A New Year's sketch about a princess. The scenario of the New Year's holiday "how the prince was looking for a bride." Additional characters

Characters: 2 actors (guys)
Props: 3 chairs
Note: This wonderful skit is performed by only two actors, despite the fact that there are five characters. And this is how it is done. There are three chairs. There is an actor standing near the last one (this is the Guard). Another actor (he is now the Prince) gallops up to him on an imaginary horse. They talk to each other. When the Guard says that he will now ask the King, he turns to the chair, during which time the actor-Prince quickly sits on the chair and impersonates the King. Then the King turns to the next chair to talk to the Queen. At this time, the Guardian actor sits on the middle chair and plays the Queen, etc. So two actors play several roles - and this is the beauty of the scene! Of course, when an actor plays the King, he speaks in an important voice; when he plays the Queen, he speaks in a feminine voice (and behaves like a woman), when he plays a princess, he speaks in a girlish voice (he puts on lipstick while looking in the mirror, pretends to be cute, etc.).

Guard: Who's there?

Guard: Now I’ll ask the king. Your Majesty! There the prince came outside the gate.
King: So give him the gate!

Prince: I don't need gates!
Guard:: What do you want?
Prince: Hand of the princess.
Guard: A-a-a... Your Majesty! There the prince came outside the gate.
King: Let him take the gate!
Guard: So he doesn't need a gate.
King: What does he need?
Guard: The hand of our princess.

King: Let him take it!
Guard:: Take the gate!
Prince: I don’t need gates!
Guard:: What do you need?
Prince: The hand of your princess.

King: What does he need?
Guard: Your daughter's hand.
King: Now I’ll ask the queen. Darling, the prince has come outside the gates.

King: He doesn't need a gate.
Queen: What does he need?
King: The hand of our daughter.
Queen: Now I’ll ask my daughter. Daughter!
Princess: Yes, mummy!

Queen: Let him take the gate!
King: Let him take it!!
Guard: Take your gate!
Prince: I don’t need your gates!
Guard:: Oh, what do you need?
Prince: Hand of the princess!
Guard: Ah... Your Majesty! There the prince came outside the gates!
King: So let him take the gate!
Guard:: He doesn't need a gate.
King: What does he need?
Guard: Your daughter's hand!
King: Now I’ll ask the queen. Expensive! There the prince came outside the gates!
Queen: So let him take the gate!
King: So he doesn’t need gates!
Queen: What does he need?
King: The hand of our princess.

Princess: Yes, mummy.
Queen: There the prince has come outside the gates!
Princess: So let him take the gate!

Queen: Your hand.
Princess: My hand? Which? Right or left?... Let tomorrow come!
Queen (to the King): Let tomorrow come!
King (to the Guard): Let tomorrow come!
Guard (to the Prince): Come tomorrow!

The prince "gallops off" on his horse. It returns after a while.

Prince: Knock-knock (knocks on an imaginary gate).
Guard: Who's there?
Prince: I am a prince from a neighboring kingdom. I came to ask for the hand of your princess.
Guard: Now I’ll ask the King. Your Majesty, there the prince has come outside the gates!
King: So let him take the gate!
Guard: He doesn't need a gate!
King: What does he need?
Guard: Your daughter's hand.
King: Now I’ll ask the queen. Darling, the prince has come outside the gates.
Queen: So let him take the gate!
King: He doesn't need a gate.
Queen: What does he need?
King: The hand of our daughter.
Queen: Now I’ll ask the princess. Daughter!
Princess: Yes, mummy!
Queen: There the prince has come outside the gates!
Princess: So let him take the gate!
Queen: He doesn't need a gate.
Princess: Oh, what does he need?
Queen: Your hand.
Princess: (a little broken) But I don’t agree!
Queen (to the King): She doesn't agree!
King (to the Guard): She doesn't agree!
Guard (to the Prince): She doesn't agree!
Prince: Why don’t you agree?! (strangles the Guard and addresses the King). King, I have come to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage.
King: She doesn't agree!
Prince: Why don’t you agree?! (strangles the King and turns to the Queen). Queen, I have come to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage.
Queen: But... she doesn't agree!
Prince: Why don’t you agree?! (strangles the Queen and addresses the Princess, kneeling on one knee). Your Highness, I have come to ask for your hand.
Princess: (a little broken) But I.... I don’t agree! Here!
Prince: Why don’t you agree?! (strangles the Princess, then sits on a chair). What have I done?

