Let's learn how to cook Stolle Pies using a "secret" recipe. Stolle pies: recipe Stolle pies recipe with apple

The chain of Stolle pie shops is rapidly expanding across Russia. These products lure with their incomparable taste and aroma, and the recipe for making incredibly delicious pastries is kept in the strictest confidence. True, some people confidently say that Stolle pies taste the same as Ossetian pies, but this is not so. Those who have ever tried real pie baked goods will never confuse it with anything else!

Modern housewives have been trying for a long time to unravel the secret recipe for the pie, and they succeeded. There are several options for preparing this dish, and the choice of fillings will amaze even the most demanding gourmet. Therefore, today let’s talk about Stolle pie recipes, which you can recreate in your own kitchen.

Stolle pie with cabbage: recipe

The most favorite and traditional filling for various baked goods is cabbage. Of course, the choice of fillings for Stolle pies is large, but I want to start with something more familiar and mundane. Therefore, be patient and have the necessary products, let’s get creative.

In order to knead the dough, you will need:

  • Flour – 470 g;
  • Butter – 200 g;
  • Fresh chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • Water – 250 ml;
  • Granulated sugar – 4 tsp. (take it with a slide);
  • Salt – 1 tsp. (without top);
  • Dry yeast – 3 tsp.

To prepare the filling, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • White cabbage – 500–700 g;
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • Butter – 20 g;
  • Salt – 1.5 tsp.

To lubricate the top you need:

  • Butter – 10 g;
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.

When you have all the ingredients, you can start preparing delicious baked goods. It is worth saying that from the specified number of ingredients you will get a pie with a diameter of about 30 cm.

Let's begin the process of creating an incomparable pie:

  • Let's start cooking with the filling. To do this, rinse the head of cabbage, remove all debris and inedible parts;
  • Chop the vegetable into thin strips;
  • Place the prepared cabbage in a colander and crush with your hands. Pour boiling water over the vegetable;
  • After the excess liquid has drained off, you need to cook the cabbage. To do this, place a piece of butter in a hot frying pan; when it melts, add the chopped vegetable, add salt and stir. Simmer the cabbage under the lid for at least 60 minutes, when the time has passed, remove the lid, turn up the heat and fry the cabbage. The main thing is that the liquid evaporates from it;
  • After leaving the excess moisture behind the vegetable, beat the egg in a separate bowl and pour into the pan. Mix everything;
  • Place the prepared filling in a colander and leave in this state for 120 minutes. If your cabbage remains wet even after frying, then after transferring it to a colander, press down the filling with a weight. This will allow excess liquid to drain, otherwise the baked goods will not cook well.

Now let’s bring to life the recipe for making dough for the Stolle pie.

To do this, follow the instructions below:

  • Take a large plate. Pour dry yeast, salt and flour, sifted in advance, onto the bottom;
  • In a large mug, whisk the egg until smooth. Pour 250 ml of warm water into it, stir thoroughly again and slowly pour into the bowl with the other ingredients. Do not forget to stir so that lumps do not form;
  • Now add the crushed butter to the bowl. It can be easily cut into slices; melting is not recommended. Knead the dough. It should turn out flexible and oily, but not stick to your hands;
  • If you have a bread machine at home, you can trust it to prepare the dough. Add the ingredients in the sequence indicated above, turn on the “Dumplings” program on your machine and wait 10 minutes;
  • It doesn't matter how you prepare the dough, but once it reaches the desired consistency, place it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for 120 minutes. In a cool place the dough will rise perfectly.

