Interesting scenes for graduation in the garden. Graduation in kindergarten: a fun, unusual scenario for parents and educators. How much does graduation cost?

Before you start writing the script, you need to remember that graduation in kindergarten- This is not just an entertainment program aimed at bringing joy to children.

For information on how to prepare, read the article Before You Start entertainment program certainly ventilate the room. If a gala matinee has just ended, then you need to take into account that there were large number children (a whole group, and sometimes two), with each child being accompanied by parents, grandparents, teachers, a photographer and a videographer.

Parents and teachers at kindergarten graduation

This is a great event for teachers and parents of graduates. They did a lot to make this event happen and they deserve a holiday too! At the very least, they deserve warm words addressed to them.

That's why, Dear animators, during the program, unobtrusively, in a playful way, you should repeatedly draw the attention of children to teachers, parents, grandparents, older brothers and sisters. Express your gratitude to them.

For what?
Firstly they will be pleased and will like you. And they will recommend you to their friends.
Secondly During the gala matinee, the parents sat too long and were tired. They want to get emotions and cheer up.
Thirdly This is a good educational moment. Adult participants of the holiday will be pleased to see that you, the host, are not just a clown, but a thinking, respectable person.

One day I heard a comment from a young mother. Her words literally sounded like this: “The child was delighted. But I didn’t like it.” It should be noted that it was a big holiday with tickets, a rich program, then we painted with chocolate on pancakes, ate them, all the children received face painting and good prizes. What were the parents doing at this time? They sat in one place for almost three hours, watching the children. Of course they were tired and wanted everything to end as soon as possible.

Since then I always involve parents in the program! Of course, I do this in an easy way, without coercion. There are a lot of people willing. Adults are happy plunge into an atmosphere of joy, feel like children.

Great! So what are we worth? We are ready to go into adulthood. (children become a train, holding on to each other) Let's look at our dear parents, wave to them, wave to our teachers. Let's go.

Children become a train and move around the playground under
BACKGROUND – 3 — Steam locomotive Antoshka

Animated dances

LEADING: Great ride. We graduated from kindergarten. Adult life lies ahead. Are you ready for it? Did they teach you anything in kindergarten? Show me how you can count.

Places children in a circle. Igrodance BACKGROUND – 4 —"Four Steps"

Amazing! Tell me, why does day give way to night, why does autumn follow summer? Why does this happen? ( in the process of communication we come to the conclusion that The earth is round and revolves around the sun)

And who spins it? Ay-ay-ay, you don’t know. Polar bears rock the earth! That's why she spins. Let's help our bears so that they can spin the earth's axis more fun and we can quickly go to school

BACKGROUND – 5 –"Bears" - a game dance with acceleration

Tired? What helps us when we are tired? What relieves stress? Best of all - Massage! Turn to the right, put your hands on your neighbor’s shoulders and let’s start giving him a massage!

BACKGROUND – 6 – Massage
During the pause, we ask the children to turn in the opposite direction, put their hands on the neighbor’s shoulders and repeat the massage on the second verse. Thus, the one who did the massage now receives it himself.

Have you rested? Then show us what else you learned in kindergarten. Have you studied foreign languages. No? Are any of you planning to go on vacation in the summer? And how will you communicate at the resort if you don’t know foreign languages?

It’s okay, I’ll teach you one language. Knowing him, you will be your man on any coast, in any company. The language is called "Soku-bachi" Does anyone know him?

If it turns out that the children know it, we ask them to show the movements and say that it has long been outdated and no one uses it that way. We show new movements: We divide into pairs and stand opposite each other. On "juice"- We slap ourselves on the knees. On "bachi"— we clap our neighbor’s palms, "viru"- also on the palms of the neighbor opposite, but at the same time we make a cross with our hands.

FON – 07 – Soku bachi

Great! It's not just a fun language, it's a language of friendship! After all, playing with a friend is much more interesting than playing on your own!

