Calla flower. Magical properties. Flowers in the house according to Feng Shui - the meaning of indoor plants Where to put a white vase according to Feng Shui

A vase of wealth, or, in other words, a cup of abundance, is found among all eastern peoples and is usually kept in plain sight. It is capable of attracting an excess of material and spiritual benefits. It depends on what you put into the vase when creating it. Some want prosperity, others prefer harmony in the family, others want good health. Having created such a bowl, it is necessary to place it in a certain place in the apartment, endowed with the most powerful energy.
If you want material well-being, then it is better to hide the vase from prying eyes. And if your goal is happiness in the family, then the talisman should be placed in the most visible place. Important point, which must be remembered: the talisman bowl activates its power from communication with the creator. You must tell the talisman about your successes every time. For maximum power, you can put other talismans in the vase that attract love and prosperity.

How to create a vase of wealth

First, you need to decide what exactly you will focus on when creating a cup of abundance. If you want wealth, love and prosperity to come into your life, then you need to choose a round vase with a wide bottom. If you want no one to deprive you of the benefits you have acquired, then the cup should be a narrow vessel with a tapering neck. You can make the bowl yourself or buy it.
It is best to choose a light-colored vase made of wood, ceramic, porcelain or metal. But if you like a bowl because of its beauty, buy it immediately: it means you have found your energetic connection.
First of all, you should put symbols of good luck on the vase. It is necessary to clean the bowl with aromatic candles or sticks: to do this, just hold the flame on all sides of the talisman. This is done to prevent evil forces from getting into your vase. You definitely need to step back from everyday worries and concentrate all your efforts on creating an amulet. vital energy by using eastern horoscope. Replace bad thoughts with bright dreams of your immediate well-being. Sit in the most comfortable and brightly lit place, taking everything you need with you.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the vase of wealth should not be empty, but this powerful amulet should not be filled with anything either. You will need:

  • Fruits of the earth. You will need three small red bags in which you put grains or cereals (buckwheat, beans, wild rice, millet, peas, etc.). If desired, you can cover them with gold paint. It is advisable to place varieties of only one breed in each bag to avoid confusion.
  • Coins. The number of coins depends on the volume of the vase: you can place from three to nine coins there at the bottom in a circle. For the best effect, it is better to put gold coins tied with a red thread in the bowl, or purchase Bagua coins, which depict eight hieroglyphs. They are able to keep wealth inside the house. Anniversary coins will also serve as an excellent amulet - they symbolize unexpected luck.
  • Feng Shui crystals. You can purchase them in specialized stores. They are not essential items to fill your vase, but can increase favorable flows for achieving wealth, as well as attract positive energy and protect your home from adversity.
  • Deities. These are any figures you like that symbolize wealth and prosperity. Be sure to place them facing you, and they will give your home and family quick material well-being.
  • Photos of people who, in your opinion, have achieved significant results in life.
  • Clippings from newspapers and magazines of what you want specifically for yourself. For example, a luxurious mansion, a yacht, an expensive car, a gold watch.
  • Land from a rich man's plot. It is advisable that he himself gives you the soil in a bag with good intentions.

A real banknote will not be out of place in your vase, just be sure to put it in a bag or money bag. There is a belief that the number 988 is a great attractor of wealth. You can put in exchanged bills so that you have a total of 988, or have three separate bags with amounts of money of 9, 8 and another 8 rubles (dollars, euros).
The vase must be filled to the brim and tied with laces of different colors: red, blue, green, yellow, white. As soon as material well-being appears in your life, you should start making a new vase that will be larger than the previous one.
It is necessary to place it at home in an energetically strong place, which is located in the southeast. It’s great if you have a bedroom, nursery or kitchen in this sector: there is the most powerful flow of energy that can help your income grow.

The more energy you put into the vase of wealth, the more effective its operation. It is wonderful if the vase of wealth is not only filled, but also something in it is completed by the person himself, moreover, in his home, in the place where he lives. Or an energetically strong object, for example, a temple object, is taken under the vessel.

Today's magic lesson is dedicated to one of the most popular magical Feng Shui items - a vase of wealth (a vessel of abundance, prosperity, desires - the names may differ slightly).

Since this topic is very difficult, and we want to cover it as much as possible, we will devote several materials to it. And today will be such an introductory, introductory part. Of course, in the future we will also share detailed technologies for assembling the vase.

