Innovative Eurasian University. Innovative Eurasian University Primary school curricula are aimed at

Today the school is dynamically changing its appearance. This is due, first of all, to serious changes in Kazakhstani education.

Teachers are faced with problems: “How to teach in the age of information?”, “How to improve the quality, how will the knowledge gained in the lessons help the student become a competitive individual?”

Updating the content of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan sets itself the main goal: improving the pedagogical skills of teachers in the context of updating educational program and the introduction of a criteria-based assessment system. This program is based on the development of a spiral form of education based on the cognitive theory of D. Bruner. The spiral form of education assumes that repeated consideration of material that will become more complex throughout schooling provides a greater advantage in the development of the modern student than traditional forms of education

Of course, to be honest, it was difficult to rebuild.

Before starting to work on this program, I was faced with the following tasks:

The most important thing is to develop critical thinking in children, and in myself as a teacher too;

Teach children to work with a problem, teach them to find solutions;

Develop in children the ability to work in a group, work together cooperatively, and learn at the same time;

Updated content on history subject

Spiral learning ideas (J. Bruner). The work of the American psychologist J. Bruner “Psychology of Cognition” was published in Russian in 1977. As stated in the preface to this publication, J. Bruner studies the basic forms cognitive activity(formation of concepts, classifications), which develop in the process of practical activity and training. It shows how skillful pedagogical influence can lead to intensive development of human cognitive activity. One of the central problems of J. Bruner’s pedagogical creativity is the recognition of the child as an active subject of cognitive activity, a researcher of the world around him. The scientist saw the main goal of the school in the development of students’ thinking abilities, in the formation of qualities necessary for life in a rapidly changing world. In this regard, he developed psychological and pedagogical foundations for the development of intuitive thinking among students, published works on stimulating interest in acquiring knowledge, and using the method of independent discovery in the learning process.

The student, passing from year to year, repeats skills and abilities that are similar to those shown (1Slide)

1 Slide

Mysaly, orta bіlim take money "Kazakhstan tarikh" pәni boyynsha "Aleumettik katynastardyn ladies" bolimіnіn "Ethnikalyk katynastar" more than one boyynsha (2 keste) Or I take the bagarlamasyny spirals, I akushylardyn alga ilgerileuі aykyn korіnedi, myself sonypka zhogarylagan say oku materials kurdelene beredi.

2 keste

Bolim:Aleumettik katynastardyn ladies

More:Ethnikalyk katynastar

Takyryptar, mazmuny

Oku maksattara

5 son

Algashky adamdar kalay omir surdi algashky adamdardyn anthropologyson sipattau

6 son

Turki tildes halyktardyn migrations Eurasia tarikhina kanshalykty aserin tigizdi Turki tildes taypalardy atap, olardin kartada territorialik ornalasuyn korsetu

7 son

8 son

Unlikten uzhymdastyru sayasat “Uly naubetke” akelip soktyrdy demographics

9 son demographics

Tusіnіktі arttyru ushіn "Kazakhstan's economics ladies" more "Sharuashylyk" more (3 keste) saikes 5 pen 9 sonyptardagi oku maksattarynyn spiral leagues of sons. Búl tusta 5 sonyptan bastap 9 sonypka deyin kazak zherіndegі ekonomikany n lady sonyptan sonypka koshken sayyn kurdelene beretіndіgіn koruge bolada. Mysaly, algashky adamdardyn kasibi, koshpeliler men otyrykshylardyn ekonomikalyk baylanysy, kazak sharuashylygyna zhongar shapkynshylygynyn aseri, zhana ekonomikalyk sayasat Kenes үkіmetі kezіndegi aul sharuashylygy. Bul zherde nazar oku maksattarynda boluy says. For myself, I’ll take a bag of darlings from a small bag.

3 keste

Bolim:Kazakhstan's economics ladies


5 son

Don't forget to use a retoucher every time

6 son

qimaktarda kalalyk madenietinin damuyn kanday derekter daleldeydi koshpeliler men otyrikshylar arasyndagy ozara ekonomikalyk baylanystaryn anyktau

7 son

Not sebepti “Elim-ai” bukilkhalyktyk ange aynaldy

8 son

Don't forget Kenes ukimeti Zhana ekonomikalyk sayasattan bass derekter men dajekterdi salystyru arkyly zhana ekonomikalyk sayasattyn natizhesinde oryn algan ozgeristerdi taldau

9 son

Sogystan keying kezende kanday aleumettik-ekonomikalyk ozgerister oryn aldy Kenes үkіmetі kezіndegi aul sharuashylygynda oryn algan ozgeristerge baga take

Spirals from white I take as a non-separate product I take bagdarlamas archyly okushynyn buryn g bіlіmіmіmіmіmіmінімінімініміній, аңурлій үрдилі іділаргѓ қыснди злімін ауы suga mүmkindik beredi. Demek, okushy әr sonyp sayyn takyrypty әr tүrli dengeyde kaytalap zhane tolyktyryp otyrsa takyryptyn terenen okylunyna kop komegіn tigizedi.