I see you good friends. Are you well-mannered children? Kind? Brave? Are they good? Modest? Are your parents good? What about the teachers? Wow! So many good people gathered in one place.

Let's call our parents and teachers to come to us. Because this dance is about us – the best people in the world!

Parents and teachers come out to us and stand in a circle.

BACKGROUND – 9 –"I'm the one"

We ask adults to return to their seats (they can stay if they wish)

Children, you are so wonderful! I’m just flying from you and I invite you to fly with me.

Block with parachute

Before you play, you must explain to the children that for this game we need to be not brave and dexterous, but friendly and obedient. The game will only work if we do everything together. If one plays around or does something wrong, he ruins the game for everyone.

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In the dry official language, “kindergarten” is an institution of preschool education. But for little fidgets and their parents, it’s just a “kindergarten.” The place where the kids spent the last 4-5 years most of of their time, managed to learn a lot of interesting and important things, learned useful things and acquired all the necessary habits. For hundreds of boys and girls, the kindergarten is the last refuge of a carefree childhood, a small extension of home, where they are just as carefully washed, fed, put to bed and taken out for another noisy walk.

But every year a sad and exciting moment comes to all admission groups - an unusual celebration of farewell to kindergarten. In order to fill the original matinee with as much positivity as possible and make the event unforgettable, teachers and parents approach its organization very responsibly. Most new interesting ideas cost a pretty penny, but you can’t do without other resources: imagination, inspiration, free time and the desire to please 100%. After all, in order to hold the best matinee in kindergarten, the script must not only be modern, but ideal in all its details.

Fun graduation in kindergarten: organization of the holiday and an unusual scenario

Preschool institutions are traditionally the first to open a big graduation marathon. This is probably why responsible parents and experienced educators begin preparing for the farewell party at the beginning of the year. And yet, we will not be too lazy to once again remind all organizers and assistants of the main aspects of organizing the holiday and the principles of choosing an unusual scenario for holding a fun graduation in kindergarten.

  1. Determining the date and time of the event;
  2. Compilation creative group teachers and parents (usually educators and parent committees), who take responsibility for organizing graduation and individual elements;
  3. Compiling a list of graduates, guests, teachers and employees of a preschool institution;
  4. Preparation of a new modern script or reworking of a previously known matinee plan;
  5. Decorating the assembly hall with pompoms, balloon compositions, ribbons, garlands, streamers, fresh flowers, etc.;
  6. Purchasing gifts for graduates, teachers, managers, cooks, physical teachers and other kindergarten workers;
  7. Ordering photo and video shooting;
  8. Preparation of ceremonial speeches by teachers, graduates and responses from parents;
  9. Planning the entertainment part of the holiday with or without animators (in the kindergarten, outdoors, in the banquet hall);
  10. Organizing a sweet table for children and a buffet for adult guests;

A competent and responsible attitude to all of the above points is the key to success in carrying out a wonderful prom. But the most important thing is the correct selection interesting scenario.

Scenario ideas for a farewell party in a kindergarten graduating group

Today's preschoolers are much more advanced than their parents. To surprise and interest them, you will have to work hard to organize the holiday and create a scenario for a fun graduation in kindergarten. Parents and educators who have found a creative streak in themselves can create a holiday program on their own, drawing inspiration from the world around them. For the rest, ready-made ideas for the script will be useful:

  • Journey to the planet "School". Such a matinee can be held in the form of a virtual journey from the starting point - the planet “Kindergarten” - to the cherished goal. Along the way, children, teachers and parents will find a lot of unknown adventures, funny performances and the most interesting game moments. At the end of the holiday, each preschooler can receive a personal “First-Grade Traveler” medal;
  • Steam locomotive from childhood. This graduation celebration is based on a ride on an old locomotive along the thorny Road of Knowledge. During the event, the locomotive can make stops at the “sports”, “music”, “magic”, “dance”, “intellectual” stations, etc. This means that every graduate will be able to last time demonstrate your talents in one of the concert numbers: song, dance, magic tricks, skits;
  • Award ceremony. The Oscar-themed matinee includes awarding a special title to absolutely every graduate. All nominations (most bright star, the smartest boy, the smartest pupil, etc.) can be alternated with games, competitions, concert performances and other stages of the matinee.