We will show examples with photographs. Let's reveal secrets and nuances. In the meantime, we will try to prepare you a little for this. You will probably be surprised, perhaps you will shrug your shoulders - “What is there to prepare for? So much has been written about vases of wealth...” That’s right. A lot has been written. But often a person has a lot of questions and contradictions from the information received on the Internet. Today we will try to figure this out a little.

Further, it would be more correct for me to narrate on my own behalf, since I will reveal my own view on the topic of the vase of wealth, based on the feelings of what I saw and heard in China, the Chinese communities of Malaysia and other East Asian countries.

Let's start with the fact that regarding the vase of wealth, I personally regularly receive many letters from you. And this is understandable. I travel around East Asia several times a year, and stop for a long time in the Celestial Empire to visit the most interesting places, wander around secret paths and holy lands. It is not surprising that many of you are interested in me about the ritual of collecting a vase of wealth in order to resolve some contradictions, for example. Find out what I saw with my own eyes. People often wonder why we don’t offer any vases of wealth in our collection or hold seminars on collecting them. They ask how I collect a vase of wealth myself and whether I collect it at all...

I will gradually try to answer all the numerous and most frequently asked questions from you. I'm collecting a vase. But I never do it in public. And there are reasons for this. One of them is collecting a vase - this is a very personal, individual matter. For me, this is a secret ritual that should take place in the house where you live, where, in fact, your vase will stand. I don’t think that very many knowledgeable Chinese would want to get together to make their vases of wealth (unless it’s a temple and unless they’re learning it for the first time, in case there was no one to pass it on to). family ritual). It is unlikely that anyone in the Celestial Empire will want to show their vase to everyone (unless they bring it to the lama for blessing). After all, most have their own family secrets and their own ritual, which has developed over the years, sometimes as a result of experimenting with some additional ingredients. Hence the differences, variants of slightly different rituals. By the way, in Buddhist temples For blessing by lamas or for puja (the corresponding ceremony), they bring ready-made vessels of wealth, collected at home, carefully covered with handkerchiefs and already tied. And they even leave it there for a day and then take it away.

It is worth noting that Malaysia is currently somewhat of an exception for me in traditional Chinese rituals. Feng Shui there has now become more Europeanized or something. In Malaysia, at one time, many Chinese rituals and Feng Shui items were somewhat modified to suit Europe. By the way, this Europeanization in our country (and in the West too) has led to the fashion of wearing dzi beads in bracelets on our hands, which the Chinese, Indians, Nepalese, and especially Tibetans themselves do not do. It is the Malayan modern laser-etched dzi beads that you most often see in these same bracelets. And also in Malaysia they are designing vases of wealth for mass production and promoting the idea to Europe for sales. This needs to be taken into account...

By the way, this kind of modern feng shui is now expanding at a fairly rapid pace. Young Chinese (most often those who at some point in time lost family traditions), especially residents of modern Hong Kong (which was for some time a British colony, therefore also close to the West), also began to learn how to collect vases of wealth at large events. This practice also occurs in other East Asian countries. But in principle this is correct. You have to study somewhere if you have never done it, right? But still, the real sacrament that has developed over the years in the family is something else. Therefore, people who are already “savvy” in the matter of collecting vases should still try to perform their ritual, at home, by themselves, carefully selecting (finishing) their vase. But again, this is my personal opinion.

I am somehow closer to traditional Chinese non-Europeanized Feng Shui, since it was original. And I'm not a fan of mass stamping for use as a vessel for a vase of wealth. For some reason it seems to me that the energy there is not the same. The vessel, in my opinion, will work effectively for you when you put a piece of your soul into it. Or if it is a temple thing, with already existing strong energy. Or - if it was made by knowledgeable people, for example, monks - in accordance with all the canons. Just like some of the ingredients for the vase, in my opinion, you need to select it yourself. You must put your energy into collecting your vessel, and not just take everything ready-made and the same, like everyone else. For me, for example, even the figures of the Deity are important - I will carefully choose the one that will look at me. And if I feel like I need to add something to my vase, I will add it, even if it is not traditionally Chinese in style.

The bottom line is this. There are four options for collecting a vessel of wealth. That is, you can take everything ready (both the vase and the filling), add only your pieces of paper with wishes and personal belongings. You can make a vase yourself from a blank, and buy the ingredients ready-made - in a set. You can, on the contrary, buy a ready-made vase, but find each ingredient yourself. And, of course, you can make and assemble it yourself - absolutely everything, filling everything with your energy. Of course, what to do is up to you.

