Dima Bilan: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Dima Bilan: success story Dima Bilan personal biography

FULL NAME: Bilan Dima Nikolaevich

DATE OF BIRTH: 12/24/1981 (Capricorn)

PLACE OF BIRTH: settlement Moscow, Ust-Dzheguta, Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region, Stavropol Territory, USSR


HAIR COLOR: brunet


A FAMILY: Parents: Nikolai Mikhailovich Belan, Nina Dmitrievna Belan

GROWTH: 182 cm



Russian singer and film actor. Real name is Viktor Belan. Born in Ust-Dzhegut, when the boy was a year old, the family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny, and five years later - to the city of Maisky, where he graduated from a regular school and a music class in the accordion class. During his studies, he participates in various competitions and festivals, takes first place in the "Young Voices of the Caucasus". And in 1999, the young man comes to Moscow to participate in the festival of children's creativity "Chunga-Changa", where he receives a diploma directly from the hands of Joseph Kobzon.

A year later, Dima enters the Gnessin Music College with a degree in classical vocals. And then he immediately enters GITIS for the second year.

In 2000, the first video clip of Dima Bilan got into the rotation of the MTV Russia channel, and a year later he made his debut on the stage of the Russian festival in Jurmala " New wave". At the end of October 2003, his debut album, entitled "I am a night hooligan", was released. In 2004, the second one was released - "On the Shore of the Sky". In the same year, the recording of the first English-language album began. A year later, the official collection of clips “You, Only You” was released, and at the end of 2005 the single “ New Year from a new line.

In 2005, Bilan's producer Yuri Aizenshpis died and at the same time the singer was nominated for the World Music Awards as "Best Russian Artist". After that, Dmitry began working with Yana Rudkovskaya. In December of this year, he received the Golden Gramophone Award for the song "You Should Be Near," a year later he received the "Singer of the Year" award.

Success pursued him everywhere: in 2007, Forbes magazine named him one of the three most expensive and popular people in Russia. All the songs and videos released by him quickly become hits, Dmitry participated in music competition Eurovision, in 2009 with the song "Believe" took first place.

Since 2012, the singer has been a mentor of the Voice project, and since 2014 he has been participating in the jury of the Voice project. Children". Glamor magazine twice named him "Man of the Year". Bilan is also a laureate of the Russians of the Year award.

The singer is an Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria, an Honored Artist of Chechnya, an Honored Artist of Ingushetia. In 2008, Bilan was awarded the title of People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria. Dima Bilan is a versatile person. He is a member of the Liberal Democratic Party and plans to become a space tourist. The main thing in Dima Bilan's life, of course, is music, but the artist continues to try himself in other genres. In 2015, Dima Bilan starred in the military drama "Hero" along with Svetlana Ivanova, Marat Basharov and Alexander Baluev.
Dima Bilan has always been a favorite of women and one of the most enviable suitors in Russia. The personal life of a celebrity does not allow almost anyone to live in peace. Newspapers are trumpeting Dima Bilan's romance with model Lena Kuletskaya. For several years in a row, the couple promised to get married, but no one waited for the wedding dress and celebration.

  1. Dima was born on December 24, 1981 in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. His father worked as an engineer, and his mother looked after plants in greenhouses, then she became a social worker. It is known that the artist has an older sister, Elena (born 1980) and a younger sister, Anna (born 1996).
  2. When Dima was only one and a half years old, the family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny, and a few years later - to the Kabardino-Balkarian village of Maisky. Here the singer went to school. At the age of 10, he began learning to play the accordion and became a choir soloist.
  3. At the age of 17, the musician came to Moscow to participate in the Chunga-Changa vocal competition, which was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the joint activity of Tukhmanov and Entin. The artist received an honorary diploma personally from the hands of Joseph Kobzon.
  4. At the beginning of the 2000s, Dima entered the music school. Gnesins, from which he graduated with honors. After that, he submitted documents to GITIS, where he was immediately enrolled in the second year.


While studying at the school, Dima met producer Yuri Aizenshpis, who drew attention to a talented performer. Bilan made his debut on the big stage for the first time in 2002, when he performed at the New Wave competition, where he took 4th place.

After the Jurmala festival, clips were shot for the following songs:

  1. "Boom".
  2. "Night hooligan".
  3. “I love you so much” (the daughter of composer Igor Krutoy took part in the filming).

In 2003, the debut album of the singer was presented, which was very popular with the public. A year later, the singer began recording an English-language record, with the help of musician Shaun Escoffery. In the same period of time, a collection of clips "You, only you" was released.

