Galina Rzhaksenskaya and Evgeny Gromov: personal life. Instagram of Galina Rzhaksenskaya Participation in the show “Bachelor”

Last weekend, November 5th, finalist of the show “The Bachelor” Galina Rzhaksenskaya married her chosen one, businessman Evgeny Gromov. Only the closest couples – parents and a few friends – gathered at the Barvikha Wedding Palace. Immediately after registering the marriage at the registry office, the newlyweds went to a restaurant to celebrate such a significant event, and then flew off on a honeymoon to Venice. Galina plans to organize a grand banquet in February.

The postponement of the holiday is due to the fact that Rzhaksenskaya will celebrate her thirtieth birthday in December, and therefore she did not want to organize two large events in a row.

To register her marriage, the finalist of the Bachelor show chose a dress from the 2017 IDEAL MOSCOW designer collection. This model was delivered especially for Gali and is currently presented in a single copy. For a long time, the girl was tormented by doubts about her wedding dress and even turned to fans for help.

Fans were happy for Rzhaksenskaya. They were happy that the finalist of the show “The Bachelor” was able to find love. Numerous congratulations on social networks touched Galina to the depths of her soul. She hastened to thank her subscribers for their attention.

“Thank you everyone for your congratulations. So many wishes and kind words, thank you for this mood, we love you. We'll rest and show you all soon. Oh, yes. I took it anyway. “I couldn’t disobey you,” the girl wrote, hinting that she and her husband now have the same last name.

The star of the third season of the show “The Bachelor” Galina Rzhaksenskaya married Evgeniy Gromov.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya, a participant in the show “Bachelor Season Three,” who finally got married back in May.

Let us remember that Galina was a finalist of the show, but lost to Daria Kananukha, who in the end, however, never married her chosen one.

But Rzhaksenskaya’s fiancé did not deceive her: the couple officially got married and immediately flew off on their honeymoon.

“We flew to the most romantic city,” Galina said, without specifying which one - Paris, Venice or somewhere else. Actually, romance depends on the lovers, not on the city.

Galina also showed her bride's dress.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya and Evgeny Gromov got married

At the same time, Rzhaksenskaya is concerned about a serious question: should she change her last name or not? The opinions of fans in the comments are divided: some think that the combination “Galina Gromova” sounds very beautiful, while others, on the contrary, advise leaving their own. What decision Galya will make will probably become known in the very near future, because she doesn’t make much of a secret about her personal life.

The finalist of the show “The Bachelor” began to lift the veil of secrecy a few days ago. First, the bride pleased her subscribers with a photo of her pajama party, which, by the way, was attended by Natalya Gorozhanova, a good friend of the bride, familiar to viewers from the fourth season of the show “The Bachelor.” And just the day before, Galina published a photo in wedding dress and told fans that today was her last opportunity to be a bride, thus revealing all her cards.

Let us remind you. The fact that Galina has a boyfriend became known in December 2015, when she showed off her lover at her birthday party. The chosen one of the “Bachelor” star proposed marriage to her right in the sky, while on board the plane. The girl immediately agreed to become his wife and announced her intention to begin preparations for the wedding.

At the same time, Galina made it clear more than once that her groom was tormenting her with jealousy. Evgeniy demands that his beloved always be available and make sure that the phone is charged. From time to time, Rzhaksenskaya spends time with her friends in clubs or restaurants, and Evgeniy has to worry.

Last year it became known that Galina Rzhaksenskaya and Evgeny Gromov tied the knot. Galina is the star of the sensational show “The Bachelor,” where she fought for the heart of Timur Batrutdinov. Although the girl did not win, she gained popularity thanks to this show. How did it turn out later life, and who her chosen one is, you can find out about this by reading this article.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya was born in 1986 in the capital of Russia. Her family is very wealthy, her parents are wealthy entrepreneurs. We can say that the girl grew up in luxury, denying herself nothing.

After graduation high school Galina decided to follow in her parents’ footsteps and entered the government financial academy to major in economics. During the holidays, Galina went on vacation to Miami.

There the girl had a lot of fun. She met celebrities, visited luxurious places, and made many expensive purchases. All this made the press call Galina a “million dollar baby.”

After returning to her homeland, Galina decided to develop her own business. She opened several elite beauty salons in the capital.

Participation in the show "Bachelor"

In 2015, Galina became a participant in the third season of the show “The Bachelor”. In this episode, beauties competed for the heart of a famous comedian, a member of the Comedy Club, and a popular actor.

This is a famous comedian, athlete and actor who has not yet tied the knot. Several girls are fighting for his heart. They must show their best side. The beauties arrange unforgettable dates for the main character. What they will be like depends on the imagination and ingenuity of the participants.

With Timur Batrutdinov in the show “Bachelor”

The main character must evaluate each girl and make a choice. Which date resonates with him the most, that girl will become the winner, and therefore the lady of his heart. It must be said that avid bachelors usually do not give up right away. They need to be attracted, charmed, interested, so that their heart finally trembles. This is the main task of each participant in the show.

Galina, taking part in the show, was confident in her charm, and therefore in her victory! And when, after the first round, Timur gave her a symbol - a rose of sympathy, Galina was simply one hundred percent sure that victory was already close.

And, indeed, the girl reached the finals. But besides her, there was another beauty there - Daria Kananukha. The rival was taller and more pronounced. But Galina did not despair. The last day was coming - the last chance to win.

