Money rituals for the old new year. How rituals are carried out for the old new year. What conspiracies from January 13 to 14

Old New Year- a very favorite holiday not only among Russians, it is celebrated by millions of people all over the world. And the point is not only that you can once again arrange a magnificent feast, but also plunge into the atmosphere of mysticism and mysteries that are full of the night from January 13 to 14. The evening on the eve of the Old New Year is also called Vasily's evening, in honor of the memory of St. Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea. Our ancestors firmly believed that all wishes made on Vasily’s Day, which can influence the entire next year, come true, and dreams come true. Old New Year: rites and rituals - forgotten means for happiness, which are very effective. They will attract health, luck, wealth and love into your life, so let's not miss this opportunity!

Rituals for the Old New Year

The night from January 13 to 14 is full of miracles and magic, and if you channel this great energy in the right direction, you can easily attract to yourself everything you dream of and “agree” with the Universe to fulfill your cherished desire! To take advantage of magical help and disadvantages in different aspects To improve your life, on the Old New Year it is customary to perform certain rituals that are no different in effectiveness from those used at Christmas.

The period from Christmas to Epiphany is a special time. This is the time of Christmastide, the line between the completion of one annual cycle and the beginning of another. Christmastide has a unique energy, and many peoples (including the Slavs) took advantage of this feature and performed all kinds of magical and pagan religious rituals.

Of course, special attention was still paid to such great holidays as the Nativity of Christ and the Epiphany, but another favorite Russian holiday, the Old New Year, was also given honor. On Vasiliev's Day, which fell on January 14, various rituals were performed. Christmas conspiracies for the Old New Year have not lost their relevance even now - they are still practiced.

Christmas conspiracies pronounced on the Old New Year have a different focus. The scope of their application is family, household, health, finances, interpersonal relationships. Whichever of these areas interests the performer, Old New Year’s conspiracies pursue a single goal - attracting good luck and prosperity towards the chosen area.

Yuletide conspiracies for the Old New Year have a specific time connection. The period for their implementation is 2 days: the eve of Vasily's Day - January 13, Vasily's Day itself - January 14. On the eve of the holiday, rituals are most often carried out in the evening or at night, on the holiday itself - in the morning or throughout the day. There are conspiracies that are also read at the festive table or immediately after the feast. The appropriate time is usually specified in the instructions for the ceremony.

The most popular Christmas conspiracies for the Old New Year

Night plot for the Old New Year to protect the house from all misfortunes and evil spirits

The plot presented below will help protect the house and everyone who lives in it from various misfortunes and bad magical influences from ill-wishers (evil eye, damage, etc.). It is advisable that the ritual be performed by a woman.

On the night of January 13-14 (ideally from midnight to 3 o’clock), the performer should take 3 lit candles in her hand, approach the threshold of the house with them, bring them to it and say:

“Happiness is in the palace, and all troubles are out the door! Whoever plans evil will have everything returned to him threefold. Whoever wants to jinx it, trouble will happen to him. And the Lord will protect this house, the Holy One will look after it. Amen!"

The same words must be said while holding lit candles to all the windows in the home. The conspiracy lasts for a year. Exactly one year later, the ritual must be repeated to extend the protection.

Yuletide plot on the eve of the Old New Year for peace, harmony and tranquility in the house

If all kinds of quarrels, conflicts and scandals often occur in the family, this conspiracy, pronounced on the eve of Vasily’s Day - January 13, will save you. It is advisable that this ritual be performed by a woman.

On January 13, the performer must get up at dawn, before everyone else in the house. Bring in the bucket clean water(better than a well). When the first rays of the rising sun appear, you need to take a lit wax candle in your hand and walk with it around all the rooms in the house in a clockwise direction. In each room the plot is read 3 times in a row:

“Help, fire of the Lord! Burn away all scandals and quarrels, lessons and prize-winners, and leave no trace of evil!”

After going around all the rooms, you should bend over the previously brought bucket of water and say 3 times:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Water-water, wash my home from scandals and quarrels, from evil spirits. Let love and peace remain in the house!”

With enchanted water you need to wash all the floors in your home, spray all the walls and corners. After this, the performer should once again bring water into the house - exactly enough to give tea to all family members. The vessel with water must be placed next to the sugar bowl, then the following spell must be said 7 times:

“Sugar is sweet to everyone - both small and large. I will sweeten the water, give my family a drink, and the distant scandals will leave the distant souls in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

You need to make tea from the spoken water and drink it with the whole family, adding sugar. This must be done before midnight.

Old New Year's spell to attract love

The girl must sit at the table. You need to let your hair down, and it is advisable to wear new clothes. Take 3 candles - white, red and gold - and tie them together with red thread to make a bunch of candles. The length of the thread should be such that the young lady can wrap it around her left wrist exactly 3 times. Tied candles are placed in a glass of water (it’s good if it’s made of crystal). The glass of water, in turn, should stand on a round mirror. The candles are lit, then the spell is pronounced:

“The power of fire, turn the love of your betrothed towards me. Let his love be hot like a flame, pure like water and deep like a mirror. When the flame reaches the water, my labors will be crowned with success. My word is strong!”

Candles must be allowed to burn out completely; they cannot be extinguished. The cinders and remaining water can be thrown away.

Christmas spell for the Old New Year for health and wealth

After the festive feast, you need to collect all the bones from the table in a separate bowl, without throwing them away. On the morning of January 14, they should be buried in the ground (you will have to try) under any living tree, saying:

“As this tree grows and grows stronger, so the well-being and health of my entire family would grow stronger and stronger!”

Plot for happiness after the New Year's feast

The spell for happiness is read on the tablecloth lying on the festive table. Having removed everything from the table after the feast, the tablecloth must be rolled up carefully, taken out onto the street or balcony, shaken off three times with the words:

“How many crumbs were on this table, let there be as much happiness in my family!”

The Old New Year remains one of the favorite holidays for many people. The tradition of celebrating another unofficial New Year according to the Julian calendar has been preserved in many countries. This holiday is celebrated from January 13 to 14. This is not just another feast; it is believed that this night is full of mysteries and mysticism. Rituals for the old New Year carry a powerful energy charge; this is an excellent time to carry out rituals to attract good luck, health, love, and wealth.

It is believed that the evening and night from January 13 to 14 have magical properties, at this time you can make wishes, they will definitely come true. Unmarried girls perform fortune-telling and rituals for the old New Year, women perform rituals for health, love, money and well-being. For a long time people lived according to the Julian calendar, this night was the last of the outgoing year. At midnight the New Year began, people tried to get rid of everything bad, cleanse themselves of negative energy, and forget about all the failures.

The magic of this night is complemented by the fact that January 14th is a big Orthodox holiday, St. Basil's Day. There is a custom - to cook kutya the day before, gather with the whole family at the festive table, and in the morning men, boys and boys go to sow wheat and millet. It is believed that in this way wealth, health, and prosperity are attracted to the house. Such traditions and customs have survived to this day.