  • in the fall of 2005, Yuri Aizenshpis died. As a result, the singer broke off cooperation with the production center of the former mentor and began working with Yana Rudkovskaya. The tandem of Dima and Yana turned out to be fruitful. Already in December 2005, the artist received two Golden Gramophone awards. Then all kinds of awards from the MuzTV, MTV, Ru.TV and other channels literally rained down on Dima;
  • in 2009, the long-awaited release of the English-language disc Believe took place, which was recorded in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Miami. The album was awarded as part of the ZD Awards;
  • in 2011, Dima Bilan set a record: his song “I just love you” lasted five months on the top lines of the MuzTV channel chart. In the same year, the video “Suffocating” was released, which was recognized as the best in the artist’s career.

The indisputable recognition of Bilan's talent is the role of the Sochi 2014 Ambassador entrusted to him. The next year was less successful for the artist. He released the album "Don't Be Silent", which was moderately popular. But his performance at the New Wave 2016 contest was recognized as the most spectacular.

Eurovision Song Contest

  1. In 2006, Bilan was chosen as the representative of Russia to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest. Among 37 rivals, Bilan took second place with the single "Never Let You Go". Professional ballerinas took part in the performance, one of which unexpectedly got out of the piano.
  2. In 2008, Dima again went to Eurovision. This time he presented the single Believe to the public. Dima took the stage with world figure skating champion Evgeny Plushenko and violinist Edwin Marton from Hungary. The performance was to the liking of the absolute majority of the audience and Dima took first place. After that, in the artist's native village, a music school was named after him.
  3. After Eurovision, Alla Pugacheva herself called the performer and congratulated her on the victory. At the same time, the singer scolded Dima for being so simply dressed. To this, the artist replied: "That's my style."
  4. However, not everyone supported Dima's victory at Eurovision. The writer Sergei Minaev (author of the novel "Duhkhles") criticized and expressed his displeasure that the song was in a foreign language. The artistic value of the single was also called into question.

Project Voice

The singer often takes part in television projects. In 2012, he became a mentor of the popular show "Voice", and two years later he performed in the same role in the project "Voice. Children". Dima's colleagues in the new show were Maxim Fadeev, singer Pelageya and Leonid Agutin.

In 2016, the artist again became a mentor of the Voice show (season 5). Judging seats with Dima were shared by Grigory Leps, Leonid Agutin and Polina Gagarina.

Film career

Dima Bilan has repeatedly tried himself as an actor. He played in films such as Disco Night, Golden Key, etc. However, leading role On the big screen, Bilan first received only in 2016. He played in the historical film "Hero", which tells about civil unrest in Russia.

Dima admitted that the film turned out to be a little personal. It turns out that his great-grandfather Ivan Yakovlev served in the Cossack hundred of Tsar Nicholas II. For the courage shown, the name of Yakovlev was immortalized on an obelisk in France.

Other projects

  1. In 2007, the reality show "Live with Bilan" was released on the MTV channel. In a short time it gained a lot of fans. For this reason, a continuation of this show was released at the beginning of next year.
  2. In 2009, Dima Bilan received a record fee of 700 thousand dollars for participating in an advertising campaign for the Gloria Jeans brand. The artist also starred in advertising for a famous cosmetic brand and an Italian watch brand.
  3. In 2012, Bilan created a new musical project in the synth-pop musical genre. As a new pseudonym, the artist took his real name - Vitya Belan. Soon music producer Lesha Cherny joined him, so the project changed its name to Alien24.
  4. In the fall of 2016, the animated film "Trolls" was released, in which Dima Bilan, paired with Vika Daineko, voiced the main characters.

Personal life

  • many fans are concerned about Bilan's personal life. For several years, the artist met with model Elena Kuletskaya, who lives in Paris. In one of the interviews, he said that if he wins Eurovision, he will marry Kuletskaya. However, the singer did not keep his word and soon the couple broke up;
  • after that, fans often attributed to Dima relationships with prominent representatives of the domestic show business. Some also suggested that the artist returned to his former lover, but does not want to report this yet;
  • such secrecy of Dima made the press talk about his unconventional orientation, and ill-wishers directly called the artist gay. The famous rapper Timati also spoke on this topic, confirming the suspicions of the press. The artist himself refuses to answer questions regarding his personal life.

  1. Bilan loves outdoor activities and spending time outdoors with friends. He also loves to cook in his free time.
  2. According to the media, the artist soon plans to become a space tourist.
  3. Glamor magazine has repeatedly recognized Bilan as the "Man of the Year".
  4. In 2007, Dima entered the top five most popular people, according to Forbes magazine. As for income, the singer was only on the 12th line.
  5. For several months after moving to Moscow, Bilan had to earn extra money in a clothing store. At night, the artist unloaded clothes, and in the morning he went to school.
  6. On the set of the Empire show, Dima met Vladimir Zhirinovsky and even ran for the Duma from his party, but lost to more reputable candidates.
  7. Childhood nickname of the artist: Sherlock Holmes. He always tried to keep abreast of everything that happened in the world and in his own yard.
  8. As a child, Dima was clumsy and often fell. And once he even broke his arm.