The Prince shoots himself in the temple and leans back in his chair. The audience sees the following picture: two actors are sitting on chairs, leaning back. They are motionless for several seconds.

Actor 1: How long did it take us to finish?
Actor 2 (raises his hand to his eyes and looks at his watch): In 10 minutes.
Actor 1: How much does it cost?
Actor 2: For five.
Actor 1: Let's do it again?
Actor 2: Come on. Just hurry up!

The actors play this scene again, shortening the text a little (you can take the very end). Only now they play at an accelerated pace so that they barely have time to pronounce the words. At the very end, when the Prince asks the Princess for her hand in marriage, she says “I don’t agree!” and runs away from him, and the Prince follows her. Thus, the actors leave the stage (the Princess shouts “I don’t agree! I don’t agree!”).

Elsa Osetrova
Scenario for the holiday “King and Princess”

Ved: What the prepare for the holiday here? Maybe the guests of honor will come?

Maybe the admirals will come? Maybe a hero who has flown around the world?

Ved: Stop guessing in vain, look, here they are guests!

Our most honorable and important grandmothers and mothers!

Poems Song

Included King:

King: What kind of children are these days? There is no control over them!

We are wasting our health, but they don’t care about that!

So and so ran away from the palace, so and so upset her father! (crying)

Ved: Guys, it’s himself King!

Your Majesty, why are you so upset?

We have holiday, listen to how children congratulate their mothers.

Poems Song

King: You are having so much fun, but my only daughter, the light of my eyes, the hope of the entire state, has escaped from the palace!

Ved: (surprised) And how did this happen?

King: Yesterday he comes up to me and speaks: "Dad, you know that soon March 8th I say, so what? How is March 8 different from March 7 or 9? A she: “How do you not know what day it is?” I I say: “I don’t know why, I’ll look at the calendar now... (takes it out and looks at the calendar)-It's Saturday! And she speaks: “Dad, you have to give me a gift! After all, this holiday" I tell her I say: “Well, then please. Do you want the floor? kingdoms? A ball or hunt in your honor? And she did this So: (goes to the piano and taps it and sings) I don’t want anything! She slammed the lid and ran away. (crying)

Ved: Your Majesty, why does she need half a kingdom?

Listen to what children give their mothers this year holiday?

Children present gifts and sit down.

King: Good song, instructive! Maybe I can give her gold and diamonds? Although she already has a lot of them.

Ved: No, Your Holiness, you will remember what they gave you when you were little.

King: (thinks, then exclaims) I remembered! (runs away)

Ved: Well, he ran away, let's go continue the holiday,

It's time for us to dance.

The boys congratulate their beloved mothers.

And, of course, they give their happy dance to mothers!

Ved: The rain pounded loudly on the roof, and then became quieter, quieter, and ran away.

But we are left with clear skies rocker – seven-color arc,

Under the name ra-du-ha!

The children sit down and enter King, pulling a large bag behind him.

King: Now, I remember! I bought the entire toy store! (sits on the floor, takes out toys, plays with them)

Ved: Good toys, beautiful, but they are not suitable for a girl.

King: How is it not suitable? How do I know what suits girls, I've never been a girl.

Ved: And you ask our mothers?

King: (asks) A doll? Where can I get it now?

Ved: We will give you the most beautiful doll that we have in kindergarten if you tell us interesting riddles.

King: Okay, listen! (riddles)

Ved: Thank you, King for funny riddles. Here is our Doll, she sings and dances, look.

The Doll comes out and dances.

King: This is a doll, such a toy The princess hasn't arrived yet.

Included Princess.

King: Daughter, don’t be angry. I realized that I was wrong. Look what I'll give you!

Princess: And I won’t watch! Again diamonds or gems.

King: No no. That's it - a doll! She sings and dances!

The doll is dancing. The princess looks at her, thanks his father. King thanks the children for their help. They leave.

Ved: Well, that’s how all fairy tales have a happy ending. And our the holiday continues. On holiday We want to start dancing again at this hour in our beloved garden!

The sea begins with a small river.

Are we all boys? We are all sailors!

Uniforms according to height, peakless peaks askew.

We go sailing every day.

Ved: Daisies bloomed in a clearing near the forest,

With the yellow sun opening my soul wide open.

