The meaning of the name Ruslan, origin, character and fate of the name Ruslan. Ruslan: what does this name mean, and how does it affect the character and destiny of a person? Ruslan’s attitude towards the people around him

For many of us, the male name Ruslan is associated with the main character of the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin. Boys want to be like their beloved hero, who bravely saved his bride from an evil sorcerer. Is it really the bearer of this beautiful name so fearless, courageous and loyal? What secret is hidden behind it?


What does the name Ruslan mean? There is no consensus on what this name means. There is a version that its roots go back to the ancestors of the Ossetians, who in Byzantium were called Russian Alans. "Alan" is translated as "warlike, noble."

  • In Western sources you can find the Arabic interpretation of the name Ruslan as “soft, kind”
  • However, the most common description is a translation from Turkic. According to this version it means "Lion".

History and origin

It is impossible to tell what secret is hidden in a name without telling what its history is. Where did the name Ruslan come from in Rus'? What is its origin? Most modern names came to us along with Orthodoxy. Some have survived from pagan times. Some names migrated along the Silk Road. According to one version, the origin of the name Ruslan refers us to the Turkic peoples - to Arslan. Male name Arslan is still popular today among the peoples of the Turkic language group. Its interpretation is "Lion". Ruslan is like a Russified form of Arslan.

According to another version, its origin came to us from the Caucasus, where excellent horsemen lived, who periodically carried out their raids on their neighbors, and thus expanded their possessions. From the “Russian Alans” the name Eruslan came into the Russian language, which later transformed into Ruslan.


Remember, as they say in the famous cartoon: “Whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail”? So is a person's name. Whatever you name the boy, that’s the fate you’ll give him.

Ruslan asserts himself through popularity. He always needs to be on the crest of the wave. He doesn't like to wait and doesn't want to make guesses. He lives one day at a time. He craves fame, even on the scale of his street.

This is a characteristic of a loyal, reliable person. In business and in relation to other people, he gives himself completely.

His character in moments of danger confirms the origin of the name from “Lion”: Ruslan forgets about ambitions, he sacrifices himself for the sake of other people. His courage and bravery have no boundaries.

  • Its positive features:

This name implies an honest, noble nature. He is not deprived of either intuition or imagination. He is above circumstances, free, devoid of prejudices. Punctual.

  • Its negative points:

His pride sometimes lets him down, he lacks openness. He sees the goal, but may not reach it. Pride does not allow him to show his grievances, and he carries everything within himself. And this may not be a very good service in the long run. Lazy.

  • Professional status:

Thanks to his imagination, he will succeed wherever zest and creativity are required. But he must firmly believe in what he is doing. These are good business managers, engineers and designers military equipment, television operators, drivers, researchers (exact sciences), mechanics.

  • Business:

Often he likes to show off in order to appear richer than he actually is. This may lead him to some financial difficulties. After all, you yourself need to support the legend you created yourself.

  • Physical health:

For him, constant recognition of his successes and the psychological climate play an important role. Being a vulnerable person, Ruslan does not like and does not know how to laugh at himself. Therefore, if you do not want to find an enemy in him, do not make fun of him.

  • Love and family

His passion and strength of feelings will constantly plunge him into new love whirlwinds. To get married means for him to create an outwardly very beautiful couple, thus asserting himself. Having a beautiful woman nearby is of great importance to him. His wife should be admired by everyone. But his jealous nature will not allow other men to admire his other half for too long.

Loving children means for him to satisfy his needs as a father, but without fanaticism.

Impact on the child

The meaning of the name influences the character of the boy named Ruslan. As a child, he is an emotional child whose desires are constantly changing. He is cunning, and if the cunning fails, he tries to achieve his goal through whims. Easily offended if he is not noticed immediately. However, Ruslan changes before our eyes as soon as he hears the praise.

Character and seasons:

  • The character of a child born in winter will be calm. He is serious and silent, assiduous and patient.
  • Characteristics of the spring Ruslan - a little “narcissist” - narcissistic, susceptible to flattery, loves to twirl in front of the mirror.
  • A year old child will be pampered for his sociability and charm.
  • An autumn baby, like a winter one, is too serious. His “adult” reasoning and conversations make him stand out from the crowd of his peers. He is interested in everything, carefully examining the object being studied or listening to an explanation.

Such a secret is hidden in the name for the baby.

Compatibility with patronymics and given names

The patronymics Aslanovich, Danilovich, Dmitrievich, Olegovich, Oskarovich, Stanislavovich are suitable for the “spring-summer” Ruslan.

“Autumn-winter” middle names are Alekseevich, Andreevich, Viktorovich, Grigorievich, Zakharovich, Naumovich and Yuryevich.

  • Significant other

Ruslan will find happiness with Agnia, Aza, Aida, Gella, Gulya, Deborah, Elena, Zarema, Zamfira, Irina, Leila, Manya, Medea, Margarita, Natalya, Oksana, Raisa and Tamara.

Girls with the names Ada, Angelina, Valeria, Venus, Diana, Dominica, Efimiya, Isidora, Clara, Lyubov, Marina, Marta, Mira, Rimma, Rosa, Sofia, Kharita, Ella, Yana are better off not dating the Ruslans.

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Full name:

Church name: -

Meaning: lion; fair-haired

Patronymic: Ruslanovich, Ruslanovna

The meaning of the name Ruslan - interpretation

The male name Ruslan is common in the post-Soviet space. The history of its origin is not reliably known. There are several versions of the appearance of this interesting name in Rus'. Its origins go back to the Ossetians. The latter were called Russian Alans in Byzantium. In translation, “Alan” means “noble” or “warlike.” The name Arslan, which translates as “lion,” has been popular among the Turkic peoples since ancient times.

Astrology named after Ruslan

Favorable day: Sunday

Years later

Ruslanchik is a boy with a very emotional character. His mood changes dozens of times during the day. He is capricious, loves attention, and gives his parents a lot of trouble. Ruslan at a tender age needs praise, but it must be deserved. Otherwise, he will become a real egoist. The boy often dreams, imagining himself as a famous fairy-tale character.