What do you think of Bilan? We are waiting for your comments!

Dmitry Bilan is a famous film actor and singer who successfully represented the Russian Federation at Eurovision.

This is an example of a person who knows how to set seemingly impossible goals for himself and achieve their fulfillment.

Height, weight, age. How old is Dima Bilan?

A large army of fans wants to know when their idol was born, how much he weighs and how much he has grown. The height, weight, age of Dima Bilan can be clarified on this site, where only reliable information is collected.

Dmitry was born in 1981, so his age is currently 35 full years. According to the sign of the Zodiac, the guy is a stubborn and persistent Capricorn, who is able to achieve everything with the help of incredible hard work. According to the eastern horoscope, Dmitry is a bright and outrageous Rooster who does not get tired to amaze and impress everyone.

The height of the guy is above average, he was one meter eighty centimeters. But Bilan has a small shoe size for a man - only 43.

The weight of the famous singer is not stable, and is currently 75 kilograms. However, more recently, Dima Bilan lost 8 kg in 2016, the reasons for this phenomenon turned out to be prosaic. Fans, by the way, did not stop naming the main reasons for an unsuccessful love affair with Pelageya, stress at work and constant mental overstrain. Everything turned out to be easier, Dima began to worry about gastritis, so he became interested in proper nutrition - a raw food diet.

Biography of Dima Bilan

Viktor Nikolaevich Bilan was born in December 1981. He was born into the world in the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug. Later, family members with little Vityusha left for Kabardino-Balkaria.

The boy began to understand music early, so his parents sent him to a music school. Victor did not master the piano, but the old-fashioned accordion. The gifted boy was quickly noticed and began to be sent to various music competitions. Victor with regular constancy took prize-winning places on them.

Vitya got to school a year earlier with his older sister. He studied well and delighted his classmates with impromptu concerts.

After graduation, the guy entered the Gnesinka, where he studied vocals for three years.

The biography of Dima Bilan is simply unique. So, after graduating from college, he changed his name to the name of his grandfather, whom he passionately and infinitely loved, that's how Vitya became Dima.

Dmitry actively collaborated with producer Yuri Aizenshpis, who advised him to take a pseudonym, helped to participate in the New Wave, and even released the first album of the aspiring singer in 2003.

Later, several more albums saw the light, which became leaders in sales. Dmitry began to receive awards one after another: "Golden Gramophone", "Singer of the Year", "Performer of the Year", "Best Composition" and "Best Album".

The guy was able to record an English-language album, became the official ambassador of Sochi-2014.

Dima's new and new hits constantly flash on the rating and successful TV channels. They are promoted daily in the TOP-10.

The following horizons open up in Bilan's career, he takes an active part in the New Wave and Eurovision song contests. AT last competition participated twice and finally took first place.

Since 2016, the guy has been acting as a mentor for the adult and children's musical show "Voice". Soon Dmitry is trying to make a dizzying acting career, acting in Star Holidays, Theater of the Absurd, Hero.

It duplicates the animated films "Trolls" and "Frozen".

Latest news 2017: Dima Bilan has cancer? He is dying?

Recently, fans of the star learned the terrible news: Dima Bilan has cancer. These rumors, of course, were not confirmed. The reasons for their occurrence turned out to be the singer's rapid weight loss in 2016 and a bald haircut, so he became bald. Calm down, this is not the result of chemotherapy!

The fact is that the guy lost weight due to proper nutrition, cut his hair for a new project, and went to the hospital to operate on herniated discs.

So ask the question: "Dima Bilan - what happened to him"? Not at all appropriate in this case.

Dima Bilan's personal life

The personal life of Dima Bilan has always remained the secret of the singer. He does not deny that the fans do not mind having an affair with him. However, only ridiculous rumors and speculation often circulate about the amorous affairs of a young singer.

For a long time there were persistent rumors about the stormy romance of Dmitry and Yana Rudkovskaya, who became his new mentor. The guys do not report on these relationships, but they completely refute their existence. It is worth noting that these speculations did not disappear even after Yana married Evgeni Plushenko and gave birth to a baby. Bilan for Rudkovskaya is a favorite creative brainchild that brings huge profits.

The guy was credited with a stormy romance with a colleague on the show “Voice. Children ”Pelageya, however, the girl also got married and gave birth to a child from her chosen one.

When Bilan failed to find a couple among a huge number of his friends and fans, he was credited with a non-traditional sexual orientation. There was even his "husband" - Rovens Pritula, about whom nothing was known, so the rumors immediately faded away.

Dima Bilan's family

Dima Bilan's family consists of parents and two beloved sisters.

