Strengthening the wealth zone according to Feng Shui. Wealth zone according to Feng Shui in an apartment: how and with what they can be decorated

“Money can do anything: tear down rocks, dry up rivers. There is no peak that a donkey loaded with gold cannot climb.”

Fernando de Rojas

Any home is a living, breathing organism, says Feng Shui. He may or may not be in harmony with his owners. Our housing has sections of space, each of which is responsible for the well-being of one or another area of ​​the owner’s life. When something goes wrong, it is quite possible that some sector in the apartment is incorrectly decorated and deactivated. This also applies to money.

We are looking for the money sector

According to Feng Shui, the wealth zone in an apartment is the southeast. Finding this part of the house is not difficult. You can use a compass or Ba Gua grid. Or make it even simpler: to determine the southeast in any room, stand with your back to the front door - the far left corner is the southeast. There is a wealth zone there. Walk through this part of the apartment. Does extra furniture bother you? If it is difficult to move freely in this zone, there will be interference with the circulation of Qi energy.

Putting the money sector in order

According to Feng Shui, the money zone in an apartment requires cleanliness. Free this space from excess junk and unnecessary things. Moreover, there should be no debris, dust or dirt there. Now we need to get rid of such items that can not only slow down monetary activity, but also destroy it. It is not recommended to place the following things in the wealth zone:

  • Antique things. Each thing has its own energy field. Old objects that have been touched by many different hands can change the vibrational field and become a strong obstacle to the energy of money. Even if they are very attractive and fit perfectly into the surroundings of the house, remove them from the wealth zone.
  • Bin. This item has a very negative effect on the wealth zone. The trash can creates a kind of vacuum in the energy field, into which positive, dynamic energy is sucked. Get her out of there immediately.
  • Broken items. Damaged things are surrounded by a kind of field of failure (after all, they suffered it in their existence, they broke). Such items can negate all efforts to improve your life. They have negative energy.
  • The same emitters of “dead”, destructive energy are dried flowers, wilted, diseased plants and cacti.

    Be sure to get rid of such things in the wealth zone. And cacti that generate Sha energy are best placed in the workroom (they will help you realize your plans and develop ideas).

  • Fridge. Although the refrigerator appeared much later than the teachings of Feng Shui, modern experts argue that the monetary sector should be free from such units. If this cannot be done, secure the refrigerator. Just make sure it is clean and free of ice. Store more fresh fruits and vegetables in it.
  • Fireplace. It creates comfort and warmth in the apartment. But if the southeast, where the money sector is located, is decorated with a fireplace that is directly related to fire, then the cash flow may simply burn out. Fire has an extremely negative effect on this area. There is no need to throw away the fireplace - you can neutralize it. Place a small aquarium on it or hang a picture with the water element.

    Awakening the monetary sector from hibernation

    This part of the apartment should be well lit. Then the money will not get lost in the dark, and you will follow the bright path to success and successfully bypass all obstacles, bypassing dead ends, noticing the dangers in time.

    What to do if the wealth sector is a bathroom?

    Of course, moving the bathtub and toilet is problematic. But in the teachings of Feng Shui, nothing is impossible. In this case, hang mirrors on the doors of these rooms.

    Make sure that mirrors do not reflect the front door and do not “cut off” the tops of the people living in this house.

    It will be very effective if you place bells in such rooms. Place red rugs in front of the doors, and tie the pipes in the bathroom with red ribbons.

    If the wealth zone includes a bedroom, we do nothing. After all, Yin energy circulates in the rest room. If Qi energy is mixed with it, they will interfere with each other and the occupant of this room may become stressed. There is no need to activate such a southeast. You already automatically become the ruler of the money zone.

    The most ideal room for a wealth zone in an apartment is the living room. In this case, you need to activate this area.

    How to activate the money zone according to all the rules?

    Feng Shui suggests using various symbols, colors and objects for this, which are ideal for the wealth sector and effectively make it work.

