Russian landscape painters 19. Development of creative imagination through landscape painting in institutions of additional education. Famous landscapes by Caspar David Friedrich

The heyday of Russian painting is the 19th century. During this period, outstanding landscape canvases were created, which are masterpieces of fine art. The images of nature, created by world-renowned Russian artists, have enriched not only Russian, but also world culture.

Paintings by Russian landscape painters

Perhaps the first painting that drew attention to Russian landscape art was the work of the artist Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”. The canvas was exhibited at the first exhibition of the Association of Wanderers, which was formed in the second half of the 19th century. The plot of the picture is striking in its simplicity. The viewer sees a bright spring day: the snow has not yet melted, but migratory birds have already returned. This motif is simply permeated with the artist's love for his native land and the desire to convey the "soul" of the surrounding world to the viewer. It seems that the picture was written in one breath, in it:

  • The first breath of the spring breeze is felt;

  • You can see the quiet calm life of nature.

In the same year, when Savrasov put up his canvas for discussion, the young Russian artist Vasiliev painted the painting “The Thaw”. The painting also depicts nature waking up from its winter sleep. The river is still covered with ice, but it is already a danger. A ray of the sun, which breaks through thick clouds, illuminates the hut, trees and the distant shore. This landscape is filled with sadness and lyrics. Unfortunately, the young artist passed away early, so many of his ideas were never realized.

The paintings of the artists Savrasov and Vasilyev are united by the desire to display the spirituality of Russian nature. There is a certain mystical beginning in their works, which encourages viewers to think about the importance of love for their native nature.

Shishkin is an outstanding master of Russian landscape painting. This master left a huge legacy. His paintings are in many museums around the world.

It is impossible not to name well-known Russian artists - landscape painters Aivazovsky and Kuindzhi, who enriched world culture with their masterpieces. sea ​​views Aivazovsky's paintings fascinate and attract. And the bright variegated colors of Kuindzhi's paintings charge with optimism.

Russian landscape painters of the 19th century discovered their recognizable style in depicting nature. They filled the paintings with love for the world around them and displayed its originality on the canvases.

Landscape occupies a special place in the fine arts of Russia. The name appeared thanks to the French word pays - locality. Oil landscapes are images of nature in its natural or slightly modified state.

For the first time, landscape motifs appeared in ancient Russian icon painting. Independent landscapes of nature, which are types of palace parks, begin to appear in Russia in the 18th century. During the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, the art of painting was actively developing, the first collection of engravings with views of St. Petersburg was published, where landscape images were also found.

The heyday of the landscape begins with the appearance of Semyon Fedorovich Shchedrin, who is rightfully called the founder of Russian landscape painting. The artist's biography includes several years of study abroad, where Shchedrin studied the basics of classicism, which were later reflected in his work.

Subsequently, other Russian landscape painters appeared: Fedor Alekseev - the founder of the urban landscape, Fedor Matveev - a master of landscapes in the best traditions of classicism.

The genres of fine arts in the second half of the 19th century were enriched with new directions. Landscape paintings created in different directions were presented by famous artists: Ivan Aivazovsky (romanticism), Ivan Shishkin (realism), Viktor Vasnetsov (fabulous-epic direction), Mikhail Klodt (epic landscapes) and other recognized masters of painting.

By the middle of the 19th century, Russian painting “asserts” the plein air as an artistic technique that allows you to create beautiful landscapes. In its subsequent formation, a significant role was played by the development of impressionism, which significantly influenced the work of landscape painters. At the same time, a separate idea of ​​"natural" perception is being formed - a lyrical landscape. In this direction, landscapes were made by artists: Alexei Savrasov, Arkhip Kuindzhi, Mikhail Nesterov.

Landscape oil painting of the 19th century reached its true heyday in the works of Isaac Levitan. The artist's painting is filled with a calm, piercingly poignant mood. The exhibition of the artist has always been a significant event in the art world, gathering a lot of visitors in all cities of Russia.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the "Union of Russian Artists" was formed, founded on the initiative of Konstantin Yuon, Abram Arkhipov and Igor Grabar. The main areas of creativity and many paintings of artists are characterized by love for the Russian landscape, both natural and urban.