Galina Rzhakesenskaya in the final of the show “The Bachelor”

Each of the two rivals had to charm the main character in her own way. In this decisive round, charm, ingenuity, feminine cunning, and, of course, charm and beauty played a role. In her last evening dress, Galina was simply inimitable! Her photo, posted on social networks from that day, received several thousand likes.

It would seem that victory is in her hands. However, everything turned out differently. Timur chose Daria, which disappointed not only Galya, but also many of her fans. Everyone was wondering why he made such a choice?!

But tears won't help my grief. Galina refrained from tears and curses against her opponent, congratulated the young people and wished them happiness.

Personal life

It is clear that the attractive blue-eyed brown-haired woman with a perfect figure and a charming smile has never been limited by male attention. It is known that before meeting her betrothed Evgeniy Gromov, Galina Rzhaksenskaya had quite serious relationship with a young man named Ignat. Who he is, history is silent. But we only know that he had a large fortune and ran his own business. In addition, he composed songs that he dedicated to his beloved. Things were already moving towards a wedding, however, for an unknown reason, the young people separated.

After a not entirely successful participation in the show, fate consoled Galina Rzhaksenskaya with a meeting with an attractive young man, Yevgeny Gromov. He is not an artist and has never appeared on the covers of glamor magazines. Few people knew about him before this acquaintance.

The love story of these young people unfolded very quickly. And after a year of dating, Evgeniy decided to propose to the girl. This happened right on board the plane on which they were flying on vacation. Galina, of course, gave her consent.

It is known that Evgeny Gromov is a 32-year-old entrepreneur from Moscow. He stands confidently on his feet, developing his business. He has a page on Instagram, where he often posts joint photos with Galina Rzhaksenskaya. And apparently, the young people found each other and are very happy.


Evgeny Gromov and Galina Rzhaksenskaya decided to get married in 2016. The bride ordered herself a luxurious dress. Photo various options She posted her wedding dress on her Instagram page, where she collected advice on this matter.

The wedding took place in November 2016. The wedding was gorgeous, many invited guests were present. After this, the couple flew off on their honeymoon.

Galina thought for a long time about whether she should keep her maiden name or change it to her husband’s last name. Many advised her to leave the same, but at the same time, Galina Gromova sounds impressive. In the end, Galina remained with her maiden name.

At the beginning of this year it became known that Galina Rzhaksenskaya and Evgeniy Gromov were expecting a child. The happy expectant mother constantly posted photos with her rounded shape on social networks. She became very prettier and simply glowed with happiness.

Birth of a child

In September 2017, Galina posted the news on social networks that a girl should become the new member of the family. Future parents happily posted photo sessions with children's things purchased in advance: toys, balls, a crib, etc. The happy future father gave kisses to his beloved wife, who looked charming. Pregnancy suits her very well.

Galina immediately wrote on her Instagram page that she was born new life. She posted a photo of the first minutes of her daughter’s life, in which loving husband bowed to his wife and child. Galya wrote a declaration of love to her husband. In turn, Evgeniy also wrote words of gratitude to his wife on social networks and that he loved her very much.

At first, Galina will be helped by her mother with the child. Then, the young mother intends to take up her career again in the near future. She doesn't want to be on maternity leave for a long time. So the fate of the rejected participant in the “Bachelor” project turned out very well.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya is a participant in the popular show “The Bachelor,” who was remembered by viewers not only for her bright appearance, but also for her sharp tongue, original outlook on life and unshakable confidence in her own abilities. However, few people know that behind the bright outer shell hides a truly interesting personality.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the future TV show star began in Moscow. Galina was born on December 14, 1986. The girl’s family was wealthy; Rzhaksenskaya’s parents are engaged in business. The Rzhaksensky family has two children - Galina has an older brother.

When choosing life path Galina was guided by the experience of her parents and chose the Financial Academy under the Government Russian Federation, Faculty of Economics. There is also information that Galina managed to study in the United States. After graduating from the academy, the girl decided to have a good rest and went to Miami.

Later, Galina Rzhaksenskaya admitted to Tatler magazine that this vacation was marked by visits to expensive and pretentious places, meetings with world stars and a huge number of expensive purchases. The publication, in turn, awarded the girl the title of October’s “Million Dollar Baby.” Returning to Moscow, Galina devoted time to developing her own business: Rzhaksenskaya owns elite beauty salons in the capital.

Show "Bachelor"

In 2015, Galina’s finest hour came: Rzhaksenskaya appeared on the TNT channel in the popular project “Bachelor,” which, like the sensational show “Dom-2,” helps people meet their soulmate and arrange their personal lives. The idea of ​​the program is simple: an eligible groom will meet several girls of marriageable age. The man meets with each of the beauties alone. The girls’ task is to arrange the most interesting and memorable date so that the bachelor’s heart melts.

The end of each episode is marked by the choice of a man: which of the girls the groom decides to leave and which one will have to leave - an intrigue that keeps the audience in suspense. At the end of the show, only one girl remains, who becomes the happy bride. In the third season of The Bachelor, there was a struggle for the heart of the Comedy Club resident, a witty, handsome man. On the very first day of the project, Timur gave Galina the so-called rose of sympathy, that is, immunity.

According to Rzhaksenskaya, she was attracted to the project by the opportunity to get acquainted with a worthy man. The fact is that in matters of the heart, a girl sets a high bar for applicants for close relationships. But, unfortunately, not all outwardly strong and successful men actually meet the standards of a beauty. Galina dreamed of a responsible, generous and decisive gentleman. The girl was not at all afraid of her rivals, believing that she could easily beat other contenders for the bachelor’s heart.