Opening your eyes, white eyelashes,

Friendly sisters danced in the wind.

Sad music sounds and enters the hall Princess,

pulls the doll behind him.

Princess: I don’t want to eat, I don’t want to drink, and I’m tired of looking out the window. Ah, my Highness is doomed to loneliness anyway. I’ve already played enough with the doll, but it’s not alive, you can’t talk to it.

Doll: Don't cry Princess

Princess: Oh, the doll spoke!

Doll: I know why you're sad. Because you have no friends. Would you like me to introduce you to the guys from my kindergarten. And you will never be bored again.

Princess: Want!

Doll: Then let's run! (run around the circle, go out to the children)

Guys, I tell you brought the princess! Please make friends with her!

Let's play together!

Princess: Hello guys, I really want to play with you, can you teach me? Games

Ved: Who will give us care and warmth?

And who really holds the whole house together?

Who cares so that a friendly family grows stronger?

This is my dear grandmother, my grandmother.

Our the holiday continues, we will congratulate the grandmothers now.

Poems Song

Ved: And now, a fun game awaits the grandmothers!

Ved: Our the holiday ends!

We sang and danced as best we could and entertained you.

Goodbye, in good hour, we are waiting for more holiday you!

Everyone leaves the hall to the music.

Publications on the topic:

I began my publication today with these touching poems, indeed, with a “lump in my throat,” but with joy that I can still congratulate.

Today, November 27 - Mother's Day - is the most wonderful holiday of all mothers! Mom is the dearest and closest person in everyone’s life.

How the Princess met autumn Goal: developing the creative abilities of older children preschool age. Objectives: Consolidate knowledge.

Summary of a lesson on reading the work of fiction by the Brothers Grimm “King Thrushbeard” for older preschoolers Preparatory stage: On a walk: Preliminary conversation: on a walk, Dunno comes to the guys and starts teasing everyone (Mashka the dirty little girl,.

Characters: Curtain. Oak. Crow. Puddle. Two frogs. Fresh Breeze. Prince. Princess. Dragon. King. Queen. Sound Effects.

Young people are invited to play the roles of the prince and princess; for the remaining roles, we invite guests personally, without naming the name of the character himself, but giving only a brief description of him:

Dear guests, we need two people (of different genders) who have a little thirst for power... you will be king and queen. I invite two sweet, charming, cheerful, perky, not very skinny ladies... You will be two cheerful frogs! And now we will need an elegant girl... you will be a crow! Also, you will need an elegant, dignified and very nimble man... you will be the Curtain! Get into character! For the next characters we will need two men: one strong and solid, the second adventurous and charming... this is Oak, and this is Dragon! We will also need a light, airy woman... Light Breeze! Now - a talkative person... you will create sound effects, let the musicians rest a little. And finally - the most responsible role. We need a person without complexes... You will be a Puddle! All the actors are rehearsing their roles!


Picture 1. Curtain. In a sunny green meadow, a spreading, slightly pensive Oak tree stands, tilting strongly, shaking its branches. On its strong, lower branches sits a pretty, full of energy young Crow and croaks at the top of her lungs. Near the very roots of the mighty Oak, a vast Puddle lazily stretched out. On the shore of the Puddle, two green and cheerful Frogs croak freely. Faint rumbles of Thunder can be heard in the distance. A Fresh Wind blows from the southeast, it tickles the Crow's feathers, refreshes the Frogs' wet paws, and moves the Oak branches. A beautiful young Princess appears. She casually jumps around the clearing, picks flowers, catches butterflies. Somewhere nearby a horse neighs wildly. A handsome Prince rides into the clearing, riding a black stallion. The Prince and Princess are dumbfounded - their eyes meet, and they understand that it is love at first sight. The thunderclaps are approaching. The Prince dashingly jumps off his horse and immediately hugs the Princess, vowing to love her to the grave (kneels). Thunder is just around the corner! Oak branches are shaking. The crow is panicking. She flies away to the south, and Fresh Breeze follows her. Frogs scream in an inhuman voice. An unprincipled Dragon flies past. Out of the corner of his eye he notices a couple in love. Stops. Jealous. Snatches the young Princess from the Prince's embrace. Takes her to distant lands. Everything is quiet. The prince sobs angrily and... out of grief, tries to drown himself in the Puddle. Curtain.


