Fortune telling during Bright Week after Easter: is it possible or not? A ritual for prosperity and well-being. Easter fortune telling with raw eggs for health

What do we know about Maundy Thursday? If you look at it - not so much. We know that we need to clean our home, take a bath, get ready for the coming Easter and have time to redo all household chores before Friday. This is probably where all our knowledge ends. But in fact, there are many ancient traditions and fortune telling associated with Maundy Thursday. Especially for our readers - a selection of the most interesting!

Signs associated with Maundy Thursday

On Maundy Thursday, if you clean the whole house, you will get a lot of joy. If you do not do this on a given day, then according to religious concepts, cleaning cannot be done for the next six days.

Friday is Good Friday, Saturday is full of things to do before Easter, Sunday and the next three days are a holy holiday, nothing can be done. In addition, there is a popular belief that if a person does a general cleaning of the house, then the Lord gives him the opportunity to find long-lost necessary or favorite things. And many claim that during such cleaning, they actually find things that they mentally said goodbye to long ago.

On Maundy Thursday, count all your money - there will be money. There is an old Russian custom, from which they later made a sign in order to pass on their knowledge to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It was believed that if all the money in the house was counted three times during this day, then the money would not be transferred during this year. Money should be counted at sunrise, noon and sunset. None of the household members should see this process, and especially not outsiders. Otherwise there will be no point. Only the one who manages the finances in the family should count the money. If there is such a need, then warn all your household members so that you will not be disturbed for some time. Even Small child enters such a moment, then everything will go to waste, although the child is innocent. This is the very case when no one should bother you. Just you, the Lord God and what you want for your family throughout the next year. And you don’t have to worry about the fact that at this moment there is not enough money in the family. Even a penny can attract to you what you really want.

Wash the windows and doors with the water in which the change lies - the money will increase all year. You should start cleaning with windows and doors, and then everything else. Now, when you are going to wash windows and doors, do not forget to throw a handful of coins into a basin of water. You can read any other conspiracy or prayer that you know. And according to your faith it will be for you. After you have washed all the windows and doors in your house or apartment, the small change should be taken out and placed in the farthest corner of your house for a week, but only after you have cleaned it. And you need to pour the water under any tree you like. And after that you can start cleaning the entire room.

On Maundy Thursday you will wash yourself from silver - devilry won't touch. It is believed that if you put any silver item in a vessel with water overnight and wash your face with this water in the morning, then no one will be able to harm you in any way throughout the year. It is especially necessary to wash a child who is not yet one year old in this way. Babies cannot protect themselves, so we need to make sure that we protect them.

Only after Maundy Thursday and paint Easter eggs. Those who do not follow the rules of Maundy Thursday will not have their pasques raised. Anyway, first you need to do some general cleaning, and only after that you can start preparing Easter dishes.

What you find in Easter cake is your destiny. In Rus', it was customary to bake one Easter cake just for the family. Notes with predictions were baked in such a cake. Some people find happiness in their family, while others find happiness in money or business. Well, and everything else. So, whoever gets something out of the family will get it. Very bad omen It was considered to be cutting such a family cake while other guests were present. Such a turn could save the family from happiness, but could only add problems. Strangers may envy you, and after that you won’t have to wait for happiness. Therefore, such a cake was closely watched and carefully hidden from guests.

If on Maundy Thursday you move many items from one place to another, then there will be no problems with money. Many old people claim that this sign is more associated with lazy people than with hard-working people. You can rearrange your home if you want your wishes to come true. But if at the same time you leave everything in the dirt, then nothing good will happen. However, there is a sign that if you have been wanting to rearrange your house for a long time, then you cannot even think of a better opportunity. With one blow you will realize your desire and attract good luck to yourself. There is only one condition - cleaning comes first.

Fortune telling for Maundy Thursday

If on Maundy Thursday you saw the old woman first, then expect failure. It is this sign that underlies Thursday fortune telling. If you want to know your future for the next three months, then in the morning, after you wash, look out the window. If the first person you see is an old lady, then over the next three months you will experience a series of failures. It’s even worse if this old lady comes with an empty bucket or an empty bag. In this case, all your failures will be related to money problems. Or rather, with their absence or even with the loss of work. The same thing means if you see a cat.