Effective rituals

To attract love

Old New Year spell rituals will help you attract love into your life and find happiness in your personal life. With the help of such rituals you can get rid of loneliness. A girl who wants to find her destiny performs such a ritual. Fry the pancakes and prepare the filling. When you pour the dough into the frying pan, say the following words:

“Damn, pancake, find your mouth, pancakes are baking, suitors are swarming, look at me, don’t take your eyes off. I will, I’m beautiful and everyone likes me.”

These words must be said on the first and last pancake. Next, set the table. There must be many guests in the house, all the pancakes must be eaten.

There is another version of the ritual for love. To carry it out you will need the following attributes:

  • red, white and yellow candle;
  • red thread;
  • cup;
  • small mirror.

Put on a beautiful outfit, do makeup. In the evening, sit down at the table. The ritual algorithm is as follows:

  1. Tie all the candles with red thread.
  2. Pour water into a glass and place it on the mirror.
  3. Place a bunch of candles in a glass of water.
  4. Light the candles.
  5. Say the words of the conspiracy:

“Let failures in love go away forever along with this fire. Let my happiness come to me. The betrothed will meet on my way and will love me very much. We will never part with him, we will experience happiness together. Let our love be pure, happy, strong, like this flame, deep, like this water. As soon as this flame touches the water, let my betrothed rush to me. So be it."

After carrying out such a ritual, within a month you should meet the person who will later become your legal spouse.

Another option for performing the ritual for good luck in your personal life. Take your worn underwear and burn them. Take ashes and three hairs from your head. Next, light the candle and wait until it burns. Roll the melted wax, ashes and hair into a ball. Next, wait until midnight, throw the ball as far from the house as possible and say the following spell:

“Let all suffering fly away, let loneliness fly away. In return, love and happiness come to me.”

Such conspiracies and rituals for the old New Year will help you find luck in your personal life, become a happy bride and wife. Such rituals cannot be performed in order to return a former lover or husband, in order to take away someone else’s man. It is also recommended that before performing the rituals, leave behind fears and doubts and forgive all the men who were previously in your life.

To your health

New Year's conspiracies and rituals for the old New Year will help improve your health and get rid of many unpleasant symptoms. Take your old, worn item. At night, make a fire, throw the old thing into the fire, without regretting it. Experienced psychics recommend using exactly the thing that you felt bad in, that you wore during your illness.

Say these words:

“Holy Fire, accept this sacrifice. Let it turn into ashes, burn in the fire, let my illnesses and ailments become ashes. They don't come back to me. Only health from now on. So be it."

For financial well-being

This ritual can only be performed on the old New Year. In the evening, melt a candle and roll it into a small cake. On one side, write your name, and on the other, your code number, which is obtained by adding all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, you were born on April 15, 1990. Add all the numbers: 15 (date of birth) + 4 (month of birth) + 1+9+9+0 (year of birth). The result is the number 38, add these two numbers and you get 11, add it again. The number 2 will be your code number. Then cover the wax cake with coins, which you need to carry with you for a day. Then keep this amulet in the place where your money is stored.

You can perform another ritual to attract wealth to the family. You will need essential oils of rosemary, bergamot, cloves and orange. You also need a tablespoon of honey. Add a drop of essential oils onto the honey. Next, take warm water into a small container and put honey in it along with dissolved oils. You also need to drop several large coins into this container. Take a shower, then douse yourself with the previously prepared liquid and say:

“Let this sweet water wash my body. Let all poverty, troubles, sorrows and failures flow down with her. And in return, wealth and prosperity comes. So be it."

Collect coins, hide them in your wallet, and never spend them. This will be your personal money talisman.

You can perform the ritual using a new broom. Buy a new broom the day before. Clean the entire house thoroughly, paying special attention to corners and thresholds. Throw away everything you don't need. You should sweep the house clockwise with the words: “As dust, dirt and debris stick to this broom, so let the money stick to me.”

For good luck

On the morning of January 13, perform a ritual for good luck in the coming year. Take a small container. Pour a handful of millet into it, saying:

“Trouble, misfortune, failure, go away.”

“Prosperity, luck, stability are added to my life.”

Next, take a handful various cereals that you have in your home, while wishing yourself and your family all the best. In the evening, place this container on the festive table. And on the morning of January 14, leave the house and pour the contents of the container to the birds.

To fulfill a wish

On the morning of January 14, take some crumbs of bread or any cereal and go outside. Think about what exactly you want. Next, give the birds the bread, saying:

“I’ll give you the crumbs, in return I’ll get your wish fulfilled.”

You can also perform a ritual to make your cherished wish come true. Wait until the night of January 13, cut out a small star from colored paper. Write your wish on it. Just don’t write the word I want. Write as if you have already achieved your goal, for example, “I found a job,” “I met my betrothed.” Next, this star needs to be burned over the flame of a candle, saying: “The fire is burning, the star has lit up, the wish has come true.”

Collect the ashes and throw them out the window.

Ritual of burning problems

This ritual will help you get rid of everything bad and leave behind all the problems and adversities in the old year. Take a small plate and cut small pieces of paper. On each piece of paper write what you would like to get rid of.

“Holy fire, holy fire, take with you all problems, all failures, all quarrels, adversity, conflicts, troubles, bad luck. In return, bring me luck, prosperity, joy, hope, love, wealth.”


Not only the rituals and traditions associated with this day have survived to this day. There are also certain magical signs that have not lost their relevance in our time. An important tradition remains the visit of a sower to the house, who wishes prosperity, wealth, and well-being. There are also interesting magical signs:

  1. A man or boy should be the first to enter the house on January 14; it is believed that this will be the key to happiness and prosperity.
  2. On this day you can remove decorations from the New Year tree.
  3. You can’t throw away trash on this day, as you can lose your happiness.
  4. Don't count the little things so that there are no tears.
  5. Shake the snow off fruit trees and bushes so you can get a good harvest.

Fortune telling in the Old New Year

  1. On the mirrors. In the evening, girls take two mirrors and place them opposite each other. Turn off the lights. Candles are lit. They sit between the mirrors with candles and peer into the reflection. It is believed that you can see your future husband in it.
  2. Two girls take two identical threads and set them on fire. The one whose thread burns out first will get married sooner.
  3. Pour water into a basin. On small pieces of paper write what you want to receive. Next, lower the leaves into the water and watch. Whichever one pops up, that's what you get.
  4. Write different male names on pieces of paper. Roll them up and put them under your pillow. Wake up in the morning and pull out one piece of paper. The betrothed's name will be written on it.

