N.V. Gogol "Shinel". History of creation, genus, genre, creative method of work - writings, abstracts, reports. The value of the image of the cooler in the same name of Gogol What role plays the image of the cooler in the work

Meaning of mystical finals Test N.V. Gogol "Shinel" is that the justice that Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin could not find during his lifetime, still tricked after the death of the hero. The ghost of Bashmachkina breaks over coin with noble and rich people. But a special place in the final occupies a meeting with a "one significant person", which after the service decided to "come to one familiar lady, Carolina Ivanovna." But in the way the strange incident happens to him. An unexpected official felt that someone grabbed him very much for the collar, it was someone who was the deceased Akaki Akakievich. He pronounces a terrible voice: "Finally, I caught you for the collar! You need your bosom and you need! "

Gogol believes that in the life of every person, even insignificant himself, there are such minutes when he becomes a person in the highest understanding of this word. Turning overcoats from officials, Bashmachkin becomes in his own eyes and in the eyes of "humiliated and offended" by a real hero. Only now Akaki Akakievich is able to stand up for himself.

Gogol resorts to fiction in the last episode of his "overcoat" to show the injustice of the world, his inhumanity. And only the intervention of otherworldly power can change this state of affairs.

It should be noted that last meeting Akakia Akakievich and the official became significant for a "significant" person. Gogol writes that this incident "made a strong impression on him." The official became much less likely to speak his subordinate "How do you dare, do you know who in front of you?". If he pronounced such words, then after he listens to a person standing in front of him.

Gogol in his story shows all the inhumanity of human society. He calls to look at little man"With understanding and pity. The conflict between the "little man" and society leads to the uprising of the random and humble, albeit after death.

Thus, in "Sineli", Gogol appeals to the new Hero type for him - "Little Man." The author seeks to show all the lives of a simple person who has nowhere and can not find support. He can not even answer offenders, because too weak. In the real world, it cannot change and enthusiasm justice, so Gogol introduces fiction in the narration.

The value of the design of the coolel in the same name N.V. Gogol

In the "Sineli", the socio-moral motive of other, earlier leads of Gogol unfolded. It lies in the thoughts on the wealth of the human spirit, not destroyed, but only deeply hidden in the very depths of the existence of people distorted by a bad society. Gogol was guided by the idea that these values \u200b\u200bof the spirit, scored by vulnerable, and therefore, should be resurrected and blooming, albeit in some uncertain circumstances. This topic in the "Sineli" was particularly acute.

Basically, the story of N.V. Gogol is the figure of the humiliated, deprived of the joys of the life of Akakia Akakievich Bashmachkin. In the disclosure of the character of this hero, an important feature is performed by the image of the cooler. Shinel is not just an object. This is a goal for which Bashmachkin is ready for self-restraint, on cutting funds, and without that very limited. And getting from Petrovich New Shinel - a holiday for him, "the triumpa day."

Shinel purchase precedes a description of the life of Akakia Akakievich. Here shown the tragedy of a "little man" in the conditions of a big city. The story shows his struggle for existence, deprivation, the inability to satisfy the needs of life, among whom the acquisition of a new sheel is included. The routine work of Bashmachkina in the Department cannot provide the smallest and necessary. Therefore, the chinel personifies the hero for this, what he seeks. But, in addition, it shows how a little need to this person.

Gogol depicts in his story, as the most modest, the most insignificant smile of fate leads to the fact that in the semi-in-room Akaki Akakievich begins to move and awaken the human. He has no sheer, but there is only a dream about her. But in Bashmushkina, something has changed, because in front of him, ahead, some event. Moreover, this is an event carrying joy. In whitight, something happens for him, whereas this hero did not exist for himself, but for the deprived of the meaning of the work, which absorbed his being. For the sake of Shineli Bashmachkin goes to the victims. Akakiya Akakievich is not so difficult to carry them, because he "fed spiritually, wearing the thoughts of his eternal idea of \u200b\u200bthe future sinel." It is very curious that this hero detects the idea, and even eternal! Gogol notes: "Since then, as if he got married ...". And then the author describes the state of Bashmachkina: "He became somehow more lively, even a harder character ... From his face and from the actions it disappeared his doubt, indecisive ... The fire was sometimes shown in his eyes, even the most daring and brave thoughts fled in my head: not Lay whether, for sure, the cunits on the collar. "

The courage of the thoughts of the updating Akakia Akakiyevich does not fit the cunnits on the collar; But it does not cause laughter. The Court is not available to the means of Akakia Akakievich; To dream about her - it means to dream of something inherent to "significant persons", with which Akakiya Akakiyevich, previously, did not occur to equal. But pays attention completely different. Just the dreams of an unfortunate stainer on the crankcorank lining so straightenfully changed Akakia Akakiyevich. What would be with him and with all the scored, humiliated and empty, if they were given existence worthy of man, gave a goal, scope, dream?