IN school years Little Ruslan stands out from other children due to his excessive activity. He strives to take part in all competitions, quizzes and competitions. Creative activity does not have a negative impact on academic performance.

All school sciences are extremely easy for the boy. He is a leader among his classmates. Girls love him. The character displays such traits as touchiness and rancor, and a tendency to revenge.

Over the years, Ruslan learns to restrain his emotions, showing calm and prudence when necessary. He is sociable and sociable, but his circle of friends is strictly limited. The guy is not prone to conflicts. To achieve his goal, he can start secret intrigues.

The young man is kind by nature. All friends can count on his help. But when providing support, the guy does not miss his own benefits. Ruslan lives one day at a time because he does not plan or think about the future.

The guy knows how to easily manipulate not only his peers, but also adults. To do this, natural charm, cunning, and ingenuity are used. This young man is a loyal and reliable person. He gives his all in business and in relationships with other people.

Ruslan walks through life purposefully. Not afraid of anything. He sweeps away any obstacles without looking back. Calmness and regularity are not characteristic of a man. He is used to getting what he wants. He can be called the darling of fate. Every new undertaking for a man ends successfully.

This man is very proud. Strives for universal recognition. Ruslan loves attention to himself. His vanity contributes to the fact that he strives to be known at least on the scale of one street or one district.

Capable of taking credit for other people's achievements and inventing a heroic biography. He often plays to the public for the sake of self-PR. But trying to fulfill his dream, he often forgets about the usual life values– family ties, communication with loved ones.

Ruslan's character

Among the main positive characteristics nature should be called honesty and sublimity. Ruslan has good imagination and intuition, which helps him in his work, hobbies and establishing good contacts with people.

Ruslan is free in his views, does not become attached to external circumstances that have no control over him. Being a pragmatic person, he does not believe in prejudices and fairy tales. In business, this man is responsible, because he always maintains accuracy in business.

Ruslan's pride often plays with him cruel joke. He clearly sees the goal, but is not able to reach it, because the notorious mother laziness gets in the way. Keeps grievances within himself due to excessive pride. As a result, things can go wrong.

Many problems can arise because it is not open enough. In relation to other people, Ruslan can be selfish and insidious. Makes important decisions quickly and categorically, without thinking about the consequences.

Ruslan's fate

The bearer of this name really wants to be popular. As a professional field, he chooses the career of a politician or artist. He looks for his soul mate based on his appearance. His chosen one must be beautiful, arouse the admiration and delight of others. Thanks to this, Ruslan gets an additional opportunity to assert himself. At the moment of danger, Ruslan becomes a real lion. A man forgets about his own ambitions and is ready for sacrificial acts to save his loved ones. No one can compare with him in courage and bravery.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

A man named Ruslan has excellent intellectual abilities. He is very ambitious. If he has a good education, he can realize himself in any field. Closest to him are political careers, jurisprudence, and finance. His persistence and diplomacy will contribute to his success in this industry.

Ruslan strives for popularity. He will make a good artist. This person is a careerist. He will not tolerate submission for a long time. Excellent organizational skills make him a successful leader. Thanks to well-delivered and competent speech, he can become a journalist, commentator, or sports commentator.

Ruslan does not have a high official salary. Often provides a living with fees and shadow income. Wasteful with money. Spends a lot of money on creating a prestigious image. When his career falls, he becomes greedy and petty.

Marriage and family

Ruslan marries twice or gets married after 30 years. In everyday life he performs purely male duties. Doesn’t show help or understanding in “women’s” matters. He is demanding of his wife. Loves comfort and coziness.

A wife should be able to cook deliciously, set the table beautifully, and serve impeccably. Ruslan treats children warmly and pays them a lot of attention. But he does this not out of great desire, but out of the awareness that this is how it is supposed to be. He constantly maintains relationships with parents and relatives, considering this a sacred duty.

In marriage, Ruslan is faithful. He will not forgive his wife's betrayal. Your significant other may become cold if she does not pay attention to her appearance. Having lost interest in his chosen one, he turns into a boor and a cynic. He is always proud of his beautiful wife and brags to his friends. With a partner who does not infringe on personal freedom and does not focus on responsibilities, I am ready to live a calm, long, happy life.

Sex and love

Ruslan is loving. Changes partners often. He prefers to have a good walk before tying the knot. All his chosen ones have a sophisticated appearance and a sensitive nature.

His woman must certainly be less strong in spirit so that Ruslan can protect and protect his beloved. The man is incredibly jealous. She may flare up when she hears a compliment in her direction or sees an ardent look from another.

In sex, Ruslan takes a dominant position. Does not tolerate control from his partner. He is sensitive. He loves to have his whims fulfilled unquestioningly. The chosen one may be left unsatisfied, which is fraught with misunderstanding and scandals.


By nature, Ruslan is endowed with good health. But his body suffers from the trials. He is prone to abuse alcoholic drinks. Having succumbed to temptation, he quickly becomes an alcoholic and degenerates.

A man is sensitive to family discord, which causes depression. He is prone to mental disorders. This person pays great attention to his appearance - he always has excellent physical shape and a toned, strong body.

Interests and hobbies

The main hobby in Ruslan's life is sports. This is football, basketball, swimming. Here he tries to show his skills. He is attracted by prizes, awards, medals, diplomas. Active pastime allows a man to always maintain impeccable physical characteristics.

Ruslan's second passion is beautiful and expensive clothes, luxury cars and other things that emphasize status and allow him to stand out from the crowd. He often gives the impression of a wealthy man, although in reality he is not. This person loves and knows how to throw parties, getting pleasure not from the process, but from realizing his own importance.

Winter Ruslan thoughtful and patient, responsible and thorough. He is not characterized by such character traits as impulsiveness and impetuosity (on the contrary, he approaches the solution of any issue seriously). In general, this man strives to gain deep knowledge, so he often chooses to work in the research field. Winter Ruslan will give preference to a calm, sincere and soft woman who can create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in the house.