As we can see, on the magical night from January 13 to 14, you can perform various rituals that will have special power. Just remember that their effectiveness will largely depend on your mood, on your belief in the power of words and actions. You should not perform rituals just for the sake of interest. Magic does not like this kind of attitude; you may be punished for being too curious. Only a bright, positive attitude towards a good result is the key to success.

According to tradition, on the night of January 13-14, 2020, people celebrate interesting holiday- Old New Year. This holiday is also called “rich” or generous Vasilyev’s evening. That evening it was supposed to generously set the table and treat everyone who entered the house.

Also on this day they told fortunes and performed various magical rituals. Conspiracies and magical rituals for the Old New Year are no less effective than the rituals performed for the New Year and Christmas. January 14 is also Vasily’s Day, which can influence the entire next year human life.

Old New Year rituals for good luck, marriage, money, health

Rituals for the Old New Year have very ancient roots. Therefore, do not allow yourself to do anything on your own. Follow the instructions, firmly believing that your requests will be heard and correctly understood.

Conspiracies and rituals for the old New Year

In the old days, the New Year was celebrated on January 14, but with the advent of the new calendar it was not canceled and is celebrated. People have always believed that on this day magical energy reigns all around and can be used to improve the quality of their lives. There are numerous rituals and conspiracies for the Old New Year to improve your health, attract good luck and financial stability, find love and get pregnant. This list can be continued for a long time, so if desired, everyone will have a chance to find a suitable option.

Not only conspiracies for the old New Year are known, but also magical signs that arose in ancient times and remain widespread in modern times. modern world. For example, according to the most widespread superstition, a male representative should be the first to cross the threshold in the morning, which will ensure happiness for the future. whole year. An important tradition of this holiday is the arrival of sowers, so they can be given various treats, but money is prohibited, since along with it you can lose your well-being. There are other interesting and important magical signs:

  1. You can't throw away trash because you might lose your happiness.
  2. Don’t consider January 14th a trifle to avoid frequent tears.
  3. In the morning it is necessary to shake off the snow from fruit-bearing trees so that there is a good harvest.
  4. On this holiday, it is customary to unload the Christmas tree and the last decoration removed will be a powerful amulet that will protect the whole year. You can hang it anywhere.
  5. February 14 is the day of St. Basil, who is the patron saint of pigs, so there should be treats made from this meat on the table to attract good luck.

Money plot for the old New Year

Problems with finances in different times Probably every person has experienced them, but they can always be corrected. In addition to hard work, special magical rituals will help. It should be said that wealth conspiracies for the old New Year are not a magic wand and millions will not fall on your head, because magic only creates favorable conditions and gives energy to achieve new heights.

For the presented ritual you must purchase essential oils. Conspiracies are read using ethers that attract financial well-being: bergamot, orange, rosemary and cloves. You can choose any of the oils presented and add a few drops to a large spoon of honey or granulated sugar. When they are absorbed, the mixture should be dissolved in a container of water. Put a few small coins in there too. yellow.

Take a bath, and then slowly pour the prepared liquid over your clean body, saying a special spell. There is no need to throw away the coins, but put them in a small pot, which should be placed in a dark place. It will work like a money magnet. It is recommended to shake it periodically so that the coins jingle, and also show the contents of the pot full moon, which will increase financial growth.

Good luck spells for the old New Year

The presented ritual will be useful for every person, since luck is a useful companion in life, helping to more easily cope with problems, avoid troubles and achieve heights. Strong conspiracies On the old New Year, they will take care not only of the person performing the ritual, but also of all members of his family. No preliminary preparation is required to carry it out. It is important to begin the ritual immediately after midnight. Stand on the threshold of the house and say the plot at least three times.

Wish spell for the Old New Year

How you want all your dreams to become real and with the help of magical rituals you can significantly increase your chances of realizing your plans by receiving support Higher powers. There are special conspiracies for the old New Year that help you make your wishes come true. At night, you need to walk around the house and sprinkle the walls and corners with holy water.

On paper, write down the year that has come and begin to visualize your wish, imagining how it became a reality. Conspiracies for the Old New Year must be repeated seven times, and the presented text is no exception. Roll the sheet with the written number into a tube and secure it with a red thread. Place the package in a secret place so that no one can see it.

Beauty spell for the old New Year

The power of magic during the holidays is enormous, and it can work wonders. Special spells for the old New Year help to cope with shortcomings in appearance, increase your attractiveness and prolong youth. For the ritual, prepare spring water poured into a cup and place it near your bed the night before the holiday. In the morning, take it with your left hand and, without getting up, say a beauty spell for the old New Year. Then drink half a cup of water in one gulp, and pour the second one over your head so that it flows down your body to your toes.

Love spells for the old New Year

Many lonely girls who dream of meeting with a worthy man, use different magical rituals. There are love spells for the old New Year that have been used since ancient times, which proves their effectiveness. The presented ritual is carried out in the old New Year's Eve in the period from 22 to 23 hours and to do this, wear new clothes and sit down at the table. Hair should not be braided.

Using a red thread, tie three candles (red, golden and white) into a single bundle. It is important that the length of the thread should be selected so that you can wrap your left wrist three times. Place the candles in a glass of water and it is better if it is made of crystal. Place it on a mirror, which must certainly have a round shape. Light the candles and say a spell. When the text is pronounced, the candles should be left to burn out completely, and the cinders and water should be thrown away behind the house.

Old New Year's spell for marriage

Many female representatives dream of hearing the long-awaited question: “Will you marry me?”, but for some reason this important event does not happen. As a result of this, various effective conspiracies appeared for the old New Year, for other holidays and not only. For them to work, faith in success and a pure soul are important. At exactly midnight on January 14th, read these words:

Pregnancy plot for the old New Year

For many couples, successful conception is a pressing issue. To correct the situation, you must first go to church for confession and communion. There, before noon, seven candles should be purchased for the ritual. It is important to leave change, if you have it after purchase, in the donation box. There are conspiracies on the night of the old New Year and it is best to carry them out in church.

In the temple it is necessary to arrange the purchased candles in a certain order. The first is placed near the image of Jesus Christ, the second near the Mother of God, and the third near St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The remaining four candles can be placed near any icons, but they must be different. It is important to take into account that you should not leave the image immediately after lighting the candle and you need to stand until it burns down to the middle. During this, read prayers and say a conspiracy once.

Having repeated all these manipulations near all seven images, you need to stand for some time in the center of the temple, imagining yourself as pregnant. To complete the ritual, before going to bed, you and your spouse should repeat another conspiracy three times. It is permissible to carry out such a ritual not only on this holiday, but also until pregnancy is confirmed.

Old New Year's spells for work

Many large number spend time at work, so I want it to be to their liking, to bring pleasure and give good earnings. The microclimate in the team and the attitude of the boss are no less important. Conspiracies read for the old New Year can improve the situation in all these issues. To carry out the ritual in the morning after waking up or before leaving for work, you need to take some bread crumbs or any cereal and go out onto the street or balcony. Think about your goal for a while, and then drop the crumbs by saying a spell.