Finally, Shinel is ready, and Akaki Akakievich stepped on a step forward along the path of resurrection in him. Let the "Customs did not bought, because it was exactly the road, and instead they chose the cat's best, which was found in the shop." Nevertheless, the event was accomplished. And in Akakia Akakiyevich, we see a new one again: he "even laughed", comparing the old hood with a new chinel, "he had gone to the fun and after dinner did not write anything, no papers, and so little squatted on bed." And emotions, and fun, and Sibertism, and life without written papers - all this was not previously from Akakia Akakievich. In the soul of this hero, even some playful ideas moved: on the road, he saw a playful picture in the store window, "she joked and grinned." And on the way back, drinking visiting champagne, Akaki Akakievich "I even ran up it was suddenly, it is not known why, for some kind of little, which, like zipper, passed by and which every part of the body was performed by an extraordinary movement."

Of course, Akaki Akakievich remains with all this Akakius Akakievich, and the outbreaks of something new sick in it. But they are, and it is they who will lead to the interchange of the story. We see a turning point when Akaki Akakievich robbed, humiliated, destroyed. Moreover, he is on the edge of the coffin, in delusion. And here it turns out that there are really unexpected things in this heroch. He knows who his killer, and from his timid humility there is little left. Death relies in a man's shoe.

Akaki Akakiyevich, who has experienced the fear and the deceased most from fear, inspired by him a significant face, now, after death, he began to inspire the fear of others. It scares a lot of people, including carriers of seats on beables, raccoon and bear fur coats, that is, precisely significant persons. All the outrage of this hero against the life he lived was manifested after his death. And the key is key here, the acquisition of which made it possible to see the human beginning in Bashmachkin. The chinel was a reason for the entire protest of a little man against the existing order of life. We can say that there is life in the story before buying overcoats and after it. In the story of the chinel is of great importance. She personifies, on the one hand, the subject is financially necessary and, on the other, the subject that allows to revive the human validity of a person.

The tale "Shinel" is one of the best works The most mysterious (according to the Russian writer Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich. The story about the life of the "little man" Akakia Akakievich Bashmachkina, a simple correspondenceman of one of the numerous office of the county city, brings the reader to deep reflections on the meaning of life.

"Leave me alone..."

Sintel Gogol requires a thoughtful approach. Akaki Shchemachnikov - not just a man "small", he is defiantly insignificant, emphasized excluded from life. He has no desires, he seems to speak to everyone who speaks others: "I really ask me to leave me alone." Officials are mocked on Akaki Akakievich, although not evil, but still insulting. They will gather around and compete in wit. Sometimes it will hurt, then the shoes will raise their heads and says: "Why are you so?". In the text of the narration, it is present to feel it and offers Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. "Shinel" (analysis of this short story may be longer than its own) includes complex psychological interlacing.

Thoughts and aspirations

The only passion of Akakia was his job. He rewritten the documents neatly, purely, with love. Having come home and somehow bought, the shrinkers began to walk around the room, the time for him was slowly, but it was not painful. Akaka sat down and wrote the whole evening. Then he went to bed, thinking about the documents that had to rewrite the next day. These thoughts pleased him. Paper, feather and ink constituted the meaning of the life of a "little man", which was far from fifty. Describe the thoughts and aspirations Akakia Akakievich could only such a writer as Gogol. "Shinel" is analyzed with great difficulty, because there are so many psychological collisions with a small story, which would be enough for a whole novel.