Spring Ruslan temperamental, emotional and vain. He knows his own worth very well, so in any society he behaves self-confidently and even arrogantly. Power and glory are the components that drive this energetic and active person. It is not surprising that such a bright man attracts the close attention of many women, but the spring Ruslan is in no hurry to part with his freedom.

Summer Ruslan - the soul of any company, because he is open, sincere and sociable. In addition, he has a sparkling sense of humor that can smooth out any conflict situation. But still, summer Ruslan should remember that in life there is a place not only for a holiday, but also for gray everyday life. In his chosen one, Ruslan values ​​cheerfulness, impulsiveness and the ability to avoid conflict.

Autumn Ruslan prudent, pragmatic and inquisitive, so he is attracted to everything new and unknown. He tries to bring not only bright colors into his life, but also peace and harmony. His philosophical approach to life helps to set priorities correctly and direct energy in the right creative direction. Love for the autumn Ruslan is, first of all, trust and understanding, and only then passion and sensuality.

Stone - talisman

Ruslan's talisman stones are agate, opal, jasper and aventurine.


This stone, which brings good luck and happiness, helps its owner become a pleasant conversationalist and make new friends. It is believed that agate is a stone of harmony and longevity, which has a beneficial effect on human health, gives self-confidence, protects against dangers and protects against negative energy effects.

If the agate is given as a gift loving person, then it will become a reliable and powerful talisman for life.

Strong-willed people can use agate to develop the gift of clairvoyance, while weak people can protect themselves from negative external influences.

Interesting facts! Agate of light shades has a general strengthening effect on the body, blue agate has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, yellow helps to cure diseases of the throat and liver, red ameliorates the course of cardiovascular diseases, and black agate enhances potency. Moreover, agate (regardless of color) relieves fears, eliminates insomnia and has a generally beneficial effect on the nervous system.


This gemstone, symbolizing reliability and loyalty, attracts love and helps dreams become reality.

Our ancestors believed that with the help of this stone diseases of the blood, stomach and heart could be cured. Calming properties were also attributed to opal, so products with it were recommended to be worn by people prone to depression.

Opal is a talisman and amulet for creative, extraordinary, active and energetic people. To a calm person who strives for stability and harmony will feel uncomfortable with this stone. This stone will not get along with fickle and irresponsible people.


This amazing stone symbolizes courage, duty and honor. It protects a person from illness, helps to establish working relationships, as it makes its owner wiser and stronger in spirit.

Jasper not only promises wealth and prosperity, but also protects against the evil eye.

Cool shades of jasper gives wisdom and fortitude, and also enhances the gift of foresight.

Dark shades of jasper perfectly protects against damage and the evil eye.

Red Jasper protects from evil fate, brings happiness, drives away melancholy and sadness, restores strength, cheers the heart.

Blue Jasper - a symbol of duty and honor, tirelessness and patience.

Green Jasper helps to reveal what they wanted to hide, enhances concentration and scares away ghosts.

Black Jasper imparts wisdom, firmness and courage.

Interesting fact! During the Middle Ages, jasper was canonized; it was used in the decoration of churches, making church utensils and clothing. In addition, this stone, as a symbol of steadfastness, was dedicated to the Apostle Peter.


Astrologers call aventurine the stone of the sun, warmth, bright and pure love, joy and good luck. It should be remembered that this stone is changeable and capricious, so it is not recommended to wear it constantly.

This stone, which develops intelligence, is considered a talisman for enterprising and adventurous people, since it brings inspiration to them.



The number that brings good luck to Ruslan is six (you can read more about the influence of this number in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).




Animal - symbol

Ruslan's totem animal is the Lion, which is a symbol of power, wealth, dominance, royalty, and strength.

In antiquity, the lion identified the victory of the human mind or spirit over animal nature.

In Christianity, conflicting meanings are attributed to the lion: on the one hand, this animal personifies the strength of the family of Judas (it was from this family that Jesus was), and on the other, the enemy (the devil), who swallows victims, and only God can protect against him.

In Japan and East Asian countries, the lion is revered as a guardian who guards the entrance to holy places.

In Europe, the lion represents martial virtues, power, masculinity and strength.


Ruslan's mascot plants are plane tree and dandelion.


During Antiquity, it was believed that the plane tree enhances concentration and deepens knowledge, so many scientific discussions took place under the canopy of the plane tree.

In Iran, the plane tree symbolized greatness and thirst for knowledge.

In the Christian tradition, the plane tree, which shoots its branches not only upward, but also in breadth, personified mercy, strength of character and the all-encompassing love of Christ for people.

This tree also symbolizes intelligence, genius, and talent.


This is a rather controversial symbol, symbolizing light, kindness, spontaneity, and also grief at the same time.

But still, if you give a bouquet of dandelions to your loved one, it will only bring happiness and fidelity.

Interesting fact! Dandelion is the only flower that simultaneously represents three celestial bodies: for example, the yellow flower is a symbol of the sun, the white fluffy ball is a symbol of the moon, and the seeds are the stars.


Ruslan's patron metal is iron (a symbol of perseverance, strength, masculinity, power, strength and inflexibility).

It is interesting that in China and Egypt iron represents the forces of evil, and in India - darkness.

The Teutons attributed the following properties to this metal: immutability, reliability, fortitude, hardness, strength, intransigence, inflexibility of will, perseverance, patience, but at the same time cruelty and bondage.

The Jews identified iron with grief, troubles and slavery, although this metal could also carry other symbolism (we are talking about perseverance, restraint and determination).

In the Christian tradition, iron is a demonic, unclean, satanic metal. It is a weapon of war that brings death.

It was believed that iron products have protective properties, that is, they protect against black magic, evil spirits and sorcerers.

Auspicious day


Time of year

Origin of the name Ruslan

Name translation

From the Old Scandinavian language the name Ruslan (or Rysaland) is translated as “Russian land”, from Turkic - as “Russian lion”, while in Slavic this name means “fair-haired”.