    Interior color scheme

    Ideal colors for attracting money are green, purple, dark blue, gold, violet and black. Unlimited scope for creativity awaits you. You can decorate the southeast room with various decorative items of these colors. The right color scheme will encourage the activation of the two most important elements of the wealth sector: wood and water.


    Of course, we won’t plant a forest there. But using some objects symbolic of wood is welcome. Indoor plants in pots will have the greatest effect. A well-groomed, blooming “Crassula” (“money tree”) will bring maximum benefit in the wealth sector. If you are a fierce opponent of living flowers, they can be replaced with drawings, photographs, paintings depicting forests, individual trees or flowers.


    Do you love aquarium fish? An aquarium with goldfish is the most ideal option. Just learn how to properly care for them, clean the walls of the aquarium on time, and renew the water so that the wealth zone is successful. The aquarium itself in the apartment should not be too large.

    By the way, if your fish suddenly die, don’t panic! Feng Shui says that a dead aquarium fish is a ransom with which you ward off troubles. There should be nine fish (according to Feng Shui rules). Diversify the golden kingdom of fish with one black one for protection.

    Don't want to bother with fish? It doesn’t matter, a vessel with water will do. And if it is also silver, then in combination with water the silver will turn into a powerful magnet for money. You can purchase a home fountain. Well, or just hang paintings or photographs depicting the water element in the wealth sector. But not a standing pond (the water should move slowly). Overkill in the form of a tsunami or a violent storm is also not needed. Beautiful waterfalls, quiet seas, gentle rivers - this will do.

In the photo: God of wealth and prosperity - Hotei, money toad, turtles, tree made of coins, talisman - fish.

Additionally, you can equip this area with various cute and very effective little things:

  • image of the hieroglyph “money” for obtaining finance from various sources;
  • feng shui money frog
  • Chinese coins so that your mind is tuned to making a profit;
  • “wind chime” to attract money;
  • cash souvenirs made of expensive metals or with precious stones.

After all, we need to not only activate the wealth sector, but also make it clear that we ourselves are ready with all our being to receive and accept cash flow. Give such a message to the cosmos and turn into a wealthy person. Blessings to you!

In the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, which provides knowledge on how to search for favorable flows of Qi energy for use for the benefit of a person, a special place is given to the issue of attracting material well-being. As we already know, the zones into which the living space is divided are responsible for a certain area of ​​a person’s life. According to this ancient science, in order for favorable changes to begin to occur in a particular area of ​​life, the necessary zone must be activated.

The Wealth Zone, which, in accordance with Feng Shui, is located in the southeastern sector of the room, helps to attract financial well-being and material values, favorable connections and relationships with people into a person’s life, improve well-being, strengthen existing businesses and create favorable conditions for the implementation of money projects. But before you start activating this zone, you need to know its characteristics:

Direction: Southeast.

Main element: Tree.

Power element: Water.

Weakening element: Fire.

Breaking element: Metal.

Trigram: Xun.

Number: 4.

Colors: green(basic), dark blue, lilac, brown, beige, black.

Shapes: tall, rectangular, wavy, curving, elongated, square.

Talismans: everything green, indoor plants with rounded leaves, wooden items, straw products, wicker furniture, bamboo, pictures of plants, rectangles, aquariums, seascapes, glass, mirror surfaces, marble, amethyst.

Dangerous symbols: candles and everything related to fire, metal objects and red colors, pointed and triangular shapes.

Fragrances: rose, orchid, patchouli, mint.

Activation effect: gaining a strong financial position and success in business.

Knowing the characteristics of the zone is fundamentally important so that, during activation, you do not place objects in this zone that, on the contrary, can cause harm. In addition, in order to get results from all your actions and make them stable, you first need to prepare the entire house, namely, make sure that the Chi energy circulates freely and correctly throughout it. In the article, we examined in detail all the recommendations that need to be followed at the initial stage - once again carefully go through the list and make sure that you have not forgotten anything - after which you can begin to activate the zone itself.