When the dough and filling are ready, you can form the future pie:

  • Grease a baking dish with butter;
  • Divide the dough into two equal pieces;
  • Dust the table with flour and roll out one piece of dough very thin. Its thickness should be about 0.5 cm;
  • Carefully transfer the prepared dough onto a baking sheet;
  • Spread the filling on top in an even layer;
  • Cover the cabbage with a second piece of dough, the one that needs to be rolled out in advance. Pinch all corners and remove excess dough;
  • Make a hole in the middle of the resulting structure. This will allow steam to escape, and the product will be better baked;
  • If desired, use leftover dough to make decorations;
  • Then brush the pie with a beaten chicken egg in advance. Now you can put the baking sheet in the oven. You need to cook for 40–45 minutes, the optimal temperature is 180 degrees;
  • Before serving, brush the finished product with butter.
  • It turns out to be a very tasty pie. Of course, its calorie content is not the smallest, but the smell is easily inimitable. Therefore, you are allowed to indulge yourself occasionally.

    Stolle pie with fish: recipe

    Another incomparable product that you can prepare at home is fish pie.

    The yeast dough option given in the first recipe will also work for this product, but for the filling you will need:

    • Fresh chum salmon – 300 g;
    • Broccoli – 5–7 inflorescences;
    • Small onion – 1 pc.;
    • Creamy curd cheese – 100 g;
    • Soy sauce – 1 tbsp. l.;
    • Spices to taste.

    We begin to prepare the filling, the steps are as follows:

    • Wash the fish, remove skin and bones, if any. Of course, the fish can be any: salmon, trout, etc., but in its true form it is chum salmon;
    • Cut the cut fish into medium slices and place on a plate;
    • Add peeled and chopped onions, your favorite spices and soy sauce to the same container. Mix everything and marinate for a quarter of an hour;
    • Thaw the broccoli if it has been frozen and boil until tender;
    • Cool the cabbage and disassemble into small floret slices;
    • Divide the prepared dough into 2 parts, roll out the first and place in a baking dish;
    • Place the filling: first chum salmon with onions, then broccoli and cream cheese on top. If this is not the case, then you can finely grate ordinary;
    • Close the product with the second rolled out sheet of dough, fasten the corners, brush the top of the pie with egg yolk and pierce holes to allow steam to escape;
    • Place the baking sheet in the oven for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

    After 30 minutes, the fragrant pastries are ready. This is how primitively and quickly you can prepare pies with various fillings and please your loved ones.

    For people who are on a diet, it is worth saying that the calorie content of Stolle pies will vary depending on the filling. Let's say, a product prepared according to a traditional recipe, stuffed with cabbage, will have about 304 kcal per 100 g, and a slightly larger fish pie will have 317 kcal with identical weight. People who watch their figure need to consider these indicators.

    In general, cook for your own pleasure and no matter what it is: Stolle pies, Ossetian or light buns, the main thing is, do everything with soul. Bon appetit!

    April 4, 2014

    Pies, cupcakes, kulebyaki, kurniks, rybniks... What kind of dough products the talented Slavic people have not come up with! And each nationality has its own special culinary secrets. However, many masterpieces of culinary art have long crossed the state borders of certain countries and become the property of a variety of peoples.

    History of the name

    For example, the famous stolle pies. The recipe for their preparation was passed down for several generations in one of the Russian German families. In the early 2000s, cafes, snack bars, restaurants, pirozhki and other catering establishments began to open under this name. Their signature dish was a variety of products made from yeast dough. Stolle pies, the recipe for which has several nuances and subtleties, were (and continue to be!) particularly popular. Over time, the restaurateur's name, thanks to delicious baked goods, became a brand. And now it is somewhat synonymous with served dough products. However, this word has another source of origin. Not only stolle pies, the recipe for the national German dish - Christmas cake - also includes this name.

    Test secrets

    But we are interested in everything that has to do with pies. More precisely, how the dough is prepared for them. Firstly, it is yeast, secondly, it is straight, thirdly, it is rich. And of course, very tasty! What does “no dough” mean? To make stolle pies, the recipe recommends kneading the dough immediately, in one step, and then only “kneading it.”