Picture 1. Curtain. The King and Queen grieve within the castle walls for their missing daughter. They are very sad. They're crying. Everyone around is crying, including Oak and Puddle. The Prince is the first to stop crying, sits on the Horse and rushes off in search of the Princess. Curtain.

Picture 2. Curtain. In a cloud-covered clearing, a slightly agitated Oak tree stands staggering; near the roots of the oak tree, a gloomy Puddle spreads its muddy waters, on the shore of which two Frogs are bored. Thunder roars! The Dragon and the Prince on Horse appear. They are fighting. The prince slays the dragon to the very heart (the dragon's heart is in his leg). Raven and Light Breeze return from the south. A Light Breeze leads the Princess. The Prince embraces the Princess. The passing rumbles of thunder can be heard. The King and Queen come out into the clearing and peer into the distance. A happy Prince and Princess run up to them, everyone rejoices and squeals with happiness, including Oak, Puddle and the unfinished Dragon. The King blesses (kisses the forehead) the Prince and Princess. Curtain. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and well done to those who listened! Bow to the actors. Curtain.


Masquerade ball

« King and Queen"

Presenters: Danilenko Olga

Shcherba Denis

Filipenko Nikita

Glot Ruslan

Pogulyaev Evgeniy

Fairies: Gorbunova Lyubov and Gorbunova Maria

Baba Yaga: Vigorous Anastasia

Santa Claus: Evgeniy Krasnobay

Snow Maiden: Anastasia Mamchenko

Fairies greet you at the entrance

Guests take their places in groups

Denis: (offstage)

New Year's ball - what a miracle!
Let's hurry to the ball
Let's get into the carriage and rush off
Along the streets at night for the carnival.
The moment of the desired meeting is getting closer,
Our magic hall shines,
A wonderful waltz and candles, candles...
We are starting the New Year's ball!

Waltz (1-4 courses)

First fairy : Welcome, we have been waiting for you,Just a little more and they'll start playing a waltz

Second fairy: And the Christmas tree will light up, the candles will burn -A magical New Year's Eve awaits you!

And now the floor is given to the Deputy Director for Educational Work, Svetlana Aleksandrovna Podvoiskaya.

First fairy: The floor is given to Nikolai Vasilyevich Kozhemyako.

Denis: Good evening, ladies, gentlemen!
Let me welcome you today
At everyone's New Year's Eve party!

Zhenya: Everyone's favorite holiday - New Year,

He's already on his way, he'll come to us soon.

Well, for now, I’m glad to offer you

Merry New Year's masquerade!

Nikita: Put on your masks and let's play

The presenter puts it on himself carnival mask

We will recognize each other in the game!

Zhenya: Let the New Year's sparkle and tinsel,

Will remind us of childhood, where the game is,

Was real and alive for us...

Gaining experience in the game

We learned about life, learned to live,

We learned to believe in miracles and love...

Denis: But closer to the point - a wonderful masquerade,

Under New Year, I'm glad to offer you!

The sacred hour has come...Let the sounds of the violin swirl,Let the smiles shine!

Nikita: Step right, step left,Greetings friends,Our miracle queenAnd, of course, the king!

Fanfare sounds

The King and Queen enter the hall and take their place of honor

Zhenya addresses the king: Your Majesty, all the guests have taken their places, the participants are ready, can we begin?

King: Since everything is ready, let's begin,

Look for a worthy replacement.

Olya: Now we present to your attention

A parade of well-known heroes.

They will sparkle with their unique charm.

And in this unusual combination -

You will discover your charm!

Business card presentation.

Ruslan: The dirty woman became the queen,
I lost my shoe, but I found love.
What a lucky girl she was!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome Cinderella and the Prince!

Olya: Lives in a forest hut,
She is almost three hundred years old.
And maybe to that old lady
Get caught for lunch

Meet Baba Yaga and Leshy!

Ruslan: An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,
And in this swamp someone caught her.
Who said goodbye to green skin,
Did you instantly become beautiful and comely?

We invite Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa to the stage!

Zhenya: Gobbling up rolls,
A guy was riding on a stove.
Rode around the village
And he married the princess.

And she is a princessyoung, beauty, intelligenceshines

Emelya and Princess Nesmeyana, we invite you to the stage!

Denis: Although he was steadfast and brave,But he did not survive the fire.The youngest son of a tablespoon,He stood on a strong leg.Not iron, not glass,There was a soldier...

