Essay on the topic: "Relationship between Green & Schvabrin. Characteristics of the hero of Swabrin, Captain's daughter, Pushkin. The character of the character Schvabrin Captain's daughter who is Schvabrin

Fate will indicate the enemy. War brings pain and loss. In terrible life circumstances it becomes clear who actually familiar and close people are.

The image and characteristic of Schwabrin in the story "Captain's daughter" will reveal the reader with a brutal truth about how ease of man betrays others, his own homeland. Life punishes traitors, it will also happen to the hero of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Employment Alexei Ivanovich Schwabrin

He was already elderly. According to his figure and low growth it was impossible to say that he had a military handling. A dark-minded person did not attract at all, but rather repelled. When he was already among the rebels, Peter noticed his changes. "Trucks in a circle, in Cossack Kaftan".

In the service of Pugachev, he turned into a thin and pale elder, his hair was sad. Only grief and experiences could change the appearance of a person so quickly. But the return back is no longer.

The first opinion is deceptive

The officer Schvabrin got into the Belogorsk fortress because the sword was broken by a familiar lieutenant. Living here for the fifth year. Being with people near so much time, he will be able to easily betray them, emphasize. Pliziness is manifested in many respects. Hardly acquainted with Grinev, he will immediately begin to speak to him unpleasant things about the daughter of Ivan Kuzmich. "I described Masha, I breathe in a fool." Before that, a new acquaintance made a good impression on Peter. "Schwabrin was very not stupid. The conversation was entertaining ".

He swatched to Masha, and received a refusal. The lady intelligently described the reason why he could not become his wife. She simply did not imagine life with those who do not feel feelings.

We will have the honor of the beloved. Duel

When Peter read the Schvabrina poems dedicated to the daughter of the commandant Mironov, the officer advised her dear gifts to come to him at night. It was a cruel, bossless insult, and the in love of the young man called the offender for a duel.

In the duel, the officer showed himself low. Grynev recalls that the enemy overtook him at the moment when he was distracted.

"I looked around, and saw Savelich escaping along the trail. At this time, I was very kept in the chest, I fell and lost feelings. "

It was dishonest, not male.

Falseness and dowelness

Schvabrin cannot accept the fact that Masha chose his opponent. He understands that lovers are planning to get married. Then the liar decides them to prevent them again. He reports Peter's parents about everything that happened in the fortress: a duel, wounding Greeneva, his upcoming wedding with the daughter of impoverished commandant. Before committing this act, I was pretended to be honest, sincere friend, sorry about the deed.

"He expressed deep regret that it happened, admitted that he was to blame, and asked to forget about the past."


Enemy for his own state

For Swabrina there is no concept of honor and debt in front of the homeland. When Pugachev captured the fortress, he switched to the side of the rebels. The traitor without a drop of regret looks at all the desires committed by Pugachev gang.

Schvabrin occupies a place that belonged to Father Maria Mironova. He holds Masha under the castle on bread and water, threatens with a violence. When the leader of the Peasant War will require let go of a girl, then Schvabrin will tell whose daughter who subjected to a huge risk of the one who recently explained in love. This proves that he is alien to sincere feelings.

Everything was mixed in the historical novel by Alexander Pushkin "Captain's daughter" - honesty, nobility, betrayal, meanness, love. And the Pugachev Bunth, which was based on the work, turned out to be a real test for the main characters - Peter Greeneva and Alexey Shvabrin.

Life difficulties for people act differently: they tempt others, they break - it all depends on the strength of the nature, education, moral obscuration.

A little about the work of Alexander Pushkin "Captain's daughter"

The effect of the novel occurs at the end of the XVIII century, when the rebels were raised under the command of Emelyan Pugachev in Russia. The story is conducted from the first person, the young nobleman Peter Grynev, who will be in the wonder of Pugachev's events.

Character features Greeneva and Swabrina - attitude towards people

The novel attracts the attention of two central images - this is officers of the Belogorsk fortress Peter Grinev and Alexey Shvabrin. But it is impossible to underestimate and figure Emelyan Pugachev, because all the story lines are connected with this hero.

Grinene - seventeen years old, son of the landowner, sent by the Father instead of St. Petersburg to the service in the distant garrison of the Orenburg province with a deal against: "take care of honor".