Old New Year conspiracies for health

Good health is important for any person, because without it, any benefits and events will not bring pleasure. Various magical rituals help you get help from Higher powers to get rid of existing ailments and strengthen your own health. Many people are interested in what conspiracies are read on the old New Year in order to prevent the development of various diseases, so the presented ritual should be started at midnight, and to implement it, simply take off and burn some thing, saying a conspiracy

Conspiracy against drunkenness for the old New Year

Alcohol addiction is a common problem. It is very difficult to cope with it and the main thing is the person’s desire to start new life. You can enlist magical support by performing special rituals. For those who are interested in what old New Year conspiracies are read to cope with alcohol addiction, a strong ritual for holy water is proposed. At night, when everyone is sleeping, place a glass of water on the table in front of you, holding a church candle in your right hand. Cross the water with a candle and say a spell. After this, you should drink the liquid, extinguish the flame and cross yourself.

Weight loss conspiracy for the old New Year

Relevance of the problem excess weight causes the presence of numerous methods that are designed to correct the figure. Those who believe in magic can use rituals that help create energy aimed at getting rid of fat reserves. It is customary to implement conspiracies and rituals for the Old New Year at night, and best of all at midnight, when their capabilities are at their peak. The magical text must be rewritten on paper with your own hand. When the time comes, light a church candle and read the plot. Extinguish the flame and place the paper under the pillow.

Improving the quality of life using the magic of a magical night - advice from a practicing magician

On January 13, people solemnly celebrate the Old New Year. This holiday has been present in our lives for almost a hundred years. This tradition developed after the Gregorian calendar began to be used.

This day was considered special among the Slavs before the chronology was changed. January 13 coincided with the Malanka holiday, and the 14th was the day when the celebrations were dedicated to St. Basil.

During these days of national celebrations, magical rites were also performed. Only a few of them have reached us. Traditionally, all types of fortune telling remain the most popular on the eve of the Old New Year.

These days, the universe is not only open to human thoughts, but is even ready to listen to them. Don't miss the chance to change your life for the better!

We use products with festive table

After the ceremonial feast, perform a ritual to attract wealth and happiness

Sometimes rituals and conspiracies are very unusual. When the guests have already left after the festive feast, do not rush to fold the festive tablecloth. First, remove the dishes, then carefully roll up the tablecloth. You need to shake her off the balcony or out of the window and read the magic text׃

“How many crumbs are on the tablecloth, so much happiness and wealth in my home.”

The bones should also not be thrown away. At dawn they are taken outside and buried under a young and spreading tree, which is located next to the dwelling. Then they say ׃

“As this tree grows stronger and grows, so should I bring good things into the house! The tree can live and live, but I can meet love and happiness!”

Do not be afraid that you will be noticed and interfere with the magical ritual. During these hours, the streets are usually empty, and it is quite difficult to meet a random passerby.

Call of love

Rituals carried out on the Old New Year will help correct problems with personal life if a person is tired of spending his days alone. A girl who seeks to find her betrothed must perform the following ritual. You need to bake a large number of pancakes. To make the dish more refined, you can fill them with pre-cooked minced meat, mushrooms, eggs with onions, etc.

When pouring the dough into the frying pan, you need to say ׃

“Damn, pancake, find your mouth, pancakes are baking, suitors are swarming, look at me, don’t take your eyes off. I will, I’m beautiful and everyone likes me.”

The plot is read on the first and last pancake. After this, you need to put on a beautiful dress and set the festive table.

There should be many guests in the house this evening. It is very important that all the pancakes are eaten. You can’t cheat and put only a few pancakes on the table. It’s better to use your imagination and make several pieces with different fillings.

How to get a guy's attention

If a girl likes a guy, but he doesn’t notice her, the following ritual should be performed. On the night of January 13-14, wear any new clothes. It is important that she is not sporty and businesslike, but as romantic and feminine as possible. Dissolve long hair. If your hair is short, do a fashionable styling.

To meet her betrothed, a girl must bake a lot of pancakes and serve them to guests

The ceremony is carried out completely alone. Candles of red, white and gold (or yellow) colors are chosen for the ritual. You need to light these candles after tying them together with red woolen thread. One end is left free to wrap around the left wrist three times.

Lighted candles are placed in a crystal dish or vase filled with water. This vase is placed on a round mirror. Looking at the flickering fire of candles, they pronounce the following spell׃

You need to leave the entire magical structure so that the candles burn out and go out when they touch the water.

Attracting financial success

Some rituals will help improve your financial situation. To ensure prosperity in the house, water procedures are used. On the evening of January 13, a fragrant bath is prepared by adding ׃

  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • scented bath foam;
  • a few drops of essential oils.

Flavorings you should use are bergamot, rosemary and orange. While taking a bath you need to say the following: magic words׃

“Just as sweet water flows and washes me, so money flows and sticks to me. Just as the Jordan River flows and there is enough water for everyone, so a lot of good things come to me. The water should flow, I should take care of the good.”

When preparing your bath, light some yellow and green candles. They will not only create the necessary atmosphere, but also add their energy to the magical ritual.

For good luck to come

Rituals and conspiracies that are carried out on one of the most magical days of winter have great magical potential. To attract good luck, on the evening of January 13, a yellow, green and white candle is lit, then the words of the conspiracy are pronounced.

“The old year is passing, and the problems are gone. The New Year is coming, bringing good luck!”

However, before you begin this conspiracy, you need to make preparations during the day - clean your home. In the morning, light a candle purchased in church and slowly walk around your home. You need to move clockwise. During the ritual, say the following words׃

“Fire of the Lord, help! Burn out all quarrels and scandals, leave no trace of any evil.”

The cleansing ritual helps to get rid of the negative energy accumulated in the house and evil entities that could settle in it.

At night say the following words׃

“As the morning lightning comes, so will luck come to me, the dawn will bring it to my house and leave it there for a whole year. Trouble will never come to my house, I will live, I will work, I will pray to the Lord God. So be it."

While reading magic words, turn your gaze to the direction where the Sun rises.

Effective rituals that our grandmothers used on the night of January 13

Ancient rituals have existed for almost a hundred years. In some families magic spells are passed on from generation to generation. Customs and traditions are still observed today.

A magical ritual that helps your cherished desire come true

Turn your words to the Lord and ask him for your family and yourself good health and happiness on the evening of January 13th. When the clock hands converge to 12, light 7 candles brought from the church. Read the Lord's Prayer once for each candle. It should sound 7 times. After this, say the following prayer׃

“Lord, Jesus Christ the Son of God. For You have spoken with Your most pure lips: Amen, I say to you, the land of every thing that you ask, you will have from My Father. Like in heaven: where two or three are gathered in My name, there are seven. In the midst of them, Thy words are immutable, O Lord, Thy mercy is unconditional and Thy love for mankind has no end. For this reason we pray to Thee; Grant to us, Your servants (list names), who agreed to ask You (to briefly state the request), the fulfillment of our request. But not as we want, but as You want. May Your will be done forever and ever. Amen".