History of the name

The roots of the name Ruslan go back to the Iranian epic: for example, in the poem “Shahname” by the poet Ferdowsi from Persia we're talking about about Rustam, the son of Zalazar, whose image was adopted by the Turks (Rustam Zalazar transformed into Arslan Zalazar). This name also came to the territory of Rus' through folklore in the 17th century in the image of the Russian fairy-tale hero Eruslan Zalazarovich (or Lazarevich). This name became widespread after the publication of the famous poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila,” authored by A. S. Pushkin.

Forms (analogues) of the name

The most common forms of the name Ruslan: Rus, Rusya, Ruslya, Rusik, Rusichka, Ruslanchik, Rustik, Ruska, Rusenka.

The legend about the name Ruslan

There are many legends about the Russian hero Ruslan Lazarevich, whose glorious name is associated with many feats, including duels with heroes, battles with monsters, and victories over countless hordes of enemies.

Courageous, strong, intelligent and fair, Ruslan always stood up for the defense of the disadvantaged and weak, which earned him fame and honor among the common people.

One day, the hero Ruslan entered into battle with the monster “Fire Shield,” whose liver, according to legend, could restore sight to the warrior’s blind father and twelve of his brothers-in-arms. On the way to the king, the hero saw a large giant's head, which told him about a magic sword with which he could kill the monster king.

Ruslan got hold of a miracle sword, after which he went to the city where the “Fire Shield” ruled. Moreover, the hero decided to resort to cunning, for which he hired himself into the service of the king (the fact is that the king, riding a horse with eight limbs, was able to burn his opponent with just one breath). But the king had a weakness - a treasure sword, which Ruslan managed to get. The hero promised the king to get this sword by hook or by crook, but in the end the king died from this sword.

Ruslan not only defeated the monster, but also married the rescued princess. But this is far from the end of the story. So, having got married, Ruslan decided to leave for the sunny city, and without his wife. In this very city he met the queen and forgot his wife and son Ruslan Ruslanovich, who, having matured, decided to take revenge on his father. A duel between father and son took place, and only during the battle did the father recognize his son by the ring he had once given to his wife. Ruslan the father was ashamed of his action and returned to the family again.

The mystery of the name Ruslan

Patrons of the name

The name Ruslan is not in the church Orthodox calendar, for this reason, the owner of this name does not celebrate his name day.

Famous people

Famous public and political figures named Ruslan:

  • Ruslan Khasbulatov - poet-publicist;
  • Ruslan Aushev is the first president to head the Republic of Ingushetia.

Famous athletes named Ruslan:

  • Ruslan Ponomarev is a Ukrainian chess player who became the youngest FIDE champion;
  • Ruslan Pimenov - Russian football player;
  • Ruslan Nigmatullin is a Russian football player, recognized best player Russia in 2001;
  • Ruslan Salei - famous Belarusian hockey player;
  • Ruslan Nurtdinov - Russian hockey player;
  • Ruslan Goncharov is a Ukrainian figure skater who took part in the show "Dancing on Ice".

The meaning of the name Ruslan

For a child

Little Ruslan is a capricious and disobedient child who requires increased attention. This boy is characterized by both excessive emotionality and inconstancy of desires. In addition, it is extremely important for him to hear praise addressed to him, and he is absolutely not worried about the fact that it may be undeserved. To achieve his own benefit, this boy is capable of cunning.

But, despite his rather complex character, Ruslan is kind, open, brave and courageous. He will never leave a friend in trouble or betray him. This touchy and vulnerable boy perceives any adversity and troubles very painfully, so it is important that his parents are, first of all, friends who will always understand and support, and not strict mentors and critics.

As a child, Ruslan dreams a lot, so he enjoys attending various modeling and design clubs, since he likes to create the surrounding reality with his own hands. He doesn’t mind developing his body, so sports sections also does not go unnoticed. All he lacks is perseverance and constancy, which prevents him from making his hobby a permanent hobby in life.

Ruslan can easily join the ranks of “good” or “excellent” students, but only if he cultivates such qualities as discipline, accuracy and responsibility.

For a teenager

Young Ruslan has an explosive character. He is selfish, categorical in his judgments and narcissistic. If this young man is up to something, then no obstacles can stop him. Moreover, Ruslan often adheres to the formula “the end justifies the means,” so if necessary, he may well resort to deception or become an intriguer.

However, young Ruslan cannot be denied good manners, intelligence and mannerisms, although all these qualities can be superficial and misleading. Only with age will he understand that lack of sincerity can lead to loss of respect and trust of family and friends.

Teenage Ruslan is purposeful, non-conflict and strong in spirit, so it is impossible to break his will to win. But it’s easy to offend, because often this is a very vulnerable person who wants to seem stronger than he really is.

As in childhood, in his teenage years Ruslan strives for popularity and fame, so he gladly takes part in various events where he can show himself and watch people. But this young man will not tolerate indifference to his person.

At the institute and technical school, he reconsiders his priorities regarding his studies, and all in order to gain a certain social status for himself. Ruslan becomes more responsible, efficient and diligent.

For a man

Adult Ruslan is a real diplomat who can find everyone common language, at the same time he tries to be on friendly terms with everyone good relations, because you never know who can lend a helping hand to you. But this ambitious and proud man will never forgive anyone, even his closest people, for insult or betrayal. Please note that behind the mask of courtesy, peacefulness and openness lies a dangerous, vengeful and insidious enemy with whom you are not to joke.

Ruslan strives to achieve a high position in society, but in pursuit of his illusory dreams, he often does not see ordinary human happiness, which lies in sincere love. This man likes to talk more himself than to listen to others (this is his big minus). But this does not prevent him from being a loyal and reliable friend.

It is impossible not to say that Ruslan, who has inner strength, strives for power, because he is firmly confident in his uniqueness and irresistibility. In general, he is a sociable, cheerful and responsible person who can be counted on in difficult situations.

Description of the name Ruslan


Ruslan is an honest, fair and well-mannered man who treats his elders with great respect. But if necessary, he can “step over” the norms of morality and morality, although this happens extremely rarely.


Ruslan’s health is quite good, because he has been taking care of it since his youth.

