The most popular tattoos on the wrist. Tattoos for girls on the wrist

IN modern world Quite often people have a position in life that is very different from the opinion of the majority. Everyone has their own way of expressing themselves.

Some go to political parties, or become supporters of various subcultures. And someone decides to get a tattoo. Pros advise you to remember what the inscriptions mean and the tattoos that evoke the strongest feelings in you will become the most important to you.

In our article we will talk about tattoos for girls on the wrist. It’s no secret that many young girls, when thinking about a tattoo, try to decide not only on the design and its meaning, but also on the place where to place it.

Tattoos for girls on the wrist

Unlike men, girls believe more in the materiality of written words. If a girl is imbued with the meaning of a phrase very deeply, then you can depict it on her wrist. However, it should be remembered that girls are very emotional creatures. It is possible that in a few days the girl will stop liking the drawing, but it will be too late. Therefore, it is necessary to make a decision to get a tattoo not in a fit of emotion, but in a calm state of mind. There are quite a few options for wrist tattoos:

  1. Bracelets.
  2. Inscriptions with deep meaning in different languages.
  3. Signs and hieroglyphs.
  4. Pairs.
  5. Little humorous pictures.
  6. White and colored.

wrist tattoos for girls

Now considered very fashionable bracelet tattoos on wrist. Each of them can mean something specific. Perhaps the bracelet will not be a means of self-expression, but simply a harmless decoration.

Tattoos in the form of various signs and symbols are very mysterious. This is a good option for girls who believe that there should be a mystery in them. And also for girls who are interested in Feng Shui.

If you have a loved one and your feelings are mutual, you can invite him to get paired tattoos on his wrists in the form of some inscription that somehow connects you. Some close friends do too couple tattoos. Think, maybe you have a close friend who would agree to do the same.

A tattoo does not have to have any deep meaning. If you agree with this, but still want a tattoo, you can ask the artist to make an image of some kind on your wrist funny pictures. For example, a bird, a star or a flower.

Do white tattoo on the wrist - a very non-standard solution. Among tattooed people, these are extremely rare. If you want a tattoo that is not conspicuous, then white suitable for you.

The meaning of tattoos on girls' wrists

It's no secret that every person has their own skeletons in their closet. Every person is unique, and therefore everyone has their own reason why they got this particular tattoo.

It is for girls that tattoos have some kind of deep meaning, since they believe in various signs, and the energy of any inscription.

An inscription on the wrist with some phrase should not be a fashionable quote from social networks. This phrase should mean your credo in life, or some philosophical saying that you unquestioningly believe in.

There are a lot of different signs and hieroglyphs. Therefore, if you are interested, you can search for the meaning of each of them on the Internet. One can generalize about all tattoos with signs that girls wear them as a talisman.

Funny and humorous pictures on a girl’s wrist mean her cheerfulness and love for this world. Of course, each picture carries some kind of certain meaning, but in any case it is positive.

Paired tattoos on the wrists with the name of a loved one, or the infinity sign mean that people love and appreciate each other very much. However, this is not what is important here. It is important that their union is truly durable. After all, it is so often possible to see a couple in love with matching tattoos, and then find out that their union has come to an end. You need to think a hundred times before deciding to take such a step.

If a girl has a colored tattoo on her wrist, then we can conclude that she is quite bold. Colored tattoos are considered a manifestation of courage.

Many girls find it quite difficult to make any decision, including choosing a tattoo. In this case, you can ask the master to make a rough sketch, and then, after a few days, together figure out how to finish the work.

The professionalism of tattoo artists lies not only in performing the work, but also in the fact that they can help the client with the choice of tattoo. Every self-respecting artist should have an album with tattoo sketches.

Cost of tattoos

The cost of performing a tattoo ranges from small amounts to huge ones. You can hear that someone got a tattoo for 2-3 thousand rubles, and someone for 15 thousand. The amount depends on the following factors:

  1. Size.
  2. Its location.
  3. Difficulty doing the job.
  4. Color.
  5. Where do you get a tattoo: in a salon, or with a private artist.
  6. Master's experience

Wrist tattoos are quite small and easy to do.. Therefore, their cost is relatively low. For black tattoo on your wrist, in the salon they may ask you about 2 thousand rubles. If you find a private master, you can do it in one and a half. Color tattoo on the wrist, as a rule, costs a thousand rubles more than a black one. These also include white tattoos.

Often tattoos are not done in one visit to the salon. Basically, on the first visit, the master makes a sketch. And on subsequent visits, he completes the work.

Sometimes it happens that a tattoo needs to be improved. It all depends on the experience and personal qualities of the tattoo artist. As a rule, it costs very little money - 500 or 1 thousand rubles.

If over time you realize that you want to somehow diversify the tattoo you already have, contact the salon where you got it done. A good craftsman will definitely have ideas for correcting his work. True, it will cost a lot of money. Sometimes even more than the original cost of the tattoo.

