How old was Ilona Novoselova? Ilona Novoselova: biography and participation in the “Battle of Psychics. The life of a participant in a famous television project was full of contradictions. Everything is mixed here: gender change, war with the federal channel, unbridled temper and

The name of the rather famous Russian psychic Ilona Novoselova is in the news again. So, just recently it was announced that a girl had been kidnapped, which happened right at the entrance of her house. For the return of Novoselova, the kidnappers reportedly demanded 7.5 million rubles from Ilona’s mother. However, everything ended without complications - Ilona returned home unharmed. By the way, it was then, during the abduction, that there was rather contradictory information about whether Ilona was abducted alone, or whether her fiancé named Oleg Petrov was with her.

When the media talk about the abduction almost died down, other information about Novoselova surfaced, this time even more shocking. So, as reported, Ilona Novoselova turned out to be a man. Or rather, she was a man before, before the gender reassignment surgery.

So, already when the kidnappers were detained and the investigation began, it turned out that Ilona is actually 26-year-old Andrei, and her “fiancé” is a pretty blonde, who goes by the documents as Oleg Petrov.

In an interview for the NTV channel, Ilona said that she decided to have the operation several years ago. “I felt really bad, I was on the edge, I thought life would just end,” she said.

Subsequently, Ilona was quite successfully able to hide the details of her personal life and gender; many Russian television viewers knew her from her participation in popular shows like “Battle of Psychics,” and no one could have imagined that the pretty, dark-haired Ilona was actually a man.

Today, many of Ilona’s friends and acquaintances, and especially psychics who are closely acquainted with the girl, cannot understand how they could not determine that the person in front of them is a man. However, later, when the details had already become known, her colleague on the show suddenly admitted that Ilona was indeed not a girl in some ways. So, Ilona, ​​according to the same psychic colleague, did not know how to walk in heels at all.

Ilona revealed her secret only to her mentor, Irina Bogdanova, who, despite the fact that she tried to dissuade her (him) from the operation, still accepted Ilona for who she is.

After Ilona Novoselova’s private life became visible, the psychic canceled her appointments, turned off her phone and stopped meeting with anyone. Naturally, some of her clients (mostly women) now feel deceived and are likely to want a refund of the money spent on the sessions.

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There was also an opinion that all the hype around Ilona Novoselova, including the kidnapping, is some kind of publicity stunt, a successful attempt to promote oneself.

Ilona Novoselova is a well-known participant in the television project “Battle of Psychics.” The girl participated in seasons 6 and 7 of the show, and even reached the finals in the last one. The news of her death on June 13 shocked many of her fans.

Ilona Novoselova biography Wikipedia

Psychic Ilona Novoselova died in Moscow. The girl fell out of the window own apartment, located on the 6th floor on Entuziastov Highway.. According to the mother of the finalist of the 7th season of the show, Ilona herself jumped out of the window after she had a serious quarrel with her boyfriend Artem Besov.

Ilona was born on November 2, 1987. It is known that when the girl was five years old, her parents decided to divorce. At school, the girl studied with obvious reluctance; her relationships with her classmates did not go well. Therefore, when Ilona was 12 years old, her mother, tired of constant scandals at school, transferred the child to home schooling, Novoselova sighed calmly.

Ilona first discovered her gift at the age of 10, when she saw the silhouette of her deceased grandmother in the mirror next to her. All subsequent years she worked on its development. At 177 years old, the girl realized that she had to help people.

At the age of 19, Novoselova experienced serious stress due to problems in her personal life. Then the girl first spoke about her intention to commit suicide. However, after some time she realized that her purpose was to help people with the help of her psychic abilities. Ilona devoted the following years to becoming well acquainted with esotericism.

In 2013, Ilona and her friend were kidnapped. The girl's mother reported to the police. The kidnappers demanded a fabulous ransom amount: 20 million rubles, but the police managed to free Ilona and her friend. At the same time, some juicy details of the girl’s biography were revealed. It turned out that Ilona was not a girl at all, but a young man whose name was Andrey. At the age of 18, Andrei underwent gender reassignment surgery and became a girl. This is what fans explained about Ilona’s extremely low voice and many other points.