So, the element to which the Wealth Zone is subordinate is Wood. The element that the Tree nourishes, and in other words, strengthens, is Water, and the earth provides a solid basis for the growth of the Tree, so all kinds of wooden gizmos and objects associated with water and corresponding to the elements of earth will be good talismans for this sector. The colors for this area, both for the decor and for the elements placed in it, should also correspond to these elements.

When decorating your Wealth Zone, use fresh flowers and plants, but immediately get rid of fading flowers and try not to use artificial ones. One of the most favorable talismans for this zone is the so-called “Money Tree”; the most popular is Crassula. It can also include all plants that have round or thick fleshy leaves that resemble coins. Another traditional talisman for attracting money is considered to be “lucky” bamboo. By the way, under the money tree pot you can put the well-known talisman of three coins.

In addition to fresh flowers and plants, you can also use their images, as well as images of forests, parks, bright green leaves and grass. Paintings and panels depicting beautiful summer landscapes, with a lot of greenery and sun, are also suitable. In addition, images of natural landscapes with land formations, be it sandy beaches or canyons, are also suitable here.

As already mentioned, the main element of the Wealth Zone will be symbolically nourished by objects of the element of water - an aquarium with fish or a fountain, as well as mirrors and reflective surfaces. At the same time, the fountain must work continuously so that the flow of money on the way to you is not interrupted.

Images of water are also suitable, but here you need to take into account some nuances: when choosing a picture, it is better to give preference to the one that depicts clear water, rather than cloudy and stagnant water, as well as to those in which the water flows calmly. If you like images of fountains, then it is better to choose ones where the water flows upward, but it is better not to use paintings with waterfalls in this area - according to feng shui masters, a downward flow of water can destabilize certain areas of life, in our case – this is the material and financial spheres. If you activate this sector correctly, you can achieve good results in the financial sector.

“Money can do anything: tear down rocks, dry up rivers. There is no peak that a donkey loaded with gold cannot climb.” Fernando de Rojas

Any home is a living, breathing organism, says Feng Shui. He may or may not be in harmony with his owners. Our housing has sections of space, each of which is responsible for the well-being of one or another area of ​​the owner’s life. When something goes wrong, it is quite possible that some sector in the apartment is incorrectly decorated and deactivated. This also applies to money.

According to Feng Shui, the wealth zone in an apartment is the southeast. Finding this part of the house is not difficult. You can use a compass or Ba Gua grid. Or make it even simpler: to determine the southeast in any room, stand with your back to the front door - the far left corner is the southeast. There is a wealth zone there. Walk through this part of the apartment. Does extra furniture bother you? If it is difficult to move freely in this zone, there will be interference with the circulation of Qi energy.

Putting the money sector in order

According to Feng Shui, the money zone in an apartment requires cleanliness. Free this space from excess junk and unnecessary things. Moreover, there should be no debris, dust or dirt there. Now we need to get rid of such items that can not only slow down monetary activity, but also destroy it. It is not recommended to place the following things in the wealth zone:

  • Antique things. Each thing has its own energy field. Old objects that have been touched by many different hands can change the vibrational field and become a strong obstacle to the energy of money. Even if they are very attractive and fit perfectly into the surroundings of the house, remove them from the wealth zone.
  • Bin. This item has a very negative effect on the wealth zone. The trash can creates a kind of vacuum in the energy field, into which positive, dynamic energy is sucked. Get her out of there immediately.
  • Broken items. Damaged things are surrounded by a kind of field of failure (after all, they suffered it in their existence, they broke). Such items can negate all efforts to improve your life. They have negative energy.
  • The same emitters of “dead”, destructive energy are dried flowers, wilted, diseased plants and cacti. Be sure to get rid of such things in the wealth zone. And cacti that generate Sha energy are best placed in the workroom (they will help you realize your plans and develop ideas).
  • Fridge. Although the refrigerator appeared much later than the teachings of Feng Shui, modern experts argue that the monetary sector should be free from such units. If this cannot be done, secure the refrigerator. Just make sure it is clean and free of ice. Store more fresh fruits and vegetables in it.
  • Fireplace. It creates comfort and warmth in the apartment. But if the southeast, where the money sector is located, is decorated with a fireplace that is directly related to fire, then the cash flow may simply burn out. Fire has an extremely negative effect on this area. There is no need to throw away the fireplace - you can neutralize it. Place a small aquarium on it or hang a picture with the water element.

