Kebab how to make at home recipe. Lyulya-kebab: technology and cooking secrets. Pork in Armenian style in lavash with cranberry sauce

Lula-kebab (Turk. lula - pipe and
Arab. kebab - fried meat) - meat
a dish common in the Caucasus, in
Central Asia and the Balkans.
from Wikipedia.

Among connoisseurs and fans of delicious outdoor recreation with an indispensable barbecue, kebabs on the grill are considered aerobatics, oddly enough, not even the most exquisite ones, but kebabs on the grill. And in fact, not everyone succeeds in achieving an ideal result the first time. Yes, and from the second too ... Despite all the efforts, lovingly cooked kebabs fall into the fire from skewers, and many prefer to go the simple way and fry the kebab on the grill. It's delicious, but it's not a kebab!

Today we decided to tell you how to cook a real kebab: what products are needed for this, how to chop the meat, how to properly knead and beat the minced meat, how to string sausages so that they do not fall into burning coals, and how to achieve perfect frying when outside the meat is appetizingly browned, and inside it literally expires with juice.

Those who authoritatively declare that true kebabs simply have to be lamb, to put it mildly, are wrong. Lula kebab is an international dish, and each country prepares it in its own way. In the East, lamb is more common, but beef or pork makes an excellent dish. And our culinary kulibins manage to cook kebab from chicken meat! On the pages of "Culinary Eden" you will find recipes from all types of meat, and our task is to tell you about the rules, subtleties and tricks that will help you cook kebab to surprise everyone.

The first and most important condition is high-quality meat. For kebabs, you need to take only fresh meat that has not been frozen. Minced meat for kebabs can be prepared from lamb, pork, beef, or a mixture of these types of meat. Ideally, minced meat should be chopped: cut the meat, cleaned of excess fat and films, into layers 1-1.5 cm thick, put several layers on a thick cutting board and chop the meat with two hatchets or chopping knives first along the fibers, then turn the board 90 ° and also chop, only now across the fibers. Gather the pieces of meat towards the middle and chop again, turning the board 90°. Chop the meat until you get a fairly small minced meat. Minced meat can also be passed through a meat grinder with a large grate, but in this case too much juice is squeezed out of the meat fibers, and this greatly complicates subsequent kneading and knocking out the minced meat.

The second condition for a successful kebab is lard. Its amount should not be less than ¼ of the amount of meat. It may be more, but certainly not less. It is the amount of fat that makes it possible to achieve the same viscosity of minced meat, when sausages strung on skewers calmly reach over hot coals, without trying to dive deep into the brazier. Lard can also be chopped into slices, but its consistency should be pasty, so it makes sense to chop the lard in a food processor or with a blender. Choose the type of fat to your liking: it can be interior lard or mutton tail fat.

The third component of minced meat for kebab is onion. Its quantity should also not exceed a certain limit. It's all about onion juice, which can play bad joke and liquefy the minced meat to a state where it can not be collected even in the likeness of a kebab. Therefore, the amount of onion should be measured based on the weight of the meat - about one third, no more. In no case should the onion be passed through a meat grinder or chopped in a food processor or blender, the minced meat will turn out to be too watery, it is better to cut the onion into small cubes. There is an opinion that you can not add onions to minced meat for kebab at all.

Separately, it should be said about spices for minced meat. In addition to greens and salt, nothing should be in a kebab. This dish is self-sufficient, spices can clog the taste of meat. However, this is a matter of taste. But greens, please, put enough.

That's all for stuffing products. No white bread, semolina and eggs! These are not meatballs. It is not additives that give the necessary viscosity to minced meat, but long and thorough kneading, obligatory beating and rather strong cooling. You need to knead the minced meat really carefully so that all the ingredients form a homogeneous mass. Then the minced meat needs to be knocked out: pick up the minced meat and throw it back into the bowl with force. The meaning of knocking out is to extract excess moisture from minced meat. Some use a plastic bag for this purpose, beating the minced meat in it so that splashes do not fly. Minced meat should be beaten for at least 10 minutes. You will see for yourself how its density changes. Then put the minced meat in a bowl lined with a linen napkin and refrigerate it.

Prepared minced meat should be molded in the form of sausages no more than 3-4 cm thick and strung on skewers. And you can gently wrap a skewer or skewer with minced meat, forming a long dense sausage. So that the stuffing does not stick to your hands, rinse them in warm salted water. Punch down the minced meat, compacting it on a skewer, and place it over hot coals. You need to fry the kebab quickly, almost constantly turning the skewers over the coals and achieving a uniform golden crust on the surface. The ideal kebab is a fairly dense crust on the outside and a flesh flowing with juice.

How to prepare a barbecue with coals, our site has already told. Now about how to pick up skewers or skewers. Cooking kebab on flat skewers is risky, the meat may slip off. Lula kebab can also be fried on wooden skewers, on which it can be served immediately to the table. The heat of the coals must be quite strong so that an appetizing crust quickly forms on the surface. Constantly turning the skewers, fry the kebab and immediately serve to the table. Lula kebab is best served with vegetables and herbs, or you can wrap it in thin pita bread like shawarma, adding vegetables, herbs and sauce to taste. The main thing is to eat this splendor immediately, without waiting for the kebab to cool down.

Well, the theoretical part is over, it's time to move on to practice, that is, recipes. They are different, and in our article we will give all the options, not even the canonical ones. And you just have to choose the most suitable for yourself and decide on a delicious experiment. And since the cooking process is described in detail at the beginning of the article, only the ingredients and their quantities will be listed in the recipes.

Lamb kebab

1 kg lamb meat,
300 g fat tail fat,
4 medium onions,
1 tsp ground black pepper,
1 tsp (no slide) salt,
1 tsp dried basil.

Pork lula kebab

1 kg pork
100 g wheat bread,
4 bulbs
8-10 garlic cloves,
2 tbsp lemon juice
salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Beef kebab

2 kg beef,
500 g fat tail fat,
5 medium onions
salt, black ground pepper.

Lula-kebab from mixed minced meat

1 kg minced lamb and beef,
5-6 tbsp chopped greens,
1-2 bulbs
4-5 garlic cloves,
½ tsp red hot pepper,
½ tsp ground nutmeg,
5-6 tbsp vegetable oil,
1 tbsp milk,
salt, spices - to taste.

Lamb kebab

1.5 kg lamb,
100 g fat tail fat,
100 g onion,
100 g green onions,
½ bunch of greens
resin, pepper - to taste.

Chicken kebab

2 kg chicken meat,
2 bulbs
2 sprigs of basil
1 tsp zira,
2 tbsp 6% vinegar,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Beef kebab

1 kg of fatty beef,
300 g onion,
100-150 g fat,
1 tbsp starch,
1 tsp dried barberry,
1 tsp dried parsley,
salt, ground black pepper, fresh herbs - to taste.

The principle of cooking in all these recipes does not differ from the classic one: chop the meat, lard and onions, knead the minced meat thoroughly with the addition of all spices and knock it out with subsequent cooling. And the rest depends on the dexterity of the hands. Try to cook a real kebab on the grill and delight!

Enjoy your meal!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Lamb is a very tasty meat! Just very. Lamb has only one drawback - it is not marbled.
Here beef is marbled - when layers of fat pass through the muscles. And that is why marbled beef cooked on coals - on the grill or on the grill - becomes a masterpiece. And pork comes with a layer - understanding people know how delicious it is. And lamb, no matter how tasty it is, always consists of meat separately, and fat separately.
But people in whose diet lamb plays leading role learned how to overcome this shortcoming.