In order to hold the brightest and most cheerful graduation in kindergarten, the organization of the holiday and the unusual scenario must be thought through to the end. There are many ideas and suitable options. The main thing is that the chosen scenario is somehow connected with the school and includes a sufficient number of game elements.

An interesting scenario for graduation in kindergarten based on Pushkin's fairy tales

There is no single general recommendation for holding a graduation party in kindergarten. Most often, educators simply adhere to the classic structure of the holiday, supplementing it with bright and extraordinary content. Like any other, an interesting scenario for a kindergarten graduation based on Pushkin’s fairy tales can consist of four main parts:

  1. Solemn. The graduating group enters the prepared hall, the teachers give parting speeches, the participants show beautiful numbers (dance of girls with their fathers, farewell song of kindergarteners, etc.), demonstrating their talents;
  2. A fabulous costume performance. During the second part, the children, dressed as fairy tale characters, play their roles. Parents and educators are often involved in dramatizations. And the plot is almost always altered to fit the theme of the event;
  3. Climax. The most touching and emotional part of the graduation party. During its implementation, preschool children thank their kindergarten for the care and knowledge they have received, teachers express gratitude to their parents, and they show the kindergarten employees a surprise gift number;
  4. Final. At the end, teachers present gifts and certificates to future first-graders, and mothers and fathers present their gifts to teachers and kindergarten.

Options for kindergarten graduation scenarios based on the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin

Any of A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tales can become a brilliant idea for an interesting scenario for a kindergarten graduation. Plunging into a fabulous atmosphere and feeling real acting characters(positive or negative) the guys will be able to enjoy a real childhood for the last time. So, the most popular options for matinees based on the works of the Rissky writer:

  • “Near the Lukomorye there is a green oak tree...”;
  • “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish” in a new way;
  • "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel";
  • Excerpts and adaptations from “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”;
  • “Ruslan and Lyudmila” for creative graduates;

Even a combination of several fairy tales by A. S. Pushkin in one scenario can be an excellent basis for an event. The main secret of success is that all children are equally involved in the matinee.

Modern scenario for graduation in kindergarten “Cinderella goes to school”

The most popular version of the kindergarten graduation script in recent years is a modern interpretation of the well-known fairy tale - “Cinderella Goes to School.” Such a holiday is a real surprise not only for preschool girls who dream of being princesses, but also for boys who want to feel like princes at least for a little while. The main part of the matinee can be based on the fairy tale of the same name or simply filled with characteristic fairy-tale elements. At the same time, the second option is more advantageous, because at the graduation party you can’t do with Cinderella alone. The rest of the graduates will probably be offended!

All performances, lyrical asides, competitions and even fun games one way or another must be tied to a given storyline- only then will it be possible to preserve the overall picture of the fairy tale and the unique atmosphere of magic. And yet, choosing modern script for the kindergarten graduation “Cinderella Goes to School”, it is better to discuss all the nuances with your parents in advance. Otherwise, there may be two princesses in identical dresses or several identical princes at the holiday.

Video examples of kindergarten graduations on the topic: “Cinderella goes to school”

Unusual graduation party in kindergarten: a new fun scenario for parents

Most of the organizational and preparatory aspects of the graduation party in kindergarten are resolved through multi-stage debates at parent-teacher meetings. There is budgeting, choosing a place for the entertainment part of the holiday, and discussing the best gifts for graduates and garden workers. But there are certain things that cannot be resolved through dialogue alone. These include the participation of mothers and fathers in the holiday itself. Or rather, speeches, ceremonial speeches by the committee, surprise performances, and so on. You will have to not only find new unusual scenarios for competitions and skits for parents, but also rehearse them thoroughly before the fun graduation party in kindergarten.