Father - Nikolai Belan - worked as a locksmith for a long time. He graduated from a technical institute in Chelyabinsk, having received the profession of a designer. He was a design engineer at the legendary KAMAZ plant. Likes to decide math problems.

Mom - Nina Dmitrievna - had nothing to do with music or cinema. She worked in greenhouses for many years, and after that she worked in social services.

The star adores her parents and often spends time with them. He is very sorry that his beloved grandmother Nina is not around, who worked in the choir all her life and saw the potential of her grandson.

The elder sister, Elena, is a talented fashion designer. She is married and happily married to lawyer Zimin. She started her career washing dishes in bars.

The younger sister, Anya, lives in the USA and is mastering the profession of an opera singer. By the way, journalists often attribute to the girl the role of either a daughter or a young lover. The girl was raised by Dmitry Bilan, because her parents were always busy.

Anna often appears in Dmitry's video work and recently recorded a song as a duet with her older brother. Due to Dmitry's busy tour schedule and the fact that Annushka has been living abroad for a long time, the guys rarely see each other.

Children of Dima Bilan

On the Internet, frames of babies are constantly flickering, which were allegedly born to our charming superstar by his devoted fans. Dima Bilan's children simply don't exist yet, even in the near future.

However, Dima has a beloved boy, but his own is absolutely not by blood and not born by fans. The blond boy, whose photos often appear on the Internet, is the godson of the famous singer Sasha. This baby is Small child Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko.

The singer dearly adores his godson and constantly uploads photos and videos with him in in social networks.

At present, Dmitry does not think about blood children, preferring fuss with dogs to the society of children.

Dima Bilan's wife

Dima Bilan's wife also exists only in his dreams, the heart of the star is absolutely free.

The role of the civil wife of Dmitry Bilan was attributed to the famous model Lena Kuletskaya. This relationship lasted more than one year, and fans with bated breath followed the presentation of her engagement ring at Eurovision. Later, the couple broke all the hopes of the fans, publicly and publicly saying that they had never had any romantic or love relationships, and everything that happened was called PR.

After that, Dima Bilan was brought together with Yulianna Krylova, who appeared in a number of rather frank works of the singer. The singer claims that between them there is only a strong friendship, but not a civil marriage.

The same words were heard about possible love relationships with Natalia Samoletova, Yulia Sarkisova, Anna Moshkovich, Oksana Grigoryeva, Yulia Volkova.

Some kind of Lyalya was called a common-law wife, which the singer often calls the love of his life. Bilan's sister hints that the brother has a girlfriend of the heart, who is far from the world of show business and the modeling industry.

The photos of Dima Bilan before and after plastic surgery, which are presented on the site, are true. The singer turned to plastic surgeons repeatedly.

He did rhinoplasty because of problems with the nasal septum, which did not allow air to pass through in the required volume. The guy even started having problems with vocals. And the reason was a childhood injury, when Bilan broke his nose, showing tricks to a classmate.

The fact that he did other types of plastic surgery, Dmitry Bilan denies. Yes, and a spectacular young man does not need braces, and cute wrinkles around the eyes absolutely do not spoil his appearance.

Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan

Instagram and Wikipedia Dima Bilan, of course, are available, as well as profiles on social networks.

On their pages, fans of Dmitry's work can read last news about his life. Ask about creative plans for the future and discuss past concerts.

On Wikipedia, you can get acquainted with the biographical data of the singer, as well as find out information about his personal life. Instagram, on the other hand, is constantly changing photos and videos related to the projects of the star, his hopes and aspirations. A lot of pictures are dedicated to the parents and sisters of the singer, and especially the youngest.

You can go to your goal for years and never reach it. And you can quickly achieve your goal, but for this you need to work hard and not give up in case of possible failures. The hero of our story is Dima Bilan, who has absorbed perseverance, diligence and an incredible desire for his goal, although this story was not without a fortunate combination of circumstances. But the fact remains. For many years, his work has pleased tens of thousands of fans of various age categories.

  • Real name: Viktor Nikolaevich Belan
  • Date of birth: 12/24/1981
  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Height: 182 centimeters
  • Weight: 75 kilograms
  • Shoe size: 43 (EUR)
  • Eye and hair color: Brown, brunette.

The date of birth of the star came at the end of 1981 in an unremarkable town, Ust-Dzheguda, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, in a family of ordinary Soviet workers. It should be said right away that the full real name of the future superstar is Viktor Nikolaevich Belan, the current pseudonym Dima Bilan was invented later, and as it turned out, quite successfully.

Mom - Nina Dmitrievna Belan worked for a long time in the local greenhouse industry, a little later - in the social sphere.

Father - Nikolai Mikhailovich Belan has a specialty of a design engineer. Like many Soviet engineers, he worked as an ordinary mechanic.

Dima's family had two more sisters. One year older - Elena Belan-Zimina and the youngest Anna Belan, born in 1994. History is silent about the presence of pets, although, most likely, they were, like many Soviet children.