Leave the candles burning until the morning.

Create a magical talisman

This ritual is performed on the evening of January 13th. You need to melt some wax. Use enough to make a flat cake about the size of a dime. On one side they write their name on the wax. On the other hand, there is a special code number.

To find it out, you need to add up the numbers that make up your date of birth. For example, you were born on June 3, 1981. You need to add the numbers this way׃

  • 3 + 6 (birth month) = 9;
  • 9 + 1= 10;
  • 10 + 9 = 19;
  • 19 + 8 = 27;
  • 27 + 1 = 28;
  • 2+8 = 10;
  • 1+0 = 1.

Thus, for this date of birth the code number is 1.

After this, you need to take a wax cake and cover it on both sides with coins. Carry this talisman with you throughout the day so that it is saturated with your energy. Then put it in a secluded place.

How to attract money into your life

You need to prepare two envelopes with large bills enclosed in them. Some envelopes are sent to the church address in the form of a donation. You need to find out the address in advance. Another envelope is sent to your address. When they sign the envelopes, they say something about each of them׃

“To whom the church is not a mother, God is not a father.”

This ritual can be performed both on January 1 and 14. If everything is done correctly and from the heart, money will constantly flow into the house.

So that officials do not find fault

Sometimes you have to endlessly wander through authorities, applying for a pension, inheritance, or running your own business. To ensure that everything goes without a hitch, the following conspiracy is read above the folder with documents.

“Just as the teeth of the dead do not bite, and the tongues do not curse,

How they don’t rush in anger, don’t wave their hands at the living,

They don't knock their feet, they don't shout at me,

So that not one person forever and ever -

Neither the senior in rank, nor the junior, nor the one who believes

Neither the one who sweeps, nor the one who sits in a chair -

Let him not look strictly at my face, let him not scold me.

That's how I read it, how I said everything,

This is how it should be and my curse cannot be reversed.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

This ritual can also be used if your boss constantly finds fault with you, shouts and threatens to fire you. In this case, you need to bring home some small object from your work and read the magical text over it. Don't forget to return your talisman to your place of duty. The ceremony is carried out on the afternoon of January 14th.

An ancient ritual for a home broom

We are accustomed to treating a household broom as a tool intended for cleaning. However, among the ancient Slavs it served as a talisman and symbolized family well-being and happiness, good luck and a quiet life. According to some beliefs, a brownie often sat under a broom and watched his wards from behind it.

In order not to use a charmed broom for cleaning, they made a special decorative amulet, which was beautifully decorated, and then they read prayers and spells on it.

For the ritual of wish fulfillment you will need seven church candles

Before the onset of the Old New Year, you need to buy a new broom at the market without haggling. You should choose the one with more grains, then it will really bring wealth to the house.

Clean the apartment. Throw away stale and unnecessary items. Make room for luck and success to take over. Money is reluctant to go into a house that is cluttered with old things and is rarely cleaned. They love order.

You need to pick up a new broom and symbolically sweep your home clockwise. Don't miss a single corner!“Sweep away” the cobwebs, drive out evil spirits from all dark nooks and crannies. Say the following words׃

“As dust sticks to a broom, so money sticks to the house of God’s servant (name), may the heavenly forces be with me.”

Then walk along the same “route” again. Only this time, use holy water for cleansing. Sprinkle it on walls, furniture, window and door openings, and household utensils.

Modern rituals

Modern conspiracies and rituals also have great magical power if they are carried out taking into account the customs and traditions of our ancestors. A prerequisite is to sincerely believe that your plans will come true.

Talisman for good luck made from pine needles

Rituals for the Old New Year can be used to create talismans to attract success and good luck. For this ritual you need to prepare several fir branches. All the needles on them are cut off from below, and the upper part is left lush. The needles are brewed with boiling water and kept for an hour. Half of the infusion is used for washing during water procedures. The other part is added to water to wash the floors in the house. At midnight, the branches bare at the bottom are tightly tied with a red satin ribbon. You need to put the resulting “bouquet” in a deep vase. Place a lit green candle nearby and say ׃

“Saint Basil in heaven, God’s servant (name) here on earth, asks for protection from your mercy. How many needles are on the branches, so much happiness would You give me, just as the aroma develops from good branches, so wealth would develop in my house. May there be peace and strength in my words.”

After this, the spruce “ikebana” is removed to a place where it will not disturb anyone. On January 31, all the needles are completely torn off and hidden in a small bag made of green material, sewn in advance. Place the talisman in a secluded place. The ritual can be repeated after a year.

Improve your health with magic

The magic that literally permeates the night from January 13 to 14 will help improve your well-being, as well as increase the physical capabilities of the body. Practicing magicians know well that old clothes accumulate bad energy its owner.

To attract wealth, they use a ritual with water procedures and read a special plot

To get rid of constant illness, make a fire at night and burn any old clothes. This must be done without regret. It is better to choose the thing that you felt bad in during your illness.

While the fire is burning, ask it in your own words for cleansing of the body and good health. As the fire begins to burn down, remember to thank it for its magical warmth and energy.

Rituals to make wishes come true for the Old New Year

When it's almost midnight, fill your glass! It is not at all necessary to drink alcohol; you can get by with regular compote.

Blow on the drink in the glass and say your wish out loud or silently. At 00:00, drink the liquid to the bottom and calmly go to bed, and the Universe will take care of the fulfillment of your desire.

Before leaving for work, or when you wake up, take some crumbs of bread or cereal in your hand, go outside (or to the balcony), think about your desire and throw these crumbs with the words:.

“I give and receive, I make my dream come true!”

Nothing more is required from you. Let the sparrows or pigeons feast on your little treat, and at this time you will already take an important start towards realizing your goal.

On Old New Year's Eve (January 13 to 14), before the clock strikes 12, take a colored sheet of paper and cut out a small star from it. We determine the color and shape of the star ourselves.

Think about what dream you would like to realize and formulate your desire. Let your dream sound short and concise, do not use denials or tricky “I want”. For example: “I’m going to the Bahamas” or “I’m buying a car.”

Wait until midnight, and immediately after the Old New Year, put your star on your palm, open the window (go outside, onto the balcony) and say: “Just as the star of wishes lights up on New Year’s Eve, so my dream comes true.”

“Light” your star using fire (matches, lighter), and scatter the ashes into the air. Don’t be confused by the fact that in the end you will have to burn your star, in fact, on this magical night it will transform into a guiding star that will illuminate your path to the fulfillment of your desire.