    • The first tamping should be done 2 hours after kneading. The dough will rise well during this time. But the carbon dioxide that has accumulated in it does not allow the yeast to “work” further. To release it, the dough needs to be kneaded, knocked down, and lowered. And leave further so that fermentation continues for another 40 minutes. Then the dough is kneaded again.
    • After the warm-up comes the cutting. Stolle's signature recipe for dough for pies recommends making it this way: sprinkle a flat surface with flour, place a lump on it, flatten it so that it becomes flat. Now grab the edges, connect them and turn the whole mass over so that the smooth surface is at the top and the connected surface is at the bottom.
    • The last stage is rolling and proofing. The dough should be divided into parts of approximately equal size, rolled into ropes and cut into equal pieces. Roll them into balls using a circular motion. Cover with a towel, let stand for 15 minutes and you can start baking. A well-proportioned dough feels fluffy and soft to the touch, but a bad dough is tight and dense.

    Video on the topic

    Recipe "Original"

    Let's bake a special stolle pie with cabbage, the dough recipe for which also includes vegetable ingredients. For it you will need: half a small fork of white cabbage, 100 g of butter, 50 - yeast, half a kilogram of flour, 100 g of sugar, egg yolk, a little milk. The dough is prepared as follows: finely chop the cabbage, put it in a cast iron pot, add some salt, pour in a little milk (fresh) and simmer until it softens. Pour in the oil and continue the process until the cabbage turns golden yellow (then it is ready). Place the vegetable mixture in a bowl, add flour, sugar, yeast and yolk. Knead well. Then cover and let the dough rise in a warm place. Then knock it down and leave it to “reach” again. When it rises a second time, you can knock it down, make balls, wait for the dough to proof and make pies.


    In products “from Stolle” it is also unusual. One of the most famous (and delicious!) recipes for cabbage pies is this: finely chop a head of cabbage (the size depends on the amount of dough) and fry in oil until cooked. Chop a lot of onion and fry until light golden brown. Then hard-boil 4-5 eggs, chop them and place them in the cabbage along with the onions. Add salt, hot ground pepper, a little sugar, spices to taste, mix. Fill the dough pieces with the filling, seal them, brush the pies with beaten yolk and bake until done.

    Source: fb.ru


    Communism or democracy: where did people live better - in the USSR or the modern world? All the pros and cons

    Stollen is a traditional German Christmas pastry with deep medieval roots and, in modern parlance, a large fan club. It is a rich, fluffy, fragrant loaf that is baked 3-4 weeks before Christmas and then left to rest until it acquires its unique aroma. The appearance of stollen is not as elegant as, for example, traditional English muffins, but its shape has a sacred meaning - it personifies the swaddled newborn Christ.

    Stollen is a heavy yeast dough and a lot of butter. The correct stollen also adds a lot of sugar, dried fruits and nuts soaked in rum or other alcohol, which makes the delicacy truly rich, festive and unforgettable. It is generally accepted that all the best, the most delicious, the most valuable should be mixed into it. And what a freshly baked, spiced Christmas stollen smells like!

    In addition to the fact that such baked goods already contain a large number of tasty additives, after baking the stollen is left to mature, and during this time it changes: the taste becomes deeper, the aroma is brighter and more intense. And already before the holiday... even unwrapping a Christmas stollen, carefully wrapped in paper for storage, becomes a holiday...

    There are many recipes for stollen. Follow the link - simple and fast. I baked a classic of the genre - butter stollen. According to the old recipe, it will require: for 10 parts (weight) of flour, 4-5 parts of butter, at least 7 parts of dried fruit, 1 part of which can be replaced with almonds or marzipan.