By the way, currently in Tibetan temples there are vessels of abundance, already collected, filled and sealed by Tibetan lamas. These are vessels collected through very serious and lengthy rituals. You can also attract them, but perform Dzambhale puja at home, a kind of ritual. It’s good to additionally collect a cup of wealth, which can be replenished with the necessary ingredients when needed (read about what a cup of wealth is below).

Very often they ask why there is different information about vases of wealth in terms of: material of manufacture, sealing (is it necessary?). Indeed, why do some recommend sealing the vase and not opening it, while others claim that you don’t need any lids on it, and in general you constantly need to add something to the vase?

Everything is simple here. The confusion has arisen because some people do not know that there is a Vase of wealth (it is sealed, hidden and not opened) And there is a cup of wealth - it works as an addition to the vase. The cup of wealth is not really sealed; it may or may not have a lid (as you wish), and the ingredients in it can be changed or supplemented. By the way, the cup of wealth can be replaced by a pot of desires, similar in its effect, but we will talk about these vessels with you later, only after we complete the series of our materials in the vase of wealth (the same one that is sealed and put away).

Regarding the material from which the vase of wealth should be made. It’s not true that it must be ceramics and porcelain or metal! Choose a material that suits your soul. But avoid fragility and pronounced unnaturalness. Personally, I would exclude, for example, glass and plastic (the first material is too fragile, the second is too simple and too “lifeless”, artificial). Although, one can argue with this. In a word, choose a vessel with your heart.

By the way, wood is also an excellent material from which a vase of wealth can be made. It is no coincidence that it is the elements of wood that should be placed in the wealth zone itself. Just as trees grow, so will your wealth in a wooden vessel grow.

How can you make the vase personal and individual? How to fill it with your energy and a piece of your soul? I will answer. In my opinion, you can take a blank and make a vessel out of it that you want. Paint it yourself, for example. Make decoupage. Whether for gold or Khokhloma, it’s your own business!

You can beautifully decorate a clay or wooden blank. It's not difficult, anyone can do it if they want. But you will have your own individual vessel, not like everyone else. Try it - you will like it. We will tell you about some ways to “complete” vases of wealth in our next material , we will give our own examples that beginners who have never done decoupage can use. And those who already have such experience do not even need advice. Some people are able to make vases from simple blanks that you can’t buy anywhere! I’m not talking about the energy that will fill the vase during its creation. This is your creation. It can't help but work! While you are doing it, you will already love it with all your soul. A little advice - during your work with the future vase of wealth - include mantras. This could be the mantra of Fulfillment of wishes to Green Tara or Yellow Dzambhala, for example.

Well, if you have problems with creativity (or with time), then come up with a sketch of your vase of wealth and order it from some master. This technique will also work. You'll have to work hard on the sketch, won't you?

If you are also not good at invention, then, of course, you can choose a ready-made vessel for a vase of wealth. After all, even when choosing (searching for) a ready-made vase, you will still spend some energy, plus you will attract the vessel that will “hook”. So this approach is also suitable. But in this case, take your search seriously. Try to choose “your” vase. More individual. Try to avoid stamping. In the Celestial Empire, you can also find in specialized shops different versions of vessels for Vases of Wealth. They come in different varieties, expensive bronze or brass (sometimes these are already old), ceramic and wooden - cheaper. These are temple vessels that already carry a certain energy. They were originally made by performing a special ritual.

Yes, you won't be able to finish the vase in one day. After all, first the vessel will have to be made from a blank (either come up with a sketch and order it to a craftsman, or search and select a ready-made one that will “catch you”), and this may take some time depending on your imagination and complexity of the work (or the available choice - if searching for a finished vase). And only when the vessel (note, the vessel has already exchanged energies with you!) is ready (found), you can begin the ritual of collecting the vase.

Now there are many training seminars with mass performance of all kinds of rituals. Of course, they are needed - and especially for those people who have never encountered any specific issue or specific topic. You need to gain knowledge somewhere, to learn. And for the first time the whole action will become magical for you. And, of course, it will work! However, I would not recommend regularly collecting your vase of wealth at general events. If only because each time the zest of the sacrament may be lost. And this is not surprising. After all, at seminars from year to year, every year similar vessels are collected - the same type, the same filling, the same as those of hundreds of other people who attended the same event with you. One fine day you may feel that the effectiveness of the same ritual suddenly ceases to live up to expectations. If you notice that this has happened, then it’s time to grow. This is my personal opinion. You have learned something - improve your skills. Do the work yourself. Make the ritual intimate. Try it at home, by yourself or with your family. Add something of your own. Don't forget to bring your inner genie into your work.