If you one day decide to get a tattoo on your wrist, then think about it carefully. If you really want it, then do it! Don't limit yourself. By the way, many young people like girls with tattoos on their wrists. Take it into service!

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The popularity of wrist tattoos is growing every year. Girls pay special attention to this tattoo. Despite the fact that the wrist can only accommodate a small image, the themes of the tattoo are very diverse.

The most popular images on the wrist are: watch tattoos, etc.

Before getting a tattoo on your wrist, be sure to find out the meaning of a particular image. You can read about this in our previous articles.

Wrist Tattoo Ideas

Clock tattoo on wrist

Let's be honest, a watch on the wrist is a very bold idea. Clock tattoos are done by both boys and girls. Representatives of the fair sex imitate jewelry with the help of tattoos.

clock, compass, inscriptions male version hours

Flower tattoo on wrist

Flowers are one of the most favorite tattoo motifs for girls. There are a huge number of colors, and in each individual case the meaning of a tattoo can differ radically. Even if you really like a flower, take care to find out its meaning, as some of them have very negative interpretations.

flowers and hieroglyphs tribal flower hibiscus lily

Star tattoo on wrist

The image of stars can be made in either black or multi-colored ink. The design of a star tattoo on your wrist depends on your preferences. It can be either one large star or stardust. The most striking example of this is Rihanna's tattoo.

colorful star dust black and white stars star bracelet

Birds tattoo on wrist

Birds, like flowers, have different meanings depending on the type. Men tend to prefer eagles, hawks, ravens and owls. Girls most often get tattoos in the form of swallows, hummingbirds, robins and doves.

owl flock of ravens swallows birds and cage

Tattoo on the wrist in the form of inscriptions

Inscriptions can be made in any language. Most often these are individual words or quotes in English and Latin. Japanese and Chinese characters are no less popular. But, as a rule, they express only one word, for example, love, fidelity, strength, faith, etc. This also includes name tattoos.

Wrist decoration has long been traditional among many peoples. In ancient tribes, women and men wore amulets bracelets made from stones sacred to the people, or in the form of magical signs. Sometimes bracelets were worn simply as decorations, remembering only the times of discoveries of new lands. Discovering indigenous people in a new territory, Europeans began bartering with them. The main “money” was jewelry - beads and bracelets, in exchange for which one could get spices, gold, and precious stones. The desire to decorate oneself remains relevant today, and this is especially true for the fair sex. Only now, in addition to the usual bracelets, you can also see beautiful women's tattoos on the wrist.

At the beginning of the development of modern tattoo art, the main motive for tattoos on the wrist for girls were ornaments imitating bracelets. Men preferred leggings made from ornaments or a theme, such as animal style. The execution technique was simple - the chosen pattern was applied in a solid, even color, without emphasizing the contour or highlighting tones and halftones.

With the development of tattoo equipment, artists have become much more masterful in performing such work. Now for wrist tattoos, sketches are drawn in a more varied and artistic way. In addition to ornaments, you can see entire miniature paintings with their own plot.

What does a wrist tattoo mean?

On at the moment The history of tattoos has undergone such changes that it is pointless to look for roots from our ancestors. For many, such art has its own personal meaning and meaning. Due to the location of the tattoo on the wrist, we can definitely say that it will play a role in the owner’s life. Why? Let's turn to psychologists who study our subconscious. In order to change something in life, they recommend hanging signs with motivational inscriptions or pictures of things you want to buy in prominent places. This technique is also popular in esoteric practices. The essence of the method is not in the picture or inscription itself, but in the meaning that you give it.

But experts do not recommend using such a prominent place as the palm. This is considered an extreme type of tattoo. Firstly, the number of nerve endings will not make this procedure particularly pleasant. And secondly, the specificity of the skin will not allow you to admire your tattoo for a long time - very soon it will fade and blur.

Inscription tattoos made on the wrist most often carry positive messages that give the owner confidence or lift his spirits in difficult moments.

For girls, tattoos on the wrist usually symbolize tenderness, grace, femininity, for men - strength, the desire to win.

Small wrist tattoos for girls are very popular. Usually these are flowers, subtle ornaments, magical signs and symbols that have personal meaning for their owner. For example, A star tattoo on the wrist has an unlimited number of meanings. “I look at my tattoo and immediately feel like a star,” one girl shared. And for another, it’s a ray of light that illuminates the path when everything seems hopeless. A star can be bright, inaccessible, mysterious, guiding. This basically applies to most characters - you can give such meaning to a tattoo on your wrist, whatever you want. Just don’t joke with ancient symbols; it’s not without reason that they were so important that they have survived to this day.

If you can't find a drawing, don't despair. Study sketches of tattoos on your wrist, photos of already completed work, and you will definitely find the one that will help you more than once in life.