Therefore, to maintain a healthy mind in a healthy body, it is enough to eat right, adhere to a certain daily routine, walk in the fresh air and do not forget about regular physical activity.


The owner of the name Ruslan never lacks fans, and he achieves the location of the woman he likes without much difficulty. But still, easy victories do not bring him any pleasure, because a woman should be a mystery.

Ruslan will give his heart to a sweet, gentle and fragile beauty, whom he will protect all his life. He is no less attracted strong women with a strong character, but building a family life with a pragmatic and prudent chosen one is fraught with frequent quarrels and clarification of relations regarding leadership in the family.

It must be said that before the moment of meeting his one and only love, this man manages to have fun and experience all the delights of a free bachelor life. And keep in mind: Ruslan never enters the same river twice, so he parts with his passions once and for all.


Most often, Ruslan gets married quite late, because he believes that marriage is a responsible and serious matter, and therefore haste is inappropriate. He prefers to walk to his heart's content, and only then start a family, the main value of which this man considers fidelity.

Ruslan makes very high and often contradictory demands on his wife: for example, his soulmate must be beautiful, smart, bright, but at the same time modest, quiet and obedient. She seems to have to emphasize the wealth of her husband, for whom even marriage is one of the ways of self-affirmation.

Most often, Ruslan marries twice (the first unsuccessful experience of starting a family occurs at the age of 20 - 23 years), but there are also happy exceptions.

Family relationships

Ruslan is a good family man who strives to do everything to ensure that his loved ones do not need anything. He is faithful to his wife, so he will never forgive her betrayal. He is jealous, but at the same time he will never openly show that he was touched “to the quick” by his wife’s flirting or coquetry, but at the first opportunity he will definitely remind her of this “oversight.”

Ruslan loves his children, although he lacks a sense of self-denial in relation to his children, who are raised through the “carrot and stick” method.

In life, Ruslan is a leader, so he will not allow anyone (even his beloved wife) to impose his lifestyle. At the same time, his wife and children will always feel protected and calm next to the sensible and responsible Ruslan, for whom building family happiness is one of the main priorities in life.


IN sex life Ruslan does not accept routine and monotony. Give him freedom of action and imagination. At the same time, in his intimate life, as in his family life, he prefers to be a leader, which his partner should remember.

For Ruslan, it is extremely important that the pleasure from intimate life be mutual. This patient man is ready to educate his partner in matters of love both theoretically and practically, instilling in her sexual freedom.

Mind (intelligence)

Ruslan has an inquisitive mind, he is prone to analysis, although he rarely does work on mistakes, because he always considers his opinion to be correct and logically justified. An overly critical attitude towards everything that happens also hinders him.


Ruslan will be suited for professions that involve communicating with people, and he will feel most comfortable in leadership positions. Diplomacy, perseverance, sociability and prudence help him build a diplomatic or political career. But the desire to stand out can serve him well on the path of an artist, journalist, musician or writer.

A negative character trait of Ruslan is the desire to get everything from work at once: he is not ready to slowly but surely move towards his goal, which often interferes with building his career. He does not accept monotony and monotony either in life or at work. Ruslan is determined to achieve quick results, which must be significant.

In general, Ruslan is a real careerist who is ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of professional success, which is why he tries to choose a profession that is prestigious and interesting. At the same time, in a difficult situation, he forgets about all his ambitions and tries to selflessly correct the current state of affairs.


Ruslan will make an excellent businessman, since this man can not only calculate the situation, but also quickly adapt to the most extreme circumstances. He is powerful, ambitious and enterprising, so he can achieve a lot in business.


Ruslan's hobbies are varied: it can be painting, theater, or sports. The choice of hobby largely depends on Ruslan’s momentary impulse and mood, so it is simply impossible to predict what will be interesting to him tomorrow.

Character type


People named Ruslan try to avoid open conflict and any confrontation; they are patient and sociable, but at the same time vulnerable and touchy. They are sincerely upset by every defeat and rejoice at even the most insignificant victory.

Warmth, care and love can change Ruslan for the better, make him more sincere and good-natured, less withdrawn and irritable. He strives for recognition and power, for which he is ready to be cunning and dodge, forgetting that in the pursuit of wealth and fame, one can miss the ordinary joys of life that make up our everyday life.


Ruslan's intuition is very poorly developed, and besides, he is used to trusting exclusively reason.

Horoscope named after Ruslan

Ruslan - Aries

This is an open, passionate and sensual man who quickly gets along with people. Ruslan-Aries is self-confident and ambitious, so he does not need flattery or universal recognition. He knows for sure that his work will be rewarded. In his woman he values ​​reliability, devotion and calmness. Only for such a woman will Ruslan-Aries become an attentive, caring and devoted husband.

Ruslan - Taurus

Exactness, arrogance and arrogance are inherent in Ruslan-Taurus, who does not accept other people's opinions. This man will firmly defend his principles and views on life, and if necessary, he will openly enter into conflict. This man is straightforward and does not know how to dodge, which is why he often suffers. In his personal life, Ruslan-Taurus also does not accept lies, hypocrisy and betrayal, therefore he sees in his chosen one, first of all, a faithful friend.

Ruslan - Gemini

This is a charming, sociable and artistic man who is always in the center of everyone's attention. He wants to be successful, rich and famous, which is what he strives for with all his might. The Ruslana-Gemini woman should constantly admire the talents and abilities of her betrothed. In addition, you cannot question the authority of this man if you want to connect your life with him.

Ruslan - Cancer

This noble and honest man is often unsure of himself, so he tries to please others, resorting to such techniques as flattery and ingratiation, which only pushes people away.

But as soon as Ruslan-Cancer opens up, he turns into a sincere and sociable person, whose charm it is impossible not to succumb to. With his beloved woman, Ruslan-Cancer is infinitely gentle, kind, generous and attentive. He will never betray his woman.

Ruslan - Leo

Bright, emotional and extraordinary, Ruslan-Lev is confident in himself, so he easily embarks on any adventure, from which he always emerges as a winner, full of dignity. This is a winning man who tends to treat the weaknesses and losses of others with some disdain. Ruslan-Lev expects obedience from his partner, but this man cannot be called a dictator and tyrant.