But seeing a man or a dog is a sign of happiness and well-being. And if you are lucky enough to see a man with a dog through the window, it means that your cherished desire awaits you. If you see a child, you have to study. You may receive an offer for new job, which will require you to obtain a certain education. If you see a young woman, happiness in your family awaits you.

But it should be noted that although a person wants to know his future, he should not guess. Many people who strongly believe in fortune telling take everything at face value. If they see failures in the window, they will do nothing to correct the situation. In this case, failures will constantly stick to these people, because they themselves allow them into their lives.

Be always happy and prosperous! Happy Easter!

Is it a rare girl who doesn’t dream of meeting a handsome prince and living happily ever after with him for the rest of her life? But what to do if the betrothed is in no hurry? How to speed up its appearance? Special magical rituals and folk signs for Easter for marriage can help with this.

Signs for meeting your betrothed

Easter holiday is one of the most significant for Christians. That is why a huge number of popular beliefs are associated with it. Among them there are many who can interest girls of marriageable age and women dreaming of a life partner. Let's look at some of the most popular Easter signs for marriage:

  1. If a bug accidentally lands on a young lady’s plate, then this is a sure sign that the girl will soon receive a marriage proposal.
  2. For no apparent reason, an itchy eyebrow at the festive Easter table foreshadows that the fair sex will soon meet her future husband.
  3. But itchy lips on Easter predict hot kisses with your lover.
  4. If you hit your elbow painfully on Easter Sunday, be patient and rejoice—your loved one is now thinking about you.
  5. A sign of a quick and successful marriage for a young girl is the cuckoo crowing on Easter.
  6. But the persistent and loud croaking of crows on this day promises a quick separation from your loved one.

Signs for a successful marriage

To get married successfully, according to signs, you need to get up very early on Easter and wash yourself with the water left from Maundy Thursday, after putting some silver item in it. Then the girl had to, without delay, go to the morning church service. It was believed that the young lady who appears on it before others will marry very successfully. The girl who “fell asleep” and was late for the start of the service was threatened with an unsuccessful marriage with a greedy and grumpy man.

There is another interesting folk Easter sign, thanks to which you can quickly and successfully get married. To do this, a girl of marriageable age had to try twelve Easter cakes baked by twelve housewives during Easter Sunday. At the same time, it is not necessary to eat them completely - one small piece of each Easter cake is enough.

The following belief concerns the weather in Svetloye Christ's Sunday. If the representative fair half If there is a groom who has already proposed his hand and heart to her and the couple plans to get married this year, then before setting a wedding date, you need to pay attention to the weather for Easter. If Easter Sunday pleases you with warmth and sunshine, then you can safely have a wedding this year - such a marriage promises to be very successful. When it’s cold and raining on Easter, it’s better to postpone the wedding ceremony until next year, because folk signs, there will be no use from such an alliance.

Sign on Maundy Thursday

If you want to find family happiness, you must also make appropriate preparations. You need to start it on Maundy Thursday. To do this, you need to get up at dawn, take a shower and dry yourself with a new towel. Then the towel must be hung up to dry, and after it has dried, set aside until Easter Sunday.

Next, the algorithm of actions is as follows: a girl who wants to get married as soon as possible must bake Easter cake and make krashanki. The young lady will have to consecrate all this in the church and give it to the beggar along with the towel as alms. If a representative of the fair half of humanity does everything right, she will have a chance to find her “soul mate” this year.

Easter fortune telling

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers believed that by using simple magical techniques on Easter Sunday, we could bring the fateful meeting with our betrothed closer. Special conspiracies and magical whispers were used, accompanied by certain actions. In ancient times, there was also a custom of conducting traditional Easter fortune-telling, through which young ladies could lift the “veil of secrecy” over the image of their future spouse.