Surely, many people think that meat is chopped into minced meat so that when it is ready, it becomes softer than it would be in one piece. But it's not! Properly fried in one piece, it is in no way inferior in tenderness to minced meat, and sometimes even surpasses it.
The idea of ​​kebab and other minced meat products is to evenly distribute fat throughout the volume and add something to the meat that can improve its consistency and taste - onions, spices, or components to reduce the cost of the finished product - such as bread , cereals, etc.
Sometimes a kebab is prepared in order to utilize all sorts of trimmings, small pieces of meat, as well as meat with a high content of films, lived, and so on. But the result is a kebab that, at least, will not delight anyone. It is because of this approach that hack-cooks of lyulya-kebab are sometimes contemptuously called "chewed kebab".
But a real, properly prepared lyulya is a masterpiece. It should be served at the Louvre, with a glass of expensive wine, in the room where the Mona Lisa is exhibited.


For a good lula kebab, I take the meat exclusively from the back. And not everything fits!

Look, do you see this film and the vein? By its properties, it resembles rubber. And after 10-12 minutes of cooking on fire, it will remain the same rubber - this is if the film is in the middle of the piece. And if it is on the surface, then during frying it will begin to shrink, shrink, squeeze out all the juices from the neighboring meat due to compression, and itself, at best, will become hard and crispy.
And cutting, grinding will not save the matter! Just imagine that you were offered to chew a piece of a car tire. But to make things easier, they cut it into small pieces and then somehow glued it together to keep it together. Well, how? Strongly chopped rubber will differ on the teeth from rubber in one piece? That's it!
And all these films and veins tend to accumulate in a meat grinder, wind up on a knife, on an auger. As a result, pressure is exerted on the meat, and there is no way out for the meat! There is a cork in front, and a squeeze in the back. And the meat grinder turns ... into an excellent squeezer of meat juices. Rags are obtained from meat fibers separately, and meat juice - separately.


For these reasons, we cut off all films and veins, leaving a clean meat fillet.

On the right - one kilogram of meat for kebab.
On the left is waste.
But in no case should they be thrown away - this is an excellent material for the broth! However, put these trimmings in a meat grinder and ... then you yourself know everything.

In a meat grinder, everything should be fine: a sharp knife, a grill with sharp corners, and a fairly powerful motor.
The stuffing should come out gently, in no case getting stuck in any holes. A soft, confident, flowing stream of minced meat - this is what should be at the exit from the meat grinder!


Do you know how fat works? Some of the protein that makes up cell walls. A bit of connective tissue - all the same films, which this time are perfectly disguised. But as soon as I lowered a few pieces of lard into a meat grinder - yes, at least the best, fat-tailed, and, please, lumps of some kind of threads, films and the devil knows what else are wound around the knife. But! Since a meat grinder does not chew it, how will our teeth chew it?

Therefore, fat - only handles! Freeze it so that it does not shake under your hands and does not crawl back and forth, and with a sharp knife.
First, like jamon - thin slices. Then - like a carrot for pilaf, only even thinner.

And then ... each piece is half a grain of rice - no more, that's the kind of fat I need for a good kebab.
- And I'm in a combine, and I'm on a grater, but what if? ..
I answer: nonsense! If only at the very first stage cut with a disk slicer, slicer. But then wipe this damned car, wash it, clean it, get it! Let's use a knife, shall we?


Moreover, for onions, too, no machine has been invented that would allow a good cook to relax.
No, of course you can check my words!

But I have these machines - choppers, cutters, combines, graters - yes, like a fool of eggs for Easter!

And a good, sharp knife and a pair of skillful, hard-working, stubborn hands will not replace all this in any way.

That's when you bring me chopped onions like this - so that everything is the size of the same half a grain of rice, but not a drop of onion juice - then yes, then I will agree to mechanization. Because the onion juice should stand out in minced meat only at the moment of heating the kebab on the grill and not a drop before that, at any stage!


But we heard, but we saw that in Azerbaijan until now, and earlier in Germany, and in Russia, and in all other countries, meat was chopped either with knives or hatchets.

Ha! Yes, here they are - those hatchets. Well, in a sense, practically those only taken in Moscow from photographs that I published in my books about six years ago. Masters even lied to my friend: Stalik ordered, but could not redeem. A friend bought it and brought it to me for my birthday - we laughed merrily when I showed four real Gaballa axes, twice the size of these and better made.
Do you know why they are now boiled in boiling water? Wait, I'll tell you now!

After all, first you need to get a good block for chopping meat or a large end board.
This one, ten years ago, was worth like a good salary! And under it, I also had to order a stand.

And every time, before each use, it must be rubbed with interior fat like this. Fat tail will not work - it slides, but it is necessary that the fat crumble and smear over the block. This is necessary so that during the cutting, the chips do not move away from the board and do not fall into the meat. Chips - worthless, not tasty seasoning for kebab, I say for sure!

In general, you put meat and tail fat in chunks on a block of wood and let's swing axes.

Only it is necessary not to chop with fists on a block, but to chop with the entire length of the blade. And aim not at the meat, but at the block itself, as if trying to cut it!

And do not pull the hatchets, lift them sharply upwards, as if scalded - so the meat will fly around, to the delight of cats and dogs. It should be like this: a blow and how much the hatchet flew up, so okay. And down sharply, and working not so much with the forearm as with the hands. Almost like a drummer beats drums - this is such a movement with axes.

Minced meat sometimes needs to be turned over so that the lower layers are at the top, and rotated 90 degrees - then chopped along, and now across.
And look - do you see fat and meat sticking to the ax blade? That's it, the ax will not chop properly - you need to scrape off the sticky meat and fat from it and put it in hot water so that the cloth heats up and the fat is not as sticky to it as to the cold one.
How good is manual cutting with axes? What then is not very necessary to knead - the minced meat is already getting sticky. Well, so, if only for the sake of mixing onions, salt and spices evenly.

After each use of a block for chopping meat, it should be scraped out with an ax, and then covered with a layer of salt so that no rubbish starts up in the wood soaked in meat juice and fat. If you want to chop the meat again - they removed the salt, scraped a little stump for the sake of appearance, rubbed it with fat - and you are welcome.
I must say that taking into account the maintenance of the block, the assembly and disassembly of the meat grinder and the differences in the preparation of meat, manual cutting is even faster than using a meat grinder, especially when it comes to 3-5 kilograms of meat. Less - you should not bother, probably, but more - you should already get a meat grinder from the pantry.
Talk about what hand-made is tastier - past the money, but they will take place later, be patient.


And the one after the meat grinder must be kneaded. And than by hand, it is better to do it with a machine - a dough mixer, for example.
So either memorize or write it down.
For 1 kg of pure meat fillet, you should take 300 grams of bacon and 300 grams of onion.
If the meat is very young and tender, maybe 200 grams of both.
And the meat will be older, firmer - 400 grams of lard and onions. That's the norm!
The hand is worse because the minced meat is heated, it will take longer to knead, and you will inflict microbes.

So the spices in the car will disperse better.
Write it down.
The amount of onion and fat does not matter. The calculation is per kilogram of meat.
One tablespoon without top of salt.
One heaping tablespoon of ground coriander.
Half a tablespoon of zira.
Half a tablespoon of black pepper.