Other types of fine arts are also developing - an active search is underway for alternative expressive means for landscape painting. Vivid representatives of the new trends are: Kazimir Malevich (avant-garde, autumn landscape "Red Cavalry Galloping"), Nikolai Krymov (symbolism, winter landscape "Winter Evening"), Nikolai Dormidontov (neo-academism).

In the 30s art in the USSR it is enriched with landscape socialist realism. One of its main representatives is George Nyssa and the work "Boys running out of the water." The onset of the “thaw” in the second half of the 1950s led to the restoration of the diversity of the “picturesque” language, which has been preserved in modern schools.

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There are places and feelings that cannot be described in words. But these places can be drawn. With all the penetration, bright colors, the most ringing feelings. website selected for you pictures about the forest. About the sun through the foliage, about the overgrown paths. Greatness and tenderness, beauty and peace. To your attention 10 artists - singers of magical nature, able to immerse the viewer in the dense aroma and good coolness of the forest. Enjoy!

© Bykov Victor

© Bykov Victor

Viktor Alexandrovich Bykov is a famous Russian landscape painter who sings of the beauty and lyricism of Russian nature. His paintings are realistic and at the same time fabulously airy. Pure colors, transparent air, lightness and freshness - Viktor Bykov's paintings are very popular with private collectors from Russia and abroad.

© Malgorzata Szczecinska

© Malgorzata Szczecinska

© Peder Mork Monsted

© Peder Mork Monsted

Peter Mörk Mønsted is a Danish realist painter, a recognized master of the landscape. Despite numerous trips around the world, P. Mønsted's canvases are mostly written in Denmark and depict untouched northern landscapes. The artist's works adorn the collections of the museums of Aalborg, Bautzen, Randers and numerous private collections.



Michael O'Toole is from Vancouver, Canada's west coast. He grew up in an atmosphere of creativity, because his mother Nancy O'Toole was quite famous artist. Bright colors, contrast and pure tones in the landscapes of Michael O'Toole leave few people indifferent. Michael works mainly with acrylics, he uses color powerfully, confidently and juicy, playing with contrasts.

© Palmaerts Roland

© Palmaerts Roland

Roland Palmaerts was born in Belgium, in Brussels. He worked as a designer and illustrator and participated in exhibitions at the same time. The exhibitions were so successful that Palmaerts devoted himself entirely to painting and teaching. He is the author of several teaching aids by painting. He is a member of the Canadian Society of Watercolor Painters, the European Watercolor Institute and was President of the Institute of Figurative Art for five years.

© Ilya Ibryaev

© Ilya Ibryaev

Ilya was born in Moscow. He is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Known as a ceramics artist, he also has a great command of watercolor. His airy creations, gentle, subtle. A warm mist drenched in the gentle sun hangs in its forests. Many of his works are in Russian museums.

© Petras Lukosius

© Petras Lukosius

Petras Lukosius is a Lithuanian artist. His multi-layered painting is permeated with light, streams of the sun pour abundantly on his mystical forests, light gently envelops every branch. Paintings by Petras can be found all over the world, including Germany, England, Spain and Sweden.

© Lin Ching Che

There are many talented individuals among Russian artists. Their work is highly valued all over the world and competes with such world masters as Rubens, Michelangelo, Van Gogh and Picasso. In this article, we have collected 10 of the most famous Russian artists.

1. Ivan Aivazovsky

Ivan Aivazovsky is one of the most famous Russian artists. He was born in Feodosia. From childhood, Aivazovsky showed his incredible creative abilities: he loved to draw and taught himself to play the violin.

At the age of 12, the young talent began to study in Simferopol at the Academy of Painting. Here he learned to copy engravings and paint from nature. A year later, he managed to enter the St. Petersburg Imperial Academy, although he had not yet reached the age of 14 years.

