Bad advice. The work of the winner of the zonal competition of creative works "Test of the Pen". Harmful advice in verse for schoolchildren Grigory Oster harmful advice about school

Bad advice

Based on the poems of G. Oster

Dance "In Every Little Child"

1: Scientists have recently discovered that there are naughty children in the world who do everything the other way around.

2: They are given useful advice: “Wash your face in the morning”

3: And they take it and don’t wash it.

4: They are told: “Say hello to each other”

5: They immediately start not saying hello.

6: Scientists have come up with the idea that such children should be given not useful, but harmful advice.

7: They will do everything the other way around, and it will turn out just right.

8: These tips

All: For naughty children!

9: Why?

All: Never ask yourself stupid questions,

Otherwise, you will find an even more stupid answer to them.

If stupid questions appear in your head,

Ask them straight away to adults,

All: Let their brains crack.

Bad advice about school.

Plug your ears with cotton before the first of September

And relax in silence during lessons,

Watching with interest as a teacher at the blackboard

He opens his mouth silently and moves his lips.

How nice it will be to take the cotton wool out of your ears in May!

All: How spacious it will be for thoughts to tumble around in your head!

If you, without asking permission to enter,

In the middle of the lesson you run into the classroom,

Don't forget to tell the teacher strictly

That today you are unhappy with him again.

May he help his elderly parents

He will tell you to come to school tomorrow.

You will have a serious conversation with them,

Because it's no longer possible to forgive

These are his ugly tricks.

Why does he start the lesson without you?

All: Can't he wait for once?

Cautious children dress quietly

And they tiptoe to school every day,

Because they are afraid that their conscience will awaken

And he will pester you, bore,

All: And it will force you to study.

Bad advice about food.

For example, a bowl of porridge is offered to you in the morning.

They say that the vitamins in it are teeming to the bottom,

They say that nothing is healthier for the stomach

And for this you must love her with all your heart.

And in the morning you don’t want to look at this porridge,

In the morning, when you meet her, you want to close your eyes.

If you eat it without looking, then perhaps

All: Past the mouth

You will be able to eat many spoons of this porridge.

Not every child enjoys eating soup.

The soup can be unsweetened, and this is no secret.

But you can quietly put jam in the soup,

Pour a little honey and crumble the sweets.

Now add sugar and you are ready to pour.

All: No one will force you to eat such crap.

Bad advice about parents.

Often mother does not fulfill her promises,

But don’t be upset, offended or grumble:

If mom has to fulfill everything she promised,

I'm afraid you won't find a living place on your butt.

If school teacher I called my father

And persistently invited him to school,

To show him a cool magazine there,

Take your father to any kiosk

And say: “Well, why do you need to go to school?

All: So many cool magazines are published now!”

Try to catch your mother’s eye less often -

You never know what will come to her mind tomorrow.

Either he will force you to eat potatoes, or he will start combing your hair,

Maybe he’ll suddenly sneak up behind you and send you for milk,

Or he will jump out of the kitchen and send him to wash his hands...

All: No, it’s better never to meet this mother.

If you were walking around wearing a hat and then it disappeared,

Don’t worry, you can lie to your mom at home.

But try to lie beautifully, so that, looking admiringly,

Holding her breath, mom listened to the lies for a long time.

But if you lied about the lost hat,

That a spy took it from you in an unequal battle,

Try not to let mom go and be indignant.

To foreign intelligence

Everyone: They won’t understand her that way.

All: When the parents run in and start asking,

What were you thinking about when you were spitting out of the window,

He fed the vacuum cleaner salad,

He set fire to newspapers

And he pushed the porcelain service down from the balcony, -

All: Ask your parents:

But they themselves

What did you hope for when one day, suddenly,

Decided to have a boy and got you?

Bad advice about life.

If something happens and no one is to blame,

Don't go there, otherwise you will be guilty.

Hide somewhere on the sidelines, and then go home

All: And don’t tell anyone that you saw this.

If you get salad on your hands at lunch

And you’re embarrassed to wipe your fingers on the tablecloth,

Lower them unnoticed under the table and there it is calm

Wipe your hands

All: About the neighbor's pants.

If you couldn't find your country on the map,

Don't mourn your Fatherland - learn geography.

If you're about to get something out of your head,

First, see if there are any small children nearby.

If different ideas pop into your head,

Lock the doors quickly and call the police.

If they ask in class where homework,

Answer that it has gone wild and gone into the dense forest.

If there are too many people chasing you,

Ask them in detail why they are upset?

Try to console everyone, give everyone advice,

But there is absolutely no point in reducing the speed.

All: And most importantly!

When you wake up, the first thing you do is promise not to start

Nothing that you will continue today.