Awakening the monetary sector from hibernation

This part of the apartment should be well lit. Then the money will not get lost in the dark, and you will follow the bright path to success and successfully bypass all obstacles, bypassing dead ends, noticing the dangers in time.

What to do if the wealth sector is a bathroom?

Of course, moving the bathtub and toilet is problematic. But in the teachings of Feng Shui, nothing is impossible. In this case, hang mirrors on the doors of these rooms.

Make sure that mirrors do not reflect the front door and do not “cut off” the tops of the people living in this house.

It will be very effective if you place bells in such rooms. Place red rugs in front of the doors, and tie the pipes in the bathroom with red ribbons.

If the wealth zone includes a bedroom, we do nothing. After all, Yin energy circulates in the rest room. If Qi energy is mixed with it, they will interfere with each other and the occupant of this room may become stressed. There is no need to activate such a southeast. You already automatically become the ruler of the money zone.

The most ideal room for a wealth zone in an apartment is the living room. In this case, you need to activate this area.

How to activate the money zone according to all the rules?

Feng Shui suggests using various symbols, colors and objects for this, which are ideal for the wealth sector and effectively make it work.

Interior color scheme

Ideal colors for attracting money are green, purple, dark blue, gold, violet and black. Unlimited scope for creativity awaits you. You can decorate the southeast room with various decorative items of these colors. The right color scheme will encourage the activation of the two most important elements of the wealth sector: wood and water.


Of course, we won’t plant a forest there. But using some objects symbolic of wood is welcome. Indoor plants in pots will have the greatest effect. The maximum benefit in the wealth sector will come from a well-groomed, blooming tree. If you are a fierce opponent of living flowers, they can be replaced with drawings, photographs, paintings depicting forests, individual trees or flowers.


Do you love aquarium fish? An aquarium with goldfish is the most ideal option. Just learn how to properly care for them, clean the walls of the aquarium on time, and renew the water so that the wealth zone is successful. The aquarium itself in the apartment should not be too large.

By the way, if your fish suddenly die, don’t panic! Feng Shui says that a dead aquarium fish is a ransom with which you ward off troubles. There should be nine fish (according to Feng Shui rules). Diversify the golden kingdom of fish with one black one for protection.

Don't want to bother with fish? It doesn’t matter, a vessel with water will do. And if it is also silver, then in combination with water the silver will turn into a powerful magnet for money. You can purchase a home fountain. Well, or just hang paintings or photographs depicting the water element in the wealth sector. But not a standing pond (the water should move slowly). Overkill in the form of a tsunami or a violent storm is also not needed. Beautiful waterfalls, quiet seas, gentle rivers - this will do.

In the photo: God of wealth and prosperity - Hotei, money toad, turtles, tree made of coins, talisman - fish.

Money symbols and talismans

Additionally, you can equip this area with various cute and very effective little things:

  • image of the hieroglyph “money” for obtaining finance from various sources;
  • Chinese coins so that your mind is tuned to making a profit;
  • “wind chime” to attract money;
  • cash souvenirs made of expensive metals or with precious stones.

After all, we need to not only activate the wealth sector, but also make it clear that we ourselves are ready with all our being to receive and accept cash flow. Give such a message to the cosmos and turn into a wealthy person. Blessings to you!

According to adherents of the practice of Feng Shui, any home is a living organism filled with energy. It happens that a person feels comfortable, feels coziness, protection and peace. But it also happens the other way around, when people, being in their own home, experience fear, inconvenience or other unpleasant feelings. This is due to the fact that the house does not always harmonize with its owners, and may even reject them. But don’t be upset: any home can be put in order, made pleasant and comfortable for living, filled with positive energy.

A properly designed space can improve things in various areas of life. This is what the eastern practice of Feng Shui is dedicated to.