For a long time the artist traveled around Europe and lived in Italy, where his paintings were also recognized for their true worth. So the young artist from Feodosia became a fairly famous and rich man.

Later, Aivazovsky returned to his homeland, where he received the uniform of the Naval Ministry and the title of academician. The artist also visited Egypt and was present at the opening of the new Suez Canal. The artist described all his impressions in pictures. By this time, he had already developed his own unique style and the ability to write from memory. Aivazovsky briefly sketched complex elements in a notebook in order to later transfer them to the canvas. The paintings "Odessa", "The Ninth Wave" and "The Black Sea" brought him worldwide fame.

The artist spent the last years of his life in Feodosia, where he built himself a house in the Italian style. A little later, Aivazovsky added a small gallery to it, so that everyone could freely enjoy his amazing paintings and drown in the ocean of colors. Today, this mansion still serves as a museum and many visitors come here every day to see with their own eyes the skill of the marine painter, who lived a long and happy life.

2. Viktor Vasnetsov

Viktor Vasnetsov continues the list of the most famous Russian artists. He was born in the spring of 1848 in the family of a priest in the small village of Lopyal. The craving for painting woke up in him at a very early age, but his parents could not give him a proper education due to lack of money. Therefore, at the age of 10, Victor began to study at a free theological seminary.

In 1866, with virtually no money, he left for St. Petersburg. Vasnetsov easily passed the entrance exam and entered the Academy of Arts. Here began his friendship with the famous artist Repin, with whom he later went to Paris. After returning to St. Petersburg, Vasnetsov begins to paint his most famous paintings: "Three heroes", "Snow Maiden" and "God Sabaoth".

The artist was able to fully reveal his talent only after moving to Moscow. Here he is cozy and comfortable, and each subsequent picture is better than the previous one. It was in Moscow that Vasnetsov painted such paintings as Alyonushka, Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf and Nestor the Chronicler.

3. Karl Bryullov

This famous Russian artist was born in 1799. Karl's father was a famous painter and professor at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Therefore, the fate of the boy was a foregone conclusion. Fortunately, Karl Bryullov managed to inherit the artist's talent from his father.

Studying was given to the young artist very easily. He was many times superior to the rest of the students in his class and graduated from the Academy of Arts with honors. After that, Karl went to travel around Europe, stopping for a long time only in Italy. It was here that he created his masterpiece - "The Last Day of Pompeii", having spent about six years writing it.

Upon his return to St. Petersburg, Karl Bryullov was awaited by fame and glory. They were glad to see him everywhere and certainly admired his new paintings. During this period, the artist creates several of his immortal paintings: Horsewoman, Siege of Pskov, Narcissus and others.

4. Ivan Shishkin

Ivan Shishkin is one of the most famous Russian landscape painters, who in his paintings could present any inconspicuous landscape in the most favorable light. It seems that nature itself plays on the canvases of this artist with living colors.

Ivan Shishkin was born in 1832 in Yelabuga, which today belongs to Tatarstan. The father wanted his son to eventually take the post of city official, but Ivan gravitated towards drawing. At the age of 20, he left for Moscow to study painting. After successfully graduating from the Moscow School of Arts, Shishkin entered the Imperial Academy in St. Petersburg.

Later, he traveled a long time in Europe, sketching amazing landscapes. At this time, he created the painting "View in the vicinity of Düsseldorf", which brought him great fame. After returning to Russia, Shishkin continues to create with redoubled energy. According to him, Russian nature is several hundred times superior to European landscapes.

Ivan Shishkin painted many amazing paintings in his life: “Morning in a Pine Forest”, “First Snow”, “Pine Forest” and others. Even death overtook this painter right behind the easel.

5. Isaac Levitan

This great Russian master of landscapes was born in Lithuania, but lived all his life in Russia. Repeatedly, his Jewish origin caused him many humiliations, but did not force him to leave this country, which he idolized and praised in his paintings.

Already the first landscapes of Levitan received high marks from Perov and Savrasov, and Tretyakov himself even bought his painting “Autumn Day in Sokolniki”. But in 1879, Isaac Levitan, along with all the Jews, was expelled from Moscow. Only with the great efforts of friends and teachers he manages to return to the city.