Church whisper

To speed up the fateful meeting with her betrothed, the girl must attend a church service early on Easter morning. There she will need to buy a candle, without taking change from the attendant, place it near the icon Holy Mother of God and pray. Then the young lady should quietly whisper:

“On Easter Sunday I ask God to bring my betrothed to my doorstep.”

Spell on wheat grains

In order to attract as many “suitors” as possible, when going to a church service, the girl had to take a handful of wheat grains with her. In church, grains must be held tightly in your fist and whispered three times:

“How many grains are in my handful, so many suitors are I waiting for to visit me.”

Then the girl must bring the charmed grains home and pour them out on her own doorstep.

Fortune telling on Krashanka

Among the numerous Easter rituals and beliefs, traditional maiden fortune telling occupies a special place. Usually they were held in the company of friends. The girls gathered in a room, where each one had to bring her own painted Easter egg.

You had to put a ring in one corner of the room, a piece of bread in another, salt in a third, and sugar in a fourth. A young lady who wanted to know her fate was blindfolded and spun around. Then the girl had to sit down and lightly throw the paint. Whichever corner she rolls into, that’s how the current year will be for her.

So, if the testicle rolled towards the ring, then this meant that the young lady should prepare for an early marriage. Sugar promised a cheerful and carefree life, and salt predicted tears and misfortune. When the Easter egg stopped in the corner in which the bread lay, it was regarded as a harbinger of a successful marriage with a rich and hard-working man.

Fortune telling by candle

You can find out how successful the current year will be in terms of love if you perform a simple ritual with a church candle. You need to tell fortunes on the night of Easter Sunday. Take a thin church candle, light it and whisper quietly.

Even in ancient times, in Rus' it was believed that on Christmas Eve and on the so-called Holy Days from January 8 to 18, people could tell their fortunes by telling fortunes. The most accurate fortune telling becomes on “prophetic” days - Vasiliev’s evening, January 13, and Epiphany Eve, January 18.
Orthodox Church, severe towards fortune tellers, these days changes her anger to mercy. It is believed that during the period from Christmas to Epiphany, evil spirits weaken, and fortune telling ceases to be a demonic action, but becomes just fun.

Elderly people often saw their deceased relatives on Christmas Eve, who came to them at midnight to eat kutya. On fortune telling days, girls could find out the name of their future husband and even see his face in the mirror.

From the “holy evening” until January 14, housewives do not sweep dirty linen from the hut, so that later all the garbage collected in a heap can be burned in the yard. On Christmas night, according to popular belief, all sorts of miracles happen. It is believed that on this night the heavens “open”, all earthly waters, sources, springs and wells are endowed with magical healing powers, and if someone makes a wish on this night, it must come true. There is a custom to go out into the field at midnight on Christmas Day and look into the sky: the heavenly heights of unimaginable beauty open to the eyes of people living a righteous life.

If possible, do not forget to adhere to the following necessary rules for fortune telling:

1. There should be as little noise as possible in the room where fortune telling occurs. TV, conversations, even the noise of cars outside the window force the fortuneteller to strain his attention, every now and then “tying up” the breaking thread of contact. For, as it is said in one book, the magnetic substance does not tolerate shocks.

2. During fortune telling, it is better not to cross the limbs: this leads to a narrowing of the communication channel that has arisen between them, just as a “knee” formed on a hose impedes the flow, and during fortune telling the fortuneteller needs more effort to penetrate through the “barriers.” crossed arms and legs.

Fortune telling by book

We will need the thickest and smartest book in the house. By the way, girls who often resort to this method of fortune telling trust one book that hits the topic more often than others. If there is such a girl among your friends, ask her to bring this miracle soothsayer with her.

The one who asks the book a question names the page and line number (can be below or above). What you read is the answer to the question. We interpret the answer with maximum positivity!

The most famous fortune telling is fortune telling with a shoe., which they threw on the road and in the direction of its toe, they found out “which side they would marry.”

