actress very symbolically laid out in the shape of a heart, can be seen by visiting the Fox page in social network Instagram. At the moment, the film actress's hair has a dark chocolate color, and their length is slightly below shoulder level. Numerous fans of Megan Fox spoke positively about the new hairstyle of their idol. Moreover, thanks to fashionable haircut the image of the actress has become more youthful and modern.

Actresses like Megan Fox don't often spoil their fans with drastic changes in their appearance. But, as we see, even such cautious and balanced personalities still decide to change their image. Apparently, every person has a period in his life when he is overcome by an irresistible desire to change something, well, at least his hair!

The example of Megan Fox proves once again that you should never be afraid to improve or simply modify your image, because, perhaps, at this stage it will become a very successful and original move.

Actress Megan Fox briefly disappeared from TV screens, and she had a good reason for this. 2 months ago, she gave the world a son, Noah.

Having become a mother and having acquired mouth-watering forms, America's most controversial actress appeared at the premiere of the new film "Adult Love", which took place in Los Angeles before the New Year. Megan was amazingly pretty and we noticed that the actress has become more feminine and seems to have finally matured.

Motherhood greatly influenced the worldview of the “bad girl”, which she did not fail to tell reporters: “The birth of a child changes your whole world. Now I will approach the choice of roles and topics photo shoots more responsible. I would not want to play the role of a sexy beauty. I imagine with horror that in the future my son's classmates will show each other my photos for magazines in a bikini, and it will be unpleasant for him. I treat differently choice of clothes in which I go out into the street. Now I am responsible for my actions not only to myself, but also to the child. It is important that the mother has a good reputation, then the child will respect her.”

Can the world no longer be able to see the beautiful Megan in all her glory? It's hard to believe that this "bad girl," who only recently admitted to the press that she had a bisexual relationship with a stripper, has suddenly settled down. Moreover, her pompous words do not fit in with the new role that she had a chance to try on in the premiere comedy film. According to the plot, the actress plays a saleswoman who turns into a call girl at night.

But Meghan is relentlessly standing her ground, and it seems like a change in her mind has indeed taken place. For example, the actress claims to have turned her gaze towards religion.

“I named my son Noah after the biblical hero. I grew up in a small town in Tennessee. My parents brought me up strictly, religion and faith were part of my upbringing, we went to church on Sundays. But my whole being protested against this part of life, I could not come to God for a long time. Now I understand how important spirituality is in a person, and this is a necessary element in order to become a whole person, ”said Fox.

Pro New film the actress says with great sarcasm: “You understand that this is a comedy, a farce, where everything is hypertrophied and distorted so that the viewer sees a part of his life, in this case - family life with children, dogs and all the ensuing consequences, and laughed to tears. Of all the genres, I prefer to play in comedies. I don’t like to pretend to cry, to play in pain, but to grimace and joke is my role.

Most of all, journalists asked Megan questions about her figure, because she gave birth recently, but she looks slim. Slim sheath dress from Roland Mouret burgundy, which sat perfectly on the actress, proof of this. “Probably doesn’t get out of the gym,” the spiteful critics gossiped. Megan claims that caring for a baby is fitness for her.

Hair and makeup Megan Fox

“I gained 23 pounds during my pregnancy and have already lost 10. I still have 10 more to get back to the shape I had before pregnancy. But, you know, I'm not going to the detriment of the child to spend all my free time in the gym. It is important for me to see the baby, take care of him, watch him laugh. I understand what it is little creature needs me, and I'm not going to leave him if possible for a second, ”said Megan.

At first, the actress refused the services of a nanny and decided to take care of the baby on her own with her husband Brian. (author's note - actor Brian Austin Green), but circumstances forced her to change her mind.

“Child care is big job especially in the first months of his life. But we had no idea that we would face so many difficulties. In the end, I told my husband that we would either get a divorce or get a nanny. Because in this house, at least one of us has to get enough sleep, otherwise we will start to break loose and just kill each other, ”the actress explained with a laugh.

By the way, before Megan gave birth to a child, she already had experience of motherhood. After all, she has been raising her son Brian from a previous marriage for a long time. Now the boy is 10 years old, the actress claims that he is very happy with the appearance of his brother and is not at all jealous.

Fox relies on her husband in everything and can entrust him with raising a child. “Do you know what I noticed? Brian often takes special care of the child, sometimes it seems to me that he is even a better mother than me. And at this point, I'm not arguing. I can rely on my husband in everything, he is my friend, colleague, adviser. Next to him, I can relax and feel like a little girl who will be groomed and cherished,” Megan said.

In the meantime, Megan Fox is enjoying motherhood, let's try to repeat her new image - it's just amazing!

Hair and makeup Megan Fox

Makeup "Snow Queen"

This makeup suitable for owners of aristocratic pallor, such as Megan. Ideal White skin, silver shadows and bright lipstick will make you a real queen of a winter fairy tale.