To make a wish come true, on the night of January 13-14, you need to write a wish on a piece of paper, put the sheet under the tree, and on January 14, at noon, burn it.

For good luck in the New Year

There is an old Siberian recipe! Local merchants have long used it to strengthen their financial affairs. At one time, Count Menshikov learned about this unusual way to protect his finances and brought his secret to Moscow. Every year he cooked and ate a special dish, attracting success to his future.

Here is the recipe for this ancient salad - “The Secret of Siberian Merchants”.

You need to pour sunflower oil over the lettuce leaf, put some finely chopped carrots on top (chopped, not grated), then a finely chopped apple and sprinkle it all with crushed hazelnuts. Wrap everything, like in a bag, in a lettuce leaf and tie it with a feather of green onion.

The bag should be approximately the size of chicken egg. This work of culinary and fortune-telling art must be eaten at midnight from January 13 to 14. Just put the whole thing in your mouth and chew.

Why do these particular ingredients appear in the Siberian salad? Everything is explained:

  • lettuce leaf is a field of activity
  • We oil our path with oil so that it is easy to move along it
  • carrots are needed to strengthen and develop the business: the roots of the carrots grow into the ground, take its strength, and the business becomes stronger
  • an apple removes the evil eye from your business, does not allow it to be “interrupted”
  • the nut gives vitality to the one who prepared and ate the salad
  • the bag is tied so that all this is intended for only one person
  • the green onion with which it was tied like an arrow deflects blows from evil people and fate

The next ritual needs to be done in the morning of January 13th - we wake up and start making a magic mixture - take a pot and first pour in millet - a handful right hand- saying: “Let troubles and problems go away”, then with your left hand a handful of rice - saying: “Let there be stability and balance in my life.” Next, you need to sprinkle a handful of different cereals that you have at home and wish yourself and your loved ones everything you want to receive in the new year.

In the evening, put the mixture of cereals on the festive table or dinner, be sure to pour it into glasses (not necessarily alcohol), raise toasts, and pour the remaining drops into a pot. In the morning 14 go outside and feed the birds with these cereals.

If you buy a pomegranate on January 14, it will attract luck into your life if, while eating a grain at a time, you say the following words: “The month of January, winter, the Sovereign, turned fortune to me, completed my deed. Exactly".

Rituals to attract money

A very simple and effective ritual that can only be performed on Old New Year. The ritual requires little preparation. For several days, carry 2 silver coins in your wallet (best of all, 5 rubles each). They should get used to you.

On Old New Year's Eve, take a green candle (this color attracts money, it's no coincidence that the dollar is green!), melt some wax. Make a small cake and stick the prepared coins on both sides.

Let your talisman be with you on New Year's Eve. In the morning, put it in a green canvas bag and hide it in a secluded place, for example, where you keep money and jewelry. The talisman will attract wealth to you all year long. Checked!

This ritual has a slightly modified version. It is also held only on Old New Year.

Melt the candle wax and make a small cake out of it. Write your name on one side and your code number on the other. This number is obtained by adding all the digits of your birth date.

For example, you were born on March 6, 1981. We add up all the constituent numbers: 6 (date of birth) + 3 (month of birth) + 1+9+8+1 (year of birth). The result is the number 1, which will be your code number.

Then cover the wax cake with coins, which had to be carried with you for a day. Keep this amulet in the place where money is stored: safe, closet, wallet.

Use yeast dough for this ritual. It must grow.

Prepare any baking dough; when it rises, knead it three times with your hands and say the words of the spell three times:

“As you, dough, grow and rise up, as you go up and down, and expand in breadth, so in my house there will always be money, it will multiply and be fruitful. Never in my house, God’s servant (name), will the money run out. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Afterwards, you need to bake bread from the dough and treat it to all family members living in the house with you.

At the beginning, they read the plot as many times as they are old on that day, clasping their little fingers:

“Gold, gold, pour in to me like peas in the bins, like grains of barley in the threshing floor, like rye in the threshing floor. Gold, gold, stick to my hands like flies to honey, butterflies to the light, grass to the sun. Gold, gold, pour into my pockets without counting, without measure, in handfuls and handfuls. Gold, gold, become friends with me, like ice with water, a nightingale with spring, dew with grass. I’m not a huckster, I’m a fine merchant: I sell with honor, I hang with excess, I measure with powder, I cut with extra, I pour with the remainder. Be in my barn a treasure and everything will be in order, without ruin, without burning in all the days and years of my burnout.”

After reading the plot, you need to make a talisman. Take unlined paper and write in red ink like this:

Letters are aligned by the last “D”: this letter in the first and last lines must be at the same level.

Outline the text on paper with a red frame, fold it in four, sew it with red threads into a red rag and carry the amulet with you. It is believed that the amulet will bring profit, especially if you read the plot more often.

If you are worried about your income, on the eve of the Old New Year or Epiphany, go to the church and give alms to at least three beggars. When giving, be sure to say to yourself: “To whom Christ is not a father, I am not a mother.”

With this simple ritual, you will definitely attract money to yourself from where you were not expecting at all.

For love

On Old New Year's Eve, take three candles (red, white and green). Light them and place them in a crystal decanter with water. Place the decanter itself on a round mirror.

Ask that your love be as pure as spring water, hot as a flame and transparent as a mirror. Repeat the spell 3 times. Your betrothed will certainly come to you in the near future.

If you are unlucky in love, and fortune telling does not live up to your expectations, you can perform the so-called “rite of love.” It is performed both on Epiphany and on the Old New Year (on the night of January 13-14).

Burn your underwear, take some ashes, pull out three hairs from your head on the left side and roll it all into a wax ball. Throw this ball out the window at midnight with the words:

“I remove suffering and loneliness, and bring love closer to myself.”

This ritual is valid only once a year - on Old New Year.

This is not a love spell, so you should not perform a ritual to bewitch a married man or bring back a former lover. If a man is your Destiny, then he will come to you himself. After the ritual.

Now the ritual itself:

On the night of January 14 at 22-23 o'clock, sit at the table in clean, preferably new clothes, with your hair down. Three candles - red, white and gold - are tied together into a bundle with a red thread (the length of the thread is to wrap the thread three times around the left wrist).

Place the candles in a glass (preferably crystal) with water on a round mirror, light it and say:

“Power of fire, turn your betrothed’s love towards me. Let his love be hot like a flame, clear like water and deep like a mirror. When the flame reaches the water, my labors will be crowned with success. My word is strong."

Within a month after the ceremony you will meet your man.

Before performing the ritual, you need to forgive all your exes with whom you are still offended, let go of fears and doubts, complexes about your loneliness. And everything will work out.

Do you want to get married and are waiting for your intended groom to visit? Add orange oil to the cleaning water. And not only in the water for cleaning, but also in the bath, which you will then take.

Rituals for health

Clothes contain bad energy. If you are experiencing health problems, burn some old thing on New Year's Eve without regret. All diseases will burn away with her!