A using a ring or a needle to guess the gender of the unborn child. The ring was lowered into a glass, the woolen fabric was pierced with a needle, and then the object was suspended by a hair or thread and slowly lowered near the man's hand. If the ring or needle began to make circular movements, a girl would be born; if pendulum-shaped, a boy would be born; if the objects did not move, there would be no children.

They looked for the image of their future husband in the mirrors. To do this, the girl sat down in the dark between two mirrors, lit candles and began to peer into the reflection, hoping to see her betrothed. The best time for this fortune telling it was midnight.

The girl comes into an empty room alone, bringing with her two utensils: a mirror and a candle, puts everything in order on the table and, sitting down opposite the mirror, wonders: “Betrothed, the mummer, come to me for dinner.” About five minutes before his arrival, the mirror begins to fade, and the girl wipes it with a specially prepared towel; finally, when the bride examines the groom’s facial features, she then shouts: “Out of this place!” The devil who took on the image of her fiancé will disappear. If you are not in a hurry to be shy, then the groom or the devil who has taken his image, having stopped looking, will sit next to the girl and, taking a knife or ring or something else from his pocket, will put it on the table; then the bride will become eccentric and the devil will disappear, and the allotted thing will remain as a spoil for her. Many “superstitions” claim that this loss actually happens to her fiancé.

Wax fortune telling

This fortune telling is one of the most ancient and beloved by our great-grandmothers (and many poets). Pour water into a transparent glass or deep plate and place a ring without a stone, taken from the fortuneteller’s finger, at the bottom. In a spoon over the flame of a candle, melt wax or paraffin with the words “Burn-burn the candle, burn-burn the wax, tell me the name of your betrothed,” sharply pour the molten wax into the water in the center of the ring. And then carefully examine the shape of the frozen wax figure. Another interpretation of wax fortune telling is the following: if the wax spreads in stripes, roads and crossings lie ahead of you. It will appear like stars - expect good luck in the service, in your studies. If a human figure is formed, it will appear new friend, and if it’s a beast, be careful: you have a secret ill-wisher. A flower means marriage or meeting a new pleasant partner.

Fortune telling in a bathhouse with a mirror by candlelight

This fortune telling is considered one of the most terrible. The fortuneteller must be alone, and for this purpose, by 12 o'clock at night she is locked in a bathhouse (or in a room). Take two mirrors of equal size, large if possible, and place one opposite the other, illuminating them with the help of two candles from both ends. It is best to hold the mirror opposite the illuminated wall mirror and hold it in your hands so that the directional mirrors in the wall form a long corridor illuminated by lights. Of course, the mirrors need to be immaculately clean. After they are installed one opposite the other and illuminated by two candles of the same height, the fortuneteller must look into the mirror, intently and motionlessly, directing her gaze to the end of the corridor that appears to her, formed from two mirrors, glass directed one against the other. It is necessary to carefully observe and concentrate all the tension of the will in this gallery, in which they say the future betrothed is shown.
Fortune telling at the crossroads with a mirror

They go to the crossroads with a mirror and, having a month behind them, look into the mirror, asking: “Betrothed, dressed up, show yourself to me in the mirror.” As some claim, the betrothed appears in the mirror after some time.
Fortune telling with a mirror and fir branches

This fortune telling is best done during the holiday week. Before midnight, prepare a medium-sized mirror and several spruce branches. Before you go to bed, write on the mirror the name of the person you are thinking about or your deepest desire. Then place a mirror under the bed and place fir branches around it. Look in the mirror in the morning. If the inscription on it has disappeared, then your wish will certainly come true, or you will get married soon. If the inscription remains as it was, alas, you will remain in your own interests. Sometimes a cross may form on the mirror. This is considered a bad omen for the person whose name was written on the mirror.

