Starry sky tattoo on arm. Stars and their tattoos

April 14, 2010, 10:33 am

Nowadays, tattoos have become more loyal than before, they have lost their original purpose, and now everyone can acquire such a sign of self-expression. There is no doubt that tattoos have always been popular with the male part of the planet, but not always with the female part. But more and more often we notice more and more new tattoos famous women, and they do not hide them at all, but boldly expose them to an interested public. I present to your attention photos and stories of the most popular tattoos foreign stars. Pink Pink is a record holder and the owner of a collection of at least 25 tattoos. Pink uses her tattoos as a reminder of the past, she believes that her tattoos are a reflection of the stages of life. She is against the “perpetuation” of names and categorically refuses to put the name of her husband on her body, although he made at least six inscriptions in her honor. The tattoos on the singer's body are quite original and cover most singer's body. Pink is a fan of Japanese art, so she has several tattoos in the form hieroglyphs: the symbol of good luck and the symbol of happiness on the left ankle, and the Chinese character for the symbol of infinity on the right ankle. She also has hieroglyphs with the meaning of strength and the desire to live. And when her mother turned 55, they made a tattoo of a hieroglyph with the meaning "mother" together. Army dog ​​tags with her brother's and dad's numbers around the right ankle. Guardian angel on left shoulder and star Inscription "What Goes Around Comer Around" around the right wrist. Pink truly believes in fate and this tattoo is a constant reminder to be considerate and caring. Inscription "Mr. Pink" on the inside hips a red star on the right hand made with Linda Perry - American rock singer and friend. Frog on the left foot lower abdomen chinese character with heart "1 9879-11200-1 3" - barcode at the bottom of the neck. 1-3 = 13 is her favorite number, 9879 = September 8th 79 is her birthday, 112001 = November 2001 is the release year of “Miss Undaztood.” Inscription "Tru Love"(true love) - on the right wrist, made with husband Cary Red heart on right and left thumb feet big the Dragon on the left leg is made in oriental style and is one of the most popular dragon tattoos in our time. Made in Australia, 2002. Lettering "Sir Corky Moore 89-03", a tribute to the deceased dog Pink on the left hand Razor blade on the inside of the left wrist with bloody scratches with the word "Insecurity" (insecurity) Half broken heart with the words "Best Friends" (best friends) on the left elbow. Pink made this tattoo with her best friend Laura, who has the other half of her heart. On each leg behind bow. Pink made 2 pink bows when she was drunk, and when she came to herself she laughed for a long time. (2007) tribal behind the left ear was made in Germany, October 2003. The circle with the inscription " Help"(help) under it, obviously made by herself, on the right elbow. This tattoo is also called the" emergency call button. "Portrait of a deceased dog Elvis and text below it on her left arm. The tattoo is made in honor of the dog Elvis, who drowned in her pool on February 18, 2007. Partially on the tattoo you can read: "A time to weep. A time to laugh. A time to mourn. Sleep in my peace darling I love you" (Time to cry. Time to laugh. Time to grieve. Rest in peace my dear, I love you) Rihanna Rihanna has a real weakness for decorating her body: pictures appear with enviable regularity. All Rihanna's tattoos are associated with some event in her life. Zodiac sign- Rihanna's very first tattoo is located behind her right ear. The tattoo represents the astrological sign (pisces in Chinese). Rihanna got this tattoo on her eighteenth birthday in China in 2006. Treble clef and notes on the ankle marked the beginning of Rihanna's career. She got this tattoo while she was in Australia, the tattoo remained as a reminder to her of this wonderful country. Rihanna's next tattoo is located on the cartilage of her left ear. beautiful purple star. Rihanna got this tattoo in a tattoo parlor in New York. Prayer on the hip(as it is fashionable now, in Sanskrit) is designed to keep its owner from all sorts of troubles. But they say that the inscription is not correctly written. “Rihanna may have wanted to make some statement, two years ago she got a tattoo in the form of an inscription in Sanskrit, which means “forgiveness, honesty, suppression and control” on her thigh, but she made a mistake with the translation. » "The tattoo is 'written' wrong," says Sanskrit expert Mark Fieldan. The inscription was taken from the holy letter Geet and applied in New York by professional tattoo artist BangBang (BangBang). Small tattoo on the neck. Rihanna and her best friend Chris Brown got the same tattoos. But soon on April 7, 2008, Rihanna continued to have a wonderful path of stars. Another tattoo is located on the left side of Rihanna's body. She represents Arabic letters. Translated into English - Freedom in God(Freedom is in God). On the index finger of the right hand is the inscription "Shhh..." which means "Shhhh ...", as if a call for silence. The next tattoo that will always remind Rihanna of her best friend is her date of birth in Roman numerals tattooed on her shoulder. Tattoo XI.IV.LXXXVI stands for 4/11/1986, the date of birth of Rihanna's best friend. “Me and my best friend got the same tattoos,” Rihanna admitted on a recent talk show. “I have her date of birth on my shoulder, and she has mine. I love her very much, perhaps more than some family members. She's like my sister." There are also 2 tattoos: on the ankle in the form skulls with red bow and on the middle finger of the left hand "Love" which means "Love". On the hand is an interesting ornament.This is a Maori tribal pattern, meaning strength and love. I've always wanted to do something like this." Rihanna says. She made it when she was in New Zealand, on a world tour.