If you want, you can, of course, listen to the pretentious statements of those who have visited Azerbaijan: only salt and a little pepper! No zira!
I answer: this is nonsense. Because comparing mutton from Transcaucasia and mutton from central Russia is already stupid. This time.
Listening to fairy tales about Dagestan lamb in the markets is even more stupid. This is two. There are Dagestanis, but lamb has long been brought to Dagestan from Kalmykia - there is not enough of it themselves.
And so, our lamb is not bad, but due to feed, its taste is less pronounced. The assortment of spices that I have selected over several years of countless experiments just compensates for the lack of taste and aroma. If you take a lamb from Ganja or Gaballa, and another from any Moscow market, then after seasoning with spices, both kebabs will be very similar - in any case, few of you who can tell which one is which.

The minced meat will stick to the cold walls of the mixing bowl. Stock up on a spatula to occasionally roll it off the walls and remove it from the hook itself.

It is necessary to interfere until such threads appear in the minced meat, and the minced meat itself changes color from scarlet to lighter - this will mean that we knocked out some of the protein from the meat and now the minced meat is quite sticky.

But not cold enough. That minced meat after a meat grinder, that minced meat after hatchets should be cooled as soon as possible. To do this, it is removed in the refrigerator not in a lump, but spread out in a thin layer on a tray. You can also cover the tray with foil, just make a few holes in it with a knife so that moisture does not condense.
Look - on the left is minced meat after a meat grinder. On the right is minced meat after hatchets. There are external differences, they are on the face. The lard in the meat chopped with hatchets is, as it were, smeared over the meat, and the minced meat itself turned out to be even lighter - after all, it and the hatchets seemed to be kneaded while chopped, and then the dough mixer also interfered to distribute the onions and spices.
After all, onions still need to be cut by hand!


You can do this with clean hands, you can do it with gloved hands - it's just a matter of nails and your preferences.
So that minced meat chilled to + 2- + 4 C is not sticky to hands, hands must be moistened with water.
First you need to slap the cutlet so that there are no air pockets left inside. It is in them that the meat and onion juice will then accumulate, boil, and tear the cradle to the dog angels. After all, no one loves a kebab that has fallen into the coals like our four-legged friends!
But they say that such minced meat is harmful to them, so please try to make a cutlet so that it gets to you - it's good for you!

We string the cutlet on a skewer. For lule, I prefer wide skewers, but the cutlet should be even wider. And not so that the skewer ends and the lyulya ends. Where the edge of the skewer is, there should be enough meat to hold the top and bottom halves together. Do you understand me?

But make these ends thinner and, as it were, twist them. It is in this place that the lyulya usually begins to split into two halves. So let the thin layer of meat dry out sooner, get baked to the skewer itself and start holding the cutlet exactly in the place where it begins to fall apart at the suckers!

Spread the cradle with your index finger and thumb, making it even flatter.

Smooth the surface of the patty - there should not be the slightest crack, there should be a smooth, solid surface.


I'm already old, I know what questions readers will ask.
- I don't have a brazier, and what should I do now? Is it possible to fry kebab in a frying pan?

In a frying pan - no, it will not work. Rather, you get burnt cutlets, and not a kebab.
But over the pan just right! See, there is a small gap between the cradle and the cast-iron pan? That's it, now you get a real kebab!
Only the frying pan should not be with a fuflon coating, but a real, cast-iron, very heavy frying pan with low sides.
And there should not be any coatings on the cast iron either - they will all just burn from the temperature to which the pan must be heated to make a normal kebab.

If the frying pan is warmed up so-so (as Mikhail Natanovich said, “it’s hot between the legs of a good woman”), then the cradles will gradually warm up and fall apart. Now the pieces of meat are held together by congealed fat. And when the surface of the lul is heated to the temperature of protein folding, then the heated protein itself - whitened and turned from liquid to solid, just like the protein of chicken eggs - will hold the pieces of meat together. This process should happen quite quickly, even though there is no direct contact between the heated pan and the surface of the minced meat.

And then ... fat will begin to melt from the fat and drip into the pan. The fat in the pan will burn without a flame, but with strong smoke. And this very smoke will smell like barbecue. And the kebab itself should be saturated with the smell of this smoke!

Meat juice will also drip, but the smell of burnt meat juice is somewhat different, it is steaming fat that smells delicious - you keep this in mind and don’t say “I don’t eat fat!” in front of me again! You do not want? Do not eat! But 300 grams of fat per kilo of six hundred minced meat is less than 20% of the total weight. I don’t know how much will be rendered - half of the fat, or a quarter. But a product with 15% fat is a more gentle food than a diet sausage! Here we at least know what kind of fat was used, and now - you can see it with your eyes, here is a piece of meat, here is a piece of bacon, and here is a piece of onion that has emitted juice. And in minced meat from meat products ground to a homogeneous state, you can add at least 60% fat and you will notice it.

In order for the lula to be fried on all sides, they will need to be turned on their sides.
But I don’t know where you will put the smoke. My professional hoods with fans of half a kilowatt did not really cope - I had to remove the grilles.


Of course it is possible. 8 minutes in my oven on the grill program. The meat had time to cook, the vegetables too, and the ceramic grill itself had not had time to heat up enough to smoke with the same degree of desperation as the cast-iron skillet. In general, quite a kebab, but.


But if you want a normal, proper kebab, breed coal and take a low brazier without any stupid holes "for traction". Some poorly educated people talk about this craving. They build barbecues and get incinerators.
Because there should not be holes in the brazier, otherwise uncontrolled burning of coal occurs. Imagine that you are trying to drive a car that has no brakes and the gas pedal is pressed all the way down. Well, how? It's better to change the nightmare, right?

Therefore, we take a normal barbecue and a fan in our hands. When you just put the cradle - wave, inflate the coal. Fan - here is your gas pedal! And now it is necessary to step on the gas so that the lyulas turn white as soon as possible and even blush on one side. Then you need to turn it over to the other side as soon as possible. Our goal and task is to cover the lyulya with a crust as soon as possible, until the minced meat has melted.

When should you flip the kebab? When it sizzles and smokes. What does hissing and sizzling mean?
The smallest bubbles of steam break out of the kebab, so they sizzle. What's rattling there? Drops of meat juice and fat drip down into the brazier and so they sizzle. Yes, and smoke from there!

But once it hissed, rustled, smoked, then it's time to turn over! Turned over and immediately silence and grace! Nothing sizzles, sizzles or smokes. But it won't be for long!

Cook the sides well as well, but pay attention to the color of the meat crust. This color, and the color in the previous photo, indicates the maximum disclosure of the taste of meat. No need to fry longer! Don't worry - everything is ready inside.
Lula kebab, with a thickness at its widest point of about three centimeters, with a length of 20 cm, with an initial sausage weight of 120-150 grams, will be completely ready in 10-12 minutes if it is brought to this color during this time.

There should not be black marks on the kebab, there should be only an appetizing blush.
Now here's what. Do you see the three kebab sticks? This is the maximum portion for one man. Whoever eats more is a fool, not a man. Because you can only foolishly overeat one meat. A normal person will certainly eat with onions, which are necessary for good digestion, with vegetables, with bread and a glass of wine. And the crazy one, who has torn himself, stuffs his belly, as he used to stuff it with empty, non-caloric food, and then he will sit like a stuffed pig with sleepy eyes. After the right meal, a man should start dancing, look at the girls, dance a lezginka with sabers or a hopak squatting Krakovyak.