The role of parents of graduates at the farewell party in kindergarten

For an unusual graduation party in kindergarten, new funny scenario for parents, you can compose it yourself, or use old templates. But first it’s worth defining the role of mothers and fathers at a children’s party:

  • Firstly, the most proactive parents will have to say a response to the graduates or acceptance speech teachers. Most often, members of the parent committee are assigned to this role, and the text of the speech is prepared in advance based on one of the samples. For example:

On behalf of all the parents of our group graduates, I would like to say a huge thank you to all the teachers and staff of kindergarten No. XX. In addition to the necessary knowledge, you invested a piece of yourself in our children. You managed to penetrate children's hearts and instill in them kindness, love and joy. Always remain the same creative, hardworking teachers who love their students. Thank you for our children!

I express my gratitude to the head of kindergarten No. XX, the teachers of our group, as well as the entire staff of this preschool educational institution for their dedicated work and desire to work in the kindergarten, raising the younger generation. You are all high-level specialists with extensive experience working with children. Our children enjoyed going to kindergarten, and what is very important is that we, parents, never worried, leaving our children in your capable hands. We want to note your sensitive attitude towards children, attention to parents, and high professionalism in raising children. The teachers approached all pedagogical tasks with creative inspiration and imagination, and were deeply rooted for all the successes and failures of our children. Thank you very much!

  • Secondly, moms and dads have a great opportunity to show off their own act at a holiday party. For example, a funny skit for children about their future school, a remake of a popular fairy tale, a funny surprise dance for teachers, or a congratulatory song dedicated to kindergarten;
  • Thirdly, parents can play the roles of individual characters at the holiday, if this is provided for in the fairy-tale scenario. So, the chosen mom and dad can easily play popular cartoon characters: Masha and the Bear, Masya and Papus, Nyusha and Barash.
  • Fourthly, traditionally, part of the games and competitions at the holiday involves the participation of children together with their parents or against them. This means that scenarios for such game indentations must be drawn up in advance and demonstrated to parents. If they are not a surprise or impromptu.

The best script for a performance from the parents of the graduating group to the teachers for graduation in kindergarten

Most parent groups consider the best option to be “dry” congratulations to kindergarten workers with standard bouquets and material gifts. And only some of the graduates’ mothers and fathers decide not to follow the beaten path and supplement their presentation to teachers and children with an interesting concert number or an unexpected surprise. For example: a large photo collage, a pre-filmed video clip, a well-rehearsed flash mob, a humorous dramatization based on a good old fairy tale. Although even a simple skit, lyrical song or funny dance performed by parents can become a bright emotional outburst for the heroes of the occasion and kindergarten workers. The main thing is not to be lazy and spend a little time preparing. And examples of the best scenarios for performances from parents of the graduating class to teachers for graduation in kindergarten can be seen in our videos from the last section.

Examples of kindergarten graduation scenarios for teachers from parents on video

When organizing the best graduation in kindergarten, choose the scenario extremely responsibly. Only new ones original ideas can pleasantly surprise the graduating group and delight the guests children's party. And don’t forget: a modern farewell party in kindergarten should not only be interesting, but also unusual, unlike all previous ones.

I want to make it unique and inimitable. Whether it will be so depends on the main components of its success: the script for kindergarten graduation, gifts, decorations, poems, etc. There is certainly a main part, without which kindergarten graduation is simply unthinkable: this is a solemn holiday on which they say kind words and gifts are given to the kids. You can start implementing ideas for the brightness and unforgettableness of this day from the very beginning.