The new tattoo is made in the form of a small pistol under the right hand. Rihanna got a new tattoo in Los Angeles. December 8, 2009 Rihanna got a new tattoo on her right breast. On it is an inscription “Never a failure, always a lesson”(“There is no right to make a mistake, a lesson should always be learned from it”). The tattoo is done backwards so Rihanna can read it in the mirror. Christina Aguilera Christina has several tattoos - one on the back of her neck, in the form of an inscription "Xtina", next in the form flower on her left wrist, another, very tiny, in the form of three intertwined curls on the left hand just to the left of the wrist, which, as Christina said, stand for her husband's name - J.B. , and there is an inscription Te Amo Siempre translated from Spanish "I love you always." And the last one at the very bottom of the back is an inscription in Spanish and Hebrew - "J. B., I swear to you eternal love.“I made it at the very beginning of the Stripped tour, when we first met,” Aguilera turns her back on me, lowers her jeans and proudly shows off her latest jewelry on the sacrum. - This is my wedding tattoo. Here it is written in Hebrew: “I belong to my beloved, and my beloved belongs to me.” Victoria Beckham Victoria has 5 tattoos. She got her first tattoo in 2001 - three eight-pointed stars on the lower back, which symbolize herself, her husband and their son. Now that Beckham has 3 sons, there are more on his back 2 asterisks, and the inscription in Hebrew אני שייך לאהובתי, ואהובתי שייכת לי , which means “I belong to my beloved, and my beloved belongs to me; he grazes among the lilies". (Song of Songs 6:3). The same tattoo adorns the left arm of Victoria's husband David Beckham, the tattoos were made on their seventh wedding anniversary in 2006.

Victoria has her husband's initials tattooed on her left wrist. D.B., made in Italian script, this tattoo is also a pair: David has Victoria tattooed on his left wrist. Tattoo on right wrist VIII.V.MMVI.(May 8, 2006)

and the inscription De Integro(lat. first, again). Her husband has the same tattoos in the same place.

Christina Ricci In total, Christina has 8 tattoos on her body. So, a lion. Believe it or not, this is Aslan the lion from The Chronicles of Narnia. In honor of her favorite book "The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe" Christina made this tattoo. Hands folded in prayer and a little bat. The bat was near her navel. Now it is replaced by a pair of praying hands. Elf, or fairy. In August 2003, Ricci attended the Venice Film Festival for the launch of her new film "Anything Else", apparently in honor of the film, a tattoo of a fairy blotch was made. Bouquet of peas. Christina got this tattoo while staying in Vancouver, on the set of the film "Prozac Nation". She had a few hours of free time at her disposal and she decided to get a tattoo, went to famous tattoo artist Thomas Lockhart, who subsequently filled the drawing in the form of a bouquet of peas. "Jack". Christina, like Pink, made this tattoo in honor of her deceased dog Jack. Sparrow. In August 2004, Christina made another tattoo, she settled down on her right chest. This tattoo can be seen in the movie Black Snake Moan. Mermaid, similar to Christina herself, was made in 2004 and is located on her right hand. The words "Move or Bleed". The last was the inscription "Move or Bleed". Ricci got this tattoo in 2006. She is on the left side. Nicole Richie The famous it-girl tattooed 9 tattoos on her small body (Ritchie's height is only 155 cm). The theme of the drawings is Nicole's attempt to appear before the audience in the image of a "good Christian girl". A rosary wrapped around her ankle and leg. Perhaps her most popular tattoo, which inspired many girls to do the same. This tattoo, confirms her religious significance, although most will not call Nicole an ideal Christian. Rosary beads surround her ankle, with christian cross, which goes over her leg, and halfway to her toes. Angel wings on the back. In addition to the "good Christian girl" look that Nicole displays in her tattoos (as opposed to the tabloid bad girl look), Richie has a pair of angel wings on her shoulder blades. Both wings are quite small, about 3 or 4 inches long, and they are done in an orange tone fading to red. Some may call it the colors of "Indian summer". "Richie" and a ribbon around her neck. At the back of Nicole Richie's neck is her last name "Richie" in old English script. Above this is a red ribbon with a bow, which is most often not visible behind her hair. It is possible that this means that she is a "gift".

The word "Virgin" (virgin / maiden). On her left wrist is the word "Virgin" because her zodiac sign is Virgo. Cross. She has a cross tattooed on her lower back. Ballerina shoes. Her father Lionel Richie wrote a song for her about ballerina shoes when she was little. To commemorate this song, she got this tattoo on her lower abdomen. Tiara. Nicole has a tiara on her left hip (not a spider, as previously thought). red shooting star. Located on the side of the right wrist. It stands for the stars of her two closest friends: Quincy Jones' daughter Kidada and the late singer Aaliyah. Lindsay Lohan Another undisputed fan of tattoos is Lindsay Lohan. Tattoo "La Bella Vita"- translated from Italian "Beautiful Life", located on the back of Lindsey. Perhaps the most beautiful tattoo on LiLo's body.