And indeed, Galina Rzhaksenskaya easily made it to the finals of the scandalous TV show, leaving behind the other participants. Rzhaksenskaya’s main rival became. Galina prepared her last date with Timur especially carefully. First, the young people relaxed in the bathhouse, and then a romantic dinner took place. Rzhaksenskaya made a lot of efforts to impress Batrutdinov on the spot: careful makeup, a luxurious scarlet dress - the girl looked gorgeous. Photos of the girl from that evening received a lot of “likes” on social networks.

That evening, Rzhaksenskaya admitted to Batrutdinov that she seriously considered him as a man with whom she would make a strong family. However, fate decreed otherwise: despite Galina’s confidence in victory, Timur gave preference to Daria Kananukha. This turn of events could not help but disappoint Galina, who was already practically celebrating her victory over the comedian’s heart.

“Of course it was painful and unpleasant! - the girl admits. - And I didn’t understand why Timur did this. I think many people didn’t understand this choice, but that means it had to be.”

Galina's disappointment and resentment were conveyed to fans of the bright beauty. Instagram and other social networks simply exploded with indignant comments from viewers who considered Timur’s action to be wrong. However, Galina managed to pull herself together and asked fans to refrain from angry and offensive comments about Batrutdinov and Kananukha. According to the girl, every trouble should be faced with your head held high, without stooping to humiliate your opponent.

Personal life

The miniature beauty (the girl’s height is 161 cm and her weight is 55 kg) never complained about the lack of male attention. Before the project, Galina Rzhaksenskaya met with a young man named Ignat. The beauty's boyfriend ran his own business. The couple seemed to have an idyllic relationship. The girl tried to please her lover with delicacies, while the man dedicated his favorite song to her. Unfortunately, the couple soon broke up.

Galina was distracted by other entertainment, took up her own image, and learned to snowboard. Then the girl tried to arrange her personal life on the “Bachelor” project, and was also unsuccessful.

However, despite the blows of fate, Galina Rzhaksenskaya finally found the long-awaited female happiness. The girl’s chosen one, Evgeny Gromov, won the beauty’s heart. The young man proposed marriage on board the plane on which the lovers were flying to rest in Dubai. This came as an unexpected surprise for Galina. In 2016, the wedding of the lovers took place.

Galina Rzhaksenskaya now

After Galina got married, the girl’s name began to appear less often in the media. Some time ago it became known that Rzhaksenskaya was pregnant. The official date of birth has not yet become public, but now Galina is immersed in preparations for imminent motherhood.

Future parents already know the sex of the baby, but Rzhaksenskaya and Gromov hide this information from fans. Photos of the expectant mother posted on social networks eloquently indicate that the girl really found happiness and the marriage was successful.





Participant in season 3 of the reality show Bachelor on TNT

20.02.2020 11:51:32

The capital of Hungary, the birthplace of the Rubik's Cube, Budapest. Who has been here? I'm sure everyone is delighted! It was a wonderful weekend! Our men gave a wonderful gift to their other halves and took us to a unique resort town. There are so many hot springs here, they are really fiery, more than 35 degrees ️ and this is in winter! And of course an abundance of incredibly delicious food. It’s very cool that in restaurants and street cafes the food is equally delicious, plentiful, and inexpensive. Be sure to try the local goulash. ⠀ I was very impressed by the architecture here. Starting from our hotel... I'm already tired of you, but it is 🤤 Parisi Udvar hotel Budapest The parliament amazes with its size and grandeur, it does not fit into the photo from any angle. It turns out that it was built on the model of Westminster in London... The second tallest and largest building is the basilica. The comparable sizes of these two architectural landmarks remind us that both mind and spirit are equally important! ⠀ In general, who has already been, tell me, are you delighted too? Would you come back? And for those who are just planning their vacation, even if it’s just a couple of days, be sure to visit Budapest! You definitely won’t get bored. They also say sakura will bloom in April.

18.02.2020 17:53:47

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

16.02.2020 16:47:00

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

It was incredible 🥰 ⠀ And so our 3 days came to an end, and our cheekbones still hurt from laughing. Our boy @gro444, Ilyusha, @alexey_sklyaruk @zrr2900707 are super well done! None of us girls @_ivanovamari_ @kaifozhorka @veravenera expected such a surprise 🤤 ⠀ Thank you for the wonderful entrance, everything was like in this photo, laughter, champagne and dancing ⠀ I love it ️

15.02.2020 09:53:02

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

When I went to the reception... I was incredibly surprised. I love hotels like this. ⠀ Who can guess where I am? ⠀ You will receive a gift from me from this country, there will be 3 of you, the result will be soon, because there is no strength to hide stories

14.02.2020 10:35:46

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

I see you like the reviews of my cosmetics, so before leaving I decided to show you what I took with me on my super trip. ⠀ What I took with me on the trip: ⠀ 1- @oribe_russia hair product, thermal protective spray, unravels the most unruly strands, softens, gives a healthy shine. 2-liquid eye patches @levrana, good find Decongestant (for swelling and bags under the eyes). The high content of aloe vera delicately refreshes the area around the eyes, you don’t even need to wash them off!) 3- Dior joy body perfume cream, I want to smell deliciously romantic everywhere. And I really like this smell. 4- the Dior face palette replaces almost all my cosmetics, it’s very cool 5- I’m hooked on the Givenchy tone 6- my skin is dry everywhere, and my nails are really noticeable, I can’t live without oil. I have it from levrana, it nourishes and softens the cuticle, strengthens the nail plate, but my nail plate is very weak.. Cuticle oil preserves manicure for a longer period. 7-Mabelline mascara, this is already a classic 8-serum @levrana, you could even say a base to match. A base of aloe, hyaluronate and ectoine soothes and moisturizes, stimulating natural cell regeneration. In this weather, I really need the 9-lip pencil from viviensabo 205, more often I even use it without lipstick. I love this color, no one even thinks that there is anything on the lips and at the same time they become more expressive and larger) 10 green pease eye pencil to emphasize green eyes) ⠀ Have you tried any of this?