Salary and new chinel

The salary of Akakia Akakiyevich was 36 rubles per month, this money was barely enough for the payment of housing and for food. When frosts hit in St. Petersburg, the shrinkers got into a difficult position. His clothes were worn to holes, she no longer saved from the cold. The chinel was asked on his shoulders and back, the sleeves rushed on the elbows. Workshops describe all the drama of the situation Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. "Shinel", the subject of which goes beyond the usual narration, makes think about much. Akaki Akakiyevich went to the tailor to fix his clothes, but he stated that it was not necessary to repair a new chinel. And the price called - 80 rubles. Money for Bashmachnikov huge, which he had no and in risen. I had to be severely saved to drive the desired amount.

After some time, the Office was issued to officials to officials. Akaky Akakievich got 20 rubles. Together with the resulting salary gathered a sufficient amount. He went to the tailor. And here the exact literary definitions revealed all the drama of the situation, it is only possible to such a writer as Gogol. "Shinel" (the analysis of this story is impossible to make sure not to imbued with a person, deprived of the opportunity to just take and buy a coat for himself) touches to the depths of the soul.

Death of "Little Man"

The new sinel turned out to the viciousness - a thick cloth, a collar of a cat, copper buttons, all this even somehow raised Bashmachnikov over his irreversible life. He straightened, began to smile, felt like a man. Colleagues in vain praised the update, Akakia Akakiyevich was invited to a party. After her, the hero of the day went home, swingly walking on the glaced sidewalk, even gone for a woman passing past, and when two men came across from Nevsky, two men came up to him, they scored and removed the chinel. Along the next week, Akaki Akakievich went to the police station, hoped that the new clothes would be dealt. Then he has occurred hack. "Little man" died. So graduated from the life of his character Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. "Shinel", an analysis of this story can be engaged in infinitely, constantly opens up all new facets.

This article will tell about the creation of a story and about one of the great writers, prosaikov and critics of the XIX century.

"Shinel" summary and short retelling.

On the story "Shinel"

The tale "Shinel" was written in 1841, and published in 1842. This is a story about a simple stationery adviser and just a "little man."

In the literature, this work is considered the "manifesto of social equality and inalienable personal rights in anyone and rank". It is filled with deep meaning, and the main character causes sincere sympathy. The plot is developing in St. Petersburg.

The story is not divided into chapters and reads about an hour.

This is a story about a "little man" in need of understanding from the outside. Story about the inhumanism, indifference and cruelty of people. Partly the story of every person of the society of that time, and every person in our time.

The history of the creation of the story "Shinel"

This story is once heard by Nicholas Vasilyevich anecdote about an official who lost his gun, which was copied for a long time.

This story is the last of the "Petersburg Tale" cycle.

In 1842, the Shinel was completed, and the surname of the hero was changed to Bashmushkina.

Genre of the work - History with ghosts, drama.

Who wrote "Shinel"

This story wrote Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (1809-1852) - Great Russian Classic, playwright, critic and publicist, author of the poem " Dead Souls"And the collection" Evening on the farm near Dikanka ", which included in the school curriculum.

His childhood N.V. Gogol spent in the Sorozhintians (Poltava province). Born in a poor family of the nobles of Vasily Afanasyevich and Maria Ivanovna Gogol-Yanovsky.

There were only 12 children, but many died at an early age, and Nikolai Vasilyevich was the first surviving child and third in a row.

As it can be noted according to his first works, the years of his childhood and the locality where he lived, put his imprint on his first works. "", "Night before Christmas", "May night", "Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala" and other works included in the collections carry the nature and multiple landscapes of Ukraine of that time. It can also be noted Gogol language and his player writing.

After moving to St. Petersburg, Gogol becomes an official, but over time he understands that such work is not for him and is given to creativity. New acquaintances are becoming new in literary circles, which helps Gogol to develop.

In St. Petersburg in 1842 and will be on the light of the tale of "Shinel", which included the third volume of the collected works.

Akaki Akakievich Bashmushkin - the protagonist of the story

The main character of the story is Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin - a small official and the titular adviser, who from the first lines of the description causes sympathy, sadness, and sometimes even a small disgust.

Description: Modest, not having fun in life, except one - accumulate to a new sequel.

It cannot be said that he was unhappy with his work, on the contrary, he found pleasure in rewriting papers and found this occupation a pleasant, special, immersing in his special secluded world. Even coming home, Bashmachkin sat down for rewriting papers.

Scares, only 400 rubles per year. This barely grabs even for food. Small, bald man with "hemorrhoidal face", defenseless and lonely. Fully mockery and complete indifference on the part of younger officials.