Fortune telling at home with a boat

For this fortune telling at home, take a basin of water so that it is not completely filled with water. On the sides of this basin, folded strips with the names of fortune tellers are hung or riveted, or possible events are written on them: Wedding, infatuation, kidnapping, flirting, passionate love, illness, failure, death, winning, unexpected happiness, or luck, etc. take the shell from walnut(its half) and in the middle of it a small stump of a Christmas tree candle is placed. The boat is launched into the middle of the basin and, depending on which edge it approaches and which piece of paper it sets on fire, such an event will happen to the one whose name is written on the piece of paper or who is telling fortunes.
Fortune telling on paper

At home, take a whole sheet of paper or, best of all, a newspaper, and this sheet of paper must be crumpled with your hands so that it turns into a shapeless mass, however, avoiding turning it into a ball, but leaving some outline. When the paper is ready, it is placed on the bottom of an overturned plate and lit with a match. The burnt paper, without moving or destroying the shape of the ash, is brought to the wall, carefully turning the edges of the plate until some shadow is outlined, by the outlines of which, just like in the previous fortune-telling, one judges the future .
Fortune telling at home on a gold chain

Wait until everyone at home goes to bed. Sit at the table and rub the gold chain in your hands until you feel warm. Then take the chain in right hand, shake it a little and throw it sharply on the floor. The chain forms various figures, which are interpreted as follows.

Circle - soon you will find yourself in a difficult situation, as if in a vicious circle.

A smooth streak is a streak of luck and good fortune.

A tangled knot means illness and loss.

Triangle - promises great success in any business, and especially in love.

Bow - quick wedding.

Snake - warns about caution in communicating with people, even loved ones, you may be betrayed.

A heart - a figure of this shape indicates that you are loved; love will bring you happiness and peace of mind.
Fortune telling at home on spruce branches

At Christmas time they tell fortunes on spruce branches. They stock up on a spruce branch in advance and, holding it over the flame of a candle, say a spell: “Spruce-queen, mother of all trees, should I live long or wait for death; wealth or poverty, betrayal or fidelity?” The spell is repeated twelve times. After this, place the branch under your pillow and go to bed. In your dreams you can see the future. In the morning, look at the branch. If the needles fall off, this predicts illness or other adversities in life. And if the needles are in place, you will live happily ever after.

Fortune telling for your betrothed before bedtime

They eat very salty food before going to bed so that they are thirsty at night; at the same time they make a wish: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink.”
Fortune telling at night with twigs for the betrothed

They make a bridge out of twigs and put it under the pillow, wishing for a dream, “who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will take me across the bridge.” Of course, she must dream about him.
Fortune telling for the groom sitting by the window

They listen while sitting by the window in the room. At a time when everyone has already gone to bed, the girl, having put out the fire, sits down at the closed window, wishing: “Betrothed, mummer, drive past the window.” After some time, the girl, who is in fear, hears people driving past her window; if there are screaming and whistling people, then she interprets good sign her cheerful life, and when they drive by or pass quietly, it means the poor condition of the groom.
Fortune telling for the groom with a comb

They hang a comb in the house or barn at night: the groom combs his hair at night and is recognized by the color of the remaining hair.
Fortune telling for the groom with water

Before going to bed, the girl, holding the padlock over the water, locks it, saying: “Come, my betrothed, ask for a drink.” Whoever came in a dream will be the groom.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

A girl’s betrothed can be told fortunes by her close people: her mother, relatives or a close friend.

The girl who is being told fortunes should not be present; she is taken to spend the night in another house or at least in another room. At midnight, the fortuneteller takes a lock and “locks” some of the girl’s things, that is, she hangs a lock on the thing and closes it with a key. He puts the key under his head with the words: “The betrothed-mummer come to unlock the bride-to-be and rescue her from captivity.” Whoever comes at night to get the key will be the groom.

Fortune telling for the groom with a ring

You need to take an ordinary glass with a completely flat bottom, without any designs, pour three quarters of water into it and carefully lower a round wedding ring, previously cleaned, into the middle, then you need to look through the water for a relatively long time into the middle of the lowered ring. With a rather rich imagination, many claim that they see the face of the future groom.
Fortune telling on your betrothed using a comb

They put a comb under her head, saying: “Betrothed, mummer, comb my head” - and they assure that the devil comes in a dream in the form of her future groom and combs her hair.
Fortune telling about the groom using cards

Before going to bed, they put four kings under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will appear in my dreams.” The groom will dream in the form of some kind of king.