13.02.2020 11:34:49

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

What do you do with unnecessary toys️ ⠀ Balconies, storage rooms or sell We discovered a cool service for ourselves, ordered expensive toys for rent for only 400 rubles. We took it for a week, but I already realized that the veterinary clinic was not so interesting for Liza, she was apparently more interested in treating real dogs, and we really wanted not to torture them. But the machine in which you can cook and eat also speaks English. We really enjoyed it. Now I understand that if we didn’t rent, but bought it right away, we would have spent half the money on something that wouldn’t be interesting. And so I took it, played it, and understood it. It’s very convenient if you don’t have enough for expensive toys, you can borrow it for a week or a month, then give it away. And most importantly, the child will not get bored, and you will not lose money. We already have mountains of toys, some I give away, some, of course, we store. With @toyrent I will now try first, then only buy. And by the way, I know there will be questions, but what about cleanliness? So I’ll tell you, we received everything in packaging, disinfected ️. Even cleaner than in the store. Do you always wash store items before use? For example, we gave it as a gift and immediately let it play. ⠀ This post is for you because you blew up my Direct message after the story and I asked for an additional promotional code for you for a 20% discount on rental services feb2020

12.02.2020 11:12:55

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

Do you remember that the day of love is coming soon? ⠀ Let me help you on this day How to give your loved one♂♀new happy memories?! Easy ⠀ I'm announcing a giveaway️ ⠀ The winners of Valentine's Day are waiting for: ⠀ Procedures for two from @serenity_medicalspa and @supernovaclinic Dinner for two at the Spanish restaurant DEPOT @barcadepo Well, what needs to be done: Be my subscriber. Subscribe to all sponsors, below: @serenity_medicalspa @supernovaclinic @barcadepo Put on the last 3 publications Tag your soulmate (if she/he is not there, then a close friend) Repost️ this post in your story Fulfill all the conditions and tomorrow I will choose the winners 🤩 Everyone good luck 🤞 ⠀ ️ If you are not from Moscow, then I will send you

11.02.2020 09:43:42

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

Happy Birthday @timurbatrutdinov ⠀ I wanted a joint photo with my husband so that you wouldn’t start inventing something again, but I only found it with the president. Although I have such hot photos 🤣 that you can sell them for a lot. If I were Sobchak, I would have already made some noise 🤪 ⠀ You know, I was very lucky that it was him in my project and exactly at that period. The most worthy Bachelor of TnT, he didn’t put a single girl in an uncomfortable position, he always thought about us first of all... but he could only please his pride. Kind and good Tim, I wish you to remain the same, not to lose faith in sincere love and lose your cockroaches and create an unreal union, to the envy of everyone 🥰 ⠀ P.s Tim’s last phrase to her husband: “well, how do you deal with it”🤣, and I I just kept the “funny” girls away from Timur. Otherwise @batrtatr can’t cope with the flow anymore🤪

09.02.2020 11:53:51

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

All nannies are evil️ ⠀ We continue the topic of my post after I found out how a nanny abuses a child (who hasn’t read it, go to #nannypoop) ⠀ Yes, yes, we called.. but didn’t get through.. I called, my husband called. . not Alla.. But the trampoline center called us and said that they had everything under control and would solve this problem no matter what.. thanks for the promptness, they found my mother and she was in shock.. and how it was already at their house. we don’t know🤷‍♀️, but I hope everything is fine in the end, this nanny was beaten, and the guys were given a super vacation with their parents ⠀ ⠀ These are, of course, my fantasies, but I think only the family itself can fix any problem and help their own child. Even a trip to a psychologist is more necessary for mom and dad in order to properly build relationships in the family. Everything happens and it’s not possible to save you from all the sadness of life, the main thing is to cope properly later ⠀ After that story, there were a lot of your stories and many shocked me 🤯 But️ Many had Grandmothers instead of nannies!! Can you imagine?? How can this be? One girl was so shocked by Grandma’s behavior that she followed her home and went to her mother. Grandma beat, screamed and humiliated.. and we all talk badly about nannies.. what I’m talking about is that you just need to be attentive to your children , communicate a lot, find out everything and I think such problems could have been avoided.. ⠀ ⠀ Only we, parents, can guarantee a happy future for our children, raise our child confident and not create complexes for them!