    Cooking time: about 3 hours plus time for preparing the filling and maturing the finished stollen
    Yield of finished product: 2 large stollen


    for filling:

    • raisins 200 grams
    • dates 100 grams
    • candied fruits 100 grams
    • dried cherries or cranberries 100 grams
    • mixture of any nuts 100 grams
    • orange (juice and zest) 1 piece
    • lemon (zest) 1 piece
    • rum, cognac, brandy or any other aromatic alcohol 100 ml

    for stollen:

    • prepared filling
    • wheat flour 500 grams
    • butter 300 grams for dough plus 50 grams for greasing
    • warm milk 250 ml
    • almond flour 100 grams
    • sugar 85 grams
    • fresh yeast 50 grams
    • spice mixture 1 teaspoon (cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, cloves, anise, allspice to your taste)
    • salt a pinch
    • powdered sugar


      It is better to prepare the filling in advance: you can do this a couple of hours before preparing the Christmas stollen, but it will be better if you do it 12-16 hours in advance - so it will be perfectly infused. Any dried fruits and nuts that you like are suitable as a filling for the stollen : Use your favorite combinations or experiment. The main thing in this matter is that you like the mix on its own - the stollen will benefit from this and will definitely suit your taste!

      To prepare the filling, mix washed and lightly dried raisins with cherries (cranberries).

      Chop the nuts into large pieces and add to the raisins and cherries.

      Cut the candied fruits into small pieces, as they have a very strong taste.

      Remove the pits from the dates and chop them coarsely.

      Mix candied fruits and dates with the filling.
      Now grate the orange and lemon zest on a fine grater.

      Squeeze the juice out of the orange - you get about 100 ml. Add alcohol to orange juice.

      Pour the liquid into the prepared fruits and nuts, stir and let sit.

      To prepare the dough, mix the yeast with a teaspoon of sugar.

      Pour half the warm milk into the yeast and stir until the yeast dissolves.

      Send the dough to a warm place until it becomes fluffy and begins to foam strongly.
      While the dough is rising, pour the flour, remaining sugar, salt and spices into the bowl of a bread machine or food processor.

      Add the second half of the milk and the dough.

      Knead the dough for 10 minutes.

      Then add the softened butter to the dough and knead until it comes together.

      Leave the dough alone to rise for an hour and a half.
      Transfer the finished soft and tender dough to a large bowl.

      Now it's time to add almond flour.

      Then add all the filling along with the liquid to the dough and mix it thoroughly.

      The dough will be very soft, sticky, incredibly tender. Place it on a generously floured work surface.

      Divide the dough into 2 parts, flatten each into a layer about 2 cm thick and make an oblong dent with the edge of your palm, retreating a third from the edge of the layer.

      Fold the dough along this dent.

      Place the dough pieces on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Leave them in a warm place for 35-45 minutes to rise.

      Stollen should be baked in an oven preheated to 190 degrees for 60-70 minutes until golden brown.
      Brush the finished hot stollen with melted butter.

      Then sprinkle them generously with powdered sugar.

      Let them cool, then wrap them well in parchment paper and then in foil to keep air out.
      Stollen ripen at room temperature, and therefore the best place for storage is a kitchen cabinet or storage cupboard.

    I accidentally revealed the secret of Stolle pie dough. I’ve been wanting to for a long time, because somehow it didn’t work out for me with yeast. Sometimes the dough will have a sour taste, sometimes it will smell like yeast. But in Stoll the pies are still incredibly delicious. And this is their standard of “lots of filling, not enough dough.” And the dough itself is a little sweeter than regular yeast dough. And in combination with hearty fillings - you won't be disappointed!

    It turned out that they bake not pies, but kulebyaki. It is kulebyaki, both in terms of the filling-dough ratio (kulebyaka differs from pies in that it has a lot of filling, and the dough acts only as a container for it), and in the recipe of the dough itself. I realized this when I baked a fish pie with cod, rice and egg according to Michel Roux’s recipe, and the result was a fish pie from Stolle. The taste of the dough is one to one. I myself was even stunned by surprise. So now I have my treasured recipe.

    Yeast dough for kulebyak and pies
    (from this quantity you will get 2 medium kulebyaki 15x25cm or 2 closed pies d25cm)

    450 g wheat flour
    260 ml warm milk
    12 g fresh pressed yeast
    10 g salt
    3 medium yolks
    90 g butter, slightly softened
    45 g sugar

    • Dissolve fresh yeast in warm milk.

    • Sift flour, add salt, mix. Add yolks. Pour in milk with yeast.