Ruslan - Virgo

Ambitious, proud and diplomatic, Ruslan-Virgo is a leader by nature, so it is quite natural that he tries to be the best, but for this he does not always have enough assertiveness and hard work. At the same time, he never admits to his weakness, but he is quite capable of withdrawing into himself. Ruslan-Virgo dreams of a passionate, beautiful, bright and eye-catching woman, but at the same time, he is unlikely to be the first to approach his ideal.

Ruslan - Libra

Romantic, charming and impressive Ruslan-Libra lives by emotions. Material wealth and the routine of life bother him little. He prefers love experiences, especially since this conqueror of women’s hearts is capable of any transformation in order to achieve his goal and conquer women’s hearts. A sincere feeling can cool the ardor of Ruslan-Libra, but for how long?

Ruslan - Scorpio

This self-centered and power-hungry man is ready for meanness, betrayal, and lies for his own benefit, so those around him are afraid to enter into open confrontation with him. The interesting thing is that Ruslan-Scorpio has absolutely no remorse about this. In relationships with women, he also goes to great lengths to impress the person he likes. But remember that it is not easy with Ruslan-Scorpio, because he is despotic and authoritarian.

Ruslan - Sagittarius

Honest, courteous and delicate Ruslan-Sagittarius makes a pleasant impression on others, because he knows how to create an atmosphere of warmth, sincerity and ease around himself. IN love relationships Ruslan-Sagittarius is gentle, attentive and passionate, but only on condition that the chosen one treats him in the same way. Indifference and coldness in relationships push him away once and for all.

Ruslan - Capricorn

Thoughtful, pragmatic and calculating, Ruslan-Capricorn does not rely on his emotions, preferring to be guided by logic and reason. One can only envy the patience and endurance of the secretive Ruslan-Capricorn. He approaches the choice of a life partner extremely seriously: first he looks closely for a long time, and only then (when he is sure of his feelings) opens up to his chosen one. In general, Ruslan-Capricorn is a reliable and faithful partner.

Ruslan - Aquarius

Decisive, original and independent Ruslan-Aquarius belongs to the category of people who are not interested in the opinions of others. This man lives by his own rules, even if they go against generally accepted moral standards. Ruslan-Aquarius is reserved in relationships with women, and even more so will not pursue the one who once refused him.

Ruslan - Pisces

This is a man with a subtle mental organization, inclined to overestimate his own capabilities, and all for the simple reason that he lives in a world of his own dreams and illusions. Bottom line: Ruslan-Pisces rarely finishes everything he starts. With women he is generous, attentive and sincere, but at the same time he tends to attribute to them non-existent character traits, which sooner or later leads to disappointment.

Compatibility of the name Ruslan with female names

Ruslan and Olga

The goal of both partners is to create a prosperous and harmonious family. But Olga is too demanding of Ruslan, whose pride is often wounded in this relationship. As a result, the family may not succeed.

Ruslan and Anna

In this strong union, impractical Anna and caring Ruslan find their happiness. Next to his feminine and tender chosen one, Ruslan forgets about his power and becomes a loving husband.

Ruslan and Elena

Quarrels and scandals are not typical for this couple, since both are active and active, and therefore they simply do not have time to sort things out.

Ruslan and Marina

Ruslan and Victoria

Enterprising Victoria supports the hardworking Ruslan in all his endeavors, which is the basis of their relationship, which is more reminiscent of a business one. And here it is important not to lose your love.

Ruslan and Ksenia

Ksenia's unpredictability, eccentricity and impulsiveness initially attract the balanced Ruslan. But over time, he gets tired of the fickle mood of his chosen one and the lack of stability in the relationship. For this reason, their union breaks up.

Ruslan and Yana

The outwardly prosperous and happy union of Ruslan and Yana is in fact not so cloudless, which is due to Yana’s desire to be in the center of everyone’s attention, which irritates the detailed Ruslan.

Ruslan and Nadezhda

For Ruslan and Nadezhda, nothing is impossible, because both have enviable tenacity, and therefore never shy away from problems, but, on the contrary, try to solve them. It is quite natural that their marriage is strong and stable.

Ruslan and Alina

These two have everything to create a wonderful family, except the desire to take into account each other’s feelings, thoughts and desires.

Therefore, Ruslan and Alina often quarrel over trifles.

Ruslan and Diana

The main qualities that unite Ruslan and Diana are thoroughness, frugality and honesty. Ruslan’s excessive rigidity and exactingness can disrupt the idyll in these relationships.

Ruslan and Daria

Ruslan and Daria crave calm and regularity in their family life. Therefore, their union is often based on a commonality of interests and views, and not on love and passion, which can lead to a breakdown in relations.

Ruslan and Alena

Active and energetic Ruslan and Alena build their relationship stone by stone, and then family life, in which there is no place for Italian passions and loud showdowns. This approach makes their union stable and lasting.

Ruslan and Margarita

The ambitious and independent Margarita lacks freedom and ease in her relationship with the serious Ruslan, who wants one thing - to create a large and strong family that will become his reliable rear.

Ruslan and Polina

Polina and Ruslan do not need romantic dates on the seashore; philosophical heart-to-heart conversations about nothing are alien to them. They prefer to gradually build their relationships, making them strong and stable.

Ruslan and Irina

Things flare up very quickly between Ruslan and Irina deep feelings. She is open and cheerful, he is thorough and serious. In this union, two opposites converge, which does not prevent them from creating a strong marriage.

Ruslan and Veronica

Veronica needs increased attention, she craves freedom and fun, which does not suit Ruslan, who cannot stand idleness. A deep and truly sincere feeling can make this union successful.

Ruslan - “lion” (Tatar)

Little Ruslan is emotional, fickle in his desires, capricious and a little cunning. He is offended when he is not praised, sulks for a long time if his good deeds are not noticed, and immediately blossoms as soon as they speak well of him.