And the next to be invited to the stage are the Tin Soldier and his dancer!

The presenters go out together

Ruslan: In the garden, where there is a piece of paradise,Among beauty and aromaPrincess on a sunny dayI inhaled the tart taste of nutmeg.
Olya: The monster entered the gardenBecause of the flowering bushes.Without any obstaclesWatched the Princess in the thicket.

Dear guests, before you is Beauty and the Beast!

The appearance of Baba Yaga.

The performance of the couples ends, the whistle is immediately heard

Baba Yaga appears riding on a broom and circles around the tables.

Baba Yaga. Watch out, killer whales! I'm about to land! Just so you don't hurt anyone!

Baba Yaga finally stops. Along with it, the play of light and sound stops.

Baba Yaga. Ugh! Say it all! Did you hit anyone? Repin's painting - "We Didn't Expect"!

Zhenya: Where are you from here, Yaga?
Has she come to ruin everything for us?
There is no more dangerous enemy!…
In front of her is the Serpent Gorynych,
So, not a snake, but a small fry.

Baba Yaga. I am a folklore element,
I have a document.
I can just leave
Fly away at any moment!
For the heat, for the snowstorm
Everyone scolds me for being a hag.
And there is no more harm in me,
Than in a chamomile in a meadow.
Well, by chance, well, jokingly,
Lost my way.
But I'm a child of nature,
It may be bad, but it’s a child.

Zhenya: Better explain it to everyone
Why did it fly apart here?

Baba Yaga. I may be rehearsing a role!

Zhenya: What other role?

Baba Yaga. Yes, I’m going to a forest masquerade ball. I want to be a snowflake.

Zhenya: Yes! You make a snowflake, like the sumo wrestler Koschey the Immortal.

Baba Yaga. Don't insult me
I'll get angry by chance!

Zhenya: Well, stay, I'm not averse
But you'll ruin the New Year -
We'll bring you to justice
And we’ll send you to Kolyma!

Baba Yaga. Where am I, a widow?
Just like that to Kolyma.
I'm only evil in appearance
I may be offended...
No sympathy for anyone
So I'll arrange a competition for you,
Who is stronger and who is smart.

Zhenya: Well, this is closer to the point.
So get down to business, Yaga!

Baba Yaga. Listen, killer whales, to my riddle. I have three warts on my nose, and Koshchei the Immortal has six more warts. How many warts are there on Koshchei’s nose?... Wow, how quick he is! Well done, you know how to count. Come here and take with you the girl you really like.

Baba Yaga determines the first pair of players, this should be a guy and a girl.

Baba Yaga. I have another riddle, more complicated. My hut has two chicken legs, and my goat Lyuska has all four. How many chicken legs do they both have?... How about six?... Why are you saying something like that, Lyuska’s legs are not chicken legs, but goat legs, that is, goat legs!... You, beauty, said it correctly. Come here and pick up some good fellow, we can’t do without him.

Baba Yaga determines the second pair of participants in the game.

Baba Yaga. FAQ, dears, I’ll ask you this, you’ll never be able to handle it. Come on, beautiful girls, hold a magic ball... Baba Yaga hands the girls rolls of cash register tape (although you can toilet paper, it depends on who you like).

Baba Yaga. Do you know how to use this? I'll teach you right now. Oh, and young people have gone on, as long as I’ve been alive, I’ve been amazed at you, we need to teach everything. There are heroes in front of you, and in your hands there is a ball of magic paper. So, this paper will help you to deceive, that is, to deceive our heroes. And you, killer whales, stand and don’t move, it’s not good to contradict us little women! Well, beauties, whoever quickly wraps the good fellow from head to toe, oh, I’ll give you a gift in Yag’s style. And I will reward you, boys, for your patience like a woman. Is everything clear to you?... Then get ready!... Three - fifteen, let's go!

To the accompaniment of funny music, the girls perform Baba Yaga’s task, that is, they wrap their partners in “Yahovian” paper. Baba Yaga herself actively comments and directs the gameplay.

Baba Yaga. Look how frisky they really are and have really screwed up the fellows. (To the loser.) Only you don’t have enough experience. Here's another ball for you to practice.

Baba Yaga gives the losing participant a roll of paper and addresses the winner.

Baba Yaga. And you, well done! She gave him a dashing spin. As a reward, here is a potion from me, it has magical powers. As soon as you spray yourself with it, all the men are yours.