At the age of one, Vitya changes his place of residence for the first time - his family leaves for Naberezhnye Chelny, where the first years of Dima Bilan's childhood passed. The second move, the future star survived at the age of six, but now it is the city of Maisky in Kabardino-Balkaria. It was here that Victor Belan acquired his secondary education, changing two schools. First, he received knowledge at school number 2, and finished gnawing the granite of science at school number 14.

In the fifth grade, the biography of Dmitry Bilan turns in the right direction. Victor enters a music school, which he successfully completes in the accordion class. During the period of study in the "musician" the first appearances on the stage began. Let it be a school assembly hall or a palace of pioneers, but it was these performances that launched the young talent. Dima participated in all kinds of local competitions and festivals, and even if he didn’t run in them, he was sure to be remembered. The first success of Dima Bilan at a young age can be considered the first place in the music competition "Young Voices of the Caucasus".

Most likely, this determined the further fate of Dima. In 1999, he came to the capital of Russia to participate in the Chunga-Changa festival dedicated to children's creativity. Having received a diploma from the hands of the guru of the Soviet stage, Joseph Kobzon, and by and large the child, Dima Bilan decides to stay in Moscow. The very next year, he entered the prestigious Gnessin State Musical College with a degree in classical vocals. Gaining knowledge, Dima Bilan does not stop taking part in various competitions and in 2002 becomes the winner of the Fetos festival. From 2003 to 2005, the singer studies at GITIS, and was immediately enrolled in the 2nd year.

Carier start

Few people remember that in 2000, Dima's first clip was shown on MTV Russia. It was filmed at the expense of Elena Kan, who is considered the first producer of Dmitry Bilan. “Autumn” was the name of his first work, which was filmed on the shores of the Gulf of Finland.

As a student, Dima Bilan meets Yuri Aizenshpis, a well-known producer in pop circles, who already had several successful projects - Technology, Dynamite, Kino and Vlad Stashevsky. The acquaintance turned out to be so successful that the singer's career rapidly went up. Becoming the producer of Bilan, Aizenshpis not only invested in the singer, but also demanded complete dedication from him. This approach to business, soon brought the first fruits. The debut at the New Wave festival in 2002 can be called quite successful. With his composition "Boom", Bilan Dima took fourth place.

Immediately after the competition, Aizenshpis' production machine started working in full force. Four videos were shot, and in one - “I love you so much”, along with Dima, the famous Bilan, the daughter of Igor Krutoy starred.

In October 2003, the debut album, “I am a night hooligan,” was released, consisting of 15 tracks. The following year, the second studio album appears - "On the Shore of the Sky". Then Bilan also recorded his English version.

At the peak of fame

2005 was a peculiar year for Dima Bilan, in which joys from new achievements and severe pain from the loss of a loved one were mixed.

In February, Dima tries his hand at the national competitive selection of a performer to represent Russia at Eurovision and took second place in it. The year was full of tours, appearances on television, participation in various shows. It would seem that everything is running its course. But in September, producer Dimin, Yuri Aizenshpis, died of a massive myocardial infarction. Bilan was very worried about the loss of a loved one. Dozens of concerts have been cancelled. Bilan began to experience depression, which he was able to overcome only thanks to hardening and perseverance acquired during the period of cooperation with an already deceased friend.

In 2006, many well-known people in musical circles offered Dima their services as a producer. Having broken all contractual obligations with the Aizenshpis company, which, after the death of her husband, was managed by his wife Elena Kovrigina, Dima, the singer Bilan, took some pause in his work.

The singer was given a second wind by his acquaintance with Yana Rudkovskaya. The new team and dedication to their work made the star shine again on the musical Olympus. For three years, Dima Bilan became a nominee and winner of almost all domestic music awards.

Having got to the Eurovision Song Contest in 2006, Bilan takes second place there. But the desire to win haunts Dima, and he vows to win the competition in the near future. In the meantime, he is hard at work on a new repertoire, collecting music prizes along the way and starring in television shows. On the MTV channel, the reality show "Live with Bilan" was a huge success. The popularity of the show was so high that a sequel was aired the following year.

2008 was an unforgettable year for millions of Russians and for Dima Bilan himself. With the song "Believe" he wins the prestigious Eurovision Song Contest, becoming the first Russian performer to do so. Thanks to this victory, the final of the Eurovision Song Contest 2009 was held at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex in Moscow, which was opened by last year's winner Dima Bilan.

From 2009 to the present, the singer has been successfully touring throughout the country and abroad. He is a welcome participant on various TV shows and talk shows. Tries himself in new areas of creativity. You shoot in several films. The filmography of Dima Bilan already has six tapes. He was also noted in the dubbing of films - Frozen (2013).

