The most delicate flowers. The most beautiful flowers in the world

Hello everyone. I really want to have the most beautiful on my site bright flowers... Perhaps from these rare flowers, someday you will choose the most beautiful flowers.

The flora of the planet is strewn with a number of unique plants, which are of interest to both gardeners and specialists of botanical gardens. The most bizarre flowers of unprecedented beauty help us understand how different the paths of the formation of the world's flora can be.

Effective this month, holes and adjustments will come in handy after the first spring sprout. As for them, they will suffer less from manipulation, since they are in the winter rest period. Except in cases of prolonged frost, the introduction of hardwood is more urgent than ever. For persistence, it will be necessary to wait for a longer warming in six to ten weeks. It remains to make the right choice, blindly, without seeing the leaves, which is not necessarily evil.

Is it really a juvenile tree in its autumn coat, or does it really give an objective look at the adult who will impose itself? Better to trust the readings that answer real-life questions: How much volume will the crown of a tree take in ten or twenty years? What kind of shadow will she wear on the ground? Will its shadow be opaque, transparent, inoperable? Will the silhouette blend in with the landscape or cut out in an extravagant color or size? Are you looking for discretion, naturalness, exoticism?

See how outlandish plants can be, which will certainly intrigue you, and perhaps help you understand whether you are well aware of the strangeness of the natural world. Below you will see ten flowers of rare beauty that will make you wonder at their extraordinary beauty.

1. White Lotus

Either the Egyptian white water lily or the tiger lotus is a representative of the Kuvshinkov family. It can be seen in all parts of East Africa and Southeast Asia. Flowers sway in the water, supported by huge floating leaves. It is one of the most popular flowers used in decorative ponds and aquariums.

On a tree, a large leaf has various effects. Who hasn't tasted the refreshing benefits of plane trees and mulberry trees, or regretted the shade of chestnuts? Cataltas and paulownias, which do not have modest foliage, have milder effects. While they look very similar, the two are not siblings: the first, which blooms in summer, loves in the humid regions of the North, where its golden foliage selection is very valuable for enhancing the green atmosphere. The second produces purple clusters in spring and prefers more southerly areas.

On more humble trees, the abundance of foliage takes on an exotic character that brings forth palm fronds and tropical leaves. Other species are marked by unusual cuttings, such as fig trees and tulip trees, whose leaf contour does not follow the course of the vein.

2. Snowdonia Hawkweed

It was considered finally disappeared from the face of the Earth. V last time rare flower seen in 1953. Experts believed that these plants were eaten by sheep. Fortunately, this did not happen.
In 2002, the hawk was found again on a mountainside in Wales. Before that, all botanists, for many decades, believed that the rarest flower had disappeared forever.

A composite leaf, cut into several leaves, is a shape scattered across the trees around us. Examples are ash, wing, soap, fruit nut and America, chestnuts. These leaves can form imposing crowns, which are lightened slightly by leaflets that are thinner and spaced, such as in a soap dish. Moreover, this family does not demand the local, therefore, the popularity of the most rustic: robbers, gladicia and sophora. The same grace is found in temperate trees such as marmalade or Melia asedarah.

3. Shenzhen Nongke Orchid

Was bred by humans. And the name is given by the name of the group of specialists who conducted the experiments. Researchers have spent as much as 8 years to grow such a wondrous bud. Then they experimented on him.

Preliminary rules for beautiful flowering

Photo by Beatrice Pichon. Summer will be extended from mid June to late September. In May, you will begin to crawl through your flower beds, paths and arrays. On your trellises, pergolas or palisades, run Suzanne with black eyes or sweet peas, they will quickly decorate their support and make flowers abundantly. Be careful that they don't get a roof or gutter because they could sneak in and damage, especially if it's a neighbor's property!

Remove faded flowers gradually to promote the formation of new flower buds: you lengthen the length and abundance of flowering. Among the flying flowering shrubs and shrubs altea or hibiscus - a figure, although, as a rule, in summer, summer, gardens, lavender, spirea or, of course, oleander, greatly decorate the gardens.

