Light tattoos on hand. Sketches tattoo on hand photo. Sleeve tattoo. D tattoo on hand

Little and nonsense tattoo in the form of hearts, arrows, stars, lightning and anchors. Neat and classic images of roses and diamonds. Meaningful inscriptions of beautiful fonts and on different languages. Original and unexpected tattoo, such as MJ baby from the history of mumi-trolls and a non-existent animal bat-panther. So, 40 tattoos of fashion bloggers Scandinavia:

As soon as they were an expression of belonging to this community, today, on the contrary, everyone should express individualism and the unconventional nature of its owner. If you have already decided on the tattoo, it is worth thinking twice about where to put it. This may depend on our professional future.

Tattoos accompanied him from 18 years. He began with a modest tribe on his shoulder, and today, after fifteen years, he considered six such branches on the body. Although most tattoos are hiding under the t-shirt and legs of the trousers, one of them charges most His hands. It can not be hidden under short sleeves. Is it bothering him at work? Let's learn that the advertising industry is not a group of seamstress, but people with imagination. No one here requires an office dress code, "he explains. Of course, there are many jobs where the tattoo not only does not interfere with work, but even expresses the originality of the owner. Tattoo on hand: Bird with female breasts. Master - Moley.

This, of course, when they are located in places at a glance. The industries in which the art side takes into account is stimulated by individualism of employees. However, this is subject to subjective judgment and a certain sensitivity. It all depends on the aesthetics of tattoos and its location. Otherwise, even the most complex pattern will be raised in hand, on the neck or face, because it is not enough.

Lifting for tattoo with company logo. Although this is contradictory, some Western companies encourage their employees to tattoo their logos. Of the more than eight hundred busy people, thirty-six decided to make a tattoo. This applies not only to employees, but also all customers. Anyone who breaks the branding logo can get a 20% discount on all products for life.

Swedish Fashionable blogger Amanda Berg, Tattoo on the shoulder: Red Rose with the image of a human eye in the core, made in December 2012, Master - Joaquin Vazquez from Zoi Tattoos in Stockholm.

At least a few people answered the call. The function and purpose of tattoos may even surpass our wildest dreams in the next ten years. No one will be surprised if we ever get such messages. Recently developed ultra-thin tattoos technology so as not to be sensitive to person, to install miniature sensors, transistors, antennas, diodes, and even solar cells and simple cameras. Tattoo tests for vaccination were carried out in the German center of cancer research in Heidelberg and prof.

Heather Clark from the Northeastern University is developing intelligent nanotechnological medical tattoos, which determine the concentration of various substances in the blood to inform the patient and the doctor. Let's return to Earth and stay with traditional tattoos and our Polish realities. Regardless of their shape and destination, placed in a prominent place, you can get more problems than benefits.

Swedish Fashionable blogger Amanda Berg, Tattoo on the shoulder: Bat Panther. The story is that as a result of the physical proximity between the bat and Panther, they had a baby. He is depicted on a tattoo. Master - Moley.

They ask themselves whether the tattoo of such a specialist in this particular situation is an obstacle to communication with customers or, on the contrary, makes it easier for this contact. It is often important to know whether such contact will be in general, - he explains. However, Cesari Kashmirchak from the Polish Employers Association is no doubt. In his opinion, the visible tattoo excludes the possibility of obtaining good work.

In my experience, the tattoo in the prominent place takes 80 percent. Cases make it impossible to serious work. Most entrepreneurs are not chosen for employee tattoo, as it raises criminal associations. Especially older generation. A significant part of consumers negatively receives tattoos, and therefore no one will expose - he explains.

Swedish Fashionable blogger Amanda Berg, Tattoo by inner side Hands: Mr. Mr. Fox, Master - Joaquin Vazquez from Zoi Tattoos in Stockholm.

Tattoo \u003d Unprofessional? A person with visible tattoos is considered less professional. Always decides the first impression. Assembly to talk to the insurance agent to buy a homely insurance policy, we will not consider his professionalism. We make an overview for a few seconds.

Badacha, who held a conversation about visible tattoos with 15 managers of the largest Scottish companies responsible for recruiting staff. Most of my interlocutors agreed that tattoos in visible places are similar to stigma, "says Timing. Mariusch Skiba from Randstad does not agree. Tattoos are not served to assess the professionalism of employees, "he says. But soon he clarifies: Polish society is increasingly open and ceases to be biased. New Until now, unacceptable relationships find their place in business. Tattoo on the side: the inscription "NEVER STOP DREAMING", translated from the English "Never stop dreaming", made in May 2012.