Tattoo "Breathe"- translated from English "Breathe", located on the wrist of Lin's right hand. Lohan got this tattoo after a severe asthma attack. In one of her interviews, Lindsey said that this is her favorite tattoo. "live"- located on the left wrist. Tattoo "7" - located on LiLo's neck. This tattoo Lindsey made in November 2006, but it became known about it only in 2007 stars- located on the wrist of Lindsey's left hand. Tattoo in the form hearts- located on Lin's left hand, between the thumb and forefinger. It was rumored that LiLo got this tattoo in honor of her ex-lover Harry Morton. Tattoo in the form stars- located on Lin's right hand, between thumb and forefinger

Tattoo in the form of an inscription "Shh..."- located on the right index finger. Many speculate that Lindsey got the same tattoo as Rihanna in support of the singer, who was severely beaten by her boyfriend Chris Brown. Marilyn Monroe Quote Tattoo "I restore myself when I"m alone"- which, translated from English, "I restore myself when I am alone", is located on the right hand. Marilyn Monroe Quote Tattoo "Stars all we ask for is our right to twinkle"- which, translated from English, "Everyone is a star and deserves the right to shine," is located on the left hand. Lyn got this tattoo after her breakup with Samantha Ronson. The last recently made tattoo in April of this year was the inscription “I’m a star, I’m a star” - “I am a star, I am a star“. Well, as Zverev says, "The star is in shock!")) Katy Perry Unlike other singers, Katie has only 2 tattoos. Katie has a name tattooed on the inside of her wrist. Jesus, and recently on Twitter we saw a new tattoo in the form of a colored strawberries, very cute, in the style of Katie. Ashlee Simpson Ashley is not far behind others in terms of the number of tattoos. Star on one wrist. In 2007, Ashley made 2 more tattoos on her wrist - the word "Love" in honor of the release of her second album, and later added the number "3". A bit of a weird meaning to this tattoo, as Ashley says she got it after her assistant friend kissed her 3 times before a performance... All the tattoos were not large, but in March 2008 Ashley corrected the situation by adding a large tattoo on her wrist in the form of a peony flower.

Kelly Osbourne Callie has over 15 tattoos on her body. Only Kelly could have thought of matching the angel wings on her back with the skulls on her legs. “Mom is shocked,” Kelly says, “but I am who I am!” But that was at 18, and now she's 25...Keli recently said she wants to get rid of some tattoos. "I want to get them out with a laser, and it hurts so much. It's 10 times more painful than getting a tattoo ... I did a trial laser test - it hurts so much. It really hurts." Kelly said in an interview. In the meantime, Kelly's back decorates a pair of pink angel wings, between which the inscription in French: Je Vous Aime La Maman ("I love you, mommy"). After Ozzy got into a serious accident, Kelly added the word Daddy ("daddy"). And on the neck there is a small star. There is also another tattoo in honor of my beloved dad - a heart in the form of lock with key and the inscription Daddy. The tattoo means that dad has the key to her heart.

Kelly speaks interestingly about his tattoo in the form synthesizer(keyboards): "And how could I make it, I don't even know how to play the piano!". In addition, she stated that she did not remember how it appeared! Next to the synthesizer is a small heart.There are also hearts on the little finger and thigh. Big anchor on the left hand. What can I say...

And of course everyone knows skulls with bones on both feet. By the way, it is their Kelly who wants to bring out in the first place. Lady Gaga Gaga rarely talks about her tattoos, but often shows them off. The singer loves to mark important stages of her life with tattoos. She made her first tattoo at the age of 17, in 2003. More precisely, not this one. She did not like the original in the form of a treble clef and she interrupted it with a new one. These are 3 large white roses and vines. This tattoo was made by a famous artist Kat Von D in Los Angeles. Gaga has another one interesting tattoo. She is on the left wrist, this is a sign of pacifists, peace sign. Why this particular sign? Gaga is a big fan of John Lennon and it was in honor of him that she made it. John Lenon always spoke and sang about world peace - "Give Peace a Chance and Imagine talked of peace and have effected a generation of people..." Tattooed on her left shoulder hawaiian flowers. Gaga herself said about her tattoo: "It was made in honor of a collaboration with the legendary Japanese photographer Araki. He personally photographed me in his studio, using a series of several cameras. And not just taking pictures, but photographing my soul. We spent the whole night with Araki and his friends at the "chosen bar" which he has owned for 20 years and where he develops pictures. I had the honor of being the first American woman he photographed and the second singer after Björk. He captioned the pictures "Tokyo Love". And I got a tattoo of his work as a gift." On the German talk show Wetten Dass...? , where Gaga recently visited, spoke about the tattoo on her arm. As it turned out, it was stamped quote German author Rainer Maria Rilke. Lady Gaga made this tattoo in the Japanese city of Osaka, in one of the local tattoo parlors. An engraved quote from her favorite poet, the romantic philosopher Rilke. "And in the darkest hour of the night, confess: will you die if you are forbidden to create? Plunge into your heart, where the answer is rooted, and ask yourself: should I create?" Gaga dedicated her latest tattoo to fans, whom she calls "my favorite Little Monsters", the inscription " little monsters“Look what I did,” Gaga tweeted. “These little monsters will always be on my hand when I hold the microphone.” This is how devoted to her fans Gaga remains. Amy Winehouse Amy Winehouse is a British star whose popularity is rather ambiguous. On the one hand - amazing, unique creativity, on the other - a scandalous lifestyle. Deep velvety jazz vocals, stunning gentle melodies - and overly frank, often obscene lyrics. Pleasant facial features, a graceful figure - and the inability to present themselves so much that Amy was awarded the title of "the most non-sexual singer." Singing despite lung disease - and drug use. Winehouse has 13 tattoos on her body, quite noticeable. Most of them are symbols of non-traditional sexual orientation. Bjork As always, the singer Björk is distinguished by her originality. Often people ask themselves: “What does this strange Björk tattoo mean?”. So, Björk herself calls her the “Viking compass” and claims that he will help her not to get lost. This symbol is one and a half thousand years old. According to her, such runes Norwegians drew for themselves when they happened to get lost in the fog or in a foreign land. He protects from dangers and leads to the right path. Bjork believes that after that a lot has changed in her life, that this sign helped her find the way to her cherished dream: she found her sound. Alicia Keys Alicia has a tattoo on her lower back- Think 4 Urself, which in translation means - "Think for yourself." The star is proud of her body art, and the tattoo is a reminder that she must always be true to herself. Beyonce Beyoncé has a small tattoo on the ring finger of her left hand. Roman quartet. Her husband Jay-Z has the exact same one. Lovers are simply obsessed with the number 4 and believe that it brings them good luck. They were both born on the 4th (Beyoncé in September, Jay in December). Even the wedding took place on the 4th, in April. Also, the four is present in the name of Jay's New York club "40/40". Adriana Lima The "angel" model of Victoria's Secret also has a tattoo. Lima's tattoo is on the inside of her left ankle, in the style tribal with little star. Heidi Klum Heidi Klum made a tattoo-a declaration of love to her husband Sil. The fact that every year Heidi and her husband Seal celebrate their wedding anew was not enough for the supermodel. Heidi wants everyone around them not to forget for a second what a loving and tender couple they are with the Force. So, recently on the inside of the left hand Klum appeared tattoo with the name of a beloved husband. Of course, such manifestations of love in Hollywood are not uncommon - a good half of the stars have tattoos with the names of their loved ones, but Sil is probably very pleased with this gesture from his wife. BUT stars By the way, these are their three children.