These rare delights of flowers are sold at an incredibly high price of approximately 170,000 euros. The price has been set not only due to its rarity, complexity of cultivation, but also its history.

The Shenzhen-Nongke Orchid blooms once every 4-5 years. Besides its beauty, it also tastes wonderful.

4. Asian Barringtonia (Sea Poison Tree)

Pelargonium or geranium also multiplies flowers, in full sun: the name "king of the balconies" is not usurped, given the good maintenance of these flowering plants in the planters hanging from the windows! But the stars summer garden are undoubtedly roses. In the mountains, isolated, on a terrace, in a gazebo or facade cladding, whether they grow or not, roses grow everywhere and roses breathe out a pleasant scent without requiring daily careful maintenance.

Watering, a key moment for summer flowers despite the holidays

There is no question of returning from vacation to find a withered garden without flowers! While you're still there, water regularly, without waiting for the plants to dry in planters and ferries or pots, and shrubs that were planted less than 2 years ago. Bushes that begin to dry out should be watered generously.

Asian barringtonia grows on sandy and rocky shores and is a huge tree with large leaves that form rosettes at the ends of its branches.

Young foliage is painted in a bronze color of unprecedented beauty with gentle pink paths. Older foliage takes on a pale yellow color.

Inflorescences look very beautiful, which are charming fluffy balls consisting of white stamens with pink balls at the ends. At night, these balls open, exuding the smell of nectar. They arrive at the smell the bats and large moths feeding on sweet nectar.

Watering should be carried out in the evening, at the foot of the plants, without depriving the foliage, in abundance, slightly spaced. There is no need to water roses, shrubs and well-groomed trees planted for more than 2 - 3 years. When you go on vacation, you need to organize yourself: if you haven't already, it will conserve water from the soil and avoid natural evaporation by keeping the soil from drying out. wind.

Flowers are a gift from nature that can lift our spirits and enlighten our spirit with their deep scents. In this article, we'll take a look at the most beautiful flowers that grow in Asia. This exotic flower was named after Christian missionaries in South America who associated some parts of the plant with symbols of the Passion of Christ. Rafflesia is an impressive parasitic plant without leaves or roots, native to Southeast Asia. The red flower consists of five huge petals and can reach a diameter of 1 meter and weigh up to 10 kg.

5. Rafflesia Arnoldii

It is considered the largest flower in the world. It can grow up to 1 meter in diameter and weigh approximately 8 kilograms. This rare flower can be found in the rainforests of Indonesia.

Insects fly to this smell to pollinate the plant.

Its pungent scent serves to attract insects to provide pollination. Raflesia is not visible until full bloom. It may take 6 to 10 months for the lamp to open. Rafflesia blooms hardly last for a few days, and for this reason, a rare and difficult to distinguish flower.

The function of these ascites is to capture insects, which are attracted to the nectar secreted by peristasis. When the insect enters the container, it remains trapped inside and is digested through the digestive enzymes of the plant glands. A real giant of nature with an average circumference of 2-3 meters and a height of over 3 meters.

6. Night-Blooming Cereus

One of the most unusual desert plants. It belongs to the cactus family, and most year looks like a dry bush.

The inconspicuous plant is very difficult to see in the wild. However, once a year, in the summer, at midnight, this flower, exuding a delicate aroma, opens to then close forever with the appearance of the first rays of the sun.

Titan Arum, like Rafflesia, smells like decomposing meat to attract insects, and for this reason it is commonly referred to as a "flower corpse." Orchids are considered to be nature's most beautiful gift. Anyone who has ever seen a lotus flower emerging from a pond can only agree with us when we consider it to be one of the most beautiful flowers in Asia and the world. The lotus flower looks so pure and frank that it is in complete contrast to the pudding background of the pond. For this reason, Buddhism and Hinduism associate the lotus flower with the idea of ​​purity.

A beautiful ornamental plant, commonly referred to as the "golden rain tree" for the abundance of yellow flowers hanging from the branches. It is the national flower of Thailand because yellow symbolizes the monarchy and the Thai royal family. The flowers of this plant are also used in Ayurvedic medicine.