It is not known for sure whether Ilona was Andrei Novoselov or not. Rumors of this kind circulated online, but they were not confirmed by anything. The rumors are mainly based on Ilona Novoselova’s low voice. Allegedly, it was for this reason that she was suspected of being a man.

Ilona Novoselova biography man photo

Before her death, Ilona met with her fiancé. The guy's name is Artem Besov and he is also a psychic. They often quarreled, but stayed together no matter what.

On the afternoon of June 13, the death of the “hereditary witch” became known. A girl fell from the 6th floor of a multi-storey building on Entuziastov Highway in Moscow. The exact causes and circumstances of her death are not known. Investigators are working to identify them.

Several years ago, rumors appeared in the media that Novoselova had sex reassignment surgery. Information has emerged that previously the girl’s name was allegedly Andrei. The clairvoyant herself sharply denied these rumors, but they still regularly appeared in the media. This completely undermined the witch's mental health. The girl often clashed with her partner. Ilona's neighbors admitted that she regularly quarreled with her lover. Whether constant quarrels with him became the cause of depression and death is still unknown.

Let us recall that it was previously reported that Ilona Novoselova was able to predict her death.

The life of a participant in a famous television project was full of contradictions. Everything is mixed up here: gender change, war with the federal channel, unbridled temper and memorizing Muslim prayers.

A famous participant in the “Battle of Psychics,” 30-year-old Ilona Novoselova, died in Moscow. She was found dead under the windows of a house on Entuziastov Highway. The psychic lived on the sixth floor with her lover. Neighbors say the couple often quarreled. Swearing has become commonplace for them. At some point, residents simply stopped paying attention to the eccentricities of young people. Perhaps this is why they did not attach any importance to the noise that was in the apartment on the day of Ilona Novoselova’s death. But let's talk about everything in order.

The girl gained fame thanks to the super popular program on the TNT channel.. In the project “Battle of Psychics” she participated in 2009 and took 2nd place. But the fame of the paranormal abilities of the 21-year-old witch began to spread throughout Russia with incredible speed. They started making appointments with Ilona and looking for meetings with her. According to friends, the girl charged from one client 30,000 rubles. She could have at least 8-9 of these every day. People's love quickly elevates Ilona to the Olympus of popularity.

Four years after the TV project, Ilona ends up in crime chronicles. Novoselova and her young man kidnapped, demanding a ransom of 7.5 million rubles. The criminals get all the money and release the hostages. The psychic told the police that she knew one of the kidnappers. This is the builder who was renovating her apartment. Later, law enforcement agencies managed to catch the attackers.
According to Ilona, ​​she was forced to drink beer, and, as she stated, some drugs were mixed into the drink to suppress the will.

They poisoned me there. All the time they gave me something to drink, some kind of disgusting thing, after which my legs were wobbly. “I was just sliding all over,” the NTV.Ru website quotes Ilona Novoselova as saying.
In the wake of these events, the NTV television company in the program “Emergencies” stated that Ilona Novoselova actually changed her gender at the age of 18 - before that she was a guy named Andrei. The presenter reported that Ilona’s mentor Irina Bogdanova even tried to dissuade her ward from the final sex reassignment operation. This fact was confirmed by Alena Selitskaya, who was at the “Battle of Psychics” together with Ilona. Novoselova was really different from others. She didn’t know how to walk in heels, she stumbled all the time, and had difficulty handling women’s things.

The reaction to Ilona Novoselova’s NTV was immediate. She published a short video on social networks in which she denied information about a sex change.
- In connection with negative events, I would like to state: I do not have, never had, and never will have any mentor. Irina Bogdanova - she did not pass and did not prove her abilities. There is a myth that I am supposedly a transsexual and had a gender reassignment. This is also not true. And who I communicate with and what my environment is like is my personal business,” she said in the video.
At the same time, she did not provide any evidence: childhood photographs, words of relatives, acquaintances with whom she communicated with school age, explaining this by dropping out of school early.