Personal life

Stars don't really advertise their personal lives, unless it's a publicity stunt. After winning Eurovision, Dima Bilan literally became a national hero. Fans increased several times. This handsome, young and rather rich boy was a real idol for many girls.

Potential brides began to hunt for the star. But Dima Bilan promised reporters that he would play the wedding only with his girlfriend. According to numerous rumors, at that time his passion, the Russian model Lena Kuletskaya, had been waiting for a marriage proposal for a long time. Time inexorably ran forward, but the proposal never came.

Increasingly, at secular parties, Lena was noticed in the company of other men and the couple announced their breakup. Then it turned out that the novel turned out to be a fiction. It was a well thought out publicity stunt.

After such events, Dima Bilan began to carefully hide his personal life from prying eyes. But the ubiquitous paparazzi were unstoppable. Newspapers were full of headlines about the wedding of Dima and Yulia Sarkisova. But, as it turned out, Yulia starred in the next clip of the singer "Clock", and she herself has been married for a long time and is raising children. Bilan is still far from such a serious, measured life.

Almost all the girls who starred in Dima's videos were credited with novels with Bilan and early marriage. However, the singer claims that his heart is still free and he has not yet found the one with whom he is ready to link his fate with family ties. Yuliana Krylova, Adelina Sharipova and the ex-soloist of the Tatu group Yulia Volkova - this is not the whole list of girls with whom Dima's novels are associated.

Much has been said about unconventional sexual orientation singer. Such conversations were facilitated by frank photo sessions of Dima Bilan. And although these pictures were designed for a completely different audience, rumors could not be avoided. The artist himself has repeatedly denied such rumors, but in the pursuit of sensations, dishonest journalists will sometimes throw up another "duck". Be that as it may, Dima Bilan's personal life will always be shrouded in a lot of false information, fiction and gossip.

Judging by the number of girls that surround our hero, Dmitry Bilan does not need children yet, but we still hope that he will meet the only one with whom he seriously wants to connect his life.

Dima Bilan now

Naturally, creativity takes away most the artist has time, but Dima Bilan is a very versatile person. When he was over 30, priorities began to change. In addition to singing songs, he actively participates in various television projects. So, for example, together with other artists, Dima Bilan took part as a mentor in the Voice program.

Few people know, but Dima Bilan is a member of the LDPR party, does charity work and dreams of flying into space.

  • Dima Bilan is quite a strong guy. His height is 182 centimeters, and his average weight is 75 kilograms.
  • The star was born exactly at midnight.
  • Dima broke the first applause in the second grade in the school cafeteria, when he sang the song “Beautiful is far away”.
  • Dima Bilan is the author of the book. “From a hooligan to a dreamer” is the name of his autobiographical work, which was written for a very long time in his free time from the stage.
  • The singer has a weakness for shoes. He has a large collection of pairs of sneakers. Dima Bilan came up with a special rule of conduct for himself in a shoe store. The main thing is not to fuss and have peace of mind, then you can choose exactly the thing that no one will notice.
  • Dima Bilan in one day became an honored artist of two republics at once - Chechnya and Ingushetia.
  • A street and a music school are named after the artist.
  • In 2013, Dima Bilan became the godfather of the son of his producer Yana Rudkovskaya.
  • Dima's first love is Lyalya. She is a creative person - an artist. They met at the dawn of Bilan's work. The future star even skipped rehearsals because of her. However, the breakup went strangely. Lyalya just left without even saying goodbye. A few years later, on vacation, Dima Bilan met his first love in one of the warm countries. They rested together, but did not resume relations.

With a new name Victor Belan started new life full of bright moments and bitterness of failures. But the wild desire to win does its job. To this day, Dima Bilan collects all kinds of awards, prizes and titles, while remaining one of the wealthiest Russian pop artists. And it's not about changing the name to a popular brand. Sometimes you have to earn the right to be yourself. And Dima Bilan is a vivid example of this!

Dima Bilan(name and surname at birth - Belan Viktor Nikolaevich) is a Russian singer and film actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (2018), Honored Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria (2006), Honored Artist of Chechnya (2007), and People's Artist of Kabardino-Balkaria (2008).

Dima Bilan represented Russia twice at the Eurovision Song Contest: in 2006 with the song "Never Let You Go", taking second place, and in 2008 with the song "Believe", taking first place. He became the first singer from Russia to win Eurovision.

Childhood, education

Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981 in the village of Moskovsky (part of the city of Ust-Dzheguta) of the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region.

Father - Nikolai Mikhailovich Belan- first worked as a mechanic, then, after graduating from the institute, he became a design engineer at the KAMAZ plant in Naberezhnye Chelny.

Mother - Nina Dmitrievna Belan- was a greenhouse worker, then moved to work in the social sphere.