Baba Yaga gives the winner a bottle of perfume (or other perfume) and addresses the young people.

Baba Yaga. Are you warm, killer whales, are you comfortable?... Okay, for your patience I’ll leave you with what’s on you now. Oh, I almost forgot, I promised to thank you like a woman. Let me kiss you... (Kisses.) That's it now, don't wash your face for a year, then you will definitely make a profit. You'll save money on the bathhouse.

Zhenya: I think it's a nice fancy dress costume. By the way, there is a competition for you too: whoever frees himself from the “cocoon” that is on you the fastest will receive a present. Attention, act!…

Young people are freed from paper. The winner gets a prize.

Zhenya: Well, Yaga, I won’t get bored with you. Thanks for the fun!

Baba Yaga. Wait, wait, honey, I almost forgot. I learned ditties especially for the holiday. Can I sing?

Zhenya: Yes, sing, Yaga, to your health!

Baba Yaga. (Sings ditties.)

Happy New Year
And with all my heart I wish:
Many years, good health to you,
Young and old.
Even though I am Baba Yaga,
But she was a girl.
And Frost has a beard
He was a young boy.
We whiled away the nights with him,
And they didn’t know fatigue.
And now he doesn't look
Doesn't talk about love.
The Christmas tree in the hall is a surprise for everyone,
Start a round dance
Live everything beautifully
On this glorious New Year!

Zhenya: Well done, Yaga, thank you! You sing wonderfully, it touches the soul!

Baba Yaga . Don't embarrass me, old lady. I went for a walk with you, it’s time to fly to my forest company, otherwise they will be offended. Happy New Year to you, good people! Don't quarrel with each other, live peacefully. If you are in our forest, don’t be a hooligan, I beg you. The forest is for your relaxation and health! Well, bye, faq!...

Musical screensaver. Baba Yaga saddles her broom and leaves.

Zhenya: Well, dear friends, let's take a break from communicating with the "grandmother of the forest."

Olya: He is a master of hooliganism.A champion in hooliganism!Bunny decided to protect everyone,Adventures are ahead!Who shouted: “Well, wait a minute!”?

Guys, we ask you to take the stage!

Ruslan: Star of the East

Beautiful Jasmine.

And with her, her humble Aladdin!

We invite you to the stage!

Nikita: One of the most favorite cartoons main character whom everyone remembers is a charming princess, owner of the most long hair in the world. Of course this is the charming Rapunzel.

And now for your attention a business card from Flynn Rider and Rapunzel.

Olya: Small house, Russian stove,

Wooden floor, bench and candle,

And the children in the house are crowded

This is happiness! Really, Fun?!

Next on our stage are Ivan the Chimney Sweep and Zabava!

Denis: And he lost the gold and destroyed half the city. After which he swore to catch Tugarin the Snake and return the gold.

We invite guests from Rostov to the stage: Alyosha and Lyubava.

Ruslan: Beggarly ragamuffins, always ready for any cunning and meanness, just to take possession of other people's money, met on the path of a naive , who blithely showed them the five gold coins given to him by Karabas-Barabas.

And Alice the fox and Basilio the cat have been waiting for their turn for a long time. We ask you to come on stage.

Zhenya: We watched the performance of 12 couples and it's time to sum up. We ask all participants to come up to the stage. I give the floor to His Majesty King BelochonIII.

King: This year has not been easy for us, there have been ups and downs. Autumn ball, but despite all this, we found the strength to put an end to the passing year. And now we will announce our decision. So, the first place was shared by three groups: 11, 22, 32, we will continue our awarding, groups 31, 12, 42 take an honorable first place, and as you already understood 13,21, 23, 33, 41, and 43 so take the honorable first place. But seriously, in the nomination... the couple wins:

There is an award ceremony, presentation of frames and diplomas

Olya: Today we have Baba Yaga and Vasilisa the Beautiful, and the King and Queen, and Emelya. And who is not?

Denis: Everything is here. And Ivan, and Aladdin, and Lyubava and Zabava. Who are you missing?

Olya: We have a classic situation - New Year's Eve is in full swing, but there is no Santa Claus!

Nikita: So let's all call him together! (name of Santa Claus)

Father Frost and Snow Maiden enter the hall.