In the 1880s, the artist painted many amazing paintings that made him very famous. These were "Pines", "Autumn" and "First Snow". But yet another humiliation forced the author to leave Moscow again and go to the Crimea. On the peninsula, the artist writes a number of amazing works and significantly improves his financial condition. This allows him to travel around Europe and get acquainted with the work of world masters. The pinnacle of Levitan's work was his painting "Above Eternal Peace".

6. Vasily Tropinin

The great Russian portrait painter Vasily Tropinin had an amazing fate. He was born into the family of serfs Count Markov in 1780 and only at the age of 47 received the right to be a free man. Even as a child, little Vasily had a penchant for drawing, but the count sent him to study as a confectioner. Later, he is still sent to the Imperial Academy, where he shows his talent in all its beauty. For his portraits "The Lacemaker" and "The Beggar Old Man" Vasily Tropinin was awarded the title of academician.

7. Petrov-Vodkin Kuzma

A rich heritage in world painting managed to leave behind a famous Russian artist Petrov-Vodkin. He was born in 1878 in Khvalynsk, and in his youth he was going to become a railway worker. However, fate made him a painter of world renown.

8. Alexey Savrasov

The paintings of this Russian artist were already selling well, as soon as he was 12 years old. A little later, he entered the Moscow School of Painting and instantly became one of the best students. A trip to Ukraine helped Savrasov finish college ahead of schedule and receive the title of artist.

The paintings "Stone in the Forest" and "Moscow Kremlin" made this painter an academician at the age of 24! The royal family is interested in young talent, and Tretyakov himself buys many of his works for international exhibitions. Among them were "Winter", "Rooks have arrived", "Thaw" and others.

The death of two daughters and the subsequent divorce take a toll on Savrasov. He drinks heavily and soon dies in a hospital for the poor.

9. Andrey Rublev

Andrei Rublev is the most famous Russian icon painter. He was born in the 15th century and left behind a great legacy in the form of the icons "Trinity", "Annunciation", "Baptism of the Lord". Andrei Rublev, together with Daniil Cherny, decorated many churches with frescoes, and also painted icons for iconostases.

10. Mikhail Vrubel

Our list of the most famous Russian artists is completed by Mikhail Vrubel, who during his life created many masterpieces in various subjects. He was engaged in painting the Kyiv temple, and later in Moscow he set about creating his famous series of "demonic" paintings. The creative throwing of this artist did not find proper understanding among his contemporaries. Only a few decades after the death of Mikhail Vrubel, art critics gave him his due, and the Church agreed with his interpretations of biblical events.

Unfortunately, the artist's personal life caused him to develop a severe form of mental disorders. The title of academician overtook him in a lunatic asylum, from which he was no longer destined to leave. Nevertheless, Mikhail Vrubel managed to create many amazing works of art that are worthy of genuine admiration. Among them, it is especially worth highlighting the paintings "Seated Demon", "The Swan Princess" and "Faust".

We know that there are many humble and obscure, but passionate photographers in the world who go to travel across endless continents, sacrificing rest to capture new landscapes. Below are the works of only some of the talented artists whose photographs arouse interest and admiration.

You can check out another post that also contains beautiful inspirational pictures from different photographers:
Beautiful landscapes for your inspiration

Aaron Groen

Trails of stars and galaxies merge into beautiful synchronized singing in Aaron Groen's photographs. This photographer from the United States has a fantastic talent, and he deserves to open our selection.

Alex Noriega

His shots are filled with captivating twilight light. Endless deserts, mountains, forests, grasslands and objects seem unpredictable in Alex Noriega's photographs. He has an amazing portfolio.

Angus Clyne

Mood and enchanting atmosphere are the two most important definitions for Angus Klein's work. Since they are difficult to separate from his shots, Angus tries to get as much drama as possible, capture the meaning and convey the feeling that is inherent in the scene.