Fortune telling for the groom

When a girl's mother wants to know which house her daughter will end up in, she must bake a round cake and cut it into pieces. Then put a silver coin in one of the pieces, a button in the other, and a piece of coal in the third. On the night from Thursday to Friday, a plate of pie should be placed outside the window, saying: “Betrothed, come to your mother-in-law for some pies.” If in the morning there is no piece with a coin, the groom will be from a rich family. If a piece of coal disappears, the groom will not be very rich, but he will be hardworking. If there is no piece left with a button, the groom is from poor family, and he will have to live in his mother-in-law's house. If all three pieces disappear, the girl will marry more than once. And if all the pieces remain in place, he will stay a long time as a bride.

Fortune telling for the groom with the king of diamonds

Place the king of diamonds under your pillow at night and make a wish for your betrothed: “Dream about the betrothed, dream about the mummer.” Before you go to bed, clean yourself up: wash your face, comb your hair. You can put some decoration under your pillow. Whoever dreams that night is the groom.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a frying pan

Place a frying pan under your mother's bed, but so that she doesn't know it. Before you go to bed, say to yourself: “Betrothed, come and visit your mother-in-law for pancakes.” If a mother dreams that she is feeding some young man pancakes, then he will be considered her daughter’s fiancé.

Fortune telling for the groom with keys

They hang the keys out the window, and when someone who comes moves them, then the girl asks him about the name of the groom. And someone, that is, a goblin or a devil, answers that name.

According to custom, on Easter they tell fortunes about:

  • groom, love and marriage;
  • fulfillment of desires;
  • Love;
  • money.

Fortune telling for Easter using raw eggs

You need to take one fresh egg, dedicated water and a glass. It is necessary to carefully pour water from one vessel into a glass, this should be done slowly, pouring water in a thin stream. During the transfusion process, you should make a wish; it must be very clear and specific in order to get the correct prediction. There is no need to fill the glass to the top; there should be about a quarter of the glass free.

After this, you should break the egg over a glass so that the white and yolk are in the glass. Then you can read the prediction based on the silhouette in the glass.

The most common images are:

  1. Ship - you will soon go on a long journey or trip.
  2. Home means moving or housewarming.
  3. A woman in a dress means there will be a wedding soon.

Fortune telling for Easter using colored eggs

With the help of colored eggs you can predict what the living together young people after marriage. The ritual can be performed jointly, for example, with friends.

A person who wants to know the future will have to sit down in the middle of the room and be blindfolded. After this, friends should place plates with different symbols. Namely, salt, sugar, bread and a ring. A blindfolded person will be given an egg, which should be rolled in any direction. Only then can you determine the future by subjects:

  1. Salt – negativity, tears, troubles.
  2. Sugar is a good and joyful life.
  3. Ring - there will be a wedding.
  4. Bread means life in abundance.

Fortune telling for Easter using sacred eggs

The girl will have to take the egg and divide it with a knife into two equal parts. Then you need to take the yolk and examine it, understand the consistency. If the yolk is runny, then the girl will be lonely for a long time. If the yolk is at or close to the edge, then the girl will soon have a wedding. The juicier and richer the yolk, the more wonderful life together will be, there will be many positive moments.

Fortune telling before Easter using Easter cake

Easter cake can be used for the ritual only if the girl baked it herself. After all, the process of fortune telling began while working with the test. While putting the dough into forms, you need to choose a person’s name for each Easter cake and remember these names.

After cooking, you should carefully examine it; the shape of the Easter cake will indicate its future fate. If it does not rise well, then you should behave carefully so as not to get unnecessary problems. When the cake turns out crooked or burnt, sad and negative moments await the girl. But if the cake came out very beautiful and smooth, then in reality everything will turn out well and smoothly.

Easter: fortune telling, customs with candles

It is best to guess at them at night. Church candles that have been blessed should be used. You need to carefully examine the candle flame to obtain the necessary information.