Other characters "Shinels"

Briefly about other characters. In addition to Bashmachkina, there are two more characters in the story - Gregory or briefly Petrovich, and a "significant face" or "general".

In the past, Petrovich Serf Peasant, and now tailor, abusive alcohol.

It is for him that Akaki Akakievich will come for help. The wife hits him for drunkenness, but only in such a state he is compliant.

"Significant face" or "general". A secondary person, but playing not the last role in this story. With a herthic appearance, aged, solid and strict.

Short retelling Test N.V. Gogol "Shinel"

Often, in schools with students requires a reader's diary, where it is recommended to mainly record the summary of the work or characteristics of heroes. Next will be brief retelling of the work.

Sitting for rewriting papers, younger officials constantly interfered and threw papers to him on the table and mocked in every way. But once one of the young officials, once again decided to laugh at the shoes, stopped, having heard his words "Leave me, why do you offend me?" That flew to his heart.

A person lives in his office, and even coming home, after a scant dinner, he sat down to write and rewrite the documents. Describes the St. Petersburg evening, which displays all the gray and slush and what the Akaki Akakievich sees. This sketch shows the very life of Bashmachkina - the same gray and dim without entertainment and goals.

He earns only four hundred rubles a year, which he barely grabs. It's cold on the street, and the hero tries to reach as soon as possible to work in a prudent Sinelishka. " He refers to Gregory, and in a reduction to Petrovich for help. How was it already written Petrovich in the past fortress peasant, but now the tailor. House description Gregory causes some disgust.

Having come home to him and climbing up, Akaki Akakievich in the course of the conversation understands that Petrovich sober, and agree with him.

Grigory did not succumb to the persuasion of Bashmachkina to repair his old chinel and obliged to sew a new one, not understanding how much this sinel mean for Bashmachkina. After all, it is the road not only as a memory, but also at the price.

As a result, an attempt to reduce the price or persuade to fix the old chinel was not crowned with success.

Obsessed with thoughts about Sineli, he comes to Petrovich to talk about her. And here is sewn sewn. Akaki Akakievich goes to the Department in the New Sineli. Bashmachkin hears a lot of praise in his direction, because the sequel does not remain unnoticed by colleagues.

They demanded to ask for this occasion the evening and arrange a festival, but Bashmachkina saves another official who had a name day, he called everyone for dinner.

After work, Bashmachkin returns home. After having listed, his way goes to the official of the birthday man. But Akaki Akakievich is no longer delayed there - seeing that the hour later, returns home.

For long Bashmachkin wore his sinel. Going to the same evening home on the dark street, he comes up on two people with a mustache, who can safely take his chinel from Bashmachkina.

Upset, he goes the next day to work. Without finding assistance from the bailiff, at the insistence of colleagues, he refers to a "significant person" or "general". But there is no help.

A few days later, Akaki Akakievich dies in the seizure of the hot. The ghost of Bashmachkina died near Kalinkina of the bridge, where the cooler was removed from him, and trampled from all passing past them.

The "significant face" learns about the death of Bashmachkina and sincerely this is surprised. And one day, passing late in the evening about this bridge, the general felt that someone grabbed the collar.

Turning, he recognizes Akakia Akakievich. He, in turn, removed the chinel from the general, and since then the Spirit of Bashmachkina has seen.


1. Introduction

2. History of creation

3. Something name

4. See and genre


6. Probleatika


8.New and composition

N. V. Gogol is the founder of critical realism in Russian literature. His "Petersburg story" had a huge influence on F. M. Dostoevsky. This cycle includes a tale of "Shinel", in which the problem of a "little man" is sharply delivered. V. G. Belinsky considered the work of "one of the deepest creations of Gogol."

P. V. Annenkov recalled that Gogol was told a funny case about the poor official, who earlier saved all over and managed to get money on the purchase of an expensive rifle. Hunting with precious weapons for hunting, the official by negligence drowned him. The shock from the loss was so great that the official was running with a fever. Associated friends have bought a new rifle poorly. The official recovered, but until the end of his life could not remember this case without shudder. Gogol was not funny. He very thinly felt the suffering of a "little man" and, as Annenkov assures, the story "Shinel" conceived. Another source of the story was the personal memories of the writer. In the first years of life in St. Petersburg, a minor official Gogol himself took place in the summer overhang.