7. Middlemist Red

Middlemist red was brought from China to the UK 200 years ago. In those days, flowers in Europe were considered an unprecedented luxury.

It is still one of the rarest flowers in the world today. It is grown in only 2 places - in greenhouses in the UK and in one of the gardens in New Zealand.

The essential oils obtained from the flower are used in perfumes, lotions, and scented candles. Perhaps many people don't know that ginger flowers are some of the most beautiful and colorful in the world. In the botanical world, ginger is a perennial herb that is distinguished by its elegant color, sparkling flowers and complex symmetry. The impressive plant called "Java Vina" comes from the tropical rainforests of the Philippines. The plant is distinguished by its special structure and extraordinary beauty of color from green to blue to mint green.

8. Eustoma (Lisianthus)

Eustoma is endowed with large purple inflorescences, similar to bells. It grows only in the south of the USA, Mexico, it can be found in the Caribbean and in the north of South America.

Eustoma blooms in summer, blooming from the upper sinuses of the foliage. Inflorescences come in various shades, starting with white. It can be found in all shades of pink, lavender, purple. You can also see bicolored flowers, for example, purple-blue.

It is considered one of the rarest flowers in the world due to the destruction of its natural habitat and the difficulty of reproducing it. The Barrington Asian plant is commonly referred to as the "marine poison tree" or "fish poisoning tree." It grows in mangrove forests, along the coasts and tropical islands of the Indian and Pacific Ocean, and throughout Southeast Asia. The large pink and white pompom flowers give off a sweet and biting scent to attract bats and butterflies, which are responsible for pollinating this plant.

Strange Asian legends believe that the flower comes from the world of darkness. Among the first to describe the origin of the rose was the poet Anacreonte: When beautiful Venus, shining with dew, was formed from the foam of the sea and rose from the waves; when the All-Union Athena emerged from the head of Zeus, the earth in turn gave birth to a wonderful plant, a new masterpiece of nature. Wanting to speed up the flowering, the gods watered its nectar, and the rose rose majestically on a thorny stem. Another version explains the origin of the rose in Sibel, which, in order to take revenge on Venus, does not find a better solution than to create a flower of such beauty that can compete with the goddess.

9. Kadupul Flower

Another rarest and most beautiful flower that can be seen in Sri Lanka. The flower has a white-yellow color, its diameter ranges from 10 to 30 centimeters. The bud exudes a very pleasant aroma. Kadupul belongs to the cactus family.

According to the Emperor Gallieno, the rose is the daughter of the dew because it opens at dawn to drink the dew of the sky and the splendor of the sun, and it closes when it leaves. In love with Flora, not knowing how to get to her heart, she never had any other passion for her flowers, Zephyro turns into so beautiful that Flora, seeing this, does not resist and kisses her on her corolla. The flower is pink, and thanks to her, he absorbs the union between them.

The worship of the Turks for the Rose is born from the conviction that this flower was born from the sweat of the Prophet Muhammad. For this reason, when they find a rose on the ground, they rush to collect it, and after kissing it respectfully, they covered it to keep it from all profanation.

10. Hydrangea (Hydrangea)

Hydrangea is of two types - blooming during the day and blooming at night. Very beautiful flowers are huge bouquets. Their shape ranges from spherical to flat, which is called a "lace cap".

This beauty pleases all summer and all autumn. Types of hydrangeas differ in the shape and size of their bouquets, as well as in color and fragrance period. But these are very expensive flowers that many gardeners cannot afford.

A Swiss pastoral story tells that it was Bakko who gave birth to the rose when, for gratitude, he turned into a tangled rose hip that stopped the race of a young nymph from the god who fled and turned back, laughing at an old satire, he stumbled upon you when he was imprisoned.

A flower angel who dances the healthy dew above them, thanks to the rose bush for shade and the perfume he offered him during the day's rest, adorning the crowns of his crowned flowers, similar to sedum. Happy for new clothes, grateful pink knocks: this is the birth of a musk rose.

In parting, I would like to wish to learn more about the rare flowers that adorn our lives.