Schvabrin is an educated young man, a nobleman translated into the fortress for killing a duel.

  • Peter is a blank, clockwork, but good and complacent. Having lighted on the billiards Rotmist Zurina a hundred rubles, he screams to Savelich, demanding to pay the debt of honor. Hanging the servant, Grievo is experiencing no less than his uncle, repenting, asks for forgiveness. And in the scene with the counselor, Pugachev, who brings Chibitu Greeneva from Buran to a parlorian yard, also show notes of responsiveness and generosity of the hero. In gratitude for the salvation of Peter treats a passerby man in tea, wine, bangs his hushy Tulup. The meeting turns out to be a fateful for youth. Who knows how to end the seizure of the Belogorsk fortress by the Buntovshchiki for Peter, if the imperial emperor did not recognize his benefactor?
  • Schvabrin is a man with an evil, vivid character. He competently responds to people with whom it serves: Masilisa Egorovna, mocks, mocks Greenyev's love, mocks his verses with complete nonsense. Even the captain's daughter - Masha, refers to a fool, mushy for refusing to marry him.
  • Grineh - decent, bold. He, without hesitation, joins the honor of Mary Ivanovna, having heard the skipping hints on her account of Schvabrin.
  • Alexey is a sneaky, cold-blooded, ready for his benefit to defame the unhappy person. He screams denunciation to Greeneva to the investigative bodies, accusing it in Pugachev's awareness, reports Petra's parents about the son of a traitor, dismisses gossip about the young girl. In the scene, Duele Schvabrin behaves extremely unworthy: it's too hurts his opponent.

The features of Grneev and Swabrin - attitude to the Fatherland

  • Pugacheva detachment captures the fortress. Schvabrin without hesitation swear the new king to loyalty. Alexey is so afraid of his life, which is humiliated before Ataman, bending in an ultra-hot bow. It becomes clear that this person has no sense of debt, self-esteem, devotion. The officer tells Ataman that Masha is the daughter of the executed captain of the fortress. Schvabrin does this in order for Greeneva to punish, and the girl went to him.
  • Peter, like an honest person, is ready to die, but to remain loyal to the Fatherland. He directly declares Pugachev, which has already silence the Empress and will die better, but does not break the oath.
  • For Alexey, unlike Peter, there is nothing saint. He is easy to betray, it can easily become a lady of the heart if it is useful. It can be said about him that he serves to whom it is more profitable.

The features of Grneev and Swabrin - attitude to love

The love line passes through the whole work is given against the background of the terrible events of Pugachevsky Bunt. It is said that in heart matters all the ways are good, but as Svabrin acts, seeking Maryron's reciprocity, is unacceptable for an honest person.

  • Alexey, left Pugachev in the fortress for the elder, locks Masha, does not feed, seeking to lean the girl to her hated marriage.
  • Peter, having learned that his beloved is in the hands of a villain of Schwabrin, without thinking about the consequences, it rushes to her revenue. Without having achieved help from power, Grinov addresses Pugachev for support, and he helps him. After freeing the captain's daughter, Peter sends it to his parents, calling his bride. Even at the trial, where the hero falls because of the naval of Schwabrin, he does not mention Masha, so as not to deliver her trouble.

Reading the novel, we see an adheating Peter, who holy observes the oath to the loyalty to the Fatherland and honor the commandment of his father. And fate awards him - the hero is fully justified and he has a long happing life with his beloved woman.

The image of Swabrin in the story is very convexed, it does not leave any white spots, the possibilities of "thinking, adding" his biography. The detailed characteristic of Swabrin is given at the time of the arrival of Greenhouse to the service. "The officer of low growth, with the face of dark and canceled ugly, but extremely alive." He seemed to be glad to a new comrade. "Yesterday I learned about your arrival; The desire to see finally the human face so wondered me that I did not suffer. "

Alexey Ivanovich - an educated young man who knows languages, free-dimensions, with a small all-service list of the lieutenant, with his own ideas about good and evil. It seems to him that he does not make anything special, but, seeking the location of Masha, crosses the line of decency and sanity. What, tell me, the girl will marry a person who threatens to take her strength?