Before going to bed, ask for forgiveness and promise not to do it

Nothing like what you did all day today.

When you wake up, the first thing you do is

All: Promise not to continue...

Before going to bed, ask for forgiveness

All: And promise not to do...

On the first autumn day, on the day of knowledge, when schoolchildren sit down at their desks, how can you not remember that feeling when you are not just taught, but taught... It’s probably no coincidence that Grigory Oster, one of the authors of the website President of Russia for Citizens school age(, wrote and published the collection “Bad Advice. A Book for Naughty Children and Their Parents,” beginning with these words:

“Recently, scientists discovered that there are naughty children in the world who do everything the other way around. They are given useful advice: “Wash your face in the morning,” but they take it and don’t wash it. They are told: “Say hello to each other,” but they immediately begin not to say hello. Scientists have come up with the idea that such children should be given not useful, but harmful advice. They will do everything the other way around, and it will turn out just right.”

* * *
If you're down the hall
Ride your bike
And towards you from the bathroom
Dad went out for a walk
Don't turn into the kitchen
There is a solid refrigerator in the kitchen.
Better brake like dad.
Dad is soft. He will forgive.
* * *

If your mom caught you
For what you love,
For example, while drawing
In the hallway on the wallpaper,
Explain to her what it is
Your surprise for the Eighth of March,
The painting is called:
Dear mother's portrait.

* * *
There is no more pleasant thing to do
How to pick your nose
Everyone is terribly interested
What's hidden inside?
And who is disgusted to look,
Let him not even look.
We don’t get in his way,
Let him not bother you either.

* * *

Born a girl - be patient
Trips and pushes.
And put your pigtails on everyone,
Who wouldn't mind pulling them?
But someday later
Show them the fig
And you will say: “Figurines, for you
I won’t get married!”

* * *
Starting a fight with dad
Starting a fight with mom,
Try to surrender to your mother, -
Dad takes no prisoners.
By the way, find out from your mother,
Has she forgotten?
Beat prisoners on the butt with a belt
Prohibited by the Red Cross.
* * *

If you came to Yolka,
Demand your gift right away
Look, there's no candy
Santa Claus has not healed.
And don't you dare carefree
Bring home leftovers:
How mom and dad run up -
Half will be taken away.

* * *
Don't be upset if
Calling mom to school
Or dad. Don't be shy
Bring the whole family.
Let the uncles and aunts come
And second cousins.
If you have a dog,
Bring her too.

* * *
If you were walking around wearing a hat,
And then she disappeared
Don't worry, mom is home
You can lie about something.
But try to lie beautifully,
So that, looking admiringly,
Holding my breath, mom
I listened to lies for a long time.
But if you lied
About the lost hat
What is it in an unequal battle
A spy took it from you,
Try to mom
I didn’t go to be indignant
To foreign intelligence
They won't understand her that way.
* * *
Try not to mom
To catch your eye -
You never know what she's going to get
Tomorrow it will come to mind.
That will force you to eat potatoes,
Then he will start combing his hair,
Maybe suddenly sneak up from behind
And send for milk.
Or jump out of the kitchen
And he will send you to wash your hands...
No, it's better with this mom
Never meet again.

* * *

If a friend's birthday
I invited you to my place,
You leave the gift at home -
It will come in handy yourself.
Try to sit next to the cake.
Don't engage in conversations.
You're talking
Eat half as much candy.
Choose smaller pieces
To swallow faster.
Don't grab the salad with your hands -
You can scoop up more with a spoon.
If they suddenly give you nuts,
Place them carefully in your pocket,
But don't hide the jam there -
It will be difficult to take it out.

* * *
If you're in your pocket
I didn't find a penny
Look into your neighbor's pocket -
Obviously the money is there.

* * *
Take thick cherry juice
And my mother's white cloak.
Gently pour the juice onto the cloak -
You will get a stain.
Now, so that there is no stain
On my mother's cloak,
The entire cloak must be put in
Into thick cherry juice.
Take your mother's cherry raincoat
And a mug of milk.
Pour the milk carefully -
A stain will appear.
Now, so that there is no stain
On my mother's cloak,
The entire cloak must be put in
In a saucepan with milk.
Take thick cherry juice
And my mother's white cloak.
Lay carefully...
* * *

If you stayed at home
Alone without parents
I can offer you
An interesting game.
Called "The Brave Chef"
Or “brave cook”.
The essence of the game is preparation.
All kinds of delicious dishes.
I suggest for starters
Here's a simple recipe:
Need to wear daddy's shoes
Pour out my mother's perfume,
And then these shoes
Apply shaving cream
And pour fish oil on them
With black mascara in half,
Throw in the soup that mom
I prepared it in the morning.
And cook with the lid closed
Exactly seventy minutes.
You'll find out what happens
When the adults come.