Independently making (ordering or searching for) a vase of wealth, independently searching for the ingredients for it and performing the ritual independently, by the way, is also suitable for those people who, for some personal reasons, are not yet ready to pay for an expensive training event. Or simply, secrecy and mystery are very important for a person. By the way, this is why we finally decided to describe in detail some of the rituals of collecting a vase of wealth with detailed explanations of individual points, so that you can understand them, realize them and choose something of your own.

By the way, the Vase of Wealth does not have to be collected annually. This is required if, for example, you have “outgrown” what you wanted and what you put in your previous vase. Or - if you moved to another home (since the vases are very attached to the house in which they were collected). In general, the vase of wealth (precisely the sealed one) is collected for many years, it does not open, it is taken out only once a year on the new moon in Chinese New Year, wiped outside, blessed during the meeting of the God of Wealth, for example. And hides again.

Another important point. Regarding the fact that one of the ingredients in a vase of wealth should be soil from a rich person’s property. So here it is. This is, of course, a personal matter. But, for example, I will not put such soil in my vase. Why? Let's figure it out.

First of all, what is your personal measure of wealth? For one of us, a certain person is very rich, for another he is just a beggar! Everyone's idea of ​​income and wealth is different. In addition, today, for example, a million rubles is a lot for you, tomorrow the same million rubles is not enough for you. Why limit the Universe to certain measures of the wealth of a certain individual? Because he's successful? Yes, we can agree with the energy of success. But. Do you know the most important thing - is he HAPPY? Quite often very rich and seemingly successful people hide their true feelings (as well as their true faces) from everyone. It happens that, having a lot of material wealth, a person is completely unhappy in love. Or he is in poor health, for example. And he himself may, to put it mildly, be “not a gift,” but some kind of secret tyrant and scoundrel. So you yourself may not really know what other energy you are dragging along with the earth of such an outwardly rich and successful person into your vase of wealth. Personally, I wouldn't take that risk. Just like limiting the Universe to the measure of someone's wealth. Although, I repeat, this is purely individual. Act according to your decision and your intuition.

By the way, it will be very cool if you put beautiful, clean, fertile soil in your vase; you can also take sand. Or you can even replace it with the earth element - for example, filling the bottom of the vase with crushed citrine.

You can add a little earth from a holy place or place of power; you don’t have to pour it out, you can just put it in a small bag.

We will discuss with you next time the ingredients that need to be sent to the vase of wealth. But now, looking ahead a little, I want to warn you that it is very important when the vase of wealth contains some magical objects for you personally. It’s good if these are attracted magical things from holy places. It’s even better when, in addition to them, the vase is also filled with your personal secret items, with which magical events, changes, and joyful moments are associated. We will talk about this in more detail later. Gradually from material to material, we will tell you how to work with blanks, what ingredients and how to select them, in what order to send them to the vase and how exactly to do it. So you can make and assemble your own Vase of Wealth yourself.

Well, for now you have something to think about. To be continued -


Zantedeschia (calla lily) preserves family happiness, drives away despondency from home, and helps those who react painfully to criticism. She develops imagination and teaches her to speak beautifully.

Not everyone knows that a houseplant with such a mysterious name - zantedeschia - is everyone's favorite calla lily.

Zantedeschia (calla lily)- a talisman of female happiness, attracts love and enhances internal attraction.

Calla - women's amulet

Once upon a time, a merciless leader from a barbarian tribe passionately fell in love with a beautiful girl and decided to take her as his wife. But the beauty dared to refuse him. An angry man attacked her settlement, intending to seize the power of the girl he liked. On the day of the wedding, which was to take place against her will, the girl, dressed in festive attire, was about to throw herself into the fire, but the ancient gods did not allow her to simply die. They turned it into a magnificent and delicate flower- calla lilies. Since then, this amazing plant has protected women from diseases and evil people, from quarrels and conspiracies, suggests the right decisions, teaches you to be strong and decisive.

Calla is a talisman of family happiness. They say that reconciliation after a quarrel will be easier, and old grievances will be forgotten faster, if you present this flower to a person dear to you, with whom your relationship has broken down.

Calla will reveal your femininity. And the negativity around will be transformed into goodwill and a desire for open conversation.