Speaking about financial success, it is important to know that in any apartment there is a sector responsible for material well-being. If you put it in order and arrange it properly, you can improve your financial situation. This is exactly what is discussed in the article. Also, the information presented below answers the questions of where the wealth zone is located according to Feng Shui in an apartment and how to make it work for the benefit of the owner.

How to find the sector responsible for material well-being?

Before making any changes, you need to know the location of this area. According to Feng Shui practice, the wealth zone in an apartment is in the southeast. You can use a compass to determine the right room.

The next step is to assess the condition. Maybe this part of the home is cluttered or there is furniture installed there? You should know that the more things are located in the wealth zone according to Feng Shui, the weaker the circulation of Qi energy will be there. Namely, it is responsible for filling space with vitality.

Cleaning and tidying

When a zone of wealth according to Feng Shui has been determined, where energy needs more free space, order should be restored here. When assessing the condition of the southeastern part of the home, you also need to understand how comfortable it is to be here. Is there any junk or unnecessary furniture? Maybe there are other foreign objects? If furniture is installed in this sector, it is recommended to rearrange it. It is important to remember that the money area should always be clean and comfortable. You should regularly get rid of dirt, dust and debris.

Getting rid of unnecessary items

It is very important to remove feng shui from the wealth zone in the house antiques. Any antique has a powerful energy field. Moreover, it can change from positive to negative, which depends on which people previously owned the thing. Negative energy can harm the proper circulation of positive energy. Therefore, even if this item fits perfectly into the overall decor of the room, it is recommended to move it away from the money area.

There should be no trash can or broken things in this room. According to Feng Shui, a wealth zone if it contains garbage will only give a negative result. And this will have a negative impact on home owners and their financial situation.

Faded or dried flowers emit bad energy. A plant such as a cactus generates Sha energy, so it is more appropriate to place it in an area that is intended for work.

If this place falls in the kitchen, it is recommended to remove the refrigerator from the southeastern part of the room. When this is impossible, Feng Shui experts advise cleaning it regularly and maintaining order. It is imperative to get rid of ice, missing and stale food.

It is undesirable for there to be a fireplace in the money sector. According to experts in the practice of Feng Shui, fire negatively affects this zone and repels material well-being. However, if it turns out that the fireplace is located in the apartment in the southeast, you can achieve harmony with the help of water: install a home indoor fountain or an aquarium nearby.

How to activate the wealth zone according to Feng Shui?

This is a very important point in the harmonization of the monetary sector, so it must be taken very seriously. Having cleared the wealth zone according to Feng Shui in the apartment and put it in order, you should begin to activate it. This process involves placing certain elements and decorating them in a certain color scheme. It is very easy to cope with such a task.

Various elements and additional items

The main method of activating a money zone is to place a tree in it. This could be an ornamental plant or an artificial tree with coins instead of leaves. The most suitable plant for these purposes that can be planted in a pot is Crassula. The flower is more popularly known as the money tree. A significant advantage is that the plant is unpretentious to its living conditions and is easy to care for. In addition, you can hang a picture depicting a forest.

Additional little things that will help activate the zone include the following items:

  • an image with a hieroglyph representing money;
  • "The music of wind";
  • various souvenirs made of precious metals;
  • Chinese coins (with a small hole in the center).

All items can be purchased in souvenir shops or brought from the countries of the Far East, if you manage to visit there.


An aquarium is an ideal option for activating a feng shui wealth zone in an apartment. It will have especially good energy; you can launch gold-colored fish. It is important to clean the aquarium and change the water in a timely manner.

Water is an excellent source of attracting money, so do not neglect this point. In addition to the aquarium, you can install a home fountain. However, this is quite an expensive pleasure that not everyone can afford.

According to experts in the field of Feng Shui, if a fish suddenly dies in an aquarium, this is a good omen. So, she kept the trouble away from the house. After this, you need to add one black fish into the aquarium, which is necessary to protect the home.

As a last resort, you can use images of water. But this is only on the condition that it is impossible to place a vessel with water. There are also certain recommendations here. For example, the water in the image must be in motion. Pictures with a stream or waterfall are good. Photos depicting stagnant waters, such as a pond, lake or sea, should not be placed in the money sector.