Dima Bilan has two sisters: the eldest - Elena Belan-Zimina(1980), younger - Anna Belan(1994). A photo of little Dima with his family can be seen on his website, as well as a photo with an ABC book already at school.

Singer Dima Bilan with his sister Anna Belan (left) and parents (Photo: TASS / Global Look Press)

As stated in the biography of D. Bilan on his official website, “on the very first day of his life, the baby was drawn into a serious intrigue. Since he had a pronounced Caucasian appearance, Nina Dmitrievna began to fear that she, the only Russian woman in the maternity hospital, had been replaced by her son, accidentally confusing it with some other newborn. Fortunately, the obstetricians dispelled her doubts and reassured her.”

When the boy was one year old, the family moved to Naberezhnye Chelny. Five years later, Dmitry's parents moved to the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, to the city of Maisky.

Studying in fifth grade high school, Vitya (aka the future Dima) entered a music school, from which he graduated in the accordion class. Young Dima Bilan was an active participant in various music competitions and festivals. A talented young man in the competition "Young Voices of the Caucasus" was able to take first place. Then D. Bilan became the winner of various festivals, including the "Morning Star" in Stavropol.

AT official biography The singer says that Bilan's love for songs comes from his maternal grandmother, who worked in the choir for thirty years. At school, Dima could sing a song right in the lesson.

In 1998, Dima Bilan (then still Vitya Belan) came to Moscow to participate in the Chunga-Changa festival, dedicated to children's creativity and the thirtieth anniversary of joint activity Yuri Entin and David Tukhmanov. And again the award - the young performer received a diploma from Joseph Kobzon.

In 2000, Dima Bilan entered the Gnesins State Musical College. Specialty - classical vocals.

While studying at the school, D. Bilan takes part in festivals and various music competitions. In addition, in 2000, his video clip for the song "Autumn" was in the rotation of the MTV Russia channel. In 2001-2002 Dima Bilan became the laureate of the festival "Festos". Along the way, living in a hostel, he worked part-time in a clothing store.

The beginning of Dima Bilan's career

Latvia. Jurmala. AT concert hall"Dzintari" in Jurmala yesterday passed the first qualifying round (Retro hit in the native language) at the international competition of young performers popular music"New wave". Pictured: young contestant Dima Bilan from Moscow, 2002 (Photo: Anton Denisov / TASS)

The first producer of D. Bilan was Yuri Aizenshpis who immediately saw talent in the young man. In 2002, Dima made his debut at the New Wave festival in Jurmala, where he took fourth place.

At the end of October 2003, Bilan's debut album, entitled "I'm a night hooligan", was released.

2004 for D. Bilan turned out to be very favorable in terms of creativity. The first album ("Night Hooligan+") was re-released. Then came the second studio album by Dima Bilan called "On the Bank of the Sky", which became successful. It included the songs “You Should Be Near”, “Mulatto”, “On the Bank of the Sky”, “Congratulations!”, “How I Wanted”, for which clips were shot. The 2005 reissue of the album included English versions of three songs.

Singer Dima Bilan and producer Yuri Aizenshpis, 2004 (Photo: Sergey Uzakov / TASS)

The recording of the singer's first English-language album began. In the work on the album, together with Dima Bilan took part Diane Warren and Shaun Escoffery.

Dima Bilan and Yana Rudkovskaya, 2009 (Photo: Alexei Pantsikov/Russian Look/Global Look Press)

On September 20, 2005, a misfortune happened - Bilan's producer Yuri Aizenshpis died. After his death, many producers offered Dima contracts. In 2006, Dima left the Aizenshpis company, which was led by his widow Elena Kovrigina. However, the company demanded that Bilan change his name, as "Dima Bilan" is a pseudonym that belongs to the company. But together with the new team, headed by Yana Rudkovskaya, Bilan resolved the conflict and since 2008 took a pseudonym as his official name. By the way, the singer chose the name Dima for himself not by chance: Dmitry was the name of Bilan's grandfather, whom he loved very much. Since childhood, the singer said that he wanted to be called Dima.

Two awards Golden Gramophone Award”, the prize of the First Channel for participation in the project“ New songs about the main thing ”brought Dmitry 2005. And in the same year, in the field of show business, Dima became the person of the year according to the version of the Rambler search engine, and in 2006 D. Bilan was awarded the title "Singer of the Year" at a music competition in Kyiv. Then Dima became the laureate of Muz-TV (three awards - "Best Album", "Best Composition" and "Best Performer of the Year").

Singer Dima Bilan during the filming of the New Year's project "Old and New Songs about the Main" (left); at the Golden Gramophone music award ceremony, 2006 (Photo: TASS)

Songs " It was love», « Impossible is possible" and " Number One Fan"headed the Russian charts in these years.