Meaning of the name Shinel underlies the entire story. In fact, this is another major acting character. All the thoughts of Poor Akakia Akakievich are concentrated on this subject. The long-awaited purchase has become the happiest day in his life. The loss of overcoats ultimately led to his death. The idea of \u200b\u200breturning the cooler even was able to fantastically resurrect to Akakia Akakiyevich in the guise of the ghost of the official.

Rod and genre. Tale.

Basic subject Works - humiliated position of a small Petersburg official. This is a heavy cross, which was forced to carry many generations of residents of the capital. The author's comment is typical at the beginning of the story. At birth, Akaka made such a person, "as if it would prejudice that there would be a titular adviser." Akakia Akakievich's life is boring and aimless. His only calling is to rewrite paper. He knows no longer anything, and he does not want. The purchase of a new sheinel has become for the official of the first goal in life. This acquisition literally wondered him, gave courage to communicate with other people. The nightly attack and loss of sinels to smithereens smashed the new position of Akakia Akakievich. His humiliation increased repeatedly when trying to achieve the return of overcoats. The apogem was a conversation with a "significant face", after which the official run into bed and soon died. Akaki Akakievich was so insignificant "creature" (not even a man!) That he was learned about his death in the department only on the fourth day after the funeral. The man who lived in the light of more than fifty years, did not leave any trace. Nobody remembered him good word. The only joy in life for Akakiya Akakiyevich was the short possession of the overline.

Basic problem The story lies in the fact that the material situation of a person inevitably changes its spiritual world. Akaki Akakievich, receiving more than a modest salary, is forced to limit himself in everything. The same limitation is gradually superimposed on his communication with other people and at the level of spiritual and material queries. Akaki Akakievich is the main object for the jokes of his colleagues. He is so used to that he perceives it as proper and does not even try to repulse. The only defense of the official consists in a fighter phrase: "Leave me, why do you offend me?". So says the person who has been more than fifty years old. The years of mindless rewriting of papers had a major impact on the mental abilities of Akakia Akakiyevich. He is no longer capable of any other work. Even the change in the shape of the verbs is not for him. The plight of Akakia Akakiyevich leads to the fact that the simple acquisition of the sheel becomes the main event in life for him. This is the whole tragedy of the story. Another problem is enclosed in the image of a "significant face". This is a person who has recently received an increase. He is still mastered with his new position, but does it quickly and decisively. The main method is to strengthen its "significance". In principle, it is good and good personBut by virtue of the convictions established in the society, he strives for maximum unfortunate rigor. "The spread" Akakia Akakievich was caused by the desire to show his "significance" to the friend.

Heroes Bashmushkin Akaki Akakievich.

Plot and composition Poor official Akaki Akakievich, limiting himself in everything, orders a new chinel at the tailor. At night, thieves attack him and take the purchase. Appeal to the private attachment does not give results. Akaki Akakievich on the Council goes to a "significant person," where he gets "Planning". The official begins the hot, he dies. Soon in the city there is a ghost of an official who jumps with passers-by Sineli. The attack is also subject to "significant face", who recognizes Akakia Akakiyevich in the ghost. After that, the spirit of the official disappears.

What does the author teaches Gogol convincingly proves that the cramped financial situation gradually makes a scored and humiliated creature from humans. Akakiya Akakievich is very little needed for happiness, but even the reprimand of a higher officer can kill him.

"Shinel" - The story of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Included in the "Petersburg Tale" cycle. The first publication took place in 1842.

About the story itself:

· The bumps have no words: he rewrites, but he says ... that ... "Leave me, why do you offend me?" Against the background of this obliqueness, it sounds so clear, we hear the inner voice of the hero and the author's preaching of compassion and fraternity. But the bumps are not deprived of this inner voice, saying "this, right, absolutely ...", he does not continue, because it seems to him that he " everyone has already spoke" The hero is opposed to the whole world in this way: he does not notice anything, it doesn't matter to him, he lives in these letters and his thoughts, it is a powerful incomprehensible measure separated from ordinary life!