Feng Shui Wealth Zone Colors

There are several shades that will help attract money:

  • black;
  • violet;
  • lilac;
  • green;
  • gold;
  • Navy blue.

But this does not mean that you need to repaint the room or hang bulky carpets on the walls. It is enough to place here decorative elements or interior items in the appropriate color scheme.

In what cases should you not activate the wealth zone?

If it turns out that the bedroom is located in the southeast, you should abandon the planned action. This is due to the fact that Yin energy reigns in the room. With additional activation of the Qi energy field, the formation of disharmony is possible, which, again, will negatively affect the household. As practice shows, if this rule is violated, a person begins to feel tired and is in a state of constant stress. But don’t worry: if the bedroom is located in the southeast, then the owners of the house are already under the influence of positive energy.


The practice of Feng Shui can help harmonize the energy background of a home and its owner. Often people don't think about why their life is not as good as they would like it to be. And in vain, because everything can be corrected for the better.

This world is filled with various energies that can both destroy and improve people's lives. By tidying up the feng shui wealth zone in your apartment, you can stabilize not only your financial situation, but also improve matters related to other areas of life. You just need to believe that it really works and follow the rules described above.

Now that you have determined the location of the Feng Shui wealth zone in your apartment, take a closer look at it. What's there? Are there any rubble, debris, or unnecessary items? If there are, please throw them away.

The wealth zone should be the center of the symbolism of abundance in the home. Make sure your wealth sector "knows" your aspirations. You attract the beneficial cosmic energy Qi, which, when transformed, brings you abundance in its material expression - money, jewelry, things, etc.

Qi cannot be seen, nor can it be detected by instruments, but it is very powerful and omnipresent.

This cosmic energy appears to me in the form of a very curious, pampered, playful and generous lady. In fact, Qi is very fond of everything beautiful, bright, clean, elegant and is attracted by light and music. Having learned to communicate with the aristocratic Madame Qi, we will invite her to dance, generating fabulous abundance in our movement and creating miracles with each new pirouette with our royal partner.


According to Chinese natural philosophy, the southeast is ruled by the Wood element. Therefore, first of all we need to introduce the element of Water into this sector for good growth of Wood. Let money flow to you like a river! These can be miniature fountains, aquariums with live fish (eight gold and one black for protection), even just a bowl of water.

Just be sure to keep the water clean. Dirty, stagnant water brings financial problems. If you keep an aquarium in the southeast corner and one or two fish suddenly die, don't panic. The Chinese believe that in this way the misfortune was averted. Just hurry up and replace them with new fish.

I want to warn against excesses. In Feng Shui, bigger is not always better. There is no need to have an overly large aquarium. Water is a very powerful element and must be used with caution. Too much water can symbolically “flood” your Wealth Tree. Keep it in moderation. Also, the element of Water can be represented by a picture, a landscape depicting water. Don't forget that symbolism is very important in Feng Shui.


There is nothing more suitable for the wealth sector than a healthy plant located there. In this case, it is better to give preference to a plant with round leaves, the so-called “money tree”.

If your favorite cactus has settled here, remove it as soon as possible. Cacti are generally classified as “anti-Feng Shui” flowers, since with their spines they spread mini doses of negative energy. (However, as we have already discussed, there may be a strategically placed cactus in the house to ward off hostile energy.) Make sure your plants are always healthy and have a lush, blooming appearance. At the slightest sign of wilting, replace them with new ones. Your money needs to grow, not fade.

Feng Shui wealth zone. Moving objects

These traditional energizers can make money swirl and settle around you. All kinds of mobile phones, “chimes of the wind”, even flags flying in the wind let the Universe know about your intentions and desires for wealth. Advice for skilled hands. Make a design - a mobile and hang nine laminated bills from it. It can be dollars or rubles, whichever you prefer. If such a wonderful money structure rotates slowly in your wealth zone, then you will see money “flying” around you! Use your creative imagination when using Feng Shui recipes. Use your talents and come up with your own symbolic images of the growth of your wealth. All this will work great for you.