Gisele Bundchen On the inside of the left wrist, Giselle has a tattoo in the form asterisks. Alessandra Ambrosio Alessandra Ambrosio has a small tattoo on her lower back on the left. The design is hard to discern. Petra Nemcova Petra has a beautiful on the inside of her right leg. cascade of stars. Ana Beatriz Barros Anna has a big tattoo on her lower back - a sign of love - kanji- between the wings of an angel. She also has a tattoo on the outside of her left ankle, crescent and star crescent. Anna Kournikova Athletes also love tattoos. Even Anna Kournikova found a secret tattoo - pattern in ethnic style, impaled, as the German magazine Bild put it, "on Anna's softest spot." For many months she jealously hid it from prying eyes. What until now only Enrique Iglesias could admire, has now become the property of all fans of the Russian beauty. Anna's biggest secret was revealed at a party in New York. Anna came to the film premiere of the film "Once Upon a Time in Mexico" in New York's Lincoln Square Center in a sexy outfit. Her skirt, lowered down to the maximum possible state, literally miraculously held on her hips, riveted the eyes of all the guests of the evening. However, this super sexy skirt let Kournikova down. When Enrique and Anna, tenderly embracing, cooed, standing at the edge of the escalator, the skirt treacherously slid down quite low, and the eyes of the public (and the lenses of fast photographers) saw a hitherto unseen sight: Anna had a large tattoo the size of a CD-ROM below her back. One moment was enough for the paparazzi - before Anna turned around in fright and straightened her skirt. Tila Tequila Controversial bisexual MTV star Tila does not hide her tattoos. There are many tattoos on her small body. Tila Tequila has 10 tattoos: on her forearms, wrists and back. Tila's very first tattoo - scorpion on her back, she made it at the age of 15. Later, several hieroglyphs. On Tila's left shoulder is a drawing hearts. There is also a tattoo with a heart on the right shoulder of the star, but this heart is decorated two wings and a pair of machine guns located cross across under it.