    • Using a mixer using the dough hook, knead for 5 minutes at the slowest speed just until all ingredients are combined. It should be a sticky dough. Like this:

    • Increase the speed to medium and knead for another 10 minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic.

    • In a separate bowl, mix butter and sugar until it forms a paste.

    • Reduce mixer speed to minimum.

    • Add the oil a little at a time (in several additions), mix it into the dough. This will cause the dough to become uneven again.

    • When all the butter has been incorporated into the dough, increase the mixer speed to maximum and knead for 6-10 minutes until the dough is very smooth, homogeneous, slightly shiny and elastic.

    • Cover the bowl with the dough with cling film and leave at 24C for 2 hours. During this time, the dough will double in size and acquire a finely porous structure.

    • Knead and, again covering with cling film, put the dough in the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours (but no more than a day). And this is the most convenient thing, because in order to bake a pie, you don’t have to adjust your entire day off to it. Knead it, put it in the refrigerator after 2 hours, and you have plenty of time to get inspired, tune in and do a bunch of other useful things. And the dough will wait for you and will be even tastier for this. Or you can generally prepare it for future use, freeze it and store it for 2 weeks. Only then should you defrost it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

    Overall, it's great!

    ) from the famous Stolle bakery. The bakers, of course, do not reveal the recipe for the most delicious dough :) But by trial and error, I finally achieved the long-awaited result, and the pie turned out exactly like in Stoll: the rich yeast dough is a little sweeter than usual (if we talk about savory pies ), porous and aromatic, it literally melts in your mouth!

    The second key point is that the dough in Stolle pies is thin, but there is a lot of filling! Be sure to follow this rule when baking pies with filling (whether sweet or savory), because baked goods with a lot of dough and little filling no longer look so attractive.

    And the third point - you must use fresh yeast, and the dough itself must “rise” 2 times. But don’t let this bother you, the process is not at all complicated and does not require special skills.

    By following all the rules, you will get incredibly tasty pies with any filling, most importantly - just like in Stoll! The recipe, I hope, will move to your bookmarks and become a favorite, the best yeast dough recipe :)

    P.S. Oh, yes, I forgot to add: using this recipe you can also make small pies with cabbage, meat, fish, and apples. Experiments are welcome!

    Pies, like in Stoll: recipe for the most delicious dough

    Ingredients (for 2 medium pies/kulebyaki):

    • premium wheat flour – 450 g;
    • milk (warm) – 260 ml;
    • fresh pressed yeast – 12 g;
    • yolks – 3 pcs;
    • butter (room temperature) – 90 g;
    • sugar – 45 g;
    • salt – 10 g.


    Dissolve the yeast in warm (not hot!) milk. Let stand for a few minutes.

    Sift flour with salt, add yeast with milk, yolks. Knead the dough (by hand or with a mixer using the dough hook on low speed). At first it will be sticky, and after 10-12 minutes it will become smooth and elastic.

    In a separate bowl, lightly beat the butter and sugar until smooth.

    Add butter to the dough in portions, continuing to knead (by hand or at medium speed of the mixer). At first the dough may begin to “separate”, but after 5-7 minutes it will become smooth and homogeneous again.

    Once the dough has become “shiny,” cover the bowl with cling film and leave for 2 hours at room temperature (or a little warmer).

    Afterwards, knead it a little (yes, the dough will double in size and become porous) and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours (or longer, depending on your convenience). This point, I think, is rather an advantage of this recipe: after all, in the specified time you can prepare the filling (even 2 types!), cook lunch, and clean up the kitchen!

    In general, just a matter of business: knead, let stand for 2 hours at room temperature, and then in the refrigerator until the filling is ready, or until inspiration strikes :)

    Divide the finished dough into 2 parts - from them you will get 2 closed pies/kulebyaki! Bake them for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees or less, depending on your oven.

    And if you want, the finished dough can be frozen and stored in the freezer (then defrost in the refrigerator for at least 10 hours).