The image of a calla lily can be used in the design of the home of creative people who are unsure of their own abilities and doubt the possibility of realizing their ideas. The flower is very graceful and elegant and for such people it will become one of the life-giving drops of inspiration and self-confidence.

Pay attention to bouquets of calla lilies when choosing a gift for a friend who is unlucky in love due to her lack of self-confidence. Bed linen with images of large zantedeschia flowers will also help her attract mutual passion and affection. Don't forget to tell your friend that when she falls asleep, she imagines meeting someone she would like to see as her life partner.

Harmony and tranquility

There are many beliefs that calla lily is a flower that increases the immunity of its owner. It is believed that this plant charges the very air in the garden and home with health, energy and strength. The subtle vanilla aroma of calla lilies is unobtrusive and fresh, simple beauty The flower symbolizes harmony and tranquility. A bouquet of calla lilies banishes despondency and melancholy and gives cheerfulness and hope to a seriously ill person. On a green piece of cloth the size of a napkin under a dish, embroider several white flowers in satin stitch, along with a homemade cake or sweet pie, give this napkin to a person whose health and happiness you are especially worried about.

Tinctures from the rhizome of Zantedeschia were once used as a strong counteract to the bite of deadly snakes.

Conditions for growing Zantedeschia (calla lilies)

Lighting. Zantedeschia is a shade-loving plant for which bright sunlight is destructive.

Temperature. The air temperature in summer should be 20 °C; drafts and sudden temperature changes should not be allowed.

Humidity. This is a moisture-loving plant. You can imitate the conditions of wet South African meadows by pouring water into a pan and maintaining a constant level (3-5 cm). It is especially useful to spray calla lilies with warm water during flowering.

Substrate. A mixture of turf, leaf soil and compost (1:1:1). Add to this a tablespoon of superphosphate per 3 liters of mixture.

Transfer. Zantedeschias do not tolerate cramped containers well. A whole thicket of half-meter-long leaves grows from a modest-looking tuber. If the pot is small, the zantedeschia may not bloom. Therefore, the plant must be replanted annually, adding peat and humus to the soil.

Watering. The plant needs to be watered frequently and abundantly.

Nutrition. It is advisable to feed calla lilies (another name for calla lilies) during the period of active growth, using special flower fertilizers for this. These will be mainly mineral fertilizers. At the beginning of the zantedeschia season, more nitrogen fertilizers are required, and during flowering, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers are required.

Pests and diseases. Zaitedeschia is attacked by aphids and spider mites.

Reproduction. Calla lilies are propagated by seeds and suckers, which are separated from the plant in the summer and placed in a bowl with prepared soil or rooted in water. You can also propagate calla lilies from tubers.

The tuber must be elastic and must have live apical buds, with light yellowish and unwrinkled skin in the upper part. Before planting, the tubers can be stored in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment for some time. In March (but no later than April) you need to interrupt their dormancy and plant them in the substrate.

If you want to get plants from seeds, sow them immediately after harvesting and maintain the temperature around 20°C. After the seedlings have grown stronger, transplant them from the box into individual pots. Next year, seedlings can be put into dormancy within two months.

Callas in the language of flowers - admiration, respect and admiration. It’s as if he’s telling the woman: “You’re gorgeous!” And when a man gives calla lilies, you can be sure that he is a true gentleman and an extraordinary person. People who prefer these flowers are very gentle, but at the same time full of grace and elegance. In addition, callas are a talisman of marital happiness. Very often, the bride’s bouquet contains this modest, vanilla-scented flower. In addition, our ancestors believed that a calla flower at home would protect spouses from quarrels and disagreements. Callas are a symbol of decency and honesty, which is why they are often used to make business bouquets.

Callas are of South African origin. Large white flowers originate from the Ethiopian calla lily, which grows up to one and a half meters. Multi-colored callas belong to a different species and are no more than half a meter in height. Calla lilies amazed Europeans with their purity of shape and lines; they have been bred for two hundred years. In Russia, calla lilies were immediately called “whitewing” for its similarity to a snow-white swan’s wing.