And listen again: the classic kebab is lamb and tail fat. You can also cook beef, but what kind of fat do you take? Interior, kidney - will not work, it freezes very quickly, right on the palate, on the teeth. Ugh. You can make a good kebab from pork, lard from the back will well replace fat tail. You can mix pork, beef and lard - it will also work well. You can cook kebab from chicken, but it will be lean and therefore not tasty. There was a time, I added foie gras to minced chicken, but why remember now. You can cook from oily fish, and to make the stuffing more sticky, add shrimp - tails without shells, raw, of course, and not boiled for beer.
Oh, my, tell me everything like children, and then they don’t care, it doesn’t matter what it is, but they’ll do it!
I’ll teach kittens to dance faster than readers who scroll through pictures but don’t read the text. I'll go to Kuklachevy!

Lula-kebab is a traditional meat dish in Central Asia and the Caucasus. At its core, this is minced meat, which is put on a skewer and fried on the grill.

Skewers and barbecues are used by themselves in open areas or in the forest. However, this dish can also be prepared at home.

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It should be remembered that for the preparation of kebab, you should take very fatty meat, ideally it is lamb, but pork can also be used. If the meat is not fat enough, then the result will be ordinary cutlets.

Today we will tell you how to make kebab at home in many ways.

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Five hundred grams of lamb or ground beef.
Half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
Half a teaspoon of salt.
Half a teaspoon of oregano seasoning.
Half a teaspoon of basil seasoning.
Half teaspoon ground black pepper.
One egg yolk.
Bunch of fresh cilantro.
Bunch of fresh parsley.
Three cloves of garlic.
Two large bulbs.

How to do

  1. Peel the garlic cloves and onions from the peel, wash and finely chop, do the same with thoroughly washed greens.
  2. Put the minced meat in a deep bowl, add all the cuts there and mix everything well.
  3. The yolk is carefully freed from the protein and added to the minced meat. Pour lemon juice there and add all the spices. Mix everything thoroughly again.
  4. In the event that the mixture turns out to be very thick, add a little ordinary carbonated mineral water to it, then the dish will turn out even more juicy and lush.
  5. Knead the prepared mass again and knock it out on any solid object, this will give it a greater viscosity. For example, you can use the bottom of a bowl for this purpose or the board on which you usually cut meat.
  6. Next, divide the resulting mass to get several equal pieces.
  7. Cover the bowl with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for one hundred and eighty minutes.
  8. After three hours, moisten your hands with cold water and form sausage-shaped molds from each piece, which should taper at the ends.
  9. Take sunflower oil and grease the bottom of the bowl of the device with it, then put the formed pieces on the bottom so that they do not touch each other.
  10. Cook the kebab in the "Fry" mode for twelve minutes with the lid closed. Then flip each piece to the other side and cook for another twelve minutes.
  11. The readiness of the dish is checked by pressing on any piece, while the juice should stand out.


One kilogram of fresh lamb.
Three hundred grams of fat tail fat.
One bulb.
A bunch of cilantro.
A teaspoon of ground black pepper.
A teaspoon of salt.


  1. Traditionally, only lamb is used to make kebab. Also remember that meat cannot be twisted in a meat grinder either, it must be chopped using heavy knives.
  2. So, wash a piece of meat thoroughly, clean it from the veins and chop finely, bringing it to the state of minced meat.
  3. Peel the onion from the skin, wash and finely chop using a knife, add to the minced meat. Pour cilantro, black pepper, salt and any spices that you like there.
  4. Mix the whole mass well, and then beat it off on any suitable hard surface.
  5. As soon as the minced meat becomes a dense homogeneous consistency, cover it with a film and put it in the refrigerator for sixty minutes.
  6. After an hour, moisten your hands with warm water (so that fat does not stick) and form oblong figures in the form of sausages from minced meat.
  7. String each resulting sausage on bamboo skewers.
  8. Take a frying pan with a thick bottom and heat it up strongly. Without reducing the heat, fry the pieces on all sides until a golden crust forms. Then set the heat to medium and fry for another eight to ten minutes, not forgetting to constantly turn over.


Five hundred grams of minced pork.
Three hundred grams of onion.
Several stalks of dill.
Six cloves of garlic.
Salt and spices to your taste.
A pinch of coriander.
A pinch of zira.
Half a lemon.

How to cook

Video lessons

Today we will introduce you step by step recipe- Lula-kebab on skewers. We will also tell you about how such a dish can be prepared at home, without the use of a barbecue and coals.

General information about the dish

Before telling you about how the right kebab is made, you should tell what this dish is.

The term "lyulya-kebab" is of Turkic-Arabic origin. It consists of two words: “lula”, which means “pipe”, and “kebab”, which means “fried meat”. This is a meat dish that is very common in Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Balkans.

Cooking principle

Lula kebab, the photo of which is presented in this article, is strung on a skewer and fried on the grill. Most often, such a dinner is made from fatty chopped lamb and onions. Moreover, eggs and bread are never added to minced meat.

A feature of the preparation of the dish in question is the long kneading of the meat ingredient. Such a process is necessary in order for the protein to stand out from the minced meat, and it becomes dense and viscous. Only in this case will it sit firmly on the skewers and will not fall apart during its heat treatment.

Spices in kebab are added in limited quantities. As a rule, only pepper and salt are put in minced meat.

Lula kebab sauce is rarely made. This is due to the fact that a properly prepared dish turns out to be very juicy.

In most cases, such a dinner is served to the table along with pita bread and greens. It should also be noted that in the Caucasus, kebab is often prepared not only from lamb, but also from other types of meat, such as beef and poultry. By the way, walnuts are often added to it.

Step-by-step recipe for kebab on skewers

Only a small number of housewives know exactly how such a dish is prepared. Therefore, we decided to tell you about how Khankishiev Stalik makes it. Lula kebab is his favorite dish. According to the famous culinary specialist, to prepare such a dinner, we need:

  • lamb fat (only the fleshy parts) - about 3 kg;
  • white bulbs - 500 g;
  • tail fat - about 500 g;
  • table salt - for each kg of minced meat, 1 large spoon (without a slide);
  • zira - for each kg of minced meat, ½ a large spoon;
  • chopped black pepper - for each kg of minced meat, ½ a large spoon;
  • ground coriander - for each kg of minced meat, 1 large spoon (without a slide).

Meat processing

How to implement a kebab recipe on skewers? First you need to process the main ingredient. Fat lamb is thoroughly washed, all unnecessary elements are cut off from it, and then laid out on a large and smooth board. It is desirable to chop the meat product with the help of culinary axes (2 pcs.). This is necessary in order to make the dish as tasty, juicy and tender as possible.

Grind fatty lamb should be until it is converted into a homogeneous and small minced meat. If during the cutting process the meat begins to stick to the axes, then it is recommended to lower them into boiling water for a few seconds. Fat will not stick to hot steel, and the process of chopping lamb will be much easier.

Processing of other ingredients

Lyulya kebab on the fire turns out to be very fragrant and tasty. But before proceeding with its heat treatment, it is necessary to prepare a homogeneous minced meat. To do this, use a pound of onions and the same amount of tail fat. Both ingredients are thoroughly washed, all unnecessary films and tendons are cut off, and then chopped very finely with an ordinary knife or ax.

Other ingredients in the form of bread soaked in milk or eggs should not be used. Otherwise, the taste will be irreversibly spoiled.

Minced meat preparation

The presented recipe - kebab on skewers - requires a thorough kneading of minced meat. To do this, it is moved to a large form, and then the previously chopped one is added and the ingredients are mixed with hands for a long time. This is necessary not only so that the tail fat and onions are evenly distributed over the meat, but also so that it releases protein. During kneading, minced meat forms peculiar threads. It is they who will keep him on skewers, not allowing him to fall apart.