Wealth symbols

I want to tell you about my “love story” with the Chinese magic frog. Once, while walking through a Chinese store, I noticed a luxurious toad or frog, red in color and huge in size - about sixty centimeters in height. L came closer and began to examine her carefully. Believe it or not, I felt something supernatural in this beauty. It wasn't cheap, but my husband and I


Violet or lilac is considered the universal color of wealth. You will hit the mark if you place a large amethyst here after keeping it in water with salt for seven days. He will perfectly energize this sector. Use your creativity and decorate the southeast with purple curtains, napkins, etc. A flowering violet in a pot is just the thing!

The color red energizes absolutely everything. This is a very powerful color and can add energy wherever needed. Tie a red bow to your three-legged frog, lay out a red napkin for Hattei, the god of wealth, put a red bow tie on your pig, etc. Just pay attention! Too much red can symbolically “burn” your Tree, so be careful.

Dangerous items for the wealth zone.

Knowledge of Feng Shui will help you not only activate beneficial energies, but also recognize and avoid destructive ones. Here is a list of items that negatively affect the wealth zone. The most important taboo is the toilet and bathroom in the southeast. This is a really serious problem. If in your apartment or house the southeastern sector is “affected” by the toilet or bathroom, this means that your money is symbolically washed down the pipes into the sewer. If this is your case, don't despair.

Knowledge of Feng Shui will help you stop the leakage of finances. There is a significant arsenal of tools for this.

Hang a mirror on the door of the bathroom or toilet so that the room symbolically disappears. Just make sure that the mirror does not “cut off” the top of the head of the tallest member of the family and that the front door is not reflected in the mirror. It is believed that in this case, all the beneficial energy of Qi is reflected back from the house and does not bring any benefit.

If it is impossible to install a mirror for some reason (for example, if the front door is reflected there), then there is another way out. On the door of the toilet and bathroom in the south-eastern sector, place a picture with a flowering tree or any other plant. Thus, the “spoiled” toilet water will “nourish” this tree and it will grow! The energy of growth is exactly what is needed here. Truly inexhaustible fantasy and imagination in Feng Shui! You can also use small pocket mirrors to guide the Chi upward. Place one mirror on the floor behind the toilet, another one can be placed directly in the flush tank, another one or two can be placed on the surface of the cabinets, face up. Just above eye level, you can hang a bright picture that attracts the eye so that it forces you to look up.

If there is no picture, then draw a red spot above the toilet above eye level. It’s interesting that this red spot can then be painted over to match the overall tone of the wall, but it will still “work”! This is a very remarkable property of Feng Shui: even if you do not see the object, design, etc., they still work. So it's extremely important to make sure it works for you. Another trick for retaining the beneficial energy of Qi is to tie the pipes under the sink, behind the toilet and in general all the pipes in this sector with red ribbons and keep the flush hole in the bathroom closed, as well as the toilet lid.

A red or burgundy rug thrown on the floor with the intention of “catching” Qi also works well. While we are still talking about the toilet, I want to warn against excessive decoration of this necessary room in the house. Feng Shui teaches that everything beautiful and expensive, when placed in a bathroom or toilet, is symbolically “washed out” from the life of its owners. In my practice as a Feng Shui consultant, I had to force clients to remove collections of crystal, children's toys and even... icons from their toilet rooms! The only luxury that can be allowed in the toilet is the luxury of cleanliness and fragrances. Good Feng Shui always means cleanliness and a pleasant smell.

Feng Shui wealth zone. If the southeast sector in your home is occupied by the toilet, take all measures to retain Qi and then move your attention to the living room. In Feng Shui there are the concepts of "Macrocosm" and "Microcosm". This means that a situation characteristic of the whole is also characteristic of its part. So, don't despair and identify the southeast sector in your living room. There certainly won't be a toilet there. Focus all your money luck activating energy on this remaining corner of wealth you have and use all the remedies mentioned above right here.