Schvabrin is exiled to a remote garrison for hot-tempered temper and participation in duels. Very soon he will see the opponent in Green and the heart of Masha, will decide to slander it. But he does not expect such a resistance. The conflict is growing, it will end the duel and the severe injury of Peter.

Further behavior of the victim fiasco on a personal, love front does not come out of one day the specified framework. In the hardest, the climax moment of the story, Shvabrin betrays the commandant of the fortress, moving towards Pugachev. Thus, violates the oath. The traitor is rewarded: now he will lead in the Belogorsk fortress.

Subsequently, Schvabrin prevents Masha's salvation, even later writes a denunciation to the investigative bodies on collaborating colleague with ruffers. But indiscriminate and chaotic actions to burn out themselves and the invarition of the eternal rival goals do not reach: Green and love and love, he is justified by the empress, and the intrigue and the traitor is waiting for Kathers.

To a large extent, the image of Schvabrin in the story of the captain's daughter is written bright, in many respects "ulcer" paints, which directly indicates the attitude of the author to such a type of people. An unworthy officer and men behavior only stronger the nobility and infallibility of the main character of the story, rewarded for diligence, resistance, selflessness.

Agree to compromises where it is impossible to do this, to deal with a deal with conscience, look for workarounds, writing attention letters, weave intrigue, in other words, to destroy your own soul is the choice of Alexey himself. So the author believes, and in his judgments it is quite straight line. Only one day, at the very end of the story, we will hear sympathetic notes in the speeches of Peter Greenyowa. He will give proper to the treasury in the shackles, because at interrogations he never mentioned the name of Masha Mironova.

Test on the work

Peter Grinev Alexey Shvabrin
Appearance Young, beautiful, not devoid of masculinity. Embodies the features of a simple Russian man Young, static, not high growth, with dark, ugly, but moving face
Character Manly, hardy, brave, decent, straight, noble, fair and conscientious. Cynical, cheeky, sharp, gusty, emotional, cowardly.
Social status Educated nobleman, officer. Educated nobleman, officer
Life position Being a decent officer, honestly serve as a state, protect the weak, predict the inconsistency. Take a significant public place. Prove your right way to prove any ways. Search for benefits in everything.
Relationship to moral values Carefully refers to morality. Trying not to follow Contrary to its principles. It does not value moral values, often crossing them.
Relationships to material values Not chasing for wealth, but accustomed to noble life in prosperity. Appreciates money and wealth.
Moral Moral, honest, conscientious. Immoral, shamelessly, all prizes. Forgets about his debt and honor.
Attitude to the family of Mironov They became him a real family. He fell in love with his own parents. Did not honor them anything other than charity and mockery. Ivan Ivan Ignatievich, insulted Maria.
Attitude to the oath Brave refuses to swear Pugachev and kiss his hand. Ready to die, but not to become a traitor. Without any meditation breaks the oath. Moves to the side of the Buntovshchikov.
Behavior on duel They are moving justice and nobility. He is offended by the honor of the girl, and he, as an officer, must protect it. Hears honest, brave battle. This is not the first of his duel. Behaves dishonest. Puts, at the time when the opponent is defenseless.
Attitude towards Mary Mironova In love, respects the feelings of Mary, ready to wait for her reciprocity and fight for love. Saves her life, protects against interrogation. It is hardly high love feelings. Decisions her, insults, keeps locked up. Easily gives out the enemy.
Behavior with Pugachev High keeps his head and does not want to humiliate. Bravely answers provocative questions. Keeps an officer valor. Puts out freedom, crawling in the legs of Pugachev. It is humiliated and reptiles in front of him.
Relationship At first, Schvabrin causes some sympathy in Greenland. But then sharp statements about the family of Mironovy, and then further actions set up Greeneva against Schvabrin. In addition to contempt there are no feelings. He considers Greennev weak. First, trying to impress him. But the further development of events turns them into antipodes.
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  • Schvabrin Alexey Ivanovich is one of the negative characters of this work. In the novel, it is an image of a young officer from a sufficiently secured family of the noble family. Being an officer was democated to the Belgorod fortress, due to the commission of his comrade.

    Schvabrin Alexey Ivanovich was not distinguished by quite beautiful features of the face, but there were notes of liveliness in it. He also did not differ in the growth and, moreover, suffered from excessive thin.

