Children's writer nose stories. Nosov. Nikolay Nosov: “Composing for children is the best job”

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Among the many writers and poets of the 20th century who dedicated their work to children, Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov became one of the most famous and popular. His life path began back in 1908, in Kyiv. He was born into the family of actor Nikolai Nosov. Since childhood, young Kolya was a very restless and inquisitive boy. He was interested in literally everything - playing the violin, drawing, playing chess, theater. His parents encouraged him to study. All of his childhood and youth were spent in the town of Irpen, a suburb of Kyiv. It wasn't an easy time - at first Russian Empire entered into a protracted First world war, then the state was shaken by revolution. The Nosovs went through all the trials of that era - hunger, typhus, lack of money and devastation. However, despite the hardships and hardships, Nikolai retained his childish kindness and spontaneity throughout his life.

Like many children of that time, he studied at the city gymnasium (after the revolution it became high school). He wanted to quickly become independent, because besides him, his parents had to raise three more children - two brothers and a sister. The future writer and director, from the age of 14, took on any job - newspaper delivery man, digger, mower, concrete worker, laborer in a brick factory. In high school, Nikolai was interested in conducting chemical experiments and planned to enter the polytechnic institute at the relevant faculty. However, fate decreed otherwise. His passion for chemistry led him to photography, and he entered the art institute. After studying in Kyiv for two years, Nikolai Nikolaevich was admitted to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. Having received his diploma, since 1932 the writer worked as a director of documentaries and educational films. During the war, he was involved in the creation of training films for soldiers and officers of the Red Army.

Since 1938, Nikolai Nosov began to try his hand at writing prose for children, to which he devoted the rest of his life. The heroes of his works are kind and inquisitive characters. He seemed to be describing himself and his childhood friends. And the first listeners of the stories were the little son and his friends.

The first collection of children's stories by N.N. Nosov was published in 1947, and in 1951 the story “Vitya Maleev at school and at home” was published. The story became so successful that the writer was awarded the Stalin Prize for it. Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov wrote large number works, including the stories “Dreamers”, “Putty”, the stories “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn”, “The Cheerful Family”. The heroes of the works are children, with their pure view of the world, curiosity and ingenuity. All stories are imbued with sparkling humor; parents and children read them with pleasure, recognizing themselves in the characters.

But, of course, the stories and stories about Dunno and his friends were a real find for young readers. These kind little people lived in a fairyland of short people. They are just like people, only very naive and kind. Everyone has their own temperament, feelings, joys and sorrows. Dunno is far from ideal. He is a little braggart, a little lazy, that is, like all children, but at the same time he is very kind and always comes to the rescue in trouble. His friends Znayka, Vintik, Shpuntik, Siropchik and others, each with their own independent character, are also very similar to each of us and therefore attractive. The stories in this series are in the nature of light children's fiction. Dunno constantly gets into different stories and exciting adventures happen to him. He travels in a hot air balloon, goes to Sunny City in a syrup car, and flies to the Moon. However, despite the naivety of the narrative, these works are full of worldly wisdom and teach children the right view on the world around us. For the trilogy about the adventures of Dunno, in 1969 the master was awarded the State Prize for the second time.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov passed away in his sleep, on a quiet summer night in 1976, when he was 67 years old. He left more than 50 novels and short stories as a legacy to readers. Based on his books, 15 animated and feature films. And Dunno and his friends continue their lives in the works of the writer’s grandson, Igor Petrovich Nosov. Today, N. Nosov's stories and fairy tales are considered classics of children's literature.

Nosov became a student at the Kyiv Art Institute, and two years later he transferred to the Institute of Cinematography, receiving a diploma from which, he began working as a director of popular science, animation and educational films produced in very good quality. It was work in this area that brought Nosov the Order of the Red Star.

The author began publishing his stories in 1938, mainly in “Murzilka” - readers get acquainted with such works as “Mishkina Porridge”, “Dreamers”, “Gardeners” and other wonderful stories that were included in the collection “Knock-Knock-Knock” published in 1945

The writer himself says that he had no goal of writing - he became an author by accident - a baby appeared in his family, so he had to come up with simple and interesting stories. N. Nosov passed away on July twenty-six, 1976. The writer’s grave is located at the Moscow Kuntsevo cemetery.