Photos from open sources

During the preparation of this collection of the most beautiful flowers in the world, for some reason, I recalled the words of Jesus from the Holy Scriptures: “Look at the lilies, how they grow: they do not work, they do not spin; but I tell you that Solomon, in all his glory, did not dress like any of them. If God dresses the grass in the field, which is today, and tomorrow will be thrown into the oven, then how much more than you, you little faith! " Indeed, the beauty and wealth of nature is breathtaking and the soul becomes light and light.

Myths, legends, poems also tell how the rose, which was originally considered white, is later dressed in other colors. This is mainly due to the spilled blood for a variety of reasons. Venus waves her leg to undermine the wrath of Mars, the beloved of Adonis, hiding in a pink grove. Bloody Cupid for bee stings, playing among the roses in the gardens of Olympus. Love struck the subtle body from the anger of his mother Venus, who uses a pink chest as a whip.

They are incredibly beautiful, but most people in the world are unlikely to ever see them. Due to unreasonable human activities, pollution and climate change, these plants no longer occur in nature or, by chance, only a few specimens survived. Most are grown only in botanical gardens where researchers make insane efforts to preserve and propagate them. Here are the flowers that were included in the top ten rare species these days.

We decided to please the eyes of real aesthetes and nature lovers and have prepared a rating of the most beautiful flowers in the world. It is clear that our choice is quite subjective, but in any case, you will be delighted with it. Indescribable beauty!

10th place. Dendrobium

This is one of the most beautiful orchids... The long stems of this plant are densely covered with fragrant flowers from pure white to dark lilac in color. Dendrobium noble, or nobile, was discovered in 1799 by the Swedish botanist Olaf Schwarz. This orchid grows in the tropical countries of South Asia.

9th place. Lantana

Lantana, native to North and South America and Africa, belongs to the vervain family and has about 150 species. For the first time the name of this flower was given in 1737 by Karl Linnaeus in the book "Genera Plantarum".

8th place. Hyacinths

For many, these flowers even grow at home. They belong to the asparagus family. Hyacinths bloom in early spring with bright and very fragrant flowers. These beauties surprise with an abundance of colors and shades: from white and pink to burgundy and black.

7th place. Dicenter

These flowers are widely popular for their unusual shape... They are even sometimes called "bleeding heart". Dicenters are common in East Asia and North America.

6th place. Rudbeckia

A genus of herbaceous plants of the Aster family, numbering about 40 species. For the first time rudbeckia was discovered by the first settlers in North America and for its unusual color they gave this flower a very poetic name - "black-eyed Suzanne". The main name of this plant was given by Karl Linnaeus in honor of the famous Swedish botanists - the father and son of the Rudbeks.

5th place. Calla

These flowers, quite common in our latitudes, belong to the arum family. This genus is the only member of the subfamily Calloideae and includes only one species - the marsh calla (or marsh calla). People usually associate these flowers with something negative, nevertheless, calla amazes the eye with its beauty and tenderness.

4th place. Hydrangea

Hydrangea grows primarily in South and East Asia, as well as in North and South America. Hydrangea bushes can grow from 1 to 30 meters. These flowers of unreal beauty were named after the beautiful Hortense, the sister of the Russian admiral and aristocrat Karl-Heinrich of Nassau-Siegen.

3rd place. bird of paradise

The three leaders are closed by the "bird of paradise", or strelitzia. Such flowers are found only in South Africa. The flowers are named after the Queen of Great Britain Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (Strelitz is the duchy where the future queen was born).

2nd place. Canna

From the variety of species of this flower, the eyes are downright scattered. Cannes come in many shapes and colors. These flowers grow mostly in Central and South America.

1st place. Sakura

Perhaps someone will disagree with us, but the beauty of sakura, or Japanese cherry, was praised by many artists and poets. This particular type of ornamental tree of the rose family is the main symbol of Japan and its centuries-old culture. The cherry blossom process, which, it is worth noting, lasts only a week, carries with it something unearthly and philosophical. It is impossible to take your eyes off the beauty of this plant.