  1. Achieve the perfect smoothness of the facial relief. To do this, apply the foundation, and on top - Foundation (driving movements). Or use a special cream with a smoothing and leveling effect.
  2. Highlight the movable eyelid with silver shadows, slightly going beyond the crease that separates the movable and fixed eyelids. Apply pearl shadows to the inner corner of the eye, dark gray to the outer corner and 1/4 of the lower eyelid. Blend.
  3. Apply mascara in two coats.
  4. Be sure to give your eyebrows the perfect shape - such a cold makeup does not tolerate negligence. Apply to the eyebrows along the entire length of the shade a tone darker than the natural pigment.
  5. Highlight the apples of your cheeks with coral blush and blend them carefully towards the temples.
  6. Apply a base, foundation or concealer to your lips, and on top - dark pink, burgundy or scarlet lipstick .

Your beauty assistants:

One of the brightest celebrities in Hollywood, Megan Fox always carefully monitors her appearance. The actress manages to look very feminine and bold at the same time. You can admire the hair of a star endlessly. Megan almost never cheated on long dark strands, so Megan Fox's haircuts and hairstyles are luxurious chocolate waves, collected or scattered over her shoulders.

Hollywood star image

Today Megan Fox is known as a luxurious brunette with long curls. But at the dawn of her film career, the actress managed to try on many images. She was red and even blonde. There were experiments with length, but short haircuts Megan Fox did not wear. Today's image of a beauty is the result of the work of professional stylists and image makers. Her image is bright and memorable, it allows her to win the hearts of millions of viewers, both male and female.

What haircuts and hairstyles does Megan prefer?

If we talk about Megan Fox haircuts, in this matter the beauty loves stability. Only last year she decided to experiment a little with the length, making a long bob haircut. The shade of the strands of the star has become a little darker. All previous years she wore long hair, mostly without bangs, opening her forehead completely. A light cascade with the shortest strand just below the chin is Megan's choice of beauty, which most successfully emphasizes the beauty of her hair.

Light waves or even strands?

Megan Fox is not a fan of complicated frilly hairstyles. Most often, her head is decorated with soft natural waves or even smooth strands. With such styling, Megan appears on the red carpet and in Everyday life. The main decoration of the actress's hair is healthy and well-groomed hair. You can repeat the laying of the star with your own hands at home.

Create soft waves like Megan Fox

To create soft waves, you can use an iron, curling iron or thermal curlers, but the most natural curls will be obtained if you use a styler brush:

  1. Using a round nozzle with teeth, wind a thick strand.
  2. Hold for about 6-7 minutes and spin it.
  3. Fix the result with varnish, “beating” the strands with your fingers a little.

Smooth curls - styling secrets

To create smooth strands, like Megan Fox, there are several secrets:

  • Before you start drying your hair, you can apply a smoothing cream on them, avoiding the root zone.
  • When straightening strands with a hair dryer, use a brush with natural bristles. Pull the strands in stages according to the scheme: from the roots to the tips in one motion.
  • To prevent hair from being damaged by high temperatures, use thermal protection products, for example, Estel Professional Airex spray.
  • A gelatin mask with regular use can make your strands smooth.
  • Irons with ceramic plates act on the hair more gently.

Ponytail - a stylish choice

Often, Megan Fox prefers a stylish, but very simple hairstyle -. On the luxurious hair of the actress, a puffy tail with a tuft at the top looks spectacular. And the perfect oval shape of the actress's face allows her to wear a tight ponytail without bangs. If you have a face of the same shape, you can safely make such a styling for yourself for an everyday look.

Variations of slick hairstyles

Megan Fox's slicked-down hairstyles look very feminine and emphasize the beauty's graceful figure. The actress prefers a variety of buns combined with smooth roots. In the variations of slicked hairstyles, the star most often has no parting, but sometimes you can see the beauty on her head and is relevant this season. Fashionable last year at the roots, the actress's hair was adorned back in 2009, when the actress appeared on the television show MTV Movie Awards. This Hollywood diva is very sensitive to the fashion for hairstyles, ahead of the trends.

Retro waves Megan - the secrets of creation

On the dark strands of a Hollywood star, retro waves look spectacular. This styling will complement any evening dress, and this season it is more relevant than ever. If you like Megan Fox's hairstyle and want to repeat it yourself, you will need step-by-step instruction and a couple of secrets of successful styling:

  1. In this version of Megan Fox's retro hairstyle, the feature is the lack of basal volume. Repeating it with your own hands, do not touch the roots when winding the strands.
  2. Before winding, apply a styling agent to the strands, for example, SYOSS Volume Lift. Mousse will make the strands voluminous, and the result will last longer.
  3. You can create retro waves, and it’s even easier to do it using a triple professional curling iron. Just place an even strand between the plates and hold for 2-3 seconds. Repeat to the ends of your hair.
  4. Lightly separate the curls with your fingers and fix the result with a strong hold varnish.

Megan Fox hair color

The shade of the strands of the actress in different periods of time changed from jet black to light chestnut. Most often, a beauty can be seen with the color of hair - hot chocolate. As for dyeing, the Hollywood diva prefers the traditional technique: all hair has the same even color, only some strands are light, which makes them even more alive.

Megan Fox's haircut allows you to do various styling, even incredibly complex ones, because you can experiment endlessly with such volume and length. But Megan's hairstyle is always simple, restrained and at the same time stylish and feminine.