At the age of 8 I went to school. My classmates didn’t accept me, I didn’t understand them and kept to myself. I couldn’t get along with the teachers either because I didn’t think they were right. In general, from the age of 12, I stopped attending school and began studying at home, devoting more and more time to my abilities,” the psychic told about herself.

On her website, clairvoyant Ilona wrote that she had the gift since childhood, or rather even since past life. Novoselova remembers her previous incarnation as the girl Eleanor from Germany in 1800.
- In this life, the gift began to manifest itself from birth. Since childhood, I described to my mother people whom I had never seen before; as it turned out later, they all died before I was born. I could tell what the weather would be like, whether they would give me a salary or whether I would be delayed (in the 90s, my mother worked at a factory, which later collapsed). “I had a happy childhood,” Ilona writes about herself.

Her friend Alsu Gazimzyanova from Kazan sheds great light on the life of the famous Russian psychic in her post on the social network dedicated to Ilona’s death. Alsou calls her friend “godmother.”
- The period of our communication coincided with the time when I lived in Moscow in the first years after I gave birth. Ilona rented an apartment for me. And for this I worked as a personal “body-spirit guard.” “I saw her different and in different states,” writes Alsou Gazimzyanova, who is also a participant in the “Battle of Psychics” project.
A friend reports that Ilona Novoselova drank alcohol and illegal substances. At the same time, she was simultaneously " kind person“, could sympathize, help people, and could not live without doing damage, cursing often completely innocent and even strangers to her.”

Alsou Gazimzyanova says that Novoselova lived with her family for some time. I saw the other side of life. She developed normal understandings about relationships and friendship. Ilona began to dream of a family and even wanted to adopt a child. Moreover, the girl quickly learned Muslim prayers.

My mother, when she taught her, said that it was easy for her. I taught my own way, and everything would have been fine if not for her other environment, which did not give her peace. They led astray, pulling out the dirty essence,” the interlocutor adds.
Alsou believes that Ilona was one of those people who did not value life. Her hands were all covered in scars, but Novoselova hid it and covered them with tattoos.
- We haven't communicated for six years. I knew and know that Ilona periodically did damage and sent curses on me and my family, but my parents, no matter what, always loved her as if they were their own, my mother always prayed for her and felt sorry for her, adds Alsou Gazimzyanova.
The day before, the Kazan psychic had a dream in which she saw “ male hands" They help Ilona Novoselova “go somewhere”. The interlocutor herself does not comment on the versions of her friend’s death. She points out that when the body was discovered, she was wearing street shoes.

I don’t remember my godfather walking around the house in street shoes. Why was she wearing it when she fell from the balcony? - asks Gazimzyanova.
No matter how controversial Ilona’s death may be, her colleagues in the craft agree that the death of the psychic was a huge loss for their professional circle.
- Many people said that she was aggressive, but she is not. In life she was like a child - very kind and open. She's my best partner. We had a good tandem. I think her death is a loss for the psychic world,” says Ziraddin Rzayev.

Another finalist of the TV project, Vlad Kadoni, claims that last year life for Ilona was a complete nightmare. On the Internet they discussed her past and cast doubts professional qualities. The girl was on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
Perhaps it was the latest high-profile scandals that provoked another conflict in Ilona’s house. As a result, Novoselova simply could not stand it and decided to leave this world. On the fateful day, she was not alone in the apartment. Her friend was with her. In the evening the young people drank. 30-year-old Ilona had an argument with her lover and jokingly climbed onto the balcony railing. In this way she wanted to scare the man, but could not resist and fell down. There was no chance to save her.

In the “Battle of Psychics” they decided to unravel the mystery of the death of ex-participant of the show, 30-year-old Ilona Novoselova. The girl fell out of the window of an apartment building on Entuziastov Highway. Ilona was found dead on June 13, 2017, near a house with characteristic signs of damage from a fall from a height.