About Mishka, Kostya and Dunno...

The following are considered the most beloved works by readers of Nosov for children:

  • stories from which the collection “Knock-Knock-Knock” was compiled - such as “Car”, “Dreamers”, “Cucumbers”, “Live Hat”, “Patch”, “Steps”, “Metro” and many others, no less sincere and fascinating.
  • "Merry Family"
  • the story about Mitya Maleev, for which the writer was awarded the Stalin Prize.
  • "The Diary of Kostya Sinitsin"
  • a series of stories about Dunno - a charming character who won the hearts of not only children, but also adults with his kindness and sincerity.

The first edition of works about this hero was illustrated by A. M. Laptev, and later by the no less famous artist G. Valk.

Nosov's stories - for children and their adult relatives!!!

With the creativity of the famous children's writer Children of our country meet Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov (1908-1976) at an early age. “The Living Hat”, “Bobik Visiting Barbos”, “Putty” - these and many other funny children's stories by Nosov want to be reread again and again. N. Nosov's stories describe daily life the most ordinary girls and boys. Moreover, it was done very simply and unobtrusively, interesting and funny. Many children recognize themselves in some actions, even the most unexpected and funny ones.

When you read Nosov’s stories, you will understand how much each of them is imbued with tenderness and love for their characters. No matter how badly they behave, no matter what they come up with, he tells us about it without any reproach or anger. On the contrary, attention and care, wonderful humor and a wonderful understanding of the child’s soul fill every small work.

Nosov's stories are classics of children's literature. It’s impossible to read stories about the antics of Mishka and other guys without smiling. And who among us in our youth and childhood did not read wonderful stories about Dunno?
Modern kids read and watch them with great pleasure.

Nosov's stories for children were published in many of the most famous publications for children of different ages. The realism and simplicity of the story still attract the attention of young readers. “The Cheerful Family”, “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends”, “Dreamers” - these stories by Nikolai Nosov will be remembered for a lifetime. Nosov's stories for children are distinguished by their natural and lively language, brightness and extraordinary emotionality. They are taught to be very careful about their daily behavior, especially in relation to their friends and loved ones. On our Internet portal you can see online list Nosov's stories, and enjoy reading them absolutely free.

When Mishka and I were very little, we really wanted to ride in a car, but we just never succeeded. No matter how much we asked for drivers, no one wanted to give us a ride. One day we were walking in the yard. Suddenly we looked - on the street, near our gate, a car stopped. The driver got out of the car and went somewhere. We ran up. I say: - This is...

My mother, Vovka, and I were visiting Aunt Olya in Moscow. On the very first day, my mother and aunt went to the store, and Vovka and I were left at home. They gave us an old album with photographs for us to look at. Well, we looked and looked until we got tired of it. Vovka said: “We won’t see Moscow if we stay at home all day...

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov; USSR, Kyiv; 11/10/1908 – 07/26/1976

Nikolai Nosov is a famous Soviet writer. His works about Dunno became a model of children's literature in our country for many years. More than one generation in our country has grown up with N. Nosov’s “Dunno” books, and now Nikolai Nosov’s stories are chosen by many parents throughout the country. After all, simple and good fairy tales Soviet-era books are an excellent alternative to modern children's books. Perhaps this is why Nikolai Nosov is still included, and his books occupy high places among the most read books.

Biography of Nikolai Nosov

Nikolai Nosov was born in the suburbs of Kyiv in the city of Irpen. He was the second child in a family of four children. Since childhood, he loved to attend concerts and performances in which his father played. He was a professional actor. Everyone predicted his future as an artist, but the difficult situation in the country and living conditions made their own adjustments. So Nikolai Nosov’s entire family suffered from typhus, and it was only by luck that no one died. Then little Nikolai realized for the first time that tears can come not only from grief, but also from joy. This understanding came along with the tears of the mother, who spent a lot of time over the bed of the future writer.

Even in the gymnasium, Nikolai Nosov was interested in photography, theater, electrical engineering and many other things. But from the age of fourteen he worked as a merchant, mower and digger to help his family. And after graduating from school, at the age of 16, he went to work as a laborer at a concrete plant. At this time, he and his friends became interested in chemistry. He tried to enter the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, but since he did not have completed secondary education, he could not. Therefore, so that training did not interfere with work, Nikolai Nosov entered an evening vocational school.