We offer teachers assistance in certification. We place creative material in the official all-Russian online magazine "Doshkolnik.rf". The magazine is published on the 1st of every month and is in .pdf format. Publication documents are issued. It is sent to all authors of the issue and can be downloaded from the main page of the site. Has a media license and is registered with Roskomnadzor (EL No. FS77-55754). To publish in the journal and receive a Certificate of Publication you need to: send your material to: [email protected]

Graduation party scenario for children of the preparatory school group “Kindergarten, we won’t forget you”

Nadyrova Lucia Ilmirovna
Job title: musical director of MBDOU "Kindergarten of care and health improvement for children with allergic diseases No. 69", Nizhnekamsk
Description: The scenario is intended for holding a graduation party in a kindergarten. The material will be useful to music directors and educators.
Target: Creating an emotionally positive atmosphere and festive mood for graduates and guests of the event.
- Unleash the creative abilities of children;
- Foster a sense of gratitude to the kindergarten staff;
- Set up children for the transition to school.
Progress of the holiday.
Presenters enter the hall.
Presenter: Good afternoon, dear parents, guests, and kindergarten staff. So we met again in this hall. An unusually exciting celebration awaits you today! Our kindergarten has opened its doors for a graduation party dedicated to future first-graders!
We are ready to accept everyone, we only ask one thing from you.
Don’t judge yesterday’s preschoolers harshly today.
They are a little nervous and their knees are shaking a little.
Here to say goodbye to kindergarten
Preschoolers are rushing in the morning.
We solemnly welcome them
Applause, friends,
Children enter to the music, perform a dance to the song “Childhood” and line up in a semicircle.
Child: The kindergarten is dressed up - you won’t recognize it straight away.
Mom wears her best outfit.
And ironed trousers, cleanly washed hands,
And the excitement - they were just escorting us to first class.
Child: And mothers look with excitement at yesterday’s preschool children,
And dad’s gaze warms, and his brother winks.
Even the grandmother furtively raised a handkerchief to her eyes:
From now on her dear grandson will be a schoolboy.
Child: We ourselves forgot all the poems out of excitement.
They were just preschool children, and now they are students.
Child: To be honest, how can we not worry!
How many years we lived here, and played, and were friends!
Together they built factories, castles, towers and bridges.
Made from construction toys and clay of unprecedented beauty.
Child: The sun is joyfully knocking on the windows like a cheerful ray.
And today we are proud of the important word “Graduate”.
Child: Preschool childhood leaves one day,
And everyone will feel this today.
Toys, cars, rocking chairs go away,
And books - babies, and dolls - squeakers.
But we cannot forget this colorful world,
And our kindergarten is kind, cozy and bright.
And warm hands, and a gentle look,
All: Thank you, thank you for everything, kindergarten!
Child: But we need to say goodbye to dear kindergarten,
The school will be very happy with first-graders like this.
Strong, brave and cheerful, the most friendly of the guys,
Hello holiday, hello school,
All: Goodbye, kindergarten!

Song "Favorite Kindergarten"(music and lyrics by Azamatova-Bass G.)
Presenter: Dear children, dear parents and guests! Despite the separation, we hope that this evening will be pleasant! After all, we pin our hopes, unfulfilled dreams on children and, of course, we want them to be happier than us!
How the years flew by - instantly,
You've certainly grown up here.
And the time has come for us to say goodbye,
You will go to school to study.
Child: The red summer will fly by, the cheerful bell will ring,
With a bright festive bouquet, I will go to school.
I walk along the road, a new backpack on my back,
I won’t forget to take pens, books and notebooks with me.
Child: We want to learn quickly and make friends with the ABC book.
We will read it from page to page by spring.
We'll be at school, like big kids, writing a lesson on the blackboard,
We decided in advance to all become excellent students.
Child: I will try my best at school, because there is so much to know,
To get only A's in your new diary.
I’ll teach myself lessons and solve problems too,
Well, if something happens, I know my mother will help me.
Child: We are ready to study and become schoolchildren.
Ready to get good grades!
Come on, school, it’s our first time in first grade!
Open the door wider - we are first-graders now!
Song "Soon to school"(lyrics and music by Z. Root)
The children take their seats.
Presenter: Dear graduates! Your younger friends, with whom you have lived friendly all these years, came to your graduation party. They brought you their wishes!
Children enter the hall to the music.
Presenter: Oh, funny, funny! You were like that too. When they grow up a little, they will also come to school with you.
1st kid: We guys, kids, came to congratulate you all!
Enroll in first grade and don’t forget about us.
2nd kid: You will go to school soon, please don’t be lazy,
We wish you guys good studies.
3rd kid: We honestly promise you that without you in our native garden
We won’t break the flowers, we’ll save all the toys.
4th kid: We wish you to study and get straight A's!
And remember the “Bee” kindergarten more often.
5th kid: Don’t forget about us, come to us in kindergarten
We will play together and read school books.
Children's dance.