However, the public still has a lot of questions for investigators about the death of the psychic. The police claim that they found no signs of murder on the woman. Fans of Novoselova want to know the honest truth, how the clairvoyant died, what events could have pushed her to commit this terrible act. It seems to many that the witch died for a reason.

According to mother Elena Novoselova, her daughter did not plan to commit suicide. The last days of her life she was just as self-confident and firm. She didn't know that her life would end so early.

The witch's friend, clairvoyant Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova, says that she practiced exclusively black magic. According to her friend, Novoselova could cause damage, punish her rival, and break up her family. Warnings that there would be punishment for this had no effect on her.

Some believe that Ilona paid for all her past sins with her own life.

According to investigators, Novoselova was quite drunk that day because she had quarreled with her partner. The guy said he was leaving her. At that moment, she was going to joke or prank him and went out onto the balcony, jumping over the railing. Alas, she lost her temper and miscalculated her strength. The girl fell on the canopy of the dental clinic and received injuries incompatible with life.

Another friend of the sorceress, Alsou Gazimzyanova, assures that a dark streak has begun in Ilona’s life. The girl was severely depressed. At that moment, she met a guy, Artem, who, like her, practiced black magic. Novoselova fell in love with him and transferred one of the apartments to him, and also helped with work.

Psychics are investigating, season 6, episode 31. Ilona Novoselova

Ilona Novoselova - biography of a witch

The bright brunette Ilona Novoselova first appeared on the TV show “Battle of Psychics” and immediately attracted the audience with her unpredictable behavior. At the “Battle of Psychics” she immediately gained a lot of fans.

The sorceress was born in November 1987, in the city of Pavlovsky Posad. At school she had difficult relationships, both with classmates and teachers. Novoselova tried to stay away from the students. Her mother had to take her out of school and homeschool her.

The heroine of the popular TV show claimed that she acquired the gift of talking to the dead at the age of 10, when she first saw the reflection of her long-dead grandmother in the mirror. Novoselova’s grandmother was a witch on her father’s side, and a healer on her mother’s side.

In general, having understood her gift, the sorceress began to actively develop it and by the age of 12 she could recognize people’s illnesses and evoke the spirit of the dead. By the time Ilona came of age, she realized that she could help people more.

At the age of 19, the girl experienced terrible emotional stress; her lover abandoned her. Even then she was on the verge of ending her life, but then she refused it, because she knew that she had powerful power. Ilona constantly improved, learned new things and traveled a lot.

Ilona Novoselova first appeared on screens in 2008, when the 6th season of the “Battle of Psychics” project was released. This time she unexpectedly left the show, explaining that the spirits had prohibited her from testing her abilities.

But in 2009, she again finds herself on the project; in the seventh season, she performs more confidently and reaches the final.

Even during filming, the sorceress was not separated from her “magical attributes”: a dried shoulder blade of a roe deer, cards and a colorful scarf. She was one of the leaders of the project and received enormous fame.

One day, among the “Battle of Psychics,” rumors spread that Ilona Novoselova was a man. Fans and envious people began to actively talk about this, both on the project and on the Internet. The girl turned out to be completely unable to stand on her heels. Then, they began to write in the press that Ilona used to be Andrey, had many operations and became a girl. But the sorceress called sex reassignment operations a machination of competitors.

IN last days In her life, the psychic met with Artem Besov, apparently, a quarrel with him led to the girl’s death.

Viewers first saw Ilona Novoselova on the TV show “Battle of Psychics.” The bright brunette was remembered for her sharp attacks against skeptics and unpredictable behavior. Nevertheless, the hereditary witch, as she called herself, had many admirers. Therefore, the sudden psychic came as a shock to many.

Novoselova was born in November 1987 not far from the capital, in Pavlovsky Posad. At the age of 8, the girl went to school, where she immediately developed strained relationships with teachers and classmates. Ilona kept to herself and had no contact with the guys. It got to the point that the mother had to take her 12-year-old daughter out of school and transfer her to home schooling.