    From personal qualities, Swabrin had a fairly good intelligence, intelligence and wit. His dialogues are filled with sharp and fascinating themes that are even more detaining the reader. But the way he was a negative character of Schwabrin was endowed with such qualities as slander and fiction. So for example, he described Maria Mironov as an absolute fool, and indeed she was a very smart and good-natured girl.

    In many scenes, he kept his importance and very pompous appearance. He constantly let out inappropriate and rude jokes, who were alien to his surroundings. Schvabrin loved to continue to laugh at someone and received great pleasure from it. This man had nothing saint. He completely refused to believe in God, and therefore he was like that he was counted for the sowing.

    A dear, bold, besides, a sneaky man who betrayed his army and after which she calmly moved to the detachments of the impostor Pugachev. After that, Schvabrin received in the detachment of Pugacheva, the position of chief of the Belgorod fortress. And using his position, he makes the abduction of Masha and holds it by force, trying to achieve it from her. But as a result, in all there is justice and Schwabrin are arrested for committing treason to the homeland.

    Writing the image and characteristic of Schwabrin

    Alexey Ivanovich Shvabrin is a secondary and negative hero of the Test "Captain Daughter". This is a young, educated officer from a wealthy family. He was low, his face was dark and ugly. He knew French and skillfully owned a sword.

    Once he served in the guard. There he is embalted with a sword of one lieutenant and was sent to the service in the deaf Belogorsk Fortress.

    In the fortress, Swabrin meets with Arriving for the passage of Peter Grinev. At first, he seems like a very friendly and witty person, with whom it is interesting and fun to spend time.

    But, in the future, the hero is revealed on the other side. He was in love with the daughter of Captain Mironova, but she did not respond to him. As a person, a vengeful, unimustal and old, he began to dissolve bad rumors about her and her family.

    He quarrel with Peter Grinev, because of jealousy to Masha Mironova and wishes to fight him on a duel. During the fight he strikes his back, on the moment a turned away to the opponent. He writes a false letter to Father Greeneva, after which, the mother of Peter is ill.

    Alexey Shvabrin is a dishonest and shameless person. During the attack of Pugachev's gang on the fortress, he betrays his own and immediately moves to the side of the villains. Then the impostor Pugachev appoints it to the Commandant of the Fortress. The appearance changes it, he becomes important, dressed in the Cossacks and places his beard.

    He uses his new position and forcibly keeps the captain's daughter Masha. He turns badly with her, keeps locked up, in every way humiliates and Morit Her hunger. But all his attempts to force Masha Mironov to become his wife turns out to be vain.

    At the end of the story, Alexey Shvabrin is arrested. He looks thin and exhausted, his face becomes pale, and once black hair is gray. From overwhelming his powerlessness and malice, he tries to pump his opponent to Peter Grinev. Schvabrin gives false testimony to his account. He assures that Grinev has entered the ranks of Pugachev and is a traitor of the Motherland. He manifests himself as a sneaky, hypocritical and false man.

    Schvabrina Character does not cause any respect and compassion.

    Option 3.

    Schvabrin Alexey Ivanovich is a secondary hero, an aristocrat, nobleman, who for one reason or another was in the Belgorod fortress. He is a young middle-height officer. He is well educated, knows how to talk. In his speech there is always a joke and sharpness. Once upon a time he was in love with Masha Mironov - the only daughter of the head of the fortress, but received a refusal than was not particularly satisfied. In the Belgorod fortress, he serves the fifth year.

    After the failure of Masha Mironova, Swabrin begins to dissolve dirty rumors about it in the fortress and beyond. Considering this circumstance, it is safe to say that this is not a very honest person.

    His sneaking, the falsehood is proved by the fact that he took advantage of the fact that during a duel, Greenyol diluted Savelich, namely, Alexey Ivanovich fired at him. Next, Shvabrin writes a letter about the duel Father Greenwood, knowing that it can aggravate the position of Grineeva younger.

    At the time of the seizure of the Belgorod fortress, seeing that Pugachev and his comrades won. Schvabrin, without thinking about anything goes on the side of the barbar and the robber. In the service of Pugacheva, Grinyov continues to lie and make all sorts of tricks and meanness. Having learned that Masha Mironova alone in the fortress and no one could defend her, he decided to take advantage of his power. He grossly dominates the daughter of the murdered Commandant of the fortress, which does not speak about his love for Mironova.