05.02.2020 11:31:01

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

Great news! ⠀ Girls, this is news for you. I have the opportunity to improve you for free, can you imagine?! For example, do you want to get rid of a scar? Do you want to remove wrinkles or creases? Do you dream of improving your figure? Want to help yourself feel like a woman? Then you need to urgently run to me. Every week I will choose a girl, girl or woman and create pleasant things 🤩 ⠀ It will be completely free for you! The main desire is to be a star. I will soon start filming a blog about the latest and greatest procedures! Together we will find the best devices and good doctors. This will be a bomb, write who would like to participate in this ️ and what would be interesting for you #this will be a bomb #beautyfree #beautyblogger #beautysavetheworld

03.02.2020 11:20:18

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

⠀ I always take a clear approach to ordering toys, I study how much we need it and there are enough stupid gifts Review for you and your children. I immediately write where I ordered it, all this @baby ⠀ #toys for babies #child development #toys for children #toys for babies

02.02.2020 10:31:09

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

Today is a bomb day ⠀ A unique day awaits us all today. Each of us has a chance to improve our lives. Numerologists and esotericists believe that today, especially for women, is the date when you need to concentrate as much as possible on your desires, plans and dreams. If you correctly use the palindrome date 02/02/2020, you will be convinced that miracles are real. ⠀ Today, first of all, you need to make wishes, dream, visualize and detail. Imagine that everything you wish for has already come true. Immerse yourself in your dream as if you were already holding your “bird of happiness” in your hands. Imagine what emotions a situation in which your dream comes true evokes in you. Try to consider, feel and touch what you want in detail in your thoughts. Be sincerely happy about everything. ️You definitely need to forgive your offenders, let go of everything that gnaws at your soul, and free your head from negative thoughts. Don't watch, listen or read bad news. Surround yourself as much as possible with a kind and bright atmosphere. ⠀ it’s difficult if you have a hard life, problems, etc.. but you try, you have nothing to lose if you believe in this day there are miracles that cannot be explained..🧚 ⠀ P.s what a wonderful day today for our final, today is 100 000 will be drawn, but I will continue 🤩 and give away every week, the main thing is to follow the news)

01.02.2020 11:18:15

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

⠀ ⠀ Today I am sharing with you our favorite breakfast. Everyone makes cheesecakes, but everyone has their own recipes. I studied with my mother, and then later at an Italian culinary school. And now it’s just a bomb taste, be sure to watch to the end, I’ll show you how to decorate and serve a very beautiful breakfast to your family in seconds. ⠀ For cheesecakes we will need: ️ Cottage cheese 600 g, I mix 9% and 5%, less fat - not so healthy ️ 3 yolks ️ Flour 3 tbsp ️ Vanillin - a couple of drops for taste ️ Sugar, salt - to taste ️ Butter , in a frying pan I fry only on it ️ Fruits, jam, sour cream - who likes with what ⠀ Beat cottage cheese in a mixer, very carefully, I took a mu-mu crumbly pack of 5% and a pack of 9% fat. Add the yolks one at a time. Mix everything with a mixer. Slowly add flour, in about three additions. Add a little vanilla for taste. Salt and sugar (I have 3 spoons). We form cheesecakes, in the video I show 2 ways, as my mother always does and as the Italians taught me. It is imperative that they be tall. Fry in a frying pan with butter ️. Decorate with fruits, sour cream, jam. A beautiful breakfast is the key to a productive day! ⠀ The main thing is to choose natural and healthy dairy products. Many people are switching to vegan milk, such as oat milk, coconut milk, almond milk, etc. I strongly recommend not to do this, because they contain a colossal amount of sugar. Don’t be surprised later that in a month there will be several kilos. This also applies to those who order coffee with plant-based milk in coffee shops. Test purchases have already been carried out in the most famous coffee shops, with 2️⃣3️⃣ spoons of sugar in a cup of coffee. If you knew this, would you drink? It's like eating a whole cake! All because it has become fashionable. Please note that there are no labels indicating the amount of sugar on these products. The choice is yours, but I advise you only healthy natural cow's milk.

31.01.2020 15:50:27

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

How can you be silent!!!??? ⠀ Yesterday I saw in the locker room on Lisa’s trampoline how the nanny of a boy (5 years old) hit him on the head because he was wearing that sock badly.. I wanted, of course, not to interfere.. I sat and went to interview people. water for him during training, yells at him for it, although the coach allows it ️So he also crapped himself last week because of her, he went to the coach’s toilet in front of everyone, ran to look for a nanny, and she was drinking coffee somewhere and he didn’t I was able to unbutton my pants (Not only is this a soulless creature, she is paid money for this, her job is to be close to the child️ I eventually went and took my mother’s phone, but I hadn’t called yet, I didn’t want to in front of Lisa, and then it was too late. . ⠀ I’m sitting here and thinking, will she be grateful to me? Or will she send me away? Is it right to meddle in their lives? Well, how can you let such s*** into children? ⠀ I can honestly imagine that they would do this to mine.. even. I don’t know, after such a call, I would have jumped on her and beaten her, and then closed her ‍♀️ #️⃣ ⠀ Now I’ll get up the courage and call! Tell me later? ⠀ #Photo by @amoorinka #familylook by @berla_fashion_

30.01.2020 11:00:09

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

Cruise, European capital or house on the ocean I still haven’t decided what our next trip will be. And I always do! We didn’t even have time to return, and I was already thinking about where we’ll go next time. And there are so many desires that it will last for several years to come. If you were choosing a cruise, which one would you choose? (my friends and I are just at the stage of discussing dates and choosing directions) And what capital of Europe would you go to next time? (I haven’t decided at all yet, I want a lot of places) But I no longer have any doubts about the house on the ocean. We contacted Zhenya @biarritzinlove from Biarritz again, and have already even chosen a house. Zhenya sent me a whole bunch of detailed videos of the house via WhatsApp, it’s so convenient! All that remains is to complete our repairs and choose a convenient time when the ocean is warm. In general, I love France, and for a very long time I have wanted to visit its Atlantic coast, in Biarritz. I'm a surfer, remember? I just see myself cutting through the waves and at the same time admiring the ancient castles on the shore. Only in Biarritz this is possible! We are also going to visit the local desert there, climb a working lighthouse, slide into the ocean along the largest sand dune in Europe and eat cuttlefish in ink)) Zhenya is already preparing our super interesting program, but for now I’m looking at her photos on her profile and I absolutely want try everything from what she writes about!! #planning a vacation #biarizz #dreaming for a long time