The biography of Ilona Novoselova is exclusively her version of reality. As the heroine herself stated, her “gift” appeared at the age of 10. She saw the silhouette of her deceased grandmother next to her mirror image. Since then, Ilona began to “communicate with the dead.” As Novoselova said, her paternal grandmother was a witch, and her maternal grandmother was a healer.

The flamboyant brunette said that with the help of her extraordinary abilities she saw herself in the past. The girl's name was Eleanor, and in a past life she allegedly lived in Germany in the 18th century.

From the age of 12, Novoselova developed her gift and at 14 she already recognized people’s illnesses and “spoke with the dead.” At 17, Ilona realized that her purpose was to help people.

At the age of 19, the girl experienced severe emotional stress due to separation from her beloved. Ilona almost committed suicide, but at that moment the spirits reported that she had been granted witchcraft powers. By the age of 30, according to Novoselova, her abilities had reached their peak. To gain new knowledge, Ilona traveled to different parts of the country, where she became acquainted with new esoteric practices.

"Battle of Psychics"

The young witch from Pavlovsky Posad appeared on the screens in 2008. Then the 6th season of the “Battle of Psychics” project was released. Having loudly declared herself, Novoselova unexpectedly left the show. Ilona explained her departure by saying that she had received a strict ban from the spirits from testing her abilities.

Ilona Novoselova in the show "Battle of Psychics"

However, in 2009, the jury and spectators were surprised to see Novoselova again. She arrived for the 7th season of the project and this time reached the finals.

The woman repeatedly shocked those present and spectators with sharp attacks when what was happening irritated her in some way. The witch used profanity and profanity during filming. At the same time, the medium demonstrated considerable success in all competitions. Perhaps, failure occurred only in one test, when it was necessary to find a child who was hidden in the park.

The constant “magical attributes” that Ilona Novoselova was never parted from on the set were a dried roe deer shoulder blade, cards and a colorful scarf. The sorceress also used rituals and spells, while not at all embarrassed by the camera.

From the very beginning of the project, the show participant was among the recognized leaders. But according to the voting results, the audience gave the championship not to her, but to. Nevertheless, the project brought Novoselova fame. The number of the sorceress's clients has increased significantly.

Ilona Novoselova in the show “Psychics Are Investigating”

Later, the sorceress participated in the “Psychics Are Investigating” project, where she and her colleagues worked on solving crimes in which law enforcement agencies were powerless. Psychics also helped ordinary people in solving life problems. One of the mediums with whom Ilona felt comfortable collaborating was.

Personal life

Even during the project, rumors began to circulate on social networks that Ilona Novoselova was a man. Then her psychic colleagues started talking about it, who were embarrassed by the fact that the woman did not know how to stand in heels at all. Later, rumors spread that Novoselova’s former name was Andrei. Allegedly, the guy changed his gender and started calling himself Ilona. Photos of the witch taken before the gender change even appeared on the Internet. In her interview, the psychic called all these rumors the machinations of envious competitors.

The girl was credited with an affair with a medium who came from Samara to conquer Moscow. By that time, Ilona was already known in certain circles. The girl helped her lover with consultations and advice. As a result, Alexander became the winner of the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics”. Later, the psychics parted ways. Alexander began dating.

In 2014, there was talk on social networks about Novoselova’s kidnapping and a ransom demand of 7.5 million rubles. In the entrance of her own house, Ilona was kidnapped not alone, but together with ex-boyfriend Oleg Petrov. But soon Novoselova returned home safe and sound. Four thieves were detained. Two of them were previously hired by Ilona herself to renovate the apartment. The young people received sentences ranging from 7 to 15 years in prison.

The personal life of Ilona Novoselova is a closed topic. Those interested received sharp answers to all questions. It is only known that since 2015, Ilona has been dating Artem Besov. The young man assured the public that he was practicing black magic. Probably, a quarrel with a loved one was the cause of the tragedy.


In memory of Ilona Novoselova, TNT aired an episode of the Battle of the Strongest program, which became the last for the sorceress. In the program, the girl investigated the suicide of a young man together with her colleagues and.


  • Season 7 of “Battle of Psychics”
  • "Psychics are investigating"