On the outside of Teela's wrist asterisks. Sienna Miller Sienna's tattoos are considered one of the most beautiful. The actress adorned her shoulder with three small, modest asterisks. And on the hand is a sign of peace - pigeon. Mena Suvari Here it is, the true “American beauty”: no rose petals, only a big lion from neck to back - this is how the actress Mena Suvari decided, who has a real lion painting “from the rear”, and under it the inscription "Word Sound Power"/ No one knows exactly what is encrypted in these words .. The body of the actress became even more telling: a number pricked between her breasts was added to the tattoos on her back and neck. 13. Just like the groom. Mena apparently does not think that this figure is unlucky .. Jessica Alba On the inside of Jessica Alba's wrist is written in Sanskrit the word " lotus". The eastern symbol "lotus" is a solar flower, personifying spiritual disclosure. The closest people of the actress have exactly the same tattoo: mother, aunt and cousin. The first lotus tattoo was made by Jessica's mother, then by her aunt, and upon reaching the age of eighteen, by Jessica herself and her cousin. Many probably consider Jessica Alba to be a serious and smart girl. She is already a married woman and mother. But, seeing her uncomplicated tattoo in the form bow below the waist, you start to think about the opposite. Below is a photo of Jessica and Honor with the nanny on the playground And another around the neck in the form of flower with ladybug, but Alba decided to get rid of him. The actress was photographed in Beverly Hills when she was heading for a manicure. Instead of the usual tattoo on the back of the head, depicting ladybug and a daisy, you could see a bright spot Julia Roberts The joy of motherhood so captured Julia Roberts that the star decided to make tattoos for your kids on the pope The famous actress has two sons and a daughter. Tattoo "Pretty Woman" demonstrated on the beach. On the eve of the paparazzi, the actress was filmed vacationing in Hawaii with her husband, cameraman Danny Moder, and with their children. True, the actress chose a non-banal place for the tattoo - just above the buttocks. Usually, hearts with the names of husbands and lovers are drawn on the lower back, but Julia decided to go her own way. On the hips of the star, the names of her older twins, four-year-old Finneus and Hazel, flaunt in a pretty semicircle, and a little higher, the name of her youngest, two-year-old Henry. Scarlett Johansson The famous Hollywood actress surprised fans by appearing in public with a new tattoo - a funny bright pattern. sun and sea. Explaining the meaning of the tattoo, the star admitted that this drawing is the fruit of her creative imagination. The actress also revealed that she spent a week sketching her own tattoo. Hayden Panettiere Heroes star Hayden Panettiere got a misspelled tattoo. The young actress showed off a tattoo on the left side of her back - the phrase "vivere senza rimpianti", which in Italian means "to live without regrets". However, there is a spelling mistake in one of the words - "rimipianti" is spelled with three, not four "i" letters. But Hayden really has nothing to be sorry about. Many celebrities make mistakes in their tattoos. “It's misspelled, so what, it's my own spelling. Maybe someday I'll fix it, but I like it because it's not boring. I don't look at her all the time, when she's on your back, you don't care that she's wrong." Recently, Hayden got a new tattoo on her arm, namely on her finger. The word "Liberta" which is from Italian. translates as freedom. The author of the tattoo is the famous master of this - Charlie Roberts.

Drew Barrymore Drew has a pretty decent collection of tattoos, most of which she got before she was 14. On her lower back are two angels holding a cross with her mom's name, Jad, and another just below. Back in 1993, with a lot of space between the letters, she filled in the name of her then-boyfriend, actor from the television series "Beverly Hills, 90210" Jamie Walters. The tattoo artist then remarked: "Trust me, this name will not last long." A year later, Jamie was practically invisible. Both in Drew's life and on her body. A familiar story: love has passed, but the tattoo remains. Now, instead of each letter, Drew has on his back little angel.

Drew has been collecting since childhood. butterflies. We can see one on her stomach. A little lower- bouquet of flowers. On the right leg, the well-known stylized cross with a vine entwining the cross. Also on the toe is not a large pattern in the form of a moon and a star

Charlize Theron Charlize prefers delicate tattoos. So, on her right leg flaunts blue flower and she recently got a tattoo on her ankle goldfish. Megan Fox Tattoos occupy a special place in Megan's life, she herself admitted that she was obsessed with them and always thinks where she could get another one. At the moment she has 8 tattoos, see more details below: Gilded Butterflies Megan Fox Megan has an old English text on her right shoulder: “We will all laugh at gilded butterflies (we will all laugh at gilded butterflies).” This phrase is part of a quote (well, or something very close), from Act 5, from the 3rd scene of Shakespeare's tragedy King Lear. Megan Fox loves to associate individual words with a meaning close to her. Text on the left side "There once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her heart"-"Once upon a time there was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her heart" Marilyn Monroe Megan Fox is a crazy fan of Hollywood actress Marilyn Monroe. She has a portrait of the actress impaled on the inside of her right arm. Moon and Star On the outside of her left leg, under the calf, Megan has a tattoo in the form of a moon pierced by a five-pointed star. This is the only color tattoo which she has. Brian Meghan has been dating actor Brian Austin Green for the past 6 years. She has a tattoo of his name on her lower abdomen next to her right thigh. Yin and Yang On the left hand, or rather on the inside of the wrist, Megan flaunts the sign of Yin and Yang. This multi-colored tattoo looks black from a distance.

Strength On the back of Meghan's neck just below her hairline is the Chinese symbol for strength. This is a simple tattoo with a high meaning.

1. Megan Fox

Meghan has a tattoo of Marilyn Monroe. In 2009, she stated that she really admires Marilyn, but she would never imitate her. According to the actress, her tattoo serves as a warning that one cannot fully belong to the film industry, as it breaks a person. Photo taken at the Teen Choice Awards in Universal City, California.

2. Pamela Anderson

The barbed wire tattoo on the left shoulder of actress and model Pamela Anderson appeared in 1996 during the filming of the sci-fi film Barb Wire starring Pamela.

3. Evan Rachel Wood

The back of the actress is decorated with a quote by Edgar Alan Poe, which says that: “Is everything that I see or imagine is a dream within a dream?”. In 2011, the actress admitted to Esquire magazine that she has nine tattoos, including one on the inside of her lip, which she doesn't show to anyone.

4. Johnny Depp

After breaking up with actress Winona Ryder, Johnny Depp changed his shoulder tattoo from "Winona Forever" to "Wine Forever". Here in the picture you can see tattoos in the form of a sparrow flying over water, and below it is the name Jack. Jack is the name of the son of Depp and his famous character from "Pirates" - Captain Jack Sparrow.