Atomic Zen

The name of this photographer is consonant with his paintings, which are reminiscent of Zen. So much mystical silence and a vivid trance state in the frame. These phenomenal landscapes take us beyond reality and make us even more interested in the beauty of our planet.

Atif Saeed

Atif Saeed is a fantastic photographer from Pakistan. He shows us the hidden beauty of his majestic country. Beautiful landscapes with surreal mountains filled with fog and snow, will captivate every landscape photography enthusiast.

Daniel Rericha

Daniel Rericha is a very modest self-taught photographer from a small town in the foothills of the Ore Mountains. He loves capturing the beautiful Czech mountains.

David Keochkerian

Through the mystical color of the stars and waves, David seems to convey the essence and true history of the universe very easily. Take a look at his fantastic photos for yourself.

Dylan Toh

Dylan Toh invites us on an unforgettable journey through amazing places. With it, we can save time and get acquainted with the breathtaking waterfalls of Iceland through pictures or explore the Munros ranges in Scotland. We can go on a virtual hike along the Annapurna mountain range or witness the indescribably colorful sunsets and sunrises in the state of South Australia.

Erik Stensland

Erik Stensland often gets up well before dawn to hike to remote lakes or the high peaks of America's Rocky Mountain National Park. He captures the unparalleled beauty of the park in the warm morning light and also creates a photographic collection in the deserts of the Southwest, the Pacific Northwest and the UK. Eric considers it his mission to uncover natural beauty capturing breathtaking amazing moments.

Gregory Boratyn

Brilliant dynamic landscapes and wonderful artistic images mother earth belong to photographer Grigory Boratin. Over the years, he has captivated us with magnificent creations. Great pictures.

Jay Patel

The ability to perceive and appreciate beautiful places came from Jay Patel at the very early childhood during numerous trips to the most breathtaking places in the Indian subcontinent. His passion for such magnificence now manifests itself in the constant search and desire to capture the majesty of nature with his camera.

Jay's photography career began in the summer of 2001 when he bought his first digital SLR. In the years that followed, he spent much of his time reading photographic magazines and articles on the Internet, studying the styles of the great landscape photographers. He has no formal education and no professional training in photography.

Joseph Rossbach

Joseph Rossbach has been photographing landscapes for over fifteen years. His photographs and articles have been published in a number of books, calendars and magazines including Outdoor Photographer, The Nature Conservancy, Digital Photo, Photo Techniques, Popular Photography, Blue Ridge Country, Mountain Connections and more. etc. He still travels a lot and creates new and interesting images world of nature.

Lincoln Harrison (Lincoln Harrison)

Phenomenal shots with star trails, seascapes and night scenes characterize Lincoln Harrison's quality work. All of his majestic photographs add up to a brilliant portfolio.

Luke AustinLuke Austin

Australian landscape photographer Luke Austin currently resides in Perth, Western Australia. He spends his time filming and traveling in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United States of America. The constant search for new compositions, angles and objects leads to the continuous improvement and development of his photographic skills.

Marcin Sobas

He also specializes in landscape photography. The author's favorite topics are dynamic fields, foggy mornings in the mountains and lakes. He does his best to let every single photo tell the story new history where the main characters are light and circumstances. These two factors give the world an extreme and unrealistic appearance at different times of the year and at different times of the day. In the future, Marcin Sobas plans to try his hand at bird and wildlife photography, which he finds extremely exciting.

Martin Rak

Looking at his paintings, you involuntarily wonder where on earth there are such landscapes with flickering lights? Martin Rak seems to have no trouble capturing these beautiful landscapes, full of life and light.

Rafael Rojas

Rafael Rojas considers photography to be a special life philosophy based on observation, understanding and respect for the world in which we live. It is his voice and means of conveying his own vision of the world, as well as the opportunity to share with other people the feelings that come over him when he presses the shutter.

Photography is for Rafael Rojas the same creative tool for mixing emotions as a brush is for an artist or a pen is for a writer. In his work, he combines personal feelings with an external image, showing who he is and how he feels. In a sense, through photographing the world, he represents himself.