After a long and thorough mixing of the ingredients, pre-prepared spices are laid out to them. Thus, table salt, zira, ground coriander and allspice are alternately added to the minced meat. After that, the products are mixed well again, but already in order for the spices to be evenly distributed over the lamb.

Do you know how the dish in question is prepared by Khankishiev Stalik? Lula kebab turns out juicy, but at the same time does not lose its shape due to the special preparation of minced meat. The famous culinary specialist claims that for this he evenly distributes the finished meat product over the bottom of the dish where the lamb was previously kneaded, and then covers it with cooking foil and sends it to the refrigerator. This is necessary so that the fat freezes well, and the dish is formed easily and quickly.

How should it be formed correctly?

Before frying a kebab on a fire, fragrant minced lamb should be properly strung on skewers. To do this, hands are soaked in hot water, and then they take the meat product in the amount of a full male fist. A kind of cutlet is molded from it, making sure that it does not have any cracks.

After the described actions, the product is carefully strung on a long skewer and they begin to distribute it along the entire length. At the same time, the skewer is actively rotated around its axis, and the minced meat is pressed strongly with the palm so that there is no air left inside it. If air pockets still remain, then, most likely, the kebab will fall apart right during the heat treatment process.

Cooking food on the grill

After all the minced meat is on the skewers, they are immediately placed on the grill with coals. Turning regularly, they make sure that the dish does not burn, but is completely cooked, it becomes fragrant and very tasty.

The first sign that the kebab is fried is the juice that begins to actively drip from the minced meat.

How to present a delicious Caucasian dish to guests?

After heat treatment of the dish on the grill, it is carefully removed and laid out on a large plate. Such a dinner can be served to the table directly on skewers. Although some housewives prefer to remove meat pieces and put them on a plate decorated with herbs and fresh vegetables.

As a rule, kebab is consumed together with Caucasian lavash, cucumbers and tomatoes. We have already said that for a properly made dish, you do not need to additionally prepare various sauces and dressings. After all, a real kebab turns out to be incredibly juicy and tender.

How to cook kebab at home?

Now you know how Khankishiyev Stalik prefers to cook such a delicious Caucasian dish as kebab. However, it should be noted that there are other ways to create it. Which ones, we will consider right now.

Grilled chicken kebab is prepared according to the same recipe as above. But what about those housewives who do not have the opportunity to light a fire and fry a delicious Caucasian dinner on coals? In this case, it is recommended to cook a kebab. Of course, such a dinner will not have that pleasant aroma and taste that is inherent in meat on coals. However, with proper preparation, you are sure to amaze your household with a delicious and satisfying dish. What do we need for this? To make a kebab at home, you need to purchase:

  • fatty beef (only the fleshy parts) - about 1.5 kg;
  • white onions - 250 g;
  • tail fat - about 250 g;
  • table salt - for each kg of minced meat, 1 large spoon (without a slide);
  • hops-suneli - for each kg of minced meat, ½ a large spoon;
  • crushed black pepper - for each kg of minced meat, ½ a large spoon.

The process of preparing minced meat

Beef kebab on skewers turns out to be very fragrant and tasty. If you do not have the opportunity to light a fire, then the dish in question can be cooked in the oven. It should be noted that for this you will also need to thoroughly knead the fragrant minced meat.

Fatty beef is thoroughly washed, and then all unnecessary veins are cut off and very finely rippled with a culinary ax. After that, chopped fat tail fat and onions are added to the meat product. After mixing the components with your hands, they are flavored with salt, suneli hops and black ground pepper. At the output, a homogeneous minced meat is obtained, which is placed in a refrigerator for a while.

The process of forming and cooking in the oven

After the ground beef hardens slightly, it is divided into several parts and form original sausages. Then they are placed on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and sent to the oven. In this form, the Caucasian dish is baked for 45 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees. During this time, the kebab should be fully cooked, become juicy and tasty.

How to present to the dinner table?

After the kebab is cooked, it is carefully removed from the baking sheet and distributed on plates. Chopped fresh vegetables and herbs are placed next to the meat product. If desired, a side dish with a slice of white bread is also served with such a dinner.

Summing up

Lula kebab is a very tasty and juicy dish, for the preparation of which you do not need many ingredients. It is good to make such a dinner not only from lamb, but also from beef, poultry and even pork.

Of course, the most delicious kebab is obtained on the coals. However, most housewives prefer to do it in the oven or slow cooker. In such devices, a Caucasian dinner is obtained without the characteristic aroma of smoke. But, despite this, it still remains a favorite dish of many culinary specialists.

Lula kebab- This is a meat dish of Caucasian cuisine, which is an oblong minced meat sausage. Initially, it was made only from minced lamb and only on the grill. But now there are many options for preparing this hearty dish. It is successfully prepared from beef, chicken, pork, turkey and other meats. Lula kebab is not difficult to cook without leaving home - for this you need either an oven or an ordinary frying pan.

At the same time, following the rules for preparing homemade kebab will make it tasty and pleasant to look at. Be sure to knead the meat for a long time with the addition of chopped onions. Neither eggs nor bread should be added to minced meat. Only in this case, the minced meat will turn out to be dense, and the meatballs will not fall apart. Spices should be added in limited quantities, ideally only black pepper and salt are used - the dish already turns out to be hearty, fragrant and tasty.

Lula chicken kebab with vegetables

Among the existing dietary dishes, one of the most interesting can be distinguished. This is a chicken kebab. Interestingly, you can make kebab with vegetables, using them as a side dish.


  • onion - 1 pc,
  • eggplant - 1 piece,
  • chicken fillet - 400 gr,
  • pepper - 1 piece,
  • spices,
  • broccoli - 100 gr,
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.


  1. So, the original lula kebab, the recipe is very simple.
  2. Grind chicken meat and onions in a food processor or meat grinder. Add spices to these ingredients and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Lightly moisten your hands in water and form cutlets of slightly elongated shape from the finished minced meat. Put each piece on a skewer. Line the bottom of a baking sheet or baking dish with foil and lay the chicken cutlets on it.
  4. Rinse all vegetables (except broccoli), peel and chop if necessary. Then also lay them out to the cutlets. The dish is ready for baking. The temperature in the oven should not exceed 200 degrees. Keep in mind that vegetables take much less time to cook, so after 15 minutes, remove them to a plate, and bake the cutlets for about another half hour.
  5. Boil broccoli separately until tender in lightly salted water.
  6. Put the finished kebab on a plate, add vegetables and serve.

Lula kebab minced meat in onion sauce

Ordinary cutlets can hardly be called an original dish. In view of this, we recommend that you cook a more delicious analogue of this meat dish - minced meat kebab.


  • minced meat - 700 gr,
  • onion - 300 gr,
  • red dry wine - 200 gr,
  • spices,
  • lemon - 1 piece,
  • oat flakes - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • parsley - 100 gr,
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Minced meat for lula kebab is best prepared from pork and beef in equal proportions. Or you can buy ready-made. Soak oatmeal in a little water and leave for a couple of minutes to swell.
  2. Place the mince in a bowl. Pay attention to its consistency, it is desirable that it settles a little, then drain off the excess liquid. If it is still watery, do not soak the flakes, but immediately add them to the minced meat.
  3. Sprinkle meat with spices and mix. Add soaked oatmeal and set aside this mixture for about 5 minutes. Now, with slightly damp hands, form elongated patties and put them on skewers.
  4. It's time to fry the meatballs. To do this, chop the oil and fry the lula kebab on each side for at least three minutes. Then pour wine into the pan and simmer the cutlets for 15 minutes under a closed lid. Shake the pan occasionally to help the sauce soak into the meat.
  5. At the end, pour the finished kebab with lemon juice, sprinkle with parsley and sweat for a few more minutes.