Knowledge of employees is the most important. Taking a decision on tattoos in a prominent place, they must understand that this can lead to some restrictions in their lives. You should also trust your employers. They choose employees for the benefit of the organization in which they manage, and evaluate what is acceptable, and what is not.

About the attitude to visible tattoos of their employees we asked for several largest employers in the country. In our company, we first draw attention to the appearance of the staff, which was neat and suitable for this function. Most employees work in stores or distribution centers where work wear is worn. On the other hand, the rules of our company do not regulate issues related to other aspects of employees, such as tattoos or hairstyles.

Norwegian fashionable blogger Kaja-Marie Christensen, Tattoo: Letters "KM" Behind the ear, was made in May 2011.

Norwegian fashionable blogger Annette Haga, Nettenesta, Tattoos: The heart is at the bottom of the abdomen and anchor on the ankle. Annette like that tattoos are small and invisible.

Many of our employees, including store employees, have tattoos or other expressive expressions of their identity in appearance, but we did not come across a negative feedback from customers towards them.

About the attitude to visible tattoos of their employees we asked for several largest employers in the country. In our company, we first draw attention to the appearance of the staff, which was neat and suitable for this function. Most employees work in stores or distribution centers where work wear is worn. On the other hand, the rules of our company do not regulate issues related to other aspects of employees, such as tattoos or hairstyles. Tattoos: a triangle on the inside of the hand and a gun with a knotted spirit on the ribs. The triangle is a sign of eternity and its own internal fears, and he is in no way connected with the teachings of the Illuminati, as some believes. Angelika's pistol tattooed for his father, who in childhood gave her a similar brooch, which the girl used to be on the coat, and now keeps the memory. Total by January 2013 has 6 tattoos.

Swedish fashion blogger Angelica Blick, Tattoos: inscription on the "A Walk On the Wild Side" rails (translated from English means "Walking around the wild side") and a paper airplane on hand.

Swedish fashion blogger Angelica Blick, Tattoo: the Swedish word "get" (translated into Russian - "goat", in English this word is of different meaning) On the finger, Angelika was made and at the same time her two friends and is connected with a joke, known in their company.

Swedish Fashionable blogger Victoria Törnegren, Tattoo: Arrow on the inside of the hand. The tattoo is conceived so that the boom should be directed toward the heart. This is the first tattoo of bloggers, made in summer 2012. Tattoo: Brilliant in the field of chest.

Swedish fashion blogger MY Blomqvist, Tattoo: Mu baby on hand. Baby MJ - a character of a series of books about Mumi-Trolls, written by the Finnish writer Tuva Jansson.

Norwegian fashion blogger Mira Jakobsen, Tattoo: Inscription on the clavicle on the Norwegian "Personen Du Elsker ER 72.8% Vann Og Det Har Ikke Regnet PÅ Flere Uker" (translated into Russian "The person you love is 72.8% consists of water, and the rain is Already as a few weeks there was no "). The phrase belongs to Peru of the Norwegian writer Yukhan Harstad, who wrote a book whose name in Russia was transferred as "Where are you now?". The first tattoo, was made in 2012. Tattoos: anatomical heart and anchor on the inside of the hands. The classic anchor tattoo is a symbol of hope and the very first tattoo of the girl, made three years ago during a trip to Berlin. The anatomical heart performs the function necessary for the life of the entire body, exactly the same important role plays her family in the life of the girl. Total to December 2012, the bloggers adording tattoos as a form of art and self-expression was 6 tattoo. The girl thinks in the future to make a few more tattoos, perhaps with a picture of a rose or with the text "Like A Sunflower" (translated from English - "as Sunflower", turning after the Sun).

Danish Fashionable blogger Marie, Vilde Kaniner, Tattoo: Arrow on the inside of the forearm. It symbolizes a few things: a friendship with a girlfriend Nanna, common for both girls sign horoscope - Sagittarius, fight and willpower. Master - Dr. Bones in the Danish town of Nezd.

Danish Fashionable blogger Marie, Vilde Kaniner, Tattoo: Two stuffing lines on the wrist. This simple tattoo Made in honor of the blogger itself and her younger sister Lærke in September 2012. Marie believes that the tattoo, emphasizing the thin wrists, is very feminine.

Danish Fashionable blogger Marie, Vilde Kaniner, Tattoo: The inscription "FairyTale" on hand (in translation from English means "fairy tale") and symbolizes the adventure attitude to life and a rich fantasy of the girl. Master - Dr. Bones in Neeva.