Unprecedented success accompanied Bilan - he entered the top three most expensive and popular people in Russia, according to Forbes magazine. In show business news, Dima has become a regular character. Photos of the singer also went well. D. Bilan posed naked for the cover of Sex and the City magazine and the news discussed how Bilan shared these photos with colleagues.


In 2006 Channel One chose Bilan to represent Russia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2006 held in Athens. Dima Bilan took second place with the song "Never Let You Go".

Just two years later, in 2008, D. Bilan took first place at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008 with the song "Believe". On May 24, 2008, Dima performed in the final of the competition together with Evgeny Plushenko and a Hungarian violinist Edwin Marton. Dmitry became the first Russian singer to win the Eurovision Song Contest, receiving the main prize - Crystal Microphone.

Russian singer Dima Bilan won Eurovision 2008 (Photo: DPA/TASS)

In the village of Moskovsky in Ust-Dzhegut, a music school was named after Dima Bilan.

Continuing a career

Singer Dima Bilan at the 2012 MTV Europe Music Awards in Frankfurt am Main, Germany (Photo: PA Photos/TASS)

Success followed the talented singer everywhere. Dima Bilan became the Sochi-2014 Ambassador. The artist received a May Fashion diploma and entered the TOP-100 most beautiful people Moscow-2009. For the fifth time in a row, D. Bilan received the prestigious MTV Europe Music Awards in the Best Russian Act nomination.

In 2009, Bilan's fifth studio and first English-language album "Believe" was released. In the cover photo, Bilan is standing in jeans alone, holding out his arms with tattoos.

In 2010, Dima Bilan recorded a duet with the American singer Anastacia. They recorded the song "Safety" in Los Angeles at Chalice Recording.

A real sensation on the Web was made by a video capturing how Alla Pugacheva and Dima Bilan performed the hit "Do not renounce loving." The performers received applause from the guests of the evening and enthusiastic comments from users. But fans paid attention not so much to the song and its original presentation, but to the photo, where Bilan's trousers are too tight.

In 2011, Dima Bilan released the album " Dreamer", in 2013 - " reach out". The audience appreciated such songs as " I just love you», « Baby», « sick of you and other hits.

Dima Bilan (Andrey Dolmatov) in the frame from the film "Hero" directed by Yuri Vasiliev (Photo: PR Agency Sarafan / TASS)

AT last years D. Bilan took an active part in interesting projects - The Phantom of the Opera (2011), acted as a mentor of the Voice project (2012−2016). From 2014 to the present, he has been a mentor of the Voice. Children". And in recent times the singer decided to test himself in the cinema. Dima's full-fledged debut was the historical film "Hero", the events of which take place in Russia during the First World War. Bilan's character is captain Andrey Dolmatov.

Singer Dima Bilan on the set of the musical program "Voice" (Photo: Pravda Komsomolskaya / Russian Look / Global Look Press)

Also in the filmography of D. Bilan "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", "Golden Key", "Theatre of the Absurd". In the near future, the continuation of the trilogy “Midshipmen, forward! ", in which Dima will also play.

“I was surprised and delighted by the offer to star in the film “Midshipmen 1787”, because I not only had the opportunity to meet the most legendary people in the cinema of Russia and the USSR, but also to play with them in a cult film,” Dima Bilan shared in an interview.

Friends, are you waiting? Vika is waiting and Dasha is waiting! And let the whole world wait,” Bilan says in the video.

Klyukina took part in the filming of the video for the song "Lightning" - Bilan's new hit. But what Korotkova is doing next to Bilan has become a mystery to the singer's fans. These photos and videos were actively discussed on the Web, linking them with news about Dima Bilan's personal life.

Bilan does not like to talk about his personal life. The news even reported that Dima Bilan quarreled with journalists after a question about his personal life.

But the artist said that at present (2019) his heart is not free. However, he did not disclose the name of the new passion.

“Tell me, what should happen to a person if he is interested in who I live with? I think that this is some kind of atavism, to represent a person with someone in bed, to be interested in who he sleeps with, ”the singer clarified.

In 2019, Dima Bilan told the shocking news of his personal life. Revelations were made in the program "And to talk?". The 37-year-old artist admitted that a few years ago his lover became pregnant. The doctors said that the singer would have twins.

“For some reason, like an idiot, I told my friends about this right and left. But the attempt failed, a miscarriage occurred, and she flew to Iceland. Then the second attempt, and again failed. You can believe it, you can not, ”the artist admitted.

Bilan admitted that what happened was a real shock for him, the news reported.

“Everyone thinks: “And the man, what to take from him ...”. And inside everything is on fire, fire, you go crazy. You start drinking, ”said the singer.

The tragedy alienated the lovers from each other, each tried to blame the partner for what had happened, as a result, the couple broke up.

Dima Bilan also said that he is not planning children yet, but he once wanted to name his future daughter Alice.