5. Emmy Winehouse

Emmy's tattoos, and there are as many as 12 of them on her body, told the story of the last few years of her life. Tattoo on the left shoulder in the form of a horseshoe with the inscription "Daddy Girl" ("Daddy's daughter"): a horseshoe is a symbol of happiness, and the inscription speaks for itself, and a tattoo in the form of a naked girl symbolizes the eccentric side of the singer's nature.

6. Christina Aguilera

According to, the singer has five tattoos on her body, including her nickname Xtina tattooed on the back of her neck.

The star tattoo cascades down the neck and back of the r&n&b star. On her left shoulder blade, she has a tattoo of the letter "R", timed to coincide with the release of the album "Rated R" in 2009.

8. Kelly Osbourne

On the body of Kelly Osbourne, the daughter of a man whose knuckles were decorated with the OZZIE tattoo, there are many tattoos. In this photo taken during the 53rd Grammy Awards in Los Angeles, you can see skull tattoos, an angel wing on his back, a synthesizer on his arm, and an anchor tattoo on his other arm.

9. Justin Bieber

Topless Justin Bieber with his girlfriend Selena Gomez on the beach in Hawaii in late May 2011. The Canadian pop idol has a vertical inscription "Yeshua" on the left side of the chest, which means "Jesus" in Hebrew.

According to media reports, the singer has more than 20 tattoos of different sizes and styles, one of which is made in tribute to the grief of her dead bulldog Elvis with the inscription “Time to cry. Time to mourn. Sleep well".

11. Hayden Panettiere

At former star"Heroes" on the left side of the back has a tattoo with the inscription "Vivere senza rimipianti". Translated from Italian, this phrase means "Life without regrets", but the regret here is that the inscription is tattooed with a mistake.

12. Lilly Allen

The British singer has a chain of tattoo symbols on her right wrist. She also has a "shhh..." tattoo on her index finger, which she got after a night out with Lindsay Lohan, who also has a similar tattoo.

13. Tommy Lee

On the body of former Motley Crue drummer Tommy Lee, it is not difficult to find spaces that are not clogged with tattoos. Here, in a photo taken in Culver City, the belly of star and ex-wife Pamela Anderson is crossed by a huge "Mayhem" sign. In 1998, during a civil trial, a swastika was found on the rocker's forearm. It was at a hearing on Tommy Lee's charge of assaulting a Jewish photographer outside of a Los Angeles club. Later, the musician reduced this tattoo.

14. Keith Urban

Nicole Kidman's husband/singer Keith Urban has a tattoo of her name and hearts on his right bicep. On his right wrist he has a Celtic symbol with the initials of his wife, and on the inside of his left hand is a thunderer.

15. Victoria Beckham

The sequence of Hebrew letters on the neck and back of the singer means: "I belong to my beloved, and my beloved belongs to me." This is a quote from the biblical Song of Songs.

16. David Beckham

Over the years, the English football star has inked numerous tattoos, including the names of his sons - Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz - on his back. He also has a winged cross around his neck and a guardian angel on his back between his shoulder blades.

17. Christina Ricci

Actress Christina Ricci is rumored to have at least eight tattoos, the largest of which is Aslan (on her right shoulder blade), the great lion from The Chronicles of Narnia.

18. Chris Brown

According to the singer, he started getting tattoos early. And he made his first tattoo at the age of 13, asking his mother for permission. Now he has tattoos that depict Jesus, ninjas, various skulls and so on.

19. Scarlett Johansson

Actress Scarlett Johansson has color tattoo on the left hand in the form of a sunrise, which has a special meaning for her. But don't expect to solve the mystery. According to her, this tattoo makes her happy when she looks at it. But the reason the tattoo was done is very personal.

Former Disney star Miley Cyrus is rumored to have seven tattoos. The teenage star made her first tattoo on the left side of her chest - it was the inscription "Just breathe." Since then, she has been tattooed "LOVE" on the inside of her right ear, a heart on the little finger of her right hand, and a Dream Catcher on her right side under her arm, among others.

21. Mina Suvari

American Beauty actress Meena Suvari has a tattoo of "Word Sound Power" under her lion's head. She also has a tattoo of the number 13 on her chest.

22. Beth Ditto

Singer Beth Ditto displays an anchor tattoo that reads "MAMA" over a top in Hollywood, California.

23. Lindsay Lohan

Actress Lindsay Lohan got a tattoo with a Marilyn Monroe quote. This inscription reads: "Each of us is a star and deserves the right to shine." Here in the picture is a single star on the wrist.

Former boxer Mike Tyson has many tattoos, including a portrait of Che Guevara on the left side of his torso. There was a lot of gossip about the Maori tattoo around his left eye, especially in the spring of 2011 when Tyson appeared in The Hangover. And in Bachelor Party 2, the same tattoo was on the face of Ed Helms and the person who tattooed Tyson sued Warner Bros for copyright infringement and tried to block the release of the film on the screens.

25. Melanie Griffith

On the right hand of actress Melanie Griffith, a heart-shaped tattoo with the inscription "ANTONIO" in honor of the fourth anniversary of her life together with third husband Antonio Banderas.

26. Rumer Willis

Actress Rumer Willis decided to follow in the footsteps of her parents (Demi Moore and Bruce Willis) and made simple tattoo labeled "be present".

27. Hulk Hogan

Wrestler Hulk Hogan is pleased with his many tattoos, including the word "immortal" on his shoulder blades. Pictured is a quote from Exodus, "I Am That I Am", pinned up in 2009, and his future wife got a tattoo on her wrist with the name "Terry" (the real name of the Hulk Terry Bolea).