* * *
Hands never anywhere
Don't touch anything
Don't get involved in anything
And don't go anywhere.
Move aside silently
Stand modestly in the corner.
And stand quietly, without moving,
Until your old age.

* * *

If you broke a window,
Don't rush to admit it.
Wait - won't it start?
Suddenly there is a civil war.
The artillery will strike
Glass will fly out everywhere
And no one will scold
For a broken window.

* * *
Never wash your hands
Neck, ears and face.
This is a stupid thing to do
Doesn't lead to anything.
Your hands will get dirty again
Neck, ears and face.
So why waste energy?
Time to waste.
It's also useless to get a haircut,
It makes no sense:
By old age by itself
Your head will go bald.
* * *

If he's chasing you
Too many people
Ask them in detail
What are they upset about?
Try to console them
Give everyone advice
But reduce the speed
Absolutely no use.

* * *
Lost Child
Must remember that it's
They'll take you home as soon as
He will tell you his address.
We need to act smarter
Say: "I live
Near a palm tree with a monkey
On distant islands."
Lost child
If he's not a fool,
Will not miss the right opportunity
IN different countries visit.

* * *

If you are on the phone
Called a fool
And they didn’t wait for an answer,
Throwing down the phone with the lever,
Dial quickly
From any random numbers
And to the one who picks up the phone,
Tell me: I am a fool myself.

I don’t know about anyone, but I liked the advice, as well as the situations the author talks about...

I think that some poems from this book should not be read to children, even in the Year of Literature, they are only for parents!

I would like to congratulate on the First of September, first of all, all the parents who have been preparing for this day all summer! Summer is over even where the weather gave reason to doubt that it existed! There are many discoveries ahead that our students will present to us! Parents have only one thing left to do - be prepared for anything! Parents of schoolchildren and students, be prepared to understand and help your children! Happy start of the new school year!

Grigory Oster


Bad advice 1

A book for naughty children and their parents

Scientists have recently discovered that there are naughty children in the world who do everything the other way around. They are given useful advice: “Wash your face in the morning” - they take it and don’t wash it. They are told: “Say hello to each other” - they immediately begin not to greet each other. Scientists have come up with the idea that such children should be given not useful, but harmful advice. They will do everything the other way around, and it will turn out just right.

This book is for naughty children.

Lost Child

Must remember that it's

They'll take you home as soon as

He will tell you his address.

We need to act smarter

Say: "I live

Near a palm tree with a monkey

On distant islands."

Lost child

If he's not a fool,

Will not miss the right opportunity

Visit different countries.

Hands never anywhere

Don't touch anything.

Don't get involved in anything

And don't go anywhere.

Move aside silently

Stand modestly in the corner

And stand quietly, without moving,

Until your old age.

Who hasn't jumped out of a window?

Together with my mother's umbrella,

That dashing parachutist

Doesn't count yet.

Don't fly like a bird

Above the excited crowd

Don't put him in the hospital

With a bandaged leg.

If the whole family goes swimming

You went to the river

Don't bother mom and dad

Sunbathe on the shore.

Don't start a scream

Give the adults a break.

Without pestering anyone,

Try to drown.

There is no more pleasant thing to do

What to pick your nose with.

Everyone is terribly interested

What's hidden inside?

And who is disgusted to look,

Let him not even look.

We don’t get in his way,

Let him not bother you either.

If your mom caught you

For what you love,

For example, while drawing

In the hallway on the wallpaper,

Explain to her what it is -

Your surprise for the Eighth of March.

The painting is called:

“Portrait of my dear mother.”

Don't take someone else's if

Strangers are looking at you.

Let them close their eyes

Or they’ll go out for an hour.

Why be afraid of your own people?

They won’t tell about their own people.

Let them look. Grab someone else's

And drag him to yours.

Never stupid questions

Don't ask yourself

Or even more stupid

You will find the answer to them.

If the questions are stupid

Appeared in my head

Ask them straight away to adults.

Let their brains crack.

Visit often

Theater buffet.

There are cakes with cream,

Water with bubbles.

Like firewood on plates

The chocolates are lying

And through a tube you can

Drink a milkshake.

Don't ask for tickets

To the balcony and to the stalls,

Let them give you tickets

To the theater buffet.

Leaving the theater

You will take it with you

Under a trembling heart,

In the stomach, a sandwich.

Born a girl - be patient

Trips and pushes.

And put your pigtails on everyone,

Who wouldn't mind pulling them?

But someday later

Show them the fig

And you will say: “Figurines, for you

I won’t get married!”

If you and your friends are together

Have fun in the yard

And in the morning they put it on you

Your new coat,

You shouldn't crawl in puddles

And roll on the ground

And climb fences

Hanging from nails.