According to ancient beliefs, it is necessary to burn the thing that was worn in the “sick” place. If your heart is not in order, burn your T-shirt.

Do your legs hurt or your back hurt? Throw your pants into the fire. Headaches? An old hat has no place in your closet!

Held on Epiphany and Old New Year.

At midnight, take off the item and burn it with the words:

“I burn the thing, and I remove the disease from myself forever.”

Spells for beauty and youth for the Old New Year

They read in bed when they wake up, on the eve of the old New Year:

“From a soft bed to a clean lake, with my parent’s blessing, I will draw some water from the heavenly well. That vodka is more valuable than gold rings, miles of stone chambers, and silver cups. And that water is beauty. I will wash my white face in it and I will appear to young men, old men, old men, decrepit old women, young girls, old widows, more beautiful than the red sun, the clear moon, the morning ray. My beauty would appear to everyone and everyone every time, every minute and every day, it would fall on their hearts and eyes. Amen".

13th morning:

You need to take spring water, pour it into a cup and place it at the head of the bed on the night of the Old New Year. In the morning, wake up and, without getting out of bed, take that cup with your left hand and read the following words:

“I, the servant of God, will get up from my soft bed, remember Jesus Christ and the Mother of God (or whose gods you venerate), go through the gate, go out to the spring, I want to get myself some water. So that, having washed your face clean with it, you will become a white-faced, red-cheeked, beautiful maiden, and not some dark-haired one. So that everyone who sees me and my beauty will praise me, talk about love, and give me gifts. So that there are suitors, like in a herd of cows. To become like a beautiful girl, she would be like that for a whole year, until the conspiracy went away. Amen."

Then immediately drink half a cup of water in one gulp. And douse yourself all over with the rest of the water. You can’t wash yourself that day.
It lasts for a year, and needs to be done again for the next Old New Year.

For the good of the fellow

This remedy helps a man bring beauty for the whole year, and is read only once a year. You need to take spring water, pour it into a cup and place it at the head of the bed on the night of the Old New Year. In the morning, wake up and, without getting out of bed, take that cup with your left hand and read the following words:

“I, slave (name), born by a mother, baptized by the church, deprived of beauty, call upon enchantments for help, so that everyone will praise me, so that everyone will love me, Lord, bless me. I’ll walk along the path, along the road, and there, along the path, along the road, there is a shop, and in this shop merchants sell all sorts of goods: calico, calico, silk, velvet, I, the slave (name), fell in love with it, took a liking, took a closer look. I was covered by a clear month, my face was the red sun, showered with heavenly stars. And I would be so red, beautiful, sweet and beloved, and I would be attractive to old ladies, and old old men, and young men, and young women, and beautiful maidens. And I would take a closer look, fall in love every day, every hour, every minute, every second. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Then immediately drink half a cup of water in one gulp. And douse yourself with the rest of the water from head to toe. You can’t wash yourself that day.

Cleansing spells

Cleanse the house of damage and evil spirits

The ritual is performed on the night of the Old New Year. After everyone has settled down, the head of the house should stand up and take a white box with several handfuls of black beans. Then he must walk around the entire house, entering each room. Walking around the room counterclockwise and without looking back on the way out, he must throw a handful of beans through left shoulder. This should be done in every room, and every time, throwing a handful of beans, the owner of the house should say:

“Evil spirits, take the beans, leave this house.”

The next morning the housewife must collect all the beans. It is better to collect them with a broom and dustpan. Then the beans should be poured into an opaque bag and taken out of the house. It is best to leave them in the field. You need to return home silently, not on a straight road, and if possible, you need to go across the bridge. After which you need to light three candles, take them in left hand and, walking around the house clockwise, crossing yourself with your right hand, read a prayer against damage:

“I, (name), speak to my house, my threshold. I put God's amulet on it: from witchcraft in the night, from damage by the stove, from damage from water, from damage from a needle. And whoever approaches my house with evil intent will take his damage upon himself. My words are first, my deeds are true. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Cleaning the house in the Old New Year

On the thirteenth of January, you can thoroughly cleanse the room of negative energy and the troubles that haunt you. To do this, first do a general cleaning, adding a little holy water or water blessed by you that day to ordinary water. While washing the room, read the conspiracy calling Higher powers into the house:

“Mother of God, remember your home, where you lived, where you were born, where you drank, where you ate, where you slept. Bless my house for salvation, from all damage and from all troubles for deliverance! So be it!”

Then light a candle white and say out loud 5 times:

“We slept, there was fire, there was an evil spirit in my house.
They slept, the fire, all the rude words spoken.
Help me get rid of the bad and the poor, candle.
So be it!”

After you cleanse the area, bless your home. Fumigate all rooms with incense. Then go around the whole house, saying the following words of the conspiracy:

“God bless this house! Let only laughter and joy abide in him, let peace and love rule in him. So be it!”

For peace in the family

If there are frequent scandals and quarrels in the house or family, in order to restore calm to the family, use the ritual below.

On the eve of the Old New Year (January 13), get up early and at sunrise, walk around all the rooms of your home with a lit wax candle clockwise. In each room, stop and read three times:

“Fire of the Lord, help! Burn out all quarrels, scandals, lessons, prize winners, leave no trace of any evil.”

Bend over the bucket (previously filled with untouched water) and say three times:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Water, water, wash my home from quarrels and scandals, from evil spirits, and let love and peace remain in the house.”

Wash the floors throughout the entire house (apartment) thoroughly with this water, and then sprinkle the corners and walls.

Then take enough water to give tea to all family members, place the container next to the sugar bowl, and then say seven times:

“Sugar is sweet to everyone, big and small. I’ll sweeten the water, give my family a drink, and in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, far-flung scandals will go away from souls.”

Boil water, brew tea. The whole family should drink it before the chimes, adding sugar.

A day before the Old New Year, tie a ribbon made of natural fabric to your left hand. After 12 hours, remove it and burn it in a metal dish, saying:

“I take off the tape, I separate the trouble from myself.
The tape burns out and frees me from melancholy.
The ribbon smolders, I get healthy.

At 12 o'clock, open the door of the house, stand on the threshold, you can even become the whole family and say:

“The old year is passing, and the problems are gone.
The New Year is coming, bringing good luck!”

Instead of the word “problems,” you can list all the bad things that happened in the past year. This simple plot can be used as toast!

Burning problems

Take a small plate and cut small pieces of paper. On each of them, write what you would like to leave behind last year: illnesses, fears, tears, disappointments. You need to write not “in general,” but specifically.

Then burn each of these leaves in a prepared plate with words of gratitude, because with this fire will come not just relief, but a solution to all pressing problems!

Collection of various rituals on January 13

Magic blank slate

Within an hour after the onset of the Old New Year, take a blank sheet of paper and write on it in large letters: “ New Era“New Me.”