28. Jaime King

Actress Jamie King has admitted that she regrets getting some of her tattoos done during filming, but that doesn't stop her from adding new ones. So she has a surname, a star and a fairy (on her back), a diamond and spades on her wrists. In 2009, a quote from Emily Dickenson appeared on the body of the actress: “If the heart - at least one -
I won't let it break
I didn't live in vain!
If I wear it on my shoulders I will accept -
So that someone can straighten up -
Pain - at least one - a lot -
One dying bird
I will return a particle of heat -
I didn't live in vain!"

Slash has several intricate tattoos, including a skull in a hat with the letters "DTYD" - drink 'til you drop - on his left arm. But the one the rocker is showing off here, the silhouette known as the "VR girl" is one of the emblems representing the guitarist band Velvet Revolver.

30. Lil Wayne

Rapper Lil Wayne is almost completely covered in tattoos. Many of them have autobiographical meaning, including furrows around the scalp, the word "weapon" on the palm of the hand, a fleur-de-lis representing his New Orleans roots, and the words "I am music" on his face; also on the right side of the back is a large prayer vein tattoo on one side and the words "Fear God" on the other.

31. Courtney Love

Seeing the tattoos of the singer Courtney Love is not difficult: usually, when she fills them, she immediately publishes photos. Among the singer's tattoos are a tattoo with the words "Let it bleed" on the inside of the right arm (Rolling Stones album), an angel on the right shoulder and many small flowers all over the arm and chest. According to her, the tattoo in the form of the letter "K" (in memory of the late husband Kurt Coben) did not like the actor Edward Norton, with whom she had an affair. She refused to set her up when he insisted.

32. Benji Madden

Good Charlotte guitarist Benji Madden (on the right with twin Joel, also in the band) looks very patriotic with his tattoos: Ben Franklin is drawn all over his back. But there are several tattoos that reflect his Christian beliefs - a bound Jesus with a crown of thorns on his head, tattooed at least three times all over his body. As well as Alice in Wonderland, a large crown with the inscription "Mom" and the words "Made Man" on the knuckles.

33. Kelly Ripa

She has so many tattoos, but "Live with Regis and Kelly" co-host Kelly Ripa's tattoo of a rose, a heart on her left ankle, she sometimes calls a symbol of youthful stupidity, which she made at 19 years old. However, she is not afraid to be "stupid" - in 2010, she showed a recently made tattoo on her wrist: the word "Consuelos", in honor of her husband Mark Consuelos, with whom they have been together for 13 years.

34. Alyssa Milano

Actress Alyssa Milano has numerous tattoos, including a rosary on her back, a cross and an angel on her ankle (complete with her former lover's initials), a chain of red roses and green leaves on her other ankle, and a Buddhist symbol for "depth of wisdom and unity" on the back of her neck.

35. Pas de la Huerta

Paz de la Huerta is proud of his knee-to-calf cobra tattoo and is excited to show it off at the Boardwalk Empire premiere in Atlantic City, New Jersey, 2010.

36. Nicky Hilton

What tattoo does the hotel chain heiress look best with? Of course, with the one that is on the lower back of Nicky Hilton (her last name), but she also has a small heart on her ankle and a cross at the bottom of her neck.

37. Nicki Minaj

The singer has a tattoo on her left arm with the inscription "God is always with me."

38. Alanis Morissette

Singer Alanis Morissette likes to get tattoos in the form of words (there are also several pictures). She has tattoos on her body with the words "breathe" and "soft", as well as a lying orange tiger on her forearm.

39. Brittany Daniel

Actress Brittany Danielle had her protective Thai Yantra tattoo done by famous tattoo artist Azhan Niu. However, his tattoo technique is not for the faint of heart.

40. Anna Nalik

Singer Anna Nalik has two tattoos on her back with the words "Flame of Light" (quoted by songwriter Leonard Cohen) and "Don't fear the future, don't cry for the past" (quoted by Percy Bysshe Shelley)

41. Travis Barker

Listing Blink 182 drummer Travis Barker's tattoos could take a whole day. He has tattoos all over his body, including Cadillac emblems, boom box radio, stars, hearts, photos of movie star girls, scripts, fire and flames, smoke, musical notes and flags.

42. Katy Perry

Katy Perry has a lot of tattoos. Strawberries on the ankle, the word "Jesus" written on the left wrist. And on the right bicep is a tattoo associated with her husband Russell Brand and meaning "go with the flow."

43. Billie Joe Armstrong

Most of Green Day lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong's body is occupied by tattoos, but most of them are on his right arm: the names of his wife and son (Adriana and Joseph), two praying angels, a rose bush, the words "for all time" with a star on both hand, the Japanese characters "pinhead" and "pot" and so on.

44. Nicole Richie

Nicole Ricci (pictured with husband Joel Madden) has a tattoo of wings and a small fragment of her maiden name on her neck. Nicole also has other tattoos, including a beaded rosary with a cross around her left ankle.

45. Jennifer Love Hewitt

Actress Jennifer Love Hewitt knows how to wear tattoos: she prefers temporary ones, and over the years she has often been seen with similar tattoos. Her only permanent tattoo is the word "I..." near the heel on her right leg.