Congratulations to Father Frost and Snow Maiden

D.M. Hello my dears,
Small and big.
Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness and joy.

SN. We came to visit today

For the holiday at this hour.
Please, Happy New Year,
Friends congratulate you.
And wish you success in all good deeds,
More songs, laughter, smiles on the lips.

D.M. Look, Snow Maiden, the Christmas tree is amazing!
And everything around is so beautiful!
I brought you news
That the New Year is on the way
And soon it will be on the doorstep!
Are you waiting for a miracle? There will be a miracle!
After all, Santa Claus will not forget:
Everyone gets a gift,
Carefully packed in a bag,
Tied up, packed brightly,
After all, everyone is now waiting for a gift,
Miracles and fairy tales for January.
And I give all this to you!

The chimes are striking. Waltz 22 groups

Firecrackers explode.

"offers you on this page a cool impromptu game for the New Year. But it’s not easy New Year's game, this is a fabulous action movie! Miracles sometimes happen on New Year's Day, and I invite everyone to take part in a fun miracle performance and also find themselves in a fairy tale. After all, as you have already seen today, acting talents are hidden in each of us. Now we will choose actors for our performance. (If there are many participants, then you can use additional roles, so the performance will become much brighter and more interesting). I am sure that no one will refuse to play some new role. I will read a fairy tale, and you will each play your role, depicting it with facial expressions, emotions, movements, etc., focusing on the text.

Instant performance - fairy tale "How the Prince saved the Princess"

And here are our main characters and performers:







Nimble Sparrow








Additional characters:







Act one

THE CURTAIN opens... A spreading OAK tree stands on the stage... A light BREEZE blows its leaves... Small

birds - SPARROW AND CUCKOO - flutter around the tree and chirp..., occasionally they sit on branches to clean their feathers... A BEAR waddled past... He was dragging a barrel of honey and brushing off the BEES... A gray vole MOUSE was digging a hole under an OAK... THE SUN slowly rose above the crown of the OAK, spreading its rays in different directions. THE CURTAIN is closing...

Act two

THE CURTAIN opens... There is a THRONE on the stage... THE LAME KING enters... THE LAME KING... stretches..., approaches the WINDOW. Having opened the WINDOW wide, he looks around... He wipes from the WINDOW the traces left by the SPARROW and the CUCKOO... He sits on the THRONE in thought... The FLITTLE PRINCESS appears with the step of a timid doe... She throws herself on the LAME KING's neck, kisses him... and they sit down on the THRONE together... A at this time, an evil and impudent thief is prowling under the WINDOW... He is considering a plan to capture the FLITTLE PRINCESS. THE FLITTLE PRINCESS sits down at the WINDOW... THE BROGGER grabs her and carries her away... THE CURTAIN closes...

Act three

THE CURTAIN opens... There is a commotion on stage... A HYSTERICAL QUEEN MOTHER sobs... on the shoulder of a LAME KING. THE LAME KING wipes away a stingy tear... and rushes about like a tiger in a cage... A COURAGEOUS PRINCE appears. The lame king and the hysterical Queen Mother in colors describe the kidnapping of the princess’s coquet, stomping with his feet ... The hysterical Queen-Mother falls at the feet of the courageous prince and begs to save his daughter ... The courageous prince swords to find his beloved ... He whistles his faithful horse ... and rushes away ... and takes off away ... THE CURTAIN closes...

Act four

THE CURTAIN opens... A spreading OAK tree stands on the stage... A light breeze blows its leaves... Small birds SPARROW and CUCKOO sleep on a branch... A gray vole MOUSE gnaws seeds in its hole... Under the OAK, lounging lies a BEAR... A BEAR sucks a paw... A hind paw... But then a terrible noise disturbs the peace and quiet... It is the BIGGER dragging the FLITTLE PRINCESS. The animals run away in horror... THE ROBERT ties the FLITTLE PRINCESS to an OAK... She cries and begs for mercy... But then the COURAGEOUS PRINCE appears on his dashing HORSE. A fight ensues between the BRIGGER and the COURAGEOUS PRINCE. With one crowning blow, the COURAGEOUS PRINCE defeats the BIGGER... THE BIGGER under the OAK tree gives the oak... THE COURAGEOUS PRINCE unties his beloved from the tree... Having placed the FLITTLE PRINCESS on a HORSE... he jumps on himself... And they rush to the palace... THE CURTAIN closes...