There are several legends associated with calla lilies. Here is one of the stories about the appearance of this wonderful flower. A merciless leader from a barbarian tribe fell passionately in love with a beautiful young girl and decided to take her as his wife. But the kind and honest girl boldly refused him. An angry man attacked her settlement, intending to seize the power of the girl he liked. On the day of the wedding, which was not to take place according to her will, the beauty, dressed in a festive wedding attire, wanted to throw herself into the fire, but the ancient gods decided to help the girl, not wanting such a pure and brave creature to simply die, and turned her into magnificent and delicate flower - calla lily. Since then, this amazing plant has been protecting women from illnesses and evil people, from quarrels and conspiracies, suggesting the right decisions, showing the way, teaching them to be strong and decisive, and luckily becoming a wonderful companion for brides in a wedding bouquet, promising a marriage of mutual love.

It is believed that the flower is able to protect young girls from illness and the evil eye, from gossip and troubles in their personal lives. There was a time when wedding bouquets consisted only of these flowers; it was believed that such a bouquet could give a girl a serene marriage and happiness with her chosen one. Not only the plant itself has magical properties, but even its image - it protects the house from “poison”, not only real, but also fictional; it is impossible to “poison” a house with calla lilies, that is, to jinx it. Calla helps to resist stress and despondency, as well as to create and act, regardless of circumstances.

Calla is not a simple flower, but rather an exotic one. The feminine shape gives it a touch of sexuality. This is one of the rare cases when it is appropriate to give a single flower, and a pair of flowers symbolizes the unity of husband and wife in marriage. At the same time, you should not be afraid of superstitions regarding evenness in a bouquet. A bouquet of callas exudes a subtle vanilla aroma, fresh and unobtrusive. The simplicity of the form expresses calmness, balance and harmony.

According to Feng Shui, the Vase of Wealth is a legendary talisman that has been kept in the caches of influential families in China for several millennia. But everything secret always becomes clear, so the secret was revealed. A vase of wealth helps to achieve financial success and wealth, and if desired, such a talisman can be made with your own hands.

Choosing a vase

First, think about which vase is suitable for performing the ritual according to Feng Shui. This subtle ancient Chinese science can help improve your life and make it more beautiful and stable. Since it is assumed that certain symbols will be placed in the future “vase of wealth,” it is necessary to carefully select the storage container. There are some factors that are recommended to be taken into account when choosing.

First of all, you should pay attention to the material from which it is made. It can be porcelain, metal or ceramics. Since this is a kind of “repository of wealth”, it should look like it. It is not recommended to buy a glass vase, as it can easily break, or a plastic vase, as it looks too poor to attract wealth.

The second necessary quality of a vase is that it must be round. That is, its neck should be much narrower than the bottom of the object. Among psychics and esotericists this form is considered ideal to prevent energy from leaking out. Remember what Old Man Hottabych's jug looked like. It was not a bottle or a jar, but a pot-bellied jug capable of holding a spirit inside until the moment its owner released it. Similarly, in the case of a vase of wealth - a pot-bellied container will not allow the energy of wealth to “fly” out of the bottle and your home.

It is also important that the vase is closed with a fitting lid. This way, not only will the positive energy not spill out, but the values ​​inside it will also be preserved if it accidentally falls.

It is recommended to choose a vase of a light shade. It doesn’t matter what color it is or whether there will be drawings and patterns on it. The main thing is that the background is light, then the vase will symbolize pure intentions and positive energy.

What to fill the vase with?

Now you already have a brand new vase, which will soon become a talisman. The first step is to perform a cleansing ritual. To do this, you will need scented candles that are placed around the vase. Wait until they burn out completely and only after that start filling the vase of wealth with the following symbols:

  • Three coins of any denomination tied with a regular red ribbon.
  • A handful of land collected from the plot of a rich and influential person, but it cannot be stolen - only asked politely.
  • Several multi-colored feng shui crystals.
  • Special Chinese coins, which are purchased for the frog mascot, in the amount of 9 pieces.
  • Several photos of people you respect and whom you want to be like.
  • Miniature pictures of wealth: coins, cars, houses. The main thing is that they are not repeated even partially.
  • A small figurine of a golden Hotei, which is a symbol of prosperity and wealth in Feng Shui.
  • Money frog, but without coins.
  • Money tree branch.
  • Banknotes brought from abroad.
  • Several gem stones for your choice.

When all the “ingredients” are packed, the vase should be filled to the brim. In this case, you can add symbols in a chaotic order. The main thing is to put all the “riches” into it.

The vase of wealth cannot be opened, so it is better to place it away from children, but do not forget about its existence. Wipe off dust, but do not open. When what you want comes into your life, you can keep the vase for yourself or give it to loved ones.

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