Danish Fashionable blogger Marie, Vilde Kaniner, Tattoo: Skeleton on hand above the elbow. In such a gloomy, at first glance, the image of Marie represents his guardian angel. Tattoo Made in May 2012. Master - Dr. Bones in Neeva. Tattoos: anchor, diamond, zipper and heart on her fingers, as well as images of a girl and flowers on hand. The first tattoo - three stars on right hand - Girl made aged 22, and it was not the most successful experience. However, by all subsequent tattoos Marianna is pleased, and it has already 10: 6 large and 4 small.

Norwegian Fashionable blogger Marianne Theodorsen, Styledevil, Tattoo: on the inside of the hand. Made in June 2012. Master - Morten Transeth from Invictus Tattoo in Oslo. Tattoo: Cross on the neck. It has many values: and learned lesson, and a plus sign, and a symbol of hope.

Danish fashionable blogger Camille Kaasby-Wang, Clamor for Glamor, Tattoo: zipper on hand.

Danish fashionable blogger Camille Kaasby-Wang, Clamor for Glamor, Tattoo: text on the back.

Danish fashionable blogger Camille Kaasby-Wang, Clamor for Glamor, Tattoo: Tiny crescent on brush hands.

Swedish Fashionable blogger Alexandra Nilsson, Kissies, Tattoo: a bow on the wrist.

Norwegian Fashion Blogger Iben Bergstrøm, Despite Color, Tattoo: Woman with flowers and peacock feathers in her hair.

Norwegian fashionable blogger Elise Bahía Gabrielsen, Living Doll, Tattoo: an imprint of the paw of an animal on the inside of the forearm.

Swedish fashionable blogger Isabella Hellgren, Tattoo: The inscription XIII on the ankle. Made in Infamous Tattoo. Tattoo: Brilliant on the side. One of the seven kins tattoos.

Swedish fashion blogger Kenza Zouiten, Tattoo: Letter "C" on the wrist in honor of Mom.

Swedish fashion blogger Kenza Zouiten, Tattoo: The inscription "HILF MIR FLIEN" (translated from German means "help me fly away") on the back just below the neck. The very first tattoo of the kins, was made in May 2008 during the passion of the girl's work with the work of the Tokio Hotel's musical group - this is the name of one of their songs.

Swedish fashion blogger Kenza Zouiten, Tattoo: Little heart on the ankle.

Swedish fashion blogger Kenza Zouiten, Tattoo: The inscription "Be Strong Girl" (translated from English means "be a strong girl") on hand.

Swedish fashion blogger Kenza Zouiten, Tattoo: the word "hope" (in English means "hope") behind the ear.

Tattoos on hand have not come out of fashion for a long time. People of different floors, ages and social groups with applying the body of a unique drawing try to demonstrate their gaze on the world And specify your place in it.

Apply a tattoo on hand is convenient because there is no limit in the size of the composition, many patterns smoothly extend to the shoulder zone, blades or chest. Tattoos on hand for men, as a rule, contain in itself not one image, but a whole composition that affects the area of \u200b\u200bthe clavicle, neck or the whole back.

Tattoos on hand for women are most often limited to one or two drawings. This is usually due to the fact that women periodically change the style of clothing to a fundamentally different. therefore female tattoos It should be initially competently produced.

Tattoo on the forearm

Long narrow tattoos will greatly decorate the forearm, both guys and girls. The most popular of them are vertically arranged Chinese and Egyptian hieroglyphs or Latin letters derived by the gothic font.

The tattoo in the form of ancient hieroglyphs, as a rule, do not carry a special meaning. Young people are limited to beautiful outlines of ancient writing. And the masters who will accurately express the value of the selected tattoo can be listed on the fingers of the hands.

But the words on Latin customers choose hard. Most often it is the names of rock groups or solo performers who perform heavy music. Not rare fans on the forearm apply favorite quotes from songs. Spectacular look at this part of the body and musical instruments, such as electric guitar, violin, saxophone, well, or any other extension tool.

Tattoo on the forearm almost always remains in sight and therefore not many risk of doing it too frightened.

Tattoos on the wrist

Decorating the wrist love representatives and strong, and weak gender. But the clocks or bracelets are constantly uncomfortable: they are lost, engage for clothes and just rush. In this case, tattoos on the wrist come to the rescue.

As a rule, they choose simply abstract patterns that shook in different directions. The width of such a tattoo is limited only by the wishes of the customer.

Harmoniously look at the wrist of a tattoo closed form. Suitable as a man and a woman. On the male hand It will symbolize the desire for power and the high status of its owner, on women's - beauty and nobility.