Below, you can use the points to indicate how you would like to see yourself in the new year. Do you want health? Write: “I am healthy.” If you dream of being slim, note: “I am slim and attractive.” Do you want love, money, or something else? Write about this too!

All phrases must be in the present tense! Once your list is ready, place it under your pillow for one night.

Every morning for the next 30 days, you need to re-read all the points on your sheet. You cannot add or remove anything from it!

After this period, hide the sheet in a secluded place and... leave it there until the next Old New Year. They say that at least 60% of what is written comes true this year! Let's check... and break this record!

So that they don’t find fault at work

On Old New Year's Eve, come to work before everyone else and read:

“Just as the teeth of the dead don’t bite, and their tongues don’t swear, Just as they don’t throw themselves in anger, They don’t wave their arms at the living, They don’t knock their feet, Just as they don’t shout at me, So that not one person, forever and ever, Nor the elder by rank, neither the junior, nor the one who counts, nor the one who sweeps, nor the one who sits in the chair, - Let him not look strictly at my face, nor scold me. This is how I read it, how I said everything, This is how it should be and my slander cannot be reversed. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Bones from the festive table on the occasion of the Old New Year are not thrown away from the table; in the morning they are buried in the ground under a tree with the words:

“As this tree grows and becomes stronger, so the health and material well-being of our entire family would grow and become stronger.”

“How can this tree get stronger, grow,
So I should bring good things into the house!
The tree can live and live,
I want to meet love and happiness!”

When all the dishes have been removed from the table, take the tablecloth, shake it three times and say:

“How many crumbs there were on this table, there would be so much happiness in our family.”

It is advisable to do this outside.

Usually the Christmas tree is removed on January 14th. To avoid getting into trouble, you should not throw the Christmas tree from the balcony. It can either be burned or taken outside.

When saying goodbye to the Christmas tree, you can say the following words:

“Down with bad luck, away with the Christmas tree, and off to my home. So be it."

Ritual for a new round of development

Since the Old New Year is much older than our usual New Year, it carries very powerful energy and strength. And given that it is tied to the old calendar, it is better to carry out all desires and rituals not to attract something new, but to correct something that already exists, but is stuck and is not moving forward. Everything that has long roots, everything that I would like to correct and give new round development and disclosure - this is exactly the area that will be very successful to conjure this night.

To start the ritual, wait until it gets dark and the moon rises in the sky, or at least one star appears. Put on any silver item (chain, ring, pendant, earrings). Stand by the window and, looking at the star, say the manifesto words. If the day turns out to be cloudy, don’t let it bother you. Send your imagination beyond the clouds to where the stars shine.

“Standing water flows,
Silver sparkles in the night
May my destiny become bright,
Time to live, go ahead!”

Next, light the church candle in the eastern part of the room and look at its light for a while. Do not extinguish the candle, let it burn out completely. In addition, it is favorable to burn green and gold candles in the old New Year to resolve financial issues, and pink and red ones for love ones.

For the rest of the evening, try to be in a good mood, in a light and good mood. After all, it is your condition, your faith in the strength and power of this night that will give impetus to the development of stagnant situations.

On the night of January 13th to 14th, don’t forget to knock on the threshold with the butt of an ax and say: “Life, health, bread!”

All these three components that you listed will not leave you, at least throughout the whole year, i.e. you will be alive, well-fed, and healthy.

Effective New Year rituals are not uncommon, because effectiveness largely depends only on the magician. That is why experienced sorcerers use their own magical rituals and conspiracies.

For beginners, time-tested rituals are better suited; they are easier to believe in, thanks to numerous evidence of their effectiveness.

Any ritual is just a code for moving to another level in the time spiral - the main thing is to believe in it, but objects for it are not the main thing.

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The night of January 13 is the best time for fortune telling. In ancient times, this night was considered the time of St. Basil, who helped people find out the future. Every year at this time people perform various rituals. It is believed that at this time the Earth is filled with magical energy. Earthly life is closely intertwined with magic and witchcraft, so each ritual carries within itself the fulfillment of desires.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year with money is accompanied by good luck and brings prosperity. The first thing you need to remember is a good holiday atmosphere. Be sincere, enjoy the magic, and success will definitely await you this year.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year with money

Fortune telling with money does not always carry good intentions. Perform the ritual if you sincerely wish to improve your financial condition. If there is a place in your thoughts for greed and dreams of wealth, there is no point in guessing. Most likely, you won't get anything good.

For coins

There are many options for predictions on January 13 aimed at attracting money. This is what the magic ritual for coins is aimed at. To do this, you need to take large denomination coins and wrap each one in a red piece of paper. The fabric should be natural, such as cotton or linen. The coin should go to each family member.

On the night of the Old New Year, set the table and place the prepared coins under the plates. Warn that money cannot be touched until the end of the meal. After dinner, when you start clearing the table, have everyone take their own coin. The next day you need to put these coins in your wallet. It is believed that the family atmosphere of love and the magic of the holiday will fill the money with good luck, turning it into a powerful talisman. For another option for fortune telling, watch the video:

By the pebbles

Evening and night are suitable for fortune telling by stones. The ritual is simple and does not require much effort or knowledge. The main thing is to conduct it without tricks and be frank.

Late in the evening, take a large container and fill it with water. Prepare some pebbles. Make a wish and throw a stone into the water. Count how many circles are formed: even number- your wish will be fulfilled, odd - you will have to wait a little.

It is not necessary to end fortune telling after one question. You can ask more, and more than one. This fortune telling can also be done with your family, where each person can find out whether his dream will come true or not.

On cat's paws

Fortune telling for the Old New Year can also involve your pet. Feel free to guess if you have a cat because a cat is considered a magical animal, especially if it is black in color. On the night of January 13, make a wish and say it in a whisper three times. Then call the pet. Pay attention to which paw the cat crosses the threshold of the room. If with the right, your wish will soon come true, if with the left, then not.

Remember that fortune telling is not a ritual designed to fulfill your desire. This is the answer to the question you are asking. If you don’t like your pet’s “answer,” don’t be upset. You can perform not fortune-telling, but a full-fledged magical ritual that will help you fulfill your dreams. The main thing is to believe that luck will definitely smile on you.

New Year's fortune telling for money

An effective way would be to perform a ritual for wealth on the waxing moon. At this time the world is filled positive energy. You will be able to get an accurate answer to your question.

On the night of the waxing moon, place a glass filled with water on the window. Wait until the light of the moon touches the water. Make a wish and drink water. At the same time, say the magic words:

“The thin moon will soon become full. So our house will be filled with goodness.”

As the moon grows, your income will increase. It is believed that this ritual takes effect instantly. However, no one but you should know about your fortune telling, otherwise the power of magic will not work.

Online fortune telling

You just need to point to 6 random cards:

Select 1st card