Children and guests see off the younger preschoolers with applause.
Presenter: Dear guys, you have been going to this group for several years, but from now on our paths will diverge. Let's dream a little, who do you want to be?
Scene "Dreamers".
1st child: My years are growing, I will be seventeen.
Who should I work with then? What should I do?
I will read books and strive for knowledge.
To become very smart, go abroad.
2nd child: And I will be a showman, all mustachioed and bright.
I will spin the wheel and receive gifts.
Child 3: It’s good to be a showman, but it’s better to be a singer.
I would go to the Basques, let them teach me!
1st child: I would become a teacher, let them teach me!
Child 2: Have you thought at all? The nerves will be tormented!
4th child: I will work as our president.
I will ban semolina and porridge throughout the country!
5th child: My mother dreams for me,
Dad, grandma, friends...
I'm just a stubborn guy...
You can't give in to them.
Everyone gives me advice vying with each other.
Despite this, I will be myself!

Presenter: We think that when our children grow up, each of them will find their own path in life, and everything will work out for them. We told you our thoughts with “Hurray”, and now let’s dance, kids.
Dance "Little Stars" (group "Giant")
Presenter: Our holiday continues. Childhood is always fairy world miracles. Children, and we adults too, love fairy tales. Really guys? Do you love fairy tales?
The scientist cat enters.
Cat: Hello guys! I was going about my fabulous business, and it seems that I was late for your ball.
Presenter: Don’t worry dear, our holiday is just beginning. Look how many joyful faces have gathered here today.
Cat: Meow! Then everything is fine. Did you recognize me?
Presenter: Well, of course. Guys, who is this?
Cat: I am a scientist cat of the most fabulous Lukomorye. I've come to take you to school. And at the same time, check whether you are ready to study school science. Are you ready? (yes) And now we’ll find out.
Cat: Who very very very soon
Walking together to school?
Which one of you will arrive to class?
An hour late?
Who keeps things in order
Pens and notebooks?
Which one of you is a kid?
Walking around dirty from ear to ear?
Answer in unison in a moment
Who is the main student here?
Who takes care of clothes
Does he put it under the bed?

Cat: Well done! We completed the task. Well, now I want our respected parents to take an oath. You must say YES loud and clear!
1. Will we always help children with their studies? - Yes!
2. So that the school is proud of its children? -Yes!
3. Is remembering formulas nonsense for you? - Yes!
4. Will we be as wise as a star in the sky? - Yes!
5. When school is over, will we go for a walk with the children then? - Yes!
Well done! And the parents managed everything. There won't be any problems with them at school. Guys, do you know the letters? Tell me, what else can you do? Can you read? Well done! Okay, now I’ll check how attentive you are! Let's play!
Game "Be careful"
To the music, children run around in all directions, the Cat says any number from one to five, and the children, accordingly, must stand either one at a time, or in pairs, or in threes, etc.