Small school - This is the educational, and often cultural center of the village. In such a school, the atmosphere of a large family is often created, diverse forms of cooperation between children and adults are organized, and interest groups of different ages are created. In a small village, all events at school become the property of the population. It is safe to say that insufficient attention is paid to the issue of the problems of small schools on the part of methodologists and practicing teachers.

But there are problems. The problem is the number of children. By closing schools, we are closing the village. After all, it is known that a village often lives through a school. It is necessary not only to define and set a task, but also to solve it taking into account the interests of the student, his family, and the teacher.

In a small school, it is possible for a teacher to get to know each student more deeply and calculate learning for each student. In such a school, such a common shortcoming of all schools as a lack of attention to the personality of each student is eliminated.

It would seem that in a class with five to seven students, or even two or three, everyone can be taught. Teachers are well aware of the individual capabilities of each child. The training system is essentially individual. Knowledge control in small classes is literally total. You can quiz all students every day during each lesson. In these conditions, the quality of knowledge seems to be at its best!

Rural schools are equipped with computers, multimedia projectors, and other modern technical means to improve the quality of students' knowledge. There are funds, but there is no knowledge!What is the reason? In my opinion, there are a number of reasons that hinder the improvement of the quality of education in a small school. They are both objective and subjective in nature.

Of course, the relatively low quality of knowledge of rural schoolchildren is influenced by the low educational and cultural level of parents.

In a school with few students, each student has a huge workload throughout the school day. After all, the same students are asked in all lessons, and the same students are given different tasks. As a result, some students may lose interest in classes, become tired, and become overstressed.

I work in a school where class sizes are low, from 3 to 6 students. Children study from different families: large, low-income, single-parent and single-parent. Many students are quite slow to engage in the learning process and spend a significant amount of time understanding the goal educational activities, sometimes have difficulty completing tasks that require independence. Not to mention the updated program.

Used literature:

    Izgali Zholaman Izgali

"Orleu" BAҰО "АҚ branches of Atyrau oblysy boyynsha

Pedagogical education institutes,

Dengeylik bagdarlamalar ortalygynyn zhetekshіsі,

Tarikh masters

    Kyrgyz President N.A.Nazarbayevtina 2017 zhildyn 31 kantaryndagi "Kazakhstan's most important genres: zhandyk basekege kabilettilik" takyrybyndaga khalyk Zholdauy.

    Mugalimge arnalgan nuskaulyk. “Kazakhstan tarikh” zhane “Kukyk negizderi” panderi boyynsha teacher kyzmetkerlerdin biliktililigin arttyru kursyn bilim take bagdarlamas. Astana. 2016.

    Predybailo Tatyana Ivanovna

Teacher of history and social studies MKOU Shramovskaya secondary school

    Updating the content of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan


This article discusses the implementation of new approaches to teaching first-level students in the context of educational renewal. The role of the teacher in this process is determined, and the main directions in terms of the updated content of education and the features of curriculum in primary school are revealed.

One of current problems Our society is the formation of a competitive personality, adapted to changing social and economic conditions.
– this is a revision of the very model of secondary education, its structure, content, approaches, methods of teaching and education, the introduction of fundamentally student achievement.

The entire range of measures within the framework of updating the content of education is aimed at creating educational space, favorable for the harmonious formation and development of personality.

Currently, there is a lot of talk about the technologization of the educational process and the benefits of introducing pedagogical innovations. How to increase? How to make school a place of SMART education? What will contribute to the creation of a humane educational environment at school that stimulates the development of moral and spiritual qualities of the individual?

The renewal of education involves active learning, which must be carried out in the conditions of a created collaborative environment and differentiation of learning, and the implementation of interdisciplinary connections. The use of ICT, dialogue teaching, and studying the needs of students is mandatory.

Qualitative changes in education are impossible without a new view of the teacher on the educational process.