Popularity by any means is one of the ways of self-affirmation. Salary, position, persistent work, for which sometime in the future there may be a good reward - all this is not for him. He needs now and here - to be famous, to be recognized on the streets, to be written about in the newspapers... Maybe that’s why he gravitates toward artistic activity, without hesitation he accepts invitations to participate in screen tests and various competitions.

For Ruslan, his wife is one of the opportunities to assert himself. She must certainly be beautiful, slender, have such external characteristics that her appearance in any company would stop conversations and cause an involuntary roar of admiration. At the same time, Ruslan is jealous. If the attention of men to his wife becomes, in his opinion, excessive, he is ready to flare up and, regardless of the rules of decency, thoroughly ruin the evening.

Loves children and parents. This love, however, is devoid of self-denial; he rather satisfies not the child’s need for paternal attention, but his own need for the manifestation of paternal feelings. A little lazy and squeamish. Don't mind having a drink. The risk of becoming an alcoholic is assessed as low. Very punctual.

He is born weak, susceptible to bronchitis, and has an unstable nervous system.

“Winter” Ruslan is serious, silent, assiduous.

“Autumn” - since childhood he has been thoughtful, attentive, and inquisitive beyond his age. Can become an engineer, driver, researcher. He gravitates toward technology and electronics. The name matches patronymics: Viktorovich, Andreevich, Alekseevich, Yuryevich, Zakharovich, Grigorievich, Naumovich.

“Summer” is sociable and charming.

“Spring” is a narcissistic person, loves flattery, and devotes a lot of time to his appearance. Ruslan can work as a designer in the military industry, or as a television operator. This is a good business manager. The name matches patronymics: Olegovich, Dmitrievich, Oskarovich, Aslanovich, Danilovich, Stanislavovich.

Meaning of the name Ruslan option 2

The name is borrowed from the Turkic-Tatar languages, comes from the word “arslan” - lion.

Little Ruslan is emotional, fickle in his desires, capricious and somewhat cunning. He loves to be praised and sulks for a long time if his good deeds are not noticed.

Often this is a narcissistic person. Popularity by any means is one of Ruslan’s ways of self-affirmation. Persistent work, which someday, in the future, may be followed by a good reward, is not for Ruslan. He needs everything now, he needs quick fame - to be recognized on the streets, to be written about in the newspapers. Perhaps that is why he gravitates towards artistic or political activities. The desire to stand out, to be different from everyone else, is manifested in Ruslan’s readiness to speak on the radio, give interviews, and ultimately make his name popular. For Ruslan, his wife is one of the opportunities to assert himself. She must certainly be beautiful, slender, and have such external characteristics that her appearance in any company stops conversations and arouses everyone's admiration. At the same time, he is jealous. If the attention of men to his wife becomes, in his opinion, excessive, he can flare up and, regardless of the norms of decency, thoroughly ruin the evening. Married twice (excepted - very rare). They love children and parents. This love, however, is devoid of self-denial; Ruslan, rather, satisfies not the child’s need for fatherly attention, but his own need for the manifestation of fatherly feelings. A little lazy, squeamish. Likes to drink. The risk of becoming an alcoholic is assessed as high. Very punctual.

For life together Agnia, Gella, Elena, Irina, Manya, Margarita, Natalya, Oksana, Olga, Raisa, Tamara are most suitable with Ruslan. Less good choices are Ada, Valeria, Dominica, Clara, Lyubov, Marina, Marta, Rimma, Rosa, Sofia, Ella, Yana.

Meaning of the name Ruslan option 3

Ruslan- from Turk. lion.

Derivatives: Ruslanka, Ruslasha, Ruslanchik, Rusya, Dana.


A loyal, reliable person, you can rely on him, as he knows how to serve his business and people with absolute dedication.

Perhaps he is driven to this selflessness by the desire to assert himself, by the desire for fame and popularity; loves praise, is offended, like a little one, by lack of attention to his person. In everyday life, Ruslan is lazy and squeamish, but he is very punctual in everything. The wife appreciates his passion and attention paid to her - especially in front of strangers - and forgives outbursts of jealousy.

Meaning of the name Ruslan option 4

RUSLAN- lion (Turkic).

  • Zodiac sign - Leo.
  • Planet - Sun.
  • Color - golden.
  • The auspicious tree is sycamore.
  • The treasured plant is the dandelion.
  • The patron of the name is Leo.
  • The talisman stone is aventurine.


Ruslan is distinguished by his narcissism, thirst for popularity and fame in any way. He is emotional and sulks for a long time due to inattention. Jealous, a little lazy, squeamish. Very punctual. His wife will appreciate his passion and emphasized attention to her - especially in public. At the same time, despite everything, Ruslan is a faithful, selfless friend. In difficult situations, he willingly forgets about his ambitions and serves the cause, people selflessly and with reckless courage.

According to Popov

A person with this name is made for political games. The desire for fame and perseverance on the path to achieving it are reinforced by the ability to find a common language with both comrades and opponents. However, it is pointless for opponents to expect mercy from Ruslan.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Ruslan is good-looking, emotional and loving. His burning gaze attracts women to him, they fall in love with him and try with all their might to keep him near them. Ruslan is characterized by emotional looseness and courage; he is not averse to taking risks, caring little about the consequences. He is like that in intimate relationships - if Ruslan has his eye on a woman, he will achieve his goal. At the same time, he is selfish enough to follow his own interests in sex and take care of his health and keeping in good shape. Ruslan does not like routine, does not like sexual encounters to always take place in the same way, according to a pattern, with constantly repeated caresses, the same words, and poses. He shows greater freedom of action in erotic play in preparation for intimacy. Not every partner is able to fully accept his sexual behavior, but he is patient, does not get irritated, and gradually introduces her to what is for him

completely acceptable. Ruslan adheres to the rule that the pleasure of partners should be mutual. Likes to talk with his partner about sexual topics, enlightening her theoretically.

Ruslan is full of liveliness and strength, he has an innate sense of humor, he is able to make fun of himself in case of failure. He is jealous and, although he himself cheats on his wife more than once, he does not forgive her infidelity. Not everyone, even the most beautiful woman capable of awakening a strong attraction in him. Ruslan must win her, he does not accept obsessive and assertive women, and he will not tolerate his wife’s desire to impose her style of sexual behavior on him.

