Presentation on the world around us on the topic "castles and knights of the Middle Ages." Presentation “Medieval knights and castles Tips on how to make a good report for a presentation or project

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Knights and castles

Presentation prepared by teacher primary classes Municipal educational institution "Nikolskaya secondary school" Podlesnova N. M. 2009

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Knight (originally "horseman";) - a medieval noble honorary title in Europe

For a long time anyone could be made a knight.

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Knightly commandments - to be a believing Christian, to protect the church and the Gospel, to protect the weak, to love one’s homeland, to be courageous in battle, to obey and be faithful to the lord, to speak the truth and keep one’s word, to maintain purity of morals, to be generous, to fight against evil and to defend the good and etc.

Knightly virtues - courage, loyalty, generosity, prudence, sociability, sense of honor, freedom

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A feudal lord is a landowner in relation to whom the peasants are in serfdom. Large feudal lord.

The rights of a feudal lord: collecting huge taxes from the population of his country; trial of ordinary residents; declaring war on other feudal lords and concluding peace with them; ensuring the security of the entrusted fief.

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Later, the feudal lords developed special rules of knightly honor: a knight must seek heroic deeds, fight the enemies of the Christian faith, and protect the weak and offended. The rules of honor applied only in relations between feudal lords. But even here they were constantly violated. IN everyday life, in the family, many feudal lords were rude, cruel and arrogant. They looked down on the hard-working peasants and all the “ignoble”, calling them “vile common people.” “It’s best when the peasant cries; It’s bad when he rejoices,” said the gentlemen. Even in knightly songs, the feudal lords expressed hatred of the people who fed and clothed them: Men who are evil and rude, Sharpen their teeth on the nobility, I only love the poor! I love to see the people Hungry, naked, Suffering, not warmed!.. So that the peasants do not get fat, So that they endure hardships, - It is necessary to keep them all in a black body from year to year...

(Bertrand de Born, 1195)

Tips for making a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, don’t be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts, you don’t need to just read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. Everything comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more relaxed and less nervous.

THE WORD “KNIGHT” ORIGINALLY MEANT “HORSEMAN.” Knights could only be people of “noble” origin, rich enough to purchase a horse and weapons - a sword, shield, armor. Knights served in the army of the king or other noble people, owners of large land holdings - dukes, counts, barons. In order to become a real warrior knight, it took a lot of time and effort. TO military service knights have been preparing since childhood. At the age of seven, boys left their parents' home and became pages (personal servants) of noble feudal lords (landowners) or the king. There they learned fencing, wrestling, horse riding, javelin throwing, singing and dancing. The ability to read and write was not considered mandatory for a knight.

WHEN THE YOUNG TURNED 15 YEARS OLD, HE ENTERED THE SERVICE OF A KNIGHT AND BECAME A Squire. His duties included caring for the knight's horses and dogs. He greeted guests and served them at table. During the campaign, the squire carried the armor (equipment) of the knight, and during the battle he had to be behind the knight in order to give him a spare weapon at the right time. And only after several years of service, squires who distinguished themselves in battle were knighted. This usually happened on a holiday, in the presence of other knights, squires and, of course, beautiful ladies.

And so that their military art would not be dulled in peacetime, the knights participated in specially organized military competitions, which were called tournaments. At the tournament, two knights rode towards each other on horseback and, striking with long spears, tried to knock the enemy out of the saddle.

Knights lived in castles. A castle is a palace and fortress of a feudal lord. Castles of Europe, Middle East, Caucasus, Central Asia were erected in well-protected places: the main tower was surrounded by ramparts, ditches, and walls. Severe, powerful castles from the 11th – 12th centuries. became more picturesque, free in layout, from the 13th – 14th centuries. turn into complex complexes of buildings, and, finally, into palace ensembles.

The castles of the nobility were not very comfortable homes. They were damp, cold, and drafty. The first castles did not have glass in the windows or running water. The premises were illuminated with torches made from tree branches or bundles of reeds. Kings and nobles built castles for themselves to protect themselves from enemies.

The main reason The feudal system itself became the basis for the construction of castles. Possessive sovereigns reigned over the lands that belonged to them and controlled the destinies of the people living on them. In an effort to increase the size of their holdings and strengthen their power, feudal lords often attacked the territory of their near or distant neighbor. And of course, the neighbors were not in debt either. That is why the gentlemen had to turn their houses into impregnable fortresses. This is how castles arose.

The double walls of this fortress were 6 meters thick, and even thicker at the corners. In the center of the castle there is a huge hall two floors high. Light enters here only through several small windows located high under the ceiling. Bird's eye view of the castle


Falyakhov Aidar

Presentation for the lesson "Knight's castles".