Teachers should:

  • create a positive learning atmosphere, involve all students;
  • instill confidence, responsibility and activity in students;
  • use correct methods and tasks aimed at developing students' skills;
  • organize and plan group (whole-class work and in small groups), individual or pair tasks, effectively use materials, resources and support materials to conduct planned lessons in accordance with established goals;
  • use simple, understandable language when explaining;
  • observe students and try to get feedback.

Primary school plays a fundamental role in the development of a child’s personality and the holistic development of his abilities.

Objectives of primary education:

  • revealing the child's individuality;
  • comprehension of his knowledge about the surrounding reality;
  • formation of the desire and ability to learn, i.e. cognitive motivation.

Study programs primary school are aimed at:

  • development of skills in searching, analyzing and interpreting information according to age capabilities;
  • formation of propaedeutic knowledge about man, nature and society;
  • development of spiritual and moral values;
  • formation of functional learning skills: counting, reading, writing, logically expressing your thoughts, establishing cause-and-effect relationships.

Much attention must be paid to the system for assessing the achievement of expected student results.

Basic principles of assessment:

  • validity;
  • systematic;
  • subsequence;
  • objectivity;
  • transparency;
  • relevance;
  • reliability.

Assessment involves the parallel development of two lines: formative and summative.

New training programs are based on a competency-based approach. They form the competencies underlying functional literacy necessary for the successful socialization of students.

According to Benjamin Bloom’s “Taxonomy of Learning Objectives” theory, well-known in world pedagogy, the existing standard allows a student to master only two of the six levels of knowledge well: “know” and “understand.” With the help of the new standard, it is possible to achieve the remaining four levels of knowledge: “apply”, “analyze”, “synthesize” and “evaluate”.

When designing the content of subjects, the principles of helicity and cross-cutting themes were used. The principle of spiraling will allow students to increase their knowledge and skills gradually - by topic and grade level, moving from simple to complex. Provides continuity in presentation educational material and integration of objects for a more holistic perception of the world around us.

Cross-cutting topics help to establish intra-subject and inter-subject connections, form knowledge, skills, value orientations and norms of behavior in areas that have points of contact with academic subjects.

The updated content is based on expected results, which are defined by educational area. Expected results allow you to evaluate the student’s work and achievements.

The basis of programs at all levels of education is the “Mangilik El” value system. The ideas of “Mangilik El” will be introduced into school content through academic subjects, research and extracurricular activities, additional education, elective courses.

New items are being introduced. In elementary school - this is “Natural Science”, “Information and Communication Technologies” (from 3rd grade), “Knowledge of the World” with updated content of the material.


Updating the content of education: psychological support for participants in the educational process

Natalia Tifantsidi

Director of KSU “Secondary school No. 17 with a preschool mini-center”, p. Panfilova Talgar district, expert of the EC “ACTUALIS: Education”

The forum is held with the aim of summarizing and disseminating the best experience of teachers in the field of mastering innovative technologies in education, increasing motivation and creativity teachers. Today, leading scientists in the field conduct seminars and trainings for teachers. Among them is Professor, Doctor of Philology, Vice-Rector for Marketing of InEU Amangeldy Beisembayev.
- The opening of this forum is relevant in many respects. Our Kazakhstani education is in a state of reform,” the speaker noted in his welcoming speech.

During the forum, participants will receive answers to many questions about their practical activities: what is “updated content”, what are the technologies for its implementation, how is the modern system of Kazakhstan’s education being formed. The forum began with a report by A. Beisembaev on the topic “Development of functional literacy in the context of updating the content of education.” The professor spoke about the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the secondary education system and ways to solve this problem.

In addition to the updated content, Tatyana Kravtsova, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Sports at InEU, highlighted several more main topics for discussion, the transition to the Latin alphabet and inclusive education.

This allows you to see the structure of the written material and navigate it. And if this is not a book, but a text editor, then you can quickly move to any section by clicking the desired item with the mouse pointer. By switching to the structure mode in the program, it is easy to swap parts without deleting them in one place and inserting them in another.

You can also quickly, without much labor, update information when adding or deleting certain paragraphs, changing the actual numbering of their pages when formatting the text, etc.

This becomes possible only if the information is created automatically text editor. Written by hand, it does not provide such opportunities and is practically not used. Every advanced computer user should be able to create and use this text editor feature.

Creating a table of contents in Word 2010, 2007, 2013 manually and automatically

Before starting work you must number document sheets. The principle of manual creation is clear, but difficult.

But we will simplify this work for our convenience. Copy in order, name the paragraphs that are headings in the Office Clipboard, place the cursor in the desired place and select the button Paste all.
All the names we have chosen will be arranged in the order in which they were copied. We indicate in the list for each paragraph number leaf. Handmade makes sense only when very small, unchangeable volume of information. Or, quite paradoxically, with a very large volume, when there is more than 9 levels nesting (Word supports no more than 9).