In 1927, unexpectedly for his parents, the future writer Nikolai Nosov changed his plans and entered the Kiev Art Institute. Two years later he transferred to the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. He graduated from it in 1932, and for almost 20 years he worked as a director and producer of scientific, educational and animated films.

The first stories by Nikolai Nosov became possible to read in 1938. While telling fairy tales to his son, he realized that he was good at it and decided to write some of them down. They were published in the magazine "Murzilka", and then were combined into the collection "Knock - Knock - Knock". But this collection was published after the end of the war, and was followed by another one - “Steps”.

In 1953, N. Nosov’s first story “Dunno” appeared. Gradually this literary hero becomes very popular, and brings Nosov the same fame as a children's writer like him. By the way, the last book in the series about Dunno, “Dunno on the Moon,” is called by many economists best work for children on political economy. In addition, you can read Nikolai Nosov’s stories “The Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn”, “Vitya Maleev at School and at Home”, which also gained wide popularity. Nikolai Nosov wrote his stories until his death, which occurred in 1976 from natural causes.

Books by Nikolai Nosov on the Top books website

The series of books by N. Nosov “Dunno” was included in the ratings of our site. In addition to a fairly high place in the ranking, the book was included in. And given that interest in books about Dunno, stories about Kolya Sinitsyn and Vita Maleev has not diminished over the years, this author will be included in our site’s rating more than once. And the stories of Nikolai Nosov will be presented among the best children's literature more than once.

Nikolay Nosov list of books

  1. Secret at the bottom of the well
  2. We and the children
  3. The story of my friend Igor
  4. Small literary encyclopedia
  5. Grandma Dina
  6. Quanta of laughter
  7. Vitya Maleev at school and at home
  8. Cheerful family
  9. Diary of Kolya Sinitsyn

Nosov's stories for children find new little readers and listeners every day. People begin to read Nosov’s fairy tales from childhood; almost every family keeps his books in their personal library.

Read Nosov's stories

Our time is losing in terms of children's literature; it is rare to find books by new authors with truly interesting and meaningful fairy tales on store shelves, so we are increasingly turning to writers who have long established themselves. One way or another, we meet on our way Nosov’s children’s stories, which, once you start reading, you won’t stop until you get to know all the characters and their adventures.

How Nikolai Nosov began writing stories

Nikolai Nosov's stories partially describe his childhood, relationships with peers, their dreams and fantasies about the future. Although Nikolai's hobbies were completely unrelated to literature, everything changed when his son was born. Nosov's tales before bedtime for his child, the future famous children's author composed on the fly, inventing completely realistic stories from the lives of ordinary boys. It was these stories from Nikolai Nosov to his son that pushed the now adult man to write and publish small books.

After several years, Nikolai Nikolaevich realized that writing for children is the best activity that one can imagine. It’s interesting to read Nosov’s stories because he was not just an author, but also a psychologist and a loving father. His warm, respectful attitude towards the children made it possible to create all these witty, lively and real fairy tales.

Nosov's stories for children

Every fairy tale by Nosov, every story is an everyday story about children's pressing problems and tricks. At first glance, Nikolai Nosov's stories are very comical and witty, but this is not their most important feature; what is more important is that the heroes of the works are real children with real stories and characters. In any of them you can recognize yourself as a child or your child. Nosov’s fairy tales are also pleasant to read for the reason that they are not cloyingly sweet, but are written in simple, understandable language with a child’s perception of what happens in each adventure.

I would like to note an important detail of all Nosov’s stories for children: they have no ideological background! For fairy tales from the times of Soviet power, this is a very pleasant little thing. Everyone knows that no matter how good the works of the authors of that era are, the “brainwashing” in them becomes quite boring and every year, with every new reader, it becomes more and more obvious. You can read Nosov’s stories absolutely calmly, without worrying that the communist idea will shine through every line.

Years go by, Nikolai Nosov has not been with us for many years, but his fairy tales and characters do not age. Sincere and amazingly kind heroes are begging to be included in all children's books.