So as not to spoil or stain

Your new coat,

We need to make it old.

This is done like this:

Get right into the puddle

Roll on the ground

And a little on the fence

Hang on nails.

Very soon it will become old

Your new coat,

Now you can calmly

Have fun in the yard.

You can safely crawl in puddles

And roll on the ground

And climb fences

Hanging from nails.

If you're down the hall

Ride your bike

And towards you from the bathroom

Dad went out for a walk

Don't turn into the kitchen

There is a solid refrigerator in the kitchen.

Better brake like dad.

Dad is soft. He will forgive.

If you are united forever,

Illuminated and lead,

Don't try to dodge

From movement to celebration.

Still will raise to work

And it will inspire you to heroism

You are great and mighty,

And our reliable stronghold.

The main business of your life

Any trifle can become a problem.

You just have to firmly believe

There is no more important matter.

And then it won't hurt

You are neither cold nor hot,

Choking with delight,

Do nonsense.

Hit frogs with sticks.

This is very interesting.

Tear off the wings of flies,

Let them run on foot.

Exercise daily

And a happy day will come -

you to some kingdom

They will be accepted as the chief executioner.

Girls should never be

Not to be noticed anywhere.

And don't give them a pass

Nowhere and never.

They need to put their feet up

Scare from around the corner

So that they immediately understand:

You don't care about them.

I met a girl - quickly

Stick your tongue out.

Let her not think

That you're in love with her.

Starting a fight with dad

Starting a fight with mom,

Try to surrender to your mother, -

Dad takes no prisoners.

By the way, find out from your mother,

Has she forgotten?

Beat prisoners on the butt with a belt

Prohibited by the Red Cross.

If you are the whole world of violence

Are you going to destroy

And at the same time you dream of becoming

Everything without being anything

Feel free to follow us

Along the paved road,

We will give you this path

We might even give in.

Don't settle for anything

With no one and never

And those who agree with you

Call them cowardly.

For this everyone will start you

Love and respect.

And you will have it everywhere

Full of friends.

If there are cockroaches in the kitchen

Marching around the table

And the mice are happy

There's a practice fight on the floor,

So it's time for you to go

Stop fighting for peace

And give up all your strength

To fight for purity.

If you are going to a friend

Bad advice

School and children... There are a lot of rules, Young Assistant School Principal

So that school doesn’t interfere with our lives. And a consultant on individual subjects, You always remember these rules: I will be with you almost until July

They are necessary like food and water. Nice to meet you - Julia Trusova

We will not make new covenants,

This is how we will find answers to questions about school.

So that you can live peacefully,

We need to be friends with humor...

That's why I suggest"Bad advice."

Tip 1

When getting ready to study, don’t rush too much,

Look at what is on the Internet, or films for the soul.

And then without even a shift, without notebooks and a pencil case

You run quickly to school, where the bell is already ringing.

And don’t be afraid of scary notes appearing in your diary -
After all, without them, everyone will remember the lesson much less.

Tip 2

If you are really tired of solving equations,

Throw in the trash all the chalk in the classroom that you can find,

Tip 3

Tip 4

If your desk neighbor is too busy studying
And he doesn’t want to agree to play anything with you,

Urgently poke a pen at it, push a leaf towards it,

Where, it is clear exactly, he will see a naval battle.

Tip 5

Everyone knows that textbooks are too boring for children.
Color its pages - let it be lively!
Draw horns on Blok, and draw glasses on Akhmatova...

Gogol will look more cheerfully into his red pupils.

What a book! - the brother will say. – I’m very happy for the children!

Tip 6

Are you very bored in class? Do you yawn too often?

Entertain everyone with a loud bark or the buzzing of a bee.

Or bring a little mouse, or a little snake, or a little frog.

Place it in your friend’s briefcase and sit and wait quietly.

Having discovered the living creature in the bag, the girl will scream loudly.

Everyone will come running, stand in a circle, gasp and squeal.

Well, sit at your desk and fill out your diary.

Be confident and calm, you are fully worthy of praise.

You are the best in this class, you are an exemplary student.

Tip 7

And at the end of the unbearable lesson
Bad advice from Mayakovsky:
Everyone knows how to close the circuit
But only the best closes with a finger.
Don't listen to the teacher - don't be like everyone else
Charge your iPad by connecting it to your nostril.

Student! listen to the call and get ready:
Try everything and don’t be afraid one bit.
And maybe at some point - suddenly -
You will write the law... With a spare pair of hands.

There is a secret in every humorous piece of advice.

Maybe you know him, maybe you don’t.

But, having carefully considered the advice,

Can you find the correct answer:

How dangerous it can be sometimes

If you are not friends with your head!