By creating content automatically, at the beginning of each paragraph we highlight the title we are formatting. On the tab Home– select the button “ Heading 1».
The selected paragraph is formatted with its style. We change format, if necessary, or leave the current view. The rest of the paragraphs we selected are similar. Next, set the cursor in the document to the desired place, tab Links→ left button Table of contents, and here we select Auto-assembled, mouse pointer.
Everything, list of paragraphs created.

How to update content in Word 2007, 2010, 2013

In the editor, we place the mouse pointer on the page field just above the content we created.
After this a button appears Update table, select it, a dialog box appears Update table of contents, where they offer to either update only the page numbers, or update the entire page.
Choose what you need and OK.

Creating a table of contents in Word 2003

In the text, select the paragraph to be formatted. Next menu FormatStyles and formatting.
A task pane opens on the right, listing the available heading levels and visualizing the formatting for each.
Choose first level. If the title should be written in capital letters, then mark it in the format. There is a certain subtlety: Before this procedure, the text should not be written in capital letters, otherwise, when creating the content, the letters in it will be the same.

Similarly, the rest of the paragraphs we selected by level.

We create it ourselves content. Menu InsertLinkTable of contents and pointers.
In the dialog box that appears, select the tab Table of contents. Select the one you need Format, Level, Aggregate, put a check mark on Show page numbers And Numbers pages on the right edge.
And press OK. If necessary, format the resulting list immediately, or change the style in advance " Table of contents».
In Word there are also alternative semi-automatic methods, using certain styles and field codes.

But these capabilities are quite complex, labor-intensive, and are used only by professionals when assembling very large documents.

Today the school is dynamically changing its appearance. This is due, first of all, to serious changes in Kazakhstani education. (slide 1)

Teachers are faced with problems: “How to teach in the age of information?”, “How to improve the quality, how will the knowledge gained in the lessons help the student become a competitive individual?”(slide 2)

In measures to update the content of domestic secondary education, central attention is paid to skills that have a wide range of applications in modern life, – creative application of knowledge; critical thinking; execution research work; use of ICT; application of communication methods, including language skills; ability to work in a group and individually. Based on universal human and ethnocultural values, these skills allow the student to solve problems of both an educational and life nature.

What is the content of education?

This is information superimposed on the activity.. (slide 3)

It is important to consider not the information, but the basis of the choice. The teacher regulates the choice of information and activities depending on social goals. Any change in information entails a change in the activity of assimilating it.

The traditional content of a lesson, as we imagine it back in Soviet times (with repetition of what has been learned, learning new things and consolidating them), is becoming a thing of the past and has become irrelevant today.(slide 4) Now this is developmental learning.(slide 5)

Developmental education ensures that the child understands why he is acquiring knowledge. The student must understand what is for him best way to remember the material, what new things he learned, how his worldview changes. Previously we talked about continuous memorization. Today we are talking about the applied nature of knowledge that can be used in practice. This is a practice-oriented program.The school in the conditions of renewal is distinguished by the fact that educational achievements are productive in nature, and the educational process is characterized by the active activity of the students themselves in “obtaining” knowledge in each lesson.

The traditional school meant presenting the truth to students, and the modern Cambridge understanding of learning is built precisely on the teacher guiding students to find andrealized the truth. (slide 6)

Thus, not through characterizing what research activity is, but through immersion in research activity, we form the necessary competence of the student. What are we doing? What do you need help with? What can we decide on our own?

We are beginning to feel how our pedagogical vision of the new educational process is changing. Currently, most teachers still gravitate towards the traditional lesson. This is due to many reasons: the habit of traditional forms of learning and fear of the new; lack of understanding of the huge number of innovations. Some teachers are not ready for innovation methodologically, others – psychologically, and still others – technologically. If we see in the traditional vision, then our students will be distinguished by a lack of independence and weak motivation for the student’s educational work. Under these conditions, the stage of realizing educational goals turns into work “under the lash” with all its negative consequences(alienation of the child from school, education of laziness, deceit). But the main problem is that the process of cognition itself is losing its attractiveness. The number of preschool children who do not want to go to school is increasing. Positive motivation for learning has decreased, children no longer show any signs of curiosity, interest, surprise, desire - they don’t ask questions at all. And the longer we persist, the more time we waste.