46. ​​Zoe Saldana

Actress Zoe Saldana surprised attendees at the Costume Institute Gala Benefit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. There she showed off a new tattoo (she has a tattoo on her ankle written in Arabic script - "I want to ask her") on the left side of her back. But it remains a mystery; they say that it is written in Farsi or Arabic and is difficult to translate.

In order to stand out from the background of others, celebrities decorate their bodies with tattoos: symbols, inscriptions, images.

Every person wants to be unique, and even more so a star. In order to stand out from the background of others, celebrities decorate their bodies with tattoos: symbols, inscriptions, images. Today we have prepared for you the post "Star Tattoos". Let's see photos of the most tattooed Hollywood stars and their body painting.

You can read about the most beautiful models in the world in our other post.

Star Tattoos: Angelina Jolie Tattoos

Angelina Jolie is one of the most tattooed celebrities. Rumor has it that more than fifteen tattoos flaunted on her body at different times. Among them is a huge Bengal tiger on the lower back and all kinds of symbols and inscriptions.

Star Tattoos: Rihanna Tattoos

Beauty Rihanna practically did not lag behind Angelina Jolie in terms of the number of tattoos. She has about fourteen tattoos on her body. The most beautiful and famous tattoo Rihanna - star track on the back of the neck.

Star Tattoos: Megan Fox Tattoos

Star tattoos always varied. Seductive Megan Fox adorned her body with seven tattoos. Among them: a portrait of Marilyn Monroe, a star and a crescent, as well as several inscriptions.

Star Tattoos: Eva Longoria Tattoos

"Desperate" Eva Longoria became the owner of three small tattoos. Two of which symbolized the marriage of Eva Longoria with Tony Parker. This is the inscription "nine" at the base of the back of the neck - the number under which Tony performs, and the Roman numerals 7 7 2007 on the inside of the right wrist - the date of their wedding. By the way, after the divorce, Eva is going to bring them out.

Star Tattoos: Cheryl Cole Tattoos

British pop diva Cheryl Cole is also the owner of numerous tattoos. Recently they wrote that Cheryl wants to get rid of them, leaving only one tattoo - a flower painting on her left thigh. Is it true or not? We'll see...

Star Tattoos: Vanessa Hudgens Tattoo

Vanessa Hudgens is also no exception to the list of "tattooed stars." Vanessa has a butterfly tattoo on her neck and an "om" symbol on her arm, which she got with her friend Ashley Tisdale.

Star Tattoos: Jessica Alba Tattoos

Sexy beauty Jessica Alba has three tattoos. This Sanskrit word is "Padma", which means lotus flower, on the wrist, a flower tattoo on the neck and a butterfly on the lower back.

we still leave it to the customers. It is the carrier of the future image that puts his personal interpretation into it.

Relevance of application

Today's images of stars speak of how strongly a person strives for the heights or classifies himself as a certain caste. Such sketches for tattoos are more often chosen than others:

  • musicians, composers, singers;
  • girls of different ages;
  • men of certain views;
  • tattoo carriers in the style of the old school (as an addition).

Anyway, the meaning of the star tattoo on the shoulders or kneeling should be interpreted in a slightly different way.

Magic symbolism

Stars are a heavenly symbol, which is something hidden and unknown. That is why various variations of the sketches carry a certain occult overtones. It is customary to share the following variations:

  • Star of David. Six-pointed star, consisting of two triangles. For Jewish culture, tattoos have a special meaning. There is a close connection with the power of God over the world.
  • Pentagram. The meaning of a tattoo with a five-pointed starcomes from the ancient Celtic culture. It symbolizes the connection of a person with the five elements and the feelings of people.
  • Septagram. A seven-pointed star that brings good luck. Relevant for those who believe in miracles and are fans of fantasy.
  • Reverse pentagram. inverted five pointed star is a clear hallmark of subcultures.
  • Nanogram. The nine-pointed star is a symbol from Scandinavian myths, confirming the existence of nine parallel worlds.
  • An octagram consisting of two equilateral squares. The meaning of the tattoo with an eight-pointed starassociated with abundance and wealth, both material and spiritual.
Today can be used simply as decoration, without reference to the magical world.

Women's star tattoos

Actual places for tattooing among the fair sex can be called:

  • wrists;
  • behind the ear;
  • shoulder blades;
  • shins.

Ladies, as a rule, choose medium-sized images that do not require a large area to cover.

Girls prefer these sketches much more often and put on the body a scattering of small stars depicted in various styles. Quantity, as a rule, means the number of close and dear people, or denotes priority life values.

The meaning of the star tattoo on the hands , namely six-pointed star on the forearm, for women it carries the meaning of beauty and inner harmony. Such a star is a kind of symbolic amulet that brings good luck to its owner.

Male sketches

Men prefer to wear images of stars on the following parts of the body:

  • lower back (waist);
  • shoulders;
  • lap;
  • hands (hand, shoulder, elbows, forearm).

The meaning of the star tattoo on the elbows for men can be very different from the female vision. Representatives of the stronger sex often apply these images as a small part of the sketch. Tattoos can be performed in various, sometimes even sharp styles. Sketches are available in color and black and white.

The meanings of a star tattoo on the wrists and other parts of the body today does not have clear meanings. Each image is a reflection of the individuality of its wearer, so one sketch applied to the skin of two different people will be interpreted in completely different ways.