Cat: Yes, I see you didn’t go to kindergarten for nothing. Gained useful knowledge here.
Presenter: And our guys are real artists and actors. Watch the sketch "Malvina and Pinocchio" performed by Amalia and Vladimir
Sketch "Malvina and Pinocchio"

Cat: Well done guys! The school will always welcome such students! I wish you to do well in school, but now let me say goodbye.
The cat leaves.
Presenter: We continue our holiday and invite everyone to dance.
The minuet is farewell, a little sad. It's not easy to spin around in it!
This farewell dance, in a light prom dress!
Dance "Minuet"(to the music of P. Mauriat's orchestra)
Ivan Tsarevich enters
Ivan Tsarevich: Hello, dear guys and guests! I carefully watched your adventures all these years in kindergarten and see that you have grown up to be kind, brave, smart and well-mannered children. Vasilisa the Wise found out about your farewell holiday and sent you a chest of surprises... Well, well... Where did I put it? Oh yes, my faithful friend was with me - the gray wolf! Left behind on the road... My friend, run to us quickly!
A wolf comes in and greets the children.

Tsarevich: What's happened? What kind of chains?
Wolf: I lost the chest on the way, and it ended up with Koshchei, so he bewitched it.
(points to the locks hanging on the chest)
Tsarevich: Guys, your help is needed here. will you help, friends?
If we complete the tasks, we will break the spell.
(looks at the first castle)

To remove the lock for the first time, you need to complete the lesson:
Guess the riddles and quickly remove the lock.
Those riddles are not simple, all the answers in them are wonderful,
From fairy tales RIDDLES without clues!
1. What does Baba Yaga fly on?
2. What do wizards wave when they cast a spell?
3. Shoes that help you move very quickly?
4. Can she make everyone invisible?
5. What needs to be broken to defeat Koshchei?
Tsarevich: You guys are great - you are all sages!
Now the lesson is done, you can remove the lock first.
(turns the lock over and the first letter appears)
We open it slowly... What kind of letter do we see?
Presenter: How to remove the second lock? We need a different key here!
Tsarevich: Here hangs the second castle, not an ordinary magic castle
Song and dance. That is, simply musical!
Presenter: Our guys with their performance on musical instruments the castle will be disenchanted. Meet the Orchestra.
Orchestra("Italian Polka" Rachmaninov S.V.)

Tsarevich: Well done guys! Real artists! So... so... We open it slowly... what kind of letter do we see?
Tsarevich: Well guys, do you still want to open the locks?
Presenter: Of course, after all, Vasilisa the Wise sent the chest for our guys, and we are all wondering what lies there?
Tsarevich: This castle, I’ll tell you guys, was locked by Untidy. Clap your hands loudly to welcome her! Well, it’s time for me to go to my kingdom! Goodbye guys! Good luck at school!
They clap their hands. Untidy runs into the hall to the music.
Untidy. Ho-ho-ho! Here I am! It will be hard for you, friends!
My name is Untidy, I love it
Disorders in behavior, disturbances in mood,
And also when everything in the notebook is complete chaos!

Presenter: Our children are not like that, but completely, completely different:
Our children are neat, thrifty and tidy.
There are no untidy people among them, and everything is in order!
Untidy: So I believed you! Do you know how many friends I have who are just like me? Wow, so many! You see two people hiding in the last row (points to parents). These are my old friends. They also sat on the last desk at school and their entire diary was hung with twos. Hello friends! (waves).
Presenter: Don't make things up, Untidy! Such good children cannot have poor fathers. You're confusing them with someone else!
Untidy: How can you confuse, how can you confuse!? Look how they smiled at me, they recognized me!.......Okay, okay! Stop praising your children and their parents. Better prove that they are like that. Cheerful, neat, okay!
Presenter: Look how beautiful our girls are, listen to how beautifully they can sing in the Tatar language.
Song "Bakchabyz - Gelbakcha"(lyrics and music by M. Minkhazhev)
Untidy: Just think, I can sing like that too.
But I wonder if they can quickly and accurately pack this briefcase for school?
Will parents be able to help prepare for September 1st?
If children are neat, thrifty and tidy
If they can complete the lesson, I will open the lock for you.
Game "September 1"
2 families are invited to play: mother, father and child. Each family stands in front of a table on which there are school and other supplies, a balloon, and several branches of artificial flowers. Next to the table is a school bag. The presenter announces the conditions: at the alarm signal, the child must collect a school bag, dad must inflate and tie a balloon, mom must collect a bouquet, tying it with a ribbon. Whoever is the first to say the words: “We are ready for school!” wins.