29.01.2020 11:23:03

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

We are one, is that bad? Do you spend a lot of time with your family? We do. Many people ask, don’t you get tired of each other?) but it seems like not, but we always have fun and have something to keep each other busy 🤣 Although we know how to get on each other’s nerves, we’re really fast). You know, many couples go on vacation separately, for me this is very difficult and I don’t understand why. Vacation only brings you closer together and allows you to enjoy it. Many people don’t take their children, sometimes I understand this, but my husband and I last for 5 days and we are already suffering from withdrawal symptoms for our little one. We had such a trip in February for a trip that everyone says we’re crazy, how can we do it with a child? and it’s also a long drive by car, but we’ll get through it 🤟It must be cool ⠀ We sent our baby to kindergarten🤪 and today is the first day, she’s without me, well, almost.. I’m outside the door.. oh, this is incredibly difficult, I’m listening like a spy , I peek and worry 🤯 My husband asks me a hundred times a day, how? What? Video report? Reaction? And God forbid I post it in stories before he sees 🤣, like you are more important to me than him)) well, that’s how we live #family #Crimea #villaelena #fun

27.01.2020 11:21:58

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

I have new guests here. Anyone who doesn’t know me yet, please meet me 🤩 ⠀ Galina Rzhaksenskaya Many people have the feeling, oh, where have I seen you? ⠀ Let me remind you that I was a finalist in the Bachelor on TNT, although that man turned out to be not my destiny, for some reason everyone remembered me as the most sincere and unspoiled, I made it to the finals without even a kiss. Now I have an inimitable husband, he hooked me with his sense of humor, so I didn’t think long when I answered him “yes.” This probably helps family life, the ability to translate into a joke in time. I can’t convince him to start a page, although that would be cool; many people don’t have enough fun in life. ⠀ Together with my husband, I also starred in the program “Pregnant”. I gave birth to the whole country. We have a beautiful daughter, Lisa, she is already 2 years old, and already such an imagination and a little fashionista. ⠀ I am participating in public life, this year, even with my women’s organization “Patriots of the Russian Federation,” we are applying for a presidential grant with cool projects, we hope to win and do a lot of cool things. If everyone’s life becomes even a little better and simpler, I will be infinitely happy. ⠀ Once upon a time, I already managed to receive a subsidy from the state without connections, it was a “small business support” program and I was able to open a beauty salon ♀️ Yes, I had a fixed idea not to work for someone, although I reached certain heights already in a job that was already paid very well. ⠀ Now we live in the countryside with my parents, mom and dad help a lot with the baby, we don’t have nannies. But, now we are in the process of a design project and renovation in our new nest, we are moving soon. So accustomed to country life, I even sleep somehow peacefully in the fresh air, now I only go to the city for work and business ️ ⠀ Who learned something new about me? What else would you like to see interesting? ⠀ #photo by @photo_pelin #totallook by @varda_tm ⠀ P.s. don’t forget 50,000 or 100,000 could be yours, the main thing is to be active ⠀

26.01.2020 20:47:54

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

Half a lemon ️5OO.OOO ️ ⠀ Your first thought is what will you spend it on??? ⠀ We are a top team of bloggers united to help make YOUR dream come true!!! ⠀ 5OO.OOO = 10 cool bloggers ⠀ ️Add my friends as a friend right now (upper right corner, subscription section) and you will hit the jackpot️ ⠀ The main thing is to be active so that we notice you!!! Give us hearts, comment on posts, repost our posts ⠀ And be sure to watch STORIES!!! After all, there we will have ALL the movement ⠀ Ahhhh!!! This is the bomb!!! And she is for you!!! Are you with us????? Check in in the comments!!!

25.01.2020 11:42:46

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

Yes yes it is possible ️ ⠀ ⠀ Remember our daughter’s first sea? Where did our dad write to us in the sand that we are 200 days away?! Then you urgently need to scroll through the carousel. Who would have imagined that 50 years ago there was a desert in the emirates. This is the fastest developing country. Now there are tall skyscrapers, nearby man-made islands, white sand, cool villas, expensive cars. And at the same time, security that no country can achieve. This is how they achieved this!? The coolest thing is that sheikhs travel without expensive motorcades, often driving themselves, because there is no one to fear, because they are in their safest country in the world. Everyone knows which house who lives in, when the sheikh is at home, they simply open the gates, anyone can come in, but whether you stay for a conversation will be decided by the sheikhs... by the way, they are cool psychologists, because you only need to understand intentions from one glance ️ ⠀ Husband persuaded us to try our luck and win a trip to Dubai from our friends. Well, honestly, I also dream of returning there. ️Now @visitdubai .ru is hosting a competition, join and you can win too️ ⠀ We are already participating in the competition, for this we subscribe @visitdubai .ru and upload a photo related to your vacation with a short story about why you want to go to Dubai. Post something original, but not as original as ours, we want to win. We put hashtags #MeCallingDubai #VisitDubai #VisitDubai waiting for the results It is important that the profile is open before the winners are announced. You can also upload photos directly through the website Who believes in luck?! Raise your hands? And I will also give you a very nice bonus from me tomorrow) I will choose 2 randomly.