According to Higir

The name is borrowed from the Turkic-Tatar languages, comes from the word “arslan” - lion.

Little Ruslan is emotional, fickle in his desires, capricious and somewhat cunning. He loves to be praised and sulks for a long time if his good deeds are not noticed.

Often this is a narcissistic person. Popularity by any means is one of Ruslan’s ways of self-affirmation. Persistent work, which someday, in the future, may be followed by a good reward, is not for Ruslan. He needs everything now, he needs quick fame - to be recognized on the streets, to be written about in the newspapers. Perhaps that is why he gravitates towards artistic or political activities. The desire to stand out, to be different from everyone else, is manifested in Ruslan’s readiness to speak on the radio, give interviews, and ultimately make his name: popular. For Ruslan, his wife is one of the opportunities to assert himself. She must certainly be beautiful, slender, and have such external characteristics that her appearance in any company stops conversations and arouses everyone's admiration. At the same time, Ruslan is jealous. If the attention of men to his wife becomes, in his opinion, excessive, he can flare up and, regardless of the rules of decency, thoroughly ruin the evening. They are married twice (exceptions are very rare). They love children and parents. This love, however, is devoid of self-denial; Ruslan, rather, satisfies not the child’s need for fatherly attention, but his own need for the manifestation of fatherly feelings. A little lazy, squeamish. Likes to drink. The risk of becoming an alcoholic is assessed as low. Very punctual.

For living together with Ruslan, Agnia, Gella, Elena, Irina, Maya, Margarita, Natalya, Oksana, Olga, Raisa, Tamara are most suitable. Less good choices are Ada, Valeria, Dominica, Clara, Lyubov, Marina, Marta, Rimma, Rosa, Sofia, Ella, Yana.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: Russian form of the Turkic name Arslan, "Lion"

Energy of the name and character: Oddly enough, the name Ruslan in the modern Russian sound is not very suitable for a hero, unless he is an intelligent hero with a very fine spiritual organization. Of course, this is just a predisposition, and it is not a fact that it will fully affect Ruslan himself.

First of all, it should be noted such features of the name’s energy as lightness and some isolation from the earth, which, most likely, will find expression in Ruslan’s dreaminess and romanticism. The name seems to carry its owner to unknown heights. This influence is further enhanced by fairy-tale images associated with Pushkin’s fairy tales and familiar to everyone from childhood. However, this leads not only to daydreaming, but also significantly affects the development of pride, which, when the dreamy Ruslan collides with real life, can become very painful. In fact, if little Ruslan is pleased to imagine himself in this fairy-tale image, then there is no need to expect such recognition from others. Moreover, ridicule, and therefore resentment, cannot be ruled out; it is very, very difficult to match the character of a fairy-tale hero in order to assert oneself in such an image. Therefore, the fairy tale remains in dreams, and Ruslan, whose name, by the way, does little to incline towards conflicts and confrontation, chooses a different line of behavior in life.

Most likely, the dreams and experiences of childhood will make Ruslan a rather secretive and ambitious person. Outwardly, he will be quite peaceful, sociable, and may even seem to be an open person, but most often this turns out to be just acting. At the same time, the lack of firmness in the energy of the name in such a situation can turn out to be very dangerous, since painful pride craves self-affirmation, and the inability to openly assert itself can put Ruslan on the path of secret intrigues. You can avoid this state of affairs, but to do this you need to either cultivate strength of character yourself, or rid your pride of pain, which is much more difficult.

Of course, there are always exceptions, but usually Ruslan quite actively strives for a high position and status in life, although those around him may not notice this until his dreams come true and he finally receives the coveted recognition of society. The only pity is that on this path, Ruslan begins to understand too late that in pursuit of illusory, selfish dreams, he loses the opportunity to live in simple human happiness, which can always be found in sincere love, true friends, and even in an ordinary sincere conversation.

Secrets of communication: Ruslan often avoids open conflict, however, you should not rejoice over your victory, Ruslan is capable of remembering an insult for a long time, and who knows if he will ever have the opportunity to repay his offenders? If you want to gain his favor, then it is not useful to take into account that, like all secretive people, he, most likely, really needs human warmth and participation. Try to show him a little of this warmth, and it is quite possible that a completely different person will appear in front of you.

The name's trace in history:

The Legend of Ruslan

Bogatyr Ruslan Lazarevich is the hero of numerous ancient Russian legends, with whose name legends associate many such glorious feats as single combat with rival heroes, battles with fairy-tale monsters and even countless hordes of enemies. In addition to such indispensable features of the epic hero as courage and strength, Ruslan often stood up for the defense of the weak and offended, and in battle he preferred to act not only with a sword, but also with his head.

Legend has it that once Ruslan Lazarevich set off on a journey to fight the “Green King Fire Shield”. His goal was to obtain the monster's liver - the only medicine with which he could restore the sight of his blind father and twelve other heroes. Already on the way to the king, Ruslan, passing through the battlefield, saw a huge head of a giant, who told him about the treasure sword hidden under it: only with the help of this magic sword, the head told him, can you kill the king - and even then only with the help of cunning.

Having obtained the sword, Ruslan really resorts to cunning and, having arrived in the city, is hired to serve the king, since it is impossible to fight him in any other way: The Fire Shield, sitting astride an eight-legged horse, burns the enemy who gets close with one breath. Ruslan promises the tsar to get the treasure sword, and, seizing an opportune moment, strikes the tsar with this very sword.

The ending of this legend is interesting, more like a true story than a fairy tale. Having defeated the Fire Shield, Ruslan marries the princess he saved, but he himself leaves for the sunny city, where, forgetting his wife, he remains with the queen of the city. Meanwhile, his son, Ruslan Ruslanovich, grows up and, arriving at the walls of the sunny city, challenges his father to battle. In a long duel, Ruslan recognizes his son by the ring that he once left for his wife, and, ashamed of his behavior, safely returns back to his family.