Untidy: Oh, what order you have! There are no untidy people among you.
I open my lock.
(Reverses the second letter)
Untidy: What letter is this, my friend?
Untidy: You probably also want me to open the lock for you? You sang to me, played for me, but haven’t danced yet? When you dance, friends, I’ll open the lock!
Comic dance “Washing”(Tatar dance)

(turns over the next lock)
Untidy: Who read it? Who made it? What letter? Letter
Untidy: Now it's time for me, goodbye, kids!
Presenter: To remove the last lock, you will need to count.
If you can solve the problems, we can open the lock!
Math problems.

1) There is a corner in the house -
Toys live there:
Lion, elephant and rhinoceros,
Doll and frog.
How many toys live in the corner? (5)
2) Seven funny little bears
They rush into the forest for raspberries.
But one of them is tired
I fell behind my comrades.
Now find the answer
How many bears are there ahead? (6)
3) There are five little mice along the way
They rush to school happily.
And under everyone's arm
One textbook at a time.
How many new books
In diligent mice. (5)
Presenter: Well done guys. You opened all the locks, open the lock again, read the word together.

Presenter: Let's open our chest, guys, look at the letter here.
He reads “a farewell message to children for school” and distributes gifts from Vasilisa the Wise.
Presenter: Well, all the games have been played, all the songs have been sung, our holiday has quietly come to an end, and this means the moment of parting is coming! The time has come to say goodbye to the kindergarten and say the last words.
Children line up in a semicircle and take turns reading.
1. Today we say goodbye to kindergarten forever.
Now we need to study, we are going to school.
2. You accepted us as kids, our dear kindergarten.
We have become big now and say goodbye to you.
3. Thank you to the teachers for your kindness and warmth,
We were next to you and it was light on a gloomy day.
4. We say thank you to our nannies and laundresses,
For attention, for comfort, for heartfelt good work.
5. Who will check how we draw, how we play and dance?
Today we say thank you, and we thank the methodologist.
6. Thanks to our doctors that we are not afraid of colds,
No matter who you look at, everyone is a hero.
7. We thank the cooks for the delicious borscht and hearty pilaf.
8. Who cleaned the paths where our feet walked,
Both in winter and hot summer. This is the janitor, this is the janitor!
9. Thanks to the music director and Tatar language teacher - for the holidays and laughter,
Because now we all have talents! .
10. Let’s say thank you to the physical education instructor! We will try
Physical education can be done together even at school.
11. Today we say goodbye
We say thank you to everyone:
Speech therapist, and caretaker, clerk and psychologist,
teacher intellectual development and accountant,
and also to the wardrobemaid and our guards,
For warmth and care we say:
Together: Thank you!
12. And our manager -
Thanks to all children!
Every day is your concern
This kindergarten is getting brighter!
13. Our kindergarten, goodbye!
We're off to first grade!
Although the parting is sad,
Don't worry about us!
We are no longer children
It's time for us to go to school.
And at this farewell hour
Our song is for you!
Song "The world is childhood"(music by A. Muratov, lyrics by V. Danko)
Enter Untidy
Untidy: Guys, I was thinking and decided to become neat and tidy like you! And I’ll go to school too. Will you take me with you? Okay, I have a surprise for you! Clap your hands and welcome the soap bubble show!!!
Soap bubble show