Biting himself by tail, can mean an endless life cycle on Earth. A snake with a stingy sting warns that its owner or the owner should not be offended, and it is better to bypass the tenth road. A peaceful snake on a girl can also mean vital wisdom and generosity.

Romantic nature prefer the "vanilla" tattoo on the wrist with the image of the word "LOVE", performed by a pathetic font.

Popular Tattoo on the shoulder

Tattoo on the shoulder love everything. Perhaps this is the most popular place on the body where all newcomers want to make their first tattoo. Still would! After all, the brightest representatives of Hollywood and the domestic show business to show the intricate and not very creation of masters of native painting.

The first place can be safe to depict the skull. Everyone loves him: and informals, and rock performers, and referries, and random passers-by. Variations of such tattoo is also a lot: the skulls are decorated with hearts, battle mice, candles and other post-post attributes.

Japanese tattoos and already few people surprise. Eastern culture has penetrated into Russian and European worlds that is no longer exotic. Black and white and colored images of the winged lords of the world decorate shoulders, both men and women.

Among the domestic public, you can often find an image of a wolf, going to the moon, or just scoring around the world.

Tattoo on the inside of the hand

If in the daily life of the study or work interfere with extravagantly look, and on weekends and holidays you want something like that, it is recommended to take a tattoo on the inside of the hand. Long sleeve shirt or sweaters will easily hide it from others and help get rid of extra problems.

In this part of the Korg's hand soft, the relief is smooth, without hair cover, so the master will be convenient to apply a drawing of any complexity. Tattoo on this section of the body can easily hide traces of scars or burns if they are there.

The image can be applied any, in this zone there is absolutely everything: starting from small, and ending with large inscriptions. The representatives of the weaker sex for good luck are usually applied to clover with 4 petals, and the horseshoe prefers the horseshoes.

Recently, girls often began to apply such tattoos pretty cute and organically.

Tattoos on hand for two

It's too fashionable in last years In the first months after dating, fill the tattoos with each other's names in love for their second half. Many come even further and rush to order a portrait of a beloved person on the chest or shoulder.

But before going to this risky step, you should make sure of your feelings, otherwise you will have to look for the following love with the same name or spend a lot of money for the launch of the inscription. Therefore, it is recommended first to think well before making a similar tattoo.

For those who are not fully confident in their feelings, but with an emotional impulse can not cope with the power, you can advise. For example, guys instead of a beloved name can order a key image, and the girls, in turn, is the image of the lock. You can make one for two or. Alternatively, you can write the same lines from your favorite movie or songs you like. In the event of a breaking relationship, this option will not be output from the body.

Biomechanics Tattoo on hand

Among the new-fashioned tattoo arts, the tattoo quickly and confidently every day becomes more popular. It is impossible to describe in words how believable, some masters, it turns out to be ink on the body an image of a mechanized and improved part of the body in the context.

Such tattoos immediately should be said, not for nervous people. The image of the heart in a context with a detailed anatomical description of all elements in addition with strange mechanical parts is sometimes striking its believability.

Instead of a heart, there may be any other organ of the human body. Especially impressively, these tattoo look at the location in the present location of the organ. The peak of its popularity reached a tattoo on hand, where all the bones, ligaments are drawn in color, joints with the addition of cybernetics elements.

In addition to human organs, depict the insides of technical devices. It looks like a tattoo incredibly cool.

3D Tattoos on Hand

Another fashionable trend can be called. Immediately you should pay attention to the fact that such pleasure is not cheap. They cost such a tattoo 3-4 times more expensive than similar two-dimensional images. Especially impressive look volumetric drawingsperformed in color.

If you compare the usual flat, made in the classic two-color version, and the same, but already with 3D elements and color, it is not difficult to guess which one will look better. You can consider an example (this is a favorite tattoo of fans of the rock group of the same name). Insect in a two-dimensional version cannot be compared with the same thing under which there will be a 3D inscription of the musical group.

When applying such a drawing, it should be noted that it will not only be much more expensive, but it is much longer to do in time. Drawing 3D tattoos on hand can occur in several stages, depending on the amount of work, its complexity and skills of the specialist.

Ethnic tattoo on hand

Ethnic tattoo on hand is gaining great popularity among young girls and young women. Fashion decorate hand brushes, the lower phalange of the fingers and shoulders came to our country, as it is not difficult to guess, right from India itself. And if there are not all girls decorate their body patterns there, then it applies to a very large part of the female population.