Drawings with paints for the work theme and bug. Beetles - step-by-step drawing of insects with children. May bug - step-by-step drawing of insects with children

The sick man lies in his crib and asks the nanny where his beloved dog Zhuchka is. The nanny says that someone threw her alive into an abandoned well. Tyoma immediately began to come up with a plan to save the pet, and imperceptibly fell asleep.

How Tyoma saved Zhuchka

To save his pet, he prepared a number of actions:

  1. I took poles from the gazebo, and newspapers and matches from the dining room.
  2. He entered Karetnik and took the reins with a rope. He decided to use a flashlight - in this situation it best way lighting, because a burning newspaper can burn a dog.
  3. He made a loop on the reins and, shining a lantern on the well, tried to pull the dog out. She jumps for joy and falls into the slush.
  4. Tyoma proceeds to carry out the next plan - he ties a rope to a post and descends into the well. He ties the reins to the Bug and climbs out along the rope.
  5. He barely climbs out of the well and pulls out the dog.

Character of Tema

Tyoma is a very brave and courageous boy, he loves and takes care of his pet - Bug. When he learns that she is in trouble, he even sees a plan to save her in his dreams. And feeling unwell, he does not feel sorry for himself and goes to save her from death. He is a smart boy and the rescue plan he thought out and came up with turns out to be feasible. He does not pay attention to disgust and the terrible stench from the well, to the fear of suffocation - he climbs into the bottom. He is afraid that his dog, Zhuchka, will die in a well in the mud and darkness. Tyoma does not feel sorry for himself and despises his weakness and fatigue when he climbs to the top. He thinks that he has no right to give up, that he will get out and laugh at how hard the climb was. This shows that he is a disciplined, persistent and purposeful, and also a self-critical boy. But he also hopes for praise, imagining how everyone will be surprised by his rescue of the dog. Tyoma is a real hero, he was not afraid to risk himself for the sake of Zhuchka, but he could have fallen into a well and not gotten out of there. When they were free and a man appeared from the direction of the cemetery, the boy’s nerves could not stand it and he lost consciousness - this characterizes him as an impressionable child.

Illustrations for the story theme and bug

Tyoma and Zhuchka

The story of how a boy named Tyoma saves a dog, Zhuchka, who has fallen into a deep well, is included as a separate chapter in the story of the Russian writer Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky “The Childhood of Tyoma.” But this story is so complete, complete literary work, that the story “Tyoma and the Bug” in Russian literature is traditionally published as a separate book. And addressed to younger children school age, although the entire story “Tema’s Childhood” is recommended for reading at middle school age.

“Tema and the Bug” is a poignant story about the soul little man, in which the first sprouts of kindness and pity are just appearing. This is a story about the emergence of compassion for one's neighbor, and its influence on raising a child is difficult to overestimate.

In the “New Old Books” series, we published this story with illustrations by a talented Soviet and Russian artist David Shterenberg. The illustrations are black and white, but this is precisely the case when the absence of color is a definite plus. The artist’s clear graphics create a sense of documentation of the events described on the pages of the book, and the expressiveness of the graphic images makes the reader empathize even more with what is happening.

Let us repeat the main thing: the story “Tyoma and the Bug” is for children 7-9 years old. The story “Tema's Childhood” is for children 10-14 years old. Give children the books they need on time.

Theme and the Bug in Labyrinth


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The story of how a boy named Tyoma saves a dog, Zhuchka, who has fallen into a deep well, is included as a separate chapter in the story of the Russian writer Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky “The Childhood of Tyoma.” But this story is such a complete, complete literary work that the story “Tyoma and the Bug” in Russian literature is traditionally published as a separate book. And they are addressed to children of primary school age, although the entire story “Tema’s Childhood” is recommended for reading at middle school age.

“The Darkness and the Bug” is a poignant story about the soul of a little man, in which the first shoots of kindness and pity are just beginning to appear. This is a story about the emergence of compassion for one's neighbor, and its influence on raising a child is difficult to overestimate.

In the “New Old Books” series, we published this story with illustrations by the talented Soviet and Russian artist David Shterenberg. The illustrations are black and white, but this is precisely the case when the absence of color is a definite plus. The artist’s clear graphics create a sense of documentation of the events described on the pages of the book, and the expressiveness of the graphic images makes the reader empathize even more with what is happening.

Beetles, or Coleoptera, are a very famous order of insects. Beetles are found everywhere. They live in gardens, parks, vegetable gardens, forests, fields and near human habitations. In beetles, the body is divided into segments (parts). The beetle is characterized by the presence of six limbs. They have antennae. In nature, beetles play an important role in food chains; they provide food for larger animals. They can pollinate flowers. This is the most numerous order of insects. Here we draw a large beetle step by step.

Stage 1. Outline the lines of the beetle's body. We show an elongated oval figure, draw two curved lines in front of it. Draw straight lines of limbs along the body on both sides.

Stage 2. Then we draw the initial parts of his body. In front we will first depict the first upper segment of his body, after which the second segment will be smaller. They are uneven in shape, the first with serrations and horny projections.

Stage 3. Then, in the lower part of the oval sketch, we draw the already elongated rear end of the body. We divide it with a vertical line into two halves.

Stage 4. Using the outlined upper curves drawn from the head, we draw the contours of the front protrusions on the beetle’s head. We depict a stag beetle and it has huge protrusions on its head - these are the upper jaws of the beetle. They look like deer antlers. They have curved edges and numerous notches on them. We also show a transverse stripe between the two anterior segments of the body.

Stage 5. It remains to draw six limbs of the beetle. We do this according to the initial sketches. We also draw the limbs as articulated, that is, consisting of several parts. They are thin, ending in claws at the ends.

Stage 6. Add beetle antennae to the head and draw a few additional lines on the huge outgrowths.

Stage 7. Turned out great so far black and white drawing stag beetle.

Stage 8. In nature, beetles usually come in two color types. Some are inconspicuous: black, brown, gray. Others, on the contrary, are very bright: yellow, red, green or multi-colored. Our beetle is colored brown colors different tones. Its upper part is darker, and the lower part is lighter; a slightly brighter shade of brown is chosen here.