If the flame begins to sway, then illness awaits the person. If the candle begins to burn weakly, then you should expect losses. But if the flame is beautiful and high, then in reality everything will turn out well, only bright moments await.

Easter is one of the most important Orthodox holidays, which symbolizes new life. Contrary to Christian beliefs, it is forbidden to know your future in advance; only on Easter days can you guess.

After all, this time is filled with mystical energy, which enhances all fortune-telling and helps to look into your future.

Take advantage of this rare opportunity if you have enough confidence and courage to reveal all the secrets of the future.

We have selected for you 7 fortune tellings that our great-grandmothers used to tell fortunes. Below it is clearly described how to carry out these rituals correctly and not harm yourself.

The mystical world is very unpredictable.

Fortune telling on Maundy Thursday

Held on the last Thursday before Easter. You can guess on several people at once. Keep in mind that for each of those for whom you are telling fortunes, one Easter cake, baked with your own hands, should be allocated. Your main task is not to confuse which person you wished for a certain Easter cake. So if:

  • During the baking process, the cake did not turn out, which is a bad sign for this person. He should be careful in his deeds and actions.
  • A cracked or uneven Easter cake is a minor nuisance for the person being told fortunes.
  • A beautiful Easter cake means success in business and a good future for the person who is being wondered at.

Fortune telling on the night before Easter

Usually during this period they tell fortunes using the flame of a church candle. It must be pre-consecrated. Take a closer look at how it burns. If:

  • The flame burns brightly and restlessly - expect exciting love events this year.
  • A low and dim flame means a boring year, sparse in events.
  • Smooth and calm flame – stability in family life, absence of unexpected events.
  • Smoking flame - loneliness or failures in your personal life.

Fortune telling on the way to church on Easter

It is considered female fortune telling. It is carried out with the help of eggs in the company of friends directly on Easter Day. The one who tells fortunes is blindfolded. And the rest of the girls around the edges of the room lay out items such as a ring, bread, salt and sugar. The fortune-telling girl spins the Easter egg and rolls it in a free direction towards any of the objects. If:

  • The egg rolled towards the ring - the girl will soon get married or meet her betrothed.
  • It rolled to the bread - the husband will be a good owner.
  • To sugar - a good future.
  • To salt - tears and disappointment.

Fortune telling for the groom

Before starting fortune telling, the girl should wash herself on Maundy Thursday, and give the towel with which she dried herself to pious elders or those who ask for alms on Easter. Then, during the service, the girl must say the following words: “The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single groom with money and pies. God grant me a good and handsome groom!”

Fortune telling with a fresh egg

Held on Easter evening. A girl who wants to know her future must drop three drops from a raw egg into boiling water. By the figures that have formed, one can judge the future.

Fortune telling on a colored egg

For this fortune telling, you need to cut the egg lengthwise.

  • If the yolk is close to the edge, the fortune-telling girl will quickly get married.
  • If the yolk is bright, the marriage will be successful.
  • If the yolk is not cooked, the girl will have a long time to wait for marriage.

Fortune telling with egg whites

Made with raw eggs. Carefully pour the egg white into the boiling water and wait until it curdles. The future can be judged by the form it takes. If the protein is similar to:

  • Church - for young people it symbolizes wedding, for old people it symbolizes death.
  • A ship - for a girl it means marriage to a foreigner. For a man - a journey to distant lands.
  • Tree - good news, good health.
  • Heart is love.
  • Flower - good luck in love affairs, prosperity in love.
  • Human silhouette – good friend or a loved one with whom marriage may take place.
  • If a squirrel drowns, this is a bad sign warning of danger.

Fortune telling can be done very rarely. The Church does not approve of them. Psychologists, by the way, agree with her. After all, a person is not always ready for sad news. Therefore, before you start fortune telling for the future, think about whether you really need it. Remember that each of us is the sole arbiter of our own destiny. And if we believe that everything will definitely be fine, we do not need any confirmation of this. We just know it. And that means it will be so!