The teacher of the new formation does not plan, but designs educational activities. (slide 7)

The teacher’s responsibility is to teach how to think about information. The teacher's task is to teach how to think, and not just what to think about. If a student does not learn to think, he will never be a good student.

The teacher becomes a navigator, performs the function of organizing students’ own educational activities, and manages their educational activities.

IN pedagogical activity Teachers' design activities occupy a special place.

We are the teachers primary classes, must begin to develop in students the skills of self-education, the ability to learn how to learn, becoming independent, self-motivated, enthusiastic, confident, responsible individuals with developed critical thinking, demonstrating competence in digital technologies.

- Have teaching methods changed?

Undoubtedly. The new system is designed to give children skills and knowledge that they can apply in life. This didn't happen before. For example, we tested reading techniques - the child must read fifty words per minute. But whether he understood the content of the text, whether he knows the meaning of these words - it doesn’t matter. According to the new program, it is not speed that is important, but understanding and the ability to work with the information received. This is not a system that you memorized - you passed it. Therefore, the approach to education will change significantly.

Special difficulty– this is the formation of independence in learning. An increase in the degree of independence is achieved through such a structure of learning, during which a transition is made from the teacher’s instructions on the need to use certain knowledge and actions in solving a learning task to an independent search for such knowledge and actions. Modern child does not strain thoughts, but looks for ready-made information.(Slide 8)

How can we ensure practical orientation in the age of the attack on human individuality by computer devices?

Psychologists have identified a number of difficulties that occur for various reasons, causing difficulties in the learning process: (Slide 9)

low concentration,

low ability to perceive information by ear,

short-term memory is inherent



disorganization and distraction,

weak self-regulation.

Critical thinking cannot solve all these problems; we need to expand our methodological arsenal in order to search for the truth. What to do? (Slide 10)

Perhaps we need to change our attitude towards gaming methods. The main goal of the game is to entertain, give pleasure, inspire, and awaken interest in something. The use of gaming technologies requires very careful preparation for the lesson so that the teacher does not get too carried away. Too often we play in class. The modern child does not want to work; he demands games and entertainment. It is necessary to reduce the number of game lessons and teach the child to work and obtain information.(Slide 11)

It is possible to include a fact-checking method somewhere. What is it?

Fact-checking checking the accuracy of the received facts (Slide 12)

A fact is an event supported by reliable evidence. Different people may have different views on the same event, but you can't argue with the facts. That is why the fact must not only be established, but verified and double-checked. The main weapon of fact-checking is doubt. Doubting, the student begins to check information in different sources and tries to contact all participants and stakeholders involved in the event. Access to information is impressive, but with great opportunities comes great responsibility. If you don't control the information flow, it will cover important things and take away your precious time, and you won't even notice how it happened.

Here are five key rules for how to benefit from the Internet:

(Slide 13)

1. Start with the main thing . Find the most important task

2.You will miss something. “Less is better”

3. Identify sources of information. Even if you understand what is most important to you, everything can go awry due to trying to collect information from too many large quantity sources.

4.Plan your learning process. Where there is no plan, chaos settles.

5. Try to keep only one browser tab open and use useful extensions.

While working on the updated program, our gymnasium teachers encountered some difficulties:

The new knowledge assessment system does not inspire confidence. In many ways, it acts incorrectly, ambiguous and biased. For example, in the rules for conducting summative assessments in grade 1 it is written: “While completing the work, answer questions regarding instructions and completion time. You should not read words for students, help with spelling, rephrase questions, or comment on any information that may give an advantage to individual students.”The difficulty is that the tasks are designed for consciously reading children, and such children in the class make up 50% of 100%.

Since the tasks are given in one version. Children who find it difficult to understand what is being said we're talking about copy tasks from each other.

Formative assessment techniques are interesting to students, but children often cannot evaluate themselves correctly, or they themselves do not know whether they have completed the task correctly, they look at their neighbor, their assessment may depend on their mood at the moment.

With the new assessment system, the teacher must analyze and give recommendations in diaries to all students and preferably on all topics covered. When classes are filled with 30-40 people, how can you expect that the child will be given recommendations from all teachers and in full, so that during the summative control there are no gaps?

Nowadays, printing of materials for SOP and SOC in the vast majority of schools in Kazakhstan is carried out at the expense of teachers teaching in grades 1, 2, 5, 7.

It is necessary to resolve the issue of filling out journals either in the Kundelik system (electronic version) or a paper version of the journal. The electronic version is copied into a paper version, which takes the teacher a lot of time.

There are a lot of questions about the updated content, but it is not customary to talk about problems out loud, especially among educators, although their opinion is the most important in this case.