24.01.2020 10:31:02

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

⠀ Garden ⠀ Whenever I cuddle my delicious baby, I have such a face that it could crack from love 🤣 ⠀ We started (on the 2nd day only) going to the garden for half a day before bedtime, everyone is already incredibly bored that I’m not even there for the whole day I can imagine how you can give it away ⠀ I know that many are against gardens️ But I still don’t understand why ️ Diseases So they will be at school! Maybe you just need to do hardening since childhood ⠀ My opinion is what children acquire in the garden: ️ diverse communication and learning to interact in a team; ️acquisition of new skills; ️learning discipline and independence. ⠀ Communication with adults will not replace a child’s contacts with peers or the experience of building relationships in society. For proper development, the baby must master different models of relationships. Classes with parents are a weak alternative to learning from experienced teachers who know the intricacies of child psychology and the peculiarities of the perception of knowledge depending on age. The importance of kindergartens cannot be overestimated. After all, the successes of an adult, like his problems, come from childhood. ⠀ Who comes to our garden here? They write to me that in a couple of days she will stop wanting to go to the garden. Like she will understand that this is forever and that’s it. Who has this happened to?! We are trying very hard to pour it in smoothly so that she has fun with everything️ ⠀ Photo by @my_imagen

19.01.2020 11:48:23

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

A couple of facts about me: - I’m 33, I used to think it was the last century, but now I think this is just the beginning of my great journey - Married - My husband says he didn’t watch the show with me on TNT, do you believe it? but how did he find out about me then, he stupidly called me brazenly and got to know me.. and then he was just lucky 🤣 now I’m asking him to keep my account, he has a cool sense of humor, it will be funny) - First I was looking for a husband all over the country on TV, then I gave birth🤣 Why do I need a boring life - The owner of a super daughter @elizavethbaby, whom you can only dream of. It seems to me that we have a gifted child (like all mothers🤣), but I know for sure that she already knows more rhymes than me, probably it’s still about me 🤣 - I try to dress my baby stylishly. She even opened her own atelier, at first they sewed family bows only for the family, and now for you. I love mixing from aliexpress to best brands for children - When I’m scared I laugh, it somehow calms me down) no, I’m not like the Joker, but I disguise myself strangely 🤦‍♀ - I always put everything off until the last moment, so I’m always dissatisfied with myself 🤨 I could do more and better, but nothing , this year I will show the result (we need to talk about it, otherwise everything will be the same) - I’m late even if I leave early, I’ll always find where I’m stuck, it’s a shame, I’m trying to improve, but it’s still sad - I still haven’t changed my last name everywhere.. so I confuse everyone at the tax office, and I’m also waiting for the traffic cop to take the car - I have dyslexia, I often confuse letters, accept the mistakes, and left is right🤦‍♀️, and I show the right side with my hands, don’t listen to me better - I help everyone with anything I have the strength, means and time.. I have my own fund, while I’m spending my resources.. I’m waiting for an investor - I received a subsidy from the state, then I opened a beauty salon myself and in the end there were even 3 of them..) it was only the first that was successful - I always wanted 5 children, but take two from the children's home ⠀ Do we have similarities with you?) what surprises?) I would like it if my husband showed us from the other side?) Photo be @my_imagen

17.01.2020 12:25:10

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

I'm very afraid 🤷‍♀️ ⠀ I know how different we all are and how big conservatives we all are. But it’s very interesting to share with you, in case one of you actually has a good idea ⠀ In the carousel: 1-photo, this is the place where my husband and I are doing renovations) 2 and all the other photos are our first floor 🤩 ⠀Yes yes, I know🧐 for many it’s too bright, but I can’t make my house in fashionable gray-peach colors, I’m bored of it 🤣 ⠀ Of course we will change what - some details, because my husband said that he was almost killed, but love for me helps me endure the repairs by 50%🤣, 20% - I will beg for more, but he said absolutely no 🤪 Although my mother best friend approved and said that this is my home That's what it means, my girls 🤣 ⠀ I work with a talented girl @by_danilenko, whom I tortured 🤣 Ideas change and I like different styles every time and I need to combine them somehow 🤷‍♀️ ⠀ What do you think?) if If you have any cool ideas, send them in Direct #repair #designproject

16.01.2020 15:15:52

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

Interesting facts about man: ️ Our skull consists of 29 different bones. ️One human brain generates more electrical impulses in one day than all the world's phones combined. ️The average human body contains enough sulfur to kill all the fleas on the average dog; carbon - to make 900 pencils; potassium - to shoot a toy cannon; fat - to make 7 bars of soap; and enough water to fill a 50 liter barrel. ️Women's hearts beat faster than men's ️Right-handed people live on average 9 years longer than left-handed people. ️About 2/3 of people tilt their heads to the right when kissing. ️A person forgets 90% of his dreams. ️In spring, the breathing rate is on average 1/3 higher than in autumn ️Up to 7 months, a child can breathe and swallow at the same time ️A kiss of sufficient duration is much better than chewing gum at normalizing acidity in the oral cavity. ️By hitting your head against a wall, you can lose 150 kcal per hour. ️During a lifetime, a person’s skin changes approximately 1,000 times. ⠀ ⠀ Who learned something new?!) ⠀ The funniest shot of last year 🤣 caught by @julia_feo_photo #funny #daughter #fashionista #girl #fashiongirlsteen