Lula beef kebab in creamy sauce

Hearty and original beef kebab is obtained. This dish got its great taste due to an unusual creamy sauce.


  • pepper (different colors) - 60 gr,
  • beef - 200 gr,
  • cream - 100 gr,
  • shallots - 50 gr,
  • lettuce - 1 bunch,
  • gouda cheese - 20 gr,
  • egg - 1 pc,
  • tomatoes - cherry - 6 pcs,
  • dry white wine - 100 gr,
  • dried parsley - 1 teaspoon.


  1. A simple recipe for lula kebab, beef is best . Grind the meat with a combine or meat grinder. Rinse sweet pepper and cut into cubes. Do the same manipulations with cheese and onions. Combine the ingredients and add the egg, spices and parsley to them. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Divide the minced meat into several small pieces, from which form slightly oblong cutlets. Then put each blank on skewers and place on a baking sheet or in a baking dish. The dish is prepared for about 20-25 minutes, at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  3. To prepare the sauce, you need a small saucepan. Pour the wine into it and evaporate it over low heat. Then pour in the cream and add seasoning to taste. Simmer the mixture over low heat until thickened.
  4. Serve the finished dish along with tomatoes and salad.

Lula pork kebab with yogurt sauce

Pork kebab with yoghurt sauce has an amazing and delicate taste.


  • cilantro - 1 tbsp. a spoon,
  • pork - 800 gr,
  • yogurt - 100 ml,
  • lard - 30 gr,
  • onion - 2 pcs,
  • parsley - 50 gr,
  • kefir - 400 gr,
  • spices.


A simple recipe for pork lula kebab Divide the meat and peeled onion into pieces and chop in a food processor. Add spices, chopped pepper, onion to the minced meat and mix everything thoroughly. Then, with slightly damp hands, form oblong patties and put them on skewers. Fry each piece until golden brown.

Prepare the sauce. To do this, pour kefir, yogurt into a bowl, pour chopped parsley. Mix all the ingredients with a mixer or blender. You can add spices to the sauce according to your taste.

Lula kebab in lavash

This recipe will introduce you to the traditions of Armenian cuisine. Lyulya kebab wrapped in pita bread is a delicious dish of oriental cuisine.


For lavash

  • flour - ½ cup,
  • salt,
  • water.

For minced meat

  • pork - 500 gr,
  • onion - 200 gr,
  • mutton fat - 100 gr,
  • greens,
  • dried basil,
  • pepper, salt.


  1. Replace the dense dough for pita bread, let it rest a little.
  2. Then divide into circles and roll thin cakes. Put a frying pan on the fire and heat it well. Fry pita bread without oil, after removing the remaining flour from it so that it does not burn. On each side, you need to hold pita bread for no more than a minute. Then start cooking minced meat. Suitable for this kebab recipe pork, lamb or beef.
  3. Wash the meat, remove the films, cut into pieces. Pass it through a meat grinder with the addition of onions and fat tail fat. Pour pepper, dried basil and salt into the prepared minced meat, move it well. Form small sausages from minced meat, put each one on a skewer, put on a wire rack.
  4. Preheat the oven to 250 degrees and set the minced meat sausages to fry for half an hour. Turn every 10 minutes to brown on both sides.
  5. Put the finished sausages on pita bread and wrap in an envelope.
  6. Immediately after cooking lula kebab , while it's hot , you need to serve on the table, decorating with slices of tomato and herbs.

Lula kebab in bacon

Juicy tasty minced meat wrapped in a fried bacon crust will appeal to everyone without exception.


  • pork - 300 gr,
  • beef - 300 gr,
  • onion - 2 pcs,
  • bacon -200 gr,
  • greens,
  • dried basil,
  • pepper, salt


  1. There are two secrets on how to cook lula kebab so that it is juicy and very tender. First, be sure to take mixed minced meat. Second, beat him carefully.
  2. Wash the pork and beef, remove the films, cut into medium pieces. Grind meat in a meat grinder along with onions. Add chopped herbs, basil, salt and pepper to them. Stir the minced meat and make it homogeneous. To do this, lift it several times and throw it sharply into the pelvis. After you beat off the minced meat, form sausages out of it and put them on skewers. Then wrap each resulting sausage with bacon and fasten the edges so that they do not diverge.
  3. Lay out the kebabna grate, preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Bake the dish for about 20 minutes on one side and the same on the other.
  4. When the sausages are fried, you can serve them on the table with skewers without removing them, pouring ketchup on top.

Lamb kebab with herbs

What kind of meat should I buy for this dish? In the classic version of the eastern countries, lamb kebab is prepared, with the obligatory addition of greens to the minced meat. Most often it is cilantro, but you can also add parsley and dill. This will only make it tastier.


  • low-fat lamb -500 gr,
  • fat tail fat -50 gr,
  • onion (large) - 1 pc,
  • dried basil,
  • greens,
  • pepper, salt


Wash the lamb, clean, remove the veins and films, cut into pieces. Peel the onion, divide into four parts and chop in a meat grinder along with meat and tail fat. Finely chop the greens, add it to the minced meat along with spices, salt and pepper. Stir well and beat lightly by lifting and dropping it several times into the cup. This is necessary so that the minced meat becomes viscous and elastic, and does not fall apart during cooking. When it is ready, make small sausages and put them on skewers.

Heat the oven to 200 degrees. Put the finished pieces on the grill and send to bake. Cooking time for lamb kebab is about half an hour. After the first 15 minutes, turn the skewers over so that the meat is cooked on both sides. Serve hot, garnishing the meat with herbs.

Lula beef kebab in a frying pan

In the Caucasus, lula kebab is cooked on an open fire. There are no such conditions in the apartment, but still I want to taste oriental dishes. In this case, you can cook kebab in a frying pan, and although there will not be enough fragrant smoke, it will turn out to be quite tasty.


  • beef - 500 gr,
  • egg - 1 pc,
  • onion -1 pc,
  • fat tail fat - 20 gr,
  • greens,
  • pepper, salt - to taste


  1. You can take any meat for minced meat to your taste, but in this version, a beef recipe is used to prepare kebab, with the addition of fat tail fat.
  2. First, wash the fillet, clean it from the veins and cut into pieces. Grind the meat with onions in a meat grinder with a large attachment. Grind the greens, add it to the minced meat, salt and pepper.
  3. Mix thoroughly and beat the resulting meat mass so that it becomes homogeneous. To do this, simply lift the entire minced meat several times and throw it into the cup again. Form sausages out of it and put them on skewers.
  4. Put the pan on the fire, pour vegetable oil into it and heat it well.
  5. Put the skewers with minced meat on the bottom, make the fire moderate and fry on both sides in turn until a golden crust forms (10-12 minutes on each side).
  6. Serve the dish only hot.

Lula kebab in the oven

A great option for a tasty and nutritious meal. It is especially suitable for those who have very little time, because for the lula kebab in the oven, the recipe is designed in such a way that it takes only 40 minutes to cook.


  • beef (mutton) - 500 gr,
  • onion -2 pcs,
  • egg - 1 pc,
  • greens,
  • dry seasonings,
  • pepper, salt.