    When Schvabrin saw that Grinyov was under the protection of Pugachev, he fell before the legs of the sovereign, forgetting about the feeling of self-esteem and honor. He does not honor anyone and nothing. He is afraid only for his skin, which is worthless. But do not forget that Schvabrin nobleman, but to see the nobleman breathing on Earth is disgusting.

    When Grinyow took Mary Ivanovna with him, Schvabrin was tested and the desire to take revenge on him. He wanted to revenge not from love for Maria Mironova, but from rivalry and personal pudding and flattering. In the end, Shvabrina Alexei Ivanovich is arrested for treason.

    When they arrest Shvabrin, he slanders Greenylava, although it will be known that he did not fit into loyalty to Pugachev and did not participate in his robbery.

    Making the characteristic of the image of Schwartrin, it should be noted that Pushkin introduced into the novel of this negative hero Not only in order to diversify the plot, but also to remind the reader that, in life there are real bells that can spoil the life around them.

    Schvabrin in the story of Pushkin

    In the work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin "Captain's daughter", the main villain and anti-mode is not the robber of Pugachev with his minions, and the young Russian officer - Alexey Ivanovich Schwabrin. This is a young man with a foul language, originally from the aristocratic family, with an overestimated opinion about himself and its own actions. This character does not have the concept of honor and debt, because after the capture of the Belgorod fortress, without hesitation, he fell on the side of the enemy, not even remembering that he gave the most important oath - to defend his homeland.

    True love Alexei Ivanovich is not familiar. The daughter of the commandant of the fortress, Masha, really liked him, so in the rustling of his feelings, Swabrin offered her marriage. The girl refused to be a young officer, as he felt unacceptable intentions and deception. After the refusal, Alexey did not accept and decided that it would take revenge Mary, calling her and the bluntness of inappropriate rumors about the life of a poor girl. But Masha persistently endured Schwabrin attack, while Schvabrin himself became angry. When capturing the fortress, Alexei Ivanovich managed to get closer to Mary, he planted her under the castle, did not give normal food, but only bread and water, hoping, thereby knocking out from the exhausted Masha consent to marriage. This act shows, Alexey does not have mercy and sympathy, he does not feel sorry for the girl, he thinks only about his own gain and enrichment.

    The faithful and sincere friendship of Swabrin also did not seek to create. His meanness and cowardice wounds people. For duels with Peter Grneev, Alexey Shvabrin led himself low and dishonestly, he pierced Paul in the back, when that disturbed. So with your cowardly and dishonest act Schvabrin won the Peter. Alexey also often slandered Greenwood, exposing comrade in not the best light.

    Even when a righteous court was held over the robbers of Pugacheva, Schvabrin did not recognize his guilt, but only looking for a reason to leave the justice and translate his guilt on others.

    The image of a dishonest, envious and cowardly Swabrin is very carefully transmitted by the author, so A. S. Pushkin wanted to show how the officer of the Russian army should not be, and what a lie, envy, meanness and cowardice can lead to.

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    • Analysis of the work of Sholokhov they fought for their homeland

      The work belongs to the category of the most significant in the work of the writer and as the main topic considers the commission of Russian people's unthinkable attack in the fight against the fascist invaders during the Great Patriotic War.

    • Essay for the first time in the Opera and Ballet Theater (Grade 6 Russian)

      This week we went to the Opera and Ballet Theater. I have already been in the theater before with my parents, but I visit the Opera and Ballet Theater for the first time. So the first ballet, which I saw live is the "swan lake".

    • Once an instructive case happened to me, after which I had to make important conclusions. On the summer vacation, my grandparents decided to go for a walk in the forest

    • Esopov Language Saltykov-Shchedrin

      A distinctive feature of the works of the writer is to use an artistic allegorical language in them, called the author of Ezopov, named by the famous Basinist Ezopa

    • The image and characteristic of Stelkolkovsky in the story of the jurisdon

      Alexander Ivanovich Kubrin in his story "Fight" sent all the attention of the reader to those problems that reign in the army at all times. He dared to show army life with all its vices and disadvantages