· In the first edition of the story (1839), she had another title: "Tale of an official, sneaking overcoat" (3, 446). It should be indisputable that the innermost ideological core detects itself in her fantastic epilogue - in the posthumous Bunte Akakia Akakievich, his revenge "significant person", neglecting despair and a lacrimal complaint of a robbed poor man. And in the same way as in the "Tale of Kopeikin", the transformation of a humiliated person in Grozny Avenger for its humiliation is correlated in "Sinels" with what led by December 14, 1825. In the first edition of the epilogue "low growth", the ghost recognized by all for the deceased Akakiya Akakievich, "looking for some woven overcoat and under the guise of his who was moving away from all her shoulders, without disassembling the ranks and titles of all sorts of shelters," the seeds finally "," Made above the growth and even [wore] premium mustache, but ... Soon disappeared, heading right to the Semenov barracks "(3, 461). "Promotomic mustache" - the attribute of the military "face", and the Semenov barracks - a hint of the rebellion of the Semenov Regiment in 1820, then and the other leads to Captain Copeikin and makes you see in it the second version of the Titular adviser to Bashmachkina. In this regard, it becomes obvious that the sinel itself is not just a household detail, not just a chinel, but a symbol of the rank society and the title.

· But the fact that " poor story Acquires a fantastic ending "- this is Gogol fiction, again. The splash of this world.

· Very difficult, cleaned, written about the most simple, for example: "But Akaki Akakievich, if I looked at what, I saw my pure lines on all my pure, evenly writing, and only if, it's not known where I am holding a horsepie face on my shoulder And I scored a whole wind on the cheek nostrils, then I just noticed that he was not in the middle of the line, but rather on the middle of the street. " This wind emphasizes, on the place where it robbed, the wind is generally blew with four sides. Is it possible to compare it from the Lira's Byri? In my opinion, a good idea.

· As Dostoevsky said in one of his articles, Gogol was a "a colossal demon", which "from the missing Sineli official made us a terrible tragedy."

About its influence:

Petersburg stories, especially the chinel, were of great importance for the entire subsequent Russian literature, the approval of social humanism and the "natural" direction. Herzen considered the chinel with the graceful work of Gogol. And Dostoevsky is attributed to the famous words: we all got out of Gogol Sineles.

Gogol develops here the topic of a "little man" designated by Pushkin in " Stationery", And the topic" Sineli "continues and develops the Roman Dostoevsky" Poor People "(1846). Generally "Little Man" is a very important type and for Dostoevsky, and for Chekhov, and for all Russian literature.

Again comparison and about influence:

· Description of St. Petersburg in "Sinels" Very similar to the description of St. Petersburg at Dostoevsky: o Little people dissolve in a crowded crowd in parallel there are streets, where and night light, as the day where the generals and others like them with them, and the streets that will pour out straight From the windows on which the shoes and other artisans live if we recall how clothing and housing Skolnikov are described, I will find a lot of total · Akaki Akakievich - "Little Man", perhaps the smallest in all Russian literature, do not invent less. Next to him, even those who are usually called "small," and Pushkin Semyon, who had a wife and daughter, and Makar Dostoevsky, who consisted in correspondence with his beloved Varnika, - people of a larger category, who managed to attract someone's heart, to hide The share of the living space in which they mean something. Akaki Akakievich does not mean anything for anyone - the only "pleasant girlfriend", which "agreed to pass the life road together ... There was no one else as the same sinel ...". (M. Epstein "Prince Myshkin and Akaki Bashmachkin - to the image of a correspondence") · By the way, in this article, Epstein says that Myshkin is also a passionate calligrapher. It is very interesting if you consider what is higher - about your own words. And your world. In general, they read from Dostoevsky, with the same and compare - everything is almost suitable)) · The little person in Chekhov, worms from the "Death of the official", which in the theater sneezed on the Stat General, apologized, apologized, and then at him finally Awailed and he died. Small personality can be comical, and tragic. Very characteristic of the Russian mentality type in principle. (Probably because of a long fortress right, due to the official hierarchy, due to poverty and opposing a small man who does not affect anything and whom no one hears, and large and sophisticated world). And it was Gogol who was able to submit it to such a fully.


Irl, tom second; Zhzl about Gogol; Emets D.A. "What feelings associated Akakia Bashmushkina with his overhang", briefs - the content of poor people; M. Epstein "Prince Myshkin and Akaki Bashmachkin - to the image of the correspondence"