  1. Clean the meat from films and veins, wash, cut. Grind it through a meat grinder along with onions. Add spices, chopped herbs, pepper and salt to them. Carefully sweep the minced meat so that it becomes homogeneous.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Form sausages from minced meat and put on a baking sheet, after lining its bottom with baking paper or foil.
  3. To prepare the lula kebab, the oven needs to warm up, cook for half an hour (15 minutes on each side). When the sausages are browned, take them out and put them on a tray.
  4. Serve the lula kebab until it has cooled down as a separate dish or added to a side dish. From above, you can decorate it with chopped herbs or pour ketchup.

Lula kebab on skewers

A great substitute for kebabs, which many people like to cook in nature, will be kebab kebab on skewers. Just keep in mind that the taste and appearance of this dish depends entirely on the correct preparation. Therefore, strictly follow the instructions below. So, lula kebab on the grill.


  • beef meat - 1 kg,
  • lard - 150 gr,
  • spices,
  • onion - 300 gr,
  • cilantro - 50 gr.


  1. Cut the meat and fat into pieces and chop them with a combine or meat grinder. Do the same with the peeled onion. If desired, it can be crushed in a blender.
  2. Take a piece of gauze and fold it into several layers. Put the ground onion in the center of the gauze and squeeze it thoroughly. Do the same manipulations with minced meat.
  3. When you remove all excess moisture, combine meat, lard and onions, add spices. Please note that nothing more can be added to the minced meat, otherwise it will turn out to be too liquid.
  4. Put the finished minced meat in the refrigerator for an hour. After draining the rest of the liquid and form small cutlets.
  5. Put the resulting cutlets on the prepared skewers. Fry the meat for a couple of minutes, constantly turning over. And only then bake the kebab until golden brown on average for another 7 minutes.

Lula kebab on the grill

This is a traditional dish of Azerbaijani cuisine, well known even outside the state. In the country, at a picnic, you can cook kebab on the grill using a meat grill.


  • lamb - 1 kg,
  • fat tail fat - 60 gr,
  • onion - 4 pcs,
  • ground black pepper,
  • salt,
  • vinegar 3% - 25 ml,
  • parsley, cilantro


  1. This dish is cooked in a cauldron, in the oven, there is also a kebab recipe on the grill.
  2. Rinse lamb meat. Peel the onion. Finely chop the greens. Lamb, tail fat and onion scroll twice in a meat grinder. Put in minced meat: chopped herbs, salt, pepper, vinegar and mix everything thoroughly with both hands, like dough, for ten minutes to get a viscous, homogeneous, plastic mass. Place it in the cold and keep it there for one to two hours.
  3. Moisten your hands in cold water, form minced meat - kebab, like sausages (each weighing 30-40g). Before frying, put the cooked cutlets in the refrigerator for 15 minutes - the tail fat will harden, and the sausages will keep better. After the time has elapsed, take them out of the refrigerator and place them on a wire rack, after brushing it with vegetable oil. In order for the kebabs to be better fried on all sides, it is necessary to turn the grate 4 times. Frying time - 12 minutes.
  4. Serve ready-made lula kebab with sauce. Mash the onion sliced ​​into thin half rings with your hands so that the juice stands out. Marinate it for 15 minutes in wine vinegar with barberry powder and squeeze. Sprinkle kebabs laid out on a beautiful dish with squeezed onions.

Lula kebab of chicken and pork meat

Lyulya kebab is a popular dish in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, where they are baked on hot coals in the open air. Cooking kebab at home in the oven is not difficult.


  1. chicken fillet - 500 gr,
  2. fatty pork - 500 gr,
  3. onion - 2 heads,
  4. tomatoes - 2 pcs,
  5. vinegar 3% - 25 ml,
  6. parsley, cilantro,
  7. salt,
  8. ground black pepper


So, lula kebab, recipe with photo. Peel the onion, finely chop the garlic, chop the cilantro. Rinse the pork and chicken fillet. Skip the meat with onions in the meat grinder. Combine mince and spices together. Knead for at least 20 minutes, beat on a cutting board so that the mass is viscous, cover with a lid and refrigerate for a couple of hours. After that, form long sausages, string them on wooden skewers, previously soaked in water, so as not to burn. Place in the oven under the grill.

Baking time - 15 minutes. Ready lula kebab is laid out on a beautiful dish, decorated with chopped tomato slices and served.

Lyulya kebab with herbs and bell pepper

If you know how to cook a traditional kebab recipe, but want to add a touch of freshness to it, then this option is perfect for this. Small changes in the recipe will help improve the taste and aroma of a long-known dish.


  • lamb (fatty) - 350 gr,
  • bell pepper - 3 pcs,
  • onion - 1 pc,
  • hard cheese - 50 gr,
  • wine vinegar - 5 gr,
  • garlic,
  • spices (coriander, zira),
  • lemon juice,
  • greens,
  • salt pepper.


  1. Wash the meat well, pat dry and then finely chop with a knife.
  2. Chop greens, onion and garlic. In a mortar, grind salt, spices, black and red pepper for the kebab lula, then combine them with the onion mixture. Pour everything with lemon juice and add to the minced lamb.
  3. Finely chop the bell pepper, grate the cheese and put it in the minced meat. Sprinkle the resulting mass with vinegar and mix thoroughly. Leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or an hour.
  4. On wooden toothpicks or sticks, form small sausages, then fry them on both sides in a pan, in a small amount of oil. Then put the kebab on a baking sheet and place in the oven (180°C) for 20 minutes.

Lula kebab from turkey in pita

Kebab is an oriental dish and it is mainly prepared from lamb, but this meat can be completely replaced with any other. Let's see how to make turkey lula kebab with tomato sauce.


  • turkey - 0.5 kg,
  • onion - 1 pc,
  • sweet paprika,
  • sugar - 50 gr,
  • tomatoes - 700 gr,
  • chili pepper - 1 piece,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • pepper,
  • ground zira and coriander - 1 teaspoon each,
  • salt,
  • red sweet onion,
  • juice of half a lemon
  • pita - 4 pcs,
  • lettuce, cilantro,
  • olive oil


  1. Cooking such a kebab, a recipe with a photo for clarity of which is presented below, will not be difficult at all, and serving it in a pita will be an original solution and will surprise guests.
  2. Cut the turkey into pieces and scroll through the meat grinder.
  3. Put onion, cilantro, spices in a blender and grind them until smooth. Then combine with minced meat, salt and mix well. Then put the mixture in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
  4. Prepare the sauce. To do this, you should first blanch the tomatoes and then peel them off. Punch tomatoes and chili peppers in a blender, then pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan. Add finely chopped garlic, sugar, spices and salt to it. Put on fire and cook for half an hour after boiling. Cool down the sauce.
  5. Divide minced meat into small portions, put on skewers or skewers. Fry for 10 minutes on a pan or grill.
  6. Cut the pita in half and put inside the red onion, cut into half rings, lettuce, pre-seasoned with olive oil, lemon juice and salt, and kebab. Serve the dish along with the tomato sauce.

Kebab with chicken and pineapple

Chicken kebab has a very delicate, unusual taste and will be a great alternative to the original. If you are preparing this dish for the first time, then this kebab recipe with a photo will help you cope with it without any problems.


  • chicken fillet (breast) - 500 gr,
  • ginger (ground) - 0.5 tsp,
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons,
  • canned pineapple,
  • salt, vinegar, starch.


  1. Cooking lula kebab. We start with frosting.
  2. Pour a glass of canned pineapple juice from a jar into a small saucepan, add ginger, salt, vinegar, starch and sugar to it. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the mixture looks like liquid jelly.
  3. Cut the chicken and pineapple into cubes and alternately put them on skewers.
  4. Cover a baking sheet with foil, place the blanks on it and grease with glaze. Bake at 200 degrees for about 5 minutes, then turn them over and cover again with glaze. Bake until a golden crust forms.