Well, that's it, bye-bye piggy ⠀ Old New Year has already passed, we celebrated him well yesterday and thanked him for everything. The pig didn’t screw me over, thanks to her for that. For me, the main thing is that everyone is alive and well, everything else “that we would like” we will try to implement in the new year. Although the correct thing to do is to say not “we’ll try”, but we’ll do it. ⠀ I would like to remind you at the beginning of the year: ⠀ “Thoughts rule the world” (Plato). “Your thoughts become your life” (Marcus Aurelius). “Great are those who see that the world is ruled by thoughts” (Ralph Emerson). ⠀ Scientists unanimously declare that for the subconscious there is no good or bad, for it, any of our beliefs (thoughts) is an incentive to action and bring it to life. The most powerful law - the Law of Attraction - always works. + This law, like a key, says: “Like attracts like.” You become what you think about most, you become a magnet, emitting impulses and attracting circumstances into your life. Do some spring cleaning in your head, clear your mind of bad and destructive beliefs, install some kind of filter that will prevent them from settling in your head. This is some work on yourself that is absolutely necessary. ⠀ #have a good year #power of thoughts #law of attraction #pig #family #photo by @katy_insta Zhanna Yuryevna, Doctor of Medical Sciences Thanks to her, my mother and I are such beauties, so the result is obvious This time I did COOLSCULPTING - this is a unique procedure for removing fat deposits and correcting the shape figures with the help of cold. Without pain (well, it is tolerable) rehabilitation period and surgical intervention. The results speak for themselves, I first tested them on my loved ones) they didn’t allow me to show them and say who it was, which is a pity..) Fat never returns to the part you do (unless, of course, you start eating with a huge appetite) , fat cells are removed gradually, which allows the skin to adapt and not sag, and after 1-3 months you don’t have that layer of fat in that place

11.01.2020 15:46:05

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

I love this look ⠀ She has grown up so quickly that I don’t have time to understand where she has so many smart expressions. I have to write it down, otherwise I always forget the funniest part 🤷‍♀️. As well as filming, I don’t have time to shoot the funniest part, because I laugh with my dad together and have no time for phones. If she doesn’t know the answer to a question, she answers: “because,” and if you scold, I get: “Mommy, don’t swear, I’m just a little " Here he’s driving in the car with his dad and says: “Dad, here’s a new store, mom needs to buy something good and I need a little something🤣.” She already understands that she needs to bring her dad to the store in a veiled way, and if we leave, she asks me to buy her a maraca or something tasty ⠀ By the way, when did you raise the question of money? Then the ball flew away, and she told us: “don’t waste your money, we’ll buy a new one.” ⠀ It is very important for me that she valued what she had, otherwise such characters “with a difficult fate” grow up.. but I’m wondering how to explain this in 2.2.. we buy less, but they give us more.. I’m waiting for good advice ⠀ @julia_feo_photo caught this shot

10.01.2020 12:30:50

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

Do you like to give gifts and do good?! ⠀ It turns out that we naturally feel happier if we are generous. When we give something to someone, our altruism activates the parts of the brain that are responsible for pleasure, communication with others, and trust. ⠀ Generosity, materially or spiritually, changes a person. If you look at it, we are constantly giving something away - time or energy. ⠀ The most valuable gifts have nothing to do with money. They are associated with deeply personal and emotional manifestations of the human soul: understanding, moral support, spiritual closeness and kindness. ⠀ Therefore, there is no need to blame everything on opportunities.. everyone has them, I know happy and good people without good financial stability and very rich angry and eternally dissatisfied people. ⠀ ⠀ I personally feel incredibly cool if I helped make someone’s dream come true or was simply able to help in some way. I don’t usually plan this, somehow it happens by itself and of course if you have finances and time at that moment.. ⠀ I don’t I can help everyone, I’m writing specifically to those who are tearing up my Direct.. I apologize for instilling hope in solving your problems and for the fact that I don’t have the strength to explain to you why I won’t close your loans, won’t give you new teeth, won’t buy you a house , computer, etc., and I won’t be able to repost all the collections of sick people. I help as much as I can and don’t talk about it so that my husband doesn’t divorce me. It’s not possible to repost all sick people, it’s just that everyone else will stop helping, and I alone won’t be able to close them, and it also takes a lot of time to check and verify the truthfulness all the info.. ⠀ I just want to say Kolyadka is a Christmas ritual song, an ancient Slavic analogue of Western Christmas carols. Our ancestors sang carols on the main winter holiday instead of the now familiar American “Jingle Bells” or the Soviet “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest.” ⠀ Are there anyone who knows carols? I'll post you on stories (just tag me so I can post) so people know how funny and cool it is. Do you know what kind of carols you should be grateful for, I promise to send you super goodies But it seems to me that such people probably don’t exist anymore🤷‍♀️ ⠀ Photo by my beloved @svetlana_panova

05.01.2020 11:34:14

Official Instagram account of Galina Rzhaksenskaya

We were waiting for real winter. And now it’s been snowing for 2 days. We all urgently take advantage of the moment and run for a walk.... It’s so funny, when we were at the Christmas tree, the older children asked Santa Claus for snow, asking when is it already? Indeed, holidays without snow do not have a fairy-tale mood. It’s 31st, wait ️ .. And everyone ran away(, of course, the mood immediately drops from this... Is there anyone here who is luckier, do you already have fluffy snowdrifts under your window? ️ ⠀ Many people are from which city? ⠀ I was born in Kazakhstan, on Baikonur in Leninsk. There were such winters, wow, even though we left when I was 3, I still remember these snowdrifts) ⠀ I’m reading all your New Year’s wishes and I understand that soon many will come true, who I didn’t have time - quickly indicate your dream in the previous post, and I will be a snow maiden for you

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