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Knight's Castle Prepared by: Falyakhov Aidar S. Deniskino

Presentation for the lesson. History of the Middle Ages 6th grade. Prepared by 6th grade student Falyakhov Aidar GBOU Secondary School "OC" s. Deniskino

What does a knight's castle consist of? Donjon Tower Gate (usually the gate was liftable) Dungeon (usually prisoners were kept there)

Z The castle is the dwelling of the feudal lord and his fortress.

Inner courtyard of the Castle.

Castles were built on an island in the middle of a river or lake.

Castles were built on a high rock or hill.

A bridge led across the moat to the castle.

To get into the castle, it was necessary to overcome many obstacles. Donjon is the main tower.

A drawbridge was thrown across the ditch; at night and during an enemy attack, he was raised in chains. From the tower above the gate, the guard constantly surveyed the surrounding area and, noticing an enemy in the distance, sounded alarms.

Knight equipment. Chain mail is a shirt woven from iron rings. Plate is armor made of iron plates. The visor is a metal plate with slits for the eyes. A club is a heavy club with a thickened metal end.

Knight Equipment Helmet Visor Plate

Steel armor


Knight's swords

A knight and his squire The service of a squire to his knight.


Entertainment knights Tournaments

Tournaments are military competitions of knights in strength and dexterity.

Interior view of the castle.

Rules of knightly honor. Coat of arms - a distinctive sign of the family Motto - a short saying explaining the meaning of the coat of arms

A.) Chain mail B.) Plate C.) Spear D.) Helmet Fourth wheel

Connect with an arrow the concept and its definition Coat of Arms Motto Tournament Military competition of knights in strength and dexterity. Badge of military valor A short saying explaining the meaning of the coat of arms.

Recover the missing words. It was not easy for the peasants to defeat even one feudal lord. Each warrior-...- was armed... and... . The big one... he could cover himself from head to toe. The body... was protected... by a shirt woven from iron rings. Later... they changed... - the armor of their iron plates. On his head... he put..., and in a moment of danger he lowered it onto his face... - a metal plate with slits for the eyes. The most favorite entertainments... were... and... - this was a military competition of knights in strength and dexterity. Each feudal lord had his own... - a distinctive sign of the clan and... - a short saying, usually explaining the meaning... .

What was the knight's upbringing like? Usually, from the age of seven, a boy left his father’s castle and served as a page at the court of a noble feudal lord. He carried out various assignments for the lord and his family. At the age of 15, the young man became a knight's squire. In the castle, he looked after the horses and dogs, greeted guests, carried the knight’s armor during the campaign, and during the battle he was behind him in order to provide a spare weapon at any time. Only after long service were those who distinguished themselves knighted.

Rules of knightly honor A knight must: Seek feats. Fight the enemies of the Christian faith. Protect the weak and downtrodden, especially widows and orphans.

summary of other presentations

“Knight's castle in the Middle Ages” - The dwelling of the owner of the castle. Knight. Donjon. Code of Knightly Honor. Lock. Feudal lord. Tournament. Establishment of feudal society. Coat of arms. Spear. Let's work with the textbook. Chain mail. The dwelling of a feudal lord. Feudal lords. In the knight's castle.

"Chivalry" - Customs and morals. Horse warrior. Lock. Coat of arms. Chivalry. Origins of medieval chivalry. Components of the coat of arms. Courtliness. Knighting ceremony. Friedrich Nietzsche. Chain mail. Stages of becoming a knight. Knight's coats of arms.

“The Times of Knights” - New gods appeared, the old ones were forgotten. Polytheism, or polytheism, gave way to monotheism-monotheism. The Middle Ages were a time of knights and castles. Knighting. Middle Ages. Knightly Orders. The emergence of Chivalry. Chivalry. Sailors discovered America and Australia. Tournaments. And at the same time, massive buildings rooted in the ground are being built nearby. It seems that the huge cathedral is weightless. Many cities were formed: Berlin, Amsterdam, Moscow, which still exist today.

“Castles” - Usually a castle was built on a hill or high rock. Only after long service were those who distinguished themselves knighted. Knight tournament. Knight equipment. Knight's code of honor. At first, castles were built from wood, and then they began to be built from stone. A drawbridge was often thrown across the moat. Tournaments were organized by kings and noble feudal lords. In the knight's castle. Interior of the castle. A knight is a mounted warrior.

"Knights and castles in the Middle Ages" - Middle Ages. Giotto statue. The rise of wall painting. Knight tournament. Branle. Portrait of Johannes Gutenberg. Portrait of Giotto. Printing press. Esau before Isaac. Miniature. B. Thorvaldsen.

“Medieval Knights and Castles” - To get to the castle, you had to cross a suspension bridge. The knights covered 24 km on day 3. Crosses made of red material were sewn onto the clothes of the participants in the campaigns. The blades of these weapons. Chain mail is a shirt made of iron rings. Knightly virtues. Our king Charles, the great emperor. The castle was built from wood, and later from stone. Armor. The dwelling of the feudal lord and his fortress. Weapon. The main part of the medieval castle was the central tower.