Lula kebab at home. Cooking in a pan and in the oven

Is it possible to cook kebab at home? Will the dish work in the oven? What secrets do you need to know to make meat sausages delicious in Asian style? Read all about the popular dish of Caucasian cuisine in our article!

Lula kebab is a meat dish cooked on skewers. It is especially popular in the Caucasus, Central Asia and Armenia, where kebabs are baked on hot coals. In Crimea, the dish can be found in the national Tatar cuisine, but it is cooked on the grill.

The simplicity of preparation gives a special appeal to the kebab recipe on skewers. A minimum of ingredients, no troubles in the cooking process and a stunning delicate taste, no worse than delicious stuffed squid ... Therefore, feel free to write down the kebab recipe at home and include it in the family menu!

5 secrets of kebab:

  • For the preparation of minced meat, fatty meat is used. In the classic version, this is lamb, but pork, beef and even chicken will be more relevant for modern Russian cuisine. The more fat there is in the meat, the more tender the dish will turn out.
  • The meat should be finely chopped with a knife, and not twisted in a meat grinder. So it retains more juice, which will provide the dish with tenderness and perfect taste.
  • In the classic recipe, eggs are not added to the dish. "Gluten" to maintain the shape of sausages is mutton fat and meat protein, which is released during its preparation. To keep minced meat on skewers, it is crumpled and beaten for a very long time. If it is too difficult for you to knead the meat for more than 20 minutes in a row, then add an egg to the minced meat or, in last resort, starch.
  • Unlike other Caucasian dishes, the recipe does not use greens. Only black pepper and onion are used as spices. At the same time, ready-made kebabs are served on a “pillow” of parsley, cilantro and other herbs.
  • To serve, you need to prepare the sauce for kebab, its recipe is simple: cut the onion into thin half rings, remember a little with your hands to extract the juice. Sprinkle with barberry powder and pour wine vinegar for 15 minutes. Then squeeze the onion and sprinkle it over the finished kebabs.

Features of cooking at home

Do not worry about how to cook kebab at home. Of course, in the classic version, the dish is baked outdoors. But at home you can do it in the oven, fry meat in a pan and even cook kebab in a slow cooker in the “Frying” mode.

For cooking, you will need long wooden skewers on which you will form cutlets. Some housewives prefer to do without them than make a gross mistake. Firstly, the dish loses all flavor, becoming like ordinary meatballs. And secondly, it is much more convenient to turn sausages during frying or baking. Skewers before stringing meat on them should be soaked in water for 30 minutes and greased with vegetable oil.

And now let's figure out how to make a kebab at home from different types of meat.

Lamb kebab (classic recipe)

You will need:

  • lamb pulp (fatty) - 1 kg;
  • onion - 300 g;
  • lamb fat - 150 g;
  • black pepper and salt.


  1. Finely chop the meat, fat and onion. Salt and pepper the mince.
  2. Mix the minced meat well, leave to rest for half an hour.
  3. Take the minced meat and start beating it on the cutting board. Do this until you feel the stickiness of the meat.
  4. Wet your hands and start forming kebabs: take minced meat the size of a palm, make it into a sausage and string it on a skewer. If juice is released during the process, you can squeeze the meat lightly.
  5. Send the finished skewers to the freezer for 5 minutes, let the fat bind the kebab well. How to cook a dish in a pan is clear: fry on each side until golden brown and cover with a lid for a couple of minutes to reach readiness. If cooking in the oven, place a foil-lined baking sheet with kebabs in an oven preheated to 200 ° for 20-30 minutes. During this time, turn them over 2-3 times.

beef lula kebab recipe

You will need:

  • beef pulp or prepared minced meat - 500 g;
  • onions - 3 large heads;
  • sweet pepper - 1;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • salt and pepper.


  1. Peel 2 onions, grate on a coarse grater. Finely chop the garlic.
  2. Mix with minced meat, pepper and salt, mix well.
  3. Peel the remaining onion and sweet pepper, cut into cubes.
  4. Blind small kebabs from minced meat, put on skewers, alternating with onions and sweet peppers.
  5. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the kebabs until golden brown on both sides.

Pork lula kebab

You will need:

  • minced pork or fatty pulp - 700 g;
  • fat - 100 g;
  • large onion - 2 heads;
  • spices - cilantro sprigs, basil, coriander, pepper, salt to taste;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.


  1. Peel and chop the onion, garlic, cilantro. Mix with minced meat and spices.
  2. Knead the minced meat for at least 20 minutes, sprinkle with vegetable oil, cover with a lid and leave overnight in the refrigerator.
  3. Form cutlets from minced meat, string on skewers.
  4. Fry in a pan or in the oven until golden brown, turning several times.

Chicken kebab

You will need:

  • chicken weighing 2 kg;
  • onion - 1 large;
  • a bunch of greens;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt and pepper, spices.


  1. Separate the meat from the bones, chop together with the fat.
  2. Mix with onion and garlic, add herbs, salt, spices.
  3. Mix well, beat off on a cutting board.
  4. Shape into long sausages, thread onto skewers.
  5. Bake in the oven under the grill for 15 minutes, flip once.

That's all the secrets! Try it, it's very tasty!

Homemade beef kebab in the oven


  • minced beef (mutton can be) - 500 gr;
  • onion - 130 gr;
  • dill greens - 30 gr;
  • parsley - 30 gr;
  • table salt - 1 tsp;
  • curry - ½ tsp;
  • ground coriander - ½ tsp;
  • sunflower oil - 150 gr.

Traditionally, it is customary to cook kebab from minced lamb, but in the absence of lamb, ground beef, similar in fiber structure, can be used.

You can put any spices in this dish, the choice depends on your taste and desire. In addition to dill and parsley, chopped sprigs of fresh cilantro, tarragon or celery can be added to the dish.

How to cook kebab at home:

  1. And so, the first thing to do is chop the onion. You can do this in different ways: either grate the onion on a coarse grater, or chop finely with a knife, or, as I did, chop with a blender.
  2. Next, rinse the dill and parsley in cool water and pat dry with a paper towel. In no case do not add wet greens to the kebab, the minced meat can become watery and the taste of the dish will be spoiled.
  3. We tear off the rough stems of parsley and dill and leave only tender green twigs. Finely chop the greens with a sharp knife.
  4. Put the minced meat, herbs and onions in a deep bowl. Add coriander, salt, curry and mix all ingredients well.
  5. Then, the minced meat needs to be beaten off so that it becomes even more uniform, elastic and does not fall apart when stringing the kebab on skewers.
  6. “Beating” is done very simply, for fifteen minutes from a height of half a meter we throw minced meat on a cutting board or table. In order not to splatter the entire kitchen, I recommend that you first place the minced meat in a plastic bag (you can use two) and tie it tightly.
  7. At the next stage, the minced meat must be strung on wooden skewers, previously soaked in water.
  8. To do this, take a piece of minced meat in size, approximately, as for a cutlet and string it on a skewer. Then, we squeeze the minced meat, giving it a cigar-like shape.
  9. Put the formed homemade beef kebabs on a baking sheet lined with foil and brush with vegetable oil using a cooking brush.
  10. We send the baking sheet to the oven and bake our dish over medium heat for forty minutes.
  11. So cute, fragrant, fried on the outside and juicy inside, we got ground beef kebab in the oven.

We will serve lyulya to the table without removing it from skewers, and as a side dish